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ucar.nc2.util.CompareNetcdf2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * Copyright (c) 1998-2018 John Caron and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
 * See LICENSE for license information.

// $Id: 51 2006-07-12 17:13:13Z caron $

package ucar.nc2.util;

import java.util.Arrays;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CDM;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.*;
import ucar.nc2.*;
import ucar.ma2.*;
import ucar.nc2.iosp.netcdf4.Nc4;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * Compare two NetcdfFile.
 * Doesnt fail (eg doesnt use assert), places results in Formatter.
 * TODO will move to test classes in ver6.
public class CompareNetcdf2 {
  public static final ObjFilter IDENTITY_FILTER = new ObjFilter() {};
  private static final int MAX_SIZE_TO_READ = 10_000_000;

  public interface ObjFilter {
    // if true, compare attribute, else skip comparison
    default boolean attCheckOk(Variable v, Attribute att) {
      return true;

    // override att comparison if needed
    default boolean attsAreEqual(Attribute att1, Attribute att2) {
      return att1.equals(att2);

    // override dimension comparison if needed
    default boolean enumsAreEqual(EnumTypedef enum1, EnumTypedef enum2) {
      return enum1.equals(enum2);

    // if true, compare variable, else skip comparison
    default boolean varDataTypeCheckOk(Variable v) {
      return true;

    // if true, compare dimension, else skip comparison
    default boolean checkDimensionsForFile(String filename) {
      return true;

    // if true, compare dimension, else skip comparison
    default boolean compareCoordinateTransform(CoordinateTransform ct1, CoordinateTransform ct2) {
      return ct1.equals(ct2);

  public static class Netcdf4ObjectFilter implements ObjFilter {

    public boolean attCheckOk(Variable v, Attribute att) {
      // if (v != null && v.isMemberOfStructure()) return false;
      String name = att.getShortName();

      // added by cdm
      if (name.equals(CDM.CHUNK_SIZES))
        return false;
      if (name.equals(CDM.FILL_VALUE))
        return false;
      if (name.equals("_lastModified"))
        return false;

      // hidden by nc4
      if (name.equals(Nc4.NETCDF4_DIMID))
        return false; // preserve the order of the dimensions
      if (name.equals(Nc4.NETCDF4_COORDINATES))
        return false; // ??
      if (name.equals(Nc4.NETCDF4_STRICT))
        return false;

      return !name.startsWith("_");

      // not implemented yet
      // if (att.getDataType().isEnum()) return false;


    public boolean varDataTypeCheckOk(Variable v) {
      if (v.getDataType() == DataType.CHAR)
        return false; // temp workaround
      return v.getDataType() != DataType.STRING;

    // override att comparision if needed
    public boolean attsAreEqual(Attribute att1, Attribute att2) {
      if (att1.getShortName().equalsIgnoreCase(CDM.UNITS) && att2.getShortName().equalsIgnoreCase(CDM.UNITS)) {
        return att1.getStringValue().trim().equals(att2.getStringValue().trim());
      return att1.equals(att2);

  public boolean enumsAreEqual(EnumTypedef enum1, EnumTypedef enum2) {
    String name1 = enum1.getShortName();
    String name2 = enum2.getShortName();
    if (name1.endsWith("_t")) {
      name1 = name1.substring(0, name1.length() - 2);
    if (name2.endsWith("_t")) {
      name2 = name2.substring(0, name2.length() - 2);
    return, name2)
        &&, enum2.getMap())
        && enum1.getBaseType() == enum2.getBaseType();

  public static boolean compareData(String name, Array data1, Array data2) {
    return new CompareNetcdf2().compareData(name, data1, data2, false, true);

  public static boolean compareData(String name, Array data1, double[] data2) {
    Array data2a = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {data2.length}, data2);
    return compareData(name, data1, data2a);

  public static boolean compareFiles(NetcdfFile org, NetcdfFile copy, Formatter f) {
    return compareFiles(org, copy, f, false, false, false);

  public static boolean compareFiles(NetcdfFile org, NetcdfFile copy, Formatter f, boolean _compareData,
      boolean _showCompare, boolean _showEach) {
    CompareNetcdf2 tc = new CompareNetcdf2(f, _showCompare, _showEach, _compareData);
    return, copy);

  public static boolean compareLists(List org, List copy, Formatter f) {
    boolean ok1 = checkContains("first", org, copy, f);
    boolean ok2 = checkContains("second", copy, org, f);
    return ok1 && ok2;

  public static boolean checkContains(String what, List container, List wantList, Formatter f) {
    boolean ok = true;

    for (Object want1 : wantList) {
      int index2 = container.indexOf(want1);
      if (index2 < 0) {
        f.format("  ** %s missing in %s %n", want1, what);
        ok = false;

    return ok;


  private Formatter f;
  private boolean showCompare;
  private boolean showEach;
  private boolean compareData;
  private boolean ignoreattrcase;

  public CompareNetcdf2() {
    this(new Formatter(System.out));

  public CompareNetcdf2(Formatter f) {
    this(f, false, false, System.getProperty("allTests") != null);

  public CompareNetcdf2(Formatter f, boolean showCompare, boolean showEach, boolean compareData) {
    this(f, showCompare, showEach, compareData, true);

  public CompareNetcdf2(Formatter f, boolean showCompare, boolean showEach, boolean compareData,
      boolean ignoreattrcase) {
    this.f = f;
    this.compareData = compareData;
    this.showCompare = showCompare;
    this.showEach = showEach;
    this.ignoreattrcase = ignoreattrcase;

  public boolean compare(NetcdfFile org, NetcdfFile copy) {
    return compare(org, copy, showCompare, showEach, compareData);

  public boolean compare(NetcdfFile org, NetcdfFile copy, @Nullable ObjFilter filter) {
    return compare(org, copy, filter, showCompare, showEach, compareData);

  /** @deprecated use constructor to set options, then compare(NetcdfFile org, NetcdfFile copy) */
  public boolean compare(NetcdfFile org, NetcdfFile copy, boolean showCompare, boolean showEach, boolean compareData) {
    return compare(org, copy, null, showCompare, showEach, compareData);

  /** @deprecated use constructor to set options, then compare(NetcdfFile org, NetcdfFile copy, ObjFilter filter) */
  public boolean compare(NetcdfFile org, NetcdfFile copy, @Nullable ObjFilter objFilter, boolean showCompare,
      boolean showEach, boolean compareData) {
    if (objFilter == null)
      objFilter = IDENTITY_FILTER;
    this.compareData = compareData;
    this.showCompare = showCompare;
    this.showEach = showEach;

    f.format(" First file = %s%n", org.getLocation());
    f.format(" Second file= %s%n", copy.getLocation());

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    boolean ok = compareGroups(org.getRootGroup(), copy.getRootGroup(), objFilter);
    f.format(" Files are the same = %s%n", ok);

    long took = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
    f.format(" Time to compare = %d msecs%n", took);

    // coordinate systems
    if (org instanceof NetcdfDataset && copy instanceof NetcdfDataset) {
      NetcdfDataset orgds = (NetcdfDataset) org;
      NetcdfDataset copyds = (NetcdfDataset) copy;

      // coordinate systems
      for (CoordinateSystem cs1 : orgds.getCoordinateSystems()) {
        CoordinateSystem cs2 = copyds.getCoordinateSystems().stream().filter(cs -> cs.getName().equals(cs1.getName()))
        if (cs2 == null) {
          ok = false;
          f.format("  ** Cant find CoordinateSystem '%s' in file2 %n", cs1.getName());
        } else {
          ok &= compareCoordinateSystem(cs1, cs2, objFilter);

    return ok;

  public boolean compareVariables(NetcdfFile org, NetcdfFile copy) {
    f.format("Original = %s%n", org.getLocation());
    f.format("CompareTo= %s%n", copy.getLocation());
    boolean ok = true;

    for (Variable orgV : org.getVariables()) {
      // if (orgV.isCoordinateVariable()) continue;

      Variable copyVar = copy.findVariable(orgV.getShortName());
      if (copyVar == null) {
        f.format(" MISSING '%s' in 2nd file%n", orgV.getFullName());
        ok = false;
      } else {
        ok &= compareVariables(orgV, copyVar, null, compareData, true);

    for (Variable orgV : copy.getVariables()) {
      // if (orgV.isCoordinateVariable()) continue;
      Variable copyVar = org.findVariable(orgV.getShortName());
      if (copyVar == null) {
        f.format(" MISSING '%s' in 1st file%n", orgV.getFullName());
        ok = false;

    return ok;

  private boolean compareGroups(Group org, Group copy, ObjFilter filter) {
    if (showCompare)
      f.format("compare Group '%s' to '%s' %n", org.getShortName(), copy.getShortName());
    boolean ok = true;

    if (!org.getShortName().equals(copy.getShortName())) {
      f.format(" ** names are different %s != %s %n", org.getShortName(), copy.getShortName());
      ok = false;

    // dimensions
    if (filter.checkDimensionsForFile(org.getNetcdfFile().getLocation())) {
      ok &= checkGroupDimensions(org, copy, "copy");
      ok &= checkGroupDimensions(copy, org, "org");

    // attributes
    ok &= checkAttributes(null, org.attributes(), copy.attributes(), filter);

    // enums
    ok &= checkEnums(org, copy, filter);

    // variables
    // cant use object equality, just match on short name
    for (Variable orgV : org.getVariables()) {
      Variable copyVar = copy.findVariableLocal(orgV.getShortName());
      if (copyVar == null) {
        f.format(" ** cant find variable %s in 2nd file%n", orgV.getFullName());
        ok = false;
      } else {
        ok &= compareVariables(orgV, copyVar, filter, compareData, true);

    for (Variable copyV : copy.getVariables()) {
      Variable orgV = org.findVariableLocal(copyV.getShortName());
      if (orgV == null) {
        f.format(" ** cant find variable %s in 1st file%n", copyV.getFullName());
        ok = false;

    // nested groups
    List groups = new ArrayList();
    String name = org.isRoot() ? "root group" : org.getFullName();
    ok &= checkAll(name, org.getGroups(), copy.getGroups(), groups);
    for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i += 2) {
      Group orgGroup = (Group) groups.get(i);
      Group copyGroup = (Group) groups.get(i + 1);
      ok &= compareGroups(orgGroup, copyGroup, filter);

    return ok;

  public boolean compareVariable(Variable org, Variable copy, ObjFilter filter) {
    return compareVariables(org, copy, filter, compareData, true);

  private boolean compareVariables(Variable org, Variable copy, ObjFilter filter, boolean compareData,
      boolean justOne) {
    boolean ok = true;

    if (showCompare)
      f.format("compare Variable %s to %s %n", org.getFullName(), copy.getFullName());
    if (!org.getFullName().equals(copy.getFullName())) {
      f.format(" ** names are different %s != %s %n", org.getFullName(), copy.getFullName());
      ok = false;
    if (filter.varDataTypeCheckOk(org) && (org.getDataType() != copy.getDataType())) {
      f.format(" ** %s dataTypes are different %s != %s %n", org.getFullName(), org.getDataType(), copy.getDataType());
      ok = false;

    // dimensions
    ok &= checkDimensions(org.getDimensions(), copy.getDimensions(), copy.getFullName() + " copy");
    ok &= checkDimensions(copy.getDimensions(), org.getDimensions(), org.getFullName() + " org");

    // attributes
    ok &= checkAttributes(org, org.attributes(), copy.attributes(), filter);

    // data !!
    if (compareData) {
      try {
        ok &= compareVariableData(org, copy, showCompare, justOne);

      } catch (IOException | InvalidRangeException e) {
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(5000);
        e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
        f.format("%s", sw.toString());
        return false;

    // nested variables
    if (org instanceof Structure) {
      if (!(copy instanceof Structure)) {
        f.format("  ** %s not Structure%n", org);
        ok = false;

      } else {
        Structure orgS = (Structure) org;
        Structure copyS = (Structure) copy;

        for (Variable orgV : orgS.getVariables()) {
          Variable copyVar = copyS.findVariable(orgV.getShortName());
          if (copyVar == null) {
            f.format(" ** cant find variable %s in 2nd file%n", orgV.getFullName());
            ok = false;
          } else {
            boolean compareStructData = compareData && !(orgV instanceof Sequence);
            ok &= compareVariables(orgV, copyVar, filter, compareStructData, true);

         * List vars = new ArrayList();
         * ok &= checkAll("struct " + orgS.getNameAndDimensions(), orgS.getVariables(), copyS.getVariables(), vars);
         * for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); i += 2) {
         * Variable orgV = (Variable) vars.get(i);
         * Variable ncmlV = (Variable) vars.get(i + 1);
         * ok &= compareVariables(orgV, ncmlV, filter, false, true);
         * }

    // coordinate systems
    if (org instanceof VariableEnhanced && copy instanceof VariableEnhanced) {
      VariableEnhanced orge = (VariableEnhanced) org;
      VariableEnhanced copye = (VariableEnhanced) copy;

      for (CoordinateSystem cs1 : orge.getCoordinateSystems()) {
        CoordinateSystem cs2 = copye.getCoordinateSystems().stream().filter(cs -> cs.getName().equals(cs1.getName()))
        if (cs2 == null) {
          ok = false;
          f.format("  ** Cant find CoordinateSystem '%s' in file2 for var %s %n", cs1.getName(), org.getShortName());
        } else {
          ok &= compareCoordinateSystem(cs1, cs2, filter);

    // f.format(" Variable '%s' ok %s %n", org.getName(), ok);
    return ok;

  private boolean compareCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs1, CoordinateSystem cs2, ObjFilter filter) {
    if (showCompare)
      f.format("compare CoordinateSystem '%s' to '%s' %n", cs1.getName(), cs2.getName());

    boolean ok = true;
    for (CoordinateAxis ct1 : cs1.getCoordinateAxes()) {
      CoordinateAxis ct2 = cs2.getCoordinateAxes().stream().filter(ct -> ct.getFullName().equals(ct1.getFullName()))
      if (ct2 == null) {
        ok = false;
        f.format("  ** Cant find coordinateAxis %s in file2 %n", ct1.getFullName());
      } else {
        ok &= compareCoordinateAxis(ct1, ct2, filter);

    for (CoordinateTransform ct1 : cs1.getCoordinateTransforms()) {
      CoordinateTransform ct2 = cs2.getCoordinateTransforms().stream()
          .filter(ct -> filter.compareCoordinateTransform(ct1, ct)).findFirst().orElse(null);
      if (ct2 == null) {
        ok = false;
        f.format("  ** Cant find transform %s in file2 %n", ct1.getName());
      } else {
        boolean ctOk = filter.compareCoordinateTransform(ct1, ct2);
        if (!ctOk)
          f.format("  ** compareCoordinateTransform failed on ct %s for cs %s %n", ct1.getName(), cs1.getName());
        ok = ok && ctOk;

    return ok;

  private boolean compareCoordinateAxis(CoordinateAxis a1, CoordinateAxis a2, ObjFilter filter) {
    if (showCompare)
      f.format("  compare CoordinateAxis '%s' to '%s' %n", a1.getShortName(), a2.getShortName());

    compareVariable(a1, a2, filter);
    return true;

  // make sure each object in wantList is contained in container, using equals().

  // make sure each object in each list are in the other list, using equals().
  // return an arrayList of paired objects.

  private boolean checkAttributes(Variable v, AttributeContainer list1, AttributeContainer list2, ObjFilter objFilter) {
    boolean ok = true;

    String name = v == null ? "global" : "variable " + v.getFullName();
    for (Attribute att1 : list1) {
      if (objFilter.attCheckOk(v, att1))
        ok &= checkAtt(name, att1, "file1", list1, "file2", list2, objFilter);

    for (Attribute att2 : list2) {
      if (objFilter.attCheckOk(v, att2))
        ok &= checkAtt(name, att2, "file2", list2, "file1", list1, objFilter);

    return ok;

  // Theres a bug in old HDF4 (eg "MOD021KM.A2004328.1735.004.2004329164007.hdf) where dimensions
  // are not properly moved up (eg dim BAND_250M is in both root and Data_Fields).
  // So we are going to allow that to be ok (until proven otherwise) but we have to adjust
  // dimension comparision. Currently Dimension.equals() checks the Group.
  private boolean checkDimensions(List list1, List list2, String where) {
    boolean ok = true;

    for (Dimension d1 : list1) {
      if (d1.isShared()) {
        boolean hasit = listContains(list2, d1);
        if (!hasit) {
          f.format("  ** Missing Variable dim '%s' not in %s %n", d1, where);
        ok &= hasit;

    return ok;

  // Check contains not using Group
  private boolean listContains(List list, Dimension d2) {
    for (Dimension d1 : list) {
      if (equalInValue(d1, d2)) {
        return true;
    return false;

  public Dimension findDimension(Group g, Dimension dim) {
    if (dim == null) {
      return null;
    for (Dimension d : g.getDimensions()) {
      if (equalInValue(d, dim)) {
        return d;
    Group parent = g.getParentGroup();
    if (parent != null) {
      return findDimension(parent, dim);
    return null;

  public EnumTypedef findEnum(Group g, EnumTypedef typedef, ObjFilter filter) {
    if (typedef == null) {
      return null;
    for (EnumTypedef other : g.getEnumTypedefs()) {
      if (filter.enumsAreEqual(typedef, other)) {
        return other;
    Group parent = g.getParentGroup();
    if (parent != null) {
      return findEnum(parent, typedef, filter);
    return null;

  // values equal, not using Group
  private boolean equalInValue(Dimension d1, Dimension other) {
    if ((d1.getShortName() == null) && (other.getShortName() != null))
      return false;
    if ((d1.getShortName() != null) && !d1.getShortName().equals(other.getShortName()))
      return false;
    return (d1.getLength() == other.getLength()) && (d1.isUnlimited() == other.isUnlimited())
        && (d1.isVariableLength() == other.isVariableLength()) && (d1.isShared() == other.isShared());

  private boolean checkGroupDimensions(Group group1, Group group2, String where) {
    boolean ok = true;
    for (Dimension d1 : group1.getDimensions()) {
      if (d1.isShared()) {
        if (!group2.getDimensions().contains(d1)) {
          // not in local, is it in a parent?
          if (findDimension(group2, d1) != null) {
            f.format("  ** Dimension '%s' found in parent group of %s %s%n", d1, where, group2.getFullName());
          } else {
            f.format("  ** Missing Group dim '%s' not in %s %s%n", d1, where, group2.getFullName());
            ok = false;
    return ok;

  // make sure each object in each list are in the other list, using equals().
  // return an arrayList of paired objects.

  private boolean checkEnums(Group org, Group copy, ObjFilter filter) {
    boolean ok = true;

    for (EnumTypedef enum1 : org.getEnumTypedefs()) {
      if (showCompare)
        f.format("compare Enum %s%n", enum1.getShortName());
      EnumTypedef enum2 = findEnum(copy, enum1, filter);
      if (enum2 == null) {
        findEnum(org, enum1, filter);
        f.format("  ** Enum %s not in file2 %n", enum1.getShortName());
        ok = false;

    for (EnumTypedef enum2 : copy.getEnumTypedefs()) {
      EnumTypedef enum1 = findEnum(org, enum2, filter);
      if (enum1 == null) {
        findEnum(org, enum2, filter);
        f.format("  ** Enum %s not in file1 %n", enum2.getShortName());
        ok = false;
    return ok;

  private boolean checkAll(String what, List list1, List list2, List result) {
    boolean ok = true;

    for (Object aList1 : list1) {
      ok &= checkEach(what, aList1, "file1", list1, "file2", list2, result);

    for (Object aList2 : list2) {
      ok &= checkEach(what, aList2, "file2", list2, "file1", list1, null);

    return ok;

  // check that want is in both list1 and list2, using object.equals()
  private boolean checkEach(String what, Object want1, String name1, List list1, String name2, List list2,
      List result) {
    boolean ok = true;
    try {
      int index2 = list2.indexOf(want1);
      if (index2 < 0) {
        f.format("  ** %s: %s 0x%x (%s) not in %s %n", what, want1, want1.hashCode(), name1, name2);
        ok = false;
      } else { // found it in second list
        Object want2 = list2.get(index2);
        int index1 = list1.indexOf(want2);
        if (index1 < 0) { // can this happen ??
          f.format("  ** %s: %s 0x%x (%s) not in %s %n", what, want2, want2.hashCode(), name2, name1);
          ok = false;

        } else { // found it in both lists
          Object want = list1.get(index1);
          if (!want.equals(want1)) {
            f.format("  ** %s: %s 0x%x (%s) not equal to %s 0x%x (%s) %n", what, want1, want1.hashCode(), name1, want2,
                want2.hashCode(), name2);
            ok = false;
          } else {
            if (showEach)
              f.format("  OK <%s> equals <%s>%n", want1, want2);
            if (result != null) {

    } catch (Throwable t) {
      f.format(" *** Throwable= %s %n", t.getMessage());
      ok = false;

    return ok;

  // check that want is in both list1 and list2, using object.equals()
  private boolean checkAtt(String what, Attribute want, String name1, AttributeContainer list1, String name2,
      AttributeContainer list2, ObjFilter objFilter) {
    boolean ok = true;
    Attribute found;
    if (this.ignoreattrcase)
      found = list2.findAttributeIgnoreCase(want.getShortName());
      found = list2.findAttribute(want.getShortName());
    if (found == null) {
      f.format("  ** %s: %s (%s) not in %s %n", what, want, name1, name2);
      ok = false;
    } else {
      if (!objFilter.attsAreEqual(want, found)) {
        f.format("  ** %s: %s 0x%x (%s) not equal to %s 0x%x (%s) %n", what, want, want.hashCode(), name1, found,
            found.hashCode(), name2);
        ok = false;
      } else if (showEach) {
        f.format("  OK <%s> equals <%s>%n", want, found);
    return ok;

  private static int[] makeShapeSubset(int[] shape) {
    // Arrays can be 1-7 dimensions so the largest one we could make this way is 10^7 elements
    final int maxLength = 10;
    return -> Math.min(maxLength, s)).toArray();

  private boolean compareVariableData(Variable var1, Variable var2, boolean showCompare, boolean justOne)
      throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
    final long size = var1.getSize() * var1.getElementSize();
    final Section section = size > MAX_SIZE_TO_READ ? new Section(makeShapeSubset(var1.getShape())) : null;
    if (showCompare && section != null) {
      f.format(" compareArrays %s too large so only comparing section %s%n", var1.getNameAndDimensions(), section);
    Array data1 =;
    Array data2 =;

    if (showCompare)
      f.format(" compareArrays %s unlimited=%s size=%d%n", var1.getNameAndDimensions(), var1.isUnlimited(),
    boolean ok = compareData(var1.getFullName(), data1, data2, justOne);
    if (showCompare)
      f.format("   ok=%s%n", ok);
    return ok;

  public boolean compareData(String name, double[] data1, double[] data2) {
    Array data1a = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {data1.length}, data1);
    Array data2a = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {data2.length}, data2);
    return compareData(name, data1a, data2a, false, false);

  public boolean compareData(String name, Array data1, Array data2, boolean justOne) {
    return compareData(name, data1, data2, justOne, true);

  private boolean compareData(String name, Array data1, Array data2, boolean justOne, boolean testTypes) {
    boolean ok = true;
    if (data1.getSize() != data2.getSize()) {
      f.format(" DIFF %s: data size %d !== %d%n", name, data1.getSize(), data2.getSize());
      ok = false;

    if (testTypes && data1.getElementType() != data2.getElementType()) {
      f.format(" DIFF %s: data element type %s !== %s%n", name, data1.getElementType(), data2.getElementType());
      ok = false;

    if (testTypes && data1.getDataType() != data2.getDataType()) {
      f.format(" DIFF %s: data type %s !== %s%n", name, data1.getDataType(), data2.getDataType());
      ok = false;

    if (!, data2.getShape(), f)) {
      f.format(" DIFF %s: data shape %s !== %s%n", name, Arrays.toString(data1.getShape()),
      ok = false;

    if (!ok) {
      return false;

    DataType dt = data1.getDataType();

    IndexIterator iter1 = data1.getIndexIterator();
    IndexIterator iter2 = data2.getIndexIterator();

    if (data1.isVlen()) {
      while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) {
        Object v1 = iter1.getObjectNext();
        Object v2 = iter2.getObjectNext();
        if (v1.getClass() != v2.getClass()) {
          f.format(" DIFF %s: ArrayObject class %s != %s %n", name, v1.getClass().getName(), v2.getClass().getName());
          ok = false;
          if (justOne)

        } else if (v1 instanceof Array) {
          ok &= compareData(name, (Array) v1, (Array) v2, justOne, testTypes);

    } else if (dt == DataType.DOUBLE) {
      while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) {
        double v1 = iter1.getDoubleNext();
        double v2 = iter2.getDoubleNext();
        if (!Misc.nearlyEquals(v1, v2)) {
          f.format(createNumericDataDiffMessage(dt, name, v1, v2, iter1));
          ok = false;
          if (justOne)
    } else if (dt == DataType.FLOAT) {
      while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) {
        float v1 = iter1.getFloatNext();
        float v2 = iter2.getFloatNext();
        if (!Misc.nearlyEquals(v1, v2)) {
          f.format(createNumericDataDiffMessage(dt, name, v1, v2, iter1));
          ok = false;
          if (justOne)
    } else if (dt.getPrimitiveClassType() == int.class) {
      while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) {
        int v1 = iter1.getIntNext();
        int v2 = iter2.getIntNext();
        if (v1 != v2) {
          f.format(createNumericDataDiffMessage(dt, name, v1, v2, iter1));
          ok = false;
          if (justOne)
    } else if (dt.getPrimitiveClassType() == short.class) {
      while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) {
        short v1 = iter1.getShortNext();
        short v2 = iter2.getShortNext();
        if (v1 != v2) {
          f.format(createNumericDataDiffMessage(dt, name, v1, v2, iter1));
          ok = false;
          if (justOne)
    } else if (dt.getPrimitiveClassType() == byte.class) {
      while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) {
        byte v1 = iter1.getByteNext();
        byte v2 = iter2.getByteNext();
        if (v1 != v2) {
          f.format(createNumericDataDiffMessage(dt, name, v1, v2, iter1));
          ok = false;
          if (justOne)
    } else if (dt.getPrimitiveClassType() == long.class) {
      while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) {
        long v1 = iter1.getLongNext();
        long v2 = iter2.getLongNext();
        if (v1 != v2) {
          f.format(createNumericDataDiffMessage(dt, name, v1, v2, iter1));
          ok = false;
          if (justOne)
    } else if (dt.getPrimitiveClassType() == char.class) {
      while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) {
        char v1 = iter1.getCharNext();
        char v2 = iter2.getCharNext();
        if (v1 != v2) {
          f.format(" DIFF char %s: %s != %s count=%s%n", name, v1, v2, iter1);
          ok = false;
          if (justOne)
    } else if (dt == DataType.STRING) {
      while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) {
        String v1 = (String) iter1.getObjectNext();
        String v2 = (String) iter2.getObjectNext();
        if (!v1.equals(v2)) {
          f.format(" DIFF string %s: %s != %s count=%s%n", name, v1, v2, iter1);
          ok = false;
          if (justOne)

    } else if (dt == DataType.STRUCTURE) {
      while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) {
        compareStructureData((StructureData), (StructureData), justOne);

    } else if (dt == DataType.OPAQUE) {
      while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) {
        ByteBuffer obj1 = (ByteBuffer);
        ByteBuffer obj2 = (ByteBuffer);
        if (obj1.limit() != obj2.limit()) {
          f.format(" DIFF %s: opaque size %d != %d%n", name, obj1.limit(), obj2.limit());
          ok = false;
          if (justOne)

    } else {
      ok = false;
      f.format(" %s: Unknown data type %s%n", name, data1.getClass().getName());

    return ok;

  private String createNumericDataDiffMessage(DataType dt, String name, Number v1, Number v2, IndexIterator iter) {
    return String.format(" DIFF %s %s: %s != %s;  count = %s, absDiff = %s, relDiff = %s %n", dt, name, v1, v2, iter,
        Misc.absoluteDifference(v1.doubleValue(), v2.doubleValue()),
        Misc.relativeDifference(v1.doubleValue(), v2.doubleValue()));

  private boolean compareStructureData(StructureData sdata1, StructureData sdata2, boolean justOne) {
    boolean ok = true;

    StructureMembers sm1 = sdata1.getStructureMembers();
    StructureMembers sm2 = sdata2.getStructureMembers();
    if (sm1.getMembers().size() != sm2.getMembers().size()) {
      f.format(" size %d !== %d%n", sm1.getMembers().size(), sm2.getMembers().size());
      ok = false;

    for (StructureMembers.Member m1 : sm1.getMembers()) {
      StructureMembers.Member m2 = sm2.findMember(m1.getName());
      Array data1 = sdata1.getArray(m1);
      Array data2 = sdata2.getArray(m2);
      ok &= compareData(m1.getName(), data1, data2, justOne, true);

    return ok;

  public static void main(String[] arg) throws IOException {
    String usage = "usage: ucar.nc2.util.CompareNetcdf2 file1 file2 [-showEach] [-compareData]";
    if (arg.length < 2) {

    boolean showEach = false;
    boolean compareData = false;

    String file1 = arg[0];
    String file2 = arg[1];

    for (int i = 2; i < arg.length; i++) {
      String s = arg[i];
      if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("-showEach"))
        showEach = true;
      if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("-compareData"))
        compareData = true;

    NetcdfFile ncfile1 = NetcdfDatasets.openFile(file1, null);
    NetcdfFile ncfile2 = NetcdfDatasets.openFile(file2, null);
    compareFiles(ncfile1, ncfile2, new Formatter(System.out), true, compareData, showEach);
