org.glassfish.grizzly.http.Cookie Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2022 Contributors to Eclipse Foundation. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.glassfish.grizzly.http;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Cacheable;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.CookieSerializerUtils;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.MemoryManager;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.Charsets;
* Creates a cookie, a small amount of information sent by a servlet to a Web browser, saved by the browser, and later
* sent back to the server. A cookie's value can uniquely identify a client, so cookies are commonly used for session
* management.
* A cookie has a name, a single value, and optional attributes such as a comment, path and domain qualifiers, a maximum
* age, and a version number. Some Web browsers have bugs in how they handle the optional attributes, so use them
* sparingly to improve the interoperability of your servlets.
* The browser is expected to support 20 cookies for each Web server, 300 cookies total, and may limit cookie size to 4
* KB each.
* Cookies affect the caching of the Web pages that use them. HTTP 1.0 does not cache pages that use cookies created
* with this class. This class does not support the cache control defined with HTTP 1.1.
* This class supports both the Version 0 (by Netscape) and Version 1 (by RFC 2109) cookie specifications. By default,
* cookies are created using Version 0 to ensure the best interoperability.
* @author Various
* @version $Version$
public class Cookie implements Cloneable, Cacheable {
public static final int UNSET = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
// The value of the cookie itself.
protected String name; // NAME= ... "$Name" style is reserved
protected String value; // value of NAME
// Attributes encoded in the header's cookie fields.
protected String comment; // ;Comment=VALUE ... describes cookie's use
// ;Discard ... implied by maxAge < 0
protected String domain; // ;Domain=VALUE ... domain that sees cookie
protected int maxAge = -1; // ;Max-Age=VALUE ... cookies auto-expire
protected String path; // ;Path=VALUE ... URLs that see the cookie
protected boolean secure; // ;Secure ... e.g. use SSL
protected int version = UNSET; // ;Version=1 ... means RFC 2109++ style
protected boolean isHttpOnly; // Is HTTP only feature, which is not part of the spec
protected LazyCookieState lazyCookieState;
protected boolean usingLazyCookieState;
protected Cookie() {
* Constructs a cookie with a specified name and value.
* The name must conform to RFC 2109. That means it can contain only ASCII alphanumeric characters and cannot contain
* commas, semicolons, or white space or begin with a $ character.
* The value can be anything the server chooses to send. Its value is probably of interest only to the server.
* By default, cookies are created according to the Netscape cookie specification. The version can be changed with the
* setVersion
* @param name a String
specifying the name of the cookie
* @param value a String
specifying the value of the cookie
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the cookie name contains illegal characters (for example, a comma, space, or
* semicolon) or it is one of the tokens reserved for use by the cookie protocol
* @see #setValue
* @see #setVersion
public Cookie(final String name, final String value) {
this.name = name;
this.value = value;
* Specifies a comment that describes a cookie's purpose. The comment is useful if the browser presents the cookie to
* the user. Comments are not supported by Netscape Version 0 cookies.
* @param purpose a String
specifying the comment to display to the user
* @see #getComment
public void setComment(String purpose) {
comment = purpose;
* Returns the comment describing the purpose of this cookie, or null
if the cookie has no comment.
* @return a String
containing the comment, or null
if none
* @see #setComment
public String getComment() {
if (comment == null && usingLazyCookieState) {
final String commentStr = lazyCookieState.getComment().toString(Charsets.ASCII_CHARSET);
comment = version == 1 ? unescape(commentStr) : null;
return comment;
* Specifies the domain within which this cookie should be presented.
* The form of the domain name is specified by RFC 2109. A domain name begins with a dot (.foo.com
) and
* means that the cookie is visible to servers in a specified Domain Name System (DNS) zone (for example,
* www.foo.com
, but not a.b.foo.com
). By default, cookies are only returned to the server that
* sent them.
* @param pattern a String
containing the domain name within which this cookie is visible; form is
* according to RFC 2109
* @see #getDomain
public void setDomain(String pattern) {
if (pattern != null) {
domain = pattern.toLowerCase(); // IE allegedly needs this
* Returns the domain name set for this cookie. The form of the domain name is set by RFC 2109.
* @return a String
containing the domain name
* @see #setDomain
public String getDomain() {
if (domain == null && usingLazyCookieState) {
final String domainStr = lazyCookieState.getDomain().toString(Charsets.ASCII_CHARSET);
if (domainStr != null) {
domain = unescape(domainStr);
return domain;
* Sets the maximum age of the cookie in seconds.
* A positive value indicates that the cookie will expire after that many seconds have passed. Note that the value is
* the maximum age when the cookie will expire, not the cookie's current age.
* A negative value means that the cookie is not stored persistently and will be deleted when the Web browser exits. A
* zero value causes the cookie to be deleted.
* @param expiry an integer specifying the maximum age of the cookie in seconds; if negative, means the cookie is not
* stored; if zero, deletes the cookie
* @see #getMaxAge
public void setMaxAge(int expiry) {
maxAge = expiry;
* Returns the maximum age of the cookie, specified in seconds, By default, -1
indicating the cookie will
* persist until browser shutdown.
* @return an integer specifying the maximum age of the cookie in seconds; if negative, means the cookie persists until
* browser shutdown
* @see #setMaxAge
public int getMaxAge() {
return maxAge;
* Specifies a path for the cookie to which the client should return the cookie.
* The cookie is visible to all the pages in the directory you specify, and all the pages in that directory's
* subdirectories. A cookie's path must include the servlet that set the cookie, for example, /catalog, which
* makes the cookie visible to all directories on the server under /catalog.
* Consult RFC 2109 (available on the Internet) for more information on setting path names for cookies.
* @param uri a String
specifying a path
* @see #getPath
public void setPath(String uri) {
path = uri;
* Returns the path on the server to which the browser returns this cookie. The cookie is visible to all subpaths on the
* server.
* @return a String
specifying a path that contains a servlet name, for example, /catalog
* @see #setPath
public String getPath() {
if (path == null && usingLazyCookieState) {
path = unescape(lazyCookieState.getPath().toString(Charsets.ASCII_CHARSET));
return path;
* Indicates to the browser whether the cookie should only be sent using a secure protocol, such as HTTPS or SSL.
* The default value is false.
* @param flag if true, sends the cookie from the browser to the server only when using a secure protocol; if
* false, sent on any protocol
* @see #isSecure
public void setSecure(boolean flag) {
secure = flag;
* Returns true if the browser is sending cookies only over a secure protocol, or false if the browser
* can send cookies using any protocol.
* @return true if the browser uses a secure protocol; otherwise, true
* @see #setSecure
public boolean isSecure() {
return secure;
* Returns the name of the cookie. The name cannot be changed after creation.
* @return a String
specifying the cookie's name
public String getName() {
if (name == null && usingLazyCookieState) {
name = lazyCookieState.getName().toString(Charsets.ASCII_CHARSET);
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
* Assigns a new value to a cookie after the cookie is created. If you use a binary value, you may want to use BASE64
* encoding.
* With Version 0 cookies, values should not contain white space, brackets, parentheses, equals signs, commas, double
* quotes, slashes, question marks, at signs, colons, and semicolons. Empty values may not behave the same way on all
* browsers.
* @param newValue a String
specifying the new value
* @see #getValue
* @see Cookie
public void setValue(String newValue) {
value = newValue;
* Returns the value of the cookie.
* @return a String
containing the cookie's present value
* @see #setValue
* @see Cookie
public String getValue() {
if (value == null && usingLazyCookieState) {
value = unescape(lazyCookieState.getValue().toString(Charsets.ASCII_CHARSET));
return value;
* Returns the version of the protocol this cookie complies with. Version 1 complies with RFC 2109, and version 0
* complies with the original cookie specification drafted by Netscape. Cookies provided by a browser use and identify
* the browser's cookie version.
* @return 0 if the cookie complies with the original Netscape specification; 1 if the cookie complies with RFC 2109
* @see #setVersion
public int getVersion() {
return version;
* Sets the version of the cookie protocol this cookie complies with. Version 0 complies with the original Netscape
* cookie specification. Version 1 complies with RFC 2109.
* Since RFC 2109 is still somewhat new, consider version 1 as experimental; do not use it yet on production sites.
* @param v 0 if the cookie should comply with the original Netscape specification; 1 if the cookie should comply with
* RFC 2109
* @see #getVersion
public void setVersion(int v) {
if (v < 0 || v > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Cookie Version");
version = v;
public boolean isVersionSet() {
return version != UNSET;
* HttpOnly feature is used in server->client communication only to let client know, that the cookie can not be accessed
* on the client-side (script etc).
* Returns true if this cookie is HTTP only, or false otherwise.
* @return true if this cookie is HTTP only, or false otherwise.
public boolean isHttpOnly() {
return isHttpOnly;
* HttpOnly feature is used in server->client communication only to let client know, that the cookie can not be accessed
* on the client-side (script etc).
* @param isHttpOnly true if this cookie is HTTP only, or false otherwise.
public void setHttpOnly(boolean isHttpOnly) {
this.isHttpOnly = isHttpOnly;
public String asServerCookieString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
CookieSerializerUtils.serializeServerCookie(sb, this);
return sb.toString();
public Buffer asServerCookieBuffer() {
return asServerCookieBuffer(null);
public Buffer asServerCookieBuffer(MemoryManager memoryManager) {
if (memoryManager == null) {
memoryManager = MemoryManager.DEFAULT_MEMORY_MANAGER;
final Buffer buffer = memoryManager.allocate(4096);
CookieSerializerUtils.serializeServerCookie(buffer, this);
return buffer;
public String asClientCookieString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
CookieSerializerUtils.serializeClientCookies(sb, this);
return sb.toString();
public Buffer asClientCookieBuffer() {
return asClientCookieBuffer(null);
public Buffer asClientCookieBuffer(MemoryManager memoryManager) {
if (memoryManager == null) {
memoryManager = MemoryManager.DEFAULT_MEMORY_MANAGER;
final Buffer buffer = memoryManager.allocate(4096);
CookieSerializerUtils.serializeClientCookies(buffer, this);
return buffer;
public LazyCookieState getLazyCookieState() {
usingLazyCookieState = true;
if (lazyCookieState == null) {
lazyCookieState = new LazyCookieState();
return lazyCookieState;
// -------------------- Cookie parsing tools
* Return the header name to set the cookie, based on cookie version.
public String getCookieHeaderName() {
return getCookieHeaderName(version);
* Return the header name to set the cookie, based on cookie version.
public static String getCookieHeaderName(int version) {
// TODO Re-enable logging when RFC2965 is implemented
// log( (version==1) ? "Set-Cookie2" : "Set-Cookie");
if (version == 1) {
// XXX RFC2965 not referenced in Servlet Spec
// Set-Cookie2 is not supported by Netscape 4, 6, IE 3, 5
// Set-Cookie2 is supported by Lynx and Opera
// Need to check on later IE and FF releases but for now...
// RFC2109
return "Set-Cookie";
// return "Set-Cookie2";
} else {
// Old Netscape
return "Set-Cookie";
protected boolean lazyNameEquals(String name) {
return this.name.equals(name);
// Note -- disabled for now to allow full Netscape compatibility
// from RFC 2068, token special case characters
// private static final String tspecials = "()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={} \t";
private static final String tspecials = ",; ";
protected String unescape(String s) {
if (s == null) {
return null;
if (s.indexOf('\\') == -1) {
return s;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c != '\\') {
} else {
if (++i >= s.length()) {
// invalid escape, hence invalid cookie
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
c = s.charAt(i);
return buf.toString();
* Overrides the standard java.lang.Object.clone
method to return a copy of this cookie.
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
try {
return super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
public void recycle() {
name = null;
value = null;
comment = null;
domain = null;
maxAge = -1;
path = null;
secure = false;
version = UNSET;
isHttpOnly = false;
if (usingLazyCookieState) {
usingLazyCookieState = false;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Cookie{");
sb.append(", value='").append(value).append('\'');
sb.append(", comment='").append(comment).append('\'');
sb.append(", domain='").append(domain).append('\'');
sb.append(", maxAge=").append(maxAge);
sb.append(", path='").append(path).append('\'');
sb.append(", secure=").append(secure);
sb.append(", version=").append(version);
sb.append(", isHttpOnly=").append(isHttpOnly);
sb.append(", usingLazyCookieState=").append(usingLazyCookieState);
return sb.toString();