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* Copyright (c) 2022, 2024 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation.
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
* version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
package com.sun.enterprise.util;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LogMessageInfo;
import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LogMessagesResourceBundle;
import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LoggerInfo;
* Logger information for the common-util module.
* @author Tom Mueller
/* Module private */
public class CULoggerInfo {
private static final String LOGMSG_PREFIX = "NCLS-COMUTIL";
private static final String SHARED_LOGMESSAGE_RESOURCE = "com.sun.enterprise.util.LogMessages";
@LoggerInfo(subsystem = "COMMON", description = "Common Utilities", publish = true)
private static final String UTIL_LOGGER = "jakarta.enterprise.system.util";
private static final Logger utilLogger = Logger.getLogger(UTIL_LOGGER, SHARED_LOGMESSAGE_RESOURCE);
public static Logger getLogger() {
return utilLogger;
public static String getString(String key) {
return utilLogger.getResourceBundle().getString(key);
public static String getString(String key, Object... args) {
return MessageFormat.format(getString(key), args);
message = "Failed to process class {0} with bytecode preprocessor {1}",
cause = "Unknown",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String preprocessFailed = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00001";
message = "Class {0} is being reset to its original state",
cause = "Unknown",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String resettingOriginal = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00002";
message = "Class {0} is being reset to the last successful preprocessor",
cause = "Unknown",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String resettingLastGood = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00003";
message = "The supplied preprocessor class {0} is not an instance of org.glassfish.api.BytecodePreprocessor",
cause = "Unknown",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String invalidType = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00004";
message = "Bytecode preprocessor disabled",
cause = "Unknown",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String disabled = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00005";
message = "Initialization failed for bytecode preprocessor {0}",
cause = "Unknown",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String failedInit = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00006";
message = "Error setting up preprocessor",
cause = "Unknown",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String setupEx = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00007";
@LogMessageInfo(message = "Illegal max-entries [{0}]; please check your cache configuration.")
public static final String illegalMaxEntries = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00008";
@LogMessageInfo(message = "Illegal MaxSize value [{0}]")
public static final String boundedMultiLruCacheIllegalMaxSize = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00009";
message = "Error closing zip file for class path entry {0}",
level = "INFO")
public static final String exceptionClosingURLEntry = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00010";
message = "An error occurred while adding URL [{0}] to the EJB class loader. Please check the content of this URL.",
cause = "An unexpected exception occurred while processing a URL.",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String badUrlEntry = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00011";
message = "The URL entry is missing while constructing the classpath.",
level = "INFO")
public static final String missingURLEntry = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00012";
message = "Error closing zip file for duplicate class path entry {0}",
level = "INFO")
public static final String exceptionClosingDupUrlEntry = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00013";
message = "Exception in ASURLClassLoader",
level = "INFO")
public static final String exceptionInASURLClassLoader = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00014";
message = "ASURLClassLoader {1} was requested to find resource {0} after done was invoked from the following stack trace",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String findResourceAfterDone = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00015";
message = "Error: Request made to load class or resource [{0}] on an ASURLClassLoader instance that has already been shutdown. [{1}]",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String doneAlreadyCalled = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00016";
message = "{0} actually got transformed",
level = "INFO")
public static final String actuallyTransformed = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00017";
message = "ASURLClassLoader {1} was requested to find class {0} after done was invoked from the following stack trace",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String findClassAfterDone = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00018";
message = "Illegal call to close() detected",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String illegalCloseCall = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00019";
message = "Error processing file with path {0} in {1}",
cause = "An unexpected exception occurred while processing a file.",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String exceptionProcessingFile = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00020";
message = "Error checking for existing of {0} in {1}",
cause = "An unexpected exception occurred while checking for the existence of a file.",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String exceptionCheckingFile = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00021";
message = "Error closing an open stream during loader clean-up",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String exceptionClosingStream = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00022";
message = "Input stream has been finalized or forced closed without being explicitly closed; stream instantiation reported in following stack trace",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String inputStreamFinalized = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00023";
message = "Unable to create client data directory: {0}",
cause = "An unexpected failure occurred while creating the directory for the file.",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String errorCreatingDirectory = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00024";
message = "Exception in invokeApplicationMain [{0}].",
cause = "An unexpected exception occurred.",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String exceptionInUtility = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00025";
message = "The main method signature is invalid.",
cause = "While invoking a main class, an invalid method was found.",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String mainNotValid = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00026";
message = "Error while caching the local string manager - package name may be null.",
cause = "An unexpected exception occurred.",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String exceptionCachingStringManager = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00027";
message = "Error while constructing the local string manager object.",
cause = "An unexpected exception occurred.",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String exceptionConstructingStringManager = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00028";
message = "Error in local string manager - resource bundle is probably missing.",
cause = "An unexpected exception occurred.",
action = "Check the system logs and contact support.",
level = "SEVERE")
public static final String exceptionResourceBundle = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00029";
message = "Error while formatting the local string.",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String exceptionWhileFormating = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00030";
message = "Failed to open jar file: {0}",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String exceptionJarOpen = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00038";
message = "Attempt to use non-existent auth token {0}",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String useNonexistentToken = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00039";
message = "File Lock not released on {0}",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String fileLockNotReleased = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00040";
message = "Bad Network Configuration. DNS can not resolve the hostname: \n{0}",
cause = "The hostname can't be resolved.",
action = "Set the hostname correctly.",
level = "WARNING")
public static final String badNetworkConfig = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00041";
message = "BundleTracker.removedBundle null bundleID for {0}",
public static final String NULL_BUNDLE = LOGMSG_PREFIX + "-00042";