ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.Time2DOffsetCoordSys Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import ucar.ma2.DataType;
import ucar.nc2.Attribute;
import ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable;
import ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CDM;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CF;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDate;
import ucar.nc2.util.Optional;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
* Time2DCoordSys with run and timeOffset coordinate axes.
* @author caron
* @since 10/20/2015.
public class Time2DOffsetCoordSys extends Time2DCoordSys {
public final TimeOffsetAxis timeOffset;
public Time2DOffsetCoordSys(CoverageCoordAxis1D runAxis, TimeOffsetAxis timeOffset) {
super(runAxis, null);
this.timeOffset = timeOffset;
public int[] getShape() {
if (runAxis.isScalar())
return new int[] {timeOffset.getNcoords()};
return new int[] {runAxis.getNcoords(), timeOffset.getNcoords()};
* (from CdmrfParams.adoc) :
* 2D Time subsetting
* A 2D time dataset will have CoverageType set to FMRC.
* You may specify a runtime with a date, latest or all; specify a timeOffset with a numeric value, first, or all.
* If only one is set, use the default for the other. If neither is set, then return all times for latest runtime.
* Time parameters are only used if explicitly set and timeOffset is not set. There are only 2 cases where time can be
* used:
* Set runtime to a specific value or latest (not all). Time parameters (point or range) can be used.
* Set runtime to all. Time point (date, or present) can be used.
* Special cases:
* set specific runtime = constant runtime dataset
* set specific timeOffset, set runTime to all = constant offset dataset
* set specific time, set runTime to all = constant forecast dataset
* 1) single runtime
* 1a timeOffset
* 1b time or timeRange
* 1c none = constant runtime dataset
* 2) multiple runtimes
* 2a timeOffset = constant offset dataset
* 2b time (not range) = constant forecast dataset
public Optional> subset(SubsetParams params, AtomicBoolean isConstantForcast,
boolean makeCFcompliant) {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
Optional axiso = runAxis.subset(params);
if (!axiso.isPresent())
return Optional.empty(axiso.getErrorMessage());
CoverageCoordAxis1D runAxisSubset = (CoverageCoordAxis1D) axiso.get();
// subset on timeOffset (1a, 1c, 2a)
if (params.hasTimeOffsetParam() || !params.hasTimeParam()) {
axiso = timeOffset.subset(params);
if (!axiso.isPresent())
return Optional.empty(axiso.getErrorMessage());
CoverageCoordAxis timeOffsetSubset = axiso.get();
if (makeCFcompliant) // add a time cordinate
result.add(makeCFTimeCoord(runAxisSubset, (CoverageCoordAxis1D) timeOffsetSubset)); // possible the twoD time
// case, if nruns > 1
return Optional.of(result);
// subset on time, # runtimes = 1 (1b)
if (runAxisSubset.getNcoords() == 1) {
double val = runAxisSubset.getCoordMidpoint(0); // not sure runAxis is needed. maybe use runtimeSubset
CalendarDate runDate = runAxisSubset.makeDate(val);
Optional too = timeOffset.subsetFromTime(params, runDate);
if (!too.isPresent())
return Optional.empty(too.getErrorMessage());
TimeOffsetAxis timeOffsetSubset = too.get();
if (makeCFcompliant)
result.add(makeCFTimeCoord(runAxisSubset, timeOffsetSubset));
return Optional.of(result);
// tricky case 2b time (point only not range) = constant forecast dataset
// data reader has to skip around the 2D times
// 1) the runtimes may be subset by whats available
// 2) timeOffset could become an aux coordinate
// 3) time coordinate becomes a scalar,
CalendarDate dateWanted;
if (params.isTrue(SubsetParams.timePresent))
dateWanted = CalendarDate.present();
dateWanted = (CalendarDate) params.get(SubsetParams.time);
if (dateWanted == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Must have time parameter");
double wantOffset = runAxisSubset.convert(dateWanted); // forecastDate offset from refdate
double start = timeOffset.getStartValue();
double end = timeOffset.getEndValue();
CoordAxisHelper helper = new CoordAxisHelper(timeOffset);
// brute force search LOOK specialize for regular ?
List runtimeIdx = new ArrayList<>(); // list of runtime indexes that have this forecast
// List offsetIdx = new ArrayList<>(); // list of offset indexes that have this forecast
List offset = new ArrayList<>(); // corresponding offset from start of run
for (int i = 0; i < runAxisSubset.getNcoords(); i++) {
// public double getOffsetInTimeUnits(CalendarDate convertFrom, CalendarDate convertTo);
double runOffset = runAxisSubset.getCoordMidpoint(i);
if (end + runOffset < wantOffset)
if (wantOffset < start + runOffset)
int idx = helper.search(wantOffset - runOffset);
if (idx >= 0) {
runtimeIdx.add(i); // the ith runtime
// offsetIdx.add(idx); // the idx time offset
offset.add(wantOffset - runOffset); // the offset from the runtime
// here are the runtimes
int ncoords = runtimeIdx.size();
double[] runValues = new double[ncoords];
double[] offsetValues = new double[ncoords];
int count = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < ncoords; k++) {
offsetValues[count] = offset.get(k);
runValues[count++] = runAxisSubset.getCoordMidpoint(runtimeIdx.get(k));
CoverageCoordAxisBuilder runbuilder = new CoverageCoordAxisBuilder(runAxisSubset).subset(null,
CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing.irregularPoint, ncoords, runValues); // LOOK check for regular (in CovCoordAxis ?)
CoverageCoordAxis1D runAxisSubset2 = new CoverageCoordAxis1D(runbuilder);
CoverageCoordAxisBuilder timebuilder = new CoverageCoordAxisBuilder(timeOffset).subset(runAxisSubset2.getName(),
CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing.irregularPoint, ncoords, offsetValues); // aux coord (LOOK interval) ??
CoverageCoordAxis1D timeOffsetSubset = new TimeOffsetAxis(timebuilder);
CoverageCoordAxis scalarTimeCoord = makeScalarTimeCoord(wantOffset, runAxisSubset);
// nothing needed for CF, the run coordinate acts as the CF time independent coord. timeOffset is aux, forecastTime
// is scalar
return Optional.of(Lists.newArrayList(runAxisSubset2, timeOffsetSubset, scalarTimeCoord));
private CoverageCoordAxis makeScalarTimeCoord(double val, CoverageCoordAxis1D runAxisSubset) {
String name = "constantForecastTime";
String desc = "forecast time";
AttributeContainerMutable atts = new AttributeContainerMutable(name);
atts.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, runAxisSubset.getUnits()));
atts.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, CF.TIME));
atts.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, desc));
atts.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.CALENDAR, runAxisSubset.getCalendar().toString()));
CoverageCoordAxisBuilder builder = new CoverageCoordAxisBuilder(name, runAxisSubset.getUnits(), desc,
DataType.DOUBLE, AxisType.Time, atts, CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.scalar, null,
CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing.regularPoint, 1, val, val, 0.0, null, null);
return new CoverageCoordAxis1D(builder);
private CoverageCoordAxis makeCFTimeCoord(CoverageCoordAxis1D runAxisSubset, CoverageCoordAxis1D timeAxisSubset) {
String name = timeAxisSubset.getName() + "Forecast";
String desc = "forecast time";
AttributeContainerMutable atts = new AttributeContainerMutable(name);
atts.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, runAxisSubset.getUnits()));
atts.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, CF.TIME));
atts.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, desc));
atts.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.CALENDAR, runAxisSubset.getCalendar().toString()));
if (runAxisSubset.getNcoords() == 1) {
CoverageCoordAxisBuilder builder = new CoverageCoordAxisBuilder();
builder.name = name;
builder.units = runAxisSubset.getUnits();
builder.description = desc;
builder.dataType = DataType.DOUBLE;
builder.axisType = AxisType.Time;
builder.attributes = atts;
builder.dependenceType = CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.dependent;
builder.spacing = timeAxisSubset.getSpacing();
builder.ncoords = timeAxisSubset.ncoords;
builder.isSubset = true;
// conversion from timeOffset to runtime units
double offset = timeAxisSubset.getOffsetInTimeUnits(runAxis.getRefDate(), timeAxisSubset.getRefDate());
switch (timeAxisSubset.getSpacing()) {
case regularInterval:
case regularPoint:
builder.startValue = timeAxisSubset.getStartValue() + offset;
builder.endValue = timeAxisSubset.getEndValue() + offset;
case contiguousInterval:
case irregularPoint:
case discontiguousInterval:
builder.values = timeAxisSubset.getValues(); // this is a copy
for (int i = 0; i < builder.values.length; i++)
builder.values[i] += offset;
return new CoverageCoordAxis1D(builder);
return null;
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