ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.CoverageCoordAxis Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import ucar.ma2.*;
import ucar.nc2.Attribute;
import ucar.nc2.AttributeContainer;
import ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType;
import ucar.nc2.time.Calendar;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDate;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDateRange;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDateUnit;
import ucar.nc2.util.Indent;
import ucar.nc2.util.Optional;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;
* Coverage CoordAxis abstract superclass
* Immutable with (possible) lazy eval of values
* @author caron
* @since 7/11/2015
public abstract class CoverageCoordAxis implements Comparable {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CoverageCoordAxis.class);
public enum Spacing {
regularPoint, // regularly spaced points (start, end, npts), start and end are pts, edges halfway between coords,
// resol = (start - end) / (npts-1)
irregularPoint, // irregular spaced points (values, npts), edges halfway between coords
regularInterval, // regular contiguous intervals (start, end, npts), start and end are edges, resol = (start - end)
// / npts
contiguousInterval, // irregular contiguous intervals (values, npts), values are the edges, values[npts+1], coord
// halfway between edges
discontiguousInterval // irregular discontiguous spaced intervals (values, npts), values are the edges,
// values[2*npts]: low0, high0, low1, high1, ...
public enum DependenceType {
independent, // has its own dimension, is a coordinate variable, eg x(x)
dependent, // aux coordinate, eg reftime(time) or time_bounds(time);
scalar, // eg reftime
twoD, // lat(x,y)
fmrcReg, // time(reftime, hourOfDay)
dimension // swath(scan, scanAcross)
protected final String name;
protected final String description;
protected final DataType dataType;
protected final AxisType axisType; // ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType ordinal
protected final AttributeContainer attributes;
protected final DependenceType dependenceType;
protected final List dependsOn; // independent axes or dimensions
protected final int ncoords; // number of coordinates (not always same as values)
protected final Spacing spacing;
protected final double startValue;
protected final double endValue;
protected final double resolution;
protected final CoordAxisReader reader;
protected final boolean isSubset;
protected final TimeHelper timeHelper; // AxisType = Time, RunTime only
protected final String units;
// may be lazy eval
protected double[] values; // null if isRegular, or use CoordAxisReader for lazy eval
protected CoverageCoordAxis(CoverageCoordAxisBuilder builder) {
this.name = builder.name;
this.units = builder.units;
this.description = builder.description;
this.dataType = builder.dataType;
this.axisType = builder.axisType;
this.attributes = builder.attributes;
this.dependenceType = builder.dependenceType;
this.spacing = builder.spacing;
this.values = builder.values;
this.reader = builder.reader; // used only if values == null
this.dependsOn = builder.dependsOn == null ? Collections.emptyList() : builder.dependsOn;
this.startValue = builder.startValue;
this.endValue = builder.endValue;
this.resolution = builder.resolution;
this.ncoords = builder.ncoords;
this.isSubset = builder.isSubset;
if (builder.timeHelper != null) {
this.timeHelper = builder.timeHelper;
} else {
if (axisType == AxisType.Time || axisType == AxisType.RunTime)
timeHelper = TimeHelper.factory(units, attributes);
else if (axisType == AxisType.TimeOffset)
timeHelper = TimeHelper.factory(null, attributes);
timeHelper = null;
// called after everything is wired in the dataset
protected void setDataset(CoordSysContainer dataset) {
public int compareTo(CoverageCoordAxis o) {
return axisType.axisOrder() - o.axisType.axisOrder();
// create a copy of this axis
public abstract CoverageCoordAxis copy();
// create a subset of this axis based on the SubsetParams. return copy if no subset requested, or params = null
public abstract Optional subset(SubsetParams params);
// called from HorizCoordSys
public abstract Optional subset(double minValue, double maxValue, int stride);
// called only on dependent axes. pass in independent axis
public abstract Optional subsetDependent(CoverageCoordAxis1D dependsOn);
public abstract Array getCoordsAsArray();
public abstract Array getCoordBoundsAsArray();
public String getName() {
return name;
public DataType getDataType() {
return dataType;
public AxisType getAxisType() {
return axisType;
/** Get the axis' attributes. */
public AttributeContainer attributes() {
return attributes;
/** @deprecated use attributes() */
public List getAttributes() {
return attributes.getAttributes();
/** @deprecated use attributes() */
public Attribute findAttribute(String attName) {
return attributes.findAttribute(attName);
/** @deprecated use attributes() */
public AttributeContainer getAttributeContainer() {
return attributes;
public int getNcoords() {
return ncoords;
public Spacing getSpacing() {
return spacing;
public boolean isRegular() {
return (spacing == Spacing.regularPoint) || (spacing == Spacing.regularInterval);
public double getResolution() {
return resolution;
public double getStartValue() {
return startValue;
public double getEndValue() {
return endValue;
public String getUnits() {
return units;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public DependenceType getDependenceType() {
return dependenceType;
public boolean isScalar() {
return dependenceType == DependenceType.scalar;
public String getDependsOn() {
Formatter result = new Formatter();
for (String name : dependsOn)
result.format("%s ", name);
return result.toString().trim();
public List getDependsOnList() {
return dependsOn;
public boolean getHasData() {
return values != null;
public boolean isSubset() {
return isSubset;
public boolean isInterval() {
return spacing == Spacing.regularInterval || spacing == Spacing.contiguousInterval
|| spacing == Spacing.discontiguousInterval;
public String toString() {
Formatter f = new Formatter();
Indent indent = new Indent(2);
toString(f, indent);
return f.toString();
public int[] getShape() {
if (getDependenceType() == CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.scalar)
return new int[0];
return new int[] {ncoords};
public Range getRange() {
if (getDependenceType() == CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.scalar)
return Range.EMPTY;
try {
return new Range(axisType.toString(), 0, ncoords - 1);
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public RangeIterator getRangeIterator() {
if (getDependenceType() == CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.scalar)
return Range.EMPTY;
try {
return new Range(axisType.toString(), 0, ncoords - 1);
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void toString(Formatter f, Indent indent) {
f.format("%sCoordAxis '%s' (%s) ", indent, name, getClass().getName());
f.format("%s", getDependenceType());
if (!dependsOn.isEmpty()) {
f.format(" :");
for (String s : dependsOn)
f.format(" %s", s);
f.format("%saxisType=%s dataType=%s units='%s' desc='%s'", indent, axisType, dataType, units, description);
if (timeHelper != null)
f.format(" refDate=%s", timeHelper.getRefDate());
for (Attribute att : attributes) {
f.format("%s%s%n", indent, att);
f.format("%snpts: %d [%f,%f] spacing=%s", indent, ncoords, startValue, endValue, spacing);
if (getResolution() != 0.0)
f.format(" resolution=%f", resolution);
if (values != null) {
int n = values.length;
switch (spacing) {
case irregularPoint:
case contiguousInterval:
f.format("%scontiguous values (%d)=", indent, n);
for (double v : values)
f.format("%f,", v);
case discontiguousInterval:
f.format("%sdiscontiguous values (%d)=", indent, n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2)
f.format("(%f,%f) ", values[i], values[i + 1]);
public String getSummary() {
Formatter f = new Formatter();
f.format("start=%f end=%f %s %s resolution=%f", startValue, endValue, units, spacing, resolution);
f.format(" (npts=%d)", ncoords);
return f.toString();
// time coords only
public double convert(CalendarDate date) {
return timeHelper.offsetFromRefDate(date);
public CalendarDate makeDate(double value) {
return timeHelper.makeDate(value);
public CalendarDateRange getDateRange() {
return timeHelper.getDateRange(startValue, endValue);
public double getOffsetInTimeUnits(CalendarDate start, CalendarDate end) {
return timeHelper.getOffsetInTimeUnits(start, end);
public CalendarDate makeDateInTimeUnits(CalendarDate start, double addTo) {
return timeHelper.makeDateInTimeUnits(start, addTo);
public CalendarDate getRefDate() {
return timeHelper.getRefDate();
public Calendar getCalendar() {
return timeHelper.getCalendar();
public CalendarDateUnit getCalendarDateUnit() {
return timeHelper.getCalendarDateUnit();
private boolean valuesLoaded;
protected void loadValuesIfNeeded() {
synchronized (this) {
if (isRegular() || valuesLoaded)
if (values == null && reader != null)
try {
values = reader.readCoordValues(this);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Failed to read " + name, e);
valuesLoaded = true;
// will return null when isRegular, otherwise reads values if needed
public double[] getValues() {
return values == null ? null : Arrays.copyOf(values, values.length); // cant allow values array to escape, must be
// immutable
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