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org.gephi.statistics.plugin.StatisticalInferenceClustering Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 Copyright 2008-2011 Gephi
 Authors : Mathieu Jacomy, Tiago Peixoto
 Website :

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 Portions Copyrighted 2011 Gephi Consortium.

package org.gephi.statistics.plugin;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma;
import org.gephi.graph.api.Column;
import org.gephi.graph.api.Edge;
import org.gephi.graph.api.Graph;
import org.gephi.graph.api.GraphModel;
import org.gephi.graph.api.Node;
import org.gephi.graph.api.NodeIterable;
import org.gephi.graph.api.Table;
import org.gephi.statistics.spi.Statistics;
import org.gephi.utils.longtask.spi.LongTask;
import org.gephi.utils.progress.Progress;
import org.gephi.utils.progress.ProgressTicket;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;

 * @author Mathieu Jacomy & Tiago Peixoto

public class StatisticalInferenceClustering implements Statistics, LongTask {

    public static final String STAT_INF_CLASS = "stat_inf_class";
    private final boolean useWeight = false;
    private boolean isCanceled;
    private StatisticalInferenceClustering.CommunityStructure structure;
    private ProgressTicket progress;
    private double descriptionLength;

    private static double lBinom(double n, double m) {
        return Gamma.logGamma(n + 1) - Gamma.logGamma(n - m + 1) - Gamma.logGamma(m + 1);

    public boolean cancel() {
        this.isCanceled = true;
        return true;

    public void setProgressTicket(ProgressTicket progressTicket) {
        this.progress = progressTicket;

    public void execute(GraphModel graphModel) {
        Graph graph = graphModel.getUndirectedGraphVisible();

    public void execute(Graph graph) {
        isCanceled = false;

        Table nodeTable = graph.getModel().getNodeTable();
        ColumnUtils.cleanUpColumns(nodeTable, new String[] {STAT_INF_CLASS}, Integer.class);

        Column modCol = nodeTable.getColumn(STAT_INF_CLASS);
        if (modCol == null) {
            nodeTable.addColumn(STAT_INF_CLASS, "Inferred Class", Integer.class, 0);

        try {
            structure = new StatisticalInferenceClustering.CommunityStructure(graph);
            int[] comStructure = new int[graph.getNodeCount()];

            if (graph.getNodeCount() > 0) {//Fixes issue #713 Modularity Calculation Throws Exception On Empty Graph
                HashMap computedStatInfMetrics =
                    computePartition(graph, structure, comStructure, useWeight);
                descriptionLength = computedStatInfMetrics.getOrDefault("descriptionLength", 0.0);
            } else {
                descriptionLength = 0;

            saveValues(comStructure, graph, structure);
        } finally {

    protected HashMap computePartition(Graph graph,
                                                       StatisticalInferenceClustering.CommunityStructure theStructure,
                                                       int[] comStructure,
                                                       boolean weighted) {
        isCanceled = false;
        Random rand = new Random();

        HashMap results = new HashMap<>();

        if (isCanceled) {
            return results;
        boolean someChange = true;
        boolean initRound = true;
        while (someChange) {
            //System.out.println("Number of partitions: "+theStructure.communities.size());
            someChange = false;
            boolean localChange = true;
            while (localChange) {
                localChange = false;
                int start = 0;
                // Randomize
                start = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % theStructure.N;

                int step = 0;
                for (int i = start; step < theStructure.N; i = (i + 1) % theStructure.N) {
                    StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community bestCommunity =
                        updateBestCommunity(theStructure, i, initRound);
                    if ((theStructure.nodeCommunities[i] != bestCommunity) && (bestCommunity != null)) {
                        //double S_before = computeDescriptionLength(graph, theStructure);
                        //System.out.println("Move node "+i+" to com "" : S_before="+S_before);
                        theStructure.moveNodeTo(i, bestCommunity);
                        //double S_after = computeDescriptionLength(graph, theStructure);
                        //System.out.println("Move node "+i+" to com "" : S_after="+S_after+ " (Diff = "+(S_after - S_before)+")");
                        localChange = true;
                    if (isCanceled) {
                        return results;
                someChange = localChange || someChange;
                initRound = false;
                if (isCanceled) {
                    return results;

            if (someChange) {

        fillComStructure(graph, theStructure, comStructure);
        double computedDescriptionLength = computeDescriptionLength(graph, theStructure);

        results.put("descriptionLength", computedDescriptionLength);

        return results;

    public double delta(int node,
                        StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community community,
                        StatisticalInferenceClustering.CommunityStructure theStructure,
                        Double e_in,
                        Double e_out,
                        Double E,
                        Double B,
                        Double N
    ) {
        //System.out.println("*** Compute delta for node "+node+" with respect to community "" ***");

        // Node degree
        double k = theStructure.weights[node];
        // Node weight: how many real nodes (not meta-nodes) the group represents
        double nodeWeight = theStructure.graphNodeCount[node];

        // Number of edges of target community (with itself or another one)
        double e_r_target = community.weightSum;
        // Number of edges within target community
        Double e_rr_target = community.internalWeightSum;
        // Number of real graph nodes of target community
        int n_r_target = community.graphNodeCount;

        // Number of edges of current (where the node belongs) community (with itself or another one)
        double e_r_current = theStructure.nodeCommunities[node].weightSum;
        // Number of edges within current community (where the node belongs)
        Double e_rr_current = theStructure.nodeCommunities[node].internalWeightSum;
        // Number of real graph nodes of current community
        int n_r_current = theStructure.nodeCommunities[node].graphNodeCount;

        // Description length: before
        double S_b = 0.;
        S_b -= Gamma.logGamma(e_out + 1);
        if (e_out > 0) {
            S_b += e_out * lBinom(B, 2);
        S_b += Gamma.logGamma(e_r_current + 1);
        S_b += Gamma.logGamma(e_r_target + 1);
        S_b -= (e_rr_current) * Math.log(2) + Gamma.logGamma(e_rr_current + 1);
        S_b -= (e_rr_target) * Math.log(2) + Gamma.logGamma(e_rr_target + 1);
        S_b -= Gamma.logGamma(n_r_current + 1);
        S_b -= Gamma.logGamma(n_r_target + 1);
        S_b += lBinom(n_r_current + e_r_current - 1, e_r_current);
        S_b += lBinom(n_r_target + e_r_target - 1, e_r_target);
        S_b += lBinom(B + e_in - 1, e_in);
        if (B > 1) {
            S_b += Math.log(E + 1);
        S_b += lBinom(N - 1, B - 1);

        // Count the gains and losses
        // -> loop over the neighbors
        double delta_e_out = 0.;
        double delta_e_in = 0.;
        double delta_e_r_current = -k;
        double delta_e_r_target = +k;
        double delta_e_rr_current = 0.;
        double delta_e_rr_target = 0.;
        for (ComputationEdge e : theStructure.topology[node]) {
            int nei =;
            Float w = e.weight;
            if (nei == node) {
                // Node self-loops
                delta_e_rr_current -= w;
                delta_e_rr_target += w;
            } else {
                // Losses (as if the node disappeared)
                if (theStructure.nodeCommunities[node] == theStructure.nodeCommunities[nei]) {
                    // The neighbor is in current community, so
                    // the node will leave the neighbor's community
                    delta_e_rr_current -= w;
                    delta_e_in -= w;
                } else {
                    // The neighbor is not in current community, so
                    // the node will not leave the neighbor's community
                    delta_e_out -= w;
                // Gains (as if the node reappeared)
                if (community == theStructure.nodeCommunities[nei]) {
                    // The neighbor is in target community, so
                    // the node will arrive in the neighbor's community
                    delta_e_rr_target += w; // add weight between node and community -> OK
                    delta_e_in += w;
                } else {
                    // The neighbor is not in target community, so
                    // the node will not arrive in the neighbor's community
                    delta_e_out += w;
        Double delta_B = 0.;
        if (theStructure.nodeCommunities[node].weightSum == theStructure.weights[node]) {
            // The node is the only one in the community
            delta_B = -1.;
        // Note: if it were possible to add the node to an empty group, we would have to check that
        // the target group is empty or not, and if so, add one to delta_B.

        // Description length: after
        double S_a = 0.;
        S_a -= Gamma.logGamma(e_out + delta_e_out + 1);
        if (e_out + delta_e_out > 0) {
            S_a += (e_out + delta_e_out) * lBinom(B + delta_B, 2);
        S_a += Gamma.logGamma(e_r_target + delta_e_r_target + 1);
        S_a -= (e_rr_target + delta_e_rr_target) * Math.log(2) + Gamma.logGamma(e_rr_target + delta_e_rr_target + 1);
        S_a -= Gamma.logGamma(n_r_target + nodeWeight + 1);
        S_a += lBinom(n_r_target + nodeWeight + e_r_target + delta_e_r_target - 1, e_r_target + delta_e_r_target);
        if (delta_B == 0) {
            // These calculations only apply if current category
            // would still exist after moving the node
            // (i.e. if it was not the last one)
            S_a += Gamma.logGamma(e_r_current + delta_e_r_current + 1);
            S_a -= (e_rr_current + delta_e_rr_current) * Math.log(2) +
                Gamma.logGamma(e_rr_current + delta_e_rr_current + 1);
            S_a -= Gamma.logGamma(n_r_current - nodeWeight + 1);
            S_a +=
                lBinom(n_r_current - nodeWeight + e_r_current + delta_e_r_current - 1, e_r_current + delta_e_r_current);

        S_a += lBinom(B + delta_B + e_in + delta_e_in - 1, e_in + delta_e_in);
        if (B + delta_B > 1) {
            S_a += Math.log(E + 1);
        S_a += lBinom(N - 1, B + delta_B - 1);

        return S_a - S_b;

    private StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community updateBestCommunity(
        StatisticalInferenceClustering.CommunityStructure theStructure, int node_id, boolean initialization) {
        // Total number of edges (graph size)
        Double E = theStructure.graphWeightSum;
        // Total number of edges from one community to the same one
        Double e_in = -> c.internalWeightSum).sum();
        // Total number of edges from one community to another
        Double e_out = E - e_in;
        // Total number of communities
        Double B = (double) theStructure.communities.size();
        // Total number of nodes (not metanodes!!!)
        Double N = (double) theStructure.graph.getNodeCount();

        //System.out.println("Test best community for node "+node_id+" (currently com "+theStructure.nodeCommunities[node_id].id+") Initialization: "+initialization);

        double best = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community bestCommunity = null;
        Set iter = theStructure.nodeConnectionsWeight[node_id].keySet();
        for (StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community com : iter) {
            if (com != theStructure.nodeCommunities[node_id]) {
                double deltaValue = delta(node_id, com, theStructure, e_in, e_out, E, B, N);
                if (Double.isNaN(deltaValue)) {
                    // TODO: change this to an exception
                        "WARNING - ALGO ERROR - Statistical inference - DELTA is NaN (this is not supposed to happen)");
                //System.out.println("Node "+node_id+" => com "" DELTA="+deltaValue);
                if ((deltaValue < 0 || (initialization && Math.exp(-deltaValue) < Math.random())) &&
                    deltaValue < best) {
                    best = deltaValue;
                    bestCommunity = com;

        if (bestCommunity == null) {
            //System.out.println("(NO CHANGE) com "+theStructure.nodeCommunities[node_id].id);
            bestCommunity = theStructure.nodeCommunities[node_id];
        } else {
            //System.out.println("Best community is ";
        return bestCommunity;

    double computeDescriptionLength(Graph graph, StatisticalInferenceClustering.CommunityStructure theStructure) {
        // Total number of edges (graph size)
        double E = theStructure.graphWeightSum;
        // Total number of edges from one community to the same one
        double e_in = -> c.internalWeightSum).sum();
        // Total number of edges from one community to another
        double e_out = E - e_in;
        // Total number of communities
        Double B = (double) theStructure.communities.size();
        // Total number of nodes (not metanodes!!!)
        Double N = (double) theStructure.graph.getNodeCount();

        // Description length
        double S = 0.;

        S -= Gamma.logGamma(e_out + 1);
        if (e_out > 0) {
            S += e_out * lBinom(B, 2);
        for (Community community : theStructure.communities) {
            // Number of edges of community (with itself or another one)
            double e_r = community.weightSum;
            // Number of edges within community
            double e_rr = community.internalWeightSum;
            // Number of nodes in the  community
            int n_r = community.graphNodeCount;

            S += Gamma.logGamma(e_r + 1);
            S -= (e_rr) * Math.log(2) + Gamma.logGamma(e_rr + 1);
            S -= Gamma.logGamma(n_r + 1);
            S += lBinom(n_r + e_r - 1, e_r);

        S += lBinom(B + e_in - 1, e_in);

        if (B > 1) {
            S += Math.log(E + 1);

        S += lBinom(N - 1, B - 1);
        S += Gamma.logGamma(N + 1);
        S += Math.log(N);

        for (Node n : graph.getNodes()) {
            // degree
            double k = graph.getDegree(n);
            S -= Gamma.logGamma(k + 1);

        return S;

    private int[] fillComStructure(Graph graph, StatisticalInferenceClustering.CommunityStructure theStructure,
                                   int[] comStructure) {
        int count = 0;

        for (StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community com : theStructure.communities) {
            for (Integer node : com.nodes) {
                StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community hidden = theStructure.invMap.get(node);
                for (Integer nodeInt : hidden.nodes) {
                    comStructure[nodeInt] = count;
        return comStructure;

    private void saveValues(int[] struct, Graph graph, StatisticalInferenceClustering.CommunityStructure theStructure) {
        Table nodeTable = graph.getModel().getNodeTable();

        Column modCol = nodeTable.getColumn(STAT_INF_CLASS);
        for (Node n : graph.getNodes()) {
            int n_index =;
            n.setAttribute(modCol, struct[n_index]);

    public String getReport() {
        //Distribution series
        Map sizeDist = new HashMap<>();
        for (Node n : structure.graph.getNodes()) {
            Integer v = (Integer) n.getAttribute(STAT_INF_CLASS);
            if (!sizeDist.containsKey(v)) {
                sizeDist.put(v, 0);
            sizeDist.put(v, sizeDist.get(v) + 1);

        XYSeries dSeries = ChartUtils.createXYSeries(sizeDist, "Size Distribution");

        XYSeriesCollection dataset1 = new XYSeriesCollection();

        JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(
            "Size Distribution",
            "Stat Inf Class",
            "Size (number of nodes)",
        ChartUtils.scaleChart(chart, dSeries, false);
        String imageFile = ChartUtils.renderChart(chart, "communities-size-distribution.png");

        NumberFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#0.000");

        String report = "  

Statistical Inference Report

" + "
" + "


" + "Description Length: " + f.format(descriptionLength) + "
" + "Number of Communities: " + structure.communities.size() + "

" + imageFile + "

" + "


" + "Statistical inference of assortative community structures
" + "Lizhi Zhang, Tiago P. Peixoto
" + "Phys. Rev. Research 2 043271 (2020)
" + "

" + "

" + "Bayesian stochastic blockmodeling
" + "Tiago P. Peixoto
" + "Chapter in “Advances in Network Clustering and Blockmodeling,” edited by
" + "P. Doreian, V. Batagelj, A. Ferligoj (Wiley, 2019)
" + "
" + " "; return report; } public double getDescriptionLength() { return descriptionLength; } static class Community { static int count = 0; protected int id; double weightSum; // e_r, i.e. sum of edge weights for the community, inside and outside altogether // Note: here we count the internal edges twice double internalWeightSum; // e_rr, i.e. sum of internal edge weights int graphNodeCount; // How many real nodes (useful after zoomOut) StatisticalInferenceClustering.CommunityStructure structure; List nodes; HashMap connectionsWeight; HashMap connectionsCount; public Community(StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community com) { = count++; this.weightSum = 0; structure = com.structure; connectionsWeight = new HashMap<>(); connectionsCount = new HashMap<>(); nodes = new ArrayList<>(); } public Community(StatisticalInferenceClustering.CommunityStructure structure) { = count++; this.weightSum = 0; this.structure = structure; connectionsWeight = new HashMap<>(); connectionsCount = new HashMap<>(); nodes = new ArrayList<>(); } public int size() { return nodes.size(); } public void seed(int node) { nodes.add(node); weightSum += structure.weights[node]; internalWeightSum += structure.internalWeights[node]; graphNodeCount += structure.graphNodeCount[node]; } public boolean add(int node) { nodes.add(node); weightSum += structure.weights[node]; graphNodeCount += structure.graphNodeCount[node]; return true; } public boolean remove(int node) { boolean result = nodes.remove((Integer) node); weightSum -= structure.weights[node]; graphNodeCount -= structure.graphNodeCount[node]; if (nodes.isEmpty()) { structure.communities.remove(this); } return result; } public String getMonitoring() { String monitoring = ""; int count = 0; for (int nodeIndex : nodes) { if (count++ > 0) { monitoring += " "; } monitoring += nodeIndex; } return monitoring; } } class CommunityStructure { HashMap[] nodeConnectionsWeight; HashMap[] nodeConnectionsCount; HashMap map; StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community[] nodeCommunities; Graph graph; double[] graphNodeCount; // number of graph nodes represented by that node double[] weights; // The weighted degree of the nodes (in short) double[] internalWeights; // The sum of internal edges weights double graphWeightSum; // The weighted sum of degrees List[] topology; List communities; int N; HashMap invMap; CommunityStructure(Graph graph) { //System.out.println("### INIT COMMUNITY STRUCTURE"); this.graph = graph; N = graph.getNodeCount(); invMap = new HashMap<>(); // nodeConnectionsWeight is basically a table of, for each node, then for each community, // how many connections they have. nodeConnectionsWeight = new HashMap[N]; // nodeConnectionsCount is basically the same thing but unweighted. Remarkably, in case of parallel edges, // but not taking weights into account, nodeConnectionsWeight will still count 1 for each parallel edges, // while nodeConnectionsCount will count just 1. nodeConnectionsCount = new HashMap[N]; // graphNodeCount is the number of real nodes (graph nodes) in each nodes. This is necessary because // each node might in fact be a community of nodes (see zoomOut method) graphNodeCount = new double[N]; // nodeCommunities is an index of which community each node belongs to nodeCommunities = new StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community[N]; map = new HashMap<>(); // keeps track of the integer ids of the nodes // The topology is basically an index of the outbound computation edges for each node topology = new ArrayList[N]; communities = new ArrayList<>(); int index = 0; weights = new double[N]; // The weight is basically the weighted degree of a node internalWeights = new double[N]; NodeIterable nodesIterable = graph.getNodes(); for (Node node : nodesIterable) { map.put(node, index); nodeCommunities[index] = new StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community(this); nodeConnectionsWeight[index] = new HashMap<>(); nodeConnectionsCount[index] = new HashMap<>(); weights[index] = 0; // Note: weight is degree, but we add that later on graphNodeCount[index] = 1; internalWeights[index] = 0; nodeCommunities[index].seed(index); StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community hidden = new StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community(structure); hidden.nodes.add(index); invMap.put(index, hidden); communities.add(nodeCommunities[index]); index++; if (isCanceled) { nodesIterable.doBreak(); return; } } int[] edgeTypes = graph.getModel().getEdgeTypes(); nodesIterable = graph.getNodes(); for (Node node : nodesIterable) { int node_index = map.get(node); StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community com = nodeCommunities[node_index]; topology[node_index] = new ArrayList<>(); Set uniqueNeighbors = new HashSet<>(graph.getNeighbors(node).toCollection()); for (Node neighbor : uniqueNeighbors) { if (node == neighbor) { continue; } int neighbor_index = map.get(neighbor); float weight = 0; //Sum all parallel edges weight: for (int edgeType : edgeTypes) { for (Edge edge : graph.getEdges(node, neighbor, edgeType)) { if (useWeight) { // TODO: the algorithm only works with integer weights //weight += edge.getWeight(graph.getView()); } else { weight += 1; } } } //Finally add a single edge with the summed weight of all parallel edges: //Fixes issue #1419 Getting null pointer error when trying to calculate modularity weights[node_index] += weight; com.weightSum += weight; if (node_index == neighbor_index) { internalWeights[node_index] += weight; } ComputationEdge ce = new ComputationEdge(node_index, neighbor_index, weight); topology[node_index].add(ce); StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community adjCom = nodeCommunities[neighbor_index]; //System.out.println("Add links from node "+node_index+" to community "; nodeConnectionsWeight[node_index].put(adjCom, weight); nodeConnectionsCount[node_index].put(adjCom, 1); StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community nodeCom = nodeCommunities[node_index]; //System.out.println("Add links from community "" to community "; nodeCom.connectionsWeight.put(adjCom, weight); nodeCom.connectionsCount.put(adjCom, 1); //System.out.println("Add links from node "+neighbor_index+" to community "; nodeConnectionsWeight[neighbor_index].put(nodeCom, weight); nodeConnectionsCount[neighbor_index].put(nodeCom, 1); //System.out.println("Add links from community "" to community "; adjCom.connectionsWeight.put(nodeCom, weight); adjCom.connectionsCount.put(nodeCom, 1); graphWeightSum += weight; } if (isCanceled) { nodesIterable.doBreak(); return; } } graphWeightSum /= 2.0; } private void addNodeTo(int node, StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community to) { //System.out.println("### ADD NODE "+node+" TO COMMUNITY "; to.add(node); nodeCommunities[node] = to; for (ComputationEdge e : topology[node]) { int neighbor =; //////// //Add Node Connection to this community //System.out.println("Add links from node "+neighbor+" to community "; //System.out.println("Add links from node "+neighbor+" to community "; nodeConnectionsWeight[neighbor].merge(to, e.weight, Float::sum); nodeConnectionsCount[neighbor].merge(to, 1, Integer::sum); /////////////////// StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community adjCom = nodeCommunities[neighbor]; //System.out.println("Add links from community "" to community "; //System.out.println("Add links from community "" to community "; adjCom.connectionsWeight.merge(to, e.weight, Float::sum); adjCom.connectionsCount.merge(to, 1, Integer::sum); if (node == neighbor) { continue; } //System.out.println("Add links from node "+node+" to community "; //System.out.println("Add links from node "+node+" to community "; nodeConnectionsWeight[node].merge(adjCom, e.weight, Float::sum); nodeConnectionsCount[node].merge(adjCom, 1, Integer::sum); if (to != adjCom) { //System.out.println("Add links from community "" to community "; //System.out.println("Add links from community "" to community "; to.connectionsWeight.merge(adjCom, e.weight, Float::sum); to.connectionsCount.merge(adjCom, 1, Integer::sum); } } to.internalWeightSum += nodeConnectionsWeight[node].getOrDefault(to, 0.f); } private void removeNodeFromItsCommunity(int node) { //System.out.println("### REMOVE NODE FROM ITS COMMUNITY "+node); StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community community = nodeCommunities[node]; community.internalWeightSum -= nodeConnectionsWeight[node].getOrDefault(community, 0.f); for (ComputationEdge e : topology[node]) { int neighbor =; //////// //Remove Node Connection to this community Float edgesTo = nodeConnectionsWeight[neighbor].get(community); Integer countEdgesTo = nodeConnectionsCount[neighbor].get(community); if (countEdgesTo - 1 == 0) { //System.out.println("REMOVE links from node "+neighbor+" to community "; nodeConnectionsWeight[neighbor].remove(community); nodeConnectionsCount[neighbor].remove(community); } else { //System.out.println("Add links from node "+neighbor+" to community "; nodeConnectionsWeight[neighbor].put(community, edgesTo - e.weight); nodeConnectionsCount[neighbor].put(community, countEdgesTo - 1); } /////////////////// //Remove Adjacent Community's connection to this community StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community adjCom = nodeCommunities[neighbor]; Float oEdgesto = adjCom.connectionsWeight.get(community); Integer oCountEdgesto = adjCom.connectionsCount.get(community); if (oCountEdgesto - 1 == 0) { //System.out.println("Remove links from community "" to community "" *"); adjCom.connectionsWeight.remove(community); adjCom.connectionsCount.remove(community); } else { //System.out.println("Remove links from community "" to community "; adjCom.connectionsWeight.put(community, oEdgesto - e.weight); adjCom.connectionsCount.put(community, oCountEdgesto - 1); } if (node == neighbor) { continue; } if (adjCom != community) { Float comEdgesto = community.connectionsWeight.get(adjCom); Integer comCountEdgesto = community.connectionsCount.get(adjCom); if (comCountEdgesto - 1 == 0) { //System.out.println("Remove links from community "" to community "" *"); community.connectionsWeight.remove(adjCom); community.connectionsCount.remove(adjCom); } else { //System.out.println("Remove links from community "" to community "; community.connectionsWeight.put(adjCom, comEdgesto - e.weight); community.connectionsCount.put(adjCom, comCountEdgesto - 1); } } Float nodeEgesTo = nodeConnectionsWeight[node].get(adjCom); Integer nodeCountEgesTo = nodeConnectionsCount[node].get(adjCom); if (nodeCountEgesTo - 1 == 0) { //System.out.println("REMOVE links from node "+node+" to community " " *"); nodeConnectionsWeight[node].remove(adjCom); nodeConnectionsCount[node].remove(adjCom); } else { //System.out.println("REMOVE links from node "+node+" to community "; nodeConnectionsWeight[node].put(adjCom, nodeEgesTo - e.weight); nodeConnectionsCount[node].put(adjCom, nodeCountEgesTo - 1); } } community.remove(node); } private void moveNodeTo(int node, StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community to) { //System.out.println("### MOVE NODE "+node+" TO COM "; removeNodeFromItsCommunity(node); addNodeTo(node, to); } protected void _moveNodeTo(int node, StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community to) { // NOTE: THIS IS FOR UNIT TEST PURPOSE ONLY moveNodeTo(node, to); } protected void _zoomOut() { // NOTE: THIS IS FOR UNIT TEST PURPOSE ONLY zoomOut(); } private void zoomOut() { //System.out.println("### ZOOM OUT"); int M = communities.size(); // The new topology uses preexisting communities as nodes ArrayList[] newTopology = new ArrayList[M]; int index = 0; // nodeCommunities is an index of the communities per node. // In this context, the preexisting communities will become the nodes // of new upper-level communities (meta-communities). nodeCommunities = new StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community[M]; nodeConnectionsWeight = new HashMap[M]; nodeConnectionsCount = new HashMap[M]; double[] oldGraphNodeCount = graphNodeCount.clone(); HashMap newInvMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < communities.size(); i++) { // For each community "com", that we want to transform into a node in the new topology... StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community com = communities.get(i); nodeConnectionsWeight[index] = new HashMap<>(); nodeConnectionsCount[index] = new HashMap<>(); newTopology[index] = new ArrayList<>(); // For each community "com", we create a meta-community nodeCommunities[index] containing only it nodeCommunities[index] = new StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community(com); // iter is the set of communities with which com has (weighted) links. Set iter = com.connectionsWeight.keySet(); // weightSum is the number of edges from the community (into itself or not) double weightSum = 0; double graphNodeSum = 0; StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community hidden = new StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community(structure); for (Integer nodeInt : com.nodes) { graphNodeSum += oldGraphNodeCount[nodeInt]; StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community oldHidden = invMap.get(nodeInt); hidden.nodes.addAll(oldHidden.nodes); } newInvMap.put(index, hidden); for (StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community adjCom : iter) { // adjCom is an adjacent community to com int target = communities.indexOf(adjCom); float weight = com.connectionsWeight.get(adjCom); if (target == index) { weightSum += 2. * weight; } else { weightSum += weight; } ComputationEdge e = new ComputationEdge(index, target, weight); newTopology[index].add(e); } weights[index] = weightSum; graphNodeCount[index] = graphNodeSum; internalWeights[index] = com.internalWeightSum; nodeCommunities[index].seed(index); index++; } communities.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) { StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community com = nodeCommunities[i]; communities.add(com); for (ComputationEdge e : newTopology[i]) { //System.out.println("Add links from node "+i+" to community "+nodeCommunities[].id); nodeConnectionsWeight[i].put(nodeCommunities[], e.weight); nodeConnectionsCount[i].put(nodeCommunities[], 1); //System.out.println("Add links from community "" to community "+nodeCommunities[].id); com.connectionsWeight.put(nodeCommunities[], e.weight); com.connectionsCount.put(nodeCommunities[], 1); } } N = M; topology = newTopology; invMap = newInvMap; } public String getMonitoring() { String monitoring = ""; for (StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community com : communities) { monitoring += "com" + + "["; int count = 0; for (Integer node : com.nodes) { StatisticalInferenceClustering.Community hidden = invMap.get(node); if (count++ > 0) { monitoring += " "; } monitoring += "n" + node + "(" + hidden.getMonitoring() + ")"; } monitoring += "] "; } return monitoring; } // Useful for monitoring and debugging public boolean checkIntegrity() { boolean integrity = true; Double E = graphWeightSum; Double e_in = -> c.internalWeightSum).sum(); Double e_out = E - e_in; Double B = Double.valueOf(communities.size()); Double N = Double.valueOf(graph.getNodeCount()); // Check the integrity of nodeConnectionsWeight double nodeComWeightSum = 0; for (int node = 0; node < nodeConnectionsWeight.length; node++) { HashMap hm = nodeConnectionsWeight[node]; Collection values = hm.values(); nodeComWeightSum += -> (double) v).sum(); } // TODO: what should be done, in fact, // is to check that for each node the sum of nodeConnectionsWeight // equals its degree. return integrity; } } static class ComputationEdge { int source; int target; float weight; public ComputationEdge(int s, int t, float w) { source = s; target = t; weight = w; } } }

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