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org.gephi.ui.components.gradientslider.MultiThumbSlider Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Authors : Mathieu Bastian 
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package org.gephi.ui.components.gradientslider;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import org.openide.util.Exceptions;

 * This JComponent resembles a JSlider, except there are
 * at least two thumbs.  A JSlider is designed to modify
 * one number within a certain range of values.  By contrast a MultiThumbSlider
 * actually modifies a table of data.  Each thumb in a MultiThumbSlider
 * should be thought of as a key, and it maps to an abstract value.  In the case
 * of the GradientSlider: each value is a java.awt.Color.
 * Other subclasses could come along that map to other abstract objects.  (For example,
 * a VolumeSlider might map each thumb to a specific volume level.  This
 * type of widget would let the user control fading in/out of an audio track.)

The slider graphically represents the domain from zero to one, so each thumb * is always positioned within that domain. If the user drags * a thumb outside this domain: that thumb disappears. *

There is always a selected thumb in each slider when this slider has the * keyboard focus. The user can press the tab key (or shift-tab) to transfer focus to different * thumbs. Also the arrow keys can be used to control the selected thumb. *

The user can click and drag any thumb to a new location. If a thumb is dragged * so it is less than zero or greater than one: then that thumb is removed. If the user * clicks between two existing thumbs: a new thumb is created if autoAdd is * set to true. (If autoAdd is set to false: nothing happens.) *

There are unimplemented methods in this class: doDoubleClick() and * doPopup(). The UI will invoke these methods as needed; this gives the * user a chance to edit the values represented at a particular point. *

Also using the keyboard: *

  • In a horizontal slider, the user can press modifier+left or modifer+right to insert * a new thumb to the left/right of the currently selected thumb. (Where "modifier" refers * to Toolkit.getDefaultTookit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask(). On Mac this is META, and on Windows * this is CONTROL.) Likewise on a vertical slider the up/down arrow keys can be used to add * thumbs. *
  • The delete/backspace key can be used to remove thumbs. *
  • In a horizontal slider, the down arrow key can be used to invoke doPopup(). * This should invoke a JPopupMenu that is keyboard accessible, so the user should be * able to navigate this component without a mouse. Likewise on a vertical slider the right * arrow key should do the same. *
  • The space bar or return key invokes doDoubleClick(). *

Because thumbs can be abstractly inserted, this values each thumb represents should be * tween-able. That is, if there is a value at zero and a value at one, the call * getValue(.5f) must return a value that is halfway between those values. *

Also note that although the thumbs must always be between zero and one: the minimum * and maximum thumbs do not have to be zero and one. The user can adjust them so the * minimum thumb is, say, .2f, and the maximum thumb is .5f. */ //Author Jeremy Wood public abstract class MultiThumbSlider extends JComponent { /** * The property that is changed when setSelectedThumb() is called. */ public static final String SELECTED_THUMB_PROPERTY = "selected thumb"; /** * The property that is changed when setInverted(b) is called. */ public static final String INVERTED_PROPERTY = "inverted"; /** * The property that is changed when setOrientation(i) is called. */ public static final String ORIENTATION_PROPERTY = "orientation"; /** * The property that is changed when setValues() is called. * Note this is used when either the positions or the values are updated, because * they need to be updated at the same time to maintain an exact one-to-one * ratio. */ public static final String VALUES_PROPERTY = "values"; /** * The property that is changed when setValueIsAdjusting(b) is called. */ public static final String ADJUST_PROPERTY = "adjusting"; /** * The property that is changed when setPaintTicks(b) is called. */ public static final String PAINT_TICKS_PROPERTY = "paint ticks"; /** * The orientation constant for a horizontal slider. */ public static final int HORIZONTAL = SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL; /** * The orientation constant for a vertical slider. */ public static final int VERTICAL = SwingConstants.VERTICAL; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * The positions of the thumbs */ protected float[] thumbPositions = new float[0]; /** * The values for each thumb */ Object[] values = new Object[0]; /** * Whether thumbs are automatically added when the user clicks * in a space with no existing thumbs */ boolean autoAdd = true; /** * Whether the UI is currently adjusting values. */ boolean adjusting = false; /** * Whether this slider is HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL. */ int orientation; /** * Whether this slider is inverted or not. */ boolean inverted = false; /** * Whether tickmarks should be painted on this slider. */ boolean paintTicks = false; /** * Whether this slider is blocked, no more colors can be added by user. */ boolean blocked = false; /** * ChangeListeners registered with this slider. */ List changeListeners; /** * Creates a new MultiThumbSlider. * * @param orientation must be HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL * @param thumbPositions an array of values from zero to one. * @param values an array of values, each value corresponds to a value in thumbPositions. */ public MultiThumbSlider(int orientation, float[] thumbPositions, Object[] values) { setOrientation(orientation); setValues(thumbPositions, values); setFocusable(true); updateUI(); } /** * @param f an array of floats * @return a string representation of f */ private static String toString(float[] f) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append('['); for (int a = 0; a < f.length; a++) { sb.append(f[a]); if (a != f.length - 1) { sb.append(", "); } } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } /** * This listener will be notified when the colors/positions of * this slider are modified. *

Note you can also listen to these events by listening to * the VALUES_PROPERTY, but this mechanism is provided * as a convenience to resemble the JSlider model. * * @param l the ChangeListener to add. */ public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { if (changeListeners == null) { changeListeners = new Vector(); } if (changeListeners.contains(l)) { return; } changeListeners.add(l); } /** * Removes a ChangeListener from this slider. * * @param l the ChangeListener to remove. */ public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { if (changeListeners == null) { return; } changeListeners.remove(l); } /** * Invokes all the ChangeListeners. */ protected void fireChangeListeners() { if (changeListeners == null) { return; } for (int a = 0; a < changeListeners.size(); a++) { try { ((ChangeListener) changeListeners.get(a)).stateChanged(new ChangeEvent(this)); } catch (Throwable t) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(t); } } } /** * Depending on which thumb is selected, this may shift the focus * to the next available thumb, or it may shift the focus to the * next focusable JComponent. */ @Override public void transferFocus() { transferFocus(true); } /** * Shifts the focus forward or backward. * This may decide to select another thumb, or it may * call super.transferFocus() to let the * next JComponent receive the focus. * * @param forward whether we're shifting forward or backward */ private void transferFocus(boolean forward) { int direction = (forward) ? 1 : -1; //because vertical sliders are technically inverted already: if (orientation == VERTICAL) { direction = direction * -1; } //because inverted sliders are, well, inverted: if (inverted) { direction = direction * -1; } int selectedThumb = getSelectedThumb(); if (direction == 1) { if (selectedThumb != thumbPositions.length - 1) { setSelectedThumb(selectedThumb + 1); return; } } else { if (selectedThumb != 0) { setSelectedThumb(selectedThumb - 1); return; } } if (forward) { super.transferFocus(); } else { super.transferFocusBackward(); } } /** * Depending on which thumb is selected, this may shift the focus * to the previous available thumb, or it may shift the focus to the * previous focusable JComponent. */ @Override public void transferFocusBackward() { transferFocus(false); } /** * This returns a value at a certain position on this slider. *

Subclasses implementing this method should note that * this method cannot return null. If the pos argument * is outside the domain of thumbs, then a value still needs to be * returned. * * @param pos a position between zero and one * @return a value that corresponds to the position pos */ public abstract Object getValue(float pos); /** * Removes a specific thumb * * @param thumbIndex the thumb index to remove. */ public void removeThumb(int thumbIndex) { if (thumbIndex <= 0 || thumbIndex > thumbPositions.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is not thumb at index " + thumbIndex + " to remove."); } float[] f = new float[thumbPositions.length - 1]; Object[] c = new Object[values.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(thumbPositions, 0, f, 0, thumbIndex); System.arraycopy(values, 0, c, 0, thumbIndex); System.arraycopy(thumbPositions, thumbIndex + 1, f, thumbIndex, f.length - thumbIndex); System.arraycopy(values, thumbIndex + 1, c, thumbIndex, f.length - thumbIndex); setValues(f, c); } /** * An optional method subclasses can override to react to the user's * double-click. When a thumb is double-clicked the user is trying to edit * the value for that thumb. A double-click probably * suggests the user wants a detailed set of controls to edit a value, such * as a dialog. *

Note this method will be called with arguments (-1,-1) if * the space bar or return key is pressed. *

By default this method does nothing, and returns false *

Note the (x,y) information passed to this method is only provided so * subclasses can position components (such as a JPopupMenu). It can be * assumed for a double-click event that the user has selected a thumb * (since one click will click/create a thumb) and intends to edit the currently * selected thumb. * * @param x the x-value of the mouse click location * @param y the y-value of the mouse click location * @return true if this event was consumed, or acted upon. * false if this is unimplemented. */ public boolean doDoubleClick(int x, int y) { return false; } /** * An optional method subclasses can override to react to the user's * request for a contextual menu. When a thumb is right-clicked the * user is trying to edit the value for that thumb. A right-click probably * suggests the user wants very quick, simple options to adjust a thumb. *

By default this method does nothing, and returns false * * @param x the x-value of the mouse click location * @param y the y-value of the mouse click location * @return true if this event was consumed, or acted upon. * false if this is unimplemented. */ public boolean doPopup(int x, int y) { return false; } /** * Tells if tick marks are to be painted. * * @return whether ticks should be painted on this slider. */ public boolean isPaintTicks() { return paintTicks; } /** * Turns on/off the painted tick marks for this slider. *

This triggers a PropertyChangeEvent for * PAINT_TICKS_PROPERTY. * * @param b whether tick marks should be painted */ public void setPaintTicks(boolean b) { if (b == paintTicks) { return; } paintTicks = b; firePropertyChange(PAINT_TICKS_PROPERTY, new Boolean(!b), new Boolean(b)); } /** * Returns true if the slider is blocked. No more colors can be added by user. * * @return true if blocked */ public boolean isBlocked() { return blocked; } /** * Enable/Disable adding new colors by user * * @param blocked whether the user can add new colors */ public void setBlocked(boolean blocked) { this.blocked = blocked; } /** * This inserts a thumb at a position indicated. *

This method relies on the abstract getValue(float) to * determine what value to put at the new thumb location. * * @param pos the new thumb position * @return the index of the newly created thumb */ public int addThumb(float pos) { if (pos < 0 || pos > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("the new position (" + pos + ") must be between zero and one"); } Object newValue = getValue(pos); float[] f = new float[thumbPositions.length + 1]; Object[] c = new Object[values.length + 1]; int newIndex = -1; if (pos < thumbPositions[0]) { System.arraycopy(thumbPositions, 0, f, 1, thumbPositions.length); System.arraycopy(values, 0, c, 1, values.length); newIndex = 0; f[0] = pos; c[0] = newValue; } else if (pos > thumbPositions[thumbPositions.length - 1]) { System.arraycopy(thumbPositions, 0, f, 0, thumbPositions.length); System.arraycopy(values, 0, c, 0, values.length); newIndex = f.length - 1; f[f.length - 1] = pos; c[c.length - 1] = newValue; } else { boolean addedYet = false; for (int a = 0; a < f.length; a++) { if (addedYet == false && thumbPositions[a] < pos) { f[a] = thumbPositions[a]; c[a] = values[a]; } else { if (addedYet == false) { c[a] = newValue; f[a] = pos; addedYet = true; newIndex = a; } else { f[a] = thumbPositions[a - 1]; c[a] = values[a - 1]; } } } } setValues(f, c); return newIndex; } /** * This is used to notify other objects when the user is in the process * of adjusting values in this slider. *

A listener may not want to act on certain changes until this property * is false if it is expensive to process certain changes. * *

This triggers a PropertyChangeEvent for * ADJUST_PROPERTY. * * @param b value */ public void setValueIsAdjusting(boolean b) { if (b == adjusting) { return; } adjusting = b; firePropertyChange(ADJUST_PROPERTY, new Boolean(!b), new Boolean(b)); } /** * true if the user is current modifying this component. * * @return the value of the adjusting property */ public boolean isValueAdjusting() { return adjusting; } /** * The thumb positions for this slider. *

There is a one-to-one correspondence between this array and the * getValues() array. *

This array is always sorted in ascending order. * * @return an array of the positions of thumbs. */ public float[] getThumbPositions() { float[] f = new float[thumbPositions.length]; System.arraycopy(thumbPositions, 0, f, 0, f.length); return f; } /** * The values for thumbs for this slider. *

There is a one-to-one correspondence between this array and the * getThumbPositions() array. * * @return an array of the values associated with each thumb. */ public Object[] getValues() { Object[] c = new Object[values.length]; System.arraycopy(values, 0, c, 0, c.length); return c; } /** * This assigns new positions/values for the thumbs in this slider. * The two must be assigned at exactly the same time, so there is * always the same number of thumbs/sliders. * *

This triggers a PropertyChangeEvent for * VALUES_PROPERTY, and possibly for the * SELECTED_THUMB_PROPERTY if that had to be adjusted, too. * * @param thumbPositions an array of the new position of each thumb * @param values an array of the value associated with each thumb * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the size of the arrays are different, * or if the thumbPositions array is not sorted in ascending order. */ public void setValues(float[] thumbPositions, Object[] values) { if (values.length != thumbPositions.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "there number of positions (" + thumbPositions.length + ") must equal the number of values (" + values.length + ")"); } for (int a = 0; a < values.length; a++) { if (values[a] == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (a > 0 && thumbPositions[a] < thumbPositions[a - 1]) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "the thumb positions must be ascending order (" + toString(thumbPositions) + ")"); } if (thumbPositions[a] < 0 || thumbPositions[a] > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "illegal thumb value " + thumbPositions[a] + " (must be between zero and one)"); } } //don't clone arrays and fire off events if //there really is no change here: if (thumbPositions.length == this.thumbPositions.length) { boolean equal = true; for (int a = 0; a < thumbPositions.length && equal; a++) { if (thumbPositions[a] != this.thumbPositions[a]) { equal = false; } } for (int a = 0; a < values.length && equal; a++) { if (!values[a].equals(this.values[a])) { equal = false; } } if (equal) { return; //no change! go home. } } this.thumbPositions = new float[thumbPositions.length]; System.arraycopy(thumbPositions, 0, this.thumbPositions, 0, thumbPositions.length); this.values = new Object[values.length]; System.arraycopy(values, 0, this.values, 0, values.length); int oldThumb = getSelectedThumb(); int newThumb = oldThumb; if (newThumb >= thumbPositions.length) { newThumb = thumbPositions.length - 1; } firePropertyChange(VALUES_PROPERTY, null, values); if (oldThumb != newThumb) { setSelectedThumb(newThumb); } fireChangeListeners(); } /** * The number of thumbs in this slider. * * @return the number of thumbs. */ public int getThumbCount() { return thumbPositions.length; } /** * Returns the selected thumb index, or -1 if this component doesn't have * the keyboard focus. * * @return the selected thumb index */ public int getSelectedThumb() { return getSelectedThumb(true); } /** * Assigns the currently selected thumb. A value of -1 indicates * that no thumb is currently selected. *

A slider should always have a selected thumb if it has the keyboard focus, though, * so be careful when you modify this. *

This triggers a PropertyChangeEvent for * SELECTED_THUMB_PROPERTY. * * @param index the new selected thumb */ public void setSelectedThumb(int index) { putClientProperty(SELECTED_THUMB_PROPERTY, new Integer(index)); } /** * Returns the currently selected thumb index. *

Note this might be -1, indicating that there is no selected thumb. * *

It is recommend you use the getSelectedThumb() method * most of the time. This method is made public so UI's can provide * a better user experience as this component gains and loses focus. * * @param ignoreIfUnfocused if this component doesn't have focus and this * is true, then this returns -1. If this is false * then this returns the internal value used to store the selected index, but * the user may not realize this thumb is "selected". * @return the selected thumb */ public int getSelectedThumb(boolean ignoreIfUnfocused) { if (hasFocus() == false && ignoreIfUnfocused) { return -1; } Integer i = (Integer) getClientProperty(SELECTED_THUMB_PROPERTY); if (i == null) { return -1; } return i.intValue(); } /** * Whether thumbs are automatically added when the * user clicks in a space that doesn't already have a thumb. * * @return true if auto adding */ public boolean isAutoAdding() { return autoAdd; } /** * Controls whether thumbs are automatically added when the * user clicks in a space that doesn't already have a thumb. * * @param b whether auto adding is active or not */ public void setAutoAdding(boolean b) { autoAdd = b; } /** * The orientation of this slider. * * @return HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL */ public int getOrientation() { return orientation; } /** * Reassign the orientation of this slider. * * @param i must be HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL */ public void setOrientation(int i) { if (!(i == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL || i == SwingConstants.VERTICAL)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("the orientation must be HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL"); } if (orientation == i) { return; } int oldValue = orientation; orientation = i; firePropertyChange(ORIENTATION_PROPERTY, new Integer(oldValue), new Integer(i)); } /** * Whether this slider is inverted or not. * * @return true if inverted */ public boolean isInverted() { return inverted; } /** * Assigns whether this slider is inverted or not. * *

This triggers a PropertyChangeEvent for * INVERTED_PROPERTY. * * @param b value */ public void setInverted(boolean b) { if (inverted == b) { return; } inverted = b; firePropertyChange(INVERTED_PROPERTY, new Boolean(!b), new Boolean(b)); } }

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