org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.Http2Session Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates and others.
* All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
* version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
* https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
package org.glassfish.grizzly.http2;
import static org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.Http2BaseFilter.PRI_PAYLOAD;
import static org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.SettingsFrame.SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE;
import static org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.SettingsFrame.SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS;
import static org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.SettingsFrame.SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.CloseListener;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.CloseType;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Closeable;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Context;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.EmptyCompletionHandler;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Grizzly;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEvent;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.IOEventLifeCycleListener;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ProcessorExecutor;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.WriteResult;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChain;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpContent;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpContext;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpHeader;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpPacket;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpRequestPacket;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpResponsePacket;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.Method;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.Protocol;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.MimeHeaders;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.ContinuationFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.DataFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.ErrorCode;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.GoAwayFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.HeaderBlockFragment;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.HeadersFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.Http2Frame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.PingFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.PriorityFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.PushPromiseFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.RstStreamFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.SettingsFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.SettingsFrame.SettingsFrameBuilder;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.UnknownFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.WindowUpdateFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.impl.FutureImpl;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.Buffers;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.MemoryManager;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLBaseFilter;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.Futures;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.Holder;
* The HTTP2 session abstraction.
* @author Alexey Stashok
public class Http2Session {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Grizzly.logger(Http2Session.class);
private final boolean isServer;
private final Connection> connection;
Http2State http2State;
private HeadersDecoder headersDecoder;
private HeadersEncoder headersEncoder;
private final ReentrantLock deflaterLock = new ReentrantLock();
int lastPeerStreamId;
private int lastLocalStreamId;
private boolean pushEnabled = true;
private final ReentrantLock newClientStreamLock = new ReentrantLock();
private volatile FilterChain http2StreamChain;
private volatile FilterChain htt2SessionChain;
private final AtomicInteger concurrentStreamsCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
private final TreeMap streamsMap = new TreeMap<>();
// (Optimization) We may read several DataFrames belonging to the same
// Http2Stream, so in order to not process every DataFrame separately -
// we buffer them and only then passing for processing.
final List streamsToFlushInput = new ArrayList<>();
// The List object used to store header frames. Could be used by
// Http2Session streams, when they write headers
protected final List tmpHeaderFramesList = new ArrayList<>(2);
private final Object sessionLock = new Object();
private volatile CloseType closeFlag;
private int peerStreamWindowSize = getDefaultStreamWindowSize();
private volatile int localStreamWindowSize = getDefaultStreamWindowSize();
private volatile int localConnectionWindowSize = getDefaultConnectionWindowSize();
private volatile int maxHeaderListSize;
private volatile int localMaxConcurrentStreams = getDefaultMaxConcurrentStreams();
private int peerMaxConcurrentStreams = getDefaultMaxConcurrentStreams();
private final Http2SessionOutputSink outputSink;
private final Http2Configuration http2Configuration;
private volatile int streamsHighWaterMark;
private int checkCount;
private int goingAwayLastStreamId = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private FutureImpl sessionClosed;
// true, if this connection is ready to accept frames or false if the first
// HTTP/1.1 Upgrade is still in progress
private volatile boolean isPrefaceReceived;
private volatile boolean isPrefaceSent;
public static Http2Session get(final Connection connection) {
final Http2State http2State = Http2State.get(connection);
return http2State != null ? http2State.getHttp2Session() : null;
static void bind(final Connection connection, final Http2Session http2Session) {
private final Holder> addressHolder;
final Http2BaseFilter handlerFilter;
private final int localMaxFramePayloadSize;
private int peerMaxFramePayloadSize = getSpecDefaultFramePayloadSize();
private boolean isFirstInFrame = true;
private volatile SSLBaseFilter sslFilter;
private final AtomicInteger unackedReadBytes = new AtomicInteger();
public Http2Session(final Connection> connection, final boolean isServer, final Http2BaseFilter handlerFilter) {
this.connection = connection;
final FilterChain chain = (FilterChain) connection.getProcessor();
final int sslIdx = chain.indexOfType(SSLBaseFilter.class);
if (sslIdx != -1) {
sslFilter = (SSLBaseFilter) chain.get(sslIdx);
this.isServer = isServer;
this.handlerFilter = handlerFilter;
this.http2Configuration = handlerFilter.getConfiguration();
if (this.http2Configuration.getMaxConcurrentStreams() != -1) {
} else {
if (this.http2Configuration.getInitialWindowSize() != -1) {
this.localStreamWindowSize = this.http2Configuration.getInitialWindowSize();
final int customMaxFramePayloadSz = handlerFilter.getLocalMaxFramePayloadSize() > 0 ? handlerFilter.getLocalMaxFramePayloadSize() : -1;
// apply custom max frame value only if it's in [getSpecMinFramePayloadSize(); getSpecMaxFramePayloadSize()] range
this.localMaxFramePayloadSize = customMaxFramePayloadSz >= getSpecMinFramePayloadSize() && customMaxFramePayloadSz <= getSpecMaxFramePayloadSize()
? customMaxFramePayloadSz
: getSpecDefaultFramePayloadSize();
this.maxHeaderListSize = handlerFilter.getConfiguration().getMaxHeaderListSize();
if (isServer) {
this.lastLocalStreamId = 0;
this.lastPeerStreamId = -1;
} else {
this.lastLocalStreamId = -1;
this.lastPeerStreamId = 0;
this.addressHolder = Holder.lazyHolder(() -> connection.getPeerAddress());
connection.addCloseListener(new ConnectionCloseListener());
this.outputSink = newOutputSink();
protected Http2SessionOutputSink newOutputSink() {
return new Http2SessionOutputSink(this);
protected int getSpecDefaultFramePayloadSize() {
return 16384; // 2^14
protected int getSpecMinFramePayloadSize() {
return 16384; // 2^14
protected int getSpecMaxFramePayloadSize() {
return 0xffffff; // 2^24-1 (16,777,215)
public int getDefaultConnectionWindowSize() {
return 65535;
public int getDefaultStreamWindowSize() {
return 65535;
public int getDefaultMaxConcurrentStreams() {
return 100;
* @return the maximum size, in bytes, of header list. If not explicitly configured, the default of 8192
* used.
public int getMaxHeaderListSize() {
return maxHeaderListSize;
* Set the maximum size, in bytes, of the header list.
* @param maxHeaderListSize size, in bytes, of the header list.
public void setMaxHeaderListSize(int maxHeaderListSize) {
this.maxHeaderListSize = maxHeaderListSize;
* Returns the total frame size (including header size), or -1 if the buffer doesn't contain enough bytes to
* read the size.
* @param buffer the buffer containing the frame data
* @return the total frame size (including header size), or -1 if the buffer doesn't contain enough bytes to
* read the size
protected int getFrameSize(final Buffer buffer) {
return buffer.remaining() < 4 // even though we need just 3 bytes - we require 4 for simplicity
? -1
: (buffer.getInt(buffer.position()) >>> 8) + Http2Frame.FRAME_HEADER_SIZE;
public Http2Frame parseHttp2FrameHeader(final Buffer buffer) throws Http2SessionException {
// we assume the passed buffer represents only this frame, no remainders allowed
final int len = getFrameSize(buffer);
if (buffer.remaining() != len) {
throw new Http2SessionException(ErrorCode.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR);
final int i1 = buffer.getInt();
final int type = i1 & 0xff;
final int flags = buffer.get() & 0xff;
final int streamId = buffer.getInt() & 0x7fffffff;
switch (type) {
case DataFrame.TYPE:
return DataFrame.fromBuffer(flags, streamId, buffer);
case HeadersFrame.TYPE:
return HeadersFrame.fromBuffer(flags, streamId, buffer);
case PriorityFrame.TYPE:
return PriorityFrame.fromBuffer(streamId, buffer);
case RstStreamFrame.TYPE:
return RstStreamFrame.fromBuffer(flags, streamId, buffer);
case SettingsFrame.TYPE:
return SettingsFrame.fromBuffer(flags, streamId, buffer);
case PushPromiseFrame.TYPE:
return PushPromiseFrame.fromBuffer(flags, streamId, buffer);
case PingFrame.TYPE:
return PingFrame.fromBuffer(flags, streamId, buffer);
case GoAwayFrame.TYPE:
return GoAwayFrame.fromBuffer(streamId, buffer);
case WindowUpdateFrame.TYPE:
return WindowUpdateFrame.fromBuffer(flags, streamId, buffer);
case ContinuationFrame.TYPE:
return ContinuationFrame.fromBuffer(flags, streamId, buffer);
return new UnknownFrame(type, len);
protected Http2Stream newStream(final HttpRequestPacket request, final int streamId, final int refStreamId, final boolean exclusive, final int priority) {
return new Http2Stream(this, request, streamId, refStreamId, exclusive, priority);
protected Http2Stream newUpgradeStream(final HttpRequestPacket request, final int priority) {
return new Http2Stream(this, request, priority);
protected void checkFrameSequenceSemantics(final Http2Frame frame) throws Http2SessionException {
final int frameType = frame.getType();
if (isFirstInFrame) {
if (frameType != SettingsFrame.TYPE) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "First in frame should be a SettingsFrame (preface)", frame);
throw new Http2SessionException(ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
isPrefaceReceived = true;
// Preface received - change the HTTP2 connection state
isFirstInFrame = false;
// 1) make sure the header frame sequence comes without interleaving
if (isParsingHeaders()) {
if (frameType != ContinuationFrame.TYPE) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "ContinuationFrame is expected, but {0} came", frame);
throw new Http2SessionException(ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
} else if (frameType == ContinuationFrame.TYPE) {
// isParsing == false, so no ContinuationFrame expected
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "ContinuationFrame is not expected");
throw new Http2SessionException(ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
protected void onOversizedFrame(final Buffer buffer) throws Http2SessionException {
final int oldPos = buffer.position();
try {
throw new Http2SessionException(ErrorCode.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR);
} finally {
boolean isParsingHeaders() {
return headersDecoder != null && headersDecoder.isProcessingHeaders();
* @return The max payload size to be accepted by this side
public final int getLocalMaxFramePayloadSize() {
return localMaxFramePayloadSize;
* @return The max payload size to be accepted by the peer
public int getPeerMaxFramePayloadSize() {
return peerMaxFramePayloadSize;
* Sets the max payload size to be accepted by the peer. The method is called during the {@link SettingsFrame}
* processing.
* @param peerMaxFramePayloadSize max payload size accepted by the peer.
* @throws Http2SessionException if the peerMaxFramePayloadSize violates the limits
protected void setPeerMaxFramePayloadSize(final int peerMaxFramePayloadSize) throws Http2SessionException {
if (peerMaxFramePayloadSize < getSpecMinFramePayloadSize() || peerMaxFramePayloadSize > getSpecMaxFramePayloadSize()) {
throw new Http2SessionException(ErrorCode.FRAME_SIZE_ERROR);
this.peerMaxFramePayloadSize = peerMaxFramePayloadSize;
public int getLocalStreamWindowSize() {
return localStreamWindowSize;
public void setLocalStreamWindowSize(int localStreamWindowSize) {
this.localStreamWindowSize = localStreamWindowSize;
public int getPeerStreamWindowSize() {
return peerStreamWindowSize;
void setPeerStreamWindowSize(final int peerStreamWindowSize) throws Http2StreamException {
synchronized (sessionLock) {
final int delta = peerStreamWindowSize - this.peerStreamWindowSize;
this.peerStreamWindowSize = peerStreamWindowSize;
if (!streamsMap.isEmpty()) {
for (final Http2Stream stream : streamsMap.values()) {
if (stream.isClosed()) {
public int getLocalConnectionWindowSize() {
return localConnectionWindowSize;
public void setLocalConnectionWindowSize(final int localConnectionWindowSize) {
this.localConnectionWindowSize = localConnectionWindowSize;
public int getAvailablePeerConnectionWindowSize() {
return outputSink.getAvailablePeerConnectionWindowSize();
* @return the maximum number of concurrent streams allowed for this session by our side.
public int getLocalMaxConcurrentStreams() {
return localMaxConcurrentStreams;
* Sets the default maximum number of concurrent streams allowed for this session by our side.
* @param localMaxConcurrentStreams max number of streams locally allowed
public void setLocalMaxConcurrentStreams(int localMaxConcurrentStreams) {
this.localMaxConcurrentStreams = localMaxConcurrentStreams;
this.streamsHighWaterMark = Float.valueOf(this.localMaxConcurrentStreams * this.http2Configuration.getStreamsHighWaterMark()).intValue();
* @return the maximum number of concurrent streams allowed for this session by peer.
public int getPeerMaxConcurrentStreams() {
return peerMaxConcurrentStreams;
* Sets the default maximum number of concurrent streams allowed for this session by peer.
void setPeerMaxConcurrentStreams(int peerMaxConcurrentStreams) {
this.peerMaxConcurrentStreams = peerMaxConcurrentStreams;
* @return true
if push is enabled for this {@link Http2Session}, otherwise returns false
* Push is enabled by default.
public boolean isPushEnabled() {
return pushEnabled && http2Configuration.isPushEnabled();
* Configure whether or not push is enabled on this {@link Http2Session}.
* @param pushEnabled flag toggling push support.
public void setPushEnabled(final boolean pushEnabled) {
if (isGoingAway()) {
this.pushEnabled = pushEnabled;
public int getNextLocalStreamId() {
lastLocalStreamId += 2;
return lastLocalStreamId;
public Connection getConnection() {
return connection;
public MemoryManager getMemoryManager() {
return connection.getMemoryManager();
public boolean isServer() {
return isServer;
public boolean isLocallyInitiatedStream(final int streamId) {
assert streamId > 0;
return isServer() ^ streamId % 2 != 0;
// Same as
// return isServer() ?
// (streamId % 2) == 0 :
// (streamId % 2) == 1;
Http2State getHttp2State() {
return http2State;
boolean isHttp2InputEnabled() {
return isPrefaceReceived;
boolean isHttp2OutputEnabled() {
return isPrefaceSent;
public Http2Stream getStream(final int streamId) {
return streamsMap.get(streamId);
protected Http2SessionOutputSink getOutputSink() {
return outputSink;
FutureImpl terminateGracefully() {
if (!isServer) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal use of graceful termination on client.");
final GoAwayFrame frame = setGoAwayLocally(ErrorCode.NO_ERROR, "Shutting Down", true);
if (frame != null) {
sessionClosed = Futures.createSafeFuture();
return sessionClosed;
* Terminate the HTTP2 session sending a GOAWAY frame using the specified error code and optional detail. Once the
* GOAWAY frame is on the wire, the underlying TCP connection will be closed.
* @param errorCode an RFC 7540 error code.
* @param detail optional details.
void terminate(final ErrorCode errorCode, final String detail) {
sendGoAwayAndClose(setGoAwayLocally(errorCode, detail, false));
private void sendGoAwayAndClose(final Http2Frame frame) {
if (frame != null) {
outputSink.writeDownStream(frame, new EmptyCompletionHandler() {
private void close() {
public void failed(final Throwable throwable) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to write GOAWAY. Terminating session.", throwable);
public void completed(final WriteResult result) {
public void cancelled() {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "GOAWAY write cancelled. Terminating session.");
}, null);
private GoAwayFrame setGoAwayLocally(final ErrorCode errorCode, final String detail, final boolean graceful) {
synchronized (sessionLock) {
// If sending a GOAWAY for the first time, goingAwayLastStreamId will be
// Integer.MIN_VALUE. It won't be possible to send another GOAWAY frame
// Unless a graceful session termination was attempted. In this case,
// the value will be Integer.MAX_VALUE and it will be possible to send
// another GO_AWAY if a change of state is necessary i.e., the graceful
// termination timed out and the session is being forcefully terminated.
if (goingAwayLastStreamId == Integer.MIN_VALUE || goingAwayLastStreamId == Integer.MAX_VALUE && !graceful) {
closeFlag = CloseType.LOCALLY;
goingAwayLastStreamId = graceful ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : lastPeerStreamId > 0 ? lastPeerStreamId : 0;
if (goingAwayLastStreamId != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
if (concurrentStreamsCount.get() > 0) {
return GoAwayFrame.builder().lastStreamId(goingAwayLastStreamId)
.additionalDebugData(detail != null ? Buffers.wrap(getMemoryManager(), detail) : null).errorCode(errorCode).build();
return null; // already in GOAWAY state.
// Must be locked by sessionLock
private void pruneStreams() {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "pruneStreams()");
// close streams that rank above the last stream ID specified by the GOAWAY frame.
// Allow other streams to continue processing. Once the concurrent stream count reaches zero,
// the session will be closed.
Map invalidStreams = streamsMap.subMap(goingAwayLastStreamId, false, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true);
if (!invalidStreams.isEmpty()) {
// needs to iterate over copied list to prevent
// bug #1995 - ConcurrentModificationException
List closedStreams = new ArrayList<>(invalidStreams.values());
for (final Http2Stream stream : closedStreams) {
* Method is called, when GOAWAY is initiated by peer
void setGoAwayByPeer(final int lastStreamId) {
synchronized (sessionLock) {
pushEnabled = false;
goingAwayLastStreamId = lastStreamId;
closeFlag = CloseType.REMOTELY;
if (isServer || lastStreamId != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
.additionalDebugData(Buffers.wrap(getMemoryManager(), "Peer Requested.")).errorCode(ErrorCode.NO_ERROR).build());
boolean isGoingAway() {
return closeFlag != null;
public int getGoingAwayLastStreamId() {
return goingAwayLastStreamId;
protected void sendWindowUpdate(final int streamId, final int delta) {
final WindowUpdateFrame f = WindowUpdateFrame.builder().streamId(streamId).windowSizeIncrement(delta).build();
NetLogger.log(NetLogger.Context.TX, this, f);
void sendPreface() {
if (!isPrefaceSent) {
synchronized (sessionLock) {
if (!isPrefaceSent) {
if (isServer) {
} else {
isPrefaceSent = true;
if (!isServer) {
// If it's HTTP2 client, which uses HTTP/1.1 upgrade mechanism -
// it can have unacked user data sent from the server.
// So it's right time to ack this data and let the server send
// more data if needed.
ackConsumedData(getStream(0), 0);
protected void sendServerPreface() {
final SettingsFrame settingsFrame = prepareSettings().build();
NetLogger.log(NetLogger.Context.TX, this, settingsFrame);
// server preface
// noinspection unchecked
connection.write(settingsFrame.toBuffer(getMemoryManager()), sslFilter != null ? new EmptyCompletionHandler() {
public void completed(Object result) {
} : null);
protected void sendClientPreface() {
// send preface (PRI * ....)
final HttpRequestPacket request = HttpRequestPacket.builder().method(Method.PRI).uri("*").protocol(Protocol.HTTP_2_0).build();
final Buffer priPayload = Buffers.wrap(connection.getMemoryManager(), PRI_PAYLOAD);
final SettingsFrame settingsFrame = prepareSettings().build();
final Buffer settingsBuffer = settingsFrame.toBuffer(getMemoryManager());
final Buffer payload = Buffers.appendBuffers(connection.getMemoryManager(), priPayload, settingsBuffer);
final HttpContent content = HttpContent.builder(request).content(payload).build();
NetLogger.log(NetLogger.Context.TX, this, settingsFrame);
HeadersDecoder getHeadersDecoder() {
if (headersDecoder == null) {
headersDecoder = new HeadersDecoder(getMemoryManager(), getMaxHeaderListSize(), 4096);
return headersDecoder;
ReentrantLock getDeflaterLock() {
return deflaterLock;
HeadersEncoder getHeadersEncoder() {
if (headersEncoder == null) {
headersEncoder = new HeadersEncoder(getMemoryManager(), 4096);
return headersEncoder;
* Encodes the {@link HttpHeader} and locks the compression lock.
* @param ctx the current {@link FilterChainContext}
* @param httpHeader the {@link HttpHeader} to encode
* @param streamId the stream associated with this request
* @param isLast is this the last frame?
* @param toList the target {@link List}, to which the frames will be serialized
* @return the HTTP2 header frames sequence
* @throws IOException if an error occurs encoding the header
protected List encodeHttpHeaderAsHeaderFrames(final FilterChainContext ctx, final HttpHeader httpHeader, final int streamId,
final boolean isLast, final List toList, final Map capture) throws IOException {
final Buffer compressedHeaders = !httpHeader.isRequest() ? EncoderUtils.encodeResponseHeaders(this, (HttpResponsePacket) httpHeader, capture)
: EncoderUtils.encodeRequestHeaders(this, (HttpRequestPacket) httpHeader, capture);
final List headerFrames = bufferToHeaderFrames(streamId, compressedHeaders, isLast, toList);
handlerFilter.onHttpHeadersEncoded(httpHeader, ctx);
return headerFrames;
* Encodes the {@link Map} of header values into header frames to be sent as trailer headers.
* @param streamId the stream associated with this request
* @param toList the target {@link List}, to which the frames will be serialized.
* @param trailerHeaders a {@link MimeHeaders} of headers to be transmitted as trailers.
* @return the HTTP2 header frames sequence
* @throws IOException if an error occurs encoding the header
protected List encodeTrailersAsHeaderFrames(final int streamId, final List toList, final MimeHeaders trailerHeaders,
final Map capture) throws IOException {
final Buffer compressedHeaders = EncoderUtils.encodeTrailerHeaders(this, trailerHeaders, capture);
return bufferToHeaderFrames(streamId, compressedHeaders, true, toList);
* Encodes the {@link HttpRequestPacket} as a {@link PushPromiseFrame} and locks the compression lock.
* @param ctx the current {@link FilterChainContext}
* @param httpRequest the {@link HttpRequestPacket} to encode.
* @param streamId the stream associated with this request.
* @param promisedStreamId the push promise stream ID.
* @param toList the target {@link List}, to which the frames will be serialized
* @return the HTTP2 push promise frames sequence
* @throws IOException if an error occurs encoding the request
protected List encodeHttpRequestAsPushPromiseFrames(final FilterChainContext ctx, final HttpRequestPacket httpRequest, final int streamId,
final int promisedStreamId, final List toList, final Map capture) throws IOException {
final List headerFrames = bufferToPushPromiseFrames(streamId, promisedStreamId,
EncoderUtils.encodeRequestHeaders(this, httpRequest, capture), toList);
handlerFilter.onHttpHeadersEncoded(httpRequest, ctx);
return headerFrames;
* Encodes a compressed header buffer as a {@link HeadersFrame} and a sequence of 0 or more {@link ContinuationFrame}s.
* @param streamId the stream associated with the headers.
* @param compressedHeaders a {@link Buffer} containing compressed headers
* @param isEos will any additional data be sent after these headers?
* @param toList the {@link List} to which {@link Http2Frame}s will be added
* @return the result {@link List} with the frames
private List bufferToHeaderFrames(final int streamId, final Buffer compressedHeaders, final boolean isEos, final List toList) {
final HeadersFrame.HeadersFrameBuilder builder = HeadersFrame.builder().streamId(streamId).endStream(isEos);
return completeHeadersProviderFrameSerialization(builder, streamId, compressedHeaders, toList);
* Encodes a compressed header buffer as a {@link PushPromiseFrame} and a sequence of 0 or more
* {@link ContinuationFrame}s.
* @param streamId the stream associated with these headers
* @param promisedStreamId the stream of the push promise
* @param compressedHeaders the compressed headers to be sent
* @param toList the {@link List} to which {@link Http2Frame}s will be added
* @return the result {@link List} with the frames
private List bufferToPushPromiseFrames(final int streamId, final int promisedStreamId, final Buffer compressedHeaders,
final List toList) {
final PushPromiseFrame.PushPromiseFrameBuilder builder = PushPromiseFrame.builder().streamId(streamId).promisedStreamId(promisedStreamId);
return completeHeadersProviderFrameSerialization(builder, streamId, compressedHeaders, toList);
* Completes the {@link HeaderBlockFragment} sequence serialization.
* @param streamId the stream associated with this {@link HeaderBlockFragment}
* @param compressedHeaders the {@link Buffer} containing the compressed headers
* @param toList the {@link List} to which {@link Http2Frame}s will be added
* @return the result {@link List} with the frames
private List completeHeadersProviderFrameSerialization(final HeaderBlockFragment.HeaderBlockFragmentBuilder builder, final int streamId,
final Buffer compressedHeaders, List toList) {
// we assume deflaterLock is acquired and held by this thread
assert getDeflaterLock().isHeldByCurrentThread();
if (toList == null) {
toList = tmpHeaderFramesList;
if (compressedHeaders.remaining() <= peerMaxFramePayloadSize) {
return toList;
Buffer remainder = compressedHeaders.split(compressedHeaders.position() + peerMaxFramePayloadSize);
assert remainder != null;
do {
final Buffer buffer = remainder;
remainder = buffer.remaining() <= peerMaxFramePayloadSize ? null : buffer.split(buffer.position() + peerMaxFramePayloadSize);
toList.add(ContinuationFrame.builder().streamId(streamId).endHeaders(remainder == null).compressedHeaders(buffer).build());
} while (remainder != null);
return toList;
* The {@link ReentrantLock}, which assures that requests assigned to newly allocated stream IDs will be sent to the
* server in their order. So that request associated with the stream ID '5' won't be sent before the request associated
* with the stream ID '3' etc.
* @return the {@link ReentrantLock}
public ReentrantLock getNewClientStreamLock() {
return newClientStreamLock;
Http2Stream acceptStream(final HttpRequestPacket request, final int streamId, final int parentStreamId, final boolean exclusive, final int priority)
throws Http2SessionException {
final Http2Stream stream = newStream(request, streamId, parentStreamId, exclusive, priority);
synchronized (sessionLock) {
if (isClosed()) {
return null; // if the session is closed is set - return null to ignore stream creation
if (concurrentStreamsCount.get() >= getLocalMaxConcurrentStreams()) {
// throw Session level exception because headers were not decompressed,
// so compression context is lost
throw new Http2SessionException(ErrorCode.REFUSED_STREAM);
if (isServer()) {
if (streamId > 0 && (streamId & 1) == 0) {
throw new Http2SessionException(ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
} else {
if (streamId > 0 && (streamId & 1) != 0) {
throw new Http2SessionException(ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
if (streamId < lastPeerStreamId) {
throw new Http2SessionException(ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR);
registerStream(streamId, stream);
lastPeerStreamId = streamId;
return stream;
* Method is not thread-safe, it is expected that it will be called within {@link #getNewClientStreamLock()} lock scope.
* The caller code is responsible for obtaining and releasing the mentioned {@link #getNewClientStreamLock()} lock.
* @param request the request that initiated the stream
* @param streamId the ID of this new stream
* @param parentStreamId the parent stream
* @param priority the priority of this stream
* @return a new {@link Http2Stream} for this request
* @throws org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.Http2StreamException if an error occurs opening the stream.
public Http2Stream openStream(final HttpRequestPacket request, final int streamId, final int parentStreamId, final boolean exclusive, final int priority)
throws Http2StreamException {
final Http2Stream stream = newStream(request, streamId, parentStreamId, exclusive, priority);
synchronized (sessionLock) {
if (isClosed()) {
throw new Http2StreamException(streamId, ErrorCode.REFUSED_STREAM, "Session is closed");
if (concurrentStreamsCount.get() >= getLocalMaxConcurrentStreams()) {
throw new Http2StreamException(streamId, ErrorCode.REFUSED_STREAM);
if (parentStreamId > 0) {
final Http2Stream mainStream = getStream(parentStreamId);
if (mainStream == null) {
throw new Http2StreamException(streamId, ErrorCode.REFUSED_STREAM, "The parent stream does not exist");
registerStream(streamId, stream);
lastLocalStreamId = streamId;
return stream;
* The method is called to create an {@link Http2Stream} initiated via HTTP/1.1 Upgrade mechanism.
* @param request the request that initiated the upgrade
* @param priority the stream priority
* @param fin is more content expected?
* @return a new {@link Http2Stream} for this request
* @throws org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.Http2StreamException if an error occurs opening the stream.
public Http2Stream acceptUpgradeStream(final HttpRequestPacket request, final int priority, final boolean fin) throws Http2StreamException {
final Http2Stream stream = newUpgradeStream(request, priority);
return stream;
* The method is called on the client side, when the server confirms HTTP/1.1 -> HTTP/2.0 upgrade with '101' response.
* @param request the request that initiated the upgrade
* @param priority the priority of the stream
* @return a new {@link Http2Stream} for this request
* @throws org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.Http2StreamException if an error occurs opening the stream.
public Http2Stream openUpgradeStream(final HttpRequestPacket request, final int priority) throws Http2StreamException {
// we already sent headers - so the initial state is OPEN
final Http2Stream stream = newUpgradeStream(request, priority);
return stream;
* Initializes HTTP2 communication (if not initialized before) by forming HTTP2 connection and stream
* {@link FilterChain}s.
* @param context the current {@link FilterChainContext}
* @param isUpStream flag denoting the direction of the chain
void setupFilterChains(final FilterChainContext context, final boolean isUpStream) {
if (htt2SessionChain == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (htt2SessionChain == null) {
if (isUpStream) {
http2StreamChain = (FilterChain) context.getFilterChain().subList(context.getFilterIdx(), context.getEndIdx());
htt2SessionChain = (FilterChain) context.getFilterChain().subList(context.getStartIdx(), context.getFilterIdx());
} else {
http2StreamChain = (FilterChain) context.getFilterChain().subList(context.getFilterIdx(), context.getFilterChain().size());
htt2SessionChain = (FilterChain) context.getFilterChain().subList(context.getEndIdx() + 1, context.getFilterIdx());
FilterChain getHttp2SessionChain() {
return htt2SessionChain;
* Called from {@link Http2Stream} once stream is completely closed.
void deregisterStream() {
final boolean isCloseSession;
synchronized (sessionLock) {
// If we're in GOAWAY state and there are no streams left - close this session
isCloseSession = isGoingAway() && concurrentStreamsCount.get() <= 0;
if (!isCloseSession) {
if (checkCount++ > http2Configuration.getCleanFrequencyCheck() && streamsMap.size() > streamsHighWaterMark) {
checkCount = 0;
for (final Iterator> streamIds = streamsMap.entrySet().iterator(); streamIds.hasNext(); ) {
final Map.Entry entry = streamIds.next();
if (entry.getValue().isClosed()) {
if (isCloseSession) {
if (sessionClosed != null) {
} else {
terminate(ErrorCode.NO_ERROR, "Session closed");
private boolean isClosed() {
return closeFlag != null;
void sendMessageUpstreamWithParseNotify(final Http2Stream stream, final HttpContent httpContent) {
final FilterChainContext upstreamContext = http2StreamChain.obtainFilterChainContext(connection, stream);
final HttpContext httpContext = httpContent.getHttpHeader().getProcessingState().getHttpContext();
handlerFilter.onHttpContentParsed(httpContent, upstreamContext);
final HttpHeader header = httpContent.getHttpHeader();
if (httpContent.isLast()) {
handlerFilter.onHttpPacketParsed(header, upstreamContext);
if (header.isSkipRemainder()) {
sendMessageUpstream(stream, httpContent, upstreamContext);
void sendMessageUpstream(final Http2Stream stream, final HttpPacket message) {
final FilterChainContext upstreamContext = http2StreamChain.obtainFilterChainContext(connection, stream);
final HttpContext httpContext = message.getHttpHeader().getProcessingState().getHttpContext();
sendMessageUpstream(stream, message, upstreamContext);
private void sendMessageUpstream(final Http2Stream stream, final HttpPacket message, final FilterChainContext upstreamContext) {
upstreamContext.getInternalContext().addLifeCycleListener(new IOEventLifeCycleListener.Adapter() {
public void onReregister(final Context context) throws IOException {
public void onComplete(Context context, Object data) throws IOException {
protected SettingsFrameBuilder prepareSettings() {
final SettingsFrameBuilder builder = SettingsFrame.builder();
if (getLocalMaxConcurrentStreams() != getDefaultMaxConcurrentStreams()) {
builder.setting(SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS, getLocalMaxConcurrentStreams());
if (getLocalStreamWindowSize() != getDefaultStreamWindowSize()) {
builder.setting(SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE, getLocalStreamWindowSize());
builder.setting(SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE, getMaxHeaderListSize());
return builder;
* Acknowledge that certain amount of data has been read. Depending on the total amount of un-acknowledge data the HTTP2
* connection can decide to send a window_update message to the peer.
* @param sz size, in bytes, of the data being acknowledged
void ackConsumedData(final int sz) {
ackConsumedData(null, sz);
* Acknowledge that certain amount of data has been read. Depending on the total amount of un-acknowledge data the HTTP2
* connection can decide to send a window_update message to the peer. Unlike the {@link #ackConsumedData(int)}, this
* method also requests an HTTP2 stream to acknowledge consumed data to the peer.
* @param stream the stream that data is being ack'd on.
* @param sz size, in bytes, of the data being acknowledged
void ackConsumedData(final Http2Stream stream, final int sz) {
final int currentUnackedBytes = unackedReadBytes.addAndGet(sz);
if (isPrefaceSent) {
// ACK HTTP2 connection flow control
final int windowSize = getLocalConnectionWindowSize();
// if not forced - send update window message only in case currentUnackedBytes > windowSize / 2
if (currentUnackedBytes > windowSize / 3 && unackedReadBytes.compareAndSet(currentUnackedBytes, 0)) {
sendWindowUpdate(0, currentUnackedBytes);
if (stream != null) {
// ACK HTTP2 stream flow control
final int streamUnackedBytes = Http2Stream.unackedReadBytesUpdater.addAndGet(stream, sz);
final int streamWindowSize = stream.getLocalWindowSize();
// send update window message only in case currentUnackedBytes > windowSize / 2
if (streamUnackedBytes > 0 && streamUnackedBytes > streamWindowSize / 2
&& Http2Stream.unackedReadBytesUpdater.compareAndSet(stream, streamUnackedBytes, 0)) {
sendWindowUpdate(stream.getId(), streamUnackedBytes);
* This method is not thread safe and should be guarded by the session lock.
void registerStream(final int streamId, final Http2Stream stream) {
if (streamId < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid stream ID");
if (stream == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Attempt to register null stream");
streamsMap.put(streamId, stream);
private void registerUpgradeStream(final Http2Stream stream) throws Http2StreamException {
synchronized (sessionLock) {
if (isClosed()) {
throw new Http2StreamException(Http2Stream.UPGRADE_STREAM_ID, ErrorCode.REFUSED_STREAM, "Session is closed");
registerStream(Http2Stream.UPGRADE_STREAM_ID, stream);
if (!isServer()) {
lastLocalStreamId = Http2Stream.UPGRADE_STREAM_ID;
private void incStreamCount() {
private void decStreamCount() {
private final class ConnectionCloseListener implements CloseListener {
public void onClosed(final Closeable closeable, final CloseType type) throws IOException {
final boolean isClosing;
synchronized (sessionLock) {
isClosing = !isClosed();
if (isClosing) {
closeFlag = type;
if (isClosing) {
for (Http2Stream stream : streamsMap.values()) {
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