ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.remote.CdmrfReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.remote;
import ucar.httpservices.HTTPFactory;
import ucar.httpservices.HTTPMethod;
import ucar.httpservices.HTTPSession;
import ucar.ma2.Array;
import ucar.ma2.DataType;
import ucar.nc2.Attribute;
import ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable;
import ucar.nc2.constants.AxisType;
import ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType;
import ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.*;
import ucar.nc2.stream.NcStream;
import ucar.nc2.stream.NcStreamProto;
import ucar.nc2.time.Calendar;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDate;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDateRange;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.*;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.DoubleBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;
* Client side for opening a CdmrFeature CoverageDataset. Reads the metadata.
* @author caron
* @since 5/2/2015
public class CdmrfReader {
private static final boolean showRequest = false;
String endpoint;
public CdmrfReader(String endpoint) {
this.endpoint = endpoint;
public CoverageCollection open() throws IOException {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
HTTPSession httpClient = HTTPFactory.newSession(endpoint);
String url = endpoint + "?req=header";
CdmrCoverageReader reader = new CdmrCoverageReader(endpoint, httpClient);
// get the header
try (HTTPMethod method = HTTPFactory.Get(httpClient, url)) {
if (showRequest)
System.out.printf("CdmrFeature request %s %n", url);
int statusCode = method.execute();
if (statusCode == 404)
throw new FileNotFoundException(getErrorMessage(method));
if (statusCode >= 300)
throw new IOException(getErrorMessage(method));
InputStream is = method.getResponseAsStream();
byte[] b = new byte[4];
NcStream.readFully(is, b);
if (!NcStream.test(b, NcStream.MAGIC_HEADERCOV))
throw new IOException("Data corrupted on " + endpoint);
// header message
int msize = NcStream.readVInt(is);
byte[] m = new byte[msize];
NcStream.readFully(is, m);
CdmrFeatureProto.CoverageDataset proto = CdmrFeatureProto.CoverageDataset.parseFrom(m);
CoverageCollection gridDataset = decodeHeader(proto, reader);
long took = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
if (showRequest)
System.out.printf(" took %d msecs %n", took);
return gridDataset;
private static String getErrorMessage(HTTPMethod method) {
String path = method.getURI().toString();
String status = method.getStatusLine();
String content = method.getResponseAsString();
return (content == null) ? path + " " + status : path + " " + status + "\n " + content;
* message CalendarDateRange {
* required int64 start = 1;
* required int64 end = 2;
* required int32 calendar = 3; // ucar.nc2.time.Calendar ordinal
* }
* message CoverageDataset {
* required string name = 1;
* repeated Attribute atts = 2;
* required Rectangle latlonRect = 3;
* optional Rectangle projRect = 4;
* required CalendarDateRange dateRange = 5;
* repeated CoordSys coordSys = 6;
* repeated CoordTransform coordTransforms = 7;
* repeated CoordAxis coordAxes = 8;
* repeated Coverage grids = 9;
* }
CoverageCollection decodeHeader(CdmrFeatureProto.CoverageDataset proto, CdmrCoverageReader reader) {
String name = endpoint;
FeatureType csysType = convertCoverageType(proto.getCoverageType());
LatLonRect latLonBoundingBox = decodeLatLonRectangle(proto.getLatlonRect());
ProjectionRect projBoundingBox = decodeProjRectangle(proto.getProjRect());
CalendarDateRange calendarDateRange = proto.hasDateRange() ? decodeDateRange(proto.getDateRange()) : null;
AttributeContainerMutable gatts = new AttributeContainerMutable(name);
for (ucar.nc2.stream.NcStreamProto.Attribute patt : proto.getAttsList()) {
List coordSys = new ArrayList<>();
for (CdmrFeatureProto.CoordSys pgrid : proto.getCoordSysList()) {
List transforms = new ArrayList<>();
for (CdmrFeatureProto.CoordTransform ptransform : proto.getCoordTransformsList()) {
List axes = new ArrayList<>();
for (CdmrFeatureProto.CoordAxis paxes : proto.getCoordAxesList()) {
axes.add(decodeCoordAxis(paxes, reader));
List coverages = new ArrayList<>();
for (CdmrFeatureProto.Coverage pgrid : proto.getGridsList()) {
coverages.add(decodeGrid(pgrid, reader));
return new CoverageCollection(name, csysType, gatts, latLonBoundingBox, projBoundingBox, calendarDateRange,
coordSys, transforms, axes, coverages, reader);
* message Rectangle {
* required double startx = 1;
* required double starty = 2;
* required double incx = 3;
* required double incy = 4;
* }
LatLonRect decodeLatLonRectangle(CdmrFeatureProto.Rectangle proto) {
LatLonPoint start = LatLonPoint.create(proto.getStarty(), proto.getStartx());
return new LatLonRect(start, proto.getIncy(), proto.getIncx());
ProjectionRect decodeProjRectangle(CdmrFeatureProto.Rectangle proto) {
ProjectionPoint pt = ProjectionPoint.create(proto.getStartx(), proto.getStarty());
return new ProjectionRect(pt, proto.getIncy(), proto.getIncx());
CalendarDateRange decodeDateRange(CdmrFeatureProto.CalendarDateRange proto) {
ucar.nc2.time.Calendar cal = convertCalendar(proto.getCalendar());
CalendarDate start = CalendarDate.of(cal, proto.getStart());
CalendarDate end = CalendarDate.of(cal, proto.getEnd());
return CalendarDateRange.of(start, end);
* message CoordSys {
* required string name = 1; // must be unique in dataset's CoordSys
* repeated string axisNames = 2;
* repeated string transformNames = 3;
* optional CoverageType coverageType = 5;
* }
CoverageCoordSys decodeCoordSys(CdmrFeatureProto.CoordSys proto) {
// public CoverageCoordSys(String name, List axisNames, List transformNames, Type type) {
return new CoverageCoordSys(proto.getName(), proto.getAxisNamesList(), proto.getTransformNamesList(),
* message CoordTransform {
* required bool isHoriz = 1;
* required string name = 2;
* repeated Attribute params = 3;
* }
CoverageTransform decodeCoordTransform(CdmrFeatureProto.CoordTransform proto) {
String name = proto.getName();
AttributeContainerMutable atts = new AttributeContainerMutable(name);
for (ucar.nc2.stream.NcStreamProto.Attribute patt : proto.getParamsList())
return new CoverageTransform(name, atts, proto.getIsHoriz());
* message CoordAxis {
* required string name = 1; // short name, unique within dataset
* required DataType dataType = 2;
* repeated Attribute atts = 3; // look for calendar attribute here?
* required AxisType axisType = 4;
* required string units = 5;
* optional string description = 6;
* required DependenceType depend = 7;
* optional string dependsOn = 8; // depends on this axis
* required int64 nvalues = 10;
* required AxisSpacing spacing = 11;
* required double startValue = 12;
* required double endValue = 13;
* optional double resolution = 14; // resolution = (end-start) / (nvalues-1)
* optional bytes values = 15; // big endian doubles; not used for regular, may be deferred
* }
CoverageCoordAxis decodeCoordAxis(CdmrFeatureProto.CoordAxis proto, CoordAxisReader reader) {
AxisType axisType = convertAxisType(proto.getAxisType());
String name = proto.getName();
DataType dataType = NcStream.convertDataType(proto.getDataType());
CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType dependenceType = convertDependenceType(proto.getDepend());
CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing spacing = convertSpacing(proto.getSpacing());
Formatter result = new Formatter();
for (String s : proto.getDependsOnList())
result.format("%s ", s);
String dependsOn = result.toString().trim();
AttributeContainerMutable atts = new AttributeContainerMutable("axis atts");
for (ucar.nc2.stream.NcStreamProto.Attribute patt : proto.getAttsList())
int ncoords = (int) proto.getNvalues();
double[] values = null;
if (!proto.getValues().isEmpty()) {
// LOOK may mess with ability to change var size later.
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(proto.getValues().toByteArray());
DoubleBuffer db = bb.asDoubleBuffer();
int n = db.remaining();
values = new double[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
values[i] = db.get(i);
int[] shape = new int[proto.getShapeCount()]; // LOOK not used ??
for (int i = 0; i < proto.getShapeCount(); i++)
shape[i] = proto.getShape(i);
CoverageCoordAxisBuilder builder = new CoverageCoordAxisBuilder();
builder.name = name;
builder.units = proto.getUnits();
builder.description = proto.getDescription();
builder.dataType = dataType;
builder.axisType = axisType;
builder.attributes = atts;
builder.dependenceType = dependenceType;
builder.spacing = spacing;
builder.ncoords = ncoords;
builder.startValue = proto.getStartValue();
builder.endValue = proto.getEndValue();
builder.resolution = proto.getResolution();
builder.values = values;
builder.reader = reader;
builder.isSubset = false;
builder.shape = shape.length > 0 ? shape : null;
if (dependenceType == CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.fmrcReg) {
return new TimeAxis2DFmrcReg(builder);
} else if (dependenceType == CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.twoD
&& (axisType == AxisType.Lat || axisType == AxisType.Lon)) {
return new LatLonAxis2D(builder);
} else if (axisType == AxisType.TimeOffset) {
return new TimeOffsetAxis(builder);
} else {
return new CoverageCoordAxis1D(builder);
* message Coverage {
* required string name = 1; // short name
* required DataType dataType = 2;
* optional bool unsigned = 3 [default = false];
* repeated Attribute atts = 4;
* required string coordSys = 5;
* }
Coverage decodeGrid(CdmrFeatureProto.Coverage proto, CoverageReader reader) {
DataType dataType = NcStream.convertDataType(proto.getDataType());
List atts = new ArrayList<>();
for (ucar.nc2.stream.NcStreamProto.Attribute patt : proto.getAttsList())
return new Coverage(proto.getName(), dataType, atts, proto.getCoordSys(), proto.getUnits(), proto.getDescription(),
reader, null);
public static AxisType convertAxisType(CdmrFeatureProto.AxisType dtype) {
switch (dtype) {
case RunTime:
return AxisType.RunTime;
case Ensemble:
return AxisType.Ensemble;
case Time:
return AxisType.Time;
case GeoX:
return AxisType.GeoX;
case GeoY:
return AxisType.GeoY;
case GeoZ:
return AxisType.GeoZ;
case Lat:
return AxisType.Lat;
case Lon:
return AxisType.Lon;
case Height:
return AxisType.Height;
case Pressure:
return AxisType.Pressure;
case RadialAzimuth:
return AxisType.RadialAzimuth;
case RadialDistance:
return AxisType.RadialDistance;
case RadialElevation:
return AxisType.RadialElevation;
case Spectral:
return AxisType.Spectral;
case TimeOffset:
return AxisType.TimeOffset;
throw new IllegalStateException("illegal data type " + dtype);
public static Calendar convertCalendar(CdmrFeatureProto.Calendar type) {
switch (type) {
case gregorian:
return Calendar.gregorian;
case proleptic_gregorian:
return Calendar.proleptic_gregorian;
case noleap:
return Calendar.noleap;
case all_leap:
return Calendar.all_leap;
case uniform30day:
return Calendar.uniform30day;
case julian:
return Calendar.julian;
case none:
return Calendar.none;
throw new IllegalStateException("illegal data type " + type);
// public enum Type {Coverage, Curvilinear, Grid, Swath, Fmrc}
public static FeatureType convertCoverageType(CdmrFeatureProto.CoverageType type) {
switch (type) {
case General:
return FeatureType.COVERAGE;
case Curvilinear:
return FeatureType.CURVILINEAR;
case Grid:
return FeatureType.GRID;
case Swath:
return FeatureType.SWATH;
case Fmrc:
return FeatureType.FMRC;
throw new IllegalStateException("illegal CoverageType " + type);
public static CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType convertDependenceType(CdmrFeatureProto.DependenceType type) {
switch (type) {
case independent:
return CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.independent;
case dependent:
return CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.dependent;
case scalar:
return CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.scalar;
case twoD:
return CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.twoD;
case fmrcReg:
return CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.fmrcReg;
throw new IllegalStateException("illegal data type " + type);
public static CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing convertSpacing(CdmrFeatureProto.AxisSpacing type) {
switch (type) {
case regularPoint:
return CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing.regularPoint;
case irregularPoint:
return CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing.irregularPoint;
case contiguousInterval:
return CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing.contiguousInterval;
case discontiguousInterval:
return CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing.discontiguousInterval;
case regularInterval:
return CoverageCoordAxis.Spacing.regularInterval;
throw new IllegalStateException("illegal data type " + type);
* message CoverageDataResponse {
* repeated CoordAxis coordAxes = 1; // may be shared if asking for multiple grids
* repeated CoordSys coordSys = 2; // "
* repeated CoordTransform coordTransforms = 3; // "
* repeated GeoReferencedArray geoArray = 4;
* }
public CoverageDataResponse decodeDataResponse(CdmrFeatureProto.CoverageDataResponse dproto) {
List transforms = new ArrayList<>();
for (CdmrFeatureProto.CoordTransform pt : dproto.getCoordTransformsList())
List coordSys = new ArrayList<>();
for (CdmrFeatureProto.CoordSys psys : dproto.getCoordSysList())
List axes = new ArrayList<>();
for (CdmrFeatureProto.CoordAxis paxis : dproto.getCoordAxesList())
axes.add(decodeCoordAxis(paxis, null)); // LOOK null reader - so all values must be present
CoverageDataResponse result = new CoverageDataResponse(axes, coordSys, transforms);
for (CdmrFeatureProto.GeoReferencedArray psys : dproto.getGeoArrayList())
result.arrayResponse.add(decodeGeoReferencedArray(result, psys));
return result;
* message GeoReferencedArray {
* string gridName = 1; // full escaped name.
* DataType dataType = 2;
* bool bigend = 3;
* uint32 version = 4;
* Compress compress = 5;
* uint64 uncompressedSize = 6;
* repeated uint32 shape = 7; // the shape of the returned array
* repeated string axisName = 8; // each dimension corresponds to this axis LOOK needed?
* string coordSysName = 9; // must have coordAxis corresponding to shape
* bytes primdata = 10; // rectangular, primitive array
* }
public GeoReferencedArray decodeGeoReferencedArray(CoverageDataResponse dataResponse,
CdmrFeatureProto.GeoReferencedArray parray) {
DataType dataType = NcStream.convertDataType(parray.getDataType());
ByteOrder byteOrder = parray.getBigend() ? ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
boolean deflate = parray.getCompress() == NcStreamProto.Compress.DEFLATE;
long uncompressedSize = parray.getUncompressedSize();
int[] shape = new int[parray.getShapeCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < parray.getShapeCount(); i++)
shape[i] = parray.getShape(i);
ByteBuffer bb = parray.getPrimdata().asReadOnlyByteBuffer();
Array data = Array.factory(dataType, shape, bb);
CoverageCoordSys csys = dataResponse.findCoordSys(parray.getCoordSysName());
if (csys == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Misformed response - no coordsys");
return new GeoReferencedArray(parray.getCoverageName(), dataType, data, csys);
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