ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.writer.CFGridCoverageWriter2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.writer;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import ucar.ma2.Array;
import ucar.ma2.DataType;
import ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException;
import ucar.ma2.Section;
import ucar.nc2.*;
import ucar.nc2.constants.*;
import ucar.nc2.ft2.coverage.*;
import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDate;
import ucar.nc2.util.Optional;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.*;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.LatLonProjection;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
* Write CF Compliant Grid file from a Coverage.
* First, single coverage only.
* - The idea is to subset the coordsys, use that for the file's metadata.
* - Then subset the grid, and write out the data. Check that the grid's metadata matches.
* @deprecated use CFGridCoverageWriter
public class CFGridCoverageWriter2 {
private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(CFGridCoverageWriter2.class);
private static final boolean show = false;
private static final String BOUNDS = "_bounds";
private static final String BOUNDS_DIM = "bounds_dim"; // dimension of length 2, can be used by any bounds coordinate
* Write a netcdf/CF file from a CoverageDataset
* @param gdsOrg the CoverageDataset
* @param gridNames the list of coverage names to be written, or null for all
* @param subset defines the requested subset, or null to include everything in gdsOrg
* @param tryToAddLatLon2D add 2D lat/lon coordinates, if possible
* @param writer this does the actual writing, must not be null
* @return the total number of bytes that the variables in the output file occupy. This is NOT the same as the
* size of the the whole output file, but it's close.
public static ucar.nc2.util.Optional write(CoverageCollection gdsOrg, List gridNames,
SubsetParams subset, boolean tryToAddLatLon2D, NetcdfFileWriter writer)
throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
CFGridCoverageWriter2 writer2 = new CFGridCoverageWriter2();
return writer2.writeFile(gdsOrg, gridNames, subset, tryToAddLatLon2D, false, writer);
public static ucar.nc2.util.Optional getSizeOfOutput(CoverageCollection gdsOrg, List gridNames,
SubsetParams subset, boolean tryToAddLatLon2D) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
CFGridCoverageWriter2 writer2 = new CFGridCoverageWriter2();
// null location. It's ok; we'll never write the file.
NetcdfFileWriter writer = NetcdfFileWriter.createNew(null, false);
return writer2.writeFile(gdsOrg, gridNames, subset, tryToAddLatLon2D, true, writer);
private ucar.nc2.util.Optional writeFile(CoverageCollection gdsOrg, List gridNames,
SubsetParams subsetParams, boolean tryToAddLatLon2D, boolean testSizeOnly, NetcdfFileWriter writer)
throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
if (gridNames == null) { // want all of them
gridNames = new LinkedList<>();
for (Coverage coverage : gdsOrg.getCoverages()) {
if (subsetParams == null) {
subsetParams = new SubsetParams();
// We need global attributes, subsetted axes, transforms, and the coverages with attributes and referencing
// subsetted axes.
Optional opt = CoverageSubsetter2.makeCoverageDatasetSubset(gdsOrg, gridNames, subsetParams);
if (!opt.isPresent()) {
return ucar.nc2.util.Optional.empty(opt.getErrorMessage());
CoverageCollection subsetDataset = opt.get();
addGlobalAttributes(subsetDataset, writer);
addDimensions(subsetDataset, writer);
addCoordinateAxes(subsetDataset, writer);
addCoverages(subsetDataset, writer);
addCoordTransforms(subsetDataset, writer);
boolean shouldAddLatLon2D = shouldAddLatLon2D(tryToAddLatLon2D, subsetDataset);
if (shouldAddLatLon2D) {
addLatLon2D(subsetDataset, writer);
addCFAnnotations(subsetDataset, writer, shouldAddLatLon2D);
long totalSizeOfVars = 0;
// This is a hack to get the root group of writer's underlying NetcdfFile. See the method's Javadoc.
Group rootGroup = writer.addGroup(null, null);
// In this class, we've only added vars to the root group, so this is all we need to worry about for size calc.
for (Variable var : rootGroup.getVariables()) {
totalSizeOfVars += var.getSize() * var.getElementSize();
if (!testSizeOnly) {
// Actually create file and write variable data to it.
writeCoordinateData(subsetDataset, writer);
writeCoverageData(gdsOrg, subsetParams, subsetDataset, writer);
if (shouldAddLatLon2D) {
writeLatLon2D(subsetDataset, writer);
return Optional.of(totalSizeOfVars);
* Returns {@code true} if we should add 2D latitude & longitude variables to the output file.
* This method could return {@code false} for several reasons:
* - {@code !tryToAddLatLon2D}
* - {@code subsetDataset.getHorizCoordSys().isLatLon2D()}
* - {@code !subsetDataset.getHorizCoordSys().isProjection()}
* - {@code subsetDataset.getHorizCoordSys() instanceof LatLonProjection}
* @param tryToAddLatLon2D attempt to add 2D lat/lon vars to output file.
* @param subsetDataset subsetted version of the original CoverageCollection.
* @return {@code true} if we should add 2D latitude & longitude variables to the output file.
private boolean shouldAddLatLon2D(boolean tryToAddLatLon2D, CoverageCollection subsetDataset) {
if (!tryToAddLatLon2D) { // We don't even want 2D lat/lon vars.
return false;
HorizCoordSys horizCoordSys = subsetDataset.getHorizCoordSys();
if (horizCoordSys.isLatLon2D()) { // We already have 2D lat/lon vars.
return false;
if (!horizCoordSys.isProjection()) { // CRS doesn't contain a projection, meaning we can't calc 2D lat/lon vars.
return false;
Projection proj = horizCoordSys.getTransform().getProjection();
// Projection is a "fake"; we already have lat/lon.
return !(proj instanceof LatLonProjection);
private boolean isLargeFile(long total_size) {
boolean isLargeFile = false;
long maxSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (total_size > maxSize) {
logger.debug("Request size = {} Mbytes", total_size / 1000 / 1000);
isLargeFile = true;
return isLargeFile;
private void addGlobalAttributes(CoverageCollection gds, NetcdfFileWriter writer) {
// global attributes
for (Attribute att : gds.getGlobalAttributes()) {
if (att.getShortName().equals(CDM.FILE_FORMAT))
if (att.getShortName().equals(_Coordinate._CoordSysBuilder))
writer.addGroupAttribute(null, att);
Attribute att = gds.findAttributeIgnoreCase(CDM.CONVENTIONS);
if (att == null || !att.getStringValue().startsWith("CF-")) // preserve prev version of CF Convention if exists
writer.addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute(CDM.CONVENTIONS, "CF-1.0"));
new Attribute("History", "Translated to CF-1.0 Conventions by Netcdf-Java CDM (CFGridCoverageWriter2)\n"
+ "Original Dataset = " + gds.getName() + "; Translation Date = " + CalendarDate.present()));
LatLonRect llbb = gds.getLatlonBoundingBox();
if (llbb != null) {
// this will replace any existing
writer.addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute(ACDD.LAT_MIN, llbb.getLatMin()));
writer.addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute(ACDD.LAT_MAX, llbb.getLatMax()));
writer.addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute(ACDD.LON_MIN, llbb.getLonMin()));
writer.addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute(ACDD.LON_MAX, llbb.getLonMax()));
private void addDimensions(CoverageCollection subsetDataset, NetcdfFileWriter writer) {
// each independent coordinate is a dimension
Map dimHash = new HashMap<>();
for (CoverageCoordAxis axis : subsetDataset.getCoordAxes()) {
if (axis.getDependenceType() == CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.independent) {
Dimension d = writer.addDimension(null, axis.getName(), axis.getNcoords());
dimHash.put(axis.getName(), d);
if (axis.isInterval()) {
if (null == dimHash.get(BOUNDS_DIM)) {
Dimension d = writer.addDimension(null, BOUNDS_DIM, 2);
dimHash.put(BOUNDS_DIM, d);
private void addCoordinateAxes(CoverageCollection subsetDataset, NetcdfFileWriter writer) {
for (CoverageCoordAxis axis : subsetDataset.getCoordAxes()) {
String dims;
if (axis.getDependenceType() == CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.independent) {
dims = axis.getName();
} else if (axis.getDependenceType() == CoverageCoordAxis.DependenceType.scalar) {
dims = "";
} else {
dims = axis.getDependsOn();
boolean hasBounds = false;
if (axis.isInterval()) {
Variable vb = writer.addVariable(null, axis.getName() + BOUNDS, axis.getDataType(), dims + " " + BOUNDS_DIM);
vb.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, axis.getUnits()));
hasBounds = true;
Variable v = writer.addVariable(null, axis.getName(), axis.getDataType(), dims);
addVariableAttributes(v, axis.getAttributeContainer());
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, axis.getUnits())); // override what was in att list
if (hasBounds)
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.BOUNDS, axis.getName() + BOUNDS));
if (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.TimeOffset)
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, CF.TIME_OFFSET));
private void addCoverages(CoverageCollection subsetDataset, NetcdfFileWriter writer) {
for (Coverage grid : subsetDataset.getCoverages()) {
Variable v = writer.addVariable(null, grid.getName(), grid.getDataType(), grid.getIndependentAxisNamesOrdered());
addVariableAttributes(v, grid.attributes());
private void addVariableAttributes(Variable v, AttributeContainer atts) {
for (Attribute att : atts) {
if (att.getShortName().startsWith("_Coordinate"))
if (att.getShortName().startsWith("_Chunk"))
private void addCoordTransforms(CoverageCollection subsetDataset, NetcdfFileWriter writer) {
for (CoverageTransform ct : subsetDataset.getCoordTransforms()) {
// scalar coordinate transform variable - container for transform info
Variable ctv = writer.addVariable(null, ct.getName(), DataType.INT, "");
for (Attribute att : ct.attributes())
private void addLatLon2D(CoverageCollection subsetDataset, NetcdfFileWriter writer) {
HorizCoordSys horizCoordSys = subsetDataset.getHorizCoordSys();
CoverageCoordAxis1D xAxis = horizCoordSys.getXAxis();
CoverageCoordAxis1D yAxis = horizCoordSys.getYAxis();
Dimension xDim = writer.findDimension(xAxis.getName());
Dimension yDim = writer.findDimension(yAxis.getName());
assert xDim != null : "We should've added X dimension in addDimensions().";
assert yDim != null : "We should've added Y dimension in addDimensions().";
List dims = Arrays.asList(yDim, xDim);
Variable latVar = writer.addVariable("lat", DataType.DOUBLE, dims);
latVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, CDM.LAT_UNITS));
latVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, CF.LATITUDE));
latVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, "latitude coordinate"));
latVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Lat.toString()));
Variable lonVar = writer.addVariable("lon", DataType.DOUBLE, dims);
lonVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, CDM.LON_UNITS));
lonVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, CF.LONGITUDE));
lonVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.LONG_NAME, "longitude coordinate"));
lonVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Lon.toString()));
private void addCFAnnotations(CoverageCollection gds, NetcdfFileWriter writer, boolean shouldAddLatLon2D) {
for (Coverage grid : gds.getCoverages()) {
CoverageCoordSys gcs = grid.getCoordSys();
Variable newV = writer.findVariable(grid.getName());
if (newV == null) {
logger.error("CFGridCoverageWriter2 cant find " + grid.getName() + " in writer ");
// annotate Variable for CF
Formatter coordsAttribValFormatter = new Formatter();
for (String axisName : grid.getCoordSys().getAxisNames()) {
coordsAttribValFormatter.format("%s ", axisName);
if (shouldAddLatLon2D) {
assert writer.findVariable("lat") != null : "We should've added lat variable in addLatLon2D()";
assert writer.findVariable("lon") != null : "We should've added lon variable in addLatLon2D()";
coordsAttribValFormatter.format("lat lon");
newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.COORDINATES, coordsAttribValFormatter.toString()));
// add reference to coordinate transform variables
CoverageTransform ct = gcs.getHorizTransform();
if (ct != null && ct.isHoriz())
newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.GRID_MAPPING, ct.getName()));
// LOOK what about vertical ?
for (CoverageCoordAxis axis : gds.getCoordAxes()) {
Variable newV = writer.findVariable(axis.getName());
if (newV == null) {
logger.error("CFGridCoverageWriter2 cant find " + axis.getName() + " in writer ");
// LOOK: Commented out because CoverageCoordAxis doesn't have any info about "positive" wrt vertical axes.
// To fix, we'd need to add that metadata when building the CRS.
* if ((axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Height) || (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Pressure) ||
* (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.GeoZ)) {
* if (null != axis.getPositive())
* newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.POSITIVE, axis.getPositive()));
* }
if (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Lat) {
newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, CDM.LAT_UNITS));
newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, CF.LATITUDE));
if (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Lon) {
newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNITS, CDM.LON_UNITS));
newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, CF.LONGITUDE));
if (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.GeoX) {
if (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.GeoY) {
if (axis.getAxisType() == AxisType.Ensemble) {
newV.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, CF.ENSEMBLE));
private void writeCoordinateData(CoverageCollection subsetDataset, NetcdfFileWriter writer)
throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
for (CoverageCoordAxis axis : subsetDataset.getCoordAxes()) {
Variable v = writer.findVariable(axis.getName());
if (v != null) {
if (show)
System.out.printf("CFGridCoverageWriter2 write axis %s%n", v.getNameAndDimensions());
writer.write(v, axis.getCoordsAsArray());
} else {
logger.error("CFGridCoverageWriter2 No variable for {}%n", axis.getName());
if (axis.isInterval()) {
Variable vb = writer.findVariable(axis.getName() + BOUNDS);
writer.write(vb, axis.getCoordBoundsAsArray());
private void writeCoverageData(CoverageCollection gdsOrg, SubsetParams subsetParams, CoverageCollection subsetDataset,
NetcdfFileWriter writer) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
for (Coverage coverage : subsetDataset.getCoverages()) {
// we need to call readData on the original
Coverage coverageOrg = gdsOrg.findCoverage(coverage.getName());
GeoReferencedArray array = coverageOrg.readData(subsetParams);
// test conform to whatever axis.getCoordsAsArray() returns
checkConformance(coverage, array, gdsOrg.getName());
Variable v = writer.findVariable(coverage.getName());
if (show)
System.out.printf("CFGridCoverageWriter2 write coverage %s%n", v.getNameAndDimensions());
writer.write(v, array.getData());
private void writeLatLon2D(CoverageCollection subsetDataset, NetcdfFileWriter writer)
throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
HorizCoordSys horizCoordSys = subsetDataset.getHorizCoordSys();
CoverageCoordAxis1D xAxis = horizCoordSys.getXAxis();
CoverageCoordAxis1D yAxis = horizCoordSys.getYAxis();
Projection proj = horizCoordSys.getTransform().getProjection();
double[] xData = (double[]) xAxis.getCoordsAsArray().get1DJavaArray(DataType.DOUBLE);
double[] yData = (double[]) yAxis.getCoordsAsArray().get1DJavaArray(DataType.DOUBLE);
int numX = xData.length;
int numY = yData.length;
double[] latData = new double[numX * numY];
double[] lonData = new double[numX * numY];
// create the data
for (int i = 0; i < numY; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < numX; j++) {
ProjectionPoint projPoint = ProjectionPoint.create(xData[j], yData[i]);
LatLonPoint latlonPoint = proj.projToLatLon(projPoint);
latData[i * numX + j] = latlonPoint.getLatitude();
lonData[i * numX + j] = latlonPoint.getLongitude();
Variable latVar = writer.findVariable("lat");
assert latVar != null : "We should have added lat var in addLatLon2D().";
Array latDataArray = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {numY, numX}, latData);
writer.write(latVar, latDataArray);
Variable lonVar = writer.findVariable("lon");
assert lonVar != null : "We should have added lon var in addLatLon2D().";
Array lonDataArray = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {numY, numX}, lonData);
writer.write(lonVar, lonDataArray);
private void checkConformance(Coverage gridSubset, GeoReferencedArray geo, String where) {
CoverageCoordSys csys = gridSubset.getCoordSys();
CoverageCoordSys csysData = geo.getCoordSysForData();
Section s = new Section(csys.getShape());
Section so = new Section(csysData.getShape());
boolean ok = s.conformal(so);
int[] dataShape = geo.getData().getShape();
Section sdata = new Section(dataShape);
boolean ok2 = s.conformal(sdata);
if (!ok || !ok2)
logger.warn("CFGridCoverageWriter2 checkConformance fails " + where);
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