ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.sat.GEOSTransform Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 1998-2023 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.sat;
import java.lang.*;
* Geostationary Transform
* @author Tom Rink
* @since 08/28/2014
public class GEOSTransform {
public static final String GOES = "GOES";
public static final String GEOS = "GEOS";
public static final String WGS84 = "WGS84";
public static final String GRS80 = "GRS80";
public final Geoid wgs84 = new GeoidWGS84();
public final Geoid grs80 = new GeoidGRS80();
private static final double DEG_TO_RAD = Math.PI / 180.0;
private static final double RAD_TO_DEG = 180.0 / Math.PI;
private static final double h_msg = 42164.0;
private static final double h_goesr = 42164.16;
// - GRS80 parameters (GOES-R) default, can be changed via the ctrs ---------
double r_pol = 6356.7523; // semi-minor axis (polar radius km)
double r_eq = 6378.1370; // semi-major axis (equatorial radius km)
private double f = 1.0 / 298.257222101; // flattening
private double fp = 1.0 / ((1.0 - f) * (1.0 - f));
private double h = h_goesr; // Geostationary Orbit Radius (spacecraft to barycenter distance) (km)
double d;
double sub_lon;
double sub_lon_degrees;
double sat_height;
public String scan_geom = GEOS;
public GEOSTransform() {
public GEOSTransform(double subLonDegrees) {
this(subLonDegrees, GEOS);
public GEOSTransform(double subLonDegrees, String scan_geom) {
this(subLonDegrees, scan_geom, null);
public GEOSTransform(double subLonDegrees, String scan_geom, String geoidID) {
Geoid geoid = null;
if (geoidID == null) {
if (scan_geom.equals(GEOS)) {
geoid = wgs84;
} else if (scan_geom.equals(GOES)) {
geoid = grs80;
} else if (geoidID.equals(WGS84)) {
geoid = wgs84;
} else if (geoidID.equals(GRS80)) {
geoid = grs80;
if (geoid == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("GEOSTransform unrecognized scan_geom=" + scan_geom + " geoidID=" + geoidID);
init(subLonDegrees, scan_geom, geoid);
public GEOSTransform(double subLonDegrees, double perspective_point_height, double semi_minor_axis,
double semi_major_axis, double inverse_flattening, String sweep_angle_axis) {
Geoid geoid;
if (Double.isNaN(inverse_flattening)) {
geoid = new Geoid(semi_minor_axis, semi_major_axis);
} else {
geoid = new Geoid(semi_minor_axis, semi_major_axis, inverse_flattening);
scan_geom = sweepAngleAxisToScanGeom(sweep_angle_axis);
init(subLonDegrees, scan_geom, geoid, perspective_point_height);
public GEOSTransform(double subLonDegrees, double perspective_point_height, double semi_minor_axis,
double semi_major_axis, String sweep_angle_axis) {
Geoid geoid = new Geoid(semi_minor_axis, semi_major_axis);
scan_geom = sweepAngleAxisToScanGeom(sweep_angle_axis);
init(subLonDegrees, scan_geom, geoid, perspective_point_height);
private void init(double subLonDegrees, String scan_geom, Geoid geoid) {
this.sub_lon_degrees = subLonDegrees;
this.sub_lon = sub_lon_degrees * DEG_TO_RAD;
this.scan_geom = scan_geom;
r_pol = geoid.r_pol;
r_eq = geoid.r_eq;
f = geoid.f;
fp = 1.0 / ((1.0 - f) * (1.0 - f));
if (scan_geom.equals(GEOS)) {
h = h_msg;
} else if (scan_geom.equals(GOES)) {
h = h_goesr;
this.sat_height = h - r_eq;
d = h * h - r_eq * r_eq;
private void init(double subLonDegrees, String scan_geom, Geoid geoid, double perspective_point_height) {
this.sub_lon_degrees = subLonDegrees;
this.sub_lon = sub_lon_degrees * DEG_TO_RAD;
this.scan_geom = scan_geom;
this.sat_height = perspective_point_height;
r_pol = geoid.r_pol;
r_eq = geoid.r_eq;
f = geoid.f;
fp = 1.0 / ((1.0 - f) * (1.0 - f));
h = perspective_point_height + r_eq;
d = h * h - r_eq * r_eq;
* Transform geographic Earth coordinates to satellite view angle coordinate system
* also known as the "intermediate" coordinate system in CGMS Normalized Geostationary Projection.
* @param geographic_lon longitude, units: degrees
* @param geographic_lat latitude, units: degrees
* @return (lamda, theta) units: radian. This is the (x,y) or (East-West, North_South) view angle.
public double[] earthToSat(double geographic_lon, double geographic_lat) {
geographic_lat = geographic_lat * DEG_TO_RAD;
geographic_lon = geographic_lon * DEG_TO_RAD;
double geocentric_lat = Math.atan(((r_pol * r_pol) / (r_eq * r_eq)) * Math.tan(geographic_lat));
double r_earth = r_pol / Math.sqrt(
1.0 - ((r_eq * r_eq - r_pol * r_pol) / (r_eq * r_eq)) * Math.cos(geocentric_lat) * Math.cos(geocentric_lat));
double r_1 = h - r_earth * Math.cos(geocentric_lat) * Math.cos(geographic_lon - sub_lon);
double r_2 = -r_earth * Math.cos(geocentric_lat) * Math.sin(geographic_lon - sub_lon);
double r_3 = r_earth * Math.sin(geocentric_lat);
if (r_1 > h) { // often two geoid intersect points, use the closer one.
return new double[] {Double.NaN, Double.NaN};
double lamda_sat = Double.NaN;
double theta_sat = Double.NaN;
if (scan_geom.equals(GEOS)) { // GEOS (eg. SEVIRI, MSG) CGMS 03,, Normalized Geostationary Projection
if (h * (h - r_1) < r_3 * r_3 + r_eq * r_eq * r_2 * r_2 / (r_pol * r_pol)) {
return new double[] {Double.NaN, Double.NaN};
lamda_sat = Math.atan(-r_2 / r_1);
theta_sat = Math.asin(r_3 / Math.sqrt(r_1 * r_1 + r_2 * r_2 + r_3 * r_3));
} else if (scan_geom.equals(GOES)) { // GOES (eg. GOES-R ABI)
if (h * (h - r_1) < r_2 * r_2 + r_eq * r_eq * r_3 * r_3 / (r_pol * r_pol)) {
return new double[] {Double.NaN, Double.NaN};
lamda_sat = Math.asin(-r_2 / Math.sqrt(r_1 * r_1 + r_2 * r_2 + r_3 * r_3));
theta_sat = Math.atan(r_3 / r_1);
return new double[] {lamda_sat, theta_sat};
* Transform satellite view angle coordinates, known as the "intermeidate" coordinates in the
* CGMS Normalized Geostationary Projection, to geographic Earth coordinates.
* @param x is lamda (East-West) angle, units: radians
* @param y is theta (Norht-South) angle, units: radians
* @return (Longitude, Latitude), units degrees
public double[] satToEarth(double x, double y) {
if (scan_geom.equals(GOES)) { // convert from GOES to GEOS for transfrom below
double[] lambda_theta_geos = GOES_to_GEOS(x, y);
x = lambda_theta_geos[0];
y = lambda_theta_geos[1];
double c1 = (h * Math.cos(x) * Math.cos(y)) * (h * Math.cos(x) * Math.cos(y));
double c2 = (Math.cos(y) * Math.cos(y) + fp * Math.sin(y) * Math.sin(y)) * d;
if (c1 < c2) {
return new double[] {Double.NaN, Double.NaN};
double s_d = Math.sqrt(c1 - c2);
double s_n = (h * Math.cos(x) * Math.cos(y) - s_d) / (Math.cos(y) * Math.cos(y) + fp * Math.sin(y) * Math.sin(y));
double s_1 = h - s_n * Math.cos(x) * Math.cos(y);
double s_2 = s_n * Math.sin(x) * Math.cos(y);
double s_3 = -s_n * Math.sin(y);
double s_xy = Math.sqrt(s_1 * s_1 + s_2 * s_2);
double geographic_lon = Math.atan(s_2 / s_1) + sub_lon;
double geographic_lat = Math.atan(-fp * (s_3 / s_xy));
double lonDegrees = RAD_TO_DEG * geographic_lon;
double latDegrees = RAD_TO_DEG * geographic_lat;
// force output longitude to -180 to 180 range
if (lonDegrees < -180.0)
lonDegrees += 360.0;
if (lonDegrees > 180.0)
lonDegrees -= 360.0;
return new double[] {lonDegrees, latDegrees};
* Transform view angle coordinates in the GOES scan geometry frame to view angle coordinates
* in the GEOS scan geometry frame.
public double[] GOES_to_GEOS(double lamda_goes, double theta_goes) {
double theta_geos = Math.asin(Math.sin(theta_goes) * Math.cos(lamda_goes));
double lamda_geos = Math.atan(Math.tan(lamda_goes) / Math.cos(theta_goes));
return new double[] {lamda_geos, theta_geos};
* Transform fractional FGF coordinates to (longitude, latitude).
* @param fgf_x fractional FGF coordinate, zero-based
* @param fgf_y fractional FGF coordinate, zero-based
* @param scale_x scaleFactor from the x coordinate variable
* @param offset_x addOffset from the x coordinate variable
* @param scale_y scaleFactor from the y coordinate variable
* @param offset_y addOffset from the y coordinate variable
* @return (Longitude, Latitude), units: degrees
public double[] FGFtoEarth(double fgf_x, double fgf_y, double scale_x, double offset_x, double scale_y,
double offset_y) {
double[] xy = FGFtoSat(fgf_x, fgf_y, scale_x, offset_x, scale_y, offset_y);
return satToEarth(xy[0], xy[1]);
* Transform fractional FGF coordinates to (lamda, theta) radians.
* @param fgf_x fractional FGF coordinate, zero-based
* @param fgf_y fractional FGF coordinate, zero-based
* @param scale_x scaleFactor from the x coordinate variable
* @param offset_x addOffset from the x coordinate variable
* @param scale_y scaleFactor from the y coordinate variable
* @param offset_y addOffset from the y coordinate variable
* @return (lamda, theta), units: radians
public double[] FGFtoSat(double fgf_x, double fgf_y, double scale_x, double offset_x, double scale_y,
double offset_y) {
double x = fgf_x * scale_x + offset_x;
double y = fgf_y * scale_y + offset_y;
return new double[] {x, y};
* Transform integer FGF coordinates to (longitude, latitude) of pixel center
* The (i,j) pixel, zero-based, refers to the pixel center.
* @param scale_x scaleFactor from the x coordinate variable
* @param offset_x addOffset from the x coordinate variable
* @param scale_y scaleFactor from the y coordinate variable
* @param offset_y addOffset from the y coordinate variable
* @return (Longitude, Latitude), units: degrees, of FGF (i,j) pixel center
public double[] elemLineToEarth(int elem, int line, double scale_x, double offset_x, double scale_y,
double offset_y) {
return FGFtoEarth((double) elem, (double) line, scale_x, offset_x, scale_y, offset_y);
* Transform Earth coordinates (lon,lat) to fractional FGF coordinates.
* @param geographic_lon Longitude, units: degrees
* @param geographic_lat Latitude, units: degrees
* @param scale_x scaleFactor from the x coordinate variable
* @param offset_x addOffset from the x coordinate variable
* @param scale_y scaleFactor from the y coordinate variable
* @param offset_y addOffset from the y coordinate variable
* @return fractional fgf coordinates
public double[] earthToFGF(double geographic_lon, double geographic_lat, double scale_x, double offset_x,
double scale_y, double offset_y) {
double[] xy = earthToSat(geographic_lon, geographic_lat);
return SatToFGF(xy[0], xy[1], scale_x, offset_x, scale_y, offset_y);
* Transform pixel center Earth coordinates (lon,lat) to integer FGF coordinates.
* @param scale_x scaleFactor from the x coordinate variable
* @param offset_x addOffset from the x coordinate variable
* @param scale_y scaleFactor from the y coordinate variable
* @param offset_y addOffset from the y coordinate variable
public int[] earthToElemLine(double geographic_lon, double geographic_lat, double scale_x, double offset_x,
double scale_y, double offset_y) {
double[] fgf = earthToFGF(geographic_lon, geographic_lat, scale_x, offset_x, scale_y, offset_y);
int elem = (int) Math.floor(fgf[0] + 0.5);
int line = (int) Math.floor(fgf[1] + 0.5);
return new int[] {elem, line};
* Transform (lamda, theta) in radians to fractional FGF coordinates.
* @param scale_x scaleFactor from the x coordinate variable
* @param offset_x addOffset from the x coordinate variable
* @param scale_y scaleFactor from the y coordinate variable
* @param offset_y addOffset from the y coordinate variable
public double[] SatToFGF(double lamda, double theta, double scale_x, double offset_x, double scale_y,
double offset_y) {
double fgf_x = (lamda - offset_x) / scale_x;
double fgf_y = (theta - offset_y) / scale_y;
return new double[] {fgf_x, fgf_y};
* Find sweep_angle_axis associated with a scan geometry
* @param scanGeometry scanning geometry (GOES or GEOS)
* @return sweep_angle_axis (x or y)
public static String scanGeomToSweepAngleAxis(String scanGeometry) {
String sweepAngleAxis = "y";
if (scanGeometry.equals(GOES)) {
sweepAngleAxis = "x";
return sweepAngleAxis;
* Find scan geometry associated with sweep_angle_axis
* @param sweepAngleAxis sweep_angle_axis (x or y)
* @return scan_geom scanning geometry (GOES or GEOS)
public static String sweepAngleAxisToScanGeom(String sweepAngleAxis) {
String scanGeom = GOES;
if (sweepAngleAxis.equals("y")) {
scanGeom = GEOS;
return scanGeom;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
GEOSTransform that = (GEOSTransform) o;
if (Double.compare(that.sub_lon, sub_lon) != 0)
return false;
return scan_geom.equals(that.scan_geom);
public int hashCode() {
int result;
long temp;
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(sub_lon);
result = (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
result = 31 * result + scan_geom.hashCode();
return result;
* Earth Geoid definitions
* Note: CGMS Doc No CGMS 03, Issue 2.6 states the following geoid parameters:
* r_pol = 6356.5838 km
* r_eq = 6378.1690 km
static class Geoid {
double r_pol; // semi-minor axis (polar radius km)
double r_eq; // semi-major axis (equatorial radius km)
double f; // flattening
public Geoid() {}
public Geoid(double r_pol, double r_eq, double invf) {
this.r_pol = r_pol;
this.r_eq = r_eq;
this.f = 1.0 / invf;
public Geoid(double r_pol, double r_eq) {
this.r_pol = r_pol;
this.r_eq = r_eq;
this.f = (r_eq - r_pol) / r_eq;
static class GeoidWGS84 extends Geoid {
// - WGS84 parameters ------------------------------------------
public GeoidWGS84() {
r_pol = 6356.7523; // kilometers
r_eq = 6378.1370;
f = 1.0 / 298.257223563;
static class GeoidGRS80 extends Geoid {
// - GRS80 parameters (GOES-R) --------------------------------------
public GeoidGRS80() {
r_pol = 6356.7523; // kilometers
r_eq = 6378.1370;
f = 1.0 / 298.257222101;
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