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CommandSuccessful=Command {0} executed successfully.
CommandSuccessfulWithWarnings=Command {0} completed with warnings.
CommandUnSuccessful=Command {0} failed.
CommandUnSuccessfulWithArg=Command {0} failed: {1}
ExtDirMissing=Warning: asadmin extension directory is missing: {0}
ExtDirFailed=Error loading asadmin extensions: {0}
DirError=Can''t read directory: {0}
DomainPasswordChanged=Master password changed for domain {0}
DomainCreated=Domain {0} created.
DomainDeleted=Domain {0} deleted.
# Observe the hidden trailing space after prompt strings. Could be handled better ...
AdminUserPrompt=Enter admin user name [Enter to accept default]> 
AdminPasswordPrompt=Enter admin password> 
AliasPasswordPrompt=Enter alias password> 
AdminPasswordConfirmationPrompt=Enter admin password again> 
AliasPasswordConfirmationPrompt=Enter alias password again> 
AdminNewPasswordPrompt=Enter new admin password> 
AdminNewPasswordConfirmationPrompt=Enter new admin password again> 
DomainExists=Domain exists: {0}
AdminPassword=admin password
InvalidPortRangeMsg=Invalid Port for {0}, should be between 1 and 65535. Using {1}
NewPasswordPrompt=Enter {0} password> 
NewPasswordDefaultEmptyPrompt=Enter {0} password [Enter to accept default of no password]> 
NewPasswordDefaultPrompt=Enter {0} password [Enter to accept default password "{1}"]> 
NewPasswordConfirmationPrompt=Enter {0} password again> 
NewPasswordDescriptionPrompt=Enter {0}> 
NewPasswordDescriptionDefaultEmptyPrompt=Enter {0} [Enter to accept default of no password]> 
NewPasswordDescriptionDefaultPrompt=Enter {0} [Enter to accept default password "{1}"]> 
NewPasswordDescriptionConfirmationPrompt=Enter {0} again> 
MasterPasswordConfirmationPrompt=Enter the master password again> 
MasterPasswordConfirmationWithDefaultPrompt=Enter master password again [Enter to accept default]> 
MasterPasswordWithDefaultPrompt=Enter master password [Enter to accept default]> 
PortNotSpecified=Port for {0} is not specified. Using {1}
PortInUseError=Port for {0} ({1}) is in use. Try a different port number.
PortInUseWarning=Warning: Port {0} is in use. Ignoring since the checkports option is set to false.
NoPermissionForPortError=You do not have permission to use port {0} for {1}. Try a different port number or login to a more privileged account.
NoPermissionForPortMsg=You do not have permission to use port {0} for {1}. Try a different port number or login to a more privileged account.
NoPermissionForPortWarning=Warning: You do not have permission to use port {0} for {1}. Ignoring since the checkports option is set to false.
UnknownPortMsg=Unknown error when trying port {0}.  Try a different port number.
DefaultPortInUse=Default port {1} for {0} is in use. Using {2}
UsingDefaultPort=Using default port {1} for {0}.
UsingPort=Using port {1} for {0}.
PortPrivilege=On Unix platform, port numbers below 1024 may require special privileges.
RequireEitherOrOption=Option {0} or {1} must be specified.
UsingProfile=Domain being created with profile:{0}, as specified {1}.
ProfileGlobalDefaultSource=by global default
ProfileUserSource=on command line or environment
LoginInfoStored=Login information relevant to admin user name [{0}] for host [{1}] and admin port [{2}] stored at [{3}] successfully.\nMake sure that this file remains protected. Information stored in this file will be used by asadmin commands to manage associated domain.
LoginInfoStoredCreateDomain=Login information relevant to admin user name [{0}] for this domain [{1}] stored at [{2}] successfully.\nMake sure that this file remains protected. Information stored in this file will be used by asadmin commands to manage this domain.
LoginInfoNotStored=Login information is not saved for host name [{0}] and port [{1}]
AuthenticatingMsg=Trying to authenticate for administration of server at host [{0}] and port [{1}] ...
LoginInfoNotStoredCreateDomain=Login information relevant to admin user name [{0}] for this domain [{1}] could not be stored.\nThis means that the file .asadminpass in home folder is tampered.\nFix the format for this file.
OverwriteLoginMsgCreateDomain=Admin login information for host [{0}] and port [{1}] is being overwritten with credentials provided. This is because the --savelogin option was used during create-domain command.
LoginInfoCouldNotBeRead=Login information could not be read for host name [{0}] and port [{1}]
ConnectException=Remote server does not listen for requests on [{0}:{1}].\nPlease make sure the server is running.
InvalidCredentials=Authorization has been refused for credentials [user: {0}] given in this request.\n(Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password)

#Error Messages
PasswordLimit=CLI128 Value for {0} must have 8 or more characters.
InvalidCharInDomain=CLI129 Invalid character in domain name, {0}
CouldNotCreateDomain=CLI130 Could not create domain, {0}
InvalidPortNumber=CLI136 Port {0} should be a numeric value.
InvalidDomainPath=CLI138 Invalid domain path, {0}
CouldNotDeleteDomain=CLI139 Could not delete domain, {0}.
NoDomainsToList=CLI141 No Domains to list.
NoDomains=CLI142 No domains in {0}.
FileDoesNotExist=CLI146 {0} does not exist in the file system or read permission denied.
DomainXMLDoesNotExist=CLI155 {0} does not exist.
InvalidPortRange=CLI160 Invalid Port {0}, should be between 1 and 65535.
OptionsDoNotMatch=CLI173 Values entered for {0} do not match.
InvalidPortBaseRange=CLI211 Invalid Port {0} for {1}, should be between 1 and 65535.  Choose a portbase value such that the resulting port number doesn''t exceed 65535.
MutuallyExclusiveOption=CLI169 Options {0} and {1} are mutually exclusive.  You must specify one or the other but not both.
UnsupportedLegacyCommand=CLI194 Previously supported command: {0} is not supported for this release.
NoScope=CLI195 Implementation for the command {0} exists in the system,\nbut it has no @Scoped annotation
HasParams=CLI196 Implementation for the command {0} exists in the system,\nbut it's a singleton that also has parameters

## LocalDomainsCommand class
Domain.badDomainsDir=CLI300 The specified domaindir is not a directory: {0}
Domain.badDomainDir=CLI301 There is no such domain directory: {0}
Domain.noDomainXml=CLI304 Can''t find domain.xml.  It should be here: {0}

## stop-domain command
StopDomain.dasNotRunning=CLI306 Warning - The server located at {0} is not running.
StopDomain.dasNotRunningRemotely=CLI307 Warning - remote server is not running, unable to force it to stop.\n\
Try running stop-domain on the remote server.
StopDomain.WaitDASDeath=Waiting for the domain to stop
StopDomain.DASNotDead=Timed out ({0} seconds) waiting for the domain to stop.
StopDomain.noDomainNameAllowed=No domain name allowed with --host option.
StopDomain.nopidprev=Can not find the process ID of the server.  It is supposed to be here: {0}.  Unable to kill the process.
StopDomain.pidprevreaderror=Error trying to read the Process ID from {0}: {1}
StopDomain.killerror=Error attempting to kill the server with Process ID {0} with native platform tools.  Error message was: {1}
StopDomain.killerror2=Error attempting to kill the server with native platform tools.  \n\
Command Line: {0}\n\
Platform Error Message: {1}\n\
Return Value: {2}
StopDomain.killsuccess=Successfully killed the server process.  Message from the OS: {0}
StopDomain.killsuccess2=Successfully killed the server process forcibly.
StopDomain.killedNormally=The server died normally with no need to use force.
## start-database, stop-database command
DatabaseNotInstalled=The database is not installed. Please download and install the database from the Update Center.
DatabaseStartMsg=Starting database in the background.
LogRedirectedTo=Log redirected to {0}.
StartDatabaseStatus=Database already started on host {0}, port {1}.
StopDatabaseStatus=Unable to stop database on host {0}, port {1}.
UnableToStartDatabase=Unable to start database.  Please check log in {0}.
UnableToAccessDatabaseLog=Unable to access derby.log in {0}.
UnableToConnectToDatabase=Unable to connect to database. started in Network Server mode on host {0} and port {1}. can connect to the database using: [{0}].
database.driver.version.msg=Database Driver Version: [{0}]
jdbc.version.msg=JDBC Specification Version: [{0}]
CouldNotGetSysInfo=Unable to retrieve database system information.


noPorts=Error in domain.xml -- no administration ports found.
WaitServer=Waiting for {0} to start
serverDied=Error starting {0}.\nThe server exited prematurely with exit code {1}.
serverDiedOutput=Error starting {0}.\nThe server exited prematurely with exit code {1}.\nBefore it died, it produced the following output:\n\n{2}
remoteError=Error on remote server: {0}
unknownFormat=Unknown server response.
cause=Cause: {0}

listCommands.notBoth=You can't specify both --localonly and --remoteonly as true at the same time.
listCommands.localCommandHeader=********** Local Commands **********
listCommands.localCommandNoMatch=No local commands match.
listCommands.remoteCommandHeader=********** Remote Commands **********
listCommands.remoteCommandNoMatch=No remote commands match.
remote.noargs=Invalid call to RemoteCommand with no arguments.
introduction.noremote=\nCan't connect to server to get the remote commands list.  \nStart the server with 'asadmin start-domain' and run 'asadmin' again to see the remote commands that are available.

#start-domain and start-instance
ServerRunning=There is a process already using the admin port {0} -- it probably is another instance of a GlassFish server.
ServerStart.SuccessMessage=Successfully started the {0}: {1}\n{0} Location: {2}\nLog File: {3}\nAdmin Port: {4}
ServerStart.DebuggerMessage=Debugging is enabled.  The debugging port is: {0}
ServerStart.DebuggerSuspendedMessage=Debugging is enabled and the server is suspended.  \
Please attach to the debugging port at: {0}
DomainLocation=Started domain: {0}\nDomain location: {1}\nLog file: {2}
DomainAdminPort=Admin port for the domain: {0}
DomainDebugPort=Debug port for the domain: {0}
mp.prompt=Enter master password ({0}) attempt(s) remain)> 
no.console=The Master Password is required to start the domain.  No console, no prompting possible.  You should either create the domain \
with --savemasterpassword=true or provide a password file with the --passwordfile option., incorrect master password, retry
mp.giveup=Number of attempts ({0}) exhausted, giving up
upgradeNeeded=Domain needs to be upgraded before it can be started.\nAttempting upgrade now...
manualUpgradeNeeded=The configuration data for this domain must be upgraded to run with this\nversion of the software. To upgrade the data, run:\n\tasadmin start-domain --upgrade\nThen start the domain normally.
upgradeSuccessful=Upgrade was successful, starting domain...
upgradeFailed=Error upgrading domain: {0}.\nThe server exited prematurely with exit code {1}.
upgradeFailedOutput=Error upgrading domain: {0}.\nThe server exited prematurely with exit code {1}.\nBefore it died, it produced the following output:\n\n{2}

Usage=Usage: {0}
Usage.asadmin=asadmin [asadmin-utility-options]
Asadmin.usage=Usage: asadmin [-H|--host ]\n\t[-p|--port ] [-u|--user ]\n\t[-W|--passwordfile ]\n\t[-t|--terse[=]]\n\t[-s|--secure[=]]\n\t[-e|--echo[=]]\n\t[-I|--interactive[=]]\n\t[-?|--help[=]] [subcommand [options] [operands]]
OptionDeprecated=Option {0} deprecated.
OptionDeprecatedUseNew=Option {0} deprecated, use --{1} instead.
UnableToReadEnv=Unable to read system environment. No system environment will be used.
ClosestMatchedCommands=Closest matching command(s): 
ClosestMatchedLocalAndRemoteCommands=Closest matching local and remote command(s): 
ClosestMatchedLocalCommands=Unable to get remote commands. \nClosest matching local command(s): 

#Error Messages
InvalidCommand=CLI001 Invalid Command: {0}. Check the entry of command name. This command may be provided by a package that is not installed.
UnableToCreateCommand=CLI002 Unable to create command object, {0}
NoDescriptorsDefined=CLI003 No descriptors defined.
CouldNotLoadDescriptor=CLI004 Could not load the descriptor URLs.
CouldNotWriteCommandToFile=CLI005 Could not write the command, {0} to a file.
CouldNotWriteComponentToFile=CLI006 Could not write the component, {0} to a file.
InvalidFilePath=CLI007 Invalid file path, {0}.
CouldNoSetSerializeDirectory=CLI008 Could not set the serialize directory.
CouldNotFindLocalStringsProperties=CLI009 Could not find file.
OptionValueNotSpecified=CLI010 Value not specified for {0}
NoSuchOption=CLI011 Invalid option, {0}
CouldNotValidateCommand=CLI012 Could not validate command.
InvalidOption=CLI013 Option {0} does not apply to {1}.
OptionIsRequired=CLI014 {0} is a required option. In case of password information, use passwordfile option.
OptionIsBoolean=CLI015 Invalid value for {0}.  Option accepts true or false.
ZeroOrOneOperand=CLI016 Invalid number of operands. Number of operands should be 0 or 1.
GreaterThanOneOperand=CLI017 Invalid number of operands.  Number of operands should be greater than 1.
GreaterOrEqualToOperand=CLI018 Invalid number of operands.  Number of operands should be greater than or equal to {0}.
EqualToOperand=CLI019 Invalid number of operands.  Number of operands should be equal to {0}.
OperandIsRequired=CLI020 Operand is required.
BetweenNumberOperand=CLI021 Number of operand should be between {0} and {1}.
InvalidSytanxForNumberOfOperands=CLI022 Invalid syntax for numberofoperands,{0}.
CommandNotSpecified=CLI023 Command not specified.
CouldNotReadInputStream=CLI024 Could not read input stream. 
RequireEscapeChar=CLI025 An escape character is required in your input.  
DuplicateOptionDeclaration=CLI026 Multiple declaration of option "{0}" in the descriptor file.  
ValidOptionNotDefined=CLI027 ValidOption "{0}" is not defined in descriptor file.
RequiredOptionNotDefined=CLI028 RequiredOption "{0}" is not defined in descriptor file.
DeprecatedOptionNotDefined=CLI028 DeprecatedOption "{0}" is not defined in descriptor file.
OptionAlreadyDefined=CLI029 Option name "{0}" is already defined in command, "{1}".
ShortOptionAlreadyDefined=CLI030 Short Option "{0}" for options "{1}" and "{2}" is already defined in command, "{3}".
ObsoleteOption=CLI031 Warning: Option "{0}" is obsolete and will be ignored.
PasswordsNotAllowedOnCommandLine=CLI193 Password option "{0}" is not allowed on the command line. Please use --passwordfile option or asadmin login command.
commands.monitor.press_to_quit=Press 'q' or 'Q' to quit.
InvalidRemoteCommand=No such local command, {0}. To run remote commands, start the application server (e.g. ''asadmin start-domain'').
NoAdminPort=Can''t find admin port in domain.xml file
NoAdminPortEx=Can''t find admin port in domain.xml file, caused by:\n  {0}

## monitor command
monitorCommand.errorRemote=Error encountered when making remote call: {0}
monitor.jvm.title=JVM Monitoring
monitor.jvm.memory.title=Heap and NonHeap Memory(bytes)
commands.monitor.webmodule_virtual_server_detail=*******************************************************************************\n* ajlc = Number of active JSP pages                                           *\n* asc  = Number of currently active sessions                                  *\n* aslc = Number of active servlets that are loaded                            *\n* ast  = Total number of sessions ever activated                              *\n* mjlc = Maximum number of JSP pages that are loaded                          *\n* mslc = Maximum number of servlets that are loaded                           *\n* rst  = Total number of rejected sessions                                    *\n* st   = Total number of sessions created                                     *\n* tjlc = Total number of JSP pages that are loaded                            *\n* tslc = Total number of servlets that are loaded                             *\n*******************************************************************************
commands.monitor.servlet_detail=*******************************************************************************\n* aslc = Number of active servlets that are loaded                            *\n* mslc = Maximum number of servlets that are loaded                           *\n* tslc = Total number of servlets that are loaded                             *\n*******************************************************************************
commands.monitor.httplistener_detail=*******************************************************************************\n* ec = Cumulative value of the error count. An error represents a response    *\n*      code greater than or equal to 400.                                     *\n* mt = Longest response time for a request - not a cumulative value, but the  *\n*      largest response time from among the response times.                   *\n* pt = Cumulative value of the times taken to process each request. The       *\n*      processing time is the average of request processing times over the    *\n*      request count.                                                         *\n* rc = Cumulative number of the requests processed so far.                    *\n*******************************************************************************

remote.version.failed.non-debug=Version string could not be obtained from Server [{0}:{1}] for some reason.\n(Turn debugging on e.g. by setting AS_DEBUG=true in your environment, to see the details).
remote.version.failed.debug=Version string could not be obtained from Server [{0}:{1}] for following reason. 
version.local=Using locally retrieved version string from version class.\nVersion = {0}
# do not translate Java Runtime Environment Java Runtime Environment version: {0}
version.remote=Version = {0}
version.optionerror1=Specify terse or verbose but not both.
awt.error=Unable to process auto quit because of awt exception {0} 

## restart-domain
restart=Restarting Domain...
restart.dasNotRunning=Server is not running, will attempt to start it...
restart.dasNotRunningNoRestart=Remote server is not running, can not restart it
restartDomain.noGFStart=Timed out waiting for the server to restart
restartDomain.success=Successfully restarted the domain
restartChangeDebug=Restarting Domain and explicitly setting debug to {0}...
restartDomain.notRestartable=The domain reports that it is not restartable.  \n\
This usually means that the password file that was originally used to start the server \
has been deleted or is not readable now.\n\
Please stop and then restart the server - or fix the password file.

## change-admin-password
AdminUserDefaultPrompt=Enter admin user name [default: {0}]> 
AdminUserRequired=Must specify an admin user (e.g., using the --user option).

LocalRemoteCommand.errorRemote=Error encountered while making remote call: {0}
unknownOption=Command {0} does not have an option {1}
notEnoughOperands=Command {0} requires an operand of type {1}
noOperandsAllowed=Command {0} does not accept any operands
tooManyOperands1=Command {0} only accepts one operand
tooManyOperands=Command {0} only accepts {1} operands
missingPassword=Command {0} requires a password named {1}
missingPasswordAdvice=Command {0} requires a password named {1}\nAdd a line of the following form to a password file:\n{1}=yourpassword\nSpecify that password file to asadmin with the --passwordfile opton.
missingOption=Option {0} is required but was not specified
missingOptions=Command {0} is missing required options
ManpageMissing=Can''t find man page for command: {0}
multimodeIntro=Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
badEnvVarSet=CLI148 Could not set environment variable: {0}\nVariable names must start with "AS_ADMIN_".
badEnvVarUnset=CLI163 Could not unset environment variable: {0}\nVariable names must start with "AS_ADMIN_".
cantRemoveEnvVar=CLI149 Environment variable is not set: {0}
operandPrompt=Enter the value for the {0} operand> 
optionPrompt=Enter the value for the {0} option> 
OldJdk=GlassFish requires Java SE version 6.  Your JDK is version {0}
DeprecatedSyntax=Deprecated syntax, instead use:
## Parser
parser.noValueAllowed=Option may not have value: {0}
parser.illegalNo="--no" illegal with non-boolean option: {0}
parser.invalidOption=Invalid option: {0}
parser.nonbooleanNotAllowed=Non-boolean option: {0}, not allowed in argument: {1}
parser.missingValue=Missing value for option: {0}
parser.invalidFileEx=Invalid file for option: --{0}: {1}
parser.invalidFile=Invalid file for option: {0}, File: {1}
parser.invalidBoolean=Invalid boolean value for option: {0}, Value: {1}
parser.passwordNotAllowed=Password not allowed on command line: {0}
parser.noRepeats=Repeats not allowed for option: {0}
## ArgumentTokenizer
stopwatch=Total Time to Launch: {0} msec
token.unbalancedQuotes=Unbalanced quotes
token.escapeAtEOL=Escape at end of line
token.noMoreTokens=No more tokens
deathwait_timeout=Waited {0} milliseconds for the server to die.  It did not die.  Can not restart.  Please kill it manually.
runscript.badport=Bad httpport argument({0}).  It must be an integer between 1 and 65535 inclusive.
runscript.noscriptname=The java script filename is required.
runscript.badscriptname=The java script filename({0}) does not exist.
internal_error=Internal Error: {0}
DAS=Domain Administration Server
INSTANCE=Instance Server
serverNoStart=No response from the {0} ({1}) after {2} seconds.\n\
The command is either taking too long to complete or the server has failed.\n\
Please see the server log files for command status.  \n\
Please start with the --verbose option in order to see early messages.
dry_run_msg=Dump of JVM Invocation line that would be used to launch:

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