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ucar.nc2.iosp.hdf5.H5header Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.nc2.iosp.hdf5;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CDM;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.NCheader;
import ucar.nc2.util.Misc;
import ucar.nc2.*;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.netcdf4.Nc4;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.netcdf3.N3iosp;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.Layout;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.LayoutRegular;
import ucar.ma2.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.nio.*;
* Read all of the metadata of an HD5 file.
* @author caron
* Implementation notes
* any field called address is actually relative to the base address.
* any field called filePos or dataPos is a byte offset within the file.
* it appears theres no sure fire way to tell if the file was written by netcdf4 library
* 1) if one of the the NETCF4-XXX atts are set
* 2) dimension scales:
* 1) all dimensions have a dimension scale
* 2) they all have the same length as the dimension
* 3) all variables' dimensions have a dimension scale
public class H5header extends NCheader implements H5headerIF {
private static org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(H5header.class);
// special attribute names in HDF5
public static final String HDF5_CLASS = "CLASS";
public static final String HDF5_DIMENSION_LIST = "DIMENSION_LIST";
public static final String HDF5_DIMENSION_SCALE = "DIMENSION_SCALE";
public static final String HDF5_DIMENSION_LABELS = "DIMENSION_LABELS";
public static final String HDF5_DIMENSION_NAME = "NAME";
public static final String HDF5_REFERENCE_LIST = "REFERENCE_LIST";
// debugging
private static boolean debugEnum, debugVlen;
private static boolean debug1, debugDetail, debugPos, debugHeap, debugV;
private static boolean debugGroupBtree, debugDataBtree, debugBtree2;
private static boolean debugContinueMessage, debugTracker, debugSoftLink, debugHardLink, debugSymbolTable;
private static boolean warnings = true, debugReference, debugRegionReference, debugCreationOrder, debugStructure;
private static boolean debugDimensionScales;
// NULL string value, following netCDF-C, set to NIL
private static final String NULL_STRING_VALUE = "NIL";
public static void setWarnings(boolean warn) {
warnings = warn;
public static void setDebugFlags(ucar.nc2.util.DebugFlags debugFlag) {
debug1 = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/header");
debugBtree2 = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/btree2");
debugContinueMessage = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/continueMessage");
debugDetail = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/headerDetails");
debugDataBtree = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/dataBtree");
debugGroupBtree = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/groupBtree");
debugHeap = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/Heap");
debugPos = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/filePos");
debugReference = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/reference");
debugSoftLink = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/softLink");
debugHardLink = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/hardLink");
debugSymbolTable = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/symbolTable");
debugTracker = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/memTracker");
debugV = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/Variable");
debugStructure = debugFlag.isSet("H5header/structure");
private static final byte[] head = {(byte) 0x89, 'H', 'D', 'F', '\r', '\n', 0x1a, '\n'};
private static final String hdf5magic = new String(head, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
private static final long maxHeaderPos = 50000; // header's gotta be within this
private static final boolean transformReference = true;
public static boolean isValidFile( raf) throws IOException {
return checkFileType(raf) == NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4;
ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile ncfile;
private H5iosp h5iosp;
private long baseAddress;
byte sizeOffsets, sizeLengths;
boolean isOffsetLong, isLengthLong;
// boolean alreadyWarnNdimZero;
* Cant always tell if written with netcdf library. if all dimensions have coordinate variables, eg:
* Q:/cdmUnitTest/formats/netcdf4/ncom_relo_fukushima_1km_tmp_2011040800_t000.nc4
private boolean isNetcdf4;
// Map dimIds = null; // if isNetcdf4 and all dimension scales have _Netcdf4Dimid attribute
private H5Group rootGroup;
private Map symlinkMap = new HashMap<>(200);
private Map addressMap = new HashMap<>(200);
private Map heapMap = new HashMap<>();
private java.text.SimpleDateFormat hdfDateParser;
private debugOut;
private MemTracker memTracker;
H5header(ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile ncfile, H5iosp h5iosp) {
this.ncfile = ncfile;
this.h5iosp = h5iosp;
public byte getSizeOffsets() {
return sizeOffsets;
public byte getSizeLengths() {
return sizeLengths;
boolean isNetcdf4() {
return isNetcdf4;
boolean isClassic() {
return false; // TODO
public void read( debugPS) throws IOException {
if (debugPS != null) {
debugOut = debugPS;
} else if (debug1 || debugContinueMessage || debugCreationOrder || debugDetail || debugDimensionScales
|| debugGroupBtree || debugHardLink || debugHeap || debugPos || debugReference || debugTracker || debugV
|| debugSoftLink || warnings) {
debugOut = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
long actualSize = getRandomAccessFile().length();
if (debugTracker)
memTracker = new MemTracker(actualSize);
// find the superblock - no limits on how far in
boolean ok = false;
long filePos = 0;
while ((filePos < actualSize - 8)) {
String magic = getRandomAccessFile().readString(8);
if (magic.equals(hdf5magic)) {
ok = true;
filePos = (filePos == 0) ? 512 : 2 * filePos;
if (!ok) {
throw new IOException("Not a netCDF4/HDF5 file ");
if (debug1) {
log.debug("H5header opened file to read:'{}' size= {}", getRandomAccessFile().getLocation(), actualSize);
// now we are positioned right after the header
// header information is in le byte order
long superblockStart = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer() - 8;
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.add("header", 0, superblockStart);
// superblock version
byte versionSB = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (versionSB < 2) {
readSuperBlock1(superblockStart, versionSB);
} else if (versionSB == 2) {
} else {
throw new IOException("Unknown superblock version= " + versionSB);
// now look for symbolic links LOOK this doesnt work; probably remove 10/27/14 jc
// recursively run through all the dataObjects and add them to the ncfile
boolean allSharedDimensions = makeNetcdfGroup(ncfile.getRootGroup(), rootGroup);
if (allSharedDimensions)
isNetcdf4 = true;
if (debugTracker) {
Formatter f = new Formatter();;
debugOut = null;
private void readSuperBlock1(long superblockStart, byte versionSB) throws IOException {
byte versionFSS, versionGroup, versionSHMF;
short btreeLeafNodeSize, btreeInternalNodeSize;
int fileFlags;
long heapAddress;
long eofAddress;
long driverBlockAddress;
versionFSS = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
versionGroup = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
getRandomAccessFile().readByte(); // skip 1 byte
versionSHMF = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" versionSB= " + versionSB + " versionFSS= " + versionFSS + " versionGroup= " + versionGroup
+ " versionSHMF= " + versionSHMF);
sizeOffsets = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
isOffsetLong = (sizeOffsets == 8);
sizeLengths = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
isLengthLong = (sizeLengths == 8);
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" sizeOffsets= {} sizeLengths= {}", sizeOffsets, sizeLengths);
log.debug(" isLengthLong= {} isOffsetLong= {}", isLengthLong, isOffsetLong);
getRandomAccessFile().read(); // skip 1 byte
// log.debug(" position="+mapBuffer.position());
btreeLeafNodeSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
btreeInternalNodeSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" btreeLeafNodeSize= {} btreeInternalNodeSize= {}", btreeLeafNodeSize, btreeInternalNodeSize);
// log.debug(" position="+mapBuffer.position());
fileFlags = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" fileFlags= 0x{}", Integer.toHexString(fileFlags));
if (versionSB == 1) {
short storageInternalNodeSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
baseAddress = readOffset();
heapAddress = readOffset();
eofAddress = readOffset();
driverBlockAddress = readOffset();
if (baseAddress != superblockStart) {
baseAddress = superblockStart;
eofAddress += superblockStart;
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" baseAddress set to superblockStart");
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" baseAddress= 0x{}", Long.toHexString(baseAddress));
log.debug(" global free space heap Address= 0x{}", Long.toHexString(heapAddress));
log.debug(" eof Address={}", eofAddress);
log.debug(" raf length= {}", getRandomAccessFile().length());
log.debug(" driver BlockAddress= 0x{}", Long.toHexString(driverBlockAddress));
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.add("superblock", superblockStart, getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
// look for file truncation
long fileSize = getRandomAccessFile().length();
if (fileSize < eofAddress)
throw new IOException("File is truncated should be= " + eofAddress + " actual = " + fileSize + "%nlocation= "
+ getRandomAccessFile().getLocation());
// next comes the root objext's SymbolTableEntry
SymbolTableEntry rootEntry = new SymbolTableEntry(getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
// extract the root group object, recursively read all objects
long rootObjectAddress = rootEntry.getObjectAddress();
DataObjectFacade f = new DataObjectFacade(null, "", rootObjectAddress);
rootGroup = new H5Group(f);
* LOOK what is this crap ??
* if ( == null) {
* // if the root object doesnt have a group message, check if the rootEntry is cache type 2
* if (rootEntry.btreeAddress != 0) {
* = new GroupOld(null, "", rootEntry.btreeAddress, rootEntry.nameHeapAddress);
* } else {
* throw new IllegalStateException("root object not a group");
* }
* }
private void readSuperBlock2(long superblockStart) throws IOException {
sizeOffsets = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
isOffsetLong = (sizeOffsets == 8);
sizeLengths = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
isLengthLong = (sizeLengths == 8);
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" sizeOffsets= {} sizeLengths= {}", sizeOffsets, sizeLengths);
log.debug(" isLengthLong= {} isOffsetLong= {}", isLengthLong, isOffsetLong);
byte fileFlags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" fileFlags= 0x{}", Integer.toHexString(fileFlags));
baseAddress = readOffset();
long extensionAddress = readOffset();
long eofAddress = readOffset();
long rootObjectAddress = readOffset();
int checksum = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" baseAddress= 0x{}", Long.toHexString(baseAddress));
log.debug(" extensionAddress= 0x{}", Long.toHexString(extensionAddress));
log.debug(" eof Address={}", eofAddress);
log.debug(" rootObjectAddress= 0x{}", Long.toHexString(rootObjectAddress));
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.add("superblock", superblockStart, getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
if (baseAddress != superblockStart) {
baseAddress = superblockStart;
eofAddress += superblockStart;
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" baseAddress set to superblockStart");
// look for file truncation
long fileSize = getRandomAccessFile().length();
if (fileSize < eofAddress) {
throw new IOException("File is truncated should be= " + eofAddress + " actual = " + fileSize);
DataObjectFacade f = new DataObjectFacade(null, "", rootObjectAddress);
rootGroup = new H5Group(f);
private void replaceSymbolicLinks(H5Group group) {
if (group == null)
List objList = group.nestedObjects;
int count = 0;
while (count < objList.size()) {
DataObjectFacade dof = objList.get(count);
if ( != null) { // group - recurse
} else if (dof.linkName != null) { // symbolic links
DataObjectFacade link = symlinkMap.get(dof.linkName);
if (link == null) {
log.warn(" WARNING Didnt find symbolic link={} from {}", dof.linkName,;
// dont allow loops
if ( != null) {
if (group.isChildOf( {
log.warn(" ERROR Symbolic Link loop found ={}", dof.linkName);
// dont allow in the same group. better would be to replicate the group with the new name
if (dof.parent == link.parent) {
count--; // negate the incr
} else // replace
objList.set(count, link);
if (debugSoftLink) {
log.debug(" Found symbolic link={}", dof.linkName);
// construct netcdf objects
private boolean makeNetcdfGroup(ucar.nc2.Group ncGroup, H5Group h5group) throws IOException {
// if (h5group == null) return true; // ??
* 6/21/2013 new algorithm for dimensions.
* 1. find all objects with all CLASS = "DIMENSION_SCALE", make into a dimension. use shape(0) as length. keep in
* order
* 2. if also a variable (NAME != "This is a ...") then first dim = itself, second matches length, if multiple
* match, use :_Netcdf4Coordinates = 0, 3 and order of dimensions.
* 3. use DIMENSION_LIST to assign dimensions to data variables.
// 1. find all objects with all CLASS = "DIMENSION_SCALE", make into a dimension. use shape(0) as length. keep in
// order
for (DataObjectFacade facade : h5group.nestedObjects) {
if (facade.isVariable)
findDimensionScales(ncGroup, h5group, facade);
// 2. if also a variable (NAME != "This is a ...") then first dim = itself, second matches length, if multiple
// match, use :_Netcdf4Coordinates = 0, 3 and order of dimensions.
for (DataObjectFacade facade : h5group.nestedObjects) {
if (facade.is2DCoordinate)
findDimensionScales2D(h5group, facade);
// old way
* deal with multidim dimension scales - ugh!
* if (dimIds != null) {
* for (DataObjectFacade dimscale : dimIds.values()) {
* if (dimscale.dobj.mds.ndims > 1) {
* StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
* Attribute att = dimscale.netcdf4CoordinatesAtt;
* for (int i=0; i= 0) ? name.substring(pos + 1) : name;
* sbuff.append(dimName);
* sbuff.append(" ");
* }
* dimscale.dimList = sbuff.toString();
* }
* }
* }
* // deal with multidim dimension scales part two - double ugh!
* for (DataObjectFacade facade : h5group.nestedObjects) {
* if (facade.isVariable && facade.netcdf4CoordinatesAtt != null && facade.dimList.equals("%REDO%")) {
* Formatter f = new Formatter();
* for (int i=0 ;i fatts = filterAttributes(h5group.facade.dobj.attributes);
for (MessageAttribute matt : fatts) {
try {
makeAttributes(null, matt, ncGroup);
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
// add system attributes
processSystemAttributes(h5group.facade.dobj.messages, ncGroup);
return allHaveSharedDimensions;
* from
* C.3.7 Attributes
* Attributes in HDF5 and netCDF-4 correspond very closely. Each attribute in an HDF5 file is represented as an
* attribute
* in the netCDF-4 file, with the exception of the attributes below, which are ignored by the netCDF-4 API.
* _Netcdf4Coordinates An integer array containing the dimension IDs of a variable which is a multi-dimensional
* coordinate variable.
* _nc3_strict When this (scalar, H5T_NATIVE_INT) attribute exists in the root group of the HDF5 file, the netCDF API
* will enforce
* the netCDF classic model on the data file.
* REFERENCE_LIST This attribute is created and maintained by the HDF5 dimension scale API.
* CLASS This attribute is created and maintained by the HDF5 dimension scale API.
* DIMENSION_LIST This attribute is created and maintained by the HDF5 dimension scale API.
* NAME This attribute is created and maintained by the HDF5 dimension scale API.
* ----------
* from dim_scales_wk9 - Nunes.ppt
* Attribute named "CLASS" with the value "DIMENSION_SCALE"
* Optional attribute named "NAME"
* Attribute references to any associated Dataset
* -------------
* from
* Then comes the part you will have to do for your datasets. You open the data
* dataset, get an ID, DID variable here, open the latitude dataset, get its ID,
* DSID variable here, and "link" the 2 with this call
* if (H5DSattach_scale(did,dsid,DIM0) < 0)
* what this function does is to associated the dataset DSID (latitude) with the
* dimension* specified by the parameter DIM0 (0, in this case, the first
* dimension of the 2D array) of the dataset DID
* If you open HDF Explorer and expand the attributes of the "data" dataset you
* will see an attribute called DIMENSION_LIST.
* This is done by this function. It is an array that contains 2 HDF5 references,
* one for the latitude dataset, other for the longitude)
* If you expand the "lat" dataset , you will see that it contains an attribute
* called REFERENCE_LIST. It is a compound type that contains
* 1) a reference to my "data" dataset
* 2) the index of the data dataset this scale is to be associated with (0
* for the lat, 1 for the lon)
// find the Dimension Scale objects, turn them into shared dimensions
// always has attribute CLASS = "DIMENSION_SCALE"
// note that we dont bother looking at their REFERENCE_LIST
private void findDimensionScales(ucar.nc2.Group g, H5Group h5group, DataObjectFacade facade) throws IOException {
Iterator iter = facade.dobj.attributes.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
MessageAttribute matt =;
if ( {
Attribute att = makeAttribute(matt);
if (att == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
String val = att.getStringValue();
if (val.equals(HDF5_DIMENSION_SCALE) && facade.dobj.mds.ndims > 0) {
// create a dimension - always use the first dataspace length
facade.dimList =
addDimension(g, h5group,, facade.dobj.mds.dimLength[0], facade.dobj.mds.maxLength[0] == -1);
facade.hasNetcdfDimensions = true;
if (!h5iosp.includeOriginalAttributes)
if (facade.dobj.mds.ndims > 1)
facade.is2DCoordinate = true;
* old way
* findNetcdf4DimidAttribute(facade);
* if (facade.dobj.mds.ndims == 1) { // 1D dimension scale
* // create a dimension
* facade.dimList = addDimension(g, h5group,, facade.dobj.mds.dimLength[0],
* facade.dobj.mds.maxLength[0] == -1);
* if (! h5iosp.includeOriginalAttributes) iter.remove();
* } else { // multiD dimension scale
* int dimIndex = findCoordinateDimensionIndex(facade, h5group);
* addDimension(g, h5group,, facade.dobj.mds.dimLength[dimIndex],
* facade.dobj.mds.maxLength[dimIndex] == -1);
* if (!h5iosp.includeOriginalAttributes) iter.remove();
* }
private void findDimensionScales2D(H5Group h5group, DataObjectFacade facade) {
int[] lens = facade.dobj.mds.dimLength;
if (lens.length > 2) {
log.warn("DIMENSION_LIST: dimension scale > 2 = {}", facade.getName());
// first dimension is itself
String name = facade.getName();
int pos = name.lastIndexOf('/');
String dimName = (pos >= 0) ? name.substring(pos + 1) : name;
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
sbuff.append(" ");
// second dimension is really an anonymous dimension, ironically now we go through amazing hoops to keep it shared
// 1. use dimids if they exist
// 2. if length matches and unique, use it
// 3. if no length matches or multiple matches, then use anonymous
int want_len = lens[1]; // second dimension
Dimension match = null;
boolean unique = true;
for (Dimension d : h5group.dimList) {
if (d.getLength() == want_len) {
if (match == null)
match = d;
unique = false;
if (match != null && unique) {
sbuff.append(match.getShortName()); // 2. if length matches and unique, use it
} else {
if (match == null) { // 3. if no length matches or multiple matches, then use anonymous
log.warn("DIMENSION_LIST: dimension scale {} has second dimension {} but no match", facade.getName(), want_len);
} else {
log.warn("DIMENSION_LIST: dimension scale {} has second dimension {} but multiple matches", facade.getName(),
facade.dimList = sbuff.toString();
* private void findNetcdf4DimidAttribute(DataObjectFacade facade) throws IOException {
* for (MessageAttribute matt : facade.dobj.attributes) {
* if ( {
* if (dimIds == null) dimIds = new HashMap();
* Attribute att_dimid = makeAttribute(matt);
* Integer dimid = (Integer) att_dimid.getNumericValue();
* dimIds.put(dimid, facade);
* return;
* }
* }
* if (dimIds != null) // supposed to all have them
* log.warn("Missing "+Nc4.NETCDF4_DIMID+" attribute on "+facade.getName());
* }
* the case of multidimensional dimension scale. We need to identify which index to use as the dimension length.
* the pattern is, eg:
* _Netcdf4Coordinates = 6, 4
* _Netcdf4Dimid = 6
* private int findCoordinateDimensionIndex(DataObjectFacade facade, H5Group h5group) throws IOException {
* Attribute att_coord = null;
* Attribute att_dimid = null;
* for (MessageAttribute matt : facade.dobj.attributes) {
* if (
* att_coord = makeAttribute(matt);
* if (
* att_dimid = makeAttribute(matt);
* }
* if (att_coord != null && att_dimid != null) {
* facade.netcdf4CoordinatesAtt = att_coord;
* Integer want = (Integer) att_dimid.getNumericValue();
* for (int i=0; i iter = facade.dobj.attributes.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
MessageAttribute matt =;
// find the dimensions - set length to maximum
// DIMENSION_LIST contains, for each dimension, a list of references to Dimension Scales
switch ( {
case HDF5_DIMENSION_LIST: { // references : may extend the dimension length
Attribute att = makeAttribute(matt); // this reads in the data
if (att == null) {
log.warn("DIMENSION_LIST: failed to read on variable {}", facade.getName());
} else if (att.getLength() != facade.dobj.mds.dimLength.length) { // some attempts to writing hdf5 directly
// fail here
log.warn("DIMENSION_LIST: must have same number of dimension scales as dimensions att={} on variable {}",
att, facade.getName());
} else {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < att.getLength(); i++) {
String name = att.getStringValue(i);
String dimName = extendDimension(g, h5group, name, facade.dobj.mds.dimLength[i]);
sbuff.append(dimName).append(" ");
facade.dimList = sbuff.toString();
facade.hasNetcdfDimensions = true;
if (debugDimensionScales) {
log.debug("Found dimList '{}' for group '{}' matt={}", facade.dimList, g.getFullName(), matt);
if (!h5iosp.includeOriginalAttributes)
Attribute att = makeAttribute(matt);
if (att == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
String val = att.getStringValue();
if (val.startsWith("This is a netCDF dimension but not a netCDF variable")) {
facade.isVariable = false;
isNetcdf4 = true;
if (!h5iosp.includeOriginalAttributes)
if (debugDimensionScales) {
log.debug("Found {}", val);
if (!h5iosp.includeOriginalAttributes)
return facade.hasNetcdfDimensions || facade.dobj.mds.dimLength.length == 0;
// add a dimension, return its name
private String addDimension(ucar.nc2.Group g, H5Group h5group, String name, int length, boolean isUnlimited) {
int pos = name.lastIndexOf('/');
String dimName = (pos >= 0) ? name.substring(pos + 1) : name;
Dimension d = h5group.dimMap.get(dimName); // first look in current group
// if (d == null)
// d = g.findDimension(dimName); // then look in parent groups LOOK
if (d == null) { // create if not found
d = new Dimension(dimName, length, true, isUnlimited, false);
h5group.dimMap.put(dimName, d);
if (debugDimensionScales) {
log.debug("addDimension name=" + name + " dim= " + d + " to group " + g);
} else { // check has correct length
if (d.getLength() != length)
throw new IllegalStateException(
"addDimension: DimScale has different length than dimension it references dimScale=" + dimName);
return d.getShortName();
// look for unlimited dimensions without dimension scale - must get length from the variable
private String extendDimension(ucar.nc2.Group g, H5Group h5group, String name, int length) {
int pos = name.lastIndexOf('/');
String dimName = (pos >= 0) ? name.substring(pos + 1) : name;
Dimension d = h5group.dimMap.get(dimName); // first look in current group
if (d == null)
d = g.findDimension(dimName); // then look in parent groups
if (d != null) {
if (d.isUnlimited() && (length > d.getLength()))
if (!d.isUnlimited() && (length != d.getLength())) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"extendDimension: DimScale has different length than dimension it references dimScale=" + dimName);
return d.getShortName();
return dimName;
private void createDimensions(ucar.nc2.Group g, H5Group h5group) {
for (Dimension d : h5group.dimList) {
private List filterAttributes(List attList) {
List result = new ArrayList<>(attList.size());
for (MessageAttribute matt : attList) {
if ( ||
|| {
isNetcdf4 = true;
} else {
return result;
* Create Attribute objects from the MessageAttribute and add to list
* @param s if attribute for a Structure, then deconstruct and add to member variables
* @param matt attribute message
* @param attContainer add Attribute to this
* @throws IOException on io error
* @throws ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException on shape error
private void makeAttributes(Structure s, MessageAttribute matt, AttributeContainer attContainer)
throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
MessageDatatype mdt = matt.mdt;
if (mdt.type == 6) { // structure
Vinfo vinfo = new Vinfo(matt.mdt, matt.mds, matt.dataPos);
ArrayStructure attData = (ArrayStructure) readAttributeData(matt, vinfo, DataType.STRUCTURE);
if (null == s) {
// flatten and add to list
for (StructureMembers.Member sm : attData.getStructureMembers().getMembers()) {
Array memberData = attData.extractMemberArray(sm);
attContainer.addAttribute(new Attribute( + "." + sm.getName(), memberData));
} else if ( {
// flatten and add to list
for (StructureMembers.Member sm : attData.getStructureMembers().getMembers()) {
String memberName = sm.getName();
int pos = memberName.indexOf(":");
if (pos < 0)
continue; // LOOK
String fldName = memberName.substring(0, pos);
String attName = memberName.substring(pos + 1);
Array memberData = attData.extractMemberArray(sm);
Variable v = s.findVariable(fldName);
if (v == null)
continue; // LOOK
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(attName, memberData));
} else { // assign separate attribute for each member
StructureMembers attMembers = attData.getStructureMembers();
for (Variable v : s.getVariables()) {
StructureMembers.Member sm = attMembers.findMember(v.getShortName()); // does the compound attribute have a
// member with same name as nested
// variable ?
if (null != sm) {
Array memberData = attData.extractMemberArray(sm); // if so, add the att to the member variable, using the
// name of the compound attribute
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(, memberData)); // LOOK want to check for missing values....
// look for unassigned members, add to the list
for (StructureMembers.Member sm : attData.getStructureMembers().getMembers()) {
if (s.findVariable(sm.getName()) == null) {
Array memberData = attData.extractMemberArray(sm);
attContainer.addAttribute(new Attribute( + "." + sm.getName(), memberData));
} else {
// make a single attribute
Attribute att = makeAttribute(matt);
if (att != null)
// reading attribute values might change byte order during a read
// put back to little endian for further header processing
private Attribute makeAttribute(MessageAttribute matt) throws IOException {
Vinfo vinfo = new Vinfo(matt.mdt, matt.mds, matt.dataPos);
DataType dtype = vinfo.getNCDataType();
// check for empty attribute case
if (matt.mds.type == 2) {
if (dtype == DataType.CHAR)
return new Attribute(, DataType.STRING); // empty char considered to be a null string attr
return new Attribute(, dtype);
Array attData;
try {
attData = readAttributeData(matt, vinfo, dtype);
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
log.warn("failed to read Attribute " + + " HDF5 file=" + getRandomAccessFile().getLocation());
return null;
Attribute result;
if (attData.isVlen()) {
List dataList = new ArrayList<>();
while (attData.hasNext()) {
Array nested = (Array);
while (nested.hasNext())
result = new Attribute(, dataList, matt.mdt.unsigned);
} else {
result = new Attribute(, attData);
return result;
// read attribute values without creating a Variable
private Array readAttributeData(H5header.MessageAttribute matt, H5header.Vinfo vinfo, DataType dataType)
throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
int[] shape = matt.mds.dimLength;
// Structures
if (dataType == DataType.STRUCTURE) {
boolean hasStrings = false;
StructureMembers sm = new StructureMembers(;
for (H5header.StructureMember h5sm : matt.mdt.members) {
// from [email protected] 2/19/2010 - fix for compound attributes
// DataType dt = getNCtype(h5sm.mdt.type, h5sm.mdt.byteSize);
// StructureMembers.Member m = sm.addMember(, null, null, dt, new int[] {1});
DataType dt;
int[] dim;
switch (h5sm.mdt.type) {
case 9: // STRING
dt = DataType.STRING;
dim = new int[] {1};
case 10: // ARRAY
dt = getNCtype(h5sm.mdt.base.type, h5sm.mdt.base.byteSize, h5sm.mdt.unsigned);
dim = h5sm.mdt.dim;
default: // PRIMITIVE
dt = getNCtype(h5sm.mdt.type, h5sm.mdt.byteSize, h5sm.mdt.unsigned);
dim = new int[] {1};
StructureMembers.Member m = sm.addMember(, null, null, dt, dim);
if (h5sm.mdt.endian >= 0) // apparently each member may have separate byte order (!!!??)
h5sm.mdt.endian == RandomAccessFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN ? ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
m.setDataParam((h5sm.offset)); // offset since start of Structure
if (dt == DataType.STRING)
hasStrings = true;
int recsize = matt.mdt.byteSize;
Layout layout = new LayoutRegular(matt.dataPos, recsize, shape, new Section(shape));
// place data into an ArrayStructureBB for efficiency
ArrayStructureBB asbb = new ArrayStructureBB(sm, shape);
byte[] byteArray = asbb.getByteBuffer().array();
while (layout.hasNext()) {
Layout.Chunk chunk =;
if (chunk == null)
if (debugStructure) {
log.debug(" readStructure " + + " chunk= " + chunk + " index.getElemSize= " + layout.getElemSize());
// copy bytes directly into the underlying byte[]
getRandomAccessFile().readFully(byteArray, (int) chunk.getDestElem() * recsize, chunk.getNelems() * recsize);
// strings are stored on the heap, and must be read separately
if (hasStrings) {
int destPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < layout.getTotalNelems(); i++) { // loop over each structure
h5iosp.convertHeap(asbb, destPos, sm);
destPos += layout.getElemSize();
return asbb;
} // Structure case
// Strings
if ((vinfo.typeInfo.hdfType == 9) && (vinfo.typeInfo.isVString)) {
Layout layout = new LayoutRegular(matt.dataPos, matt.mdt.byteSize, shape, new Section(shape));
ArrayObject.D1 data = (ArrayObject.D1) Array.factory(DataType.STRING, new int[] {(int) layout.getTotalNelems()});
int count = 0;
while (layout.hasNext()) {
Layout.Chunk chunk =;
if (chunk == null)
for (int i = 0; i < chunk.getNelems(); i++) {
long address = chunk.getSrcPos() + layout.getElemSize() * i;
String sval = readHeapString(address);
data.set(count++, sval);
return data;
} // vlen case
// Vlen (non-String)
if (vinfo.typeInfo.hdfType == 9) { // vlen
int endian = vinfo.typeInfo.endian;
DataType readType = dataType;
if (vinfo.typeInfo.base.hdfType == 7) { // reference
readType = DataType.LONG;
endian = 1; // apparently always LE
Layout layout = new LayoutRegular(matt.dataPos, matt.mdt.byteSize, shape, new Section(shape));
// general case is to read an array of vlen objects
// each vlen generates an Array - so return ArrayObject of Array
boolean scalar = layout.getTotalNelems() == 1; // if scalar, return just the len Array
Array[] data = new Array[(int) layout.getTotalNelems()];
int count = 0;
while (layout.hasNext()) {
Layout.Chunk chunk =;
if (chunk == null)
for (int i = 0; i < chunk.getNelems(); i++) {
long address = chunk.getSrcPos() + layout.getElemSize() * i;
Array vlenArray = getHeapDataArray(address, readType, endian);
if (vinfo.typeInfo.base.hdfType == 7)
data[count++] = h5iosp.convertReference(vlenArray);
data[count++] = vlenArray;
// return (scalar) ? data[0] : Array.makeObjectArray(readType, data[0].getClass(), shape, data);
return (scalar) ? data[0] : Array.makeVlenArray(shape, data);
} // vlen case
DataType readDtype = dataType;
int elemSize = dataType.getSize();
int endian = vinfo.typeInfo.endian;
if (vinfo.typeInfo.hdfType == 2) { // time
readDtype = vinfo.mdt.timeType;
elemSize = readDtype.getSize();
} else if (vinfo.typeInfo.hdfType == 3) { // char
if (vinfo.mdt.byteSize > 1) {
int[] newShape = new int[shape.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(shape, 0, newShape, 0, shape.length);
newShape[shape.length] = vinfo.mdt.byteSize;
shape = newShape;
} else if (vinfo.typeInfo.hdfType == 5) { // opaque
elemSize = vinfo.mdt.byteSize;
} else if (vinfo.typeInfo.hdfType == 8) { // enum
H5header.TypeInfo baseInfo = vinfo.typeInfo.base;
readDtype = baseInfo.dataType;
elemSize = readDtype.getSize();
endian = baseInfo.endian;
Layout layout = new LayoutRegular(matt.dataPos, elemSize, shape, new Section(shape));
Object data = h5iosp.readDataPrimitive(layout, dataType, shape, null, endian, false);
Array dataArray;
if ((dataType == DataType.CHAR)) {
if (vinfo.mdt.byteSize > 1) { // chop back into pieces
byte[] bdata = (byte[]) data;
int strlen = vinfo.mdt.byteSize;
int n = bdata.length / strlen;
ArrayObject.D1 sarray = (ArrayObject.D1) Array.factory(DataType.STRING, new int[] {n});
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String sval = convertString(bdata, i * strlen, strlen);
sarray.set(i, sval);
dataArray = sarray;
} else {
String sval = convertString((byte[]) data);
ArrayObject.D1 sarray = (ArrayObject.D1) Array.factory(DataType.STRING, new int[] {1});
sarray.set(0, sval);
dataArray = sarray;
} else {
dataArray = (data instanceof Array) ? (Array) data : Array.factory(readDtype, shape, data);
// convert attributes to enum strings
if ((vinfo.typeInfo.hdfType == 8) && ( != null)) {
dataArray = convertEnums(, dataType, dataArray);
return dataArray;
private String convertString(byte[] b) {
// null terminates
int count = 0;
while (count < b.length) {
if (b[count] == 0)
return new String(b, 0, count, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // all strings are considered to be UTF-8 unicode
private String convertString(byte[] b, int start, int len) {
// null terminates
int count = start;
while (count < start + len) {
if (b[count] == 0)
return new String(b, start, count - start, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // all strings are considered to be UTF-8
// unicode
protected Array convertEnums(Map map, DataType dataType, Array values) {
Array result = Array.factory(DataType.STRING, values.getShape());
IndexIterator ii = result.getIndexIterator();
while (values.hasNext()) {
int ival;
if (dataType == DataType.ENUM1)
ival = (int) DataType.unsignedByteToShort(values.nextByte());
else if (dataType == DataType.ENUM2)
ival = DataType.unsignedShortToInt(values.nextShort());
ival = values.nextInt();
String sval = map.get(ival);
if (sval == null)
sval = "Unknown enum value=" + ival;
return result;
* private Attribute makeAttribute(String forWho, String attName, MessageDatatype mdt, MessageDataspace mds, long
* dataPos) throws IOException {
* ucar.ma2.Array data = getAttributeData(forWho, null, attName, mdt, mds, dataPos);
* if (data.getElementType() == Array.class) { // vlen
* List dataList = new ArrayList();
* while (data.hasNext()) {
* Array nested = (Array);
* while (nested.hasNext())
* dataList.add(;
* }
* return new Attribute(attName, dataList);
* }
* return (data == null) ? null : new Attribute(attName, data);
* }
* private Array getAttributeData(String forWho, Structure s, String attName, MessageDatatype mdt, MessageDataspace
* mds, long dataPos) throws IOException {
* ucar.ma2.Array data;
* // make a temporary variable, so we can use H5iosp to read the data
* Variable v;
* if (mdt.type == 6) {
* Structure satt = new Structure(ncfile, null, null, attName);
* satt.setMemberVariables(s.getVariables());
* v = satt;
* v.setElementSize(mdt.byteSize);
* } else {
* v = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, attName);
* }
* // make its Vinfo object
* Vinfo vinfo = new Vinfo(mdt, mds, dataPos);
* if (!makeVariableShapeAndType(v, mdt, mds, vinfo, null)) {
* log.debug("SKIPPING attribute " + attName + " for " + forWho + " with dataType= " + vinfo.typeInfo.hdfType);
* return null;
* }
* v.setSPobject(vinfo);
* vinfo.setOwner(v);
* v.setCaching(false);
* if (debug1) {
* log.debug("makeAttribute " + attName + " for " + forWho + "; vinfo= " + vinfo);
* }
* // read the data
* if ((mdt.type == 7) && attName.equals("DIMENSION_LIST")) { // convert to dimension names (LOOK is this netcdf4
* specific?)
* if (mdt.referenceType == 0)
* data = readReferenceObjectNames(v);
* else { // not doing reference regions here
* log.debug("SKIPPING attribute " + attName + " for " + forWho + " with referenceType= " + mdt.referenceType);
* return null;
* }
* } else {
* try {
* data = h5iosp.readData(v, v.getShapeAsSection());
* } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
* log.error("H5header.makeAttribute", e);
* if (debug1) { log.debug("ERROR attribute " + e.getMessage()); }
* return null;
* }
* // convert attributes to enum strings
* if (v.getDataType().isEnum()) {
* // LOOK EnumTypedef enumTypedef = ncfile.getRootGroup().findEnumeration( mdt.enumTypeName);
* EnumTypedef enumTypedef = v.getEnumTypedef();
* if (enumTypedef != null)
* data = convertEnums( enumTypedef, data);
* }
* }
* return data;
* }
* protected Array convertEnums(EnumTypedef enumTypedef, Array values) {
* Array result = Array.factory(DataType.STRING, values.getShape());
* IndexIterator ii = result.getIndexIterator();
* while (values.hasNext()) {
* String sval = enumTypedef.lookupEnumString(values.nextInt());
* ii.setObjectNext(sval);
* }
* return result;
* }
* /* private Array readAttributeData() {
* // deal with reference type
* /* Dataset region references are stored as a heap-ID which points to the following information within the
* file-heap:
* an offset of the object pointed to,
* number-type information (same format as header message),
* dimensionality information (same format as header message),
* sub-set start and end information (i.e. a coordinate location for each),
* and field start and end names (i.e. a [pointer to the] string indicating the first field included and a [pointer to
* the] string name for the last field).
* if (mdt.type == 7) { // reference
* // datapos points to a position of the refrenced object, i think
* long referencedObjectPos = readOffset();
* //log.debug("WARNING Reference at "+dataPos+" referencedObjectPos = "+referencedObjectPos);
* // LOOK, should only read this once
* DataObject referencedObject = new DataObject(null, "att", referencedObjectPos);
* mdt = referencedObject.mdt;
* mds =;
* dataPos = referencedObject.msl.dataAddress; // LOOK - should this be converted to filePos?
* }
* try {
* ucar.ma2.Array data = h5iosp.readData( v, v.getShapeAsSection());
* //ucar.ma2.Array data =;
* return new Attribute(attName, data);
* } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
* log.error("H5header.makeAttribute", e);
* return null;
* }
* }
* A dataset has Datatype, Dataspace, StorageLayout.
* A structure member only has Datatype.
* An array is specified through Datatype=10. Storage is speced in the parent.
* dataPos must be absolute.
* Variable v = makeVariable(, ndo.messages, getFileOffset(ndo.msl.dataAddress), ndo.mdt,
* ndo.msl, ndo.mds, ndo.mfp)
private Variable makeVariable(ucar.nc2.Group ncGroup, DataObjectFacade facade) throws IOException {
Vinfo vinfo = new Vinfo(facade);
if (vinfo.getNCDataType() == null) {
log.debug("SKIPPING DataType= " + vinfo.typeInfo.hdfType + " for variable " +;
return null;
// deal with filters, cant do SZIP
if (facade.dobj.mfp != null) {
for (Filter f : facade.dobj.mfp.filters) {
if ( == 4) {
log.debug("SKIPPING variable with SZIP Filter= " + facade.dobj.mfp + " for variable " +;
return null;
Attribute fillAttribute = null;
for (HeaderMessage mess : facade.dobj.messages) {
if (mess.mtype == MessageType.FillValue) {
MessageFillValue fvm = (MessageFillValue) mess.messData;
if (fvm.hasFillValue)
vinfo.fillValue = fvm.value;
} else if (mess.mtype == MessageType.FillValueOld) {
MessageFillValueOld fvm = (MessageFillValueOld) mess.messData;
if (fvm.size > 0)
vinfo.fillValue = fvm.value;
Object fillValue = vinfo.getFillValueNonDefault();
if (fillValue != null) {
Object defFillValue = N3iosp.getFillValueDefault(vinfo.typeInfo.dataType);
if (!fillValue.equals(defFillValue))
fillAttribute = new Attribute(CDM.FILL_VALUE, (Number) fillValue, vinfo.typeInfo.unsigned);
long dataAddress = facade.dobj.msl.dataAddress;
// deal with unallocated data
if (dataAddress == -1) {
vinfo.useFillValue = true;
// if didnt find, use zeroes !!
if (vinfo.fillValue == null) {
vinfo.fillValue = new byte[vinfo.typeInfo.dataType.getSize()];
Variable v;
Structure s = null;
if (facade.dobj.mdt.type == 6) { // Compound
String vname =;
s = new Structure(ncfile, ncGroup, null, vname);
v = s;
if (!makeVariableShapeAndType(v, facade.dobj.mdt, facade.dobj.mds, vinfo, facade.dimList))
return null;
addMembersToStructure(ncGroup, s, vinfo, facade.dobj.mdt);
} else {
String vname =;
if (vname.startsWith(Nc4.NETCDF4_NON_COORD))
vname = vname.substring(Nc4.NETCDF4_NON_COORD.length()); // skip prefix
v = new Variable(ncfile, ncGroup, null, vname);
if (!makeVariableShapeAndType(v, facade.dobj.mdt, facade.dobj.mds, vinfo, facade.dimList))
return null;
// special case of variable length strings
if (v.getDataType() == DataType.STRING)
v.setElementSize(16); // because the array has elements that are HeapIdentifier
else if (v.getDataType() == DataType.OPAQUE) // special case of opaque
// look for attributes
List fatts = filterAttributes(facade.dobj.attributes);
for (MessageAttribute matt : fatts) {
try {
makeAttributes(s, matt, v);
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
processSystemAttributes(facade.dobj.messages, v);
if (fillAttribute != null && v.findAttribute(CDM.FILL_VALUE) == null)
// if (vinfo.typeInfo.unsigned)
// v.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNSIGNED, "true"));
if (facade.dobj.mdt.type == 5) {
String desc = facade.dobj.mdt.opaque_desc;
if ((desc != null) && (!desc.isEmpty()))
v.addAttribute(new Attribute("_opaqueDesc", desc));
if (vinfo.isChunked) {// make the data btree, but entries are not read in
vinfo.btree = new DataBTree(this, dataAddress, v.getShape(), vinfo.storageSize, memTracker);
if (vinfo.isChunked) { // add an attribute describing the chunk size
List chunksize = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < vinfo.storageSize.length - 1; i++) // skip last one - its the element size
v.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.CHUNK_SIZES, chunksize, true));
if (transformReference && (facade.dobj.mdt.type == 7) && (facade.dobj.mdt.referenceType == 0)) { // object reference
// System.out.println("transform object Reference: facade=" + +" variable name=" + v.getName());
Array oldData =;
Array newData = findReferenceObjectNames(oldData);
v.setCachedData(newData, true); // so is never called
v.addAttribute(new Attribute("_HDF5ReferenceType", "values are names of referenced Variables"));
if (transformReference && (facade.dobj.mdt.type == 7) && (facade.dobj.mdt.referenceType == 1)) { // region reference
if (warnings)
log.warn("transform region Reference: facade=" + + " variable name=" + v.getFullName());
int nelems = (int) v.getSize();
int heapIdSize = 12;
* doesnt work yet
* for (int i = 0; i < nelems; i++) {
* H5header.RegionReference heapId = new RegionReference(vinfo.dataPos + heapIdSize * i); // LOOK doesnt work
* }
// fake data for now
Array newData = Array.factory(DataType.LONG, v.getShape());
v.setCachedData(newData, true); // so is never called
v.addAttribute(new Attribute("_HDF5ReferenceType", "values are regions of referenced Variables"));
// debugging
if ((vinfo.typeInfo.hdfType == 7) && warnings) {
log.warn(" Variable " + + " is a Reference type");
if ((vinfo.mfp != null) && warnings) {
for (Filter f : vinfo.mfp.getFilters()) {
log.warn(" Variable " + + " has unknown Filter(s) = " + vinfo.mfp);
if (debug1) {
log.debug("makeVariable " + v.getFullName() + "; vinfo= " + vinfo);
return v;
// convert an array of lons which are data object references to an array of strings,
// the names of the data objects (dobj.who)
private Array findReferenceObjectNames(Array data) throws IOException {
IndexIterator ii = data.getIndexIterator();
Array newData = Array.factory(DataType.STRING, data.getShape());
IndexIterator ii2 = newData.getIndexIterator();
while (ii.hasNext()) {
long objId = ii.getLongNext();
DataObject dobj = getDataObject(objId, null);
if (dobj == null) {
log.warn("readReferenceObjectNames cant find obj= {}", objId);
} else {
if (debugReference) {
log.debug(" Referenced object= {}", dobj.who);
return newData;
private void addMembersToStructure(Group g, Structure s, Vinfo parentVinfo, MessageDatatype mdt) throws IOException {
for (StructureMember m : mdt.members) {
Variable v = makeVariableMember(g, s,, m.offset, m.mdt);
if (v != null) {
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" made Member Variable " + v.getFullName() + "\n" + v);
// Used for Structure Members
private Variable makeVariableMember(Group g, Structure s, String name, long dataPos, MessageDatatype mdt)
throws IOException {
Variable v;
Vinfo vinfo = new Vinfo(mdt, null, dataPos); // LOOK need mds
if (vinfo.getNCDataType() == null) {
log.debug("SKIPPING DataType= " + vinfo.typeInfo.hdfType + " for variable " + name);
return null;
if (mdt.type == 6) {
v = new Structure(ncfile, g, s, name);
makeVariableShapeAndType(v, mdt, null, vinfo, null);
addMembersToStructure(g, (Structure) v, vinfo, mdt);
} else {
v = new Variable(ncfile, g, s, name);
makeVariableShapeAndType(v, mdt, null, vinfo, null);
// special case of variable length strings
if (v.getDataType() == DataType.STRING)
v.setElementSize(16); // because the array has elements that are HeapIdentifier
else if (v.getDataType() == DataType.OPAQUE) // special case of opaque
// if (vinfo.typeInfo.unsigned)
// v.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.UNSIGNED, "true"));
return v;
private void processSystemAttributes(List messages, AttributeContainer attContainer) {
for (HeaderMessage mess : messages) {
* if (mess.mtype == MessageType.LastModified) {
* MessageLastModified m = (MessageLastModified) mess.messData;
* CalendarDate cd = CalendarDate.of((long) (m.secs * 1000));
* attributes.add(new Attribute("_lastModified", cd.toString()));
* } else if (mess.mtype == MessageType.LastModifiedOld) {
* MessageLastModifiedOld m = (MessageLastModifiedOld) mess.messData;
* try {
* Date d = getHdfDateFormatter().parse(m.datemod);
* CalendarDate cd = CalendarDate.of(d);
* attributes.add(new Attribute("_lastModified", cd.toString()));
* }
* catch (ParseException ex) {
* log.debug("ERROR parsing date from MessageLastModifiedOld = " + m.datemod);
* }
* } else
if (mess.mtype == MessageType.Comment) {
MessageComment m = (MessageComment) mess.messData;
attContainer.addAttribute(new Attribute("_comment", m.comment));
private java.text.SimpleDateFormat getHdfDateFormatter() {
if (hdfDateParser == null) {
hdfDateParser = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
hdfDateParser.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); // same as UTC
return hdfDateParser;
// set the type and shape of the Variable
private boolean makeVariableShapeAndType(Variable v, MessageDatatype mdt, MessageDataspace msd, Vinfo vinfo,
String dims) {
int[] dim = (msd != null) ? msd.dimLength : new int[0];
if (dim == null)
dim = new int[0]; // scaler
boolean hasvlen = mdt.isVlen();
// merge the shape for array type (10)
if (mdt.type == 10) {
int len = dim.length + mdt.dim.length;
if (hasvlen)
int[] combinedDim = new int[len];
System.arraycopy(dim, 0, combinedDim, 0, dim.length);
System.arraycopy(mdt.dim, 0, combinedDim, dim.length, mdt.dim.length); // // type 10 is the inner dimensions
if (hasvlen)
combinedDim[len - 1] = -1;
dim = combinedDim;
// set dimensions on the variable
try {
if (dims != null) { // dimensions were passed in
if ((mdt.type == 9) && !mdt.isVString)
v.setDimensions(dims + " *");
} else if (mdt.type == 3) { // fixed length string - DataType.CHAR, add string length
if (mdt.byteSize == 1) // scalar string member variable
else {
int[] shape = new int[dim.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(dim, 0, shape, 0, dim.length);
shape[dim.length] = mdt.byteSize;
} else if (mdt.isVlen()) { // variable length (not a string)
if ((dim.length == 1) && (dim[0] == 1)) { // replace scalar with vlen
int[] shape = {-1};
} else if (mdt.type != 10) { // add vlen dimension already done above for array
int[] shape = new int[dim.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(dim, 0, shape, 0, dim.length);
shape[dim.length] = -1;
} else {
} else { // all other cases
} catch (InvalidRangeException ee) {
log.debug("ERROR: makeVariableShapeAndType {}", ee.getMessage());
return false;
// set the type
DataType dt = vinfo.getNCDataType();
if (dt == null)
return false;
// set the enumTypedef
if (dt.isEnum()) {
// dmh: An HDF5 file, at least as used by netcdf-4, may define an enumeration
// type one or more times:
// 1. There may be an explicit, independent enum type definition.
// 2. A variable/HDF5-Dataset may define an implicit enum type with the same name as the variable.
// 3. A variable may define an implicit enum type that is a copy of a case 1 enum type;
// the implicit enum type will have the same name as the independent enum type.
// The algorithm to infer (and if necessary, create) the proper EnumTypeDef is as follows:
// Step 1. If there exists a case 1 enum type with the same name as the variable's enum type,
// then use that.
// Step 2. If the variable's enum type has the same name as the variable, then we need to
// look for a case 1 enum type that is structurally the same as the variable's enum type.
// If such exists, then use that.
// Step 3: Otherwise, create a new enum type and use that. The new enum type
// will have these properties:
// a. It is defined in the same group as the variable
// b. It has a mutated name similar to the variable's name, namely _enum_t.
EnumTypedef actualEnumTypedef = null; // The final chosen EnumTypedef
Group ncGroup = v.getParentGroupOrRoot();
// Step 1:
// See if an independent enum type already exists with the same name
EnumTypedef candidate = ncGroup.findEnumeration(mdt.enumTypeName, true);
if (candidate != null) {
// There is an independent type, so use it.
actualEnumTypedef = candidate;
// Step 2:
// See if an independent enum type already exists that is structurally similar.
if (actualEnumTypedef == null && mdt.enumTypeName.equals(v.getShortName())) {
// Materialize a enum type def for search purposes; name is irrelevant
EnumTypedef template = new EnumTypedef(mdt.enumTypeName,;
// Search for a structurally similar enum type def
candidate = ncGroup.findSimilarEnumTypedef(template, true);
if (candidate != null) {
// There is an independent type, so use it.
actualEnumTypedef = candidate;
// Step 3: Create an independent type
if (actualEnumTypedef == null) {
String newname = null;
if (mdt.enumTypeName.equals(v.getShortName())) {
// Create mutated name to avoid name conflict
newname = mdt.enumTypeName + "_enum_t";
} else {
newname = mdt.enumTypeName;
actualEnumTypedef = new EnumTypedef(newname,;
// Add to the current group(builder)
if (actualEnumTypedef == null) {
log.warn("Missing EnumTypedef: {}", mdt.enumTypeName);
throw new IllegalStateException("Missing EnumTypedef: " + mdt.enumTypeName);
// associate with the variable
return true;
// Holder of all H5 specific information for a Variable, needed to do IO.
public class Vinfo {
Variable owner; // debugging
DataObjectFacade facade; // debugging
long dataPos; // for regular variables, needs to be absolute, with baseAddress added if needed
// for member variables, is the offset from start of structure
TypeInfo typeInfo;
int[] storageSize; // for type 1 (continuous) : mds.dimLength;
// for type 2 (chunked) : msl.chunkSize (last number is element size)
// null for attributes
boolean isvlen; // VLEN, but not vlenstring
// chunked stuff
boolean isChunked;
DataBTree btree; // only if isChunked
MessageDatatype mdt;
MessageDataspace mds;
MessageFilter mfp;
boolean useFillValue;
byte[] fillValue;
public String getCompression() {
if (mfp == null)
return null;
Formatter f = new Formatter();
for (Filter filt : mfp.filters) {
f.format("%s ",;
return f.toString();
public int[] getChunking() {
return storageSize;
public boolean isChunked() {
return isChunked;
public boolean useFillValue() {
return useFillValue;
public long[] countStorageSize(Formatter f) throws IOException {
long[] result = new long[2];
if (btree == null) {
if (f != null)
f.format("btree is null%n");
return result;
if (useFillValue) {
if (f != null)
f.format("useFillValue - no data is stored%n");
return result;
int count = 0;
long total = 0;
DataBTree.DataChunkIterator iter = btree.getDataChunkIteratorFilter(null);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
DataBTree.DataChunk dc =;
if (f != null)
f.format(" %s%n", dc);
total += dc.size;
result[0] = total;
result[1] = count;
return result;
* Constructor
* @param facade DataObjectFacade: always has an mdt and an msl
Vinfo(DataObjectFacade facade) {
this.facade = facade;
// LOOK if compact, do not use fileOffset
this.dataPos =
(facade.dobj.msl.type == 0) ? facade.dobj.msl.dataAddress : getFileOffset(facade.dobj.msl.dataAddress);
this.mdt = facade.dobj.mdt;
this.mds = facade.dobj.mds;
this.mfp = facade.dobj.mfp;
isvlen = this.mdt.isVlen();
if (!facade.dobj.mdt.isOK && warnings) {
log.debug("WARNING HDF5 file " + ncfile.getLocation() + " not handling " + facade.dobj.mdt);
return; // not a supported datatype
this.isChunked = (facade.dobj.msl.type == 2);
if (isChunked) {
this.storageSize = facade.dobj.msl.chunkSize;
} else {
this.storageSize = facade.dobj.mds.dimLength;
// figure out the data type
this.typeInfo = calcNCtype(facade.dobj.mdt);
* Constructor, used for reading attributes
* @param mdt datatype
* @param mds dataspace
* @param dataPos start of data in file
Vinfo(MessageDatatype mdt, MessageDataspace mds, long dataPos) {
this.mdt = mdt;
this.mds = mds;
this.dataPos = dataPos;
if (!mdt.isOK && warnings) {
log.debug("WARNING HDF5 file " + ncfile.getLocation() + " not handling " + mdt);
return; // not a supported datatype
isvlen = this.mdt.isVlen();
// figure out the data type
// this.hdfType = mdt.type;
this.typeInfo = calcNCtype(mdt);
void setOwner(Variable owner) {
this.owner = owner;
if (btree != null)
* TypeInfo getBaseType() {
* MessageDatatype want = mdt;
* while (want.base != null) want = want.base;
* return calcNCtype(want);
* }
private TypeInfo calcNCtype(MessageDatatype mdt) {
int hdfType = mdt.type;
int byteSize = mdt.byteSize;
byte[] flags = mdt.flags;
// boolean unsigned = mdt.unsigned;
TypeInfo tinfo = new TypeInfo(hdfType, byteSize);
if (hdfType == 0) { // int, long, short, byte
tinfo.dataType = getNCtype(hdfType, byteSize, mdt.unsigned);
tinfo.endian = ((flags[0] & 1) == 0) ? RandomAccessFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN : RandomAccessFile.BIG_ENDIAN;
tinfo.unsigned = ((flags[0] & 8) == 0);
} else if (hdfType == 1) { // floats, doubles
tinfo.dataType = getNCtype(hdfType, byteSize, mdt.unsigned);
tinfo.endian = ((flags[0] & 1) == 0) ? RandomAccessFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN : RandomAccessFile.BIG_ENDIAN;
} else if (hdfType == 2) { // time
tinfo.dataType = DataType.STRING;
tinfo.endian = ((flags[0] & 1) == 0) ? RandomAccessFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN : RandomAccessFile.BIG_ENDIAN;
} else if (hdfType == 3) { // fixed length strings map to CHAR. String is used for Vlen type = 1.
tinfo.dataType = DataType.CHAR;
tinfo.vpad = (flags[0] & 0xf);
// when elem length = 1, there is a problem with dimensionality.
// eg char cr(2); has a storage_size of [1,1].
} else if (hdfType == 4) { // bit field
tinfo.dataType = getNCtype(hdfType, byteSize, mdt.unsigned);
} else if (hdfType == 5) { // opaque
tinfo.dataType = DataType.OPAQUE;
} else if (hdfType == 6) { // structure
tinfo.dataType = DataType.STRUCTURE;
} else if (hdfType == 7) { // reference
tinfo.endian = RandomAccessFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
tinfo.dataType = DataType.LONG; // file offset of the referenced object
// LOOK - should get the object, and change type to whatever it is (?)
} else if (hdfType == 8) { // enums
if (tinfo.byteSize == 1)
tinfo.dataType = DataType.ENUM1;
else if (tinfo.byteSize == 2)
tinfo.dataType = DataType.ENUM2;
else if (tinfo.byteSize == 4)
tinfo.dataType = DataType.ENUM4;
else {
log.warn("Illegal byte suze for enum type = {}", tinfo.byteSize);
throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal byte suze for enum type = " + tinfo.byteSize);
// enumMap =;
} else if (hdfType == 9) { // variable length array
tinfo.isVString = mdt.isVString;
tinfo.isVlen = mdt.isVlen;
if (mdt.isVString) {
tinfo.vpad = ((flags[0] >> 4) & 0xf);
tinfo.dataType = DataType.STRING;
} else {
tinfo.dataType = getNCtype(mdt.getBaseType(), mdt.getBaseSize(), mdt.base.unsigned);
tinfo.endian = mdt.base.endian;
tinfo.unsigned = mdt.base.unsigned;
} else if (hdfType == 10) { // array : used for structure members
tinfo.endian = (mdt.getFlags()[0] & 1) == 0 ? RandomAccessFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN : RandomAccessFile.BIG_ENDIAN;
if (mdt.isVString()) {
tinfo.dataType = DataType.STRING;
} else {
int basetype = mdt.getBaseType();
tinfo.dataType = getNCtype(basetype, mdt.getBaseSize(), mdt.unsigned);
} else if (warnings) {
log.debug("WARNING not handling hdf dataType = " + hdfType + " size= " + byteSize);
if (mdt.base != null) {
tinfo.base = calcNCtype(mdt.base);
return tinfo;
* private DataType getNCtype(int hdfType, int size) {
* if ((hdfType == 0) || (hdfType == 4)) { // integer, bit field
* if (size == 1)
* return DataType.BYTE;
* else if (size == 2)
* return DataType.SHORT;
* else if (size == 4)
* return DataType.INT;
* else if (size == 8)
* return DataType.LONG;
* else if (warnings) {
* log.debug("WARNING HDF5 file " + ncfile.getLocation() + " not handling hdf integer type (" + hdfType +
* ") with size= " + size);
* log.warn("HDF5 file " + ncfile.getLocation() + " not handling hdf integer type (" + hdfType + ") with size= " +
* size);
* return null;
* }
* } else if (hdfType == 1) {
* if (size == 4)
* return DataType.FLOAT;
* else if (size == 8)
* return DataType.DOUBLE;
* else if (warnings) {
* log.debug("WARNING HDF5 file " + ncfile.getLocation() + " not handling hdf float type with size= " + size);
* log.warn("HDF5 file " + ncfile.getLocation() + " not handling hdf float type with size= " + size);
* return null;
* }
* } else if (hdfType == 3) { // fixed length strings. String is used for Vlen type = 1
* return DataType.CHAR;
* } else if (hdfType == 7) { // reference
* return DataType.LONG;
* } else if (warnings) {
* log.debug("WARNING not handling hdf type = " + hdfType + " size= " + size);
* log.warn("HDF5 file " + ncfile.getLocation() + " not handling hdf type = " + hdfType + " size= " + size);
* }
* return null;
* }
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
buff.append("dataPos=").append(dataPos).append(" datatype=").append(typeInfo);
if (isChunked) {
buff.append(" isChunked (");
for (int size : storageSize)
buff.append(size).append(" ");
if (mfp != null)
buff.append(" hasFilter");
buff.append("; // ").append(extraInfo());
if (null != facade)
return buff.toString();
public String extraInfo() {
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
if ((typeInfo.dataType != DataType.CHAR) && (typeInfo.dataType != DataType.STRING))
buff.append(typeInfo.unsigned ? " unsigned" : " signed");
if (typeInfo.endian >= 0)
buff.append((typeInfo.endian == RandomAccessFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN) ? " LittleEndian" : " BigEndian");
if (useFillValue)
buff.append(" useFillValue");
return buff.toString();
DataType getNCDataType() {
return typeInfo.dataType;
* Get the Fill Value, return default if one was not set.
* @return wrapped primitive (Byte, Short, Integer, Double, Float, Long), or null if none
Object getFillValue() {
return (fillValue == null) ? N3iosp.getFillValueDefault(typeInfo.dataType) : getFillValueNonDefault();
Object getFillValueNonDefault() {
if (fillValue == null)
return null;
if ((typeInfo.dataType.getPrimitiveClassType() == byte.class) || (typeInfo.dataType == DataType.CHAR))
return fillValue[0];
ByteBuffer bbuff = ByteBuffer.wrap(fillValue);
if (typeInfo.endian >= 0)
bbuff.order(typeInfo.endian == RandomAccessFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN ? ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN : ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
if (typeInfo.dataType.getPrimitiveClassType() == short.class) {
ShortBuffer tbuff = bbuff.asShortBuffer();
return tbuff.get();
} else if (typeInfo.dataType.getPrimitiveClassType() == int.class) {
IntBuffer tbuff = bbuff.asIntBuffer();
return tbuff.get();
} else if (typeInfo.dataType.getPrimitiveClassType() == long.class) {
LongBuffer tbuff = bbuff.asLongBuffer();
return tbuff.get();
} else if (typeInfo.dataType == DataType.FLOAT) {
FloatBuffer tbuff = bbuff.asFloatBuffer();
return tbuff.get();
} else if (typeInfo.dataType == DataType.DOUBLE) {
DoubleBuffer tbuff = bbuff.asDoubleBuffer();
return tbuff.get();
return null;
private DataType getNCtype(int hdfType, int size, boolean unsigned) {
if ((hdfType == 0) || (hdfType == 4)) { // integer, bit field
DataType.Signedness signedness = unsigned ? DataType.Signedness.UNSIGNED : DataType.Signedness.SIGNED;
if (size == 1)
return DataType.BYTE.withSignedness(signedness);
else if (size == 2)
return DataType.SHORT.withSignedness(signedness);
else if (size == 4)
return DataType.INT.withSignedness(signedness);
else if (size == 8)
return DataType.LONG.withSignedness(signedness);
else if (warnings) {
log.debug("WARNING HDF5 file " + ncfile.getLocation() + " not handling hdf integer type (" + hdfType
+ ") with size= " + size);
log.warn("HDF5 file " + ncfile.getLocation() + " not handling hdf integer type (" + hdfType + ") with size= "
+ size);
return null;
} else if (hdfType == 1) {
if (size == 4)
return DataType.FLOAT;
else if (size == 8)
return DataType.DOUBLE;
else if (warnings) {
log.debug("WARNING HDF5 file " + ncfile.getLocation() + " not handling hdf float type with size= " + size);
log.warn("HDF5 file " + ncfile.getLocation() + " not handling hdf float type with size= " + size);
return null;
} else if (hdfType == 3) { // fixed length strings. String is used for Vlen type = 1
return DataType.CHAR;
} else if (hdfType == 6) {
return DataType.STRUCTURE;
} else if (hdfType == 7) { // reference
return DataType.ULONG;
} else if (hdfType == 9) {
return null; // dunno
} else if (warnings) {
log.debug("WARNING not handling hdf type = " + hdfType + " size= " + size);
log.warn("HDF5 file " + ncfile.getLocation() + " not handling hdf type = " + hdfType + " size= " + size);
return null;
public static class TypeInfo {
int hdfType, byteSize;
DataType dataType;
int endian = -1; // 1 = RandomAccessFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN || 0 = RandomAccessFile.BIG_ENDIAN
boolean unsigned;
boolean isVString; // is it a vlen string
boolean isVlen; // vlen but not string
int vpad; // string padding
TypeInfo base; // vlen, enum
TypeInfo(int hdfType, int byteSize) {
this.hdfType = hdfType;
this.byteSize = byteSize;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
buff.append("hdfType=").append(hdfType).append(" byteSize=").append(byteSize).append(" dataType=")
buff.append(" unsigned=").append(unsigned).append(" isVString=").append(isVString).append(" vpad=").append(vpad)
.append(" endian=").append(endian);
if (base != null)
buff.append("\n base=").append(base);
return buff.toString();
// Internal organization of Data Objects
* All access to data objects come through here, so we can cache.
* Look in cache first; read if not in cache.
* @param address object address (aka id)
* @param name optional name
* @return DataObject
* @throws IOException on read error
private DataObject getDataObject(long address, String name) throws IOException {
// find it
DataObject dobj = addressMap.get(address);
if (dobj != null) {
if ((dobj.who == null) && name != null)
dobj.who = name;
return dobj;
// if (name == null) return null; // ??
// read it
dobj = new DataObject(address, name);
addressMap.put(address, dobj); // look up by address (id)
return dobj;
* A DataObjectFacade can be:
* 1) a DataObject with a specific group/name.
* 2) a SymbolicLink to a DataObject.
* DataObjects can be pointed to from multiple places.
* A DataObjectFacade is in a specific group and has a name specific to that group.
* A DataObject's name is one of its names.
private class DataObjectFacade {
H5Group parent;
String name, displayName;
DataObject dobj;
boolean isGroup;
boolean isVariable;
boolean isTypedef;
boolean is2DCoordinate;
boolean hasNetcdfDimensions;
// is a group
H5Group group;
// or a variable
String dimList; // list of dimension names for this variable
// or a link
String linkName;
// _Netcdf4Coordinates att.
// Attribute netcdf4CoordinatesAtt;
DataObjectFacade(H5Group parent, String name, String linkName) {
this.parent = parent; = name;
this.linkName = linkName;
DataObjectFacade(H5Group parent, String name, long address) throws IOException {
this.parent = parent; = name;
displayName = (name.isEmpty()) ? "root" : name;
dobj = getDataObject(address, displayName);
// hash for soft link lookup
symlinkMap.put(getName(), this); // LOOK does getName() match whats stored in soft link ??
// if has a "group message", then its a group
if ((dobj.groupMessage != null) || (dobj.groupNewMessage != null)) { // if has a "groupNewMessage", then its a
// groupNew
isGroup = true;
// if it has a Datatype and a StorageLayout, then its a Variable
} else if ((dobj.mdt != null) && (dobj.msl != null)) {
isVariable = true;
// if it has only a Datatype, its a Typedef
} else if (dobj.mdt != null) {
isTypedef = true;
} else if (warnings) { // we dont know what it is
log.debug("WARNING Unknown DataObjectFacade = {}", this);
// return;
String getName() {
return (parent == null) ? name : parent.getName() + "/" + name;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
if (dobj == null) {
sbuff.append(" dobj is NULL! ");
} else {
sbuff.append(" id= ").append(dobj.address);
sbuff.append(" messages= ");
for (HeaderMessage message : dobj.messages)
sbuff.append("\n ").append(message);
return sbuff.toString();
private class H5Group {
H5Group parent;
String name, displayName;
DataObjectFacade facade;
List nestedObjects = new ArrayList<>(); // nested data objects
Map dimMap = new HashMap<>();
List dimList = new ArrayList<>(); // need to track dimension order
// "Data Object Header" Level 2A
// read a Data Object Header
// no side effects, can be called multiple time for debugging
private H5Group(DataObjectFacade facade) throws IOException {
this.facade = facade;
this.parent = facade.parent; =;
displayName = (name.isEmpty()) ? "root" : name;
// if has a "group message", then its an "old group"
if (facade.dobj.groupMessage != null) {
// check for hard links
if (debugHardLink) {
log.debug("HO look for group address = {}", facade.dobj.groupMessage.btreeAddress);
if (null != ( = hashGroups.get(facade.dobj.groupMessage.btreeAddress))) {
if (debugHardLink) {
log.debug("WARNING hard link to group = {}",;
if (parent.isChildOf( {
if (debugHardLink) {
log.debug("ERROR hard link to group create a loop = {}",;
log.debug("Remove hard link to group that creates a loop = {}",; = null;
// read the group, and its contained data objects.
readGroupOld(this, facade.dobj.groupMessage.btreeAddress, facade.dobj.groupMessage.nameHeapAddress);
} else if (facade.dobj.groupNewMessage != null) { // if has a "groupNewMessage", then its a groupNew
// read the group, and its contained data objects.
readGroupNew(this, facade.dobj.groupNewMessage, facade.dobj);
} else { // we dont know what it is
throw new IllegalStateException("H5Group needs group messages " + facade.getName());
} = this;
String getName() {
return (parent == null) ? name : parent.getName() + "/" + name;
// is this a child of that ?
boolean isChildOf(H5Group that) {
if (parent == null)
return false;
if (parent == that)
return true;
return parent.isChildOf(that);
public String toString() {
return displayName;
// HDF5 primitive objects
// Level 2A "data object header"
public class DataObject implements Named {
// debugging
public long getAddress() {
return address;
public String getName() {
return who;
public List getMessages() {
List result = new ArrayList<>(100);
for (HeaderMessage m : messages)
if (!(m.messData instanceof MessageAttribute))
return result;
public List getAttributes() {
* List result = new ArrayList(100);
* for (HeaderMessage m : messages)
* if (m.messData instanceof MessageAttribute)
* result.add((MessageAttribute)m.messData);
* result.addAll(attributes);
return attributes;
long address; // aka object id : obviously unique
String who; // may be null, may not be unique
List messages = new ArrayList<>();
List attributes = new ArrayList<>();
// need to look for these
MessageGroup groupMessage;
MessageGroupNew groupNewMessage;
MessageDatatype mdt;
MessageDataspace mds;
MessageLayout msl;
MessageFilter mfp;
byte version; // 1 or 2
// short nmess;
// int referenceCount;
// long headerSize;
public void show(Formatter f) throws IOException {
if (mdt != null) {
f.format("%s ", mdt.getType());
f.format("%s", getName());
if (mds != null) {
for (int len : mds.dimLength)
f.format("%d,", len);
for (H5header.MessageAttribute mess : getAttributes()) {
Attribute att = mess.getNcAttribute();
f.format(" :%s%n", att);
// "Data Object Header" Level 2A
// read a Data Object Header
// no side effects, can be called multiple time for debugging
private DataObject(long address, String who) throws IOException {
this.address = address;
this.who = who;
if (debug1) {
log.debug("\n--> parsing <" + who + "> object ID/address=" + address);
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" now at position=" + getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer() + " for <" + who
+ "> reposition to " + getFileOffset(address));
// if (offset < 0) return null;
version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (version == 1) { // Level 2A1 (first part, before the messages)
getRandomAccessFile().readByte(); // skip byte
short nmess = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" version=" + version + " nmess=" + nmess);
int referenceCount = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
int headerSize = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" referenceCount=" + referenceCount + " headerSize=" + headerSize);
// if (referenceCount > 1)
// log.debug("WARNING referenceCount="+referenceCount);
getRandomAccessFile().skipBytes(4); // header messages multiples of 8
long posMess = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer();
int count = readMessagesVersion1(posMess, nmess, Integer.MAX_VALUE, this.who);
if (debugContinueMessage) {
log.debug(" nmessages read = {}", count);
if (debugPos) {
log.debug("<--done reading messages for <" + who + ">; position=" + getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.addByLen("Object " + who, getFileOffset(address), headerSize + 16);
} else { // level 2A2 (first part, before the messages)
// first byte was already read
String magic = getRandomAccessFile().readString(3);
if (!magic.equals("HDR"))
throw new IllegalStateException("DataObject doesnt start with OHDR");
version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
byte flags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte(); // data object header flags (version 2)
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" version=" + version + " flags=" + Integer.toBinaryString(flags));
// raf.skipBytes(2);
if (((flags >> 5) & 1) == 1) {
int accessTime = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
int modTime = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
int changeTime = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
int birthTime = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (((flags >> 4) & 1) == 1) {
short maxCompactAttributes = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
short minDenseAttributes = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
long sizeOfChunk = readVariableSizeFactor(flags & 3);
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" sizeOfChunk=" + sizeOfChunk);
long posMess = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer();
int count = readMessagesVersion2(posMess, sizeOfChunk, (flags & 4) != 0, this.who);
if (debugContinueMessage) {
log.debug(" nmessages read = {}", count);
if (debugPos) {
log.debug("<--done reading messages for <" + who + ">; position=" + getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
// look for group or a datatype/dataspace/layout message
for (HeaderMessage mess : messages) {
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.addByLen("Message (" + who + ") " + mess.mtype, mess.start, mess.size + 8);
if (mess.mtype == MessageType.Group)
groupMessage = (MessageGroup) mess.messData;
else if (mess.mtype == MessageType.GroupNew)
groupNewMessage = (MessageGroupNew) mess.messData;
else if (mess.mtype == MessageType.SimpleDataspace)
mds = (MessageDataspace) mess.messData;
else if (mess.mtype == MessageType.Datatype)
mdt = (MessageDatatype) mess.messData;
else if (mess.mtype == MessageType.Layout)
msl = (MessageLayout) mess.messData;
else if (mess.mtype == MessageType.FilterPipeline)
mfp = (MessageFilter) mess.messData;
else if (mess.mtype == MessageType.Attribute)
attributes.add((MessageAttribute) mess.messData);
else if (mess.mtype == MessageType.AttributeInfo)
processAttributeInfoMessage((MessageAttributeInfo) mess.messData, attributes);
if (debug1) {
log.debug("<-- end DataObject {}", who);
private void processAttributeInfoMessage(MessageAttributeInfo attInfo, List list)
throws IOException {
long btreeAddress =
(attInfo.v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder > 0) ? attInfo.v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder : attInfo.v2BtreeAddress;
if ((btreeAddress < 0) || (attInfo.fractalHeapAddress < 0))
BTree2 btree = new BTree2(H5header.this, who, btreeAddress);
FractalHeap fractalHeap = new FractalHeap(H5header.this, who, attInfo.fractalHeapAddress, memTracker);
for (BTree2.Entry2 e : btree.entryList) {
byte[] heapId;
switch (btree.btreeType) {
case 8:
heapId = ((BTree2.Record8) e.record).heapId;
case 9:
heapId = ((BTree2.Record9) e.record).heapId;
// the heapId points to an Attribute Message in the fractal Heap
FractalHeap.DHeapId fractalHeapId = fractalHeap.getFractalHeapId(heapId);
long pos = fractalHeapId.getPos();
if (pos > 0) {
MessageAttribute attMessage = new MessageAttribute();
if (
if (debugBtree2) {
log.debug(" attMessage={}", attMessage);
// read messages, starting at pos, until you hit maxMess read, or maxBytes read
// if you hit a continuation message, call recursively
// return number of messaages read
private int readMessagesVersion1(long pos, int maxMess, int maxBytes, String objectName) throws IOException {
if (debugContinueMessage) {
log.debug(" readMessages start at =" + pos + " maxMess= " + maxMess + " maxBytes= " + maxBytes);
int count = 0;
int bytesRead = 0;
while ((count < maxMess) && (bytesRead < maxBytes)) {
* LOOK: MessageContinue not correct ??
* if (posMess >= actualSize)
* break;
HeaderMessage mess = new HeaderMessage();
// messages.add( mess);
int n =, 1, false, objectName);
pos += n;
bytesRead += n;
if (debugContinueMessage) {
log.debug(" count=" + count + " bytesRead=" + bytesRead);
// if we hit a continuation, then we go into nested reading
if (mess.mtype == MessageType.ObjectHeaderContinuation) {
MessageContinue c = (MessageContinue) mess.messData;
if (debugContinueMessage) {
log.debug(" ---ObjectHeaderContinuation--- ");
count += readMessagesVersion1(getFileOffset(c.offset), maxMess - count, (int) c.length, objectName);
if (debugContinueMessage) {
log.debug(" ---ObjectHeaderContinuation return --- ");
} else if (mess.mtype != MessageType.NIL) {
return count;
private int readMessagesVersion2(long filePos, long maxBytes, boolean creationOrderPresent, String objectName)
throws IOException {
if (debugContinueMessage)
debugOut.println(" readMessages2 starts at =" + filePos + " maxBytes= " + maxBytes);
// maxBytes is number of bytes of messages to be read. however, a message is at least 4 bytes long, so
// we are done if we have read > maxBytes - 4. There appears to be an "off by one" possibility
maxBytes -= 3;
int count = 0;
int bytesRead = 0;
while (bytesRead < maxBytes) {
HeaderMessage mess = new HeaderMessage();
// messages.add( mess);
int n =, 2, creationOrderPresent, objectName);
filePos += n;
bytesRead += n;
if (debugContinueMessage)
debugOut.println(" mess size=" + n + " bytesRead=" + bytesRead + " maxBytes=" + maxBytes);
// if we hit a continuation, then we go into nested reading
if (mess.mtype == MessageType.ObjectHeaderContinuation) {
MessageContinue c = (MessageContinue) mess.messData;
long continuationBlockFilePos = getFileOffset(c.offset);
if (debugContinueMessage)
debugOut.println(" ---ObjectHeaderContinuation filePos= " + continuationBlockFilePos);
String sig = readStringFixedLength(4);
if (!sig.equals("OCHK"))
throw new IllegalStateException(" ObjectHeaderContinuation Missing signature");
count +=
readMessagesVersion2(continuationBlockFilePos + 4, (int) c.length - 8, creationOrderPresent, objectName);
if (debugContinueMessage)
debugOut.println(" ---ObjectHeaderContinuation return --- ");
if (debugContinueMessage)
debugOut.println(" continuationMessages =" + count + " bytesRead=" + bytesRead + " maxBytes=" + maxBytes);
} else if (mess.mtype != MessageType.NIL) {
return count;
* void read() throws IOException {
* long pos = raf.getFilePointer();
* String sig = readString(4);
* if (sig.equals("OCHK")) {
* } else {
* offset = readOffset();
* length = readLength();
* }
* if (debug1) { log.debug(" Continue offset=" + offset + " length=" + length); }
* }
} // DataObject
// type safe enum
public static class MessageType {
private static int MAX_MESSAGE = 23;
private static java.util.Map hash = new java.util.HashMap<>(10);
private static MessageType[] mess = new MessageType[MAX_MESSAGE];
public static final MessageType NIL = new MessageType("NIL", 0);
public static final MessageType SimpleDataspace = new MessageType("SimpleDataspace", 1);
public static final MessageType GroupNew = new MessageType("GroupNew", 2);
public static final MessageType Datatype = new MessageType("Datatype", 3);
public static final MessageType FillValueOld = new MessageType("FillValueOld", 4);
public static final MessageType FillValue = new MessageType("FillValue", 5);
public static final MessageType Link = new MessageType("Link", 6);
public static final MessageType ExternalDataFiles = new MessageType("ExternalDataFiles", 7);
public static final MessageType Layout = new MessageType("Layout", 8);
public static final MessageType GroupInfo = new MessageType("GroupInfo", 10);
public static final MessageType FilterPipeline = new MessageType("FilterPipeline", 11);
public static final MessageType Attribute = new MessageType("Attribute", 12);
public static final MessageType Comment = new MessageType("Comment", 13);
public static final MessageType LastModifiedOld = new MessageType("LastModifiedOld", 14);
public static final MessageType SharedObject = new MessageType("SharedObject", 15);
public static final MessageType ObjectHeaderContinuation = new MessageType("ObjectHeaderContinuation", 16);
public static final MessageType Group = new MessageType("Group", 17);
public static final MessageType LastModified = new MessageType("LastModified", 18);
public static final MessageType AttributeInfo = new MessageType("AttributeInfo", 21);
public static final MessageType ObjectReferenceCount = new MessageType("ObjectReferenceCount", 22);
private String name;
private int num;
private MessageType(String name, int num) { = name;
this.num = num;
hash.put(name, this);
mess[num] = this;
* Find the MessageType that matches this name.
* @param name find DataTYpe with this name.
* @return DataType or null if no match.
public static MessageType getType(String name) {
if (name == null)
return null;
return hash.get(name);
* Get the MessageType by number.
* @param num message number.
* @return the MessageType
public static MessageType getType(int num) {
if ((num < 0) || (num >= MAX_MESSAGE))
return null;
return mess[num];
* Message name.
public String toString() {
return name + "(" + num + ")";
* @return Message number.
public int getNum() {
return num;
// Header Message: Level 2A1 and 2A2 (part of Data Object)
public class HeaderMessage implements Comparable {
long start;
byte headerMessageFlags;
int size;
short type, header_length;
Named messData; // header message data
public MessageType getMtype() {
return mtype;
public String getName() {
return messData.getName();
public int getSize() {
return size;
public short getType() {
return type;
public byte getFlags() {
return headerMessageFlags;
public long getStart() {
return start;
MessageType mtype;
short creationOrder = -1;
* Read a message
* @param filePos at this filePos
* @param version header version
* @param creationOrderPresent true if bit2 of data object header flags is set
* @return number of bytes read
* @throws IOException of read error
int read(long filePos, int version, boolean creationOrderPresent, String objectName) throws IOException {
this.start = filePos;
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" --> Message Header starts at =" + getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
if (version == 1) {
type = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
size = DataType.unsignedShortToInt(getRandomAccessFile().readShort());
headerMessageFlags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
header_length = 8;
} else {
type = (short) getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
size = DataType.unsignedShortToInt(getRandomAccessFile().readShort());
// if (size > Short.MAX_VALUE)
// log.debug("HEY");
headerMessageFlags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
header_length = 4;
if (creationOrderPresent) {
creationOrder = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
header_length += 2;
mtype = MessageType.getType(type);
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" -->" + mtype + " messageSize=" + size + " flags = " + Integer.toBinaryString(headerMessageFlags));
if (creationOrderPresent && debugCreationOrder) {
log.debug(" creationOrder = " + creationOrder);
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" --> Message Data starts at=" + getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
if ((headerMessageFlags & 2) != 0) { // shared
messData = getSharedDataObject(mtype).mdt; // eg a shared datatype, eg enums
return header_length + size;
if (mtype == MessageType.NIL) { // 0
// dont do nuttin
} else if (mtype == MessageType.SimpleDataspace) { // 1
MessageDataspace data = new MessageDataspace();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.GroupNew) { // 2
MessageGroupNew data = new MessageGroupNew();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.Datatype) { // 3
MessageDatatype data = new MessageDatatype();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.FillValueOld) { // 4
MessageFillValueOld data = new MessageFillValueOld();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.FillValue) { // 5
MessageFillValue data = new MessageFillValue();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.Link) { // 6
MessageLink data = new MessageLink();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.Layout) { // 8
MessageLayout data = new MessageLayout();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.GroupInfo) { // 10
MessageGroupInfo data = new MessageGroupInfo();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.FilterPipeline) { // 11
MessageFilter data = new MessageFilter();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.Attribute) { // 12
MessageAttribute data = new MessageAttribute();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.Comment) { // 13
MessageComment data = new MessageComment();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.LastModifiedOld) { // 14
MessageLastModifiedOld data = new MessageLastModifiedOld();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.ObjectHeaderContinuation) { // 16
MessageContinue data = new MessageContinue();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.Group) { // 17
MessageGroup data = new MessageGroup();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.LastModified) { // 18
MessageLastModified data = new MessageLastModified();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.AttributeInfo) { // 21
MessageAttributeInfo data = new MessageAttributeInfo();;
messData = data;
} else if (mtype == MessageType.ObjectReferenceCount) { // 21
MessageObjectReferenceCount data = new MessageObjectReferenceCount();;
messData = data;
} else {
log.debug("****UNPROCESSED MESSAGE type = " + mtype + " raw = " + type);
log.warn("SKIP UNPROCESSED MESSAGE type = " + mtype + " raw = " + type);
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException("****UNPROCESSED MESSAGE type = " + mtype + " raw = " + type);
return header_length + size;
public int compareTo(HeaderMessage o) {
return, o.type);
public String toString() {
return "message type = " + mtype + "; " + messData;
// debugging
public void showFractalHeap(Formatter f) {
if (mtype != H5header.MessageType.AttributeInfo) {
f.format("No fractal heap");
MessageAttributeInfo info = (MessageAttributeInfo) messData;
// debugging
public void showCompression(Formatter f) {
if (mtype != H5header.MessageType.AttributeInfo) {
f.format("No fractal heap");
MessageAttributeInfo info = (MessageAttributeInfo) messData;
private DataObject getSharedDataObject(MessageType mtype) throws IOException {
byte sharedVersion = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
byte sharedType = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (sharedVersion == 1)
if ((sharedVersion == 3) && (sharedType == 1)) {
long heapId = getRandomAccessFile().readLong();
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" Shared Message " + sharedVersion + " type=" + sharedType + " heapId = " + heapId);
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" --> Shared Message reposition to =" + getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
// dunno where is the file's shared object header heap ??
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("****SHARED MESSAGE type = " + mtype + " heapId = " + heapId);
} else {
long address = readOffset();
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" Shared Message " + sharedVersion + " type=" + sharedType + " address = " + address);
DataObject dobj = getDataObject(address, null);
if (null == dobj)
throw new IllegalStateException("cant find data object at" + address);
if (mtype == MessageType.Datatype) {
return dobj;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("****SHARED MESSAGE type = " + mtype);
interface Named {
String getName();
// Message Type 1 : "Simple Dataspace" = dimension list / shape
public class MessageDataspace implements Named {
byte ndims, flags;
byte type; // 0 A scalar dataspace, i.e. a dataspace with a single, dimensionless element.
// 1 A simple dataspace, i.e. a dataspace with a a rank > 0 and an appropriate # of dimensions.
// 2 A null dataspace, i.e. a dataspace with no elements.
int[] dimLength, maxLength; // , permute;
// boolean isPermuted;
public String getName() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
for (int size : dimLength)
return sbuff.toString();
public String toString() {
Formatter sbuff = new Formatter();
sbuff.format(" ndims=%d flags=%x type=%d ", ndims, flags, type);
if (dimLength != null) {
sbuff.format(" length=(");
for (int size : dimLength)
sbuff.format("%d,", size);
sbuff.format(") ");
if (maxLength != null) {
for (int aMaxLength : maxLength)
sbuff.format("%d,", aMaxLength);
return sbuff.toString();
void read() throws IOException {
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" *MessageSimpleDataspace start pos= " + getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
byte version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (version == 1) {
ndims = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
flags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
type = (byte) ((ndims == 0) ? 0 : 1);
getRandomAccessFile().skipBytes(5); // skip 5 bytes
} else if (version == 2) {
ndims = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
flags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
type = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("MessageDataspace: unknown version= " + version);
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" SimpleDataspace version= " + version + " flags=" + Integer.toBinaryString(flags) + " ndims="
+ ndims + " type=" + type);
* if (ndims == 0 && !alreadyWarnNdimZero) {
* log.warn("ndims == 0 in HDF5 file= " + raf.getLocation());
* alreadyWarnNdimZero = true;
* }
dimLength = new int[ndims];
for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++)
dimLength[i] = (int) readLength();
boolean hasMax = (flags & 0x01) != 0;
maxLength = new int[ndims];
if (hasMax) {
for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++)
maxLength[i] = (int) readLength();
} else {
System.arraycopy(dimLength, 0, maxLength, 0, ndims);
if (debug1) {
for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
log.debug(" dim length = " + dimLength[i] + " max = " + maxLength[i]);
// Message Type 17/0x11 "Old Group" or "Symbol Table"
private class MessageGroup implements Named {
long btreeAddress, nameHeapAddress;
void read() throws IOException {
btreeAddress = readOffset();
nameHeapAddress = readOffset();
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" Group btreeAddress=" + btreeAddress + " nameHeapAddress=" + nameHeapAddress);
public String toString() {
String sbuff = " btreeAddress=" + btreeAddress + " nameHeapAddress=" + nameHeapAddress;
return sbuff;
public String getName() {
return Long.toString(btreeAddress);
// Message Type 2 "New Group" or "Link Info" (version 2)
private class MessageGroupNew implements Named {
long maxCreationIndex = -2, fractalHeapAddress, v2BtreeAddress, v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder = -2;
public String toString() {
Formatter f = new Formatter();
f.format(" GroupNew fractalHeapAddress=%d v2BtreeAddress=%d ", fractalHeapAddress, v2BtreeAddress);
if (v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder > -2)
f.format(" v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder=%d ", v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder);
if (maxCreationIndex > -2)
f.format(" maxCreationIndex=%d", maxCreationIndex);
f.format(" %n%n");
if (fractalHeapAddress > 0) {
try {
FractalHeap fractalHeap = new FractalHeap(H5header.this, "", fractalHeapAddress, memTracker);
} catch (IOException e) {
return f.toString();
void read() throws IOException {
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" *MessageGroupNew start pos= " + getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
byte version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
byte flags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if ((flags & 1) != 0) {
maxCreationIndex = getRandomAccessFile().readLong();
fractalHeapAddress = readOffset();
v2BtreeAddress = readOffset(); // aka name index
if ((flags & 2) != 0) {
v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder = readOffset();
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" MessageGroupNew version= " + version + " flags = " + flags + this);
public String getName() {
return Long.toString(fractalHeapAddress);
// Message Type 10/0xA "Group Info" (version 2)
private class MessageGroupInfo implements Named {
byte flags;
short maxCompactValue = -1, minDenseValue = -1, estNumEntries = -1, estLengthEntryName = -1;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
sbuff.append(" MessageGroupInfo ");
if ((flags & 1) != 0)
sbuff.append(" maxCompactValue=").append(maxCompactValue).append(" minDenseValue=").append(minDenseValue);
if ((flags & 2) != 0)
sbuff.append(" estNumEntries=").append(estNumEntries).append(" estLengthEntryName=").append(estLengthEntryName);
return sbuff.toString();
void read() throws IOException {
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" *MessageGroupInfo start pos= " + getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
byte version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
flags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if ((flags & 1) != 0) {
maxCompactValue = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
minDenseValue = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
if ((flags & 2) != 0) {
estNumEntries = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
estLengthEntryName = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" MessageGroupInfo version= " + version + " flags = " + flags + this);
public String getName() {
return "";
// Message Type 6 "Link" (version 2)
private class MessageLink implements Named {
byte version, flags, encoding;
byte linkType; // 0=hard, 1=soft, 64 = external
long creationOrder;
String linkName, link;
long linkAddress;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
sbuff.append(" MessageLink ");
sbuff.append(" name=").append(linkName).append(" type=").append(linkType);
if (linkType == 0)
sbuff.append(" linkAddress=" + linkAddress);
sbuff.append(" link=").append(link);
if ((flags & 4) != 0)
sbuff.append(" creationOrder=" + creationOrder);
if ((flags & 0x10) != 0)
sbuff.append(" encoding=" + encoding);
return sbuff.toString();
void read() throws IOException {
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" *MessageLink start pos= {}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
flags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if ((flags & 8) != 0)
linkType = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if ((flags & 4) != 0)
creationOrder = getRandomAccessFile().readLong();
if ((flags & 0x10) != 0)
encoding = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
int linkNameLength = (int) readVariableSizeFactor(flags & 3);
linkName = readStringFixedLength(linkNameLength);
if (linkType == 0) {
linkAddress = readOffset();
} else if (linkType == 1) {
short len = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
link = readStringFixedLength(len);
} else if (linkType == 64) {
short len = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
link = readStringFixedLength(len); // actually 2 strings - see docs
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" MessageLink version= " + version + " flags = " + Integer.toBinaryString(flags) + this);
public String getName() {
return linkName;
// Message Type 3 : "Datatype"
public class MessageDatatype implements Named {
int type, version;
byte[] flags = new byte[3];
int byteSize;
int endian; // 0 (LE) or 1 (BE) == RandomAccessFile.XXXXXX_ENDIAN
boolean isOK = true;
boolean unsigned;
// time (2)
DataType timeType;
// opaque (5)
String opaque_desc;
// compound type (6)
List members;
// reference (7)
int referenceType; // 0 = object, 1 = region
// enums (8)
Map map;
String enumTypeName;
// enum, variable-length, array types have "base" DataType
MessageDatatype base;
boolean isVString; // variable length (not a string)
boolean isVlen; // vlen but not string
// array (10)
int[] dim;
public String toString() {
Formatter f = new Formatter();
f.format(" datatype= %d", type);
f.format(" byteSize= %d", byteSize);
DataType dtype = getNCtype(type, byteSize, unsigned);
f.format(" NCtype= %s %s", dtype, unsigned ? "(unsigned)" : "");
f.format(" flags= ");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
f.format(" %d", flags[i]);
f.format(" endian= %s", endian == RandomAccessFile.BIG_ENDIAN ? "BIG" : "LITTLE");
if (type == 2)
f.format(" timeType= %s", timeType);
else if (type == 6) {
f.format("%n members%n");
for (StructureMember mm : members)
f.format(" %s%n", mm);
} else if (type == 7)
f.format(" referenceType= %s", referenceType);
else if (type == 9) {
f.format(" isVString= %s", isVString);
f.format(" isVlen= %s", isVlen);
if ((type == 9) || (type == 10))
f.format(" parent base= {%s}", base);
return f.toString();
public String getName() {
DataType dtype = getNCtype(type, byteSize, unsigned);
if (dtype != null)
return dtype + " size= " + byteSize;
return "type=" + type + " size= " + byteSize;
public String getType() {
DataType dtype = getNCtype(type, byteSize, unsigned);
if (dtype != null)
return dtype.toString();
return "type=" + type + " size= " + byteSize;
void read(String objectName) throws IOException {
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" *MessageDatatype start pos= {}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
byte tandv = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
type = (tandv & 0xf);
version = ((tandv & 0xf0) >> 4);
byteSize = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
endian = ((flags[0] & 1) == 0) ? RandomAccessFile.LITTLE_ENDIAN : RandomAccessFile.BIG_ENDIAN;
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" Datatype type=" + type + " version= " + version + " flags = " + flags[0] + " " + flags[1] + " "
+ flags[2] + " byteSize=" + byteSize + " byteOrder="
+ (endian == RandomAccessFile.BIG_ENDIAN ? "BIG" : "LITTLE"));
if (type == 0) { // fixed point
unsigned = ((flags[0] & 8) == 0);
short bitOffset = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
short bitPrecision = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" type 0 (fixed point): bitOffset= " + bitOffset + " bitPrecision= " + bitPrecision
+ " unsigned= " + unsigned);
isOK = (bitOffset == 0) && (bitPrecision % 8 == 0);
} else if (type == 1) { // floating point
short bitOffset = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
short bitPrecision = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
byte expLocation = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
byte expSize = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
byte manLocation = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
byte manSize = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
int expBias = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" type 1 (floating point): bitOffset= " + bitOffset + " bitPrecision= " + bitPrecision
+ " expLocation= " + expLocation + " expSize= " + expSize + " manLocation= " + manLocation + " manSize= "
+ manSize + " expBias= " + expBias);
} else if (type == 2) { // time
short bitPrecision = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
if (bitPrecision == 16)
timeType = DataType.SHORT;
else if (bitPrecision == 32)
timeType = DataType.INT;
else if (bitPrecision == 64)
timeType = DataType.LONG;
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" type 2 (time): bitPrecision= " + bitPrecision + " timeType = " + timeType);
} else if (type == 3) { // string (I think a fixed length seq of chars)
int ptype = flags[0] & 0xf;
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" type 3 (String): pad type= " + ptype);
} else if (type == 4) { // bit field
short bitOffset = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
short bitPrecision = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" type 4 (bit field): bitOffset= " + bitOffset + " bitPrecision= " + bitPrecision);
// isOK = (bitOffset == 0) && (bitPrecision % 8 == 0); LOOK
} else if (type == 5) { // opaque
byte len = flags[0];
opaque_desc = (len > 0) ? readString(getRandomAccessFile()).trim() : null;
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" type 5 (opaque): len= " + len + " desc= " + opaque_desc);
} else if (type == 6) { // compound
int nmembers = makeUnsignedIntFromBytes(flags[1], flags[0]);
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" --type 6(compound): nmembers={}", nmembers);
members = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < nmembers; i++) {
members.add(new StructureMember(version, byteSize));
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" --done with compound type");
} else if (type == 7) { // reference
referenceType = flags[0] & 0xf;
if (debug1 || debugReference) {
log.debug(" --type 7(reference): type= {}", referenceType);
} else if (type == 8) { // enums
int nmembers = makeUnsignedIntFromBytes(flags[1], flags[0]);
boolean saveDebugDetail = debugDetail;
if (debug1 || debugEnum) {
log.debug(" --type 8(enums): nmembers={}", nmembers);
debugDetail = true;
base = new MessageDatatype(); // base type;
debugDetail = saveDebugDetail;
// read the enums
String[] enumName = new String[nmembers];
for (int i = 0; i < nmembers; i++) {
if (version < 3)
enumName[i] = readString8(getRandomAccessFile()); // padding
enumName[i] = readString(getRandomAccessFile()); // no padding
// read the values; must switch to base byte order (!)
if (base.endian >= 0) {
int[] enumValue = new int[nmembers];
for (int i = 0; i < nmembers; i++) {
enumValue[i] = (int) readVariableSizeUnsigned(base.byteSize); // assume size is 1, 2, or 4
enumTypeName = objectName;
map = new TreeMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < nmembers; i++)
map.put(enumValue[i], enumName[i]);
if (debugEnum) {
for (int i = 0; i < nmembers; i++) {
log.debug(" " + enumValue[i] + "=" + enumName[i]);
} else if (type == 9) { // String (A variable-length sequence of characters) or Sequence (A variable-length
// sequence of any datatype)
isVString = (flags[0] & 0xf) == 1;
if (!isVString) {
isVlen = true;
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" type 9(variable length): type= {}", ((isVString ? "string" : "sequence of type:")));
base = new MessageDatatype(); // base type;
} else if (type == 10) { // array
if (debug1) {
debugOut.print(" type 10(array) lengths= ");
int ndims = (int) getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (version < 3) {
dim = new int[ndims];
for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
dim[i] = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (debug1) {
debugOut.print(" " + dim[i]);
if (version < 3) { // not present in version 3, never used anyway
int[] pdim = new int[ndims];
for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++)
pdim[i] = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (debug1) {
base = new MessageDatatype(); // base type;
} else if (warnings) {
log.debug(" WARNING not dealing with type= {}", type);
int getBaseType() {
return (base != null) ? base.getBaseType() : type;
int getBaseSize() {
return (base != null) ? base.getBaseSize() : byteSize;
byte[] getFlags() {
return (base != null) ? base.getFlags() : flags;
boolean isVlen() {
return (type == 10 ? base.isVlen() : isVlen);
boolean isVString() {
return (type == 10 ? base.isVString() : isVString);
private class StructureMember {
String name;
int offset;
byte dims;
MessageDatatype mdt;
StructureMember(int version, int byteSize) throws IOException {
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" *StructureMember now at position={}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
name = readString(getRandomAccessFile());
if (version < 3) {
getRandomAccessFile().skipBytes(padding(name.length() + 1, 8));
offset = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
} else {
offset = (int) readVariableSizeMax(byteSize);
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" Member name=" + name + " offset= " + offset);
if (version == 1) {
dims = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
getRandomAccessFile().skipBytes(24); // ignore dimension info for now
// HDFdumpWithCount(buffer, raf.getFilePointer(), 16);
mdt = new MessageDatatype();;
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" ***End Member name={}", name);
// ??
// HDFdump(ncfile.out, "Member end", buffer, 16);
// if (HDFdebug) ncfile.log.debug(" Member pos="+raf.getFilePointer());
// HDFpadToMultiple( buffer, 8);
// if (HDFdebug) ncfile.log.debug(" Member padToMultiple="+raf.getFilePointer());
// raf.skipBytes( 4); // huh ??
public String toString() {
String sb =
"StructureMember" + "{name='" + name + '\'' + ", offset=" + offset + ", dims=" + dims + ", mdt=" + mdt + '}';
return sb;
// Message Type 4 "Fill Value Old" : fill value is stored in the message
private class MessageFillValueOld implements Named {
byte[] value;
int size;
void read() throws IOException {
size = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
value = new byte[size];
if (debug1) {
log.debug("{}", this);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
sbuff.append(" FillValueOld size= ").append(size).append(" value=");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
sbuff.append(" ").append(value[i]);
return sbuff.toString();
public String getName() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
sbuff.append(" ").append(value[i]);
return sbuff.toString();
// Message Type 5 "Fill Value New" : fill value is stored in the message, with extra metadata
private class MessageFillValue implements Named {
byte version; // 1,2,3
byte spaceAllocateTime; // 1= early, 2=late, 3=incremental
byte fillWriteTime;
int size;
byte[] value;
boolean hasFillValue;
byte flags;
void read() throws IOException {
version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (version < 3) {
spaceAllocateTime = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
fillWriteTime = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
hasFillValue = getRandomAccessFile().readByte() != 0;
} else {
flags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
spaceAllocateTime = (byte) (flags & 3);
fillWriteTime = (byte) ((flags >> 2) & 3);
hasFillValue = (flags & 32) != 0;
if (hasFillValue) {
size = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (size > 0) {
value = new byte[size];
hasFillValue = true;
} else {
hasFillValue = false;
if (debug1) {
log.debug("{}", this);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
sbuff.append(" FillValue version= ").append(version).append(" spaceAllocateTime = ").append(spaceAllocateTime)
.append(" fillWriteTime=").append(fillWriteTime).append(" hasFillValue= ").append(hasFillValue);
sbuff.append("\n size = ").append(size).append(" value=");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
sbuff.append(" ").append(value[i]);
return sbuff.toString();
public String getName() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
sbuff.append(" ").append(value[i]);
return sbuff.toString();
// Message Type 8 "Data Storage Layout" : regular (contiguous), chunked, or compact (stored with the message)
class MessageLayout implements Named {
byte type; // 0 = Compact, 1 = Contiguous, 2 = Chunked
long dataAddress = -1; // -1 means "not allocated"
long contiguousSize; // size of data allocated contiguous
int[] chunkSize; // only for chunked, otherwise must use Dataspace
int dataSize;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
sbuff.append(" type= ").append(+type).append(" (");
switch (type) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
sbuff.append("unknown type= ").append(type);
if (chunkSize != null) {
sbuff.append(" storageSize = (");
for (int i = 0; i < chunkSize.length; i++) {
if (i > 0)
sbuff.append(" dataSize=").append(dataSize);
sbuff.append(" dataAddress=").append(dataAddress);
return sbuff.toString();
public String getName() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
switch (type) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
sbuff.append("unknown type= ").append(type);
if (chunkSize != null) {
sbuff.append(" chunk = (");
for (int i = 0; i < chunkSize.length; i++) {
if (i > 0)
return sbuff.toString();
void read() throws IOException {
int ndims;
byte version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (version < 3) {
ndims = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
type = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
getRandomAccessFile().skipBytes(5); // skip 5 bytes
boolean isCompact = (type == 0);
if (!isCompact)
dataAddress = readOffset();
chunkSize = new int[ndims];
for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++)
chunkSize[i] = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (isCompact) {
dataSize = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
dataAddress = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer();
} else {
type = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (type == 0) {
dataSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
dataAddress = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer();
} else if (type == 1) {
dataAddress = readOffset();
contiguousSize = readLength();
} else if (type == 2) {
ndims = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
dataAddress = readOffset();
chunkSize = new int[ndims];
for (int i = 0; i < ndims; i++)
chunkSize[i] = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" StorageLayout version= " + version + this);
// Message Type 11/0xB "Filter Pipeline" : apply a filter to the "data stream"
class MessageFilter implements Named {
Filter[] filters;
void read() throws IOException {
byte version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
byte nfilters = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (version == 1)
filters = new Filter[nfilters];
for (int i = 0; i < nfilters; i++)
filters[i] = new Filter(version);
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" MessageFilter version=" + version + this);
public Filter[] getFilters() {
return filters;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
sbuff.append(" MessageFilter filters=\n");
for (Filter f : filters)
sbuff.append(" ").append(f).append("\n");
return sbuff.toString();
public String getName() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
for (Filter f : filters)
sbuff.append(", ");
return sbuff.toString();
private static final String[] filterName = {"", "deflate", "shuffle", "fletcher32", "szip", "nbit", "scaleoffset"};
private static final int KNOWN_FILTERS = 3;
class Filter {
short id; // 1=deflate, 2=shuffle, 3=fletcher32, 4=szip, 5=nbit, 6=scaleoffset
short flags;
String name;
short nValues;
int[] data;
Filter(byte version) throws IOException { = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
// if the filter id < 256 then this field is not stored
short nameSize = ((version > 1) && (id < 256)) ? 0 : getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
this.flags = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
nValues = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
if (version == 1) = (nameSize > 0) ? readString8(getRandomAccessFile()) : getFilterName(id); // null terminated, pad to
// 8 bytes
else = (nameSize > 0) ? readStringFixedLength(nameSize) : getFilterName(id); // non-null terminated
data = new int[nValues];
for (int i = 0; i < nValues; i++)
data[i] = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if ((version == 1) && (nValues & 1) != 0) // check if odd
if (debug1) {
log.debug("{}", this);
String getFilterName(int id) {
return (id < filterName.length) ? filterName[id] : "StandardFilter " + id;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
sbuff.append(" Filter id= ").append(id).append(" flags = ").append(flags).append(" nValues=").append(nValues)
.append(" name= ").append(name).append(" data = ");
for (int i = 0; i < nValues; i++)
sbuff.append(data[i]).append(" ");
return sbuff.toString();
// Message Type 12/0xC "Attribute" : define an Attribute
public class MessageAttribute implements Named {
byte version;
// short typeSize, spaceSize;
String name;
MessageDatatype mdt = new MessageDatatype();
MessageDataspace mds = new MessageDataspace();
public byte getVersion() {
return version;
public MessageDatatype getMdt() {
return mdt;
public MessageDataspace getMds() {
return mds;
public long getDataPosAbsolute() {
return dataPos;
public Attribute getNcAttribute() throws IOException {
return makeAttribute(this);
long dataPos; // pointer to the attribute data section, must be absolute file position
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sbuff = new StringBuilder();
sbuff.append(" Name= ").append(name);
sbuff.append(" dataPos = ").append(dataPos);
if (mdt != null) {
sbuff.append("\n mdt=");
if (mds != null) {
sbuff.append("\n mds=");
return sbuff.toString();
public String getName() {
return name;
boolean read(long pos) throws IOException {
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" *MessageAttribute start pos= {}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
short nameSize, typeSize, spaceSize;
byte flags = 0;
byte encoding = 0; // 0 = ascii, 1 = UTF-8
version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if (version == 1) {
getRandomAccessFile().read(); // skip byte
nameSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
typeSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
spaceSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
} else if ((version == 2) || (version == 3)) {
flags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
nameSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
typeSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
spaceSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
if (version == 3)
encoding = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
} else if (version == 72) {
flags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
nameSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
typeSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
spaceSize = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
log.error("HDF5 MessageAttribute found bad version " + version + " at filePos "
+ getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
// G:/work/galibert/
// E:/work/antonio/
// return false;
} else {
// buggery, maybe HDF5 "more than 8 attributes" error
log.error("bad version " + version + " at filePos " + getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
return false;
// throw new IllegalStateException("MessageAttribute unknown version " + version);
// read the attribute name
long filePos = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer();
name = readString(getRandomAccessFile()); // read at current pos
if (version == 1)
nameSize += padding(nameSize, 8);
getRandomAccessFile().seek(filePos + nameSize); // make it more robust for errors
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" MessageAttribute version= " + version + " flags = " + Integer.toBinaryString(flags)
+ " nameSize = " + nameSize + " typeSize=" + typeSize + " spaceSize= " + spaceSize + " name= " + name);
// read the datatype
filePos = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer();
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" *MessageAttribute before mdt pos= {}", filePos);
boolean isShared = (flags & 1) != 0;
if (isShared) {
mdt = getSharedDataObject(MessageType.Datatype).mdt;
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" MessageDatatype: {}", mdt);
} else {;
if (version == 1)
typeSize += padding(typeSize, 8);
getRandomAccessFile().seek(filePos + typeSize); // make it more robust for errors
// read the dataspace
filePos = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer();
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" *MessageAttribute before mds = {}", filePos);
if (version == 1)
spaceSize += padding(spaceSize, 8);
getRandomAccessFile().seek(filePos + spaceSize); // make it more robust for errors
// the data starts immediately afterward - ie in the message
dataPos = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer(); // note this is absolute position (no offset needed)
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" *MessageAttribute dataPos= {}", dataPos);
return true;
} // MessageAttribute
// Message Type 21/0x15 "Attribute Info" (version 2)
private class MessageAttributeInfo implements Named {
byte flags;
short maxCreationIndex = -1;
long fractalHeapAddress = -2, v2BtreeAddress = -2, v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder = -2;
public String getName() {
long btreeAddress = (v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder > 0) ? v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder : v2BtreeAddress;
return Long.toString(btreeAddress);
public String toString() {
Formatter f = new Formatter();
f.format(" MessageAttributeInfo ");
if ((flags & 1) != 0)
f.format(" maxCreationIndex=" + maxCreationIndex);
f.format(" fractalHeapAddress=%d v2BtreeAddress=%d", fractalHeapAddress, v2BtreeAddress);
if ((flags & 2) != 0)
f.format(" v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder=%d", v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder);
return f.toString();
void showFractalHeap(Formatter f) {
long btreeAddress = (v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder > 0) ? v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder : v2BtreeAddress;
if ((fractalHeapAddress > 0) && (btreeAddress > 0)) {
try {
FractalHeap fractalHeap = new FractalHeap(H5header.this, "", fractalHeapAddress, memTracker);
f.format(" Btree:%n");
f.format(" type n m offset size pos attName%n");
BTree2 btree = new BTree2(H5header.this, "", btreeAddress);
for (BTree2.Entry2 e : btree.entryList) {
byte[] heapId;
switch (btree.btreeType) {
case 8:
heapId = ((BTree2.Record8) e.record).heapId;
case 9:
heapId = ((BTree2.Record9) e.record).heapId;
f.format(" unknown btreetype %d%n", btree.btreeType);
// the heapId points to an Attribute Message in the fractal Heap
FractalHeap.DHeapId dh = fractalHeap.getFractalHeapId(heapId);
f.format(" %2d %2d %2d %6d %4d %8d", dh.type, dh.n, dh.m, dh.offset, dh.size, dh.getPos());
if (dh.getPos() > 0) {
MessageAttribute attMessage = new MessageAttribute();;
f.format(" %-30s", trunc(attMessage.getName(), 30));
f.format(" heapId=:%s%n", Arrays.toString(heapId));
} catch (IOException e) {
String trunc(String s, int max) {
if (s == null)
return null;
if (s.length() < max)
return s;
return s.substring(0, max);
void read() throws IOException {
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" *MessageAttributeInfo start pos= {}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
byte version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
byte flags = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
if ((flags & 1) != 0)
maxCreationIndex = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
fractalHeapAddress = readOffset();
v2BtreeAddress = readOffset();
if ((flags & 2) != 0)
v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder = readOffset();
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" MessageAttributeInfo version= " + version + " flags = " + flags + this);
// Message Type 13/0xD ("Object Comment" : "short description of an Object"
private class MessageComment implements Named {
String comment;
void read() throws IOException {
comment = readString(getRandomAccessFile());
public String toString() {
return comment;
public String getName() {
return comment;
// Message Type 18/0x12 "Last Modified" : last modified date represented as secs since 1970
private class MessageLastModified implements Named {
byte version;
int secs;
void read() throws IOException {
version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
getRandomAccessFile().skipBytes(3); // skip byte
secs = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
public String toString() {
return new Date((long) secs * 1000).toString();
public String getName() {
return toString();
// Message Type 14/0xE ("Last Modified (old)" : last modified date represented as a String YYMM etc. use message type
// 18 instead
private class MessageLastModifiedOld implements Named {
String datemod;
void read() throws IOException {
datemod = getRandomAccessFile().readString(14);
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" MessageLastModifiedOld={}", datemod);
public String toString() {
return datemod;
public String getName() {
return toString();
// Message Type 16/0x10 "Continue" : point to more messages
private class MessageContinue implements Named {
long offset, length;
void read() throws IOException {
offset = readOffset();
length = readLength();
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" Continue offset=" + offset + " length=" + length);
public String getName() {
return "";
// Message Type 22/0x11 Object Reference COunt
private class MessageObjectReferenceCount implements Named {
int refCount;
void read() throws IOException {
int version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
refCount = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" ObjectReferenceCount={}", refCount);
public String getName() {
return Integer.toString(refCount);
// Groups
private void readGroupNew(H5Group group, MessageGroupNew groupNewMessage, DataObject dobj) throws IOException {
if (debug1) {
log.debug("\n--> GroupNew read <{}>", group.displayName);
if (groupNewMessage.fractalHeapAddress >= 0) {
FractalHeap fractalHeap =
new FractalHeap(this, group.displayName, groupNewMessage.fractalHeapAddress, memTracker);
long btreeAddress =
(groupNewMessage.v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder >= 0) ? groupNewMessage.v2BtreeAddressCreationOrder
: groupNewMessage.v2BtreeAddress;
if (btreeAddress < 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("no valid btree for GroupNew with Fractal Heap");
// read in btree and all entries
BTree2 btree = new BTree2(this, group.displayName, btreeAddress);
for (BTree2.Entry2 e : btree.entryList) {
byte[] heapId;
switch (btree.btreeType) {
case 5:
heapId = ((BTree2.Record5) e.record).heapId;
case 6:
heapId = ((BTree2.Record6) e.record).heapId;
// the heapId points to a Link message in the Fractal Heap
FractalHeap.DHeapId fractalHeapId = fractalHeap.getFractalHeapId(heapId);
long pos = fractalHeapId.getPos();
if (pos < 0)
MessageLink linkMessage = new MessageLink();;
if (debugBtree2) {
log.debug(" linkMessage={}", linkMessage);
group.nestedObjects.add(new DataObjectFacade(group, linkMessage.linkName, linkMessage.linkAddress));
} else {
// look for link messages
for (HeaderMessage mess : dobj.messages) {
if (mess.mtype == MessageType.Link) {
MessageLink linkMessage = (MessageLink) mess.messData;
if (linkMessage.linkType == 0) { // hard link
group.nestedObjects.add(new DataObjectFacade(group, linkMessage.linkName, linkMessage.linkAddress));
* now read all the entries in the btree
* for (SymbolTableEntry s : btree.getSymbolTableEntries()) {
* String sname = nameHeap.getString((int) s.getNameOffset());
* if (debugSymbolTable) log.debug("\n Symbol name=" + sname);
* DataObject o;
* if (s.cacheType == 2) {
* String linkName = nameHeap.getString(s.linkOffset);
* if (debugSymbolTable) log.debug(" Symbolic link name=" + linkName);
* o = new DataObject(this, sname, linkName);
* } else {
* o = new DataObject(this, sname, s.getObjectAddress());
* }
* nestedObjects.add(o);
* hashDataObjects.put(o.getName(), o); // to look up symbolic links
* }
if (debug1) {
log.debug("<-- end GroupNew read <" + group.displayName + ">");
private Map hashGroups = new HashMap<>();
private void readGroupOld(H5Group group, long btreeAddress, long nameHeapAddress) throws IOException {
// track by address for hard links
hashGroups.put(btreeAddress, group);
if (debug1) {
log.debug("\n--> GroupOld read <" + group.displayName + ">");
LocalHeap nameHeap = new LocalHeap(group, nameHeapAddress);
GroupBTree btree = new GroupBTree(group.displayName, btreeAddress);
// now read all the entries in the btree : Level 1C
for (SymbolTableEntry s : btree.getSymbolTableEntries()) {
String sname = nameHeap.getString((int) s.getNameOffset());
if (debugSoftLink) {
log.debug("\n Symbol name={}", sname);
if (s.cacheType == 2) {
String linkName = nameHeap.getString(s.linkOffset);
if (debugSoftLink) {
log.debug(" Symbolic link name=" + linkName + " symbolName=" + sname);
group.nestedObjects.add(new DataObjectFacade(group, sname, linkName));
} else {
group.nestedObjects.add(new DataObjectFacade(group, sname, s.getObjectAddress()));
if (debug1) {
log.debug("<-- end GroupOld read <" + group.displayName + ">");
// Level 1A
// this just reads in all the entries into a list
private class GroupBTree {
protected String owner;
protected int wantType;
private List sentries = new ArrayList<>(); // list of type SymbolTableEntry
// for DataBTree
GroupBTree(String owner) {
this.owner = owner;
GroupBTree(String owner, long address) throws IOException {
this.owner = owner;
List entryList = new ArrayList<>();
readAllEntries(address, entryList);
// now convert the entries to SymbolTableEntry
for (Entry e : entryList) {
GroupNode node = new GroupNode(e.address);
List getSymbolTableEntries() {
return sentries;
// recursively read all entries, place them in order in list
protected void readAllEntries(long address, List entryList) throws IOException {
if (debugGroupBtree) {
log.debug("\n--> GroupBTree read tree at position={}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
String magic = getRandomAccessFile().readString(4);
if (!magic.equals("TREE"))
throw new IllegalStateException("BtreeGroup doesnt start with TREE");
int type = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
int level = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
int nentries = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
if (debugGroupBtree) {
log.debug(" type=" + type + " level=" + level + " nentries=" + nentries);
if (type != wantType) {
throw new IllegalStateException("BtreeGroup must be type " + wantType);
long size = 8 + 2 * sizeOffsets + nentries * (sizeOffsets + sizeLengths);
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.addByLen("Group BTree (" + owner + ")", address, size);
long leftAddress = readOffset();
long rightAddress = readOffset();
if (debugGroupBtree) {
log.debug(" leftAddress=" + leftAddress + " " + Long.toHexString(leftAddress) + " rightAddress="
+ rightAddress + " " + Long.toHexString(rightAddress));
// read all entries in this Btree "Node"
List myEntries = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < nentries; i++) {
myEntries.add(new Entry());
if (level == 0)
else {
for (Entry entry : myEntries) {
if (debugDataBtree) {
log.debug(" nonzero node entry at =" + entry.address);
readAllEntries(entry.address, entryList);
// these are part of the level 1A data structure, type = 0
class Entry {
long key, address;
Entry() throws IOException {
this.key = readLength();
this.address = readOffset();
if (debugGroupBtree) {
log.debug(" GroupEntry key={} address={}", key, address);
// level 1B
class GroupNode {
long address;
byte version;
short nentries;
List symbols = new ArrayList<>(); // SymbolTableEntry
GroupNode(long address) throws IOException {
this.address = address;
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug("--Group Node position={}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
// header
String magic = getRandomAccessFile().readString(4);
if (!magic.equals("SNOD")) {
throw new IllegalStateException(magic + " should equal SNOD");
version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
getRandomAccessFile().readByte(); // skip byte
nentries = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" version={} nentries={}", version, nentries);
long posEntry = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer();
for (int i = 0; i < nentries; i++) {
SymbolTableEntry entry = new SymbolTableEntry(posEntry);
posEntry += entry.getSize();
if (entry.objectHeaderAddress != 0) { // LOOK: Probably a bug in HDF5 file format ?? jc July 16 2010
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" add {}", entry);
} else {
if (debug1) {
log.debug(" BAD objectHeaderAddress==0 !! {}", entry);
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug("-- Group Node end position={}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
long size = 8 + nentries * 40;
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.addByLen("Group BtreeNode (" + owner + ")", address, size);
List getSymbols() {
return symbols;
} // GroupBTree
// aka Group Entry "level 1C"
private class SymbolTableEntry {
long nameOffset, objectHeaderAddress;
long btreeAddress, nameHeapAddress;
int cacheType, linkOffset;
long posData;
boolean isSymbolicLink;
SymbolTableEntry(long filePos) throws IOException {
if (debugSymbolTable) {
log.debug("--> readSymbolTableEntry position={}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
nameOffset = readOffset();
objectHeaderAddress = readOffset();
cacheType = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (debugSymbolTable) {
log.debug(" nameOffset={} objectHeaderAddress={} cacheType={}", nameOffset, objectHeaderAddress, cacheType);
// "scratch pad"
posData = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer();
if (debugSymbolTable)
dump("Group Entry scratch pad", posData, 16, false);
if (cacheType == 1) {
btreeAddress = readOffset();
nameHeapAddress = readOffset();
if (debugSymbolTable) {
log.debug("btreeAddress={} nameHeadAddress={}", btreeAddress, nameHeapAddress);
// check for symbolic link
if (cacheType == 2) {
linkOffset = getRandomAccessFile().readInt(); // offset in local heap
if (debugSymbolTable) {
log.debug("WARNING Symbolic Link linkOffset={}", linkOffset);
isSymbolicLink = true;
* if (cacheType == 1) {
* btreeAddress = mapBuffer.getLong();
* nameHeapAddress = mapBuffer.getLong();
* log.debug(" btreeAddress="+btreeAddress);
* log.debug(" nameHeapAddress="+nameHeapAddress);
* nameHeap = new LocalHeap();
* btree = new Btree();
* } else if (cacheType == 2) {
* linkOffset = mapBuffer.getLong();
* log.debug(" linkOffset="+linkOffset);
* } else {
* for (int k=0; k<2; k++)
* log.debug( " "+k+" "+mapBuffer.getLong());
* }
if (debugSymbolTable) {
log.debug("<-- end readSymbolTableEntry position={}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.add("SymbolTableEntry", filePos, posData + 16);
public int getSize() {
return isOffsetLong ? 40 : 32;
public long getObjectAddress() {
return objectHeaderAddress;
public long getNameOffset() {
return nameOffset;
public String toString() {
return "SymbolTableEntry{" + "nameOffset=" + nameOffset + ", objectHeaderAddress=" + objectHeaderAddress
+ ", btreeAddress=" + btreeAddress + ", nameHeapAddress=" + nameHeapAddress + ", cacheType=" + cacheType
+ ", linkOffset=" + linkOffset + ", posData=" + posData + ", isSymbolicLink=" + isSymbolicLink + '}';
} // SymbolTableEntry
// Heaps
* Fetch a Vlen data array.
* @param globalHeapIdAddress address of the heapId, used to get the String out of the heap
* @param dataType type of data
* @param endian byteOrder of the data (0 = BE, 1 = LE)
* @return the Array read from the heap
* @throws IOException on read error
Array getHeapDataArray(long globalHeapIdAddress, DataType dataType, int endian)
throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
HeapIdentifier heapId = new HeapIdentifier(globalHeapIdAddress);
if (debugHeap) {
log.debug(" heapId= {}", heapId);
return getHeapDataArray(heapId, dataType, endian);
// Object pa = getHeapDataArray(heapId, dataType, endian);
// return Array.factory(dataType.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[]{heapId.nelems}, pa);
Array getHeapDataArray(HeapIdentifier heapId, DataType dataType, int endian)
throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
GlobalHeap.HeapObject ho = heapId.getHeapObject();
if (ho == null) {
throw new InvalidRangeException("Illegal Heap address, HeapObject = " + heapId);
if (debugHeap) {
log.debug(" HeapObject= {}", ho);
if (endian >= 0) {
if (DataType.FLOAT == dataType) {
float[] pa = new float[heapId.nelems];
getRandomAccessFile().readFloat(pa, 0, pa.length);
return Array.factory(dataType, new int[] {pa.length}, pa);
} else if (DataType.DOUBLE == dataType) {
double[] pa = new double[heapId.nelems];
getRandomAccessFile().readDouble(pa, 0, pa.length);
return Array.factory(dataType, new int[] {pa.length}, pa);
} else if (dataType.getPrimitiveClassType() == byte.class) {
byte[] pa = new byte[heapId.nelems];
getRandomAccessFile().readFully(pa, 0, pa.length);
return Array.factory(dataType, new int[] {pa.length}, pa);
} else if (dataType.getPrimitiveClassType() == short.class) {
short[] pa = new short[heapId.nelems];
getRandomAccessFile().readShort(pa, 0, pa.length);
return Array.factory(dataType, new int[] {pa.length}, pa);
} else if (dataType.getPrimitiveClassType() == int.class) {
int[] pa = new int[heapId.nelems];
getRandomAccessFile().readInt(pa, 0, pa.length);
return Array.factory(dataType, new int[] {pa.length}, pa);
} else if (dataType.getPrimitiveClassType() == long.class) {
long[] pa = new long[heapId.nelems];
getRandomAccessFile().readLong(pa, 0, pa.length);
return Array.factory(dataType, new int[] {pa.length}, pa);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getHeapDataAsArray dataType=" + dataType);
* Fetch a String from the heap.
* @param heapIdAddress address of the heapId, used to get the String out of the heap
* @return String the String read from the heap
* @throws IOException on read error
String readHeapString(long heapIdAddress) throws IOException {
H5header.HeapIdentifier heapId = new HeapIdentifier(heapIdAddress);
if (heapId.isEmpty()) {
H5header.GlobalHeap.HeapObject ho = heapId.getHeapObject();
if (ho == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant find Heap Object,heapId=" + heapId);
if (ho.dataSize > 1000 * 1000)
return String.format("Bad HeapObject.dataSize=%s", ho);
return readStringFixedLength((int) ho.dataSize);
* Fetch a String from the heap, when the heap identifier has already beed read into a ByteBuffer at given pos
* @param bb heap id is here
* @param pos at this position
* @return String the String read from the heap
* @throws IOException on read error
String readHeapString(ByteBuffer bb, int pos) throws IOException {
H5header.HeapIdentifier heapId = new HeapIdentifier(bb, pos);
if (heapId.isEmpty()) {
H5header.GlobalHeap.HeapObject ho = heapId.getHeapObject();
if (ho == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cant find Heap Object,heapId=" + heapId);
return readStringFixedLength((int) ho.dataSize);
Array readHeapVlen(ByteBuffer bb, int pos, DataType dataType, int endian) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
H5header.HeapIdentifier heapId = new HeapIdentifier(bb, pos);
return getHeapDataArray(heapId, dataType, endian);
// debug - hdf5Table
public List getDataObjects() {
ArrayList result = new ArrayList<>(addressMap.values());
result.sort((o1, o2) ->, o2.address));
return result;
* Get a data object's name, using the objectId you get from a reference (aka hard link).
* @param objId address of the data object
* @return String the data object's name, or null if not found
* @throws IOException on read error
String getDataObjectName(long objId) throws IOException {
H5header.DataObject dobj = getDataObject(objId, null);
if (dobj == null) {
log.error("H5iosp.readVlenData cant find dataObject id= {}", objId);
return null;
} else {
if (debugVlen) {
log.debug(" Referenced object= {}", dobj.who);
return dobj.who;
// see "Global Heap Id" in
class HeapIdentifier {
private int nelems; // "number of 'base type' elements in the sequence in the heap"
private long heapAddress;
private int index;
// address must be absolute, getFileOffset already added
HeapIdentifier(long address) throws IOException {
// header information is in le byte order
nelems = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
heapAddress = readOffset();
index = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" read HeapIdentifier address=" + address + this);
if (debugHeap)
dump("heapIdentifier", getFileOffset(address), 16, true);
// the heap id is has already been read into a byte array at given pos
HeapIdentifier(ByteBuffer bb, int pos) {
bb.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); // header information is in le byte order
bb.position(pos); // relative reading
nelems = bb.getInt();
heapAddress = isOffsetLong ? bb.getLong() : (long) bb.getInt();
index = bb.getInt();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" read HeapIdentifier from ByteBuffer={}", this);
public String toString() {
return " nelems=" + nelems + " heapAddress=" + heapAddress + " index=" + index;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return (heapAddress == 0);
GlobalHeap.HeapObject getHeapObject() throws IOException {
if (isEmpty())
return null;
GlobalHeap gheap;
if (null == (gheap = heapMap.get(heapAddress))) {
gheap = new GlobalHeap(heapAddress);
heapMap.put(heapAddress, gheap);
GlobalHeap.HeapObject ho = gheap.getHeapObject((short) index);
if (ho == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("cant find HeapObject");
return ho;
} // HeapIdentifier
private class RegionReference {
private long heapAddress;
private int index;
RegionReference(long filePos) throws IOException {
// header information is in le byte order
heapAddress = readOffset();
index = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
GlobalHeap gheap;
if (null == (gheap = heapMap.get(heapAddress))) {
gheap = new GlobalHeap(heapAddress);
heapMap.put(heapAddress, gheap);
GlobalHeap.HeapObject want = gheap.getHeapObject((short) index);
if (debugRegionReference) {
log.debug(" found ho={}", want);
* - The offset of the object header of the object (ie. dataset) pointed to (yes, an object ID)
* - A serialized form of a dataspace _selection_ of elements (in the dataset pointed to).
* I don't have a formal description of this information now, but it's encoded in the H5S__serialize()
* routines in
* src/H5S.c, where foo = {all, hyper, point, none}.
* There is _no_ datatype information stored for these kind of selections currently.
long objId = getRandomAccessFile().readLong();
DataObject ndo = getDataObject(objId, null);
// String what = (ndo == null) ? "none" : ndo.getName();
if (debugRegionReference) {
log.debug(" objId=" + objId + " DataObject= " + ndo);
if (null == ndo)
throw new IllegalStateException("cant find data object at" + objId);
} // RegionReference
// level 1E
private class GlobalHeap {
private byte version;
private int sizeBytes;
private Map hos = new HashMap<>();
GlobalHeap(long address) throws IOException {
// header information is in le byte order
// header
String magic = getRandomAccessFile().readString(4);
if (!magic.equals("GCOL"))
throw new IllegalStateException(magic + " should equal GCOL");
version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
sizeBytes = getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug("-- readGlobalHeap address=" + address + " version= " + version + " size = " + sizeBytes);
// log.debug("-- readGlobalHeap address=" + address + " version= " + version + " size = " + sizeBytes);
getRandomAccessFile().skipBytes(4); // pad to 8
int count = 0;
int countBytes = 0;
while (true) {
long startPos = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer();
HeapObject o = new HeapObject(); = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
if ( == 0)
break; // ?? look
o.refCount = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
o.dataSize = readLength();
o.dataPos = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer();
int dsize = ((int) o.dataSize) + padding((int) o.dataSize, 8);
countBytes += dsize + 16;
if (o.dataSize < 0)
break; // ran off the end, must be done
if (countBytes < 0)
break; // ran off the end, must be done
if (countBytes > sizeBytes)
break; // ran off the end
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" HeapObject position=" + startPos + " id=" + + " refCount= " + o.refCount + " dataSize = "
+ o.dataSize + " dataPos = " + o.dataPos + " count= " + count + " countBytes= " + countBytes);
hos.put(, o);
if (countBytes + 16 >= sizeBytes)
break; // ran off the end, must be done
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug("-- endGlobalHeap position=" + getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.addByLen("GlobalHeap", address, sizeBytes);
HeapObject getHeapObject(short id) {
return hos.get(id);
class HeapObject {
short id, refCount;
long dataSize;
long dataPos;
public String toString() {
return "id=" + id + ", refCount=" + refCount + ", dataSize=" + dataSize + ", dataPos=" + dataPos;
} // GlobalHeap
// level 1D
private class LocalHeap {
H5Group group;
int size;
long freelistOffset, dataAddress;
byte[] heap;
byte version;
LocalHeap(H5Group group, long address) throws IOException { = group;
// header information is in le byte order
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug("-- readLocalHeap position={}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
// header
String magic = getRandomAccessFile().readString(4);
if (!magic.equals("HEAP")) {
throw new IllegalStateException(magic + " should equal HEAP");
version = getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
size = (int) readLength();
freelistOffset = readLength();
dataAddress = readOffset();
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug(" version=" + version + " size=" + size + " freelistOffset=" + freelistOffset
+ " heap starts at dataAddress=" + dataAddress);
if (debugPos) {
log.debug(" *now at position={}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
// data
heap = new byte[size];
// if (debugHeap) printBytes( out, "heap", heap, size, true);
if (debugDetail) {
log.debug("-- endLocalHeap position={}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
int hsize = 8 + 2 * sizeLengths + sizeOffsets;
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.addByLen("Group LocalHeap (" + group.displayName + ")", address, hsize);
if (debugTracker)
memTracker.addByLen("Group LocalHeapData (" + group.displayName + ")", dataAddress, size);
public String getString(int offset) {
int count = 0;
while (heap[offset + count] != 0)
return new String(heap, offset, count, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} // LocalHeap
// utilities
public int makeIntFromBytes(byte[] bb, int start, int n) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = start + n - 1; i >= start; i--) {
result <<= 8;
byte b = bb[i];
result += (b < 0) ? b + 256 : b;
return result;
public boolean isOffsetLong() {
return isOffsetLong;
* Read a zero terminated String. Leave file positioned after zero terminator byte.
* @param raf from this file
* @return String (dont include zero terminator)
* @throws on io error
private String readString(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
long filePos = raf.getFilePointer();
int count = 0;
while (raf.readByte() != 0)
String result = raf.readString(count);
raf.readByte(); // skip the zero byte! nn
return result;
* Read a zero terminated String at current position; advance file to a multiple of 8.
* @param raf from this file
* @return String (dont include zero terminator)
* @throws on io error
private String readString8(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException {
long filePos = raf.getFilePointer();
int count = 0;
while (raf.readByte() != 0)
byte[] s = new byte[count];
// skip to 8 byte boundary, note zero byte is skipped
count += padding(count, 8); + count);
return new String(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // all Strings are UTF-8 unicode
* Read a String of known length.
* @param size number of bytes
* @return String result
* @throws on io error
private String readStringFixedLength(int size) throws IOException {
return getRandomAccessFile().readString(size);
public long readLength() throws IOException {
return isLengthLong ? getRandomAccessFile().readLong() : (long) getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
public long readOffset() throws IOException {
return isOffsetLong ? getRandomAccessFile().readLong() : (long) getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
public long readAddress() throws IOException {
return getFileOffset(readOffset());
// size of data depends on "maximum possible number"
public int getNumBytesFromMax(long maxNumber) {
int size = 0;
while (maxNumber != 0) {
maxNumber >>>= 8; // right shift with zero extension
return size;
// size of data depends on "maximum possible number"
private long readVariableSizeMax(int maxNumber) throws IOException {
int size = getNumBytesFromMax(maxNumber);
return readVariableSizeUnsigned(size);
private long readVariableSizeFactor(int sizeFactor) throws IOException {
int size = (int) Math.pow(2, sizeFactor);
return readVariableSizeUnsigned(size);
public long readVariableSizeUnsigned(int size) throws IOException {
long vv;
if (size == 1) {
vv = DataType.unsignedByteToShort(getRandomAccessFile().readByte());
} else if (size == 2) {
if (debugPos) {
log.debug("position={}", getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer());
short s = getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
vv = DataType.unsignedShortToInt(s);
} else if (size == 4) {
vv = DataType.unsignedIntToLong(getRandomAccessFile().readInt());
} else if (size == 8) {
vv = getRandomAccessFile().readLong();
} else {
vv = readVariableSizeN(size);
return vv;
private int readVariableSize(int size) throws IOException {
long vv;
if (size == 1) {
return getRandomAccessFile().readByte();
} else if (size == 2) {
return getRandomAccessFile().readShort();
} else if (size == 4) {
return getRandomAccessFile().readInt();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dont support int size == " + size);
// Little endian
private long readVariableSizeN(int nbytes) throws IOException {
int[] ch = new int[nbytes];
for (int i = 0; i < nbytes; i++)
ch[i] = getRandomAccessFile().read();
long result = ch[nbytes - 1];
for (int i = nbytes - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
result = result << 8;
result += ch[i];
return result;
public RandomAccessFile getRandomAccessFile() {
return h5iosp.getRandomAccessFile();
public long getFileOffset(long address) {
return baseAddress + address;
private int makeUnsignedIntFromBytes(byte upper, byte lower) {
return ucar.ma2.DataType.unsignedByteToShort(upper) * 256 + ucar.ma2.DataType.unsignedByteToShort(lower);
// find number of bytes needed to pad to multipleOf byte boundary
private int padding(int nbytes, int multipleOf) {
int pad = nbytes % multipleOf;
if (pad != 0)
pad = multipleOf - pad;
return pad;
void dump(String head, long filePos, int nbytes, boolean count) throws IOException {
if (debugOut == null)
long savePos = getRandomAccessFile().getFilePointer();
if (filePos >= 0)
byte[] mess = new byte[nbytes];
printBytes(head, mess, nbytes, false, debugOut);
static void printBytes(String head, byte[] buff, int n, boolean count, ps) {
ps.print(head + " == ");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
byte b = buff[i];
int ub = (b < 0) ? b + 256 : b;
if (count)
ps.print(i + ":");
if (!count) {
ps.print(" ");
public void close() {
if (debugTracker) {
Formatter f = new Formatter();;
log.debug("{}", f);