org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2018 Payara Services Ltd.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
* version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
* https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
package org.glassfish.grizzly;
import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.InvalidMarkException;
import java.nio.ReadOnlyBufferException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.WritableMessage;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.BufferArray;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.ByteBufferArray;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.CompositeBuffer;
* JDK {@link ByteBuffer} was taken as base for Grizzly Buffer interface, but Buffer has several
* extensions: it's possible to prepend some data to a Buffer and release Buffer, when it's not required any more.
* @author Alexey Stashok
public interface Buffer extends Comparable, WritableMessage {
* @return {@code true} if this {@link Buffer} represents a composite of individual {@link Buffer} instances.
boolean isComposite();
* Prepend data from header.position() to header.limit() to the current buffer. This will change the value returned by
* buffer()!
* @param header the data to prepend
* @return the new buffer
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if header.limit() - header.position() is greater than headerSize.
Buffer prepend(Buffer header);
* Trim the buffer by reducing capacity to position, if possible. May return without changing capacity. Also resets the
* position to 0, like {@link #flip()}.
void trim();
* Disposes the buffer part, outside [position, limit] interval if possible. May return without changing capacity. After
* shrink is called, position/limit/capacity values may have different values, than before, but still point to the same
* Buffer elements.
void shrink();
* Split up the buffer into two parts: [0..splitPosition) and [splitPosition, capacity). This Buffer will
* represent the first part: [0..splitPosition) and returned Buffer will represent the second part:
* [splitPosition, capacity).
* Splitting a buffer will reset the mark if the mark is greater than or equal to the splitPosition
* @param splitPosition position of split.
* @return the Buffer, which represents split part [splitPosition, capacity)
Buffer split(int splitPosition);
boolean allowBufferDispose();
void allowBufferDispose(boolean allowBufferDispose);
* Tells whether or not this buffer is direct.
* @return true if, and only if, this buffer is direct
boolean isDirect();
* Try to dispose Buffer if it's allowed.
* @return true if successfully disposed
boolean tryDispose();
* Notify the allocator that the space for this Buffer is no longer needed. All calls to methods on a
* Buffer will fail after a call to dispose().
void dispose();
* Return the underlying buffer
* @return the underlying buffer
Object underlying();
* Returns this buffer's capacity.
* @return The capacity of this buffer
int capacity();
* Returns this buffer's position.
* @return The position of this buffer
int position();
* Sets this buffer's position. If the mark is defined and larger than the new position then it is discarded.
* @param newPosition The new position value; must be non-negative and no larger than the current limit
* @return This buffer
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the preconditions on newPosition do not hold
Buffer position(int newPosition);
* Returns this buffer's limit.
* @return The limit of this buffer
int limit();
* Sets this buffer's limit. If the position is larger than the new limit then it is set to the new limit. If the mark
* is defined and larger than the new limit then it is discarded.
* @param newLimit The new limit value; must be non-negative and no larger than this buffer's capacity
* @return This buffer
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the preconditions on newLimit do not hold
Buffer limit(int newLimit);
* Sets this buffer's mark at its position.
* @return This buffer
Buffer mark();
* Resets this buffer's position to the previously-marked position.
* Invoking this method neither changes nor discards the mark's value.
* @return This buffer
* @throws InvalidMarkException If the mark has not been set
Buffer reset();
* Clears this buffer. The position is set to zero, the limit is set to the capacity, and the mark is discarded.
* Invoke this method before using a sequence of channel-read or put operations to fill this buffer. For example:
* buf.clear(); // Prepare buffer for reading
* in.read(buf); // Read data
* This method does not actually erase the data in the buffer, but it is named as if it did because it will most often
* be used in situations in which that might as well be the case.
* @return This buffer
Buffer clear();
* Flips this buffer. The limit is set to the current position and then the position is set to zero. If the mark is
* defined then it is discarded.
* After a sequence of channel-read or put operations, invoke this method to prepare for a sequence of
* channel-write or relative get operations. For example:
* buf.put(magic); // Prepend header
* in.read(buf); // Read data into rest of buffer
* buf.flip(); // Flip buffer
* out.write(buf); // Write header + data to channel
* This method is often used in conjunction with the {@link Buffer#compact compact} method when transferring data from
* one place to another.
* @return This buffer
Buffer flip();
* Rewinds this buffer. The position is set to zero and the mark is discarded.
* Invoke this method before a sequence of channel-write or get operations, assuming that the limit has already
* been set appropriately. For example:
* out.write(buf); // Write remaining data
* buf.rewind(); // Rewind buffer
* buf.get(array); // Copy data into array
* @return This buffer
Buffer rewind();
* Returns the number of elements between the current position and the limit.
* @return The number of elements remaining in this buffer
int remaining();
* Tells whether there are any elements between the current position and the limit.
* @return true if, and only if, there is at least one element remaining in this buffer
boolean hasRemaining();
* Tells whether or not this buffer is read-only.
* @return true if, and only if, this buffer is read-only
boolean isReadOnly();
* Creates a new Buffer
whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
* The content of the new buffer will start at this buffer's current position. Changes to this buffer's content will be
* visible in the new buffer, and vice versa; the two buffers' position, limit, and mark values will be independent.
* The new buffer's position will be zero, its capacity and its limit will be the number of bytes remaining in this
* buffer, and its mark will be undefined. The new buffer will be direct if, and only if, this buffer is direct, and it
* will be read-only if, and only if, this buffer is read-only.
* @return The new Buffer
Buffer slice();
* Creates a new Buffer
whose content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content.
* The content of the new buffer will start at passed position and end at passed limit. Changes to this buffer's content
* will be visible in the new buffer, and vice versa; the two buffer's position, limit, and mark values will be
* independent.
* The new buffer's position will be zero, its capacity and its limit will be the number of bytes remaining in this
* buffer, and its mark will be undefined. The new buffer will be direct if, and only if, this buffer is direct, and it
* will be read-only if, and only if, this buffer is read-only.
* @param position the position of the start of the slice
* @param limit the limit to take the slice up to
* @return The new Buffer
Buffer slice(int position, int limit);
* Creates a new Buffer
that shares this buffer's content.
* The content of the new buffer will be that of this buffer. Changes to this buffer's content will be visible in the
* new buffer, and vice versa; the two buffer's position, limit, and mark values will be independent.
* The new buffer's capacity, limit, position, and mark values will be identical to those of this buffer. The new buffer
* will be direct if, and only if, this buffer is direct, and it will be read-only if, and only if, this buffer is
* read-only.
* @return The new Buffer
Buffer duplicate();
* Creates a new, read-only Buffer
that shares this buffer's content.
* The content of the new buffer will be that of this buffer. Changes to this buffer's content will be visible in the
* new buffer; the new buffer itself, however, will be read-only and will not allow the shared content to be modified.
* The two buffer's position, limit, and mark values will be independent.
* The new buffer's capacity, limit, position, and mark values will be identical to those of this buffer.
* If this buffer is itself read-only then this method behaves in exactly the same way as the {@link #duplicate
* duplicate} method.
* @return The new, read-only Buffer
Buffer asReadOnlyBuffer();
// -- Singleton get/put methods --
* Relative get method. Reads the byte at this buffer's current position, and then increments the position.
* @return The byte at the buffer's current position
* @throws BufferUnderflowException If the buffer's current position is not smaller than its limit
byte get();
* Relative put method (optional operation).
* Writes the given byte into this buffer at the current position, and then increments the position.
* @param b The byte to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If this buffer's current position is not smaller than its limit
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer put(byte b);
* Absolute get method. Reads the byte at the given index.
* @param index The index from which the byte will be read
* @return The byte at the given index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit
byte get(int index);
* Absolute put method (optional operation).
* Writes the given byte into this buffer at the given index.
* @param index The index at which the byte will be written
* @param b The byte value to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer put(int index, byte b);
// -- Bulk get operations --
* Relative bulk get method.
* This method transfers bytes from this buffer into the given destination array. An invocation of this method of the
* form src.get(a) behaves in exactly the same way as the invocation
* src.get(a, 0, a.length)
* @param dst destination array to put the bytes into
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferUnderflowException If there are fewer than length bytes remaining in this buffer
Buffer get(byte[] dst);
* Relative bulk get method.
* This method transfers bytes from this buffer into the given destination array. If there are fewer bytes remaining in
* the buffer than are required to satisfy the request, that is, if
* length > remaining(), then no bytes are transferred and a
* {@link BufferUnderflowException} is thrown.
* Otherwise, this method copies length bytes from this buffer into the given array, starting at the current
* position of this buffer and at the given offset in the array. The position of this buffer is then incremented by
* length.
* In other words, an invocation of this method of the form src.get(dst, off, len) has exactly the
* same effect as the loop
* for (int i = off; i < off + len; i++)
* dst[i] = src.get();
* except that it first checks that there are sufficient bytes in this buffer and it is potentially much more efficient.
* @param dst The array into which bytes are to be written
* @param offset The offset within the array of the first byte to be written; must be non-negative and no larger than
* dst.length
* @param length The maximum number of bytes to be written to the given array; must be non-negative and no larger than
* dst.length - offset
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferUnderflowException If there are fewer than length bytes remaining in this buffer
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the preconditions on the offset and length parameters do not
* hold
Buffer get(byte[] dst, int offset, int length);
* Relative bulk get method.
* This method transfers bytes from this buffer into the given destination {@link ByteBuffer}. An invocation of this
* method of the form src.get(a) behaves in exactly the same way as the invocation
* src.get(a, 0, a.remaining())
* @param dst destination {@link ByteBuffer} to put the data into
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferUnderflowException If there are fewer than length bytes remaining in this buffer
Buffer get(ByteBuffer dst);
* Relative bulk get method.
* This method transfers bytes from this buffer into the given destination {@link ByteBuffer}. If there are fewer bytes
* remaining in the buffer than are required to satisfy the request, that is, if
* length > remaining(), then no bytes are transferred and a
* {@link BufferUnderflowException} is thrown.
* Otherwise, this method copies length bytes from this buffer into the given {@link ByteBuffer}, starting at
* the current position of this buffer and at the given offset in the {@link ByteBuffer}. The position of this buffer is
* then incremented by length.
* In other words, an invocation of this method of the form src.get(dst, off, len) has exactly the
* same effect as the loop
* for (int i = off; i < off + len; i++)
* dst.put(i) = src.get();
* except that it first checks that there are sufficient bytes in this buffer and it is potentially much more efficient.
* @param dst The {@link ByteBuffer} into which bytes are to be written
* @param offset The offset within the {@link ByteBuffer} of the first byte to be written; must be non-negative and no
* larger than dst.remaining()
* @param length The maximum number of bytes to be written to the given array; must be non-negative and no larger than
* dst.remaining() - offset
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferUnderflowException If there are fewer than length bytes remaining in this buffer
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the preconditions on the offset and length parameters do not
* hold
Buffer get(ByteBuffer dst, int offset, int length);
// -- Bulk put operations --
* Relative bulk put method (optional operation).
* This method transfers the bytes remaining in the given source buffer into this buffer. If there are more bytes
* remaining in the source buffer than in this buffer, that is, if
* src.remaining() > remaining(), then no bytes are transferred and a
* {@link BufferOverflowException} is thrown.
* Otherwise, this method copies n = src.remaining() bytes from the given buffer into this
* buffer, starting at each buffer's current position. The positions of both buffers are then incremented by n.
* In other words, an invocation of this method of the form dst.put(src) has exactly the same effect as the
* loop
* while (src.hasRemaining())
* dst.put(src.get());
* except that it first checks that there is sufficient space in this buffer and it is potentially much more efficient.
* @param src The source buffer from which bytes are to be read; must not be this buffer
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If there is insufficient space in this buffer for the remaining bytes in the source
* buffer
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the source buffer is this buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer put(Buffer src);
// -- Bulk put operations --
* Relative bulk put method (optional operation).
* This method transfers the "length" bytes from the given source buffer into this buffer. If this buffer has less bytes
* remaining than length, that is, if length > remaining(), then no bytes are
* transferred and a {@link BufferOverflowException} is thrown.
* Otherwise, this method copies n = length bytes from the given position in the
* source buffer into this buffer, starting from the current buffer position. The positions of this buffer is then
* incremented by length.
* In other words, an invocation of this method of the form dst.put(src, position, length) has exactly the same
* effect as the loop
* for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
* dst.put(src.get(i + position));
* except that it first checks that there is sufficient space in this buffer and it is potentially much more efficient.
* @param src The source buffer from which bytes are to be read; must not be this buffer
* @param position starting position in the source buffer
* @param length number of bytes to be copied
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If there is insufficient space in this buffer for the remaining bytes in the source
* buffer
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the source buffer is this buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer put(Buffer src, int position, int length);
// -- Bulk put operations --
* Relative bulk put method (optional operation).
* This method transfers the bytes remaining in the given source buffer into this buffer. If there are more bytes
* remaining in the source buffer than in this buffer, that is, if
* src.remaining() > remaining(), then no bytes are transferred and a
* {@link BufferOverflowException} is thrown.
* Otherwise, this method copies n = src.remaining() bytes from the given buffer into this
* buffer, starting at each buffer's current position. The positions of both buffers are then incremented by n.
* In other words, an invocation of this method of the form dst.put(src) has exactly the same effect as the
* loop
* while (src.hasRemaining())
* dst.put(src.get());
* except that it first checks that there is sufficient space in this buffer and it is potentially much more efficient.
* @param src The source buffer from which bytes are to be read; must not be this buffer
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If there is insufficient space in this buffer for the remaining bytes in the source
* buffer
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the source buffer is this buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer put(ByteBuffer src);
// -- Bulk put operations --
* Relative bulk put method (optional operation).
* This method transfers the "length" bytes from the given source buffer into this buffer. If this buffer has less bytes
* remaining than length, that is, if length > remaining(), then no bytes are
* transferred and a {@link BufferOverflowException} is thrown.
* Otherwise, this method copies n = length bytes from the given position in the
* source buffer into this buffer, starting from the current buffer position. The positions of this buffer is then
* incremented by length.
* In other words, an invocation of this method of the form dst.put(src, position, length) has exactly the same
* effect as the loop
* for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
* dst.put(src.get(i + position));
* except that it first checks that there is sufficient space in this buffer and it is potentially much more efficient.
* @param src The source buffer from which bytes are to be read; must not be this buffer
* @param position starting position in the source buffer
* @param length number of bytes to be copied
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If there is insufficient space in this buffer for the remaining bytes in the source
* buffer
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the source buffer is this buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer put(ByteBuffer src, int position, int length);
* Relative bulk put method (optional operation).
* This method transfers the entire content of the given source byte array into this buffer. An invocation of this
* method of the form dst.put(a) behaves in exactly the same way as the invocation
* dst.put(a, 0, a.length)
* @param src source of bytes to put into the Buffer
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If there is insufficient space in this buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer put(byte[] src);
* Relative bulk put method (optional operation).
* This method transfers bytes into this buffer from the given source array. If there are more bytes to be copied from
* the array than remain in this buffer, that is, if length > remaining(), then
* no bytes are transferred and a {@link BufferOverflowException} is thrown.
* Otherwise, this method copies length bytes from the given array into this buffer, starting at the given
* offset in the array and at the current position of this buffer. The position of this buffer is then incremented by
* length.
* In other words, an invocation of this method of the form dst.put(src, off, len) has exactly the
* same effect as the loop
* for (int i = off; i < off + len; i++)
* dst.put(a[i]);
* except that it first checks that there is sufficient space in this buffer and it is potentially much more efficient.
* @param src The array from which bytes are to be read
* @param offset The offset within the array of the first byte to be read; must be non-negative and no larger than
* array.length
* @param length The number of bytes to be read from the given array; must be non-negative and no larger than
* array.length - offset
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If there is insufficient space in this buffer
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the preconditions on the offset and length parameters do not
* hold
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer put(byte[] src, int offset, int length);
* Relative bulk put method (optional operation).
* This method transfers bytes into this buffer from the given 8-bit source {@link String}. If the source
* {@link String#length()} is bigger than this buffer's remaining, that is, if
* length() > remaining(), then no bytes are transferred and a
* {@link BufferOverflowException} is thrown.
* Otherwise, this method copies length bytes from the given {@link String} into this buffer.
* In other words, an invocation of this method of the form dst.put8BitString(src) has exactly the same effect
* as the loop
* for (int i = 0; i < src.length(); i++)
* dst.put((byte) src.charAt(i));
* except that it first checks that there is sufficient space in this buffer and it is potentially much more efficient.
* @param s The {@link String} from which bytes are to be read
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If there is insufficient space in this buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer put8BitString(String s);
* Compacts this buffer (optional operation).
* The bytes between the buffer's current position and its limit, if any, are copied to the beginning of the buffer.
* That is, the byte at index p = position() is copied to index zero, the byte at index
* p + 1 is copied to index one, and so forth until the byte at index limit() - 1 is
* copied to index n = limit() - 1 - p. The buffer's
* position is then set to n+1 and its limit is set to its capacity. The mark, if defined, is discarded.
* The buffer's position is set to the number of bytes copied, rather than to zero, so that an invocation of this method
* can be followed immediately by an invocation of another relative put method.
* Invoke this method after writing data from a buffer in case the write was incomplete. The following loop, for
* example, copies bytes from one channel to another via the buffer buf:
* buf.clear(); // Prepare buffer for use
* for (;;) {
* if (in.read(buf) < 0 && !buf.hasRemaining())
* break; // No more bytes to transfer
* buf.flip();
* out.write(buf);
* buf.compact(); // In case of partial write
* }
* @return This buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer compact();
* Retrieves this buffer's byte order.
* The byte order is used when reading or writing multibyte values, and when creating buffers that are views of this
* Buffer
. The order of a newly-created Buffer
is always {@link ByteOrder#BIG_ENDIAN
* @return This buffer's byte order
ByteOrder order();
* Modifies this buffer's byte order.
* @param bo The new byte order, either {@link ByteOrder#BIG_ENDIAN BIG_ENDIAN} or {@link ByteOrder#LITTLE_ENDIAN
* @return This buffer
Buffer order(ByteOrder bo);
* Relative get method for reading a char value.
* Reads the next two bytes at this buffer's current position, composing them into a char value according to the current
* byte order, and then increments the position by two.
* @return The char value at the buffer's current position
* @throws BufferUnderflowException If there are fewer than two bytes remaining in this buffer
char getChar();
* Relative put method for writing a char value (optional operation).
* Writes two bytes containing the given char value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the current
* position, and then increments the position by two.
* @param value The char value to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If there are fewer than two bytes remaining in this buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer putChar(char value);
* Absolute get method for reading a char value.
* Reads two bytes at the given index, composing them into a char value according to the current byte order.
* @param index The index from which the bytes will be read
* @return The char value at the given index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit, minus one
char getChar(int index);
* Absolute put method for writing a char value (optional operation).
* Writes two bytes containing the given char value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the given index.
* @param index The index at which the bytes will be written
* @param value The char value to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit, minus one
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer putChar(int index, char value);
* Relative get method for reading a short value.
* Reads the next two bytes at this buffer's current position, composing them into a short value according to the
* current byte order, and then increments the position by two.
* @return The short value at the buffer's current position
* @throws BufferUnderflowException If there are fewer than two bytes remaining in this buffer
short getShort();
* Relative put method for writing a short value (optional operation).
* Writes two bytes containing the given short value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the current
* position, and then increments the position by two.
* @param value The short value to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If there are fewer than two bytes remaining in this buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer putShort(short value);
* Absolute get method for reading a short value.
* Reads two bytes at the given index, composing them into a short value according to the current byte order.
* @param index The index from which the bytes will be read
* @return The short value at the given index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit, minus one
short getShort(int index);
* Absolute put method for writing a short value (optional operation).
* Writes two bytes containing the given short value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the given index.
* @param index The index at which the bytes will be written
* @param value The short value to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit, minus one
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer putShort(int index, short value);
* Relative get method for reading an int value.
* Reads the next four bytes at this buffer's current position, composing them into an int value according to the
* current byte order, and then increments the position by four.
* @return The int value at the buffer's current position
* @throws BufferUnderflowException If there are fewer than four bytes remaining in this buffer
int getInt();
* Relative put method for writing an int value (optional operation).
* Writes four bytes containing the given int value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the current
* position, and then increments the position by four.
* @param value The int value to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If there are fewer than four bytes remaining in this buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer putInt(int value);
* Absolute get method for reading an int value.
* Reads four bytes at the given index, composing them into a int value according to the current byte order.
* @param index The index from which the bytes will be read
* @return The int value at the given index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit, minus three
int getInt(int index);
* Absolute put method for writing an int value (optional operation).
* Writes four bytes containing the given int value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the given index.
* @param index The index at which the bytes will be written
* @param value The int value to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit, minus three
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer putInt(int index, int value);
* Relative get method for reading a long value.
* Reads the next eight bytes at this buffer's current position, composing them into a long value according to the
* current byte order, and then increments the position by eight.
* @return The long value at the buffer's current position
* @throws BufferUnderflowException If there are fewer than eight bytes remaining in this buffer
long getLong();
* Relative put method for writing a long value (optional operation).
* Writes eight bytes containing the given long value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the current
* position, and then increments the position by eight.
* @param value The long value to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If there are fewer than eight bytes remaining in this buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer putLong(long value);
* Absolute get method for reading a long value.
* Reads eight bytes at the given index, composing them into a long value according to the current byte order.
* @param index The index from which the bytes will be read
* @return The long value at the given index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit, minus seven
long getLong(int index);
* Absolute put method for writing a long value (optional operation).
* Writes eight bytes containing the given long value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the given index.
* @param index The index at which the bytes will be written
* @param value The long value to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit, minus seven
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer putLong(int index, long value);
* Relative get method for reading a float value.
* Reads the next four bytes at this buffer's current position, composing them into a float value according to the
* current byte order, and then increments the position by four.
* @return The float value at the buffer's current position
* @throws BufferUnderflowException If there are fewer than four bytes remaining in this buffer
float getFloat();
* Relative put method for writing a float value (optional operation).
* Writes four bytes containing the given float value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the current
* position, and then increments the position by four.
* @param value The float value to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If there are fewer than four bytes remaining in this buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer putFloat(float value);
* Absolute get method for reading a float value.
* Reads four bytes at the given index, composing them into a float value according to the current byte order.
* @param index The index from which the bytes will be read
* @return The float value at the given index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit, minus three
float getFloat(int index);
* Absolute put method for writing a float value (optional operation).
* Writes four bytes containing the given float value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the given index.
* @param index The index at which the bytes will be written
* @param value The float value to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit, minus three
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer putFloat(int index, float value);
* Relative get method for reading a double value.
* Reads the next eight bytes at this buffer's current position, composing them into a double value according to the
* current byte order, and then increments the position by eight.
* @return The double value at the buffer's current position
* @throws BufferUnderflowException If there are fewer than eight bytes remaining in this buffer
double getDouble();
* Relative put method for writing a double value (optional operation).
* Writes eight bytes containing the given double value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the current
* position, and then increments the position by eight.
* @param value The double value to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws BufferOverflowException If there are fewer than eight bytes remaining in this buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer putDouble(double value);
* Absolute get method for reading a double value.
* Reads eight bytes at the given index, composing them into a double value according to the current byte order.
* @param index The index from which the bytes will be read
* @return The double value at the given index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit, minus seven
double getDouble(int index);
* Absolute put method for writing a double value (optional operation).
* Writes eight bytes containing the given double value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the given index.
* @param index The index at which the bytes will be written
* @param value The double value to be written
* @return This buffer
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If index is negative or not smaller than the buffer's limit, minus seven
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is read-only
Buffer putDouble(int index, double value);
* Returns {@link Buffer} content as {@link String}, using default {@link Charset}
* @return {@link String} representation of this {@link Buffer} content.
String toStringContent();
* Returns {@link Buffer} content as {@link String}
* @param charset the {@link Charset}, which will be use for byte[] -> {@link String} transformation.
* @return {@link String} representation of this {@link Buffer} content.
String toStringContent(Charset charset);
* Returns {@link Buffer}'s chunk content as {@link String}
* @param charset the {@link Charset}, which will be use for byte[] -> {@link String} transformation.
* @param position the first byte offset in the Buffer (inclusive)
* @param limit the last byte offset in the Buffer (exclusive)
* @return {@link String} representation of part of this {@link Buffer}.
String toStringContent(Charset charset, int position, int limit);
* Generate a hex dump of this {@link Buffer}'s content.
* @param appendable the {@link Appendable} to dump this {@link Buffer}'s content to.
* @since 2.3.23
void dumpHex(final java.lang.Appendable appendable);
* Converts this Buffer
to a {@link ByteBuffer}. If this Buffer
is not composite - then
* returned {@link ByteBuffer}'s content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content, with {@link CompositeBuffer}
* this is not guaranteed. The position of the returned {@link ByteBuffer} is not guaranteed to be 0, the capacity of
* the returned {@link ByteBuffer} is not guaranteed to be equal to the capacity of this Buffer
. It is
* guaranteed that the result of the returned ByteBuffer's {@link ByteBuffer#remaining()} call will be equal to this
* Buffer's {@link #remaining()} call. The Buffer's and ByteBuffer's position, limit, and mark values are not guaranteed
* to be independent, so it's recommended to save and restore position, limit values if it is planned to change them or
* {@link ByteBuffer#slice()} the returned {@link ByteBuffer}.
* @return this Buffer
as a {@link ByteBuffer}.
ByteBuffer toByteBuffer();
* Converts this Buffer
to a {@link ByteBuffer}. If this Buffer
is not composite - then
* returned {@link ByteBuffer}'s content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content, with {@link CompositeBuffer}
* this is not guaranteed. The position of the returned {@link ByteBuffer} is not guaranteed to be 0, the capacity of
* the returned {@link ByteBuffer} is not guaranteed to be equal to the capacity of this Buffer
. It is
* guaranteed that the result of the returned ByteBuffer's {@link ByteBuffer#remaining()} call will be equal (limit -
* position). The Buffer's and ByteBuffer's position, limit, and mark values are not guaranteed to be independent, so
* it's recommended to save and restore position, limit values if it is planned to change them or
* {@link ByteBuffer#slice()} the returned {@link ByteBuffer}.
* @param position the position for the starting subsequence for the returned {@link ByteBuffer}.
* @param limit the limit for the ending of the subsequence of the returned {@link ByteBuffer}.
* @return this Buffer
as a {@link ByteBuffer}.
ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(int position, int limit);
* Converts this Buffer
to a {@link ByteBuffer} per {@link #toByteBuffer()} and returns a
* {@link ByteBufferArray} containing the converted {@link ByteBuffer}. It is guaranteed that returned array's
* ByteBuffer elements' content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content no matter if it's a
* {@link CompositeBuffer} or not.
* @return Converts this Buffer
to a {@link ByteBuffer} per {@link #toByteBuffer()} and returns a
* {@link ByteBufferArray} containing the converted {@link ByteBuffer}.
* @see #toByteBuffer()
ByteBufferArray toByteBufferArray();
* Converts this Buffer
to a {@link ByteBuffer} per {@link #toByteBuffer()} and adds the result to the
* provided {@link ByteBufferArray}. It is guaranteed that returned array's ByteBuffer elements' content is a shared
* subsequence of this buffer's content no matter if it's a {@link CompositeBuffer} or not.
* @param array this buffer as a {@link ByteBufferArray}
* @return returns the provided {@link ByteBufferArray} with the converted {@link ByteBuffer} added to provided
* array
* @see #toByteBuffer()
ByteBufferArray toByteBufferArray(ByteBufferArray array);
* Converts this Buffer
to a {@link ByteBuffer} per {@link #toByteBuffer(int, int)} and returns a
* {@link ByteBufferArray} containing the converted {@link ByteBuffer}. It is guaranteed that returned array's
* ByteBuffer elements' content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content no matter if it's a
* {@link CompositeBuffer} or not.
* @param position the start position within the source buffer
* @param limit the limit, or number, of bytes to include in the resulting {@link ByteBuffer}
* @return Converts this Buffer
to a {@link ByteBuffer} per {@link #toByteBuffer(int, int)} and returns a
* {@link ByteBufferArray} containing the converted {@link ByteBuffer}.
* @see #toByteBuffer(int, int)
ByteBufferArray toByteBufferArray(int position, int limit);
* Converts this Buffer
to a {@link ByteBuffer} per {@link #toByteBuffer(int, int)} and adds the result to
* the provided {@link ByteBufferArray}. It is guaranteed that returned array's ByteBuffer elements' content is a shared
* subsequence of this buffer's content no matter if it's a {@link CompositeBuffer} or not.
* @param array the {@link ByteBufferArray} to append this to
* @param position the start position within the source buffer
* @param limit the limit, or number, of bytes to include in the resulting {@link ByteBuffer}
* @return returns the provided {@link ByteBufferArray} with the converted {@link ByteBuffer} added to provided
* array
* @see #toByteBuffer(int, int)
ByteBufferArray toByteBufferArray(ByteBufferArray array, int position, int limit);
* Returns a new {@link BufferArray} instance with this Buffer
added as an element to the
* {@link BufferArray}. It is guaranteed that returned array's Buffer elements' content is a shared subsequence of this
* buffer's content no matter if it's a {@link CompositeBuffer} or not.
* @return Returns a new {@link BufferArray} instance with this Buffer
added as an element to the
* {@link BufferArray}.
BufferArray toBufferArray();
* Returns the specified {@link BufferArray} after adding this Buffer
. It is guaranteed that returned
* array's Buffer elements' content is a shared subsequence of this buffer's content no matter if it's a
* {@link CompositeBuffer} or not.
* @param array the base array to append to
* @return Returns the specified {@link BufferArray} after adding this Buffer
BufferArray toBufferArray(BufferArray array);
* Updates this Buffer
's position
and limit
and adds it to a new
* {@link BufferArray} instance. It is guaranteed that returned array's Buffer elements' content is a shared subsequence
* of this buffer's content no matter if it's a {@link CompositeBuffer} or not.
* @param position the new position for this Buffer
* @param limit the new limit for this Buffer
* @return adds this Buffer
and returns the specified {@link BufferArray}.
BufferArray toBufferArray(int position, int limit);
* Updates this Buffer
's position
and limit
and adds it to the specified
* {@link BufferArray}. It is guaranteed that returned array's Buffer elements' content is a shared subsequence of this
* buffer's content no matter if it's a {@link CompositeBuffer} or not.
* @param array the {@link BufferArray} to prepend to
* @param position the new position for this Buffer
* @param limit the new limit for this Buffer
* @return adds this Buffer
and returns the specified {@link BufferArray}.
BufferArray toBufferArray(BufferArray array, int position, int limit);
* Tells whether or not this buffer is backed by an accessible byte array.
* If this method returns true then the array and arrayOffset methods may safely be invoked.
* @return true if, and only if, this buffer is backed by an array and is not read-only
* @since 2.1.12
boolean hasArray();
* Returns the byte array that backs this buffer (optional operation).
* Modifications to this buffer's content will cause the returned array's content to be modified, and vice versa.
* Invoke the hasArray method before invoking this method in order to ensure that this buffer has an accessible backing
* array.
* @return The array that backs this buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is backed by an array but is read-only
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If this buffer is not backed by an accessible array
* @since 2.1.12
byte[] array();
* Returns the offset within this buffer's backing array of the first element of the buffer (optional operation).
* If this buffer is backed by an array then buffer position p corresponds to array index p + arrayOffset().
* Invoke the hasArray method before invoking this method in order to ensure that this buffer has an accessible backing
* array.
* @return The offset within this buffer's array of the first element of the buffer
* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException If this buffer is backed by an array but is read-only
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException If this buffer is not backed by an accessible array
* @since 2.1.12
int arrayOffset();