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org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.localization.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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ambiguous.fatal.rms=A resource model has ambiguous (sub-)resource method for HTTP method {0} and input mime-types as defined by @Consumes and @Produces annotations at Java methods {1} and {2} at matching regular expression {3}. These two methods produces and consumes exactly the same mime-types and therefore their invocation as a resource methods will always fail.
ambiguous.non.annotated.parameter=Method {0} on resource {1} contains multiple parameters with no annotation. Unable to resolve the injection source.
ambiguous.parameter=Parameter {1} of {0} MUST be only one of a path, query, matrix or header parameter.
ambiguous.resource.method="Multiple methods found to suit client request with accept header {0}. Selected the first method from the following list.
ambiguous.rms.in=A resource model has ambiguous (sub-)resource method for HTTP method {0} and input mime-types as defined by @Consumes annotation at Java methods {1} and {2} at matching path pattern {3}. This could cause an error for conflicting output types!
ambiguous.rms.out=A resource model has ambiguous (sub-)resource method for HTTP method {0} and output mime-types as defined by @Produces annotation at Java methods {1} and {2} at matching path pattern {3}.
ambiguous.srls.pathPattern=A resource model has ambiguous sub-resource locators on path pattern {0}.
ambiguous.srls=A resource, {0}, has ambiguous sub-resource locators on path {1}.
broadcaster.listener.exception={0} thrown from BroadcasterListener.
closeable.injected.request.context.null=Injected request context is 'null' on thread {0}.
closeable.unable.to.close=Error while closing {0}.
contract.cannot.be.bound.to.resource.method=The given contract ({0}) of {1} provider cannot be bound to a resource method.
default.could.not.process.method=Default value, {0} could not be processed by method {1}.
error.async.callback.failed=Callback {0} invocation failed.
error.committing.output.stream=Error while committing the output stream.
error.closing.commit.output.stream=Error while closing the output stream in order to commit response.
error.exception.non.mappable=Non mappable exception rethrown to the container.
error.marshalling.jaxb=Error marshalling JAXB object of type "{0}".
error.msg=ERROR: {0}
error.parameter.missing.value.provider=No injection source found for a parameter of type {1} at index {0}.
error.primitive.type.null=The request entity cannot be empty.
error.processing.method=Error processing resource method, {0}, for ResourceMethodDispatchProvider, {1}.
error.resources.cannot.merge=Resources do not have the same path and cannot be merged.
error.sub.resource.locator.more.resources=Sub resource locator returned {0} in the resource model. Exactly one resource must be returned.
error.unmarshalling.jaxb=Error unmarshalling JAXB object of type "{0}".
error.unsupported.encoding=The encoding {0} is not supported for parameter {1}.
error.validation.subresource=Model validation error(s) found in sub resource returned by sub resource locator.
error.wadl.builder.generation.method=Error generating wadl for method {0} of resource {1}.
error.wadl.builder.generation.param=Error generating wadl for parameter {0} of resource {1} and resource method {2}.
error.wadl.builder.generation.request.media.type=Error generating wadl request representation for media type {0} of method {1} of resource {2}.
error.wadl.builder.generation.request=Error generating wadl for request representation of resource method {0} of resource {1}.
error.wadl.builder.generation.resource.locator=Error generating wadl for sub resource locator {0} of resource {1}.
error.wadl.builder.generation.resource.path=Error generating wadl for Resource {0} with path "{1}".
error.wadl.builder.generation.resource=Error generating wadl application for one specific resource {0}.
error.wadl.builder.generation.response=Error generating wadl response representation for method {0} of resource {1}.
error.wadl.external.grammar=Error attaching an external grammar to the wadl.
error.wadl.generator.config.loader.property=The property {0} is an invalid type: {1} (supported: String, Class extends WadlGeneratorConfiguration>, WadlGeneratorConfiguration).
error.wadl.generator.config.loader=Could not load WadlGeneratorConfiguration, check the configuration of "{0}".
error.wadl.generator.configure=Error configuring the given user WadlGenerator by configure() method.
error.wadl.generator.load=Could not load wadl generators from wadlGeneratorDescriptions.
error.wadl.grammar.already.contains=The wadl application already contains a grammars element, we're adding elements of the provided grammars file.
error.wadl.jaxb.context=Error creating a JAXBContext for wadl serialization.
error.wadl.resource.application.wadl=Error generating /application.wadl.
error.wadl.resource.external.grammar=Error generating external wadl grammar on /application.wadl/[path].
error.wadl.resource.mashal=Could not marshal the wadl Application.
error.writing.response.entity.chunk=An I/O error has occurred while writing a response message entity chunk to the container output stream.
error.writing.response.entity=An I/O error has occurred while writing a response message entity to the container output stream.
form.param.content-type.error=The @FormParam is utilized when the content type of the request entity is not application/x-www-form-urlencoded
form.param.method.error=The @FormParam is utilized when the request method is GET
get.consumes.entity=A HTTP GET method, {0}, should not consume any entity.
get.consumes.form.param=A HTTP GET method, {0}, should not consume any form parameter.
get.returns.void=A HTTP GET method, {0}, MUST return a non-void type.
chunked.output.closed=This chunked output has been closed.
illegal.client.config.class.property.value="{0}" property value ({1}) does not represent a valid client configuration class. Falling back to "{2}".
init.msg=Initiating Jersey application, version {0}...
injected.webtarget.uri.invalid=@Uri annotation value is not a valid URI template: "{0}"
invalid.config.property.value=Invalid value for {0} configuration property: {1}
invalid.mapping.format=Provided {0} property value "{1}" is invalid. It should contain two parts, key and value, separated by ':'.
invalid.mapping.key.empty=The key in {0} mappings record "{1}" is empty.
invalid.mapping.type=Provided {0} property value type is invalid. Acceptable types are String and String[].
invalid.mapping.value.empty=The value in {0} mappings record "{1}" is empty.
method.empty.path.annotation=The (sub)resource method {0} in {1} contains empty path annotation.
method.parameter.cannot.be.null.or.empty=Method parameter "{0}" cannot be null or empty.
method.parameter.cannot.be.null=Method parameter "{0}" cannot be null.
multiple.http.method.designators=A (sub-)resource method, {0}, should have only one HTTP method designator. It currently has the following designators defined: {1}
new.ar.created.by.introspection.modeler=A new abstract resource created by IntrospectionModeler: {0}
non.instantiable.component=Component of class {0} cannot be instantiated and will be ignored.
non.pub.res.method=A resource method, {0}, MUST be public scoped otherwise the method is ignored
non.pub.sub.res.loc=A sub-resource model, {0}, MUST be public scoped otherwise the method is ignored
non.pub.sub.res.method=A sub-resource method, {0}, MUST be public scoped otherwise the method is ignored
# {0} = parameter name; {1} = parameter type; {2} = field description
parameter.unresolvable=Parameter {0} of type {1} from {2} is not resolvable to a concrete type.
rc.not.modifiable=The resource configuration is not modifiable in this context.
resource.add.child.already.child=The resource is already a child resource and cannot contain another child resource.
resource.ambiguous=A resource, {0}, has ambiguous path definition with resource {1}. Both resource matche to the same path pattern {2}.
resource.config.error.null.applicationclass=Both application and applicationClass can't be null.
resource.contains.res.methods.and.locator=The resource (or sub resource) {0} with path "{1}" contains (sub) resource method(s) and sub resource locator. The resource cannot have both, methods and locator, defined on same path. The locator will be ignored.
resource.empty=A resource, {0}, with path "{1}" is empty. It has no resource (or sub resource) methods neither sub resource locators defined.
resource.implements.provider=A resource, {0}, implements provider interface {1} but does not explicitly define the scope (@Singleton, @PerLookup). The resource class will be managed as singleton.
resource.lookup.failed=Lookup and initialization failed for a resource class: {0}.
resource.merge.conflict.locators=Both resources, resource {0} and resource {1}, contains sub resource locators on the same path {2}.
resource.multiple.scope.annotations=A resource, {0}, is annotated with multiple scope annotations. Only one scope annotation is allowed for the resource.
singleton.injects.parameter=Parameter {1} of {0} cannot be injected into singleton resource.
sub.res.method.treated.as.res.method=A sub-resource method, {0}, with URI template, "{1}", is treated as a resource method
subres.loc.has.entity.param=A sub-resource model, {0}, can not have an entity parameter. Try to move the parameter to the corresponding resource method.
subres.loc.returns.void=A sub-resource model, {0}, MUST return a non-void type.
subres.loc.uri.path.invalid=A sub-resource model, {0}, has an invalid URI path: {1}
suspend.handler.execution.failed=Time-out handler execution failed.
suspend.not.suspended=Not suspended.
suspend.sheduling.error=Error while scheduling a timeout task.
template.handler.already.enhanced=Handler class "{0}" has been already enhanced. Skipping enhancing handler instance.
template.model.of.view.cannot.be.null=The model of the view MUST not be null.
template.name.could.not.be.resolved=The template name "{0}" could not be resolved to a fully qualified template name.
template.name.must.not.be.null=The template name MUST not be null.
# {0} - list of template names, e.g. ["sub", "index"], {1} - list of paths, e.g. ["/views", "/org/glassfish/jersey/server/mvc/TemplateResource"], {2} - list of media types, e.g. ["text/plain"]
template.names.could.not.be.resolved=Neither of the template names ({0}) could be resolved to a fully qualified template name. (paths: {1}, media-types: {2})
template.no.matching.resource.available=There is no last matching resource available.
template.resolving.class.cannot.be.null=Resolving class MUST not be null.
type.of.method.not.resolvable.to.concrete.type=Return type, {0}, of method, {1}, is not resolvable to a concrete type.
unable.to.load.class=Class "{0}" cannot be loaded.
unsupported.client.artefact.injection.type=@Uri-based injection of "{0}" type is not supported.
warning.msg=WARNING: {0}
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