com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.LocalStrings_zh_CN.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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#EN jvmOptions.no_dash=Invalid Jvm Option {0}. Option must start with -.
jvmOptions.no_dash=Jvm \u9009\u9879{0}\u65E0\u6548\u3002\u9009\u9879\u5FC5\u987B\u4EE5\u201C-\u201D\u5F00\u5934\u3002
#EN jvmOptions.invalidOption=Invalid Jvm Option - {0}
jvmOptions.invalidOption=Jvm \u9009\u9879\u65E0\u6548 - {0}
#EN jvmOptions.incorrect_quotes=Invalid Jvm Option {0}. Please check the quotes
jvmOptions.incorrect_quotes=Jvm \u9009\u9879{0}\u65E0\u6548\u3002\u8BF7\u68C0\u67E5\u5F15\u7528
#EN certificateTrustPrompt=Do you trust the above certificate [y|N] -->
certificateTrustPrompt=\u662F\u5426\u4FE1\u4EFB\u4E0A\u8FF0\u8BC1\u4E66 [y|n] -->
#EN emptyServerCertificate=The certificate chain from server is empty
#EN serverCertificateNotTrusted=The certificate chain from the server is not trusted
#EN certificateDbPrompt=Enter the password for the client truststore -->
certificateDbPrompt=\u8F93\u5165\u5BA2\u6237\u673A\u4FE1\u4EFB\u5B58\u50A8\u7684\u53E3\u4EE4 -->
#EN clusterutil.commandSuccessful=Command {0} executed successfully on server instance {1}
#EN clusterutil.commandFailed=Failure: Command {0} failed on server instance {1}: {2}
clusterutil.commandFailed=\u5931\u8D25: \u547D\u4EE4{0}\u5728\u670D\u52A1\u5668\u5B9E\u4F8B{1}\u4E0A\u6267\u884C\u5931\u8D25: {2}
#EN clusterutil.commandWarning=WARNING: Command {0} did not complete successfully on server instance {1}: {2}
clusterutil.commandWarning=\u8B66\u544A: \u547D\u4EE4{0}\u5728\u670D\u52A1\u5668\u5B9E\u4F8B{1}\u4E0A\u672A\u6210\u529F\u5B8C\u6210: {2}
#EN clusterutil.warnoffline=WARNING: Instance {0} seems to be offline; command {1} was not replicated to that instance
clusterutil.warnoffline=\u8B66\u544A: \u5B9E\u4F8B{0}\u4F3C\u4E4E\u8131\u673A; \u547D\u4EE4{1}\u672A\u590D\u5236\u5230\u8BE5\u5B9E\u4F8B
#EN clusterutil.failoffline=FAILURE: Instance {0} seems to be offline; command {1} was not replicated to that instance
clusterutil.failoffline=\u5931\u8D25: \u5B9E\u4F8B{0}\u4F3C\u4E4E\u8131\u673A; \u547D\u4EE4{1}\u672A\u590D\u5236\u5230\u8BE5\u5B9E\u4F8B
#EN clusterutil.replicationfailed=Error during command replication: {0}
clusterutil.replicationfailed=\u547D\u4EE4\u590D\u5236\u671F\u95F4\u51FA\u9519: {0}
#EN clusterutil.instancehasnostate=Could not find state of instance registered in the state service
#EN clusterutil.timeoutwhilewaiting=Timed out while waiting for result from instance {0}
#EN clusterutil.exceptionwhilewaiting=Exception while waiting for result from instance {0}: {1}
clusterutil.exceptionwhilewaiting=\u7B49\u5F85\u6765\u81EA\u5B9E\u4F8B{0}\u7684\u7ED3\u679C\u65F6\u51FA\u73B0\u5F02\u5E38\u9519\u8BEF: {1}
#EN ice.successmessage={0}:\n{1}\n
#EN dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.jobsubmitted=Successfully submitted command {0} for execution at instance {1}
#EN dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.waitingonjob=Waiting for command {0} to be completed at instance {1}
#EN column.internal=invalid number of columns ({0}), expected ({1})
column.internal=\u5217\u6570 ({0}) \u65E0\u6548, \u5E94\u4E3A ({1})
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