org.jvnet.hk2.component.Inhabitant Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.jvnet.hk2.component;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.glassfish.hk2.Binding;
import org.glassfish.hk2.ManagedComponentProvider;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;
import com.sun.hk2.component.Holder;
* Represents a component in the world of {@link Habitat}.
* {@link Inhabitant} extends from {@link Holder}, as one of its
* purposes is to encapsulate how we obtain an instance of a component.
* On topf of that, {@link Inhabitant} enhances {@link Holder} by
* adding more metadata that {@link Habitat} uses for finding
* components and hooking them up together.
* All the methods exept {@link #get()} are immutable, meaning
* they never change the value they return.
* See {@link Inhabitants} for several factory methods for typical
* {@link Inhabitant} constructions.
* @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
* @see Inhabitants
// TODO: Eventually get rid of auto-depend's Holder
public interface Inhabitant extends Binding, ManagedComponentProvider, Holder {
* The short-cut for {@code type().getName()}
* but this allows us to defer loading the actual types.
String typeName();
* Type of the inhabitant.
* The only binding contract that needs to be honored is that the {@link #get()}
* method returns an instance assignable to this type. That is,
* {@code get().getClass()==type()} doesn't necessarily have to hold,
* but {@code type().isInstance(get())} must.
* This is particularly true when {@link Factory} is involved, as in such
* case HK2 has no way of knowing the actual type.
* That said, this method is not designed for the semantics of
* contract/implementation split --- implementations of a contract
* should return the concrete type from this method, and use
* {@link Habitat#addIndex(Inhabitant, String, String) habitat index}
* to support look-up by contract.
* @return
* Always non-null, same value.
Class extends T> type();
* Returns the instance of this inhabitant.
* Some {@link Inhabitant}s return the same instance for multiple
* invocations (AKA singleton), but
* the method may return different instances to invocations from different
* context (AKA scope.) The extreme case is where the each invocation
* returns a different object.
T get();
* Returns the instance of this inhabitant.
* {@link Inhabitant}s are often used with the decorator pattern
* (see {@link com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractCreatorInhabitantImpl} for example), yet during
* the object initializtion inside the {@link #get()} method, we often
* need the reference to the outer-most {@link Inhabitant} registered to
* the {@link Habitat} (for example so that we can request the injection
* of {link Inhabita} that represents itself, or to inject companions.)
* So this overloaded version of the get method takes the outer-most
* {@link Inhabitant}. This method is only invoked from within HK2
* where the decorator pattern is used.
// TODO: this and the lead/companions method make you wonder whether we should
// define Inhabitant as an abstract class.
T get(Inhabitant onBehalfOf);
* Gets the metadata associated with this inhabitant.
* This data is usually used by a sub-system of HK2, and not really meant to
* be used by applications. (At least for now.)
* The main benefit of metadata is that it's available right away
* as soon as the {@link Habitat} is properly initialized, even before
* component classes are loaded. In contrast, accessing annotations would require
* classes to be loaded and resolved.
* @return
* can be empty but never null. The values are read-only.
* @see Service#metadata()
MultiMap metadata();
* Obtains the serialized metadata.
* This method is a wrapper around {@link #metadata()} and useful for
* defining a highly structured metadata that doesn't easily fit
* a simple string representation.
* The implementation of this method is to obtain the value associated with
* this key as {@code metadata().getOne(key)}, and if that exists, treat
* the value as base64-encoded binary, and deserializes it and returns the object.
* The classes used in the serialization need to be available during the build time
* (normally during the HK2 compile mojo runs) so that the metadata can be
* serialized. The evolution of these classes need to be careful done, otherwise
* the deserialization of the metadata may fail unexpectedly.
* @throws Error
* If the deserialization fails. This can be for example because of
* the incompatible class change, or failure to resolve the classes.
* Sine these problems can only happen in a critical situation,
* this method throws unchecked error.
* TODO: switch this to IOError when we can depend on JDK6.
* @return
* the deserialized object.
T getSerializedMetadata(Class type, String key);
* Obtains the metadata serialized into String.
* This is a convenient short-cut that does {@code getSerializedMetadata(type,type.getName())}
T getSerializedMetadata(Class type);
* Called to orderly shutdown {@link Habitat}.
* The expected behavior is for objects to get its {@link org.glassfish.hk2.PreDestroy}
* callback invoked, and its reference released. For singleton
* objects, this method is expected to dispose that object.
* For scoped objects, those are released when {@link org.glassfish.hk2.ScopeInstance#release()}
* is invoked.
void release();
// methods below here are more or less used for book-keeping purpose by Habitat,
// and implementations of Inhabitant should implement them just by using
// AbstractInhabitantImpl
* If this inhabitant is a companion to another inhabitant (called "lead"),
* This method returns that inhabitant. Otherwise null.
Inhabitant lead();
* Returns the companion inhabitants associated with this inhabitant.
* This method works with the {@link #lead()} method in pairs, such
* that the following condition always holds:
x.companions().contains(y) <-> y.lead()==x
* @return
* Can be empty but never null.
Collection companions();
* This method is only meant to be invoked by {@link Habitat}.
void setCompanions(Collection companions);
// /**
// * Gets or creates an inhabitant instance that is functionally equivalent to the
// * original with possible exception for scoping and lifecycle behavior.
// *
// *
// * Hk2's injection machinery requests a scopedClone for each inhabitant it
// * obtains out of the habitat for purposes of injection for each injection point
// * of a component undergoing injection. If and when that component is released,
// * each scoped-clone inhabitant will also have release called on it.
// *
// *
// * For example, a PerLookup scoped inhabitant in the habitat will return a new
// * service instance for each and every call to get(). A scoped clone might create a
// * 1-to-1 relationship from the scoped-cloned inhabitant to the service it produces
// * allowing for the possibility of release() on the inhabitant / service. More
// * sophisticated implementation may also exist that uses reference counting, soft or
// * weak references, etc.
// *
// *
// * Scoped clones of inhabitants that are themselves scoped clones will drive off of
// * the original underlying inhabitant, and not the scoped clone itself.
// *
// * @return an inhabitant instance that is appropriate for the scoping rules of that inhabitant;
// * always non-null but may return the 'this' pointer as the default implementation.
// */
// Inhabitant scopedClone();
// /**
// * Puts an inhabitant under management of this inhabitant instance.
// *
// *
// *
// *
// * Management implies the lifecycle of this inhabitant is reflected into the collection
// * of managed inhabitants associated with this instance (i.e., release cascades).
// *
// * @param managedInhabitant the inhabitant to associate lifecycle with
// */
// void manage(Inhabitant> managedInhabitant);