Maven / Gradle / Ivy Nodes Edges Coefficient
DynamicDegreeUI.shortDescription=Degree of each node and the average of the network over time.
DynamicNbNodesUI.shortDescription=Number of nodes in the network over time.
DynamicNbEdgesUI.shortDescription=Number of edges in the network over time.
DynamicClusteringCoefficientUI.shortDescription=Clustering coefficient of each node and the average of the network over time.
DynamicDegreePanel.header.description=Degree of each node and the average of the network over time. It is the number of links that have a node, and is an indicator of centrality.
DynamicDegreePanel.header.title=Dynamic Degree
DynamicDegreePanel.directedRadioButton.text=Directed graph
DynamicDegreePanel.undirectedRadioButton.text=Undirected graph
DynamicDegreePanel.averageOnlyCheckbox.text=Compute the average only
DynamicClusteringCoefficientPanel.header.description=Clustering coefficient of each node and the average of the network over time. It shows how complete the neighborhood of a node is. It is the ratio of edges between its neighbors by all edges possible.
DynamicClusteringCoefficientPanel.header.title=Dynamic Clustering Coefficient
DynamicClusteringCoefficientPanel.directedRadioButton.text=Directed graph
DynamicClusteringCoefficientPanel.averageOnlyCheckbox.text=Compute the average only
DynamicClusteringCoefficientPanel.undirectedRadioButton.text=Undirected graph
DynamicNbNodesPanel.header.description=Number of nodes in the network over time.
DynamicNbNodesPanel.header.title=Dynamic Count Nodes
DynamicNbEdgesPanel.header.description=Number of edges in the network over time.
DynamicNbEdgesPanel.header.title=Dynamic Count Edges