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package org.glassfish.external.statistics.impl;
import java.util.Map;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import org.glassfish.external.statistics.AverageRangeStatistic;
* An implementation of AverageRangeStatistic that provides ways to change the
* state externally through mutators. Convenience class that is useful for
* components that gather the statistical data.
* By merely changing the count (which is a mandatory measurement), rest of the statistical
* information could be deduced.
public final class AverageRangeStatisticImpl extends StatisticImpl implements
AverageRangeStatistic, InvocationHandler {
private long currentVal = 0L;
private long highWaterMark = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private long lowWaterMark = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private long numberOfSamples = 0L;
private long runningTotal = 0L;
private final long initCurrentVal;
private final long initHighWaterMark;
private final long initLowWaterMark;
private final long initNumberOfSamples;
private final long initRunningTotal;
private final AverageRangeStatistic as =
(AverageRangeStatistic) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
new Class[] { AverageRangeStatistic.class },
public AverageRangeStatisticImpl(long curVal, long highMark, long lowMark,
String name, String unit, String desc,
long startTime, long sampleTime) {
super(name, unit, desc, startTime, sampleTime);
currentVal = curVal;
initCurrentVal = curVal;
highWaterMark = highMark;
initHighWaterMark = highMark;
lowWaterMark = lowMark;
initLowWaterMark = lowMark;
numberOfSamples = 0L;
initNumberOfSamples = numberOfSamples;
runningTotal = 0L;
initRunningTotal = runningTotal;
public synchronized AverageRangeStatistic getStatistic() {
return as;
public synchronized String toString() {
return super.toString() + NEWLINE +
"Current: " + getCurrent() + NEWLINE +
"LowWaterMark: " + getLowWaterMark() + NEWLINE +
"HighWaterMark: " + getHighWaterMark() + NEWLINE +
"Average:" + getAverage();
public synchronized Map getStaticAsMap() {
Map m = super.getStaticAsMap();
m.put("current", getCurrent());
m.put("lowwatermark", getLowWaterMark());
m.put("highwatermark", getHighWaterMark());
m.put("average", getAverage());
return m;
public synchronized void reset() {
currentVal = initCurrentVal;
highWaterMark = initHighWaterMark;
lowWaterMark = initLowWaterMark;
numberOfSamples = initNumberOfSamples;
runningTotal = initRunningTotal;
sampleTime = -1L;
public synchronized long getAverage() {
if(numberOfSamples == 0) {
return -1;
} else {
return runningTotal / numberOfSamples;
public synchronized long getCurrent() {
return currentVal;
public synchronized void setCurrent(long curVal) {
currentVal = curVal;
lowWaterMark = (curVal >= lowWaterMark ? lowWaterMark : curVal);
highWaterMark = (curVal >= highWaterMark ? curVal : highWaterMark);
runningTotal += curVal;
sampleTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
public synchronized long getHighWaterMark() {
return highWaterMark;
public synchronized long getLowWaterMark() {
return lowWaterMark;
// todo: equals implementation
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
Object result;
try {
result = method.invoke(this, args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw e.getTargetException();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected invocation exception: " +
return result;