com.sun.enterprise.deployment.archivist.Archivist Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
* version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
* https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
package com.sun.enterprise.deployment.archivist;
import com.sun.enterprise.deploy.shared.ArchiveFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.BundleDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.factory.AnnotatedElementHandlerFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.factory.SJSASFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.impl.ModuleScanner;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.io.ConfigurationDeploymentDescriptorFile;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.io.DeploymentDescriptorFile;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.ComponentPostVisitor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.DOLUtils;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.TracerVisitor;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.LocalStringManagerImpl;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.io.FileUtils;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.glassfish.apf.AnnotationProcessor;
import org.glassfish.apf.AnnotationProcessorException;
import org.glassfish.apf.ErrorHandler;
import org.glassfish.apf.ProcessingContext;
import org.glassfish.apf.ProcessingResult;
import org.glassfish.apf.ResultType;
import org.glassfish.apf.Scanner;
import org.glassfish.apf.context.AnnotationContext;
import org.glassfish.apf.impl.DefaultErrorHandler;
import org.glassfish.api.deployment.archive.Archive;
import org.glassfish.api.deployment.archive.ArchiveType;
import org.glassfish.api.deployment.archive.ReadableArchive;
import org.glassfish.api.deployment.archive.WritableArchive;
import org.glassfish.api.deployment.archive.WritableArchiveEntry;
import org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentProperties;
import org.glassfish.deployment.common.Descriptor;
import org.glassfish.deployment.common.DescriptorVisitor;
import org.glassfish.deployment.common.InstalledLibrariesResolver;
import org.glassfish.deployment.common.ModuleDescriptor;
import org.glassfish.deployment.common.RootDeploymentDescriptor;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocator;
import org.glassfish.hk2.classmodel.reflect.Parser;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Contract;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import static com.sun.enterprise.deployment.io.DescriptorConstants.EJB_WEBSERVICES_JAR_ENTRY;
import static com.sun.enterprise.deployment.io.DescriptorConstants.PERSISTENCE_DD_ENTRY;
import static com.sun.enterprise.deployment.io.DescriptorConstants.WEB_WEBSERVICES_JAR_ENTRY;
* This abstract class contains all common behaviour for Achivisits. Archivists
* classes are responsible for reading and writing correct J2EE Archives
* @author Jerome Dochez
public abstract class Archivist {
protected static final Logger logger = DOLUtils.getDefaultLogger();
public static final String MANIFEST_VERSION_VALUE = "1.0";
// the path for the underlying archive file
protected String path;
// should we read or save the runtime info.
protected boolean handleRuntimeInfo = true;
// default should be false in production
protected boolean annotationProcessingRequested;
// attributes of this archive
protected Manifest manifest;
// standard DD file associated with this archivist
protected DeploymentDescriptorFile standardDD;
// configuration DD files associated with this archivist
protected List confDDFiles;
// the sorted configuration DD files with precedence from
// high to low
private List sortedConfDDFiles;
// configuration DD file that will be used
private ConfigurationDeploymentDescriptorFile confDD;
// resources...
private static final LocalStringManagerImpl localStrings = new LocalStringManagerImpl(Archivist.class);
// class loader to use when validating the DOL
protected ClassLoader classLoader;
// boolean for XML validation
private boolean isValidatingXML = true;
// boolean for runtime XML validation
private boolean isValidatingRuntimeXML = true;
// xml validation error level reporting/recovering
private String validationLevel = "parsing";
// runtime xml validation error level reporting/recovering
private String runtimeValidationLevel = "parsing";
// error handler for annotation processing
private ErrorHandler annotationErrorHandler;
private static final String WSDL = ".wsdl";
private static final String XML = ".xml";
private static final String XSD = ".xsd";
protected static final String APPLICATION_EXTENSION = ".ear";
protected static final String APPCLIENT_EXTENSION = ".jar";
protected static final String WEB_EXTENSION = ".war";
protected static final String WEB_FRAGMENT_EXTENSION = ".jar";
protected static final String EJB_EXTENSION = ".jar";
protected static final String CONNECTOR_EXTENSION = ".rar";
// Used to detect the uploaded files which always end in ".tmp"
protected static final String UPLOAD_EXTENSION = ".tmp";
private static final String PROCESS_ANNOTATION_FOR_OLD_DD = "process.annotation.for.old.dd";
private static final boolean processAnnotationForOldDD = Boolean.getBoolean(PROCESS_ANNOTATION_FOR_OLD_DD);
protected T descriptor;
protected ServiceLocator habitat;
protected ServiceLocator locator;
SJSASFactory annotationFactory;
ArchiveFactory archiveFactory;
protected List> extensionsArchivists;
* Creates new Archivist
public Archivist() {
annotationErrorHandler = new DefaultErrorHandler();
* initializes this instance from another archivist, this is used
* to transfer contextual information between archivists, for
* example whether we should handle runtime information and such
protected void initializeContext(Archivist other) {
handleRuntimeInfo = other.isHandlingRuntimeInfo();
annotationProcessingRequested = other.isAnnotationProcessingRequested();
isValidatingXML = other.isValidatingXML;
validationLevel = other.validationLevel;
classLoader = other.classLoader;
annotationErrorHandler = other.annotationErrorHandler;
* Set the applicable extension archivists for this archivist
* @param list for this archivist instnace
public void setExtensionArchivists(List> list) {
extensionsArchivists = list;
public List> getExtensionArchivists() {
return extensionsArchivists;
* Archivist read XML deployment descriptors and keep the
* parsed result in the DOL descriptor instances. Sets the descriptor
* for a particular Archivist type
* @param descriptor for this archivist instnace
public void setDescriptor(T descriptor) {
this.descriptor = descriptor;
* @return the Descriptor for this archvist
public T getDescriptor() {
return descriptor;
* Open a new archive file, read the deployment descriptors and annotations
* and set the constructed DOL descriptor instance
* @param archive the archive file path
* @return the deployment descriptor for this archive
public T open(ReadableArchive archive) throws IOException, SAXException {
return open(archive, (Application) null);
public T open(final ReadableArchive descriptorArchive,
final ReadableArchive contentArchive) throws IOException, SAXException {
return open(descriptorArchive, contentArchive, null);
* Creates the DOL object graph for an app for which the descriptor(s)
* reside in one archive and the content resides in another.
* This allows the app client container to use both the generated JAR
* which contains the descriptors that are filled in during deployment and
* also the developer's original JAR which contains the classes that
* might be subject to annotation processing.
* @param descriptorArchive archive containing the descriptor(s)
* @param contentArchive archive containing the classes, etc.
* @param app owning DOL application (if any)
* @return DOL object graph for the application
* @throws IOException
* @throws SAXException
public T open(final ReadableArchive descriptorArchive,
final ReadableArchive contentArchive,
final Application app)
throws IOException, SAXException {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "open(descriptorArchive={0}, contentArchive={1}, app={2})",
new Object[] {descriptorArchive, contentArchive, app});
T descriptor = readDeploymentDescriptors(descriptorArchive, contentArchive, app);
if (descriptor != null) {
postOpen(descriptor, contentArchive);
return descriptor;
public T open(ReadableArchive archive, Application app) throws IOException, SAXException {
return open(archive, archive, app);
// fill in the rest of the application with an application object
// populated from previus reading of the standard deployment descriptor
public Application openWith(Application app, ReadableArchive archive) throws IOException, SAXException {
// application archivist will override this method
if (app.isVirtual()) {
T descriptor = readRestDeploymentDescriptors((T) app.getStandaloneBundleDescriptor(), archive, archive, app);
if (descriptor != null) {
postOpen(descriptor, archive);
return app;
* Open a new archive file, read the XML descriptor and set the constructed
* DOL descriptor instance
* @param path the archive file path
* @return the deployment descriptor for this archive
public T open(String path) throws IOException, SAXException {
this.path = path;
File file = new File(path);
if (!file.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(path);
return open(file);
* open a new archive file using a file descriptor
* @param file the archive to open
public T open(File file) throws IOException, SAXException {
path = file.getAbsolutePath();
ReadableArchive archive = archiveFactory.openArchive(file);
T descriptor = open(archive);
// attempt validation
return descriptor;
* perform any action after all standard DDs is read
* @param descriptor the deployment descriptor for the module
* @param archive the module archive
* @param extensions map of extension archivists
protected void postStandardDDsRead(T descriptor, ReadableArchive archive, Map, RootDeploymentDescriptor> extensions) throws IOException {
* perform any action after annotation processed
* @param descriptor the deployment descriptor for the module
* @param archive the module archive
protected void postAnnotationProcess(T descriptor, ReadableArchive archive) throws IOException {
logger.fine("postAnnotationProcess: " + descriptor);
* perform any action after all runtime DDs read
* @param descriptor the deployment descriptor for the module
* @param archive the module archive
public void postRuntimeDDsRead(T descriptor, ReadableArchive archive) throws IOException {
* perform any post deployment descriptor reading action
* @param descriptor the deployment descriptor for the module
* @param archive the module archive
protected void postOpen(T descriptor, ReadableArchive archive) throws IOException {
* Read all Jakarta EE deployment descriptors and annotations
* @return the initialized descriptor
private T readDeploymentDescriptors(ReadableArchive descriptorArchive,
ReadableArchive contentArchive,
Application app) throws IOException, SAXException {
// read the standard deployment descriptors
T descriptor = readStandardDeploymentDescriptor(descriptorArchive);
ModuleDescriptor newModule = createModuleDescriptor(descriptor);
return readRestDeploymentDescriptors(descriptor, descriptorArchive, contentArchive, app);
private T readRestDeploymentDescriptors(T descriptor, ReadableArchive descriptorArchive,
ReadableArchive contentArchive, Application app) throws IOException, SAXException {
Map, RootDeploymentDescriptor> extensions = new HashMap<>();
if (extensionsArchivists != null) {
for (ExtensionsArchivist> extension : extensionsArchivists) {
Object o = extension.open(this, descriptorArchive, descriptor);
if (o instanceof RootDeploymentDescriptor) {
if (o != descriptor) {
extension.addExtension(descriptor, (RootDeploymentDescriptor) o);
extensions.put(extension, (RootDeploymentDescriptor) o);
} else {
// maybe annotation processing will yield results
extensions.put(extension, null);
postStandardDDsRead(descriptor, contentArchive, extensions);
readAnnotations(contentArchive, descriptor, extensions);
postStandardDDsRead(descriptor, contentArchive, extensions);
postAnnotationProcess(descriptor, contentArchive);
// now read the runtime deployment descriptors
readRuntimeDeploymentDescriptor(descriptorArchive, descriptor);
// read extensions runtime deployment descriptors if any
for (Map.Entry, RootDeploymentDescriptor> extension : extensions.entrySet()) {
// after standard DD and annotations are processed, we should
// an extension descriptor now
if (extension.getValue() != null) {
extension.getKey().readRuntimeDeploymentDescriptor(this, descriptorArchive, extension.getValue());
postRuntimeDDsRead(descriptor, contentArchive);
return descriptor;
* Read all Jakarta EE annotations
protected void readAnnotations(ReadableArchive archive, T descriptor,
Map, RootDeploymentDescriptor> extensions) throws IOException {
readAnnotations(archive, descriptor, extensions, null);
protected void readAnnotations(ReadableArchive archive, T descriptor,
Map, RootDeploymentDescriptor> extensions, ModuleScanner scanner) throws IOException {
try {
boolean processAnnotationForMainDescriptor = isProcessAnnotation(descriptor);
ProcessingResult result = null;
if (processAnnotationForMainDescriptor) {
if (scanner == null) {
scanner = getScanner();
result = processAnnotations(descriptor, scanner, archive);
// process extensions annotations if any
for (Map.Entry, RootDeploymentDescriptor> extension : extensions.entrySet()) {
try {
if (extension.getValue() == null) {
// extension descriptor is not present
// use main descriptor information to decide
// whether to process annotations
if (processAnnotationForMainDescriptor) {
T o = (T) extension.getKey().getDefaultDescriptor();
if (o != null) {
// for the case of extension descriptor not
// present, set the metadata-complete attribute
// value of the extension descriptor using the
// metadata-complete value of main descriptor
boolean isFullMain = descriptor.isFullAttribute();
processAnnotations(o, extension.getKey().getScanner(), archive);
if (o!=null && !o.isEmpty()) {
extension.getKey().addExtension(descriptor, o);
extensions.put(extension.getKey(), o);
} else{
// extension deployment descriptor is present
// use the extension descriptor information to decide
// whether to process annotations
T extBundle;
if (extension.getValue() instanceof BundleDescriptor) {
extBundle = (T) extension.getValue();
if (isProcessAnnotation(extBundle)) {
processAnnotations(extBundle, extension.getKey().getScanner(), archive);
} catch (AnnotationProcessorException ex) {
DOLUtils.getDefaultLogger().log(Level.FINE, ex.getMessage(), ex);
throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
if (result != null && ResultType.FAILED.equals(result.getOverallResult())) {
"Annotations processing failed for {0}", new Object[] {archive.getURI()}));
//XXX for backward compatible in case of having cci impl in EJB
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError err) {
if (DOLUtils.getDefaultLogger().isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
"Error in annotation processing: " + err);
} catch (AnnotationProcessorException ex) {
DOLUtils.getDefaultLogger().log(Level.FINE, ex.getMessage(), ex);
throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
* @return the scanner for this archivist, usually it is the scanner regitered
* with the same module type as this archivist, but subclasses can return a
* different version
public ModuleScanner getScanner() {
try {
ModuleScanner scanner = (ModuleScanner) habitat.getService(Scanner.class, getModuleType().toString());
if (scanner != null) {
return scanner;
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot find scanner for " + this.getModuleType());
} catch (MultiException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot find scanner for " + this.getModuleType(), e);
return null;
* Process annotations in a bundle descriptor, the annoation processing
* is dependent on the type of descriptor being passed.
public ProcessingResult processAnnotations(T bundleDesc, ReadableArchive archive)
throws AnnotationProcessorException, IOException {
return processAnnotations(bundleDesc, getScanner(), archive);
* Process annotations in a bundle descriptor, the annoation processing
* is dependent on the type of descriptor being passed.
protected ProcessingResult processAnnotations(T bundleDesc, ModuleScanner scanner, ReadableArchive archive)
throws AnnotationProcessorException, IOException {
logger.fine("Begin processing annotations for " + bundleDesc);
if (scanner == null) {
return null;
AnnotationContext annotationContext = AnnotatedElementHandlerFactory.createAnnotatedElementHandler(bundleDesc);
if (annotationContext == null) {
return null;
final Parser parser;
if (archive.getParentArchive() == null) {
parser = archive.getExtraData(Parser.class);
} else {
parser = archive.getParentArchive().getExtraData(Parser.class);
scanner.process(archive, bundleDesc, classLoader, parser);
if (scanner.getElements().isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (bundleDesc.isDDWithNoAnnotationAllowed()) {
// if we come into this block, it means an old version
// of deployment descriptor has annotation which is not correct
// throw exception in this case
String ddName = getStandardDDFile().getDeploymentDescriptorPath();
String explodedArchiveName = new File(archive.getURI()).getName();
String archiveName = FileUtils.revertFriendlyFilenameExtension(explodedArchiveName);
throw new AnnotationProcessorException(localStrings.getLocalString(
"{0} in archive {1} is of version {2}, which cannot support annotations in an application."
+ " Please upgrade the deployment descriptor to be a version supported by Jakarta EE 10 (or later).",
new Object[] {ddName, archiveName, bundleDesc.getSpecVersion()}));
final boolean isFullAttribute = bundleDesc.isFullAttribute();
final AnnotationProcessor ap = annotationFactory.getAnnotationProcessor(isFullAttribute);
final ProcessingContext ctx = ap.createContext();
if (annotationErrorHandler != null) {
// Make sure there is a classloader available on the descriptor during annotation
// processing.
final ClassLoader originalBundleClassLoader = bundleDesc.getClassLoader();
if (originalBundleClassLoader == null) {
try {
return ap.process(ctx);
} finally {
logger.fine("End processing annotations for " + bundleDesc);
if (originalBundleClassLoader == null) {
* Read the standard deployment descriptors (can contained in one or
* many file) and return the corresponding initialized descriptor instance.
* By default, the standard deployment descriptors are all contained in
* the xml file characterized with the path returned by
* @return the initialized descriptor
* @see #getDeploymentDescriptorPath
public T readStandardDeploymentDescriptor(ReadableArchive archive)
throws IOException, SAXException {
InputStream is = null;
try {
File altDDFile = archive.getArchiveMetaData(DeploymentProperties.ALT_DD, File.class);
if (altDDFile != null && altDDFile.exists() && altDDFile.isFile()) {
is = new FileInputStream(altDDFile);
} else {
is = archive.getEntry(standardDD.getDeploymentDescriptorPath());
if (is == null) {
// Always return at least the default, because the info is needed
// when an app is loaded during a server restart and there might not
// be a physical descriptor file.
return getDefaultBundleDescriptor();
if (archive.getURI() != null) {
T result = standardDD.read(is);
return result;
} finally {
if (is != null) {
* Read the runtime deployment descriptors (can contained in one or
* many file) set the corresponding information in the passed descriptor.
* By default, the runtime deployment descriptors are all contained in
* the xml file characterized with the path returned by
* @param archive the archive
* @param descriptor the initialized deployment descriptor
* @see #getRuntimeDeploymentDescriptorPath(ReadableArchive)
public void readRuntimeDeploymentDescriptor(ReadableArchive archive, T descriptor)
throws IOException, SAXException {
readRuntimeDeploymentDescriptor(archive, descriptor, true);
* Read the runtime deployment descriptors (can contained in one or
* many file) set the corresponding information in the passed descriptor.
* By default, the runtime deployment descriptors are all contained in
* the xml file characterized with the path returned by
* @param archive the archive
* @param descriptor the initialized deployment descriptor
* @param warnIfMultipleDDs whether to log warnings if both the GlassFish and the legacy Sun descriptors are present
* @see #getRuntimeDeploymentDescriptorPath(ReadableArchive)
public void readRuntimeDeploymentDescriptor(ReadableArchive archive, T descriptor, final boolean warnIfMultipleDDs)
throws IOException, SAXException {
String ddFileEntryName = getRuntimeDeploymentDescriptorPath(archive);
// if we are not supposed to handle runtime info, just pass
if (!isHandlingRuntimeInfo() || ddFileEntryName == null) {
DOLUtils.readRuntimeDeploymentDescriptor(getSortedConfigurationDDFiles(archive), archive, descriptor, this, warnIfMultipleDDs);
* write the Jakarta EE module represented by this instance to a new Jakarta EE archive file
public void write() throws IOException {
* saves the archive
* @param outPath the file to use
public void write(String outPath) throws IOException {
ReadableArchive in = archiveFactory.openArchive(new File(path));
write(in, outPath);
* save the archive
* @param in archive to copy old elements from
* @param outPath the file to use
public void write(ReadableArchive in, String outPath) throws IOException {
ReadableArchive oldArchive = null;
try {
oldArchive = archiveFactory.openArchive(new File(outPath));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// there could be many reasons why we cannot open this archive,
// we should continue
WritableArchive out = null;
try {
File outputFile=null;
if (oldArchive != null && oldArchive.exists() &&
!(oldArchive instanceof WritableArchive)) {
// this is a rewrite, get a temp file name...
// I am creating a tmp file just to get a name
outputFile = getTempFile(outPath);
out = archiveFactory.createArchive(outputFile);
} else {
out = archiveFactory.createArchive(new File(outPath));
// write archivist content
writeContents(in, out);
// if we were using a temp file, time to rewrite the original
if (outputFile != null) {
ReadableArchive finalArchive = archiveFactory.openArchive(new File(outPath));
ReadableArchive tmpArchive = archiveFactory.openArchive(outputFile);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// cleanup
if (out != null) {
try {
//out.delete(); <-- OutputJarArchive.delete isn't supported.
} catch (IOException outIoe) {
// ignore exceptions here, otherwise this will end up masking the real
// IOException in 'ioe'.
// propagate exception
throw ioe;
public void write(ReadableArchive in, WritableArchive out) throws IOException {
writeContents(in, out);
* writes the content of an archive to a JarFile
* @param out jar output stream to write to
protected void writeContents(WritableArchive out) throws IOException {
ReadableArchive in = archiveFactory.openArchive(new File(path));
writeContents(in, out);
* writes the content of an archive to another archive
* @param in input archive
* @param out output archive
protected void writeContents(ReadableArchive in, WritableArchive out) throws IOException {
writeContents(in, out, null);
* writes the content of an archive to a JarFile
* @param in input archive
* @param out archive output stream to write to
* @param entriesToSkip files to not write from the original archive
protected void writeContents(ReadableArchive in, WritableArchive out, Set entriesToSkip)
throws IOException {
// Copy original jarFile elements
if (in != null && in.exists()) {
if (entriesToSkip == null) {
entriesToSkip = getListOfFilesToSkip(in);
} else {
copyJarElements(in, out, entriesToSkip);
// now the deployment descriptors
writeDeploymentDescriptors(in, out);
// manifest file
if (manifest != null) {
try (OutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(out.putNextEntry(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME))) {
* writes the deployment descriptors (standard and runtime)
* to a JarFile using the right deployment descriptor path
* @param in the input archive
* @param out the abstract archive file to write to
public void writeDeploymentDescriptors(ReadableArchive in, WritableArchive out) throws IOException {
// Standard DDs
// Runtime DDs
writeRuntimeDeploymentDescriptors(in, out);
// Extension DDs
writeExtensionDeploymentDescriptors(in, out);
* writes the standard deployment descriptors to an abstract archive
* @param out archive to write to
public void writeStandardDeploymentDescriptors(WritableArchive out) throws IOException {
try (WritableArchiveEntry os = out.putNextEntry(getDeploymentDescriptorPath())) {
standardDD.write(getDescriptor(), os);
* writes the runtime deployment descriptors to an abstract archive
* @param in the input archive
* @param out output archive
public void writeRuntimeDeploymentDescriptors(ReadableArchive in, WritableArchive out) throws IOException {
T desc = getDescriptor();
// when source archive contains runtime deployment descriptor
// files, write those out
// otherwise write all possible runtime deployment descriptor
// files out (revisit this to see what is the desired behavior
// here, write out all, or write out the highest precedence one,
// or not write out)
List confDDFilesToWrite = getSortedConfigurationDDFiles(in);
if (confDDFilesToWrite.isEmpty()) {
confDDFilesToWrite = getConfigurationDDFiles();
for (ConfigurationDeploymentDescriptorFile ddFile : confDDFilesToWrite) {
try (WritableArchiveEntry os = out.putNextEntry(ddFile.getDeploymentDescriptorPath())) {
ddFile.write(desc, os);
* Write extension descriptors
* @param in the input archive
* @param out the output archive
public void writeExtensionDeploymentDescriptors(ReadableArchive in, WritableArchive out) throws IOException {
// we need to re-initialize extension archivists, but we don't have
// applicable sniffers information here, so we will get all extension
// archivists with matched type. This is ok as it's just for writing
// out deployment descriptors which will not be invoked in normal
// code path
Collection extArchivists = habitat.getAllServices(ExtensionsArchivist.class);
for (ExtensionsArchivist extension : extArchivists) {
if (extension.supportsModuleType(getModuleType())) {
extension.writeDeploymentDescriptors(this, getDescriptor(), in, out);
private List getSortedConfigurationDDFiles(ReadableArchive archive) throws IOException {
if (sortedConfDDFiles == null) {
sortedConfDDFiles = DOLUtils.processConfigurationDDFiles(getConfigurationDDFiles(), archive, getModuleType());
return sortedConfDDFiles;
* @return the location of the DeploymentDescriptor file for a
* particular type of J2EE Archive
public String getDeploymentDescriptorPath() {
return getStandardDDFile().getDeploymentDescriptorPath();
* @return the location of the runtime deployment descriptor file
* for a particular type of J2EE Archive
public String getRuntimeDeploymentDescriptorPath(ReadableArchive archive) throws IOException {
DeploymentDescriptorFile> ddFile = getConfigurationDDFile(archive);
if (ddFile == null) {
return null;
return ddFile.getDeploymentDescriptorPath();
* Archivists can be associated with a module descriptor once the
* XML deployment descriptors have been read and the DOL tree
* is initialized.
public void setModuleDescriptor(ModuleDescriptor module) {
* Perform Optional packages dependencies checking on an archive
public boolean performOptionalPkgDependenciesCheck(ReadableArchive archive) throws IOException {
boolean dependenciesSatisfied = true;
Manifest m = archive.getManifest();
if (m != null) {
dependenciesSatisfied = InstalledLibrariesResolver.resolveDependencies(m, archive.getURI().getSchemeSpecificPart());
// now check my libraries.
Vector libs = getLibraries(archive);
if (libs != null) {
for (String libUri : libs) {
try (JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(archive.getEntry(libUri))) {
m = jis.getManifest();
if (m != null) {
if (!InstalledLibrariesResolver.resolveDependencies(m, libUri)) {
dependenciesSatisfied = false;
return dependenciesSatisfied;
* @return the module type handled by this archivist
* as defined in the application DTD/Schema
public abstract ArchiveType getModuleType();
* @return the DeploymentDescriptorFile responsible for handling
* standard deployment descriptor
public abstract DeploymentDescriptorFile getStandardDDFile();
* @return the list of the DeploymentDescriptorFile responsible for
* handling the configuration deployment descriptors
public abstract List getConfigurationDDFiles();
* @return if exists the DeploymentDescriptorFile responsible for
* handling the configuration deployment descriptors
private ConfigurationDeploymentDescriptorFile getConfigurationDDFile(ReadableArchive archive) throws IOException {
if (confDD == null) {
if (sortedConfDDFiles != null && !sortedConfDDFiles.isEmpty()) {
confDD = sortedConfDDFiles.get(0);
return confDD;
* @return a default BundleDescriptor for this archivist
public abstract T getDefaultBundleDescriptor();
* @return The archive extension handled by a specific archivist
protected abstract String getArchiveExtension();
* Returns true if this archivist is capable of handling the archive type
* Here we check for the existence of the deployment descriptors
* @return true if the archivist is handling the provided archive
protected abstract boolean postHandles(ReadableArchive archive) throws IOException;
public boolean hasStandardDeploymentDescriptor(ReadableArchive archive)
throws IOException {
InputStream stIs = archive.getEntry(getDeploymentDescriptorPath());
if (stIs != null) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean hasRuntimeDeploymentDescriptor(ReadableArchive archive)
throws IOException {
//check null: since .par archive does not have runtime dds
if (confDD != null) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Returns true if this archivist is capable of handling the archive type
* Here we check for the existence of the deployment descriptors
* @param archive the input archive
* @return true if this archivist can handle this archive
public boolean handles(ReadableArchive archive) {
try {
//first, check the existence of any deployment descriptors
if (hasStandardDeploymentDescriptor(archive) ||
hasRuntimeDeploymentDescriptor(archive)) {
return true;
//second, check file extension if any, excluding .jar as it needs
//additional processing
String uri = archive.getURI().toString();
File file = new File(archive.getURI());
if (!file.isDirectory() && !uri.endsWith(Archivist.EJB_EXTENSION)) {
if (uri.endsWith(getArchiveExtension())) {
return true;
//finally, still not returned here, call for additional processing
if (postHandles(archive)) {
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
return false;
* creates a new module descriptor for this archivist
* @return the new module descriptor
public ModuleDescriptor createModuleDescriptor(T descriptor) {
ModuleDescriptor newModule = descriptor.getModuleDescriptor();
return newModule;
* print the current descriptor associated with this archivist
public void printDescriptor() {
DescriptorVisitor tracerVisitor = getDescriptor().getTracerVisitor();
if (tracerVisitor == null) {
tracerVisitor = new TracerVisitor();
* sets if this archivist saves the runtime info
* @param handleRuntimeInfo to true to save the runtime info
public void setHandleRuntimeInfo(boolean handleRuntimeInfo) {
this.handleRuntimeInfo = handleRuntimeInfo;
* @return true if this archivist will save the runtime info
public boolean isHandlingRuntimeInfo() {
return handleRuntimeInfo;
* sets if this archivist process annotation
* @param annotationProcessingRequested to true to process annotation
public void setAnnotationProcessingRequested(
boolean annotationProcessingRequested) {
this.annotationProcessingRequested = annotationProcessingRequested;
* @return true if this archivist will process annotation
public boolean isAnnotationProcessingRequested() {
return annotationProcessingRequested;
* sets annotation ErrorHandler for this archivist
* @param annotationErrorHandler
public void setAnnotationErrorHandler(ErrorHandler annotationErrorHandler) {
this.annotationErrorHandler = annotationErrorHandler;
* @return annotation ErrorHandler of this archivist
public ErrorHandler getAnnotationErrorHandler() {
return annotationErrorHandler;
* sets the manifest file for this archive
* @param m manifest to use at saving time
public void setManifest(Manifest m) {
manifest = m;
* @return the manifest file for this archive
public Manifest getManifest() {
return manifest;
* Sets the class-path for this archive
* @param newClassPath the new class-path
public void setClassPath(String newClassPath) {
if (manifest == null) {
manifest = new Manifest();
Attributes atts = manifest.getMainAttributes();
atts.putValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH.toString(), newClassPath);
* @return the class-path as set in the manifest associated
* with the archive
public String getClassPath() {
if (manifest == null) {
return null;
Attributes atts = manifest.getMainAttributes();
return atts.getValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH);
* @return a list of libraries included in the archivist
public Vector getLibraries(Archive archive) {
Enumeration entries = archive.entries();
if (entries == null) {
return null;
Vector libs = new Vector<>();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
String entryName = entries.nextElement();
if (entryName.indexOf('/') != -1) {
continue; // not on the top level
if (entryName.endsWith(".jar")) {
return libs;
* @returns an entry name unique amongst names in this archive based on the triel name.
protected String getUniqueEntryFilenameFor(Archive archive, String trialName) throws IOException {
Vector entriesNames = new Vector<>();
Enumeration e = archive.entries();
while (e != null && e.hasMoreElements()) {
return Descriptor.createUniqueFilenameAmongst(trialName, entriesNames);
* utility method to get a tmp file in the current user directory of the provided
* directory
* @param fileOrDirPath path to a file or directory to use as temp location (use parent directory
* if a file is provided)
protected static File getTempFile(String fileOrDirPath) throws IOException {
if (fileOrDirPath == null) {
return getTempFile((File) null);
return getTempFile(new File(fileOrDirPath));
* @return the list of files that should not be copied from the old archive
* when a save is performed.
public Set getListOfFilesToSkip(ReadableArchive archive) throws IOException {
Set filesToSkip = new HashSet<>();
if (manifest != null) {
if (getRuntimeDeploymentDescriptorPath(archive) != null) {
// Can't depend on having a descriptor, so skip all possible
// web service deployment descriptor paths.
return filesToSkip;
* utility method to get a tmp file in the current user directory of the provided
* directory
* @param fileOrDir file or directory to use as temp location (use parent directory
* if a file is provided)
protected static File getTempFile(File fileOrDir) throws IOException {
File dir = null;
if (fileOrDir == null) {
dir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
} else {
if (!fileOrDir.isDirectory()) {
dir = fileOrDir.getParentFile();
if (dir == null) {
dir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
} else {
dir = fileOrDir;
return File.createTempFile("tmp", ".jar", dir);
* add a file to an output abstract archive
* @param archive abstraction to use when adding the file
* @param filePath to the file to add
* @param entryName the entry name in the archive
* @throws IOException
protected static void addFileToArchive(WritableArchive archive, String filePath, String entryName)
throws IOException {
try (WritableArchiveEntry os = archive.putNextEntry(entryName)) {
FileUtils.copy(new File(filePath), os);
* copy all contents of a jar file to a new jar file except
* for all the deployment descriptors files
* @param in jar file
* @param out jar file
* @param ignored entry names to not copy from to source jar file
* @throws IOException
protected void copyJarElements(ReadableArchive in, WritableArchive out, Set ignored) throws IOException {
Enumeration entries = in.entries();
if (entries != null) {
for (; entries.hasMoreElements();) {
String anEntry = entries.nextElement();
if (ignored == null || !ignored.contains(anEntry)) {
try (InputStream is = in.getEntry(anEntry)) {
if (is != null) {
try (WritableArchiveEntry os = out.putNextEntry(anEntry)) {
FileUtils.copy(is, os);
* rename a tmp file
* @param from name
* @param to name
protected boolean renameTmp(String from, String to) throws IOException {
ReadableArchive finalArchive = archiveFactory.openArchive(new File(to));
ReadableArchive tmpArchive = archiveFactory.openArchive(new File(from));
boolean success = tmpArchive.renameTo(to);
if (!success) {
throw new IOException("Error renaming JAR");
return success;
* Sets the path for this archivist's archive file
public void setArchiveUri(String path) {
this.path = path;
* @return the path for this archivist's archive file
public String getPath() {
return path;
* Sets the classloader for this archivist
* @param classLoader classLoader
public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) {
this.classLoader = classLoader;
* Gets the classloader for this archivist
* @return classLoader
public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
return classLoader;
* Turn on or off the XML Validation for all standard deployment
* descriptors loading
* @param validate set to true to turn on XML validation
public void setXMLValidation(boolean validate) {
isValidatingXML = validate;
* @return true if the Deployment Descriptors XML will be validated
* while reading.
public boolean getXMLValidation() {
return isValidatingXML;
* Turn on or off the XML Validation for runtime deployment
* descriptors loading
* @param validate set to true to turn on XML validation
public void setRuntimeXMLValidation(boolean validate) {
isValidatingRuntimeXML = validate;
* @return true if the runtime XML will be validated
* while reading.
public boolean getRuntimeXMLValidation() {
return isValidatingRuntimeXML;
* Sets the xml validation error reporting/recovering level.
* The reporting level is active only when xml validation is
* turned on @see setXMLValidation.
* so far, two values can be passed, medium which reports the
* xml validation and continue and full which reports the
* xml validation and stop the xml parsing.
public void setXMLValidationLevel(String level) {
validationLevel = level;
* @return the xml validation reporting level
public String getXMLValidationLevel() {
return validationLevel;
* Sets the runtime xml validation error reporting/recovering level.
* The reporting level is active only when xml validation is
* turned on @see setXMLValidation.
* so far, two values can be passed, medium which reports the
* xml validation and continue and full which reports the
* xml validation and stop the xml parsing.
public void setRuntimeXMLValidationLevel(String level) {
runtimeValidationLevel = level;
* @return the runtime xml validation reporting level
public String getRuntimeXMLValidationLevel() {
return runtimeValidationLevel;
* validates the DOL Objects associated with this archivist, usually
* it requires that a class loader being set on this archivist or passed
* as a parameter
public void validate(ClassLoader aClassLoader) {
protected void postValidate(BundleDescriptor bundleDesc, ReadableArchive archive) {
ComponentPostVisitor postVisitor = habitat.getService(ComponentPostVisitor.class);
* Copy this archivist to a new abstract archive
* @param target the new archive to use to copy our contents into
public void copyInto(WritableArchive target) throws IOException {
ReadableArchive source = archiveFactory.openArchive(new File(path));
copyInto(source, target);
* Copy source archivist to a target abstract archive. By default,
* every entry in source archive will be copied to the target archive,
* including the manifest of the source archive.
* @param source the source archive to copy from
* @param target the target archive to copy to
public void copyInto(ReadableArchive source, WritableArchive target) throws IOException {
copyInto(source, target, null, true);
* Copy source archivist to a target abstract archive. By default,
* every entry in source archive will be copied to the target archive.
* @param source the source archive to copy from
* @param target the target archive to copy to
* @param overwriteManifest if true, the manifest in source archive
* overwrites the one in target archive
public void copyInto(ReadableArchive source, WritableArchive target, boolean overwriteManifest) throws IOException {
copyInto(source, target, null, overwriteManifest);
* Copy source archivist to a target abstract archive. By default, the manifest
* in source archive overwrites the one in target archive.
* @param source the source archive to copy from
* @param target the target archive to copy to
* @param entriesToSkip the entries that will be skipped by target archive
public void copyInto(ReadableArchive source, WritableArchive target, Set entriesToSkip) throws IOException {
copyInto(source, target, entriesToSkip, true);
* Copy this archivist to a new abstract archive
* @param source the source archive to copy from
* @param target the target archive to copy to
* @param entriesToSkip the entries that will be skipped by target archive
* @param overwriteManifest if true, the manifest in source archive
* overwrites the one in target archive
public void copyInto(ReadableArchive source, WritableArchive target, Set entriesToSkip,
boolean overwriteManifest) throws IOException {
copyJarElements(source, target, entriesToSkip);
if (overwriteManifest) {
Manifest m = source.getManifest();
if (m != null) {
try (WritableArchiveEntry os = target.putNextEntry(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME)) {
// only copy the entry if the destination archive does not have this entry
public void copyAnEntry(ReadableArchive in, WritableArchive out, String entryName) throws IOException {
try (ReadableArchive in2 = archiveFactory.openArchive(out.getURI());
InputStream is = in.getEntry(entryName);
InputStream is2 = in2.getEntry(entryName)) {
if (is != null && is2 == null) {
try (WritableArchiveEntry os = out.putNextEntry(entryName)) {
FileUtils.copy(is, os);
public void copyStandardDeploymentDescriptors(ReadableArchive in, WritableArchive out) throws IOException {
String entryName = getDeploymentDescriptorPath();
copyAnEntry(in, out, entryName);
// copy wsdl and mapping files etc
public void copyExtraElements(ReadableArchive in, WritableArchive out) throws IOException {
Enumeration entries = in.entries();
if (entries != null) {
for (; entries.hasMoreElements();) {
String anEntry = entries.nextElement();
if (anEntry.endsWith(PERSISTENCE_DD_ENTRY)) {
// Don't copy persistence.xml file because they are some times
// bundled inside war/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar and hence we always
// read them from exploded directory.
// see Integration Notice #80587
if (anEntry.indexOf(WSDL) != -1 || anEntry.indexOf(XML) != -1 || anEntry.indexOf(XSD) != -1) {
copyAnEntry(in, out, anEntry);
// for backward compat, we are not implementing those methods directly
public Object readMetaInfo(ReadableArchive archive) {
return null;
protected boolean isProcessAnnotation(BundleDescriptor descriptor) {
// if the system property is set to not process annotation for
// pre-JavaEE5 DD, check whether the current DD is a pre-JavaEE5 DD.
boolean isFull = false;
if (!processAnnotationForOldDD) {
isFull = descriptor.isFullFlag();
// only process annotation when these two requirements satisfied:
// 1. This version of DD should be processed for annotation
// 2. It is called through dynamic deployment
return (!isFull && annotationProcessingRequested && classLoader != null);
public Vector getAllWebservicesDeploymentDescriptorPaths() {
Vector allDescPaths = new Vector<>();
return allDescPaths;