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org.geolatte.common.cql.cql.grammar Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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This GeoLatte-common library contains the transformer framework and other common classes used by other GeoLatte modules.

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Package org.geolatte.common.cql;


    /* These are not defined in CQL */
    tab                             = 9;
    cr                              = 13;
    lf                              = 10;
    eol                             = cr lf | cr | lf;
    blank                           = (' ' | tab | eol)+;

    all                             = [0 .. 0xFFFF];

    simple_latin_upper_case_letter  = 'A'|'B'|'C'|'D'|'E'|'F'|'G'|'H'|'I'|'J'|'K'|'L'|'M'|'N'|'O'|'P'|'Q'|'R'|'S'|'T'|'U'|'V'|'W'|'X'|'Y'|'Z';
    simple_latin_lower_case_letter  = 'a'|'b'|'c'|'d'|'e'|'f'|'g'|'h'|'i'|'j'|'k'|'l'|'m'|'n'|'o'|'p'|'q'|'r'|'s'|'t'|'u'|'v'|'w'|'x'|'y'|'z';
    simple_latin_letter             = simple_latin_upper_case_letter | simple_latin_lower_case_letter;

    /* Case insensitive letters */
    a	                            = 'a' | 'A';
    b	                            = 'b' | 'B';
    c	                            = 'c' | 'C';
    d	                            = 'd' | 'D';
    e	                            = 'e' | 'E';
    f	                            = 'f' | 'F';
    g	                            = 'g' | 'G';
    h	                            = 'h' | 'H';
    i	                            = 'i' | 'I';
    j	                            = 'j' | 'J';
    k	                            = 'k' | 'K';
    l	                            = 'l' | 'L';
    m	                            = 'm' | 'M';
    n	                            = 'n' | 'N';
    o	                            = 'o' | 'O';
    p	                            = 'p' | 'P';
    q	                            = 'q' | 'Q';
    r	                            = 'r' | 'R';
    s	                            = 's' | 'S';
    t	                            = 't' | 'T';
    u	                            = 'u' | 'U';
    v	                            = 'v' | 'V';
    w	                            = 'w' | 'W';
    x	                            = 'x' | 'X';
    y	                            = 'y' | 'Y';
    z	                            = 'z' | 'Z';

    digit                           = '0'|'1'|'2'|'3'|'4'|'5'|'6'|'7'|'8'|'9';

    space                           = ' ';
    doublequote                     = '"';
    quote                           = ''';
    asterisk                        = '*';
    comma                           = ',';
    hyphen                          = '-';
    colon                           = ':';
    plus_sign                        = '+';
    minus_sign                       = '-';
    sign                            = plus_sign | minus_sign;
    underscore                      = '_';

    nonquotecharacter               = [all - quote];
    quotesymbol                     = quote quote;
    datetimeseparator               = 'T';
    timespanseparator               = '/';
    durationsymbol                  = 'P';

    geometry_allowed_symbol         = '(' | ' ' | digit | ')';

States /* We use states because we don't want to parse wkt strings directly. We need to tokenize them manually via a Lexer extension. */

    normal, wkt;

Tokens /* Terminals */

/* WKT markers */ /* Place these tokens in front, otherwise they are not recognized. Not sure why but probably another token matches */
    {normal->wkt, wkt} wkt_point_literal                     = p o i n t;
    {normal->wkt, wkt} wkt_line_string_literal               = l i n e s t r i n g;
    {normal->wkt, wkt} wkt_polygon_literal                   = p o l y g o n;
    //{normal->wkt, wkt} wkt_polyhedral_surface_literal      = p o l y h e d r a l s u r f a c e;
    //{normal->wkt, wkt} wkt_triangle_literal                = t r i a n g l e;
    //{normal->wkt, wkt} wkt_tin_literal                     = t i n;
    {normal->wkt, wkt} wkt_multi_point_literal               = m u l t i p o i n t;
    {normal->wkt, wkt} wkt_multi_line_string_literal         = m u l t i l i n e s t r i n g;
    {normal->wkt, wkt} wkt_multi_polygon_literal             = m u l t i p o l y g o n;
    {normal->wkt, wkt} wkt_geometry_collection_literal       = g e o m e t r y c o l l e c t i o n;

    {normal->wkt, wkt} wkt_empty_set_literal                 = e m p t y;

    blank                                                    = blank;
    space                                                    = space;
    newline                                                  = eol;

    sign                                                     = sign;
    left_paren                                               = '(';
    right_paren                                              = ')';
    period                                                   = '.';
    colon                                                    = colon;
    comma                                                    = comma;

    {normal} less_than_operator                              = '<';
    {normal} equals_operator                                 = '=';
    {normal} greater_than_operator                           = '>';
    {normal} not_equals_operator                             = '<>';
    {normal} greater_than_or_equals_operator                 = '>=';
    {normal} less_than_or_equals_operator                    = '<=';

    {normal} boolean_not_operator                            = n o t;
    {normal} boolean_and_operator                            = a n d;
    {normal} boolean_or_operator                             = o r;

    {normal} text_like_operator                              = l i k e;
    {normal} text_ilike_operator                             = i l i k e;

    {normal} exists_operator                                 = e x i s t s;
    {normal} doesnotexist_operator                           = d o e s '-' n o t '-' e x i s t;

    {normal} temporal_before_operator                        = b e f o r e;
    {normal} temporal_beforeorduring_operator                = b e f o r e space o r  space d u r i n g;
    {normal} temporal_during_operator                        = d u r i n g;
    {normal} temporal_duringorafter_operator                 = d u r i n g space o r space a f t e r;
    {normal} temporal_after_operator                         = a f t e r;

    {normal} null_is_operator                                = i s;
    {normal} null_not_operator                               = n o t;

    {normal} geo_equals_operator                             = e q u a l s;
    {normal} geo_disjoint_operator                           = d i s j o i n t;
    {normal} geo_intersects_operator                         = i n t e r s e c t s;
    {normal} geo_touches_operator                            = t o u c h e s;
    {normal} geo_crosses_operator                            = c r o s s e s;
    {normal} geo_within_operator                             = w i t h i n;
    {normal} geo_contains_operator                           = c o n t a i n s;
    {normal} geo_overlaps_operator                           = o v e r l a p s;
    {normal} geo_relate_operator                             = r e l a t e;

    {normal} relgeo_dwithin_operator                         = d w i t h i n;
    {normal} relgeo_beyond_operator                          = b e y o n d;

    {normal} boolean_true                                    = t r u e;
    {normal} boolean_false                                   = f a l s e;
    {normal} boolean_unknown                                 = u n k n o w n;

    {normal} null_constant                                   = n u l l;

    signed_numeric_literal                                   = sign? digit* '.'? digit+;

    unsigned_integer                                         = digit+;

    {normal} character_string_literal                        = quote (nonquotecharacter | quotesymbol)+ quote;

    // Not according to the spec for the moment, should allow things like 'A', 'abc', 'a23', 'a:b:c'
    {normal} identifier                      = simple_latin_letter (simple_latin_letter | underscore | digit)*;   //  ::=  |  } ]

    {normal} duration_date_time_separator                    = datetimeseparator;
    {normal} duration_symbol                                 = durationsymbol;
    {normal} time_span_separator                             = timespanseparator;

    {normal} datetime                                        = digit digit digit digit hyphen digit digit hyphen digit digit datetimeseparator digit digit colon digit digit colon digit digit ('.' digit+)?;

    //year_digits                                            = ('19' | '20' | '21') digit digit; // 1900 -> 2199
    //month_digits                                           = '0'['1'-'9'] | '1'('0' | '1' | '2'); // 01 -> 12
    //day_digits                                             = ['0'-'2']['1'-'9'] | '3'('0' | '1'); // 01 -> 31

    {normal} dur_day_symbol                                  = 'D';
    {normal} dur_month_symbol                                = 'M';
    {normal} dur_year_symbol                                 = 'Y';

    {normal} dur_second_symbol                               = 'S';
    {normal} dur_minute_symbol                               = 'M';
    {normal} dur_hour_symbol                                 = 'H';

Ignored Tokens

Productions /* Non-terminals, precede a token by T and a production by P in case of ambiguity */

/* Query capabilities */
                                                                //  ::= 
    search_condition {-> expr} =
        boolean_value_expression {-> boolean_value_expression.expr};

                                                                //  ::=  |  OR 
    boolean_value_expression {-> expr} =
          {boolean_term} boolean_term {-> boolean_term.expr}
        | {boolean_value_expression} [left]:boolean_value_expression boolean_or_operator [right]:boolean_term {-> New expr.or(left.expr, right.expr)};

                                                                //  ::=  |  AND 
    boolean_term {-> expr} =
            {boolean_primary} boolean_primary {-> boolean_primary.expr}
          | {boolean_factor} boolean_factor {-> boolean_factor.expr}
          | {boolean_term} [left]:boolean_term boolean_and_operator [right]:boolean_factor {-> New expr.and(left.expr, right.expr)};

                                                              //  ::= [ NOT ] 
    boolean_factor {-> expr} =
          {boolean_factor} [term]:boolean_primary {-> term.expr}
        | {boolean_factor_not} boolean_not_operator [term]:boolean_primary {-> New expr.not(term.expr)};

                                                                //  ::=  |  |   | 
    boolean_primary {-> expr} =
          {predicate} predicate  {-> predicate.expr}
        | {routine_invocation} routine_invocation {-> routine_invocation.expr}
        | {nested_search_condition} left_paren search_condition right_paren {-> search_condition.expr};

    routine_invocation {-> expr} =
        geo_equals_operator left_paren [attr]:attribute_name comma geometry_literal right_paren {-> New expr.geo_equals(attr.attr, geometry_literal.geometry_literal)};

                                                                //  ::=  |  |  |  |  | 
    predicate {-> expr} =
          {comparison_predicate} comparison_predicate {-> comparison_predicate.expr}
        | {text_predicate} text_predicate {-> text_predicate.expr}
        | {null_predicate} null_predicate {-> null_predicate.expr}
        | {existence_predicate} existence_predicate {-> existence_predicate.expr}
        | {temporal_predicate} temporal_predicate {-> temporal_predicate.expr};

   comparison_predicate {-> expr} =
          {equals}                 [attr]:attribute_name       equals_operator           [lit]:literal {-> New expr.eq(attr.attr, lit.literal)}
        | {not_equals}             [attr]:attribute_name     not_equals_operator         [lit]:literal {-> New expr.neq(attr.attr, lit.literal)}
        | {less_than}              [attr]:attribute_name      less_than_operator         [lit]:literal {-> New, lit.literal)}
        | {greater_than}           [attr]:attribute_name     greater_than_operator       [lit]:literal {-> New, lit.literal)}
        | {less_than_or_equals}    [attr]:attribute_name  less_than_or_equals_operator   [lit]:literal {-> New expr.lte(attr.attr, lit.literal)}
        | {greater_than_or_equals} [attr]:attribute_name greater_than_or_equals_operator [lit]:literal {-> New expr.gte(attr.attr, lit.literal)};

    null_predicate {-> expr} =
          {isnull}     [attr]:attribute_name null_is_operator null_constant {-> New expr.is_null(attr.attr)}
        | {isnotnull}  [attr]:attribute_name null_is_operator null_not_operator null_constant {-> New expr.is_not_null(attr.attr)};

                                                                //  ::=  [ NOT ] LIKE 
    text_predicate {-> expr} =
          {like}    [attr]:attribute_name text_like_operator                      [lit]:string_literal {-> New, lit)}
        | {notlike} [attr]:attribute_name boolean_not_operator text_like_operator [lit]:string_literal {-> New expr.not_like(attr.attr, lit)}
        | {ilike}    [attr]:attribute_name text_ilike_operator                      [lit]:string_literal {-> New expr.ilike(attr.attr, lit)}
        | {notilike} [attr]:attribute_name boolean_not_operator text_ilike_operator [lit]:string_literal {-> New expr.not_ilike(attr.attr, lit)};

    existence_predicate {-> expr} =
          {exists} [attr]:attribute_name exists_operator {-> New expr.exists(attr.attr)}
        | {does_not_exist} [attr]:attribute_name doesnotexist_operator {-> New expr.does_not_exist(attr.attr)};

                                                                //  ::=  BEFORE  |  BEFORE OR DURING  |  DURING  |  DURING OR AFTER  |  AFTER 
    temporal_predicate {-> expr} =
          {before} [attr]:attribute_name temporal_before_operator datetime_literal {-> New expr.before(attr.attr, datetime_literal.datetime_literal)}
        | {after} [attr]:attribute_name temporal_after_operator datetime_literal {-> New expr.after(attr.attr, datetime_literal.datetime_literal)}
        | {during} [attr]:attribute_name temporal_during_operator timespan_literal {-> New expr.during(attr.attr, timespan_literal.timespan_literal)}
        | {before_or_during} [attr]:attribute_name temporal_beforeorduring_operator timespan_literal {-> New expr.before_or_during(attr.attr, timespan_literal.timespan_literal)}
        | {during_or_after} [attr]:attribute_name temporal_duringorafter_operator timespan_literal {-> New expr.during_or_after(attr.attr, timespan_literal.timespan_literal)};

/* End query capabilities */

    literal {-> literal} =
          {num} numeric_literal {-> New literal.numeric(numeric_literal.numeric_literal)}
        | {gen} general_literal {-> general_literal.literal};

    general_literal {-> literal} =
          {string} string_literal {-> New literal.string(string_literal.string_literal)}
        | {date} datetime_literal {-> New literal.datetime(datetime_literal.datetime_literal)}
        | {boolean} boolean_literal {-> New literal.boolean(boolean_literal.boolean_literal)};
        //| {geometry} geometry_literal {-> New literal.geometry(geometry_literal.geometry_literal)}; // do not allow this for the moment

    numeric_literal {-> numeric_literal} =
        signed_numeric_literal {-> New numeric_literal.default(signed_numeric_literal)};

    string_literal {-> string_literal} =
        character_string_literal {-> New string_literal.default(character_string_literal)};

    boolean_literal {-> boolean_literal} =
        {true} boolean_true {-> New boolean_literal.true()}
      | {false} boolean_false {-> New boolean_literal.false()}
      | {unknown} boolean_unknown {-> New boolean_literal.unknown()};

    datetime_literal {-> datetime_literal} =
        datetime {-> New datetime_literal.default(datetime)};

    duration_literal {-> duration_literal} =
        duration_symbol [year_digits]:unsigned_integer dur_year_symbol [month_digits]:unsigned_integer dur_month_symbol [day_digits]:unsigned_integer dur_day_symbol [hour_digits]:unsigned_integer dur_hour_symbol [minute_digits]:unsigned_integer dur_minute_symbol [second_digits]:unsigned_integer dur_second_symbol {-> New duration_literal.default(year_digits, month_digits, day_digits, hour_digits, minute_digits, second_digits)};

    timespan_literal {-> timespan_literal} =
        {from_to} [from]:datetime time_span_separator [to]:datetime {-> New timespan_literal.from_to(from, to)}
      | {from_duration} datetime time_span_separator duration_literal {-> New timespan_literal.from_duration(datetime, duration_literal.duration_literal)}
      | {duration_to} duration_literal time_span_separator datetime {-> New timespan_literal.duration_to(duration_literal.duration_literal, datetime)};

    geometry_literal {-> geometry_literal} =
        {point} wkt_point_literal {-> New geometry_literal.point(wkt_point_literal)}
      | {line_string} wkt_line_string_literal {-> New geometry_literal.line_string(wkt_line_string_literal)}
      | {polygon} wkt_polygon_literal {-> New geometry_literal.polygon(wkt_polygon_literal)}
      //| {polyhedral_surface} wkt_polyhedral_surface_literal {-> New geometry_literal.polyhedral_surface(wkt_polyhedral_surface_literal)}
      //| {triangle_literal} wkt_triangle_literal {-> New geometry_literal.triangle(wkt_triangle_literal)}
      //| {tin_literal} wkt_tin_literal {-> New geometry_literal.tin(wkt_tin_literal)}
      | {multi_point_literal} wkt_multi_point_literal {-> New geometry_literal.multi_point(wkt_multi_point_literal)}
      | {multi_line_string_literal} wkt_multi_line_string_literal {-> New geometry_literal.multi_line_string(wkt_multi_line_string_literal)}
      | {multi_polygon_literal} wkt_multi_polygon_literal {-> New geometry_literal.multi_polygon(wkt_multi_polygon_literal)}
      | {geometry_collection_literal} wkt_geometry_collection_literal {-> New geometry_literal.geometry_collection(wkt_geometry_collection_literal)};

    attribute_name {-> attr} =
        {simple_attribute} identifier {-> New}
      | {compound_attribute} identifier period attribute_name {-> New attr.compound_id(identifier, attribute_name.attr)};

Abstract Syntax Tree

    expr = // General comparisons
           {gt}                 [left]:attr [right]:literal
         | {lt}                 [left]:attr [right]:literal
         | {gte}                [left]:attr [right]:literal
         | {lte}                [left]:attr [right]:literal
         | {eq}                 [left]:attr [right]:literal
         | {neq}                [left]:attr [right]:literal
           // Text comparisons
         | {like}               [left]:attr [right]:string_literal
         | {not_like}           [left]:attr [right]:string_literal
         | {ilike}              [left]:attr [right]:string_literal
         | {not_ilike}          [left]:attr [right]:string_literal
           // Null comparisons
         | {is_null}            [attr]:attr
         | {is_not_null}        [attr]:attr
           // Comparison concatenation
         | {or}                 [left]:expr [right]:expr
         | {and}                [left]:expr [right]:expr
         | {not}                [expr]:expr
           // Attribute existence
         | {exists}             [attr]:attr
         | {does_not_exist}     [attr]:attr
           // Temporal comparisons
         | {before}             [attr]:attr [date_time]:datetime_literal
         | {after}              [attr]:attr [date_time]:datetime_literal
         | {during}             [attr]:attr [time_span]:timespan_literal
         | {before_or_during}   [attr]:attr [time_span]:timespan_literal
         | {during_or_after}    [attr]:attr [time_span]:timespan_literal
         | {geo_equals}         [left]:attr [right]:geometry_literal;

    attr =
          {id} identifier
        | {compound_id} identifier attr;

    literal =
          {numeric} numeric_literal
        | {string} string_literal
        | {boolean} boolean_literal
        | {datetime} datetime_literal
        | {timespan} timespan_literal;
        //| {geometry} geometry_literal // not sure how to implement comparisons between all kinds of geometries, so we don't allow it

    numeric_literal =
        {default} signed_numeric_literal;

    string_literal =
        {default} character_string_literal;

    boolean_literal =
      | {false}
      | {unknown};

    datetime_literal =
        {default} datetime;

    duration_literal =
        {default} [years]:unsigned_integer [months]:unsigned_integer [days]:unsigned_integer [hours]:unsigned_integer [minutes]:unsigned_integer [seconds]:unsigned_integer;

    timespan_literal =
        {from_to} [from]:datetime [to]:datetime
      | {from_duration} [from]:datetime [duration]:duration_literal
      | {duration_to} [duration]:duration_literal [to]:datetime;

    geometry_literal =
        {point} wkt_point_literal
      | {line_string} wkt_line_string_literal
      | {polygon} wkt_polygon_literal
      //| {polyhedral_surface} wkt_polyhedral_surface_literal
      //| {triangle_literal} wkt_triangle_literal
      //| {tin_literal} wkt_tin_literal
      | {multi_point} wkt_multi_point_literal
      | {multi_line_string} wkt_multi_line_string_literal
      | {multi_polygon} wkt_multi_polygon_literal
      | {geometry_collection} wkt_geometry_collection_literal;

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