jakarta.persistence.EntityManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0,
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// Gavin King - 3.2
// Linda DeMichiel - 2.1
// Linda DeMichiel - 2.0
package jakarta.persistence;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaSelect;
import jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel;
import jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery;
import jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaUpdate;
import jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaDelete;
* Interface used to interact with the persistence context.
* An instance of {@code EntityManager} must be obtained from
* an {@link EntityManagerFactory}, and is only able to manage
* persistence of entities belonging to the associated persistence
* unit.
An application-managed {@code EntityManager} may be created
* via a call to {@link EntityManagerFactory#createEntityManager()}.
* The {@code EntityManager} must be explicitly closed via a call
* to {@link #close()}, to allow resources to be cleaned up by the
* persistence provider. This approach places almost complete
* responsibility for cleanup and exception management on the client,
* and is thus considered quite error-prone. It is much safer to use
* the methods {@link EntityManagerFactory#runInTransaction} and
* {@link EntityManagerFactory#callInTransaction}.
* {@snippet :
* entityManagerFactory.runInTransaction(entityManager -> {
* // do work in a persistence context
* ...
* });
* }
In the Jakarta EE environment, a container-managed
* {@link EntityManager} may be obtained by dependency injection,
* using {@link PersistenceContext}.
* {@snippet :
* // inject the container-managed entity manager
* @PersistenceContext(unitName="orderMgt")
* EntityManager entityManager;
* }
If the persistence unit has
* {@linkplain PersistenceUnitTransactionType#RESOURCE_LOCAL
* resource local} transaction management, transactions must
* be managed using the {@link EntityTransaction} obtained by
* calling {@link #getTransaction()}.
A complete idiom for custom application management of
* the {@link EntityManager} and its associated resource-local
* {@link EntityTransaction} is as follows:
* {@snippet :
* EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
* EntityTransaction transaction = entityManager.getTransaction();
* try {
* transaction.begin();
* // do work
* ...
* transaction.commit();
* }
* catch (Exception e) {
* if (transaction.isActive()) transaction.rollback();
* throw e;
* }
* finally {
* entityManager.close();
* }
* }
Each {@code EntityManager} instance is associated with a
* distinct persistence context. A persistence context
* is a set of entity instances in which for any given persistent
* entity identity (defined by an entity type and primary key)
* there is at most one entity instance. The entity instances
* associated with a persistence context are considered managed
* objects, with a well-defined lifecycle under the control of
* the persistence provider.
Any entity instance can be characterized as being in one of
* the following lifecycle states:
* - A new entity has no persistent identity, and is
* not yet associated with any persistence context.
- A managed entity is an instance with a persistent
* identity that is currently associated with a persistence
* context.
- A detached entity is an instance with a persistent
* identity that is not (or no longer) associated with any
* active persistence context.
- A removed entity is an instance with a persistent
* identity, and associated with a persistence context, that
* is scheduled for removal from the database upon transaction
* commit.
* The {@code EntityManager} API is used to perform operations
* that affect the state of the persistence context, or that modify
* the lifecycle state of individual entity instances. The client
* may {@linkplain #persist} and {@linkplain #remove} instances,
* {@linkplain #find(Class, Object) find} entities by their primary
* key, and execute {@linkplain #createQuery(String) queries} which
* range over entity types. An entity may be disassociated from
* the persistence context by calling {@link #detach}, and a
* persistence context may be completely cleared, detaching all
* its entities, by calling {@link #clear()}.
The client may also make changes to the state of an entity
* instance by mutating the entity directly, or it may request
* that the state of a detached instance be {@linkplain #merge
* merged}, replacing the state of a managed instance with the
* same persistent identity. Note that there is no explicit
* "update" operation; since an entity is a managed object,
* modifications to its persistent fields and properties are
* automatically detected, as long as it is associated with an
* active persistence context.
Modifications to the state of entities associated with a
* persistence context are not immediately synchronized with the
* database. Synchronization happens during a process called
* flush. The timing of the flush process depends on the
* {@linkplain FlushModeType flush mode}, which may be set
* explicitly by calling {@link #setFlushMode(FlushModeType)}.
* - For {@link FlushModeType#COMMIT}, the persistence context
* is flushed before the transaction commits.
- For {@link FlushModeType#AUTO}, which is the default, the
* persistence context must also be flushed before execution
* of any query whose result set would be affected by
* unflushed modifications to entities associated with the
* persistence context.
* The client may force an immediate flush to occur by calling
* {@link #flush()}.
* At any given moment, a persistence context might hold an
* optimistic or pessimistic lock on an entity instance.
* The full range of possible lock types is enumerated by
* {@link LockModeType}. Some operations of this interface,
* including the methods {@link #lock(Object, LockModeType)},
* {@link #refresh(Object, LockModeType)}, and
* {@link #find(Class, Object, LockModeType)}, accept an explicit
* {@link LockModeType}, allowing the client to request a specific
* type of lock.
Interaction of the persistence context (or first-level cache)
* with the second-level cache, if any, may be controlled by
* calling {@link #setCacheRetrieveMode(CacheRetrieveMode)} and
* {@link #setCacheStoreMode(CacheStoreMode)}.
Some operations accept one or more built-in and vendor-specific
* options:
* - {@link #find(Class, Object, FindOption...)} and
* {@link #find(EntityGraph, Object, FindOption...)} accept
* {@link FindOption}s,
- {@link #refresh(Object, RefreshOption...)} accepts
* {@link RefreshOption}s, and
- {@link #lock(Object, LockModeType, LockOption...)} accepts
* {@link LockOption}s.
* @see Query
* @see TypedQuery
* @see CriteriaQuery
* @see PersistenceContext
* @see StoredProcedureQuery
* @see EntityManagerFactory
* @since 1.0
public interface EntityManager extends AutoCloseable {
* Make a new entity instance managed and persistent, resulting in
* its insertion in the database when the persistence context is
* synchronized with the database, or make a removed entity managed,
* undoing the effect of a previous call to {@link #remove(Object)}.
* This operation cascades to every entity related by an association
* marked {@link CascadeType#PERSIST cascade=PERSIST}. If the given
* entity instance is already managed, that is, if it already belongs
* to this persistence context, and has not been marked for removal,
* it is itself ignored, but the operation still cascades.
* @param entity a new, managed, or removed entity instance
* @throws EntityExistsException if the given entity is detached
* (if the entity is detached, the {@code EntityExistsException}
* may be thrown when the persist operation is invoked, or the
* {@code EntityExistsException} or another {@code PersistenceException}
* may be thrown at flush or commit time)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given instance is not an
* entity
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is no transaction
* when invoked on a container-managed entity manager that
* is of type {@link PersistenceContextType#TRANSACTION}
void persist(Object entity);
* Merge the state of the given new or detached entity instance
* into the current persistence context, resulting in, respectively,
* an insert or possible update when the persistence context is
* synchronized with the database. Return a managed instance with
* the same persistent state as the given entity instance, but a
* distinct Java object identity. If the given entity is detached,
* the returned entity has the same persistent identity. This
* operation cascades to every entity related by an association
* marked {@link CascadeType#MERGE cascade=MERGE}. If the given
* entity instance is managed, that is, if it belongs to this
* persistence context, and has not been marked for removal, it is
* itself ignored, but the operation still cascades, and it is
* returned directly.
* @param entity a new, managed, or detached entity instance
* @return the managed instance that the state was merged to
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the instance is not an entity
* or is a removed entity
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is no transaction
* when invoked on a container-managed entity manager of
* that is of type {@link PersistenceContextType#TRANSACTION}
T merge(T entity);
* Mark a managed entity instance as removed, resulting in its deletion
* from the database when the persistence context is synchronized with
* the database. This operation cascades to every entity related by an
* association marked {@link CascadeType#REMOVE cascade=REMOVE}. If the
* given entity instance is already removed, it is ignored. If the
* given entity is new, it is itself ignored, but the operation still
* cascades.
* @param entity a managed, new, or removed entity instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the instance is not an entity
* or is a detached entity
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if invoked on a
* container-managed entity manager of type
* {@link PersistenceContextType#TRANSACTION} and there is
* no transaction
void remove(Object entity);
* Find by primary key.
* Search for an entity of the specified class and primary key.
* If the entity instance is contained in the persistence context,
* it is returned from there.
* @param entityClass entity class
* @param primaryKey primary key
* @return the found entity instance or null if the entity does
* not exist
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the first argument does
* not denote an entity type or if the second argument is
* not a valid type for that entity's primary key or is
* null
T find(Class entityClass, Object primaryKey);
* Find by primary key, using the specified properties.
* Search for an entity of the specified class and primary key.
* If the entity instance is contained in the persistence
* context, it is returned from there.
* If a vendor-specific property or hint is not recognized,
* it is silently ignored.
* @param entityClass entity class
* @param primaryKey primary key
* @param properties standard and vendor-specific properties
* and hints
* @return the found entity instance or null if the entity does
* not exist
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the first argument does
* not denote an entity type or if the second argument
* is not a valid type for that entity's primary key or
* is null
* @since 2.0
T find(Class entityClass, Object primaryKey,
Map properties);
* Find by primary key and obtain the given lock type for the
* resulting entity. Search for an entity of the specified class and
* primary key, and lock it with respect to the specified lock type.
* If the entity instance is contained in the persistence context,
* it is returned from there, and the effect of this method is the
* same as if the {@link #lock} method had been called on the entity.
* If the entity is found within the persistence context and
* the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity has a version
* attribute, the persistence provider must perform optimistic
* version checks when obtaining the database lock. If these checks
* fail, the {@link OptimisticLockException} is thrown.
If the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity instance
* is found but cannot be locked:
* - the {@link PessimisticLockException} is thrown if the
* database locking failure causes transaction-level rollback
- the {@link LockTimeoutException} is thrown if the database
* locking failure causes only statement-level rollback
* @param entityClass entity class
* @param primaryKey primary key
* @param lockMode lock mode
* @return the found entity instance or null if the entity does
* not exist
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the first argument does
* not denote an entity type or the second argument is
* not a valid type for that entity's primary key or
* is null
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is no
* transaction and a lock mode other than {@code NONE} is
* specified or if invoked on an entity manager which has
* not been joined to the current transaction and a lock
* mode other than {@code NONE} is specified
* @throws OptimisticLockException if the optimistic version
* check fails
* @throws PessimisticLockException if pessimistic locking
* fails and the transaction is rolled back
* @throws LockTimeoutException if pessimistic locking fails and
* only the statement is rolled back
* @throws PersistenceException if an unsupported lock call is made
* @since 2.0
T find(Class entityClass, Object primaryKey,
LockModeType lockMode);
* Find by primary key and lock the entity, using the specified
* properties. Search for an entity of the specified class and
* primary key, and lock it with respect to the specified lock type.
* If the entity instance is contained in the persistence context,
* it is returned from there.
* If the entity is found within the persistence context and
* the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity has a version
* attribute, the persistence provider must perform optimistic
* version checks when obtaining the database lock. If these checks
* fail, the {@link OptimisticLockException} is thrown.
If the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity instance
* is found but cannot be locked:
* - the {@link PessimisticLockException} is thrown if the
* database locking failure causes transaction-level rollback
- the {@link LockTimeoutException} is thrown if the database
* locking failure causes only statement-level rollback
* If a vendor-specific property or hint is not recognized,
* it is silently ignored.
Portable applications should not rely on the standard
* timeout hint. Depending on the database in use and the locking
* mechanisms used by the provider, the hint may or may not be
* observed.
* @param entityClass entity class
* @param primaryKey primary key
* @param lockMode lock mode
* @param properties standard and vendor-specific properties
* and hints
* @return the found entity instance or null if the entity does
* not exist
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the first argument does
* not denote an entity type or the second argument is
* not a valid type for that entity's primary key or
* is null
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is no
* transaction and a lock mode other than {@code NONE} is
* specified or if invoked on an entity manager which has
* not been joined to the current transaction and a lock
* mode other than {@code NONE} is specified
* @throws OptimisticLockException if the optimistic version check
* fails
* @throws PessimisticLockException if pessimistic locking fails
* and the transaction is rolled back
* @throws LockTimeoutException if pessimistic locking fails and
* only the statement is rolled back
* @throws PersistenceException if an unsupported lock call is made
* @since 2.0
T find(Class entityClass, Object primaryKey,
LockModeType lockMode,
Map properties);
* Find an instance of the given entity class by primary key,
* using the specified {@linkplain FindOption options}.
* Search for an entity with the specified class and primary key.
* If the given options include a {@link LockModeType}, lock it
* with respect to the specified lock type.
* If the entity instance is contained in the persistence context,
* it is returned from there.
* If the entity is found within the persistence context and
* the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity has a version
* attribute, the persistence provider must perform optimistic
* version checks when obtaining the database lock. If these checks
* fail, the {@code OptimisticLockException} is thrown.
If the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity instance
* is found but cannot be locked:
* - the {@code PessimisticLockException} is thrown if the
* database locking failure causes transaction-level
* rollback
- the {@code LockTimeoutException} is thrown if the database
* locking failure causes only statement-level rollback
* If a vendor-specific {@linkplain FindOption option} is not
* recognized, it is silently ignored.
Portable applications should not rely on the standard
* {@linkplain Timeout timeout option}. Depending on the database
* in use and the locking mechanisms used by the provider, this
* option may or may not be observed.
* @param entityClass entity class
* @param primaryKey primary key
* @param options standard and vendor-specific options
* @return the found entity instance or null if the entity does
* not exist
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are contradictory
* options, if the first argument does not denote an entity
* type belonging to the persistence unit, or if the second
* argument is not a valid non-null instance of the entity
* primary key type
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is no transaction
* and a lock mode other than {@code NONE} is
* specified or if invoked on an entity manager which has
* not been joined to the current transaction and a lock
* mode other than {@code NONE} is specified
* @throws OptimisticLockException if the optimistic version check
* fails
* @throws PessimisticLockException if pessimistic locking fails
* and the transaction is rolled back
* @throws LockTimeoutException if pessimistic locking fails and
* only the statement is rolled back
* @throws PersistenceException if an unsupported lock call is made
* @since 3.2
T find(Class entityClass, Object primaryKey,
FindOption... options);
* Find an instance of the root entity of the given {@link EntityGraph}
* by primary key, using the specified {@linkplain FindOption options},
* and interpreting the {@code EntityGraph} as a load graph.
* Search for an entity with the specified type and primary key.
* If the given options include a {@link LockModeType}, lock it
* with respect to the specified lock type.
* If the entity instance is contained in the persistence context,
* it is returned from there.
* If the entity is found within the persistence context and
* the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity has a version
* attribute, the persistence provider must perform optimistic
* version checks when obtaining the database lock. If these checks
* fail, the {@code OptimisticLockException} is thrown.
If the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity instance
* is found but cannot be locked:
* - the {@link PessimisticLockException} is thrown if the
* database locking failure causes transaction-level rollback
- the {@link LockTimeoutException} is thrown if the database
* locking failure causes only statement-level rollback
* If a vendor-specific {@linkplain FindOption option} is not
* recognized, it is silently ignored.
Portable applications should not rely on the standard
* {@linkplain Timeout timeout option}. Depending on the database
* in use and the locking mechanisms used by the provider, this
* option may or may not be observed.
* @param entityGraph entity graph interpreted as a load graph
* @param primaryKey primary key
* @param options standard and vendor-specific options
* @return the found entity instance or null if the entity does
* not exist
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are contradictory
* options, if the first argument does not denote an entity
* type belonging to the persistence unit, or if the second
* argument is not a valid non-null instance of the entity
* primary key type
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is no transaction
* and a lock mode other than {@code NONE} is
* specified or if invoked on an entity manager which has
* not been joined to the current transaction and a lock
* mode other than {@code NONE} is specified
* @throws OptimisticLockException if the optimistic version check
* fails
* @throws PessimisticLockException if pessimistic locking fails
* and the transaction is rolled back
* @throws LockTimeoutException if pessimistic locking fails and
* only the statement is rolled back
* @throws PersistenceException if an unsupported lock call is made
* @since 3.2
T find(EntityGraph entityGraph, Object primaryKey,
FindOption... options);
* Obtain a reference to an instance of the given entity class
* with the given primary key, whose state may be lazily fetched.
* If the requested instance does not exist in the database,
* the {@link EntityNotFoundException} is thrown when the
* instance state is first accessed.
* (The persistence provider runtime is permitted but not
* required to throw the {@code EntityNotFoundException} when
* {@code getReference()} is called.)
This operation allows the application to create an
* association to an entity without loading its state from the
* database.
The application should not expect the instance state to
* be available upon detachment, unless it was accessed by the
* application while the entity manager was open.
* @param entityClass entity class
* @param primaryKey primary key
* @return a reference to the entity instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the first argument does
* not denote an entity type or the second argument is
* not a valid type for that entity's primary key or
* is null
* @throws EntityNotFoundException if the entity state cannot
* be accessed
T getReference(Class entityClass, Object primaryKey);
* Obtain a reference to an instance of the entity class of the
* given object, with the same primary key as the given object,
* whose state may be lazily fetched. The given object may be
* persistent or detached, but may be neither new nor removed.
* If the requested instance does not exist in the database,
* the {@link EntityNotFoundException} is thrown when the
* instance state is first accessed.
* (The persistence provider runtime is permitted but not
* required to throw the {@code EntityNotFoundException} when
* {@code getReference()} is called.)
This operation allows the application to create an
* association to an entity without loading its state from the
* database.
The application should not expect the instance state to
* be available upon detachment, unless it was accessed by the
* application while the entity manager was open.
* @param entity a persistent or detached entity instance
* @return a reference to the entity instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given object is not
* an entity, or if it is neither persistent nor detached
* @throws EntityNotFoundException if the entity state cannot be
* accessed
* @since 3.2
T getReference(T entity);
* Synchronize changes held in the persistence context to the
* underlying database.
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is
* no transaction or if the entity manager has not been
* joined to the current transaction
* @throws PersistenceException if the flush fails
void flush();
* Set the {@linkplain FlushModeType flush mode} that applies to
* all objects contained in the persistence context.
* @param flushMode flush mode
void setFlushMode(FlushModeType flushMode);
* Get the {@linkplain FlushModeType flush mode} that applies to
* all objects contained in the persistence context.
* @return the current {@link FlushModeType}
FlushModeType getFlushMode();
* Lock an entity instance belonging to the persistence context,
* obtaining the specified {@linkplain LockModeType lock mode}.
* If a pessimistic lock mode type is specified and the entity
* contains a version attribute, the persistence provider must
* also perform optimistic version checks when obtaining the
* database lock. If these checks fail, the
* {@link OptimisticLockException} is thrown.
If the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity instance
* is found but cannot be locked:
* - the {@link PessimisticLockException} is thrown if the
* database locking failure causes transaction-level rollback
- the {@link LockTimeoutException} is thrown if the database
* locking failure causes only statement-level rollback
* @param entity a managed entity instance
* @param lockMode lock mode
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the instance is not an
* entity or is a detached entity
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is no
* transaction or if invoked on an entity manager which
* has not been joined to the current transaction
* @throws EntityNotFoundException if the entity does not exist
* in the database when pessimistic locking is
* performed
* @throws OptimisticLockException if the optimistic version check
* fails
* @throws PessimisticLockException if pessimistic locking fails
* and the transaction is rolled back
* @throws LockTimeoutException if pessimistic locking fails and
* only the statement is rolled back
* @throws PersistenceException if an unsupported lock call is made
void lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode);
* Lock an entity instance belonging to the persistence context,
* obtaining the specified {@linkplain LockModeType lock mode},
* using the specified properties.
* If a pessimistic lock mode type is specified and the entity
* contains a version attribute, the persistence provider must
* also perform optimistic version checks when obtaining the
* database lock. If these checks fail, the
* {@link OptimisticLockException} is thrown.
If the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity instance
* is found but cannot be locked:
* - the {@link PessimisticLockException} is thrown if the
* database locking failure causes transaction-level rollback
- the {@link LockTimeoutException} ia thrown if the database
* locking failure causes only statement-level rollback
* If a vendor-specific property or hint is not recognized,
* it is silently ignored.
Portable applications should not rely on the standard
* timeout hint. Depending on the database in use and the locking
* mechanisms used by the provider, the hint may or may not be
* observed.
* @param entity a managed entity instance
* @param lockMode lock mode
* @param properties standard and vendor-specific properties
* and hints
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the instance is not an
* entity or is a detached entity
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is no
* transaction or if invoked on an entity manager which
* has not been joined to the current transaction
* @throws EntityNotFoundException if the entity does not exist
* in the database when pessimistic locking is performed
* @throws OptimisticLockException if the optimistic version check
* fails
* @throws PessimisticLockException if pessimistic locking fails
* and the transaction is rolled back
* @throws LockTimeoutException if pessimistic locking fails and
* only the statement is rolled back
* @throws PersistenceException if an unsupported lock call is made
* @since 2.0
void lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode,
Map properties);
* Lock an entity instance belonging to the persistence context,
* obtaining the specified {@linkplain LockModeType lock mode},
* using the specified {@linkplain LockOption options}.
* If a pessimistic lock mode type is specified and the entity
* contains a version attribute, the persistence provider must
* also perform optimistic version checks when obtaining the
* database lock. If these checks fail, the
* {@link OptimisticLockException} is thrown.
If the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity instance
* is found but cannot be locked:
* - the {@link PessimisticLockException} is thrown if the
* database locking failure causes transaction-level rollback
- the {@link LockTimeoutException} is thrown if the database
* locking failure causes only statement-level rollback
* If a vendor-specific {@link LockOption} is not recognized,
* it is silently ignored.
Portable applications should not rely on the standard
* {@linkplain Timeout timeout option}. Depending on the database
* in use and the locking mechanisms used by the provider, the
* option may or may not be observed.
* @param entity a managed entity instance
* @param lockMode lock mode
* @param options standard and vendor-specific options
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the instance is not an
* entity or is a detached entity
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is no
* transaction or if invoked on an entity manager which
* has not been joined to the current transaction
* @throws EntityNotFoundException if the entity does not exist
* in the database when pessimistic locking is
* performed
* @throws OptimisticLockException if the optimistic version
* check fails
* @throws PessimisticLockException if pessimistic locking fails
* and the transaction is rolled back
* @throws LockTimeoutException if pessimistic locking fails and
* only the statement is rolled back
* @throws PersistenceException if an unsupported lock call is made
* @since 3.2
void lock(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode,
LockOption... options);
* Refresh the state of the given managed entity instance from
* the database, overwriting unflushed changes made to the entity,
* if any. This operation cascades to every entity related by an
* association marked {@link CascadeType#REFRESH cascade=REFRESH}.
* @param entity a managed entity instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the instance is not
* an entity or the entity is not managed
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is no
* transaction when invoked on a container-managed
* entity manager of type
* {@link PersistenceContextType#TRANSACTION}
* @throws EntityNotFoundException if the entity no longer
* exists in the database
void refresh(Object entity);
* Refresh the state of the given managed entity instance from
* the database, using the specified properties, and overwriting
* unflushed changes made to the entity, if any. This operation
* cascades to every entity related by an association marked
* {@link CascadeType#REFRESH cascade=REFRESH}.
If a vendor-specific property or hint is not recognized,
* it is silently ignored.
* @param entity a managed entity instance
* @param properties standard and vendor-specific properties
* and hints
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the instance is not
* an entity or the entity is not managed
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is no
* transaction when invoked on a container-managed
* entity manager of type
* {@link PersistenceContextType#TRANSACTION}
* @throws EntityNotFoundException if the entity no longer
* exists in the database
* @since 2.0
void refresh(Object entity,
Map properties);
* Refresh the state of the given managed entity instance from
* the database, overwriting unflushed changes made to the entity,
* if any, and obtain the given {@linkplain LockModeType lock mode}.
* This operation cascades to every entity related by an association
* marked {@link CascadeType#REFRESH cascade=REFRESH}.
* If the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity instance
* is found but cannot be locked:
* - the {@link PessimisticLockException} is thrown if the
* database locking failure causes transaction-level rollback
- the {@link LockTimeoutException} is thrown if the database
* locking failure causes only statement-level rollback.
* @param entity a managed entity instance
* @param lockMode lock mode
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the instance is not an entity
* or if the entity is not managed
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if invoked on a
* container-managed entity manager of type
* {@link PersistenceContextType#TRANSACTION} when there is
* no transaction; if invoked on an extended entity manager
* when there is no transaction and a lock mode other than
* {@link LockModeType#NONE} was specified; or if invoked
* on an extended entity manager that has not been joined
* to the current transaction and any lock mode other than
* {@code NONE} was specified
* @throws EntityNotFoundException if the entity no longer exists
* in the database
* @throws PessimisticLockException if pessimistic locking fails
* and the transaction is rolled back
* @throws LockTimeoutException if pessimistic locking fails and
* only the statement is rolled back
* @throws PersistenceException if an unsupported lock call is made
* @since 2.0
void refresh(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode);
* Refresh the state of the given managed entity instance from
* the database, overwriting unflushed changes made to the entity,
* if any, and obtain the given {@linkplain LockModeType lock mode},
* using the specified properties. This operation cascades to every
* entity related by an association marked {@link CascadeType#REFRESH
* cascade=REFRESH}.
* If the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity instance
* is found but cannot be locked:
* - the {@link PessimisticLockException} is thrown if the
* database locking failure causes transaction-level rollback
- the {@link LockTimeoutException} is thrown if the database
* locking failure causes only statement-level rollback.
* If a vendor-specific property or hint is not recognized,
* it is silently ignored.
Portable applications should not rely on the standard
* timeout hint. Depending on the database in use and the locking
* mechanisms used by the provider, the hint may or may not be
* observed.
* @param entity a managed entity instance
* @param lockMode lock mode
* @param properties standard and vendor-specific properties
* and hints
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the instance is not an
* entity or if the entity is not managed
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if invoked on a
* container-managed entity manager of type
* {@link PersistenceContextType#TRANSACTION} when there is
* no transaction; if invoked on an extended entity manager
* when there is no transaction and a lock mode other than
* {@link LockModeType#NONE} was specified; or if invoked
* on an extended entity manager that has not been joined
* to the current transaction and any lock mode other than
* {@code NONE} was specified
* @throws EntityNotFoundException if the entity no longer exists
* in the database
* @throws PessimisticLockException if pessimistic locking fails
* and the transaction is rolled back
* @throws LockTimeoutException if pessimistic locking fails and
* only the statement is rolled back
* @throws PersistenceException if an unsupported lock call is made
* @since 2.0
void refresh(Object entity, LockModeType lockMode,
Map properties);
* Refresh the state of the given managed entity instance from the
* database, using the specified {@linkplain RefreshOption options},
* overwriting changes made to the entity, if any. If the supplied
* options include a {@link LockModeType}, lock the given entity,
* obtaining the given lock mode. This operation cascades to every
* entity related by an association marked {@link CascadeType#REFRESH
* cascade=REFRESH}.
* If the lock mode type is pessimistic and the entity instance is
* found but cannot be locked:
* - the {@link PessimisticLockException} is thrown if the
* database locking failure causes transaction-level rollback
- the {@link LockTimeoutException} is thrown if the database
* locking failure causes only statement-level rollback.
* If a vendor-specific {@link RefreshOption} is not recognized,
* it is silently ignored.
Portable applications should not rely on the standard
* {@linkplain Timeout timeout option}. Depending on the database in
* use and the locking mechanisms used by the provider, the hint may
* or may not be observed.
* @param entity a managed entity instance
* @param options standard and vendor-specific options
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the instance is not an entity
* or if the entity is not managed
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if invoked on a
* container-managed entity manager of type
* {@link PersistenceContextType#TRANSACTION} when there is
* no transaction; if invoked on an extended entity manager
* when there is no transaction and a lock mode other than
* {@link LockModeType#NONE} was specified; or if invoked
* on an extended entity manager that has not been joined
* to the current transaction and any lock mode other than
* {@code NONE} was specified
* @throws EntityNotFoundException if the entity no longer exists in
* the database
* @throws PessimisticLockException if pessimistic locking fails and
* the transaction is rolled back
* @throws LockTimeoutException if pessimistic locking fails and only
* the statement is rolled back
* @throws PersistenceException if an unsupported lock call is made
* @since 3.2
void refresh(Object entity,
RefreshOption... options);
* Clear the persistence context, causing all managed entities to
* become detached. Changes made to entities that have not already
* been flushed to the database will never be made persistent.
void clear();
* Evict the given managed or removed entity from the persistence
* context, causing the entity to become immediately detached.
* Unflushed changes made to the entity, if any, including deletion
* of the entity, will never be synchronized to the database.
* Managed entities which reference the given entity continue to
* reference it. This operation cascades to every entity related by
* an association marked {@link CascadeType#DETACH cascade=DETACH}.
* If the given entity instance is new or detached, that is, if it
* is not associated with this persistence context, it is ignored.
* @param entity a managed or removed entity instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the instance is not an
* entity
* @since 2.0
void detach(Object entity);
* Determine if the given object is a managed entity instance
* belonging to the current persistence context.
* @param entity entity instance
* @return boolean value indicating if entity belongs to the
* persistence context
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if not an entity
boolean contains(Object entity);
* Get the current {@linkplain LockModeType lock mode} held by
* this persistence context on the given managed entity instance.
* @param entity a managed entity instance
* @return the lock mode currently held
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is no active
* transaction or if the entity manager has not been
* joined to the current transaction
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a transaction is active
* but the given instance is not a managed entity
* @since 2.0
LockModeType getLockMode(Object entity);
* Set the default {@linkplain CacheRetrieveMode cache retrieval
* mode} for this persistence context.
* @param cacheRetrieveMode cache retrieval mode
* @since 3.2
void setCacheRetrieveMode(CacheRetrieveMode cacheRetrieveMode);
* Set the default {@linkplain CacheStoreMode cache storage mode}
* for this persistence context.
* @param cacheStoreMode cache storage mode
* @since 3.2
void setCacheStoreMode(CacheStoreMode cacheStoreMode);
* The cache retrieval mode for this persistence context.
* @since 3.2
CacheRetrieveMode getCacheRetrieveMode();
* The cache storage mode for this persistence context.
* @since 3.2
CacheStoreMode getCacheStoreMode();
* Set an entity manager property or hint.
* If a vendor-specific property or hint is not recognized, it is
* silently ignored.
* @param propertyName name of the property or hint
* @param value value for the property or hint
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the property or hint name
* is recognized by the implementation, but the second
* argument is not valid value
* @since 2.0
void setProperty(String propertyName, Object value);
* The properties and hints and their associated values which are
* in effect for this entity manager. Modifying the contents of
* the returned map does not change the configuration in effect.
* @return a map of properties and hints currently in effect
* @since 2.0
Map getProperties();
* Create an instance of {@link Query} for executing a
* Jakarta Persistence query language statement.
* @param qlString a Jakarta Persistence query string
* @return the new query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the query string is
* found to be invalid
Query createQuery(String qlString);
* Create an instance of {@link TypedQuery} for executing a
* criteria query.
* @param criteriaQuery a criteria query object
* @return the new query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the criteria query is
* found to be invalid
* @since 2.0
TypedQuery createQuery(CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery);
* Create an instance of {@link TypedQuery} for executing a
* criteria query, which may be a union or intersection of
* top-level queries.
* @param selectQuery a criteria query object
* @return the new query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the criteria query is
* found to be invalid
* @since 3.2
TypedQuery createQuery(CriteriaSelect selectQuery);
* Create an instance of {@link Query} for executing a criteria
* update query.
* @param updateQuery a criteria update query object
* @return the new query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the update query is
* found to be invalid
* @since 2.1
Query createQuery(CriteriaUpdate> updateQuery);
* Create an instance of {@link Query} for executing a criteria
* delete query.
* @param deleteQuery a criteria delete query object
* @return the new query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the delete query is
* found to be invalid
* @since 2.1
Query createQuery(CriteriaDelete> deleteQuery);
* Create an instance of {@link TypedQuery} for executing a
* Jakarta Persistence query language statement.
* The select list of the query must contain only a single
* item, which must be assignable to the type specified by
* the {@code resultClass} argument.
* @param qlString a Jakarta Persistence query string
* @param resultClass the type of the query result
* @return the new query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the query string is
* found to be invalid or if the query result is
* found to not be assignable to the specified type
* @since 2.0
TypedQuery createQuery(String qlString, Class resultClass);
* Create an instance of {@link Query} for executing a named
* query written in the Jakarta Persistence query language or
* in native SQL.
* @param name the name of a query defined in metadata
* @return the new query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a query has not been
* defined with the given name or if the query string is
* found to be invalid
* @see NamedQuery
* @see NamedNativeQuery
Query createNamedQuery(String name);
* Create an instance of {@link TypedQuery} for executing a
* Jakarta Persistence query language named query.
* The select list of the query must contain only a single
* item, which must be assignable to the type specified by
* the {@code resultClass} argument.
* @param name the name of a query defined in metadata
* @param resultClass the type of the query result
* @return the new query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a query has not been
* defined with the given name or if the query string is
* found to be invalid or if the query result is found to
* not be assignable to the specified type
* @since 2.0
TypedQuery createNamedQuery(String name, Class resultClass);
* Create an instance of {@link TypedQuery} for executing a
* named query written in the Jakarta Persistence query
* language or in native SQL.
* @param reference a reference to the query defined in metadata
* @return the new query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a query has not been
* defined, or if the query string is found to be
* invalid, or if the query result is found to not be
* assignable to the specified type
* @see EntityManagerFactory#getNamedQueries(Class)
* @see NamedQuery
* @see NamedNativeQuery
TypedQuery createQuery(TypedQueryReference reference);
* Create an instance of {@link Query} for executing a native
* SQL statement, e.g., for update or delete.
* If the query is not an update or delete query, query
* execution will result in each row of the SQL result being
* returned as a result of type {@code Object[]} (or a result
* of type {@code Object} if there is only one column in the
* select list.) Column values are returned in the order of
* their occurrence in the select list and default JDBC type
* mappings are applied.
* @param sqlString a native SQL query string
* @return the new query instance
Query createNativeQuery(String sqlString);
* Create an instance of {@link Query} for executing a native
* SQL query.
In the next release of this API, the return type of this
* method will change to {@code TypedQuery}.
* @param sqlString a native SQL query string
* @param resultClass the type of the query result
* @return the new query instance
Query createNativeQuery(String sqlString, Class resultClass);
* Create an instance of {@link Query} for executing
* a native SQL query.
* @param sqlString a native SQL query string
* @param resultSetMapping the name of the result set mapping
* @return the new query instance
Query createNativeQuery(String sqlString, String resultSetMapping);
* Create an instance of {@link StoredProcedureQuery} for executing
* a stored procedure in the database.
* Parameters must be registered before the stored procedure can
* be executed.
If the stored procedure returns one or more result sets, any
* result set is returned as a list of type {@code Object[]}.
* @param name name assigned to the stored procedure query in
* metadata
* @return the new stored procedure query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if no query has been defined
* with the given name
* @since 2.1
StoredProcedureQuery createNamedStoredProcedureQuery(String name);
* Create an instance of {@link StoredProcedureQuery} for executing a
* stored procedure in the database.
Parameters must be registered before the stored procedure can
* be executed.
If the stored procedure returns one or more result sets, any
* result set is returned as a list of type {@code Object[]}.
* @param procedureName name of the stored procedure in the database
* @return the new stored procedure query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a stored procedure of the
* given name does not exist (or if query execution will
* fail)
* @since 2.1
StoredProcedureQuery createStoredProcedureQuery(String procedureName);
* Create an instance of {@link StoredProcedureQuery} for executing
* a stored procedure in the database.
Parameters must be registered before the stored procedure can
* be executed.
The {@code resultClass} arguments must be specified in the
* order in which the result sets is returned by the stored procedure
* invocation.
* @param procedureName name of the stored procedure in the database
* @param resultClasses classes to which the result sets
* produced by the stored procedure are to be mapped
* @return the new stored procedure query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a stored procedure of the
* given name does not exist (or if query execution will
* fail)
* @since 2.1
StoredProcedureQuery createStoredProcedureQuery(
String procedureName, Class>... resultClasses);
* Create an instance of {@link StoredProcedureQuery} for executing
* a stored procedure in the database.
Parameters must be registered before the stored procedure can
* be executed.
The {@code resultSetMapping} arguments must be specified in
* the order in which the result sets is returned by the stored
* procedure invocation.
* @param procedureName name of the stored procedure in the
* database
* @param resultSetMappings the names of the result set mappings
* to be used in mapping result sets
* returned by the stored procedure
* @return the new stored procedure query instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a stored procedure or
* result set mapping of the given name does not exist
* (or the query execution will fail)
StoredProcedureQuery createStoredProcedureQuery(
String procedureName, String... resultSetMappings);
* Indicate to the entity manager that a JTA transaction is
* active and join the persistence context to it.
This method should be called on a JTA application
* managed entity manager that was created outside the scope
* of the active transaction or on an entity manager of type
* {@link SynchronizationType#UNSYNCHRONIZED} to associate
* it with the current JTA transaction.
* @throws TransactionRequiredException if there is no active
* transaction
void joinTransaction();
* Determine whether the entity manager is joined to the
* current transaction. Returns false if the entity manager
* is not joined to the current transaction or if no
* transaction is active.
* @return boolean
* @since 2.1
boolean isJoinedToTransaction();
* Return an object of the specified type to allow access to
* a provider-specific API. If the provider implementation
* of {@code EntityManager} does not support the given type,
* the {@link PersistenceException} is thrown.
* @param cls the class of the object to be returned.
* This is usually either the underlying class
* implementing {@code EntityManager} or an
* interface it implements.
* @return an instance of the specified class
* @throws PersistenceException if the provider does not
* support the given type
* @since 2.0
T unwrap(Class cls);
* Return the underlying provider object for the
* {@link EntityManager}, if available. The result of this
* method is implementation-specific.
* The {@code unwrap} method is to be preferred for new
* applications.
* @return the underlying provider object
Object getDelegate();
* Close an application-managed entity manager.
After invocation of {@code close()}, every method of
* the {@code EntityManager} instance and of any instance
* of {@link Query}, {@link TypedQuery}, or
* {@link StoredProcedureQuery} obtained from it throws
* the {@link IllegalStateException}, except for
* {@link #getProperties()}, {@link #getTransaction()},
* and {@link #isOpen()} (which returns false).
If this method is called when the entity manager is
* joined to an active transaction, the persistence context
* remains managed until the transaction completes.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the entity manager is
* container-managed
void close();
* Determine whether the entity manager is open.
* @return true until the entity manager has been closed
boolean isOpen();
* Return the resource-level {@link EntityTransaction} object.
* The {@code EntityTransaction} instance may be used serially
* to begin and commit multiple transactions.
* @return EntityTransaction instance
* @throws IllegalStateException if invoked on a JTA entity
* manager
EntityTransaction getTransaction();
* The {@linkplain EntityManagerFactory entity manager factory}
* which created this entity manager.
* @return the {@link EntityManagerFactory}
* @throws IllegalStateException if the entity manager has
* been closed
* @since 2.0
EntityManagerFactory getEntityManagerFactory();
* Obtain an instance of {@link CriteriaBuilder} which may be
* used to construct {@link CriteriaQuery} objects.
* @return an instance of {@link CriteriaBuilder}
* @throws IllegalStateException if the entity manager has
* been closed
* @see EntityManagerFactory#getCriteriaBuilder()
* @since 2.0
CriteriaBuilder getCriteriaBuilder();
* Obtain an instance of the {@link Metamodel} interface which
* provides access to metamodel objects describing the managed
* types belonging to the persistence unit.
* @return an instance of {@link Metamodel}
* @throws IllegalStateException if the entity manager has
* been closed
* @since 2.0
Metamodel getMetamodel();
* Create a new mutable {@link EntityGraph}, allowing dynamic
* definition of an entity graph.
* @param rootType class of entity graph
* @return entity graph
* @since 2.1
EntityGraph createEntityGraph(Class rootType);
* Obtain a mutable copy of a named {@link EntityGraph}, or
* return null if there is no entity graph with the given
* name.
* @param graphName name of an entity graph
* @return entity graph
* @since 2.1
EntityGraph> createEntityGraph(String graphName);
* Obtain a named {@link EntityGraph}. The returned instance
* of {@code EntityGraph} should be considered immutable.
* @param graphName name of an existing entity graph
* @return named entity graph
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is no entity
* of graph with the given name
* @since 2.1
EntityGraph> getEntityGraph(String graphName);
* Return all named {@link EntityGraph}s that are defined for
* the given entity class type.
* @param entityClass entity class
* @return list of all entity graphs defined for the entity
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the class is not an entity
* @since 2.1
List> getEntityGraphs(Class entityClass);
* Execute the given action using the database connection underlying this
* {@code EntityManager}. Usually, the connection is a JDBC connection, but a
* provider might support some other native connection type, and is not required
* to support {@code java.sql.Connection}. If this {@code EntityManager} is
* associated with a transaction, the action is executed in the context of the
* transaction. The given action should close any resources it creates, but should
* not close the connection itself, nor commit or roll back the transaction. If
* the given action throws an exception, the persistence provider must mark the
* transaction for rollback.
* @param action the action
* @param the connection type, usually {@code java.sql.Connection}
* @throws PersistenceException wrapping the checked {@link Exception} thrown by
* {@link ConnectionConsumer#accept}, if any
* @since 3.2
void runWithConnection(ConnectionConsumer action);
* Call the given function and return its result using the database connection
* underlying this {@code EntityManager}. Usually, the connection is a JDBC
* connection, but a provider might support some other native connection type,
* and is not required to support {@code java.sql.Connection}. If this
* {@code EntityManager} is associated with a transaction, the function is
* executed in the context of the transaction. The given function should close
* any resources it creates, but should not close the connection itself, nor
* commit or roll back the transaction. If the given action throws an exception,
* the persistence provider must mark the transaction for rollback.
* @param function the function
* @param the connection type, usually {@code java.sql.Connection}
* @param the type of result returned by the function
* @return the value returned by {@link ConnectionFunction#apply}.
* @throws PersistenceException wrapping the checked {@link Exception} thrown by
* {@link ConnectionFunction#apply}, if any
* @since 3.2
T callWithConnection(ConnectionFunction function);