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A bundle project producing JAX-RS RI bundles. The primary artifact is an "all-in-one" OSGi-fied JAX-RS RI bundle
Attached to that are two compressed JAX-RS RI archives. The first archive ( consists of binary RI bits and
contains the API jar (under "api" directory), RI libraries (under "lib" directory) as well as all external
RI dependencies (under "ext" directory). The secondary archive ( contains buildable JAX-RS RI source
bundle and contains the API jar (under "api" directory), RI sources (under "src" directory) as well as all external
RI dependencies (under "ext" directory). The second archive also contains "build.xml" ANT script that builds the RI
sources. To build the JAX-RS RI simply unzip the archive, cd to the created jaxrs-ri directory and invoke "ant" from
the command line.
* Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
* and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can
* obtain a copy of the License at
* or LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
* file and include the License file at LICENSE.txt.
* GPL Classpath Exception:
* Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
* exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
* file that accompanied this code.
* Modifications:
* If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
* enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* Contributor(s):
* If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
* only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor]
* elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL
* Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a
* recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under
* either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to
* its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code
* and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies
* only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
* holder.
package org.glassfish.jersey.internal;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.util.ReflectionHelper;
* A simple service-provider lookup mechanism. A service is a
* well-known set of interfaces and (usually abstract) classes. A service
* provider is a specific implementation of a service. The classes in a
* provider typically implement the interfaces and subclass the classes defined
* in the service itself. Service providers may be installed in an
* implementation of the Java platform in the form of extensions, that is, jar
* files placed into any of the usual extension directories. Providers may
* also be made available by adding them to the applet or application class
* path or by some other platform-specific means.
In this lookup mechanism a service is represented by an interface or an
* abstract class. (A concrete class may be used, but this is not
* recommended.) A provider of a given service contains one or more concrete
* classes that extend this service class with data and code specific to
* the provider. This provider class will typically not be the entire
* provider itself but rather a proxy that contains enough information to
* decide whether the provider is able to satisfy a particular request together
* with code that can create the actual provider on demand. The details of
* provider classes tend to be highly service-specific; no single class or
* interface could possibly unify them, so no such class has been defined. The
* only requirement enforced here is that provider classes must have a
* zero-argument constructor so that they may be instantiated during lookup.
The default service provider registration/lookup mechanism based
* on META-INF/services files is described below.
* For environments, where the basic mechanism is not suitable, clients
* can enforce a different approach by setting their custom ServiceIteratorProvider
* by calling setIteratorProvider. The call must be made prior to any lookup attempts.
A service provider identifies itself by placing a provider-configuration
* file in the resource directory META-INF/services. The file's name
* should consist of the fully-qualified name of the abstract service class.
* The file should contain a list of fully-qualified concrete provider-class
* names, one per line. Space and tab characters surrounding each name, as
* well as blank lines, are ignored. The comment character is '#'
* (0x23); on each line all characters following the first comment
* character are ignored. The file must be encoded in UTF-8.
If a particular concrete provider class is named in more than one
* configuration file, or is named in the same configuration file more than
* once, then the duplicates will be ignored. The configuration file naming a
* particular provider need not be in the same jar file or other distribution
* unit as the provider itself. The provider must be accessible from the same
* class loader that was initially queried to locate the configuration file;
* note that this is not necessarily the class loader that found the file.
Example: Suppose we have a service class named
* It has two abstract methods:
* public abstract CharEncoder getEncoder(String encodingName);
* public abstract CharDecoder getDecoder(String encodingName);
* Each method returns an appropriate object or null if it cannot
* translate the given encoding. Typical CharCodec providers will
* support more than one encoding.
If is a provider of the CharCodec
* service then its jar file would contain the file
* META-INF/services/ This file would contain
* the single line:
* # Standard codecs for the platform
* To locate an codec for a given encoding name, the internal I/O code would
* do something like this:
* The provider-lookup mechanism always executes in the security context of the
* caller. Trusted system code should typically invoke the methods in this
* class from within a privileged security context.
* @param the type of the service instance.
* @author Mark Reinhold
* @author Jakub Podlesak
* @author Marek Potociar
public final class ServiceFinder implements Iterable {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ServiceFinder.class.getName());
private static final String PREFIX = "META-INF/services/";
private final Class serviceClass;
private final String serviceName;
private final ClassLoader classLoader;
private final boolean ignoreOnClassNotFound;
static {
final OsgiRegistry osgiRegistry = ReflectionHelper.getOsgiRegistryInstance();
if (osgiRegistry != null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "Running in an OSGi environment");
} else {
LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "Running in a non-OSGi environment");
private static Enumeration getResources(final ClassLoader loader, final String name) throws IOException {
if (loader == null) {
return getResources(name);
} else {
final Enumeration resources = loader.getResources(name);
if ((resources != null) && resources.hasMoreElements()) {
return resources;
} else {
return getResources(name);
private static Enumeration getResources(final String name) throws IOException {
if (ServiceFinder.class.getClassLoader() != null) {
return ServiceFinder.class.getClassLoader().getResources(name);
} else {
return ClassLoader.getSystemResources(name);
private static ClassLoader _getContextClassLoader() {
return AccessController.doPrivileged(ReflectionHelper.getContextClassLoaderPA());
* Locates and incrementally instantiates the available providers of a
* given service using the given class loader.
This method transforms the name of the given service class into a
* provider-configuration filename as described above and then uses the
* getResources method of the given class loader to find all
* available files with that name. These files are then read and parsed to
* produce a list of provider-class names. The iterator that is returned
* uses the given class loader to lookup and then instantiate each element
* of the list.
Because it is possible for extensions to be installed into a running
* Java virtual machine, this method may return different results each time
* it is invoked.
* @param service The service's abstract service class
* @param loader The class loader to be used to load provider-configuration files
* and instantiate provider classes, or null if the system
* class loader (or, failing that the bootstrap class loader) is to
* be used
* @throws ServiceConfigurationError If a provider-configuration file violates the specified format
* or names a provider class that cannot be found and instantiated
* @see #find(Class)
* @param the type of the service instance.
* @return the service finder
public static ServiceFinder find(final Class service, final ClassLoader loader)
throws ServiceConfigurationError {
return find(service,
* Locates and incrementally instantiates the available providers of a
* given service using the given class loader.
This method transforms the name of the given service class into a
* provider-configuration filename as described above and then uses the
* getResources method of the given class loader to find all
* available files with that name. These files are then read and parsed to
* produce a list of provider-class names. The iterator that is returned
* uses the given class loader to lookup and then instantiate each element
* of the list.
Because it is possible for extensions to be installed into a running
* Java virtual machine, this method may return different results each time
* it is invoked.
* @param service The service's abstract service class
* @param loader The class loader to be used to load provider-configuration files
* and instantiate provider classes, or null if the system
* class loader (or, failing that the bootstrap class loader) is to
* be used
* @param ignoreOnClassNotFound If a provider cannot be loaded by the class loader
* then move on to the next available provider.
* @throws ServiceConfigurationError If a provider-configuration file violates the specified format
* or names a provider class that cannot be found and instantiated
* @see #find(Class)
* @param the type of the service instance.
* @return the service finder
public static ServiceFinder find(final Class service,
final ClassLoader loader,
final boolean ignoreOnClassNotFound) throws ServiceConfigurationError {
return new ServiceFinder(service,
* Locates and incrementally instantiates the available providers of a
* given service using the context class loader. This convenience method
* is equivalent to
* @param service The service's abstract service class
* @throws ServiceConfigurationError If a provider-configuration file violates the specified format
* or names a provider class that cannot be found and instantiated
* @see #find(Class, ClassLoader)
* @param the type of the service instance.
* @return the service finder
public static ServiceFinder find(final Class service)
throws ServiceConfigurationError {
return find(service,
* Locates and incrementally instantiates the available providers of a
* given service using the context class loader. This convenience method
* is equivalent to
* @param service The service's abstract service class
* @param ignoreOnClassNotFound If a provider cannot be loaded by the class loader
* then move on to the next available provider.
* @throws ServiceConfigurationError If a provider-configuration file violates the specified format
* or names a provider class that cannot be found and instantiated
* @see #find(Class, ClassLoader)
* @param the type of the service instance.
* @return the service finder
public static ServiceFinder find(final Class service,
final boolean ignoreOnClassNotFound) throws ServiceConfigurationError {
return find(service,
* Locates and incrementally instantiates the available classes of a given
* service file using the context class loader.
* @param serviceName the service name correspond to a file in
* META-INF/services that contains a list of fully qualified class
* names
* @throws ServiceConfigurationError If a service file violates the specified format
* or names a provider class that cannot be found and instantiated
* @return the service finder
public static ServiceFinder> find(final String serviceName) throws ServiceConfigurationError {
return new ServiceFinder