ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.HorizCoordSys Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import ucar.ma2.*;
import ucar.nc2.units.SimpleUnit;
import ucar.nc2.util.Optional;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.*;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
import java.util.*;
* Horizontal CoordSys
* 1) has x,y,proj (1D) isProjection
* 2) lat,lon (1D) isLatLon1D
* 3) lat,lon (2D) class HorizCoordSys2D
* 4) has x,y,proj and lat,lon (2D) LOOK 2D not used ?
* Must be exactly one in a CoverageDataset.
* @author caron
* @since 7/11/2015
// TODO: This class is trying to do too much: it's handling projection, latLon1D AND latLon2D CRSs. We should break
// some of the code into HorizCoordSysProj, HorizCoordSysLatlon1D, and HorizCoordSysLatLon2D subclasses. HorizCoordSys
// might then become an interface or abstract class with common method declarations/definitions.
public class HorizCoordSys {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HorizCoordSys.class);
public static HorizCoordSys factory(CoverageCoordAxis1D xAxis, CoverageCoordAxis1D yAxis, CoverageCoordAxis latAxis,
CoverageCoordAxis lonAxis, CoverageTransform transform) {
boolean isProjection = (xAxis != null) && (yAxis != null) && (transform != null);
boolean hasLatLon = (latAxis != null) && (lonAxis != null);
boolean has2DlatLon = latAxis instanceof LatLonAxis2D && lonAxis instanceof LatLonAxis2D;
if (!isProjection && !hasLatLon) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("must have horiz coordinates (x,y,projection or lat,lon)");
if (!isProjection && has2DlatLon)
return new HorizCoordSys2D((LatLonAxis2D) latAxis, (LatLonAxis2D) lonAxis);
return new HorizCoordSys(xAxis, yAxis, latAxis, lonAxis, transform);
private final CoverageCoordAxis1D xAxis, yAxis;
private final CoverageCoordAxis1D latAxis, lonAxis;
// used in HorizCoordSys2D, do we really need to keep these in HorizCoordSys?
protected final LatLonAxis2D latAxis2D, lonAxis2D;
private final CoverageTransform transform;
private final boolean isProjection;
private final boolean isLatLon1D;
private boolean isLatLon2D; // isProjection and isLatLon2D may both be "true".
// scale factor for x, y axis if they have different units than the projection's default units
private final double coordinateConversionFactor;
protected HorizCoordSys(CoverageCoordAxis1D xAxis, CoverageCoordAxis1D yAxis, CoverageCoordAxis latAxis,
CoverageCoordAxis lonAxis, CoverageTransform transform) {
this.xAxis = xAxis;
this.yAxis = yAxis;
this.transform = transform;
this.isProjection = (xAxis != null) && (yAxis != null) && (transform != null);
this.isLatLon1D = latAxis instanceof CoverageCoordAxis1D && lonAxis instanceof CoverageCoordAxis1D;
this.isLatLon2D = latAxis instanceof LatLonAxis2D && lonAxis instanceof LatLonAxis2D;
assert isProjection || isLatLon1D || isLatLon2D : "missing horiz coordinates (x,y,projection or lat,lon)";
coordinateConversionFactor = getCoordinateConversionFactor();
if (isProjection && isLatLon2D) {
boolean ok = true;
if (!latAxis.getDependsOn().equalsIgnoreCase(lonAxis.getDependsOn()))
ok = false;
if (latAxis.getDependenceType() != CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.twoD)
ok = false;
if (lonAxis.getDependenceType() != CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.twoD)
ok = false;
String dependsOn = latAxis.getDependsOn();
if (!dependsOn.contains(xAxis.getName()))
ok = false;
if (!dependsOn.contains(yAxis.getName()))
ok = false;
if (!ok) {
isLatLon2D = false;
if (!isProjection && isLatLon2D && !(this instanceof HorizCoordSys2D))
logger.warn("Should be HorizCoordSys2D");
if (isLatLon1D) {
this.latAxis = (CoverageCoordAxis1D) latAxis;
this.lonAxis = (CoverageCoordAxis1D) lonAxis;
} else {
this.latAxis = null;
this.lonAxis = null;
if (isLatLon2D) {
this.latAxis2D = (LatLonAxis2D) latAxis;
this.lonAxis2D = (LatLonAxis2D) lonAxis;
} else {
this.latAxis2D = null;
this.lonAxis2D = null;
public String getName() {
if (isProjection)
return xAxis.getName() + " " + yAxis.getName() + " " + transform.getName();
return latAxis.getName() + " " + lonAxis.getName();
public boolean isProjection() {
return isProjection;
public boolean isLatLon2D() {
return false;
public List getCoordAxes() {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
if (xAxis != null)
if (yAxis != null)
if (latAxis != null)
if (lonAxis != null)
return result;
public CoverageTransform getTransform() {
return transform;
public Optional subset(SubsetParams params) {
LatLonRect llbb = (LatLonRect) params.get(SubsetParams.latlonBB);
ProjectionRect projbb = (ProjectionRect) params.get(SubsetParams.projBB);
LatLonPoint latlon = (LatLonPoint) params.get(SubsetParams.latlonPoint);
Integer horizStride = (Integer) params.get(SubsetParams.horizStride);
if (horizStride == null || horizStride < 1)
horizStride = 1;
CoverageCoordAxis1D xaxisSubset = null, yaxisSubset = null;
CoverageCoordAxis lataxisSubset = null, lonaxisSubset = null;
Optional opt;
Optional optb;
Formatter errMessages = new Formatter();
try {
if (latlon != null) { // overrides other horiz subset params
if (isProjection) {
CoordAxisHelper xhelper = new CoordAxisHelper(xAxis);
CoordAxisHelper yhelper = new CoordAxisHelper(yAxis);
// we have to transform latlon to projection coordinates
ProjectionImpl proj = transform.getProjection();
final ProjectionPoint projectionRectInDefaultUnits = proj.latLonToProj(latlon);
optb = xhelper.subsetContaining(convertFromDefaultUnits(projectionRectInDefaultUnits.getX()));
if (optb.isPresent())
xaxisSubset = new CoverageCoordAxis1D(optb.get());
errMessages.format("xaxis: %s;%n", optb.getErrorMessage());
optb = yhelper.subsetContaining(convertFromDefaultUnits(projectionRectInDefaultUnits.getY()));
if (optb.isPresent())
yaxisSubset = new CoverageCoordAxis1D(optb.get());
errMessages.format("yaxis: %s;%n", optb.getErrorMessage());
} else {
CoordAxisHelper xhelper = new CoordAxisHelper(lonAxis);
CoordAxisHelper yhelper = new CoordAxisHelper(latAxis);
double lonNormal = LatLonPoints.lonNormalFrom(latlon.getLongitude(), lonAxis.getStartValue());
optb = xhelper.subsetContaining(lonNormal);
if (optb.isPresent())
lonaxisSubset = new CoverageCoordAxis1D(optb.get());
errMessages.format("lonaxis: %s;%n", optb.getErrorMessage());
optb = yhelper.subsetContaining(latlon.getLatitude());
if (optb.isPresent())
lataxisSubset = new CoverageCoordAxis1D(optb.get());
errMessages.format("lataxis: %s;%n", optb.getErrorMessage());
} else if (projbb != null) {
if (isProjection) {
opt = xAxis.subset(projbb.getMinX(), projbb.getMaxX(), horizStride);
if (opt.isPresent())
xaxisSubset = (CoverageCoordAxis1D) opt.get();
errMessages.format("xaxis: %s;%n", opt.getErrorMessage());
opt = yAxis.subset(projbb.getMinY(), projbb.getMaxY(), horizStride);
if (opt.isPresent())
yaxisSubset = (CoverageCoordAxis1D) opt.get();
errMessages.format("yaxis: %s;%n", opt.getErrorMessage());
} /*
* else { // WTF projbb on non Projection ?
* ProjectionImpl proj = transform.getProjection();
* LatLonRect llrect = proj.projToLatLonBB(projbb);
* opt = lonaxis.subset(llrect.getLonMin(), llrect.getLonMax(), horizStride);
* if (opt.isPresent()) lonaxisSubset = opt.get();
* else errMessages.format("lonaxis: %s;%n", opt.getErrorMessage());
* opt = lataxis.subset(llrect.getLatMin(), llrect.getLatMax(), horizStride);
* if (opt.isPresent()) lataxisSubset = opt.get();
* else errMessages.format("lataxis: %s;%n", opt.getErrorMessage());
* }
} else if (llbb != null) {
LatLonRect full = calcLatLonBoundingBox();
assert full != null;
if (!full.containedIn(llbb)) { // if request contains entire bb, then no subsetting needed
if (isProjection) {
// we have to transform latlon to projection coordinates
ProjectionImpl proj = transform.getProjection();
final ProjectionRect projectionRectInDefaultUnits = proj.latLonToProjBB(llbb); // allow projection to
// override
final double xMinInCorrectUnits = convertFromDefaultUnits(projectionRectInDefaultUnits.getMinX());
final double xMaxInCorrectUnits = convertFromDefaultUnits(projectionRectInDefaultUnits.getMaxX());
opt = xAxis.subset(xMinInCorrectUnits, xMaxInCorrectUnits, horizStride);
if (opt.isPresent())
xaxisSubset = (CoverageCoordAxis1D) opt.get();
errMessages.format("xaxis: %s;%n", opt.getErrorMessage());
final double yMinInCorrectUnits = convertFromDefaultUnits(projectionRectInDefaultUnits.getMinY());
final double yMaxInCorrectUnits = convertFromDefaultUnits(projectionRectInDefaultUnits.getMaxY());
opt = yAxis.subset(yMinInCorrectUnits, yMaxInCorrectUnits, horizStride);
if (opt.isPresent())
yaxisSubset = (CoverageCoordAxis1D) opt.get();
errMessages.format("yaxis: %s;%n", opt.getErrorMessage());
} else {
opt = subsetLon(llbb, horizStride);
if (opt.isPresent())
lonaxisSubset = opt.get();
errMessages.format("lonaxis: %s;%n", opt.getErrorMessage());
opt = latAxis.subset(llbb.getLatMin(), llbb.getLatMax(), horizStride);
if (opt.isPresent())
lataxisSubset = opt.get();
errMessages.format("lataxis: %s;%n", opt.getErrorMessage());
} else if (horizStride > 1) { // no bounding box, just horiz stride
if (isProjection) {
opt = xAxis.subsetByIndex(xAxis.getRange().copyWithStride(horizStride));
if (opt.isPresent())
xaxisSubset = (CoverageCoordAxis1D) opt.get();
errMessages.format("xaxis: %s;%n", opt.getErrorMessage());
opt = yAxis.subsetByIndex(yAxis.getRange().copyWithStride(horizStride));
if (opt.isPresent())
yaxisSubset = (CoverageCoordAxis1D) opt.get();
errMessages.format("yaxis: %s;%n", opt.getErrorMessage());
} else {
opt = lonAxis.subsetByIndex(lonAxis.getRange().copyWithStride(horizStride));
if (opt.isPresent())
lonaxisSubset = opt.get();
errMessages.format("lonaxis: %s;%n", opt.getErrorMessage());
opt = latAxis.subsetByIndex(latAxis.getRange().copyWithStride(horizStride));
if (opt.isPresent())
lataxisSubset = opt.get();
errMessages.format("lataxis: %s;%n", opt.getErrorMessage());
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
errMessages.format("%s;%n", e.getMessage());
String errs = errMessages.toString();
if (!errs.isEmpty())
return Optional.empty(errs);
// makes a copy of the axis
if (xaxisSubset == null && xAxis != null)
xaxisSubset = (CoverageCoordAxis1D) xAxis.copy();
if (yaxisSubset == null && yAxis != null)
yaxisSubset = (CoverageCoordAxis1D) yAxis.copy();
if (lataxisSubset == null && latAxis != null)
lataxisSubset = latAxis.copy();
if (lonaxisSubset == null && lonAxis != null)
lonaxisSubset = lonAxis.copy();
return Optional.of(new HorizCoordSys(xaxisSubset, yaxisSubset, lataxisSubset, lonaxisSubset, transform));
public LatLonPoint getLatLon(int yindex, int xindex) {
if (isProjection) {
double x = xAxis.getCoordMidpoint(xindex);
double y = yAxis.getCoordMidpoint(yindex);
ProjectionImpl proj = transform.getProjection();
return proj.projToLatLon(convertToDefaultUnits(x), convertToDefaultUnits(y));
} else {
double lat = latAxis.getCoordMidpoint(yindex);
double lon = lonAxis.getCoordMidpoint(xindex);
return LatLonPoint.create(lat, lon);
// here's where to deal with crossing seam
private Optional subsetLon(LatLonRect latLonBoundingBox, int stride) {
double wantMin = LatLonPoints.lonNormalFrom(latLonBoundingBox.getLonMin(), lonAxis.getStartValue());
double wantMax = LatLonPoints.lonNormalFrom(latLonBoundingBox.getLonMax(), lonAxis.getStartValue());
double start = lonAxis.getStartValue();
double end = lonAxis.getEndValue();
// use MAMath.MinMax as a container for two values, min and max
List lonIntvs =
subsetLonIntervals(wantMin, wantMax, start, end, latLonBoundingBox.containsAllLongitude());
if (lonIntvs.isEmpty())
return Optional.empty(
String.format("longitude want [%f,%f] does not intersect lon axis [%f,%f]", wantMin, wantMax, start, end));
if (lonIntvs.size() == 1) {
MAMath.MinMax lonIntv = lonIntvs.get(0);
return lonAxis.subset(lonIntv.min, lonIntv.max, stride);
// this is the seam crossing case
return lonAxis.subsetByIntervals(lonIntvs, stride);
* longitude subset, after normalizing to start
* draw a circle, representing longitude values from start to start + 360.
* all values are on this circle and are > start.
* put start at bottom of circle, end > start, data has values from start, counterclockwise to end.
* wantMin, wantMax can be anywhere, want goes from wantMin counterclockwise to wantMax.
* wantMin may be less than or greater than wantMax.
* cases:
* 0. contains all longitude, return all longitude
* (could be normalized such that wantMin == wantMax so handle separately)
* A. wantMin < wantMax
* 1 wantMin, wantMax > end : empty
* 2 wantMin < end : [wantMin, min(wantMax,end)]
* B. wantMin > wantMax
* 1 wantMin, wantMax > end : all [start, end]
* 2 wantMin, wantMax < end : 2 pieces: [wantMin, end] + [start, max]
private List subsetLonIntervals(double wantMin, double wantMax, double start, double end,
boolean containsAllLongitude) {
if (containsAllLongitude) {
return Lists.newArrayList(new MAMath.MinMax(start, end));
if (wantMin <= wantMax) {
if (wantMin > end) { // none A.1
return ImmutableList.of();
} else { // A.2
return Lists.newArrayList(new MAMath.MinMax(wantMin, Math.min(wantMax, end)));
} else { // wantMin > wantMax
if (wantMax > end) { // all B.1
return Lists.newArrayList(new MAMath.MinMax(start, end)); // LOOK is this correct?!
} else {
return Lists.newArrayList(new MAMath.MinMax(wantMin, end), new MAMath.MinMax(start, wantMax));
// return y, x range
public List getRanges() {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
RangeIterator lonRange = getXAxis().getRangeIterator();
if (lonRange == null)
lonRange = getXAxis().getRange(); // clumsy
return result;
public CoverageCoordAxis1D getXAxis() {
return (xAxis != null) ? xAxis : lonAxis;
public CoverageCoordAxis1D getYAxis() {
return (yAxis != null) ? yAxis : latAxis;
public LatLonAxis2D getLonAxis2D() {
return lonAxis2D;
public LatLonAxis2D getLatAxis2D() {
return latAxis2D;
public static class CoordReturn {
public int x, y;
public double xcoord, ycoord;
public Optional findXYindexFromCoord(double x, double y) {
CoordReturn result = new CoordReturn();
if (isProjection) {
CoordAxisHelper xhelper = new CoordAxisHelper(xAxis);
CoordAxisHelper yhelper = new CoordAxisHelper(yAxis);
result.x = xhelper.findCoordElement(x, false);
result.y = yhelper.findCoordElement(y, false);
if (result.x >= 0 && result.x < xAxis.getNcoords() && result.y >= 0 && result.y < yAxis.getNcoords()) {
result.xcoord = xAxis.getCoordMidpoint(result.x);
result.ycoord = yAxis.getCoordMidpoint(result.y);
return Optional.of(result);
} else {
return Optional.empty("not in grid");
} else { // 1D lat lon case
CoordAxisHelper xhelper = new CoordAxisHelper(lonAxis);
CoordAxisHelper yhelper = new CoordAxisHelper(latAxis);
double lon = LatLonPoints.lonNormalFrom(x, lonAxis.getStartValue());
result.x = xhelper.findCoordElement(lon, false);
result.y = yhelper.findCoordElement(y, false);
if (result.x >= 0 && result.x < lonAxis.getNcoords() && result.y >= 0 && result.y < latAxis.getNcoords()) {
result.xcoord = lonAxis.getCoordMidpoint(result.x);
result.ycoord = latAxis.getCoordMidpoint(result.y);
return Optional.of(result);
} else {
return Optional.empty("not in grid");
///////////////////////////////////// Boundary calculations /////////////////////////////////////
* Calculates the bounding box of this coordinate reference system, in projection coordinates. If this CRS
* {@link #isProjection isn't a projection}, than {@code null} is returned.
* @return the bounding box of this CRS, in projection coordinates.
public ProjectionRect calcProjectionBoundingBox() {
if (!isProjection)
return null;
double minX = Math.min(xAxis.getCoordEdgeFirst(), xAxis.getCoordEdgeLast());
double minY = Math.min(yAxis.getCoordEdgeFirst(), yAxis.getCoordEdgeLast());
double width = Math.abs(xAxis.getCoordEdgeLast() - xAxis.getCoordEdgeFirst());
double height = Math.abs(yAxis.getCoordEdgeLast() - yAxis.getCoordEdgeFirst());
return new ProjectionRect(ProjectionPoint.create(minX, minY), width, height);
* Calculates the bounding box of this coordinate reference system, in latitude/longitude. This method properly
* handles coverages that straddle the international date line by deriving its bounding box from the
* {@link #calcConnectedLatLonBoundaryPoints(int, int) connected latitude/longitude boundary}.
* If this CRS {@link #isProjection is a projection}, its lat/lon boundary is computed by converting each point
* in its {@link #calcProjectionBoundaryPoints() projection boundary} to latitude/longitude using the
* {@link Projection projection}.
* @return the bounding box of this CRS, in latitude/longitude.
public LatLonRect calcLatLonBoundingBox() {
double minLat = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double minLon = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double maxLat = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
double maxLon = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (LatLonPointNoNormalize boundaryPoint : calcConnectedLatLonBoundaryPoints()) {
minLat = Math.min(minLat, boundaryPoint.getLatitude());
minLon = Math.min(minLon, boundaryPoint.getLongitude());
maxLat = Math.max(maxLat, boundaryPoint.getLatitude());
maxLon = Math.max(maxLon, boundaryPoint.getLongitude());
return new LatLonRect(LatLonPoint.create(minLat, minLon), maxLat - minLat, maxLon - minLon);
* Calls {@link #calcConnectedLatLonBoundaryPoints(int, int)} with {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} as both arguments.
* In effect, the boundary will contain ALL of the points along the edges of the CRS.
* @return the connected latitude/longitude boundary of this CRS.
public List calcConnectedLatLonBoundaryPoints() {
return calcConnectedLatLonBoundaryPoints(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Calculates the latitude/longitude boundary of this coordinate reference system. The boundary starts at the lower
* left corner of the coverage--i.e. {@code (y[0], x[0])}--and consists of the points that lie along the bottom,
* right, top, and left edges, in that order.
* The {@code maxPointsInYEdge} parameter establishes a limit on the number of boundary points that'll be included
* from the right and left edges. {@code maxPointsInXEdge} establishes a similar limit for the bottom and top edges.
* The size of the returned list will be {@code ≤ 2 * maxPointsInYEdge + 2 * maxPointsInXEdge}. Note that the corners
* are always included, regardless of the arguments. If you wish to include ALL of the points along the edges in
* the boundary, simply choose values for the parameters that are greater than the lengths of the corresponding
* axes in the CRS. {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} works great. In that case, the size of the returned list will be
* {@code 2 * numXcoords + 2 * numYcoords}.
* If this CRS {@link #isProjection is a projection}, the lat/lon boundary is computed by converting each point
* in its {@link #calcProjectionBoundaryPoints() projection boundary} to latitude/longitude using the
* {@link Projection projection}.
* Points in the boundary will be {@link #connectLatLonPoints connected}. This facilitates proper interpretation of
* the boundary if it's rendered as a georeferenced polygon, particularly when the boundary crosses the international
* date line.
* @param maxPointsInYEdge the maximum number of boundary points to include from the right and left edges.
* @param maxPointsInXEdge the maximum number of boundary points to include from the bottom and top edges.
* @return the connected latitude/longitude boundary of this CRS.
public List calcConnectedLatLonBoundaryPoints(int maxPointsInYEdge, int maxPointsInXEdge) {
List points;
if (isProjection) {
points = calcLatLonBoundaryPointsFromProjection(maxPointsInYEdge, maxPointsInXEdge);
} else if (isLatLon1D) {
points = calcLatLon1DBoundaryPoints(maxPointsInYEdge, maxPointsInXEdge);
} else if (isLatLon2D) {
points = calcLatLon2DBoundaryPoints(maxPointsInYEdge, maxPointsInXEdge);
} else {
throw new AssertionError("HorizCoordSys was not a projection, latLon1D, or latLon2D.");
return connectLatLonPoints(points);
* Calls {@link #calcProjectionBoundaryPoints(int, int)} with {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} as both arguments.
* In effect, the boundary will contain ALL of the points along the edges of the CRS.
* @return the boundary of this coordinate reference system, in projection coordinates.
public List calcProjectionBoundaryPoints() {
return calcProjectionBoundaryPoints(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Calculates the boundary of this coordinate reference system, in projection coordinates. The boundary starts at the
* lower left corner of the coverage--i.e. {@code (y[0], x[0])}--and consists of the points that lie along the bottom,
* right, top, and left edges, in that order.
* The {@code maxPointsInYEdge} parameter establishes a limit on the number of boundary points that'll be included
* from the right and left edges. {@code maxPointsInXEdge} establishes a similar limit for the bottom and top edges.
* The size of the returned list will be {@code ≤ 2 * maxPointsInYEdge + 2 * maxPointsInXEdge}. Note that the corners
* are always included, regardless of the arguments. If you wish to include ALL of the points along the edges in
* the boundary, simply choose values for the parameters that are greater than the lengths of the corresponding
* axes in the CRS. {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} works great. In that case, the size of the returned list will be
* {@code 2 * numXcoords + 2 * numYcoords}.
* @param maxPointsInYEdge the maximum number of boundary points to include from the right and left edges.
* @param maxPointsInXEdge the maximum number of boundary points to include from the bottom and top edges.
* @return the boundary of this coordinate reference system, in projection coordinates.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this CRS is not a projection.
public List calcProjectionBoundaryPoints(int maxPointsInYEdge, int maxPointsInXEdge) {
if (!isProjection) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Coordinate system is not a projection.");
checkMaxPointsInEdges(maxPointsInYEdge, maxPointsInXEdge);
int numYtotal = yAxis.getNcoords();
int numXtotal = xAxis.getNcoords();
int strideY = calcStride(numYtotal, maxPointsInYEdge);
int strideX = calcStride(numXtotal, maxPointsInXEdge);
List points = new LinkedList<>();
// Bottom boundary points
for (int i = 0; i < numXtotal; i += strideX) {
points.add(ProjectionPoint.create(xAxis.getCoordEdge1(i), yAxis.getCoordEdgeFirst()));
// Right boundary points
for (int j = 0; j < numYtotal; j += strideY) {
points.add(ProjectionPoint.create(xAxis.getCoordEdgeLast(), yAxis.getCoordEdge1(j)));
// Top boundary points
for (int i = numXtotal - 1; i >= 0; i -= strideX) {
points.add(ProjectionPoint.create(xAxis.getCoordEdge2(i), yAxis.getCoordEdgeLast()));
// Left boundary points
for (int j = numYtotal - 1; j >= 0; j -= strideY) {
points.add(ProjectionPoint.create(xAxis.getCoordEdgeFirst(), yAxis.getCoordEdge2(j)));
assertNotExceedingMaxBoundaryPoints(points.size(), maxPointsInYEdge, maxPointsInXEdge);
return points;
private List calcLatLon1DBoundaryPoints(int maxPointsInYEdge, int maxPointsInXEdge) {
if (!isLatLon1D) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Coordinate system is not 1D latitude/longitude.");
checkMaxPointsInEdges(maxPointsInYEdge, maxPointsInXEdge);
int numYtotal = latAxis.getNcoords();
int numXtotal = lonAxis.getNcoords();
int strideY = calcStride(numYtotal, maxPointsInYEdge);
int strideX = calcStride(numXtotal, maxPointsInXEdge);
List points = new LinkedList<>();
// Bottom boundary points
for (int i = 0; i < numXtotal; i += strideX) {
points.add(LatLonPoint.create(latAxis.getCoordEdgeFirst(), lonAxis.getCoordEdge1(i)));
// Right boundary points
for (int j = 0; j < numYtotal; j += strideY) {
points.add(LatLonPoint.create(latAxis.getCoordEdge1(j), lonAxis.getCoordEdgeLast()));
// Top boundary points
for (int i = numXtotal - 1; i >= 0; i -= strideX) {
points.add(LatLonPoint.create(latAxis.getCoordEdgeLast(), lonAxis.getCoordEdge2(i)));
// Left boundary points
for (int j = numYtotal - 1; j >= 0; j -= strideY) {
points.add(LatLonPoint.create(latAxis.getCoordEdge2(j), lonAxis.getCoordEdgeFirst()));
assertNotExceedingMaxBoundaryPoints(points.size(), maxPointsInYEdge, maxPointsInXEdge);
return points;
private List calcLatLonBoundaryPointsFromProjection(int maxPointsInYEdge, int maxPointsInXEdge) {
List projPoints = calcProjectionBoundaryPoints(maxPointsInYEdge, maxPointsInXEdge);
List latLonPoints = new LinkedList<>();
for (ProjectionPoint projPoint : projPoints) {
final ProjectionPoint projPointInKm =
ProjectionPoint.create(convertToDefaultUnits(projPoint.getX()), convertToDefaultUnits(projPoint.getY()));
final LatLonPoint latLonPoint = transform.getProjection().projToLatLon(projPointInKm);
if (!Double.isNaN(latLonPoint.getLatitude()) && !Double.isNaN(latLonPoint.getLongitude())) {
return latLonPoints;
private double getCoordinateConversionFactor() {
if (!isProjection) {
return 1.0;
final String defaultUnits = transform.getProjection().getDefaultUnits();
final String unit = xAxis.getUnits();
return SimpleUnit.isCompatible(unit, defaultUnits) ? SimpleUnit.getConversionFactor(unit, defaultUnits) : 1.0;
private double convertToDefaultUnits(double coordinate) {
return coordinate * coordinateConversionFactor;
private double convertFromDefaultUnits(double coordinateInDefaultUnit) {
return coordinateInDefaultUnit / coordinateConversionFactor;
private List calcLatLon2DBoundaryPoints(int maxPointsInYEdge, int maxPointsInXEdge) {
if (!isLatLon2D) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Coordinate system is not 2D latitude/longitude.");
checkMaxPointsInEdges(maxPointsInYEdge, maxPointsInXEdge);
assert Arrays.equals(latAxis2D.getShape(), lonAxis2D.getShape()) : "2D lat/lon axes ought to have the same shape";
int[] midpointsShape = latAxis2D.getShape().clone(); // Clone because we will modify later.
int numYtotal = midpointsShape[0];
int numXtotal = midpointsShape[1];
int strideY = calcStride(numYtotal, maxPointsInYEdge);
int strideX = calcStride(numXtotal, maxPointsInXEdge);
ArrayDouble.D2 latEdges = (ArrayDouble.D2) latAxis2D.getCoordBoundsAsArray();
ArrayDouble.D2 lonEdges = (ArrayDouble.D2) lonAxis2D.getCoordBoundsAsArray();
assert Arrays.equals(latEdges.getShape(), lonEdges.getShape()) : "2D lat/lon edges ought to have the same shape";
int[] edgesShape = latEdges.getShape();
assert Arrays.equals(midpointsShape, edgesShape) : "edgesShape should be 1 greater than midpointsShape in each dim";
List points = new LinkedList<>();
// Bottom boundary points: y = 0
for (int i = 0; i < numXtotal; i += strideX) {
points.add(LatLonPoint.create(latEdges.get(0, i), lonEdges.get(0, i)));
// Right boundary points: x = numXtotal
// numXtotal is not OOB, because edgesShape is 1 bigger than midpointsShape in each dim, and numXtotal
// is relative to midpointsShape.
for (int j = 0; j < numYtotal; j += strideY) {
points.add(LatLonPoint.create(latEdges.get(j, numXtotal), lonEdges.get(j, numXtotal)));
// Top boundary points: y = numYtotal
for (int i = numXtotal; i > 0; i -= strideX) {
points.add(LatLonPoint.create(latEdges.get(numYtotal, i), lonEdges.get(numYtotal, i)));
// Left boundary points: x = 0
for (int j = numYtotal; j > 0; j -= strideY) {
points.add(LatLonPoint.create(latEdges.get(j, 0), lonEdges.get(j, 0)));
assertNotExceedingMaxBoundaryPoints(points.size(), maxPointsInYEdge, maxPointsInXEdge);
return points;
private static void checkMaxPointsInEdges(int maxPointsInYEdge, int maxPointsInXEdge)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (maxPointsInYEdge < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("maxPointsInYEdge (%d) must be > 0", maxPointsInYEdge));
} else if (maxPointsInXEdge < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("maxPointsInXEdge (%d) must be > 0", maxPointsInXEdge));
private static int calcStride(int numTotal, int maxToInclude) {
int stride = Math.max(1, (int) Math.ceil(numTotal / (double) maxToInclude));
int numIncluded = (int) Math.ceil(numTotal / (double) stride);
assert numIncluded <= maxToInclude : String.format("We're set to include %d points, but we wanted a max of %d.",
numIncluded, maxToInclude);
return stride;
private static void assertNotExceedingMaxBoundaryPoints(int numBoundaryPoints, int maxPointsInYEdge,
int maxPointsInXEdge) {
// Widen to long to avoid possible overflow, because last two arguments will often be Integer.MAX_VALUE.
long maxBoundaryPoints = 2 * (long) maxPointsInYEdge + 2 * (long) maxPointsInXEdge;
assert numBoundaryPoints <= maxBoundaryPoints : String.format(
"We should be returning a maximum of %d boundary points, but we're returning %d instead.", maxBoundaryPoints,
* Returns a list of points that is equivalent to the input list, but with longitude values adjusted to ensure that
* adjacent elements are "connected".
* Two points are "connected" if the absolute difference of their {@link LatLonPoints#lonNormal normalized
* longitudes} is {@code ≤180}. For example, the longitudes {@code 112} and {@code 124} are connected. So are
* {@code 15} and {@code -27}.
* Two points may be "disconnected" if they lie on opposite sides of the international date line. For example,
* the longitudes {@code 175} and {@code -175} are disconnected because their absolute difference is {@code 350},
* which is {@code >180}. To connect the two points, we adjust the second longitude to an equivalent value
* in the range {@code [firstLon ± 180]} by adding or subtracting {@code 360}. So, {@code -175} would become
* {@code 185}. We perform this adjustment for each pair of adjacent elements in the list.
* Performing the above adjustment will result in longitudes that lie outside of the normalized range of
* ({@code [-180, 180]}). To be precise, if adjustments are necessary, all of the longitudes in the returned list
* will be in either {@code [-360, 0]} or {@code [0, 360]}. Consequently, adjusted points cannot be returned as
* {@link LatLonPoint}s; they are returned as {@link LatLonPointNoNormalize} objects instead.
* Longitudes {@code lon1} and {@code lon2} are considered equivalent if {@code lon1 == lon2 + 360 * i}, for some
* integer {@code i}.
* @param points a sequence of normalized lat/lon points that potentially crosses the international date line.
* @return an equivalent sequence of points that has been adjusted to be "connected".
public static List connectLatLonPoints(List points) {
LinkedList connectedPoints = new LinkedList<>();
for (LatLonPoint point : points) {
double curLat = point.getLatitude();
double curLon = point.getLongitude();
if (!connectedPoints.isEmpty()) {
double prevLon = connectedPoints.getLast().getLongitude();
curLon = LatLonPoints.lonNormal(curLon, prevLon);
connectedPoints.add(new LatLonPointNoNormalize(curLat, curLon));
return connectedPoints;
* Calls {@link #getLatLonBoundaryAsWKT(int, int)} with {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} as both arguments.
* In effect, the boundary will contain ALL of the points along the edges of the CRS.
* @return the latitude/longitude boundary of this CRS as a polygon in WKT.
public String getLatLonBoundaryAsWKT() {
return getLatLonBoundaryAsWKT(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Returns the {@link #calcConnectedLatLonBoundaryPoints(int, int) latitude/longitude boundary} of this coordinate
* reference system as a polygon in WKT. It is used in the OpenLayers map in NCSS, as well as the
* "datasetBoundaries" endpoint.
* @param maxPointsInYEdge the maximum number of boundary points to include from the right and left edges.
* @param maxPointsInXEdge the maximum number of boundary points to include from the bottom and top edges.
* @return the latitude/longitude boundary of this CRS as a polygon in WKT.
public String getLatLonBoundaryAsWKT(int maxPointsInYEdge, int maxPointsInXEdge) {
List points = calcConnectedLatLonBoundaryPoints(maxPointsInYEdge, maxPointsInXEdge);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("POLYGON((");
for (LatLonPointNoNormalize point : points) {
sb.append(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%.3f %.3f, ", point.getLongitude(), point.getLatitude()));
sb.delete(sb.length() - 2, sb.length()); // Nuke trailing comma and space.
return sb.toString();
* Calls {@link #getLatLonBoundaryAsGeoJSON(int, int)} with {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} as both arguments.
* In effect, the boundary will contain ALL of the points along the edges of the CRS.
* @return the latitude/longitude boundary of this CRS as a polygon in GeoJSON.
public String getLatLonBoundaryAsGeoJSON() {
return getLatLonBoundaryAsGeoJSON(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Similar to {@link #getLatLonBoundaryAsWKT}, but returns a GeoJSON polygon instead.
public String getLatLonBoundaryAsGeoJSON(int maxPointsInYEdge, int maxPointsInXEdge) {
List points = calcConnectedLatLonBoundaryPoints(maxPointsInYEdge, maxPointsInXEdge);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("{ 'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [ [ ");
for (LatLonPointNoNormalize point : points) {
sb.append(String.format("[%.3f, %.3f], ", point.getLongitude(), point.getLatitude()));
sb.delete(sb.length() - 2, sb.length()); // Nuke trailing comma and space.
sb.append(" ] ] }");
return sb.toString();