ucar.unidata.geoloc.vertical.HybridHeight Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 1998-2018 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* See LICENSE for license information.
package ucar.unidata.geoloc.vertical;
import ucar.ma2.*;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble.D1;
import ucar.nc2.*;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CDM;
import ucar.unidata.util.Parameter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
* Create a 3D height(z,y,x) array using the netCDF CF convention formula for
* "Atmospheric Hybrid Height".
* height(x,y,z) = a(z) + b(z)*orog(x,y)
* @author murray
* @see http://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/
public class HybridHeight extends VerticalTransformImpl {
* Surface pressure name identifier
public static final String OROG = "Orography_variableName";
* The "a" variable name identifier
public static final String A = "A_variableName";
* The "b" variable name identifier
public static final String B = "B_variableName";
* ps, a, and b variables
private Variable aVar, bVar, orogVar;
* a and b Arrays
private Array aArray, bArray;
* Construct a coordinate transform for hybrid height
* @param ds netCDF dataset
* @param timeDim time dimension
* @param params list of transformation Parameters
public HybridHeight(NetcdfFile ds, Dimension timeDim, List params) {
String aName = getParameterStringValue(params, A);
String bName = getParameterStringValue(params, B);
String orogName = getParameterStringValue(params, OROG);
aVar = ds.findVariable(aName);
bVar = ds.findVariable(bName);
orogVar = ds.findVariable(orogName);
units = orogVar.findAttributeString(CDM.UNITS, "none");
* Get the 3D vertical coordinate array for this time step.
* @param timeIndex the time index. Ignored if !isTimeDependent().
* @return vertical coordinate array
* @throws IOException problem reading data
* @throws InvalidRangeException not a valid time range
public ArrayDouble.D3 getCoordinateArray(int timeIndex) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
Array orogArray = readArray(orogVar, timeIndex);
if (null == aArray) {
aArray = aVar.read();
bArray = bVar.read();
int nz = (int) aArray.getSize();
Index aIndex = aArray.getIndex();
Index bIndex = bArray.getIndex();
int[] shape2D = orogArray.getShape();
int ny = shape2D[0];
int nx = shape2D[1];
Index orogIndex = orogArray.getIndex();
ArrayDouble.D3 height = new ArrayDouble.D3(nz, ny, nx);
for (int z = 0; z < nz; z++) {
double az = aArray.getDouble(aIndex.set(z));
double bz = bArray.getDouble(bIndex.set(z));
for (int y = 0; y < ny; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < nx; x++) {
double orog = orogArray.getDouble(orogIndex.set(y, x));
height.set(z, y, x, az + bz * orog);
return height;
* Get the 1D vertical coordinate array for this time step and point
* @param timeIndex the time index. Ignored if !isTimeDependent().
* @param xIndex the x index
* @param yIndex the y index
* @return vertical coordinate array
* @throws java.io.IOException problem reading data
* @throws ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException _more_
public D1 getCoordinateArray1D(int timeIndex, int xIndex, int yIndex) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
Array orogArray = readArray(orogVar, timeIndex);
if (null == aArray) {
aArray = aVar.read();
bArray = bVar.read();
int nz = (int) aArray.getSize();
Index aIndex = aArray.getIndex();
Index bIndex = bArray.getIndex();
Index orogIndex = orogArray.getIndex();
ArrayDouble.D1 height = new ArrayDouble.D1(nz);
for (int z = 0; z < nz; z++) {
double az = aArray.getDouble(aIndex.set(z));
double bz = bArray.getDouble(bIndex.set(z));
double orog = orogArray.getDouble(orogIndex.set(yIndex, xIndex));
height.set(z, az + bz * orog);
return height;