org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.DefaultInputBuffer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2015, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
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package org.glassfish.grizzly.http2;
import static org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.Termination.IN_FIN_TERMINATION;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedTransferQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Grizzly;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpBrokenContent;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpContent;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpHeader;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.Buffers;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.CompositeBuffer;
* @author oleksiys
class DefaultInputBuffer implements StreamInputBuffer {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Grizzly.logger(StreamInputBuffer.class);
private static final long NULL_CONTENT_LENGTH = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater inputQueueSizeUpdater
= AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(DefaultInputBuffer.class, "inputQueueSize");
private volatile int inputQueueSize;
private final BlockingQueue inputQueue = new LinkedTransferQueue<>();
// true, if the input is closed
private final AtomicBoolean inputClosed = new AtomicBoolean();
// the termination flag. When is not null contains the reason why input was terminated.
// when the flag is not null - poll0() will return -1.
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater closeFlagUpdater
= AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(DefaultInputBuffer.class, Termination.class, "closeFlag");
private volatile Termination closeFlag;
private final Object terminateSync = new Object();
private final Http2Stream stream;
private final Http2Session http2Session;
private final Object expectInputSwitchSync = new Object();
private boolean expectInputSwitch;
private long remainingContentLength = NULL_CONTENT_LENGTH;
DefaultInputBuffer(final Http2Stream stream) {
this.stream = stream;
http2Session = stream.getHttp2Session();
* The method will be invoked once upstream completes READ operation processing. Here we have to simulate NIO OP_READ
* event re-registration.
public void onReadEventComplete() {
// If Http2Stream processing is complete and we don't expect more content - just return
if (stream.isProcessingComplete || !stream.getInputHttpHeader().isExpectContent()) {
// If input stream has been terminated - send error message upstream
if (isClosed()) {
http2Session.sendMessageUpstream(stream, buildBrokenHttpContent(new EOFException(closeFlag.getDescription())));
// Switch on the "expect more input" flag
// Check if we have more input data to process - try to obtain the
// expectInputSwitch again and process data
final int queueSize;
if ((queueSize = switchOffExpectInputIfQueueNotEmpty()) > 0) {
passPayloadUpstream(null, queueSize);
* The method is called, when new input data arrives.
public boolean offer(final Buffer data, final boolean isLast) {
if (inputClosed.get()) {
// if input is closed - just ignore the message
return false;
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "{0}: offer {1} isLast={2}", new Object[] { stream.getId(), data, isLast });
final boolean isLastData = isLast | checkContentLength(data.remaining());
// create InputElement and add it to the input queue
// we double check if this is the last frame (considering content-length header if any)
final InputElement element = new InputElement(data, isLastData, false);
if (isLastData) {
// mark the input buffer as closed
// if the stream had been terminated by this time but the element wasn't
// read - dispose the buffer and return false
if (isClosed() && inputQueue.remove(element)) {
return false;
return true;
* The private method, which adds new InputElement to the input queue
private void offer0(final InputElement inputElement) {
if (switchOffExpectInput()) {
// if "expect more input" switch is on - pass current input queue content upstream
passPayloadUpstream(inputElement, inputQueueSize);
} else {
// if "expect more input" switch is off - enqueue the element
if (!inputQueue.offer(inputElement)) {
// Should never happen, but findbugs complains
throw new IllegalStateException("New element can't be added");
final int readyBuffersCount;
// double check if "expect more input" flag is still off
if ((readyBuffersCount = switchOffExpectInputIfQueueNotEmpty()) > 0) {
// if not - pass the input queue content upstream
passPayloadUpstream(null, readyBuffersCount);
* Sends the available input data upstream.
* @param inputElement {@link InputElement} element to be appended to the current input queue content and sent upstream
* @param readyBuffersCount the current input queue size (-1 if we don't have this information at the moment).
private void passPayloadUpstream(final InputElement inputElement, int readyBuffersCount) {
try {
if (readyBuffersCount == -1) {
readyBuffersCount = inputQueueSize;
Buffer payload = null;
if (readyBuffersCount > 0) {
// if the input queue is not empty - get its elements
payload = poll0();
assert payload != null;
if (inputElement != null) {
// if extra input element is not null - try to append it
final Buffer data = inputElement.toBuffer();
if (!inputElement.isService) {
// if this is element containing payload
// append input queue and extra input element contents
payload = Buffers.appendBuffers(http2Session.getMemoryManager(), payload, data);
// notify peer that data.remaining() has been read (update window)
http2Session.ackConsumedData(stream, bufSz(data));
} else if (payload == null) {
payload = data;
// check if the extra input element is EOF
// build HttpContent based on payload
final HttpContent content = buildHttpContent(payload);
// send it upstream
http2Session.sendMessageUpstreamWithParseNotify(stream, content);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Should never be thrown
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected IOException: {0}", e.getMessage());
* Retrieves available input buffer payload, waiting up to the
* {@link Connection#getReadTimeout(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)} wait time if necessary for payload to become
* available.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs with the poll operation.
public HttpContent poll() throws IOException {
return buildHttpContent(poll0());
* Retrieves available input buffer payload, waiting up to the
* {@link Connection#getReadTimeout(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)} wait time if necessary for payload to become
* available.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs with the poll operation.
private Buffer poll0() throws IOException {
if (isClosed()) {
// if input is terminated - return empty buffer
return Buffers.EMPTY_BUFFER;
Buffer buffer;
synchronized (terminateSync) { // most of the time it will be uncontended sync
InputElement inputElement;
// get the current input queue size
final int inputQueueSizeNow = inputQueueSizeUpdater.getAndSet(this, 0);
if (inputQueueSizeNow <= 0) {
// if there is no element available - block
try {
inputElement = inputQueue.poll(http2Session.getConnection().getReadTimeout(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IOException("Blocking read was interrupted");
if (inputElement == null) {
// timeout expired
throw new IOException("Blocking read timeout");
// Due to asynchronous inputQueueSize update - the inputQueueSizeNow may be < 0.
// It means the inputQueueSize.getAndSet(0); above, may unintentionally increase the counter.
// So, once we read a Buffer - we have to properly restore the counter value.
// Normally it had to be inputQueueSize.decrementAndGet(); , but we have to
// take into account fact described above.
inputQueueSizeUpdater.addAndGet(this, inputQueueSizeNow - 1);
buffer = inputElement.toBuffer();
} else if (inputQueueSizeNow == 1) {
// if there is one element available
inputElement = inputQueue.poll();
buffer = inputElement.toBuffer();
} else {
// if there are more than 1 elements available
final CompositeBuffer compositeBuffer = CompositeBuffer.newBuffer(http2Session.getMemoryManager());
for (int i = 0; i < inputQueueSizeNow; i++) {
final InputElement currentElement = inputQueue.poll();
if (!currentElement.isService) {
if (currentElement.isLast) {
buffer = compositeBuffer;
// send window_update notification
http2Session.ackConsumedData(stream, bufSz(buffer));
return buffer;
* Graceful input buffer close.
* Marks the input buffer as closed by adding Termination input element to the input queue.
public void close(final Termination termination) {
if (inputClosed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
if (termination.isSessionClosed()) {
offer0(new InputElement(termination, true, true));
* Forcibly closes the input buffer.
* All the buffered data will be discarded.
public void terminate(final Termination termination) {
final boolean isSet = closeFlagUpdater.compareAndSet(this, null, termination);
if (inputClosed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
if (!termination.isSessionClosed()) {
offer0(new InputElement(termination, true, true));
if (isSet) {
int szToRelease = 0;
synchronized (terminateSync) {
// remove all elements from the queue,
// count the data amount, which hasn't been read and
// release correspondent number of bytes in the session
// control flow window
InputElement element;
while ((element = inputQueue.poll()) != null) {
if (!element.isService) {
final Buffer buffer = element.toBuffer();
szToRelease += buffer.remaining();
if (szToRelease > 0) {
* Returns true if the InputBuffer has been closed.
public boolean isClosed() {
return closeFlag != null;
* Checks if the passed InputElement is input buffer EOF element.
* @param inputElement the {@link InputElement} to check EOF status against.
private void checkEOF(final InputElement inputElement) {
// first of all it has to be the last element
if (inputElement.isLast) {
final Termination termination = inputElement.isService
? (Termination) inputElement.content : IN_FIN_TERMINATION;
if (closeFlagUpdater.compareAndSet(this, null, termination)) {
// Let termination run some logic if needed.
// NOTIFY Http2Stream
* Based on content-length header (which we may have or may not), double check if the payload we've just got is last.
* @param newDataChunkSize the number of bytes we've just got.
* @return true if we don't expect more content, or false if we do expect more content or we're not
* sure because content-length header was not specified by peer.
private boolean checkContentLength(final int newDataChunkSize) {
if (remainingContentLength == NULL_CONTENT_LENGTH) {
remainingContentLength = stream.getInputHttpHeader().getContentLength();
if (remainingContentLength >= 0) {
remainingContentLength -= newDataChunkSize;
if (remainingContentLength == 0) {
return true;
} else if (remainingContentLength < 0) {
// Peer sent more bytes than specified in the content-length
throw new IllegalStateException("Http2Stream #" + stream.getId() + ": peer is sending data beyond specified content-length limit");
return false;
private boolean switchOffExpectInput() {
synchronized (expectInputSwitchSync) {
if (expectInputSwitch) {
expectInputSwitch = false;
return true;
return false;
private int switchOffExpectInputIfQueueNotEmpty() {
synchronized (expectInputSwitchSync) {
final int queueSize;
if (expectInputSwitch && (queueSize = inputQueueSize) > 0) {
expectInputSwitch = false;
return queueSize;
return 0;
private void switchOnExpectInput() {
synchronized (expectInputSwitchSync) {
expectInputSwitch = true;
* Builds {@link HttpContent} based on passed payload {@link Buffer}. If the payload size is 0 and the input
* buffer has been terminated - return {@link HttpBrokenContent}.
private HttpContent buildHttpContent(final Buffer payload) {
final Termination localTermination = closeFlag;
final boolean isFin = localTermination == IN_FIN_TERMINATION;
final HttpContent httpContent;
// if payload size is not 0 or this is FIN payload
if (payload.hasRemaining() || localTermination == null || isFin) {
final HttpHeader inputHttpHeader = stream.getInputHttpHeader();
httpContent = HttpContent.builder(inputHttpHeader).content(payload).last(isFin).build();
} else {
// create broken HttpContent
httpContent = buildBrokenHttpContent(new EOFException(localTermination.getDescription()));
return httpContent;
private HttpContent buildBrokenHttpContent(final Throwable t) {
return HttpBrokenContent.builder(stream.getInputHttpHeader()).error(t).build();
private static int bufSz(final Buffer buffer) {
return buffer != null ? buffer.remaining() : 0;
* Class represent input queue element
private static final class InputElement {
private final Object content;
private final boolean isLast;
private final boolean isService;
public InputElement(final Object content, final boolean isLast, final boolean isService) {
this.content = content;
this.isLast = isLast;
this.isService = isService;
private Buffer toBuffer() {
return !isService ? (Buffer) content : Buffers.EMPTY_BUFFER;
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