en.help.ref-appedit.html Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Edit Application
Use the Edit Application page to modify an existing application.
The Edit Application page contains some or all of the following options, depending
on the application type.
- Name
Read-only field that displays the name of the application that you are editing.
The name can include an optional version identifier, which follows the name and is separated from the name by a colon (:). For more information about module and application versions, see the Module and Application Versions in Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Application Deployment Guide.
- Status
If the Enabled checkbox is selected, the application is enabled. This option is selected by default.
- Availability
If the Enabled checkbox is selected, high-availability is enabled for web sessions and for stateful session bean (SFSB) checkpointing and potentially passivation. If set to false (default) all web session saving and SFSB checkpointing is disabled for the specified application, web application, or EJB module. If set to true, the specified application or module is enabled for high-availability. Set this option to true only if high availability is configured and enabled at higher levels, such as the server and container levels.
- Virtual Servers
The virtual servers associated with this application.
The Virtual Servers option appears if only the default server instance, server, exists. If clusters or other stand-alone server instances exist, you can select virtual servers after deployment. Go to the Edit Application page, select the Target tab, and select Manage Virtual Servers for the desired target.
- Context Root
For a web application, specifies the path to the application. In the URL of the web application, the context root immediately follows the port number (http://host:port/context-root/...). The context root must start with a forward slash, for example, /hello.
- Description
A short description of the application.
- Java Web Start
(For some application types) If the Enabled checkbox is selected, the application uses Java Web Start software. Java Web Start provides a browser-independent way to deploy Java applications to run in a dedicated Java Virtual Machine.
- Location
The location of the deployed application. This is a read-only field.
- Libraries
The library JAR files required by the application. This is a read-only field.
- Modules and Components
Table that displays the names of the application's modules and their engines.
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