org.glassfish.grizzly.spdy.StreamOutputSink Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.glassfish.grizzly.spdy;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.spdy.utils.ChunkedCompletionHandler;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.CompletionHandler;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Grizzly;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.WriteHandler;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.WriteResult;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.MessageCloner;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.AsyncQueueRecord;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.TaskQueue;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpContent;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpHeader;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpPacket;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpRequestPacket;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpResponsePacket;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.Buffers;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.spdy.SpdyStream.Termination;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.spdy.frames.SpdyFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.spdy.frames.SynReplyFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.spdy.frames.SynStreamFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.spdy.frames.WindowUpdateFrame;
import static org.glassfish.grizzly.spdy.Constants.*;
* Class represents an output sink associated with specific {@link SpdyStream}.
* The implementation is aligned with SPDY/3 requirements with regards to message
* flow control.
* @author Alexey Stashok
final class StreamOutputSink {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Grizzly.logger(StreamOutputSink.class);
private static final Level LOGGER_LEVEL = Level.INFO;
private static final int MAX_OUTPUT_QUEUE_SIZE = 65536;
private static final int ZERO_QUEUE_RECORD_SIZE = 1;
private static final OutputQueueRecord TERMINATING_QUEUE_RECORD =
new OutputQueueRecord(null, null, true, true);
// async output queue
final TaskQueue outputQueue =
TaskQueue.createTaskQueue(new TaskQueue.MutableMaxQueueSize() {
public int getMaxQueueSize() {
// the space (in bytes) in flow control window, that still could be used.
// in other words the number of bytes, which could be sent to the peer
private final AtomicInteger availStreamWindowSize;
// true, if last output frame has been queued
private volatile boolean isLastFrameQueued;
// not null if last output frame has been sent or forcibly terminated
private Termination terminationFlag;
// associated spdy session
private final SpdySession spdySession;
// associated spdy stream
private final SpdyStream spdyStream;
// counter for unflushed writes
private final AtomicInteger unflushedWritesCounter = new AtomicInteger();
// sync object to count/notify flush handlers
private final Object flushHandlersSync = new Object();
// flush handlers queue
private BundleQueue> flushHandlersQueue;
StreamOutputSink(final SpdyStream spdyStream) {
this.spdyStream = spdyStream;
spdySession = spdyStream.getSpdySession();
availStreamWindowSize = new AtomicInteger(spdyStream.getPeerWindowSize());
public boolean canWrite() {
return outputQueue.size() < MAX_OUTPUT_QUEUE_SIZE;
public void notifyWritePossible(final WriteHandler writeHandler) {
outputQueue.notifyWritePossible(writeHandler, MAX_OUTPUT_QUEUE_SIZE);
public void assertReady() throws IOException {
// if the last frame (fin flag == 1) has been queued already - throw an IOException
if (isTerminated()) {
throw new IOException(terminationFlag.getDescription());
} else if (isLastFrameQueued) {
throw new IOException("Write beyond end of stream");
* The method is called by Spdy Filter once WINDOW_UPDATE message comes
* for this {@link SpdyStream}.
* @param delta the delta.
public void onPeerWindowUpdate(final int delta) throws SpdyStreamException {
// update the available window size
// try to write until window limit allows
while (isWantToWrite() &&
!outputQueue.isEmpty()) {
// pick up the first output record in the queue
OutputQueueRecord outputQueueRecord = outputQueue.poll();
// if there is nothing to write - return
if (outputQueueRecord == null) {
// if it's terminating record - processFin
if (outputQueueRecord == TERMINATING_QUEUE_RECORD) {
// if it's TERMINATING_QUEUE_RECORD - don't forget to release ATOMIC_QUEUE_RECORD_SIZE
releaseWriteQueueSpace(0, true, true);
final FlushCompletionHandler completionHandler =
boolean isLast = outputQueueRecord.isLast;
final boolean isZeroSizeData = outputQueueRecord.isZeroSizeData;
final Source resource = outputQueueRecord.resource;
// check if output record's buffer is fitting into window size
// if not - split it into 2 parts: part to send, part to keep in the queue
final int bytesToSend = checkOutputWindow(resource.remaining());
final Buffer dataChunkToSend = resource.read(bytesToSend);
final boolean hasRemaining = resource.hasRemaining();
// if there is a chunk to store
if (hasRemaining) {
// Create output record for the chunk to be stored
outputQueueRecord.reset(resource, completionHandler, isLast);
// reset isLast for the current chunk
isLast = false;
} else {
outputQueueRecord = null;
// if there is a chunk to sent
if (dataChunkToSend != null &&
(dataChunkToSend.hasRemaining() || isLast)) {
final int dataChunkToSendSize = dataChunkToSend.remaining();
// send a spdydata frame
writeDownStream0(null, dataChunkToSend, completionHandler,
null, isLast);
// update the available window size bytes counter
isZeroSizeData, outputQueueRecord == null);
} else if (isZeroSizeData && outputQueueRecord == null) {
// if it's atomic and no remainder left - don't forget to release ATOMIC_QUEUE_RECORD_SIZE
releaseWriteQueueSpace(0, true, true);
if (outputQueueRecord != null) {
// if there is a chunk to be stored - store it and return
public void writeDownStream(final HttpPacket httpPacket) throws IOException {
// Write the message starting at upstream FilterChain, because it has
// to pass SpdyHandlerFilter
spdySession.getUpstreamChain().write(spdySession.getConnection(), null,
httpPacket, null);
* Send an {@link HttpPacket} to the {@link SpdyStream}.
* @param httpPacket {@link HttpPacket} to send
* @throws IOException
public synchronized void writeDownStream(final HttpPacket httpPacket,
final FilterChainContext ctx)
throws IOException {
writeDownStream(httpPacket, ctx, null);
* Send an {@link HttpPacket} to the {@link SpdyStream}.
* The writeDownStream(...) methods have to be synchronized with shutdown().
* @param httpPacket {@link HttpPacket} to send
* @param completionHandler the {@link CompletionHandler},
* which will be notified about write progress.
* @throws IOException
public synchronized void writeDownStream(final HttpPacket httpPacket,
final FilterChainContext ctx,
final CompletionHandler completionHandler)
throws IOException {
writeDownStream(httpPacket, ctx, completionHandler, null);
* Send an {@link HttpPacket} to the {@link SpdyStream}.
* The writeDownStream(...) methods have to be synchronized with shutdown().
* @param httpPacket {@link HttpPacket} to send
* @param completionHandler the {@link CompletionHandler},
* which will be notified about write progress.
* @param messageCloner the {@link MessageCloner}, which will be able to
* clone the message in case it can't be completely written in the
* current thread.
* @throws IOException
synchronized void writeDownStream(final HttpPacket httpPacket,
final FilterChainContext ctx,
final CompletionHandler completionHandler,
final MessageCloner messageCloner)
throws IOException {
assert ctx != null;
final HttpHeader httpHeader = spdyStream.getOutputHttpHeader();
final HttpContent httpContent = HttpContent.isContent(httpPacket) ? (HttpContent) httpPacket : null;
SpdyFrame headerFrame = null;
OutputQueueRecord outputQueueRecord = null;
boolean isDeflaterLocked = false;
try { // try-finally block to release deflater lock if needed
// If HTTP header hasn't been commited - commit it
if (!httpHeader.isCommitted()) {
// do we expect any HTTP payload?
final boolean isNoPayload = !httpHeader.isExpectContent() ||
(httpContent != null && httpContent.isLast() &&
headerFrame = encodeHttpHeader(ctx, httpHeader, isNoPayload);
isDeflaterLocked = true;
if (isNoPayload || httpContent == null) {
// if we don't expect any HTTP payload, mark this frame as
// last and return
writeDownStream0(headerFrame, null,
new FlushCompletionHandler(completionHandler),
messageCloner, isNoPayload);
// if there is nothing to write - return
if (httpContent == null) {
spdySession.handlerFilter.onHttpContentEncoded(httpContent, ctx);
Buffer dataToSend = null;
boolean isLast = httpContent.isLast();
Buffer data = httpContent.getContent();
final int dataSize = data.remaining();
if (isLast && dataSize == 0) {
final FlushCompletionHandler flushCompletionHandler =
new FlushCompletionHandler(completionHandler);
boolean isDataCloned = false;
final boolean isZeroSizeData = (dataSize == 0);
final int spaceToReserve = isZeroSizeData ? ZERO_QUEUE_RECORD_SIZE : dataSize;
// Check if output queue is not empty - add new element
if (reserveWriteQueueSpace(spaceToReserve) > spaceToReserve) {
// if the queue is not empty - the headers should have been sent
assert headerFrame == null;
if (messageCloner != null) {
data = messageCloner.clone(
spdySession.getConnection(), data);
isDataCloned = true;
outputQueueRecord = new OutputQueueRecord(
flushCompletionHandler, isLast, isZeroSizeData);
// check if our element wasn't forgotten (async)
if (outputQueue.size() != spaceToReserve ||
!outputQueue.remove(outputQueueRecord)) {
// if not - return
outputQueueRecord = null;
// our element is first in the output queue
final int remaining = data.remaining();
// check if output record's buffer is fitting into window size
// if not - split it into 2 parts: part to send, part to keep in the queue
final int fitWindowLen = checkOutputWindow(remaining);
// if there is a chunk to store
if (fitWindowLen < remaining) {
if (!isDataCloned && messageCloner != null) {
data = messageCloner.clone(
spdySession.getConnection(), data);
isDataCloned = true;
final Buffer dataChunkToStore = splitOutputBufferIfNeeded(
data, fitWindowLen);
// Create output record for the chunk to be stored
outputQueueRecord = new OutputQueueRecord(
isLast, isZeroSizeData);
// reset completion handler and isLast for the current chunk
isLast = false;
// if there is a chunk to send
if (data != null &&
(data.hasRemaining() || isLast)) {
final int dataChunkToSendSize = data.remaining();
// update the available window size bytes counter
isZeroSizeData, outputQueueRecord == null);
dataToSend = data;
// if there's anything to send - send it
if (headerFrame != null || dataToSend != null) {
// if another part of data is stored in the queue -
// we have to increase CompletionHandler counter to avoid
// premature notification
if (outputQueueRecord != null) {
writeDownStream0(headerFrame, dataToSend, flushCompletionHandler,
isDataCloned ? null : messageCloner,
} finally {
if (isDeflaterLocked) {
if (outputQueueRecord == null) {
* Send the data represented by the {@link Source} to the {@link SpdyStream}.
* Unlike {@link #writeDownStream(org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpPacket, org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext)} ,
* here we assume the resource is going to be send on non-commited header and
* it will be the only resource sent over this {@link SpdyStream} (isLast flag will be set).
* The writeDownStream(...) methods have to be synchronized with shutdown().
* @param source {@link Source} to send
* @throws IOException
synchronized void writeDownStream(final Source source,
final FilterChainContext ctx) throws IOException {
assert ctx != null;
isLastFrameQueued = true;
final HttpHeader httpHeader = spdyStream.getOutputHttpHeader();
if (httpHeader.isCommitted()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Headers have been already commited");
SpdyFrame headerFrame;
OutputQueueRecord outputQueueRecord = null;
boolean isDeflaterLocked = false;
try { // try-finally block to release deflater lock if needed
// We assume HTTP header hasn't been commited
// do we expect any HTTP payload?
final boolean isNoPayload =
!httpHeader.isExpectContent() ||
source == null || !source.hasRemaining();
headerFrame = encodeHttpHeader(ctx, httpHeader, isNoPayload);
isDeflaterLocked = true;
if (isNoPayload) {
// if we don't expect any HTTP payload, mark this frame as
// last and return
writeDownStream0(headerFrame, null, new FlushCompletionHandler(null),
null, isNoPayload);
final long dataSize = source.remaining();
if (dataSize == 0) {
// our element is first in the output queue
boolean isLast = true;
// check if output record's buffer is fitting into window size
// if not - split it into 2 parts: part to send, part to keep in the queue
final int fitWindowLen = checkOutputWindow(dataSize);
// if there is a chunk to store
if (fitWindowLen < dataSize) {
// Create output record for the chunk to be stored
outputQueueRecord = new OutputQueueRecord(
source, null, true, true);
isLast = false;
final Buffer bufferToSend = source.read(fitWindowLen);
final int dataChunkToSendSize = bufferToSend.remaining();
// update the available window size bytes counter
releaseWriteQueueSpace(dataChunkToSendSize, true,
outputQueueRecord == null);
writeDownStream0(headerFrame, bufferToSend,
new FlushCompletionHandler(null), null, isLast);
} finally {
if (isDeflaterLocked) {
if (outputQueueRecord == null) {
* Flush {@link SpdyStream} output and notify {@link CompletionHandler} once
* all output data has been flushed.
* @param completionHandler {@link CompletionHandler} to be notified
public void flush(
final CompletionHandler completionHandler) {
// check if there are pending unflushed data
if (unflushedWritesCounter.get() > 0) {
// if yes - synchronize do disallow descrease counter from other thread (increasing is ok)
synchronized (flushHandlersSync) {
// double check the pending flushes counter
final int counterNow = unflushedWritesCounter.get();
if (counterNow > 0) {
// if there are pending flushes
if (flushHandlersQueue == null) {
// create a flush handlers queue
flushHandlersQueue =
new BundleQueue>();
// add the handler to the queue
flushHandlersQueue.add(counterNow, completionHandler);
// if there are no pending flushes - notify the handler
* The method is responsible for checking the current output window size.
* The returned integer value is the size of the data, which could be
* sent now.
* @param size check the provided size against the window size limit.
* @return the amount of data that may be written.
private int checkOutputWindow(final long size) {
// take a snapshot of the current output window state
return Math.min(availStreamWindowSize.get(), (int) size);
private Buffer splitOutputBufferIfNeeded(final Buffer buffer,
final int length) {
if (length == buffer.remaining()) {
return null;
return buffer.split(buffer.position() + length);
void writeWindowUpdate(final int currentUnackedBytes) {
private void writeDownStream0(final SpdyFrame headerFrame,
final Buffer data,
final CompletionHandler completionHandler,
final MessageCloner messageCloner,
final boolean isLast) {
spdySession.getOutputSink().writeDataDownStream(spdyStream, headerFrame,
data, completionHandler, messageCloner, isLast);
if (isLast) {
* Closes the output sink by adding last DataFrame with the FIN flag to a queue.
* If the output sink is already closed - method does nothing.
synchronized void close() {
if (!isClosed()) {
isLastFrameQueued = true;
if (outputQueue.isEmpty()) {
if (outputQueue.size() == ZERO_QUEUE_RECORD_SIZE &&
outputQueue.remove(TERMINATING_QUEUE_RECORD)) {
* Unlike {@link #close()} this method forces the output sink termination
* by setting termination flag and canceling all the pending writes.
synchronized void terminate(final Termination terminationFlag) {
if (!isTerminated()) {
this.terminationFlag = terminationFlag;
boolean isClosed() {
return isLastFrameQueued || isTerminated();
* @return the number of writes (not bytes), that haven't reached network layer
int getUnflushedWritesCount() {
return unflushedWritesCounter.get();
private boolean isTerminated() {
return terminationFlag != null;
private void writeEmptyFin() {
if (!isTerminated()) {
writeDownStream0(null, Buffers.EMPTY_BUFFER,
new FlushCompletionHandler(null), null, true);
private boolean isWantToWrite() {
// update the available window size
final int availableWindowSizeBytesNow = availStreamWindowSize.get();
// get the current peer's window size limit
final int windowSizeLimit = spdyStream.getPeerWindowSize();
return availableWindowSizeBytesNow >= (windowSizeLimit / 4);
private SpdyFrame encodeHttpHeader(final FilterChainContext ctx,
final HttpHeader httpHeader,
final boolean isLast)
throws IOException {
SpdyFrame headerFrame;
// encode HTTP packet header
if (!httpHeader.isRequest()) {
final Buffer compressedSynStreamHeaders;
if (!spdyStream.isUnidirectional()) {
final Buffer compressedHeaders =
spdySession, (HttpResponsePacket) httpHeader);
headerFrame = SynReplyFrame.builder().streamId(spdyStream.getStreamId()).
} else {
compressedSynStreamHeaders =
spdyStream, (SpdyResponse) httpHeader);
headerFrame = SynStreamFrame.builder().streamId(spdyStream.getStreamId()).
} else {
final Buffer compressedHeaders =
(HttpRequestPacket) httpHeader);
headerFrame = SynStreamFrame.builder().streamId(spdyStream.getStreamId()).
spdySession.handlerFilter.onHttpHeadersEncoded(httpHeader, ctx);
return headerFrame;
private void addOutputQueueRecord(OutputQueueRecord outputQueueRecord)
throws SpdyStreamException {
do { // Make sure current outputQueueRecord is not forgotten
// set the outputQueueRecord as the current
// check if situation hasn't changed and we can't send the data chunk now
if (isWantToWrite() &&
outputQueue.compareAndSetCurrentElement(outputQueueRecord, null)) {
// if we can send the output record now - do that
final FlushCompletionHandler chunkedCompletionHandler =
boolean isLast = outputQueueRecord.isLast;
final boolean isZeroSizeData = outputQueueRecord.isZeroSizeData;
final Source currentResource = outputQueueRecord.resource;
final int fitWindowLen = checkOutputWindow(currentResource.remaining());
final Buffer dataChunkToSend = currentResource.read(fitWindowLen);
// if there is a chunk to store
if (currentResource.hasRemaining()) {
// Create output record for the chunk to be stored
// reset isLast for the current chunk
isLast = false;
} else {
outputQueueRecord = null;
// if there is a chunk to send
if (dataChunkToSend != null &&
(dataChunkToSend.hasRemaining() || isLast)) {
final int dataChunkToSendSize = dataChunkToSend.remaining();
writeDownStream0(null, dataChunkToSend,
chunkedCompletionHandler, null, isLast);
// update the available window size bytes counter
releaseWriteQueueSpace(dataChunkToSendSize, isZeroSizeData,
outputQueueRecord == null);
} else if (isZeroSizeData && outputQueueRecord == null) {
// if it's atomic and no remainder left - don't forget to release ATOMIC_QUEUE_RECORD_SIZE
releaseWriteQueueSpace(0, true, true);
} else {
break; // will be (or already) written asynchronously
} while (outputQueueRecord != null);
private int reserveWriteQueueSpace(final int spaceToReserve) {
return outputQueue.reserveSpace(spaceToReserve);
private void releaseWriteQueueSpace(final int justSentBytes, final boolean isAtomic,
final boolean isEndOfChunk) {
if (isEndOfChunk) {
outputQueue.releaseSpace(isAtomic ? ZERO_QUEUE_RECORD_SIZE : justSentBytes);
} else if (!isAtomic) {
private static class OutputQueueRecord extends AsyncQueueRecord {
private Source resource;
private FlushCompletionHandler chunkedCompletionHandler;
private boolean isLast;
private final boolean isZeroSizeData;
public OutputQueueRecord(final Source resource,
final FlushCompletionHandler completionHandler,
final boolean isLast, final boolean isZeroSizeData) {
super(null, null, null);
this.resource = resource;
this.chunkedCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
this.isLast = isLast;
this.isZeroSizeData = isZeroSizeData;
private void incChunksCounter() {
if (chunkedCompletionHandler != null) {
private void reset(final Source resource,
final FlushCompletionHandler completionHandler,
final boolean last) {
this.resource = resource;
this.chunkedCompletionHandler = completionHandler;
this.isLast = last;
public void release() {
if (resource != null) {
resource = null;
public void notifyFailure(final Throwable e) {
final CompletionHandler chLocal = chunkedCompletionHandler;
chunkedCompletionHandler = null;
try {
if (chLocal != null) {
} finally {
public void recycle() {
public WriteResult getCurrentResult() {
return null;
* Flush {@link CompletionHandler}, which will be passed on each
* {@link SpdyStream} write to make sure the data reached the wires.
* Usually FlushCompletionHandler is also used as a wrapper for
* custom {@link CompletionHandler} provided by users.
private final class FlushCompletionHandler extends ChunkedCompletionHandler {
public FlushCompletionHandler(
final CompletionHandler parentCompletionHandler) {
protected void done0() {
synchronized (flushHandlersSync) { // synchronize with flush()
if (flushHandlersQueue == null ||
!flushHandlersQueue.nextBundle()) {
boolean hasNext;
CompletionHandler handler;
do {
synchronized (flushHandlersSync) {
handler = flushHandlersQueue.next();
hasNext = flushHandlersQueue.hasNext();
try {
} catch (Exception ignored) {
} while (hasNext);
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