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* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.DoubleBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.nio.LongBuffer;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.*;
import ucar.ma2.Array;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayChar;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayObject;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayStructure;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayStructureBB;
import ucar.ma2.DataType;
import ucar.ma2.IndexIterator;
import ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException;
import ucar.ma2.Section;
import ucar.ma2.StructureMembers;
import ucar.nc2.Attribute;
import ucar.nc2.AttributeContainer;
import ucar.nc2.AttributeContainerMutable;
import ucar.nc2.Dimension;
import ucar.nc2.EnumTypedef;
import ucar.nc2.Group;
import ucar.nc2.Group.Builder;
import ucar.nc2.Structure;
import ucar.nc2.Variable;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CDM;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf4.HdfEos;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf4.HdfHeaderIF;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.DataObject;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.DataObjectFacade;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.GlobalHeap;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.H5Group;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.HeaderMessage;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.HeapIdentifier;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.MessageAttribute;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.MessageComment;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.MessageDataspace;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.MessageDatatype;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.MessageFillValue;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.MessageFillValueOld;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.MessageFilter;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.MessageType;
import ucar.nc2.internal.iosp.hdf5.H5objects.StructureMember;
import ucar.nc2.write.NetcdfFileFormat;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.IospHelper;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.Layout;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegular;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.hdf5.DataBTree;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.hdf5.H5headerIF;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.hdf5.MemTracker;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.netcdf3.N3iosp;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.netcdf4.Nc4;
/** Read all of the metadata of an HD5 file. */
public class H5headerNew implements H5headerIF, HdfHeaderIF {
private static org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(H5headerNew.class);
// special attribute names in HDF5
public static final String HDF5_CLASS = "CLASS";
public static final String HDF5_DIMENSION_LIST = "DIMENSION_LIST";
public static final String HDF5_DIMENSION_SCALE = "DIMENSION_SCALE";
public static final String HDF5_DIMENSION_LABELS = "DIMENSION_LABELS";
public static final String HDF5_DIMENSION_NAME = "NAME";
public static final String HDF5_REFERENCE_LIST = "REFERENCE_LIST";
// debugging
private static boolean debugEnum, debugVlen;
private static boolean debug1, debugDetail, debugPos, debugHeap, debugV;
private static boolean debugGroupBtree, debugDataBtree, debugBtree2;
private static boolean debugContinueMessage, debugTracker, debugSoftLink, debugHardLink, debugSymbolTable;
private static boolean warnings = true, debugReference, debugRegionReference, debugCreationOrder, debugStructure;
private static boolean debugDimensionScales;
// NULL string value, following netCDF-C, set to NIL
private static final String NULL_STRING_VALUE = "NIL";
public static void setWarnings(boolean warn) {
warnings = warn;
public static void setDebugFlags(ucar.nc2.util.DebugFlags debugFlag) {
debug1 = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/header");
debugBtree2 = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/btree2");
debugContinueMessage = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/continueMessage");
debugDetail = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/headerDetails");
debugDataBtree = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/dataBtree");
debugGroupBtree = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/groupBtree");
debugHeap = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/Heap");
debugPos = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/filePos");
debugReference = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/reference");
debugSoftLink = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/softLink");
debugHardLink = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/hardLink");
debugSymbolTable = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/symbolTable");
debugTracker = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/memTracker");
debugV = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/Variable");
debugStructure = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/structure");
private static final byte[] magic = {(byte) 0x89, 'H', 'D', 'F', '\r', '\n', 0x1a, '\n'};
private static final String magicString = new String(magic, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
private static final long maxHeaderPos = 50000; // header's gotta be within this
private static final boolean transformReference = true;
public static boolean isValidFile(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
// fail fast on directory
if (raf.isDirectory()) {
return false;
// For HDF5, we need to search forward
long filePos = 0;
long size = raf.length();
while ((filePos < size - 8) && (filePos < maxHeaderPos)) {
byte[] buff = new byte[magic.length];;
if ( < magic.length)
return false;
if (NetcdfFileFormat.memequal(buff, magic, magic.length)) {
return true;
// The offsets that the header can be at
filePos = (filePos == 0) ? 512 : 2 * filePos;
return false;
* Implementation notes
* any field called address is actually relative to the base address.
* any field called filePos or dataPos is a byte offset within the file.
* it appears theres no sure fire way to tell if the file was written by netcdf4 library
* 1) if one of the the NETCF4-XXX atts are set
* 2) dimension scales:
* 1) all dimensions have a dimension scale
* 2) they all have the same length as the dimension
* 3) all variables' dimensions have a dimension scale
private final Group.Builder root;
private final H5iospNew h5iosp;
private long baseAddress;
byte sizeOffsets, sizeLengths;
boolean isOffsetLong, isLengthLong;
* Cant always tell if written with netcdf library. if all dimensions have coordinate variables, eg:
* Q:/cdmUnitTest/formats/netcdf4/ncom_relo_fukushima_1km_tmp_2011040800_t000.nc4
private boolean isNetcdf4;
private H5Group h5rootGroup;
private Map symlinkMap = new HashMap<>(200);
private Map addressMap = new HashMap<>(200);
private java.text.SimpleDateFormat hdfDateParser;
private H5objects h5objects;
private PrintWriter debugOut;
private MemTracker memTracker;
private final Charset valueCharset;
H5headerNew(Group.Builder root, H5iospNew h5iosp) {
this.root = root;
this.h5iosp = h5iosp;
valueCharset = h5iosp.getValueCharset().orElse(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
* Return defined {@link Charset value charset} that
* will be used by reading HDF5 header.
* @return {@link Charset charset}
protected Charset getValueCharset() {
return valueCharset;
public void read(PrintWriter debugPS) throws IOException {
if (debugPS != null) {
debugOut = debugPS;
} else if (debug1 || debugContinueMessage || debugCreationOrder || debugDetail || debugDimensionScales
|| debugGroupBtree || debugHardLink || debugHeap || debugPos || debugReference || debugTracker || debugV
|| debugSoftLink || warnings) {
debugOut = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));
h5objects = new H5objects(this, debugOut, memTracker);
long actualSize = getRandomAccessFile().length();
if (debugTracker)
memTracker = new MemTracker(actualSize);
// find the superblock - no limits on how far in
boolean ok = false;
long filePos = 0;
while ((filePos < actualSize - 8)) {
String magic = getRandomAccessFile().readString(8);
if (magic.equals(magicString)) {
ok = true;
filePos = (filePos == 0) ? 512 : 2 * filePos;
if (!ok) {
throw new IOException("Not a netCDF4/HDF5 file ");
if (debug1) {
log.debug("H5header opened file to read:'{}' size= {}", getRandomAccessFile().getLocation(), actualSize);
// now we are positioned right after the header
// header information is in le byte order
long superblockStart = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer() - 8;
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.add("header", 0, superblockStart);
// superblock version
byte versionSB = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (versionSB < 2) {
readSuperBlock1(superblockStart, versionSB);
} else if (versionSB == 2) {
} else {
throw new IOException("Unknown superblock version= " + versionSB);
// now look for symbolic links LOOK this doesnt work; probably remove 10/27/14 jc
// recursively run through all the dataObjects and add them to the ncfile
boolean allSharedDimensions = makeNetcdfGroup(root, h5rootGroup);
if (allSharedDimensions)
isNetcdf4 = true;
if (debugTracker) {
Formatter f = new Formatter();;
debugOut = null;
private void readSuperBlock1(long superblockStart, byte versionSB) throws IOException {
byte versionFSS, versionGroup, versionSHMF;
short btreeLeafNodeSize, btreeInternalNodeSize;
int fileFlags;
long heapAddress;
long eofAddress;
long driverBlockAddress;
versionFSS = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
versionGroup = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
getRandomAccessFile().readByte(); // skip 1 byte
versionSHMF = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" versionSB= " + versionSB + " versionFSS= " + versionFSS + " versionGroup= " + versionGroup
+ " versionSHMF= " + versionSHMF);
sizeOffsets = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
isOffsetLong = (sizeOffsets == 8);
sizeLengths = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
isLengthLong = (sizeLengths == 8);
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" sizeOffsets= {} sizeLengths= {}", sizeOffsets, sizeLengths);
log.debug(" isLengthLong= {} isOffsetLong= {}", isLengthLong, isOffsetLong);
getRandomAccessFile().read(); // skip 1 byte
// log.debug(" position="+mapBuffer.position());
btreeLeafNodeSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
btreeInternalNodeSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" btreeLeafNodeSize= {} btreeInternalNodeSize= {}", btreeLeafNodeSize, btreeInternalNodeSize);
// log.debug(" position="+mapBuffer.position());
fileFlags = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" fileFlags= 0x{}", Integer.toHexString(fileFlags));
if (versionSB == 1) {
short storageInternalNodeSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
baseAddress = readOffset();
heapAddress = readOffset();
eofAddress = readOffset();
driverBlockAddress = readOffset();
if (baseAddress != superblockStart) {
baseAddress = superblockStart;
eofAddress += superblockStart;
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" baseAddress set to superblockStart");
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" baseAddress= 0x{}", Long.toHexString(baseAddress));
log.debug(" global free space heap Address= 0x{}", Long.toHexString(heapAddress));
log.debug(" eof Address={}", eofAddress);
log.debug(" raf length= {}", getRandomAccessFile().length());
log.debug(" driver BlockAddress= 0x{}", Long.toHexString(driverBlockAddress));
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.add("superblock", superblockStart, getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
// look for file truncation
long fileSize = getRandomAccessFile().length();
if (fileSize < eofAddress)
throw new IOException("File is truncated should be= " + eofAddress + " actual = " + fileSize + "%nlocation= "
+ getRandomAccessFile().getLocation());
// next comes the root object's SymbolTableEntry
// extract the root group object, recursively read all objects
h5rootGroup = h5objects.readRootSymbolTable(getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
private void readSuperBlock2(long superblockStart) throws IOException {
sizeOffsets = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
isOffsetLong = (sizeOffsets == 8);
sizeLengths = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
isLengthLong = (sizeLengths == 8);
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" sizeOffsets= {} sizeLengths= {}", sizeOffsets, sizeLengths);
log.debug(" isLengthLong= {} isOffsetLong= {}", isLengthLong, isOffsetLong);
byte fileFlags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" fileFlags= 0x{}", Integer.toHexString(fileFlags));
baseAddress = readOffset();
long extensionAddress = readOffset();
long eofAddress = readOffset();
long rootObjectAddress = readOffset();
int checksum = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" baseAddress= 0x{}", Long.toHexString(baseAddress));
log.debug(" extensionAddress= 0x{}", Long.toHexString(extensionAddress));
log.debug(" eof Address={}", eofAddress);
log.debug(" rootObjectAddress= 0x{}", Long.toHexString(rootObjectAddress));
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.add("superblock", superblockStart, getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
if (baseAddress != superblockStart) {
baseAddress = superblockStart;
eofAddress += superblockStart;
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" baseAddress set to superblockStart");
// look for file truncation
long fileSize = getRandomAccessFile().length();
if (fileSize < eofAddress) {
throw new IOException("File is truncated should be= " + eofAddress + " actual = " + fileSize);
h5rootGroup = h5objects.readRootObject(rootObjectAddress);
private void replaceSymbolicLinks(H5Group group) {
if (group == null)
List objList = group.nestedObjects;
int count = 0;
while (count < objList.size()) {
DataObjectFacade dof = objList.get(count);
if ( != null) { // group - recurse
} else if (dof.linkName != null) { // symbolic links
DataObjectFacade link = symlinkMap.get(dof.linkName);
if (link == null) {
log.warn(" WARNING Didnt find symbolic link={} from {}", dof.linkName,;
// dont allow loops
if ( != null) {
if (group.isChildOf( {
log.warn(" ERROR Symbolic Link loop found ={}", dof.linkName);
// dont allow in the same group. better would be to replicate the group with the new name
if (dof.parent == link.parent) {
count--; // negate the incr
} else // replace
objList.set(count, link);
if (debugSoftLink) {
log.debug(" Found symbolic link={}", dof.linkName);
void addSymlinkMap(String name, DataObjectFacade facade) {
symlinkMap.put(name, facade);
// construct netcdf objects
private boolean makeNetcdfGroup(Group.Builder parentGroup, H5Group h5group) throws IOException {
* 6/21/2013 new algorithm for dimensions.
* 1. find all objects with all CLASS = "DIMENSION_SCALE", make into a dimension. use shape(0) as length. keep in
* order
* 2. if also a variable (NAME != "This is a ...") then first dim = itself, second matches length, if multiple
* match, use :_Netcdf4Coordinates = 0, 3 and order of dimensions.
* 3. use DIMENSION_LIST to assign dimensions to data variables.
// 1. find all objects with all CLASS = "DIMENSION_SCALE", make into a dimension. use shape(0) as length. keep in
// order
for (DataObjectFacade facade : h5group.nestedObjects) {
if (facade.isVariable)
findDimensionScales(parentGroup, h5group, facade);
// 2. if also a variable (NAME != "This is a ...") then first dim = itself, second matches length, if multiple
// match, use :_Netcdf4Coordinates = 0, 3 and order of dimensions.
for (DataObjectFacade facade : h5group.nestedObjects) {
if (facade.is2DCoordinate)
findDimensionScales2D(h5group, facade);
boolean allHaveSharedDimensions = true;
// 3. use DIMENSION_LIST to assign dimensions to other variables.
for (DataObjectFacade facade : h5group.nestedObjects) {
if (facade.isVariable)
allHaveSharedDimensions &= findSharedDimensions(parentGroup, h5group, facade);
createDimensions(parentGroup, h5group);
// process types first
for (DataObjectFacade facadeNested : h5group.nestedObjects) {
if (facadeNested.isTypedef) {
if (debugReference && facadeNested.dobj.mdt.type == 7) {
log.debug("{}", facadeNested);
if ( != null) {
EnumTypedef enumTypedef = parentGroup.findEnumTypedef(, true).orElse(null);
if (enumTypedef == null) {
DataType basetype;
switch (facadeNested.dobj.mdt.byteSize) {
case 1:
basetype = DataType.ENUM1;
case 2:
basetype = DataType.ENUM2;
basetype = DataType.ENUM4;
enumTypedef = new EnumTypedef(,, basetype);
if (debugV) {
log.debug(" made enumeration {}",;
} // loop over typedefs
// nested objects - groups and variables
for (DataObjectFacade facadeNested : h5group.nestedObjects) {
if (facadeNested.isGroup) {
H5Group h5groupNested = h5objects.readH5Group(facadeNested);
if ( == null) // hard link with cycle
continue; // just skip it
Group.Builder nestedGroup = Group.builder().setName(;
allHaveSharedDimensions &= makeNetcdfGroup(nestedGroup, h5groupNested);
if (debug1) {
log.debug("--made Group " + nestedGroup.shortName + " add to " + parentGroup.shortName);
} else if (facadeNested.isVariable) {
if (debugReference && facadeNested.dobj.mdt.type == 7) {
log.debug("{}", facadeNested);
Variable.Builder v = makeVariable(parentGroup, facadeNested);
if ((v != null) && (v.dataType != null)) {
if (v.dataType.isEnum()) {
String enumTypeName = v.getEnumTypeName();
if (enumTypeName == null) {
log.warn("EnumTypedef is missing for variable: {}", v.shortName);
throw new IllegalStateException("EnumTypedef is missing for variable: " + v.shortName);
// This code apparently addresses the possibility of an anonymous enum LOOK ??
if (enumTypeName.isEmpty()) {
EnumTypedef enumTypedef = parentGroup.findEnumTypedef(, true).get();
if (enumTypedef == null) {
enumTypedef = new EnumTypedef(,;
Vinfo vinfo = (Vinfo) v.spiObject;
if (debugV) {
log.debug(" made Variable " + v.shortName + " vinfo= " + vinfo + "\n" + v);
} // loop over nested objects
// create group attributes last. need enums to be found first
List fatts = filterAttributes(h5group.facade.dobj.attributes);
for (MessageAttribute matt : fatts) {
try {
makeAttributes(null, matt, parentGroup.getAttributeContainer());
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
// add system attributes
processSystemAttributes(h5group.facade.dobj.messages, parentGroup.getAttributeContainer());
return allHaveSharedDimensions;
* from
* C.3.7 Attributes
* Attributes in HDF5 and netCDF-4 correspond very closely. Each attribute in an HDF5 file is represented as an
* attribute
* in the netCDF-4 file, with the exception of the attributes below, which are ignored by the netCDF-4 API.
* _Netcdf4Coordinates An integer array containing the dimension IDs of a variable which is a multi-dimensional
* coordinate variable.
* _nc3_strict When this (scalar, H5T_NATIVE_INT) attribute exists in the root group of the HDF5 file, the netCDF API
* will enforce
* the netCDF classic model on the data file.
* REFERENCE_LIST This attribute is created and maintained by the HDF5 dimension scale API.
* CLASS This attribute is created and maintained by the HDF5 dimension scale API.
* DIMENSION_LIST This attribute is created and maintained by the HDF5 dimension scale API.
* NAME This attribute is created and maintained by the HDF5 dimension scale API.
* ----------
* from dim_scales_wk9 - Nunes.ppt
* Attribute named "CLASS" with the value "DIMENSION_SCALE"
* Optional attribute named "NAME"
* Attribute references to any associated Dataset
* -------------
* from
* Then comes the part you will have to do for your datasets. You open the data
* dataset, get an ID, DID variable here, open the latitude dataset, get its ID,
* DSID variable here, and "link" the 2 with this call
* if (H5DSattach_scale(did,dsid,DIM0) < 0)
* what this function does is to associated the dataset DSID (latitude) with the
* dimension* specified by the parameter DIM0 (0, in this case, the first
* dimension of the 2D array) of the dataset DID
* If you open HDF Explorer and expand the attributes of the "data" dataset you
* will see an attribute called DIMENSION_LIST.
* This is done by this function. It is an array that contains 2 HDF5 references,
* one for the latitude dataset, other for the longitude)
* If you expand the "lat" dataset , you will see that it contains an attribute
* called REFERENCE_LIST. It is a compound type that contains
* 1) a reference to my "data" dataset
* 2) the index of the data dataset this scale is to be associated with (0
* for the lat, 1 for the lon)
// find the Dimension Scale objects, turn them into shared dimensions
// always has attribute CLASS = "DIMENSION_SCALE"
// note that we dont bother looking at their REFERENCE_LIST
private void findDimensionScales(Group.Builder g, H5Group h5group, DataObjectFacade facade) throws IOException {
Iterator iter = facade.dobj.attributes.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
MessageAttribute matt =;
if ( {
Attribute att = makeAttribute(matt);
if (att == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
String val = att.getStringValue();
if (val.equals(HDF5_DIMENSION_SCALE) && facade.dobj.mds.ndims > 0) {
// create a dimension - always use the first dataspace length
facade.dimList =
addDimension(g, h5group,, facade.dobj.mds.dimLength[0], facade.dobj.mds.maxLength[0] == -1);
facade.hasNetcdfDimensions = true;
if (!h5iosp.includeOriginalAttributes)
if (facade.dobj.mds.ndims > 1)
facade.is2DCoordinate = true;
private void findDimensionScales2D(H5Group h5group, DataObjectFacade facade) {
int[] lens = facade.dobj.mds.dimLength;
if (lens.length > 2) {
log.warn("DIMENSION_LIST: dimension scale > 2 = {}", facade.getName());
// first dimension is itself
String name = facade.getName();
int pos = name.lastIndexOf('/');
String dimName = (pos >= 0) ? name.substring(pos + 1) : name;
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
sbuff.append(" ");
// second dimension is really an anonymous dimension, ironically now we go through amazing hoops to keep it shared
// 1. use dimids if they exist
// 2. if length matches and unique, use it
// 3. if no length matches or multiple matches, then use anonymous
int want_len = lens[1]; // second dimension
Dimension match = null;
boolean unique = true;
for (Dimension d : h5group.dimList) {
if (d.getLength() == want_len) {
if (match == null)
match = d;
unique = false;
if (match != null && unique) {
sbuff.append(match.getShortName()); // 2. if length matches and unique, use it
} else {
if (match == null) { // 3. if no length matches or multiple matches, then use anonymous
log.warn("DIMENSION_LIST: dimension scale {} has second dimension {} but no match", facade.getName(), want_len);
} else {
log.warn("DIMENSION_LIST: dimension scale {} has second dimension {} but multiple matches", facade.getName(),
facade.dimList = sbuff.toString();
* private void findNetcdf4DimidAttribute(DataObjectFacade facade) throws IOException {
* for (MessageAttribute matt : facade.dobj.attributes) {
* if ( {
* if (dimIds == null) dimIds = new HashMap();
* Attribute att_dimid = makeAttribute(matt);
* Integer dimid = (Integer) att_dimid.getNumericValue();
* dimIds.put(dimid, facade);
* return;
* }
* }
* if (dimIds != null) // supposed to all have them
* log.warn("Missing "+Nc4.NETCDF4_DIMID+" attribute on "+facade.getName());
* }
* the case of multidimensional dimension scale. We need to identify which index to use as the dimension length.
* the pattern is, eg:
* _Netcdf4Coordinates = 6, 4
* _Netcdf4Dimid = 6
* private int findCoordinateDimensionIndex(DataObjectFacade facade, H5Group h5group) throws IOException {
* Attribute att_coord = null;
* Attribute att_dimid = null;
* for (MessageAttribute matt : facade.dobj.attributes) {
* if (
* att_coord = makeAttribute(matt);
* if (
* att_dimid = makeAttribute(matt);
* }
* if (att_coord != null && att_dimid != null) {
* facade.netcdf4CoordinatesAtt = att_coord;
* Integer want = (Integer) att_dimid.getNumericValue();
* for (int i=0; i iter = facade.dobj.attributes.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
MessageAttribute matt =;
// find the dimensions - set length to maximum
// DIMENSION_LIST contains, for each dimension, a list of references to Dimension Scales
switch ( {
case HDF5_DIMENSION_LIST: { // references : may extend the dimension length
Attribute att = makeAttribute(matt); // this reads in the data
if (att == null) {
log.warn("DIMENSION_LIST: failed to read on variable {}", facade.getName());
} else if (att.getLength() != facade.dobj.mds.dimLength.length) { // some attempts to writing hdf5 directly
// fail here
log.warn("DIMENSION_LIST: must have same number of dimension scales as dimensions att={} on variable {}",
att, facade.getName());
} else {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < att.getLength(); i++) {
String name = att.getStringValue(i);
String dimName = extendDimension(g, h5group, name, facade.dobj.mds.dimLength[i]);
sbuff.append(dimName).append(" ");
facade.dimList = sbuff.toString();
facade.hasNetcdfDimensions = true;
if (debugDimensionScales) {
log.debug("Found dimList '{}' for group '{}' matt={}", facade.dimList, g.shortName, matt);
if (!h5iosp.includeOriginalAttributes)
Attribute att = makeAttribute(matt);
if (att == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
String val = att.getStringValue();
if (val.startsWith("This is a netCDF dimension but not a netCDF variable")) {
facade.isVariable = false;
isNetcdf4 = true;
if (!h5iosp.includeOriginalAttributes)
if (debugDimensionScales) {
log.debug("Found {}", val);
if (!h5iosp.includeOriginalAttributes)
return facade.hasNetcdfDimensions || facade.dobj.mds.dimLength.length == 0;
// add a dimension, return its name
private String addDimension(Group.Builder parent, H5Group h5group, String name, int length, boolean isUnlimited) {
int pos = name.lastIndexOf('/');
String dimName = (pos >= 0) ? name.substring(pos + 1) : name;
Dimension d = h5group.dimMap.get(dimName); // first look in current group
if (d == null) { // create if not found
d = Dimension.builder().setName(name).setIsUnlimited(isUnlimited).setLength(length).build();
h5group.dimMap.put(dimName, d);
if (debugDimensionScales) {
log.debug("addDimension name=" + name + " dim= " + d + " to group " + parent.shortName);
} else { // check has correct length
if (d.getLength() != length)
throw new IllegalStateException(
"addDimension: DimScale has different length than dimension it references dimScale=" + dimName);
return d.getShortName();
// look for unlimited dimensions without dimension scale - must get length from the variable
private String extendDimension(Group.Builder parent, H5Group h5group, String name, int length) {
int pos = name.lastIndexOf('/');
String dimName = (pos >= 0) ? name.substring(pos + 1) : name;
Dimension d = h5group.dimMap.get(dimName); // first look in current group
if (d == null) {
d = parent.findDimension(dimName).orElse(null); // then look in parent groups
if (d != null) {
if (d.isUnlimited() && (length > d.getLength())) {
if (!d.isUnlimited() && (length != d.getLength())) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"extendDimension: DimScale has different length than dimension it references dimScale=" + dimName);
return d.getShortName();
return dimName;
private void createDimensions(Group.Builder g, H5Group h5group) {
for (Dimension d : h5group.dimList) {
private List filterAttributes(List attList) {
List result = new ArrayList<>(attList.size());
for (MessageAttribute matt : attList) {
if ( ||
|| {
isNetcdf4 = true;
} else {
return result;
* Create Attribute objects from the MessageAttribute and add to list
* @param sb if attribute for a Structure, then deconstruct and add to member variables
* @param matt attribute message
* @param attContainer add Attribute to this
* @throws IOException on io error
* @throws InvalidRangeException on shape error
private void makeAttributes(Structure.Builder> sb, MessageAttribute matt, AttributeContainerMutable attContainer)
throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
MessageDatatype mdt = matt.mdt;
if (mdt.type == 6) { // structure
Vinfo vinfo = new Vinfo(matt.mdt, matt.mds, matt.dataPos);
ArrayStructure attData = (ArrayStructure) readAttributeData(matt, vinfo, DataType.STRUCTURE);
if (null == sb) {
// flatten and add to list
for (StructureMembers.Member sm : attData.getStructureMembers().getMembers()) {
Array memberData = attData.extractMemberArray(sm);
attContainer.addAttribute(new Attribute( + "." + sm.getName(), memberData));
} else if ( {
// flatten and add to list
for (StructureMembers.Member sm : attData.getStructureMembers().getMembers()) {
String memberName = sm.getName();
int pos = memberName.indexOf(":");
if (pos < 0)
continue; // LOOK
String fldName = memberName.substring(0, pos);
String attName = memberName.substring(pos + 1);
Array memberData = attData.extractMemberArray(sm);
.ifPresent(vb -> vb.getAttributeContainer().addAttribute(new Attribute(attName, memberData)));
} else { // assign separate attribute for each member
StructureMembers attMembers = attData.getStructureMembers();
for (Variable.Builder v : sb.vbuilders) {
// does the compound attribute have a member with same name as nested variable ?
StructureMembers.Member sm = attMembers.findMember(v.shortName);
if (null != sm) {
// if so, add the att to the member variable, using the name of the compound attribute
Array memberData = attData.extractMemberArray(sm);
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(, memberData)); // LOOK check for missing values
// look for unassigned members, add to the list
for (StructureMembers.Member sm : attData.getStructureMembers().getMembers()) {
Variable.Builder vb = sb.findMemberVariable(sm.getName()).orElse(null);
if (vb == null) {
Array memberData = attData.extractMemberArray(sm);
attContainer.addAttribute(new Attribute( + "." + sm.getName(), memberData));
} else {
// make a single attribute
Attribute att = makeAttribute(matt);
if (att != null)
// reading attribute values might change byte order during a read
// put back to little endian for further header processing
private Attribute makeAttribute(MessageAttribute matt) throws IOException {
Vinfo vinfo = new Vinfo(matt.mdt, matt.mds, matt.dataPos);
DataType dtype = vinfo.getNCDataType();
// check for empty attribute case
if (matt.mds.type == 2) {
if (dtype == DataType.CHAR)
return new Attribute(, DataType.STRING); // empty char considered to be a null string attr
return new Attribute(, dtype);
Array attData;
try {
attData = readAttributeData(matt, vinfo, dtype);
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
log.warn("failed to read Attribute " + + " HDF5 file=" + getRandomAccessFile().getLocation());
return null;
Attribute result;
if (attData.isVlen()) {