com.sun.enterprise.resource.pool.PoolManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
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package com.sun.enterprise.resource.pool;
import com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.ConnectorConstants.PoolType;
import com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.PoolingException;
import com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.TransactedPoolManager;
import com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectorConnectionPool;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ResourceReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.resource.ClientSecurityInfo;
import com.sun.enterprise.resource.ResourceHandle;
import com.sun.enterprise.resource.ResourceSpec;
import com.sun.enterprise.resource.allocator.ResourceAllocator;
import com.sun.enterprise.resource.listener.PoolLifeCycle;
import jakarta.resource.ResourceException;
import jakarta.resource.spi.ManagedConnection;
import jakarta.resource.spi.RetryableUnavailableException;
import jakarta.transaction.Transaction;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.glassfish.api.naming.SimpleJndiName;
import org.glassfish.resourcebase.resources.api.PoolInfo;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Contract;
* PoolManager manages jdbc and connector connection pool
public interface PoolManager extends TransactedPoolManager {
// transaction support levels
// int NO_TRANSACTION = 0;
// int XA_TRANSACTION = 2;
// Authentication mechanism levels
// int BASIC_PASSWORD = 0;
// int KERBV5 = 1;
// Credential Interest levels
// String PASSWORD_CREDENTIAL = "jakarta.resource.spi.security.PasswordCredential";
// String GENERIC_CREDENTIAL = "jakarta.resource.spi.security.GenericCredential";
* Flush Connection pool by reinitializing the connections established in the pool.
* @param poolInfo the pool identifier for which the status needs to be flushed.
* @throws com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.PoolingException in case the given pool is not initialized.
boolean flushConnectionPool(PoolInfo poolInfo) throws PoolingException;
* Returns the pool status for the pool identified by the given poolInfo.
* @param poolInfo the pool identifier for which the status needs to be returned.
* @return pool status information if the pool is found based on the provided poolInfo, otherwise null is returned.
PoolStatus getPoolStatus(PoolInfo poolInfo);
ResourceHandle getResourceFromPool(ResourceSpec spec, ResourceAllocator alloc, ClientSecurityInfo info,
Transaction transaction) throws PoolingException, RetryableUnavailableException;
* Creates an empty connection pool with the given pool info and pool type.
* @param poolInfo the pool identifier of the new pool
* @param poolType the type of the connection pool
* @param env hashtable used to find the connection pool ConnectorConnectionPool information to set parameters like
* maximum number of connections
* @throws PoolingException when unable to create/initialize pool
void createEmptyConnectionPool(PoolInfo poolInfo, PoolType poolType, Hashtable env) throws PoolingException;
* Returns the resource back to the pool IF errorOccurred is false. If errorOccurred is true the resource is removed
* from the pool.
* Note: The resource object may not be used anymore by the calling code after this call.
* @param resourceHandle the resource handle.
* @param errorOccurred true if an error occurred and the resource should not be returned to the pool, otherwise use
* false
* TODO The method name is misleading
* TODO Why is NoTxConnectorAllocator the only one calling this interface method and the rest of the calls are using
* resourceClosed / resourceErrorOccurred and resourceAbortOccurred ? Is the difference between resourceClosed and
* putbackResourceToPool that resourceClosed informs the transaction and putbackResourceToPool does not?
void putbackResourceToPool(ResourceHandle resourceHandle, boolean errorOccurred);
* Notifies the pool the resource is not used by a bean/application anymore.
* The resource is returned to the pool and the state of the resource is no longer busy.
* The resource is NOT delisted / unenlisted from the current transaction.
* Note: The resource object may not be used anymore by the calling code after this call.
* @param resourceHandle the resource handle
* @param poolInfo the pool information of the pool where the resource is expected to be removed from. If the given pool
* info is not found no exception is thrown.
* TODO Why is this method public available and only used internal in PoolManagerImpl and externally in
* LazyEnlistableResourceManagerImpl. Why can't LazyEnlistableResourceManagerImpl just call resourceClosed? If poolInfo
* = resourceHandle.getResourceSpec().getPoolInfo() then LazyEnlistableResourceManagerImpl could just as well call
* resourceClosed and then this method can be removed from the interface.
void putbackDirectToPool(ResourceHandle resourceHandle, PoolInfo poolInfo);
* Closes the resource handle and returns it back to the connection pool.
* The resource is returned to the pool and the state of the resource is no longer busy.
* The resource is also delisted / unenlisted from the current transaction.
* Note: The resource object may not be used anymore by the calling code after this call.
* @param resourceHandle the resource handle to be closed and returned to the pool.
void resourceClosed(ResourceHandle resourceHandle);
// TODO Why is this method public available? Why is it not called via resourceErrorOccurred or resourceAbortOccurred?
void badResourceClosed(ResourceHandle resourceHandle);
void resourceErrorOccurred(ResourceHandle resourceHandle);
void resourceAbortOccurred(ResourceHandle resourceHandle);
* Inform all the connection pools using this transaction that the transaction has completed. This method is called by
* the EJB Transaction Manager.
* All resource handles associated to the given transaction are delisted.
* All resource handles associated to the given transaction handed back to the connection pool.
* @param transaction the transaction that is completed
* @param status the status of the transaction
void transactionCompleted(Transaction transaction, int status);
// Not used in the code
// void emptyResourcePool(ResourceSpec spec);
* Kills the pool for the given PoolInfo.
* Note: if the pool is not found the method ends with success.
* @param poolInfo the pool identifier for which the pool needs to be killed.
void killPool(PoolInfo poolInfo);
* Reconfigures the connection pool to apply the given properties.
* Note: if the pool is not found the method ends with success.
* @param ccp the object containing the new connection pool properties that will be applied to the existing pool
* @throws PoolingException if reconfiguration of the pool failed
void reconfigPoolProperties(ConnectorConnectionPool ccp) throws PoolingException;
* Switch on matching in the pool.
* @param poolInfo the pool identifier for which the pool matching needs to be switched on.
boolean switchOnMatching(PoolInfo poolInfo);
* Obtain a transactional resource such as JDBC connection from the connection pool. The caller is blocked until a
* resource is acquired or the max-wait-time of the connection pool expires.
* @param spec Specification for the resource
* @param alloc Allocator for the resource
* @param info Client security for this request
* @return An object that represents a connection to the resource
* @throws PoolingException Thrown if some error occurs while obtaining the resource
Object getResource(ResourceSpec spec, ResourceAllocator alloc, ClientSecurityInfo info) throws PoolingException, RetryableUnavailableException;
ResourceReferenceDescriptor getResourceReference(SimpleJndiName jndiName, SimpleJndiName logicalName);
* Kills all free connections in the registered connection pools. The pools are not killed.
void killFreeConnectionsInPools();
* Returns the ResourcePool for the given PoolInfo
* @param poolInfo the pool identifier
* @return the ResourcePool if found, otherwise null
ResourcePool getPool(PoolInfo poolInfo);
* This method gets called by the LazyEnlistableConnectionManagerImpl when a connection needs enlistment, i.e on use of
* a Statement etc. Based on the given managagedConneciton the transaction manager is found and used to find the
* transaction. If no transaction was found this method returns without an error.
* @param managedConnection the managedConnection that needs to be enlisted in the transaction
* @throws ResourceException in case enlistment to the transaction failed.
void lazyEnlist(ManagedConnection managedConnection) throws ResourceException;
* Registers a PoolLifeCycle listener in the pool manager. The listener is used to keep track of statistics of the pool
* life cycle: pool created and pool destroyed events.
* @param poolListener the listener instance
void registerPoolLifeCycleListener(PoolLifeCycle poolListener);
* Unregisters the PoolLifeCycle listener in the pool manager.
void unregisterPoolLifeCycleListener();