com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.ResourceValidator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
* version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
* https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
package com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Cluster;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Domain;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Server;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ServerTags;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.AbstractConnectorResourceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ApplicationClientDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.BundleDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ConnectorDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbBundleDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EntityManagerFactoryReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EntityManagerReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EnvironmentProperty;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.JndiNameEnvironment;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ManagedBeanDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.MessageDestinationReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.PersistenceUnitDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.PersistenceUnitsDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ResourceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ResourceEnvReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ResourceReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ServiceReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.WebBundleDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.LocalStringManagerImpl;
import jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import jakarta.inject.Named;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.ServerEnvironment;
import org.glassfish.api.deployment.DeployCommandParameters;
import org.glassfish.api.deployment.DeploymentContext;
import org.glassfish.api.event.EventListener;
import org.glassfish.api.event.Events;
import org.glassfish.api.naming.SimpleJndiName;
import org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException;
import org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentProperties;
import org.glassfish.deployment.common.JavaEEResourceType;
import org.glassfish.internal.deployment.Deployment;
import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LogMessageInfo;
import org.glassfish.resourcebase.resources.api.ResourceConstants;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;
import static org.glassfish.api.naming.SimpleJndiName.JNDI_CTX_JAVA_APP;
import static org.glassfish.api.naming.SimpleJndiName.JNDI_CTX_JAVA_APP_ENV;
import static org.glassfish.api.naming.SimpleJndiName.JNDI_CTX_JAVA_COMPONENT;
import static org.glassfish.api.naming.SimpleJndiName.JNDI_CTX_JAVA_COMPONENT_ENV;
import static org.glassfish.api.naming.SimpleJndiName.JNDI_CTX_JAVA_GLOBAL;
import static org.glassfish.api.naming.SimpleJndiName.JNDI_CTX_JAVA_MODULE;
* Created by Krishna Deepak on 6/9/17.
public class ResourceValidator implements EventListener, ResourceValidatorVisitor {
private static final Logger LOG = com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.DOLUtils.deplLogger;
message = "JNDI lookup failed for the resource: Name: {0}, Lookup: {1}, Type: {2}.",
level = "SEVERE",
cause = "JNDI lookup for the specified resource failed.",
action = "Configure the required resources before deploying the application.",
comment = "For the method validateJNDIRefs of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.ResourceValidator."
private static final String RESOURCE_REF_JNDI_LOOKUP_FAILED = "AS-DEPLOYMENT-00026";
message = "Resource Adapter not present: RA Name: {0}, Type: {1}.",
level = "SEVERE",
cause = "Resource apapter specified is invalid.",
action = "Configure the required resource adapter."
private static final String RESOURCE_REF_INVALID_RA = "AS-DEPLOYMENT-00027";
@LogMessageInfo(message = "Skipping resource validation")
private static final String SKIP_RESOURCE_VALIDATION = "AS-DEPLOYMENT-00028";
private static final Set DEFAULT_JNDI_NAMES = Set
.of(JNDI_CTX_JAVA_COMPONENT + "DefaultDataSource",
JNDI_CTX_JAVA_COMPONENT + "DefaultJMSConnectionFactory",
JNDI_CTX_JAVA_COMPONENT + "DefaultManagedExecutorService",
JNDI_CTX_JAVA_COMPONENT + "DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService",
JNDI_CTX_JAVA_COMPONENT + "DefaultManagedThreadFactory",
JNDI_CTX_JAVA_COMPONENT + "DefaultContextService",
JNDI_CTX_JAVA_COMPONENT + "UserTransaction",
JNDI_CTX_JAVA_COMPONENT + "TransactionSynchronizationRegistry",
JNDI_CTX_JAVA_COMPONENT + "ValidatorFactory",
JNDI_CTX_JAVA_COMPONENT + "InAppClientContainer",
private String target;
private DeploymentContext dc;
private Application application;
private Events events;
private Domain domain;
private static LocalStringManagerImpl localStrings = new LocalStringManagerImpl(ResourceValidator.class);
private Server server;
public void postConstruct() {
public void event(Event> event) {
dc = (DeploymentContext) event.hook();
application = dc.getModuleMetaData(Application.class);
DeployCommandParameters commandParams = dc.getCommandParameters(DeployCommandParameters.class);
target = commandParams.target;
if (System.getProperty("deployment.resource.validation", "true").equals("false")) {
if (application == null) {
AppResources appResources = new AppResources();
* Store all the resources before starting the validation.
private void parseResources(AppResources appResources) {
parseResources(application, appResources);
for (BundleDescriptor bd : application.getBundleDescriptors()) {
if (bd instanceof WebBundleDescriptor || bd instanceof ApplicationClientDescriptor) {
parseResources(bd, appResources);
if (bd instanceof EjbBundleDescriptor) {
// Resources from Java files in the ejb.jar which are neither an EJB nor a managed bean are stored here.
// Skip validation for them, validate only Managed Beans.
for (ManagedBeanDescriptor mbd: bd.getManagedBeans()) {
parseResources(mbd, (JndiNameEnvironment) bd, appResources);
EjbBundleDescriptor ebd = (EjbBundleDescriptor) bd;
for (EjbDescriptor ejb : ebd.getEjbs()) {
parseEJB(ejb, appResources);
// Parse AppScoped resources
String appName = DOLUtils.getApplicationName(application);
Map> resourcesList = (Map>) dc
appResources.storeAppScopedResources(resourcesList, appName);
* Code logic from BaseContainer.java. Store portable and non-portable JNDI names in our namespace.
* Internal JNDI names not processed as they will not be called from an application.
* @param ejb
private void parseEJB(EjbDescriptor ejb, AppResources appResources) {
SimpleJndiName javaGlobalName = getJavaGlobalJndiNamePrefix(ejb);
boolean disableNonPortableJndiName = false;
// TODO: Need to get the value of system-property
// server.ejb-container.property.disable-nonportable-jndi-names
Boolean disableInDD = ejb.getEjbBundleDescriptor().getDisableNonportableJndiNames();
if (disableInDD != null) {
// explicitly set in glassfish-ejb-jar.xml
disableNonPortableJndiName = disableInDD;
SimpleJndiName glassfishSpecificJndiName;
if (disableNonPortableJndiName) {
glassfishSpecificJndiName = null;
} else {
glassfishSpecificJndiName = ejb.getJndiName();
if (glassfishSpecificJndiName != null
&& (glassfishSpecificJndiName.isEmpty() || glassfishSpecificJndiName.equals(javaGlobalName))) {
glassfishSpecificJndiName = null;
// used to decide whether the javaGlobalName needs to be stored
int countPortableJndiNames = 0;
// interfaces now
if (ejb.isRemoteInterfacesSupported()) {
String intf = ejb.getHomeClassName();
SimpleJndiName fullyQualifiedJavaGlobalName = new SimpleJndiName(javaGlobalName + "!" + intf);
appResources.storeInNamespace(fullyQualifiedJavaGlobalName, ejb);
// non-portable
if(glassfishSpecificJndiName != null) {
appResources.storeInNamespace(glassfishSpecificJndiName, ejb);
if (ejb.isRemoteBusinessInterfacesSupported()) {
int count = 0;
for (String intf : ejb.getRemoteBusinessClassNames()) {
SimpleJndiName fullyQualifiedJavaGlobalName = new SimpleJndiName(javaGlobalName + "!" + intf);
appResources.storeInNamespace(fullyQualifiedJavaGlobalName, ejb);
// non-portable - interface specific
if(glassfishSpecificJndiName != null) {
SimpleJndiName remoteJndiName = getRemoteEjbJndiName(true, intf, glassfishSpecificJndiName);
appResources.storeInNamespace(remoteJndiName, ejb);
// non-portable - if only one remote business interface exists and no remote home interfaces exist,
// then by default this can be used to lookup the remote interface.
if(glassfishSpecificJndiName != null && !ejb.isRemoteInterfacesSupported() && count == 1) {
appResources.storeInNamespace(glassfishSpecificJndiName, ejb);
if (ejb.isLocalInterfacesSupported()) {
String intf = ejb.getLocalHomeClassName();
SimpleJndiName fullyQualifiedJavaGlobalName = new SimpleJndiName(javaGlobalName + "!" + intf);
appResources.storeInNamespace(fullyQualifiedJavaGlobalName, ejb);
if (ejb.isLocalBusinessInterfacesSupported()) {
for (String intf : ejb.getLocalBusinessClassNames()) {
SimpleJndiName fullyQualifiedJavaGlobalName = new SimpleJndiName(javaGlobalName + "!" + intf);
appResources.storeInNamespace(fullyQualifiedJavaGlobalName, ejb);
if (ejb.isLocalBean()) {
String intf = ejb.getEjbClassName();
SimpleJndiName fullyQualifiedJavaGlobalName = new SimpleJndiName(javaGlobalName + "!" + intf);
appResources.storeInNamespace(fullyQualifiedJavaGlobalName, ejb);
if (countPortableJndiNames == 1) {
appResources.storeInNamespace(javaGlobalName, ejb);
parseResources(ejb, appResources);
private SimpleJndiName getJavaGlobalJndiNamePrefix(EjbDescriptor ejbDescriptor) {
final Application app = ejbDescriptor.getApplication();
final String appName = app.isVirtual() ? null : app.getAppName();
StringBuilder javaGlobalPrefix = new StringBuilder(JNDI_CTX_JAVA_GLOBAL);
if (appName != null) {
return new SimpleJndiName(javaGlobalPrefix.toString());
private SimpleJndiName getRemoteEjbJndiName(EjbReferenceDescriptor refDesc) {
String intf = refDesc.isEJB30ClientView() ? refDesc.getEjbInterface() : refDesc.getHomeClassName();
return getRemoteEjbJndiName(refDesc.isEJB30ClientView(), intf, refDesc.getJndiName());
private SimpleJndiName getRemoteEjbJndiName(boolean businessView, String interfaceName, SimpleJndiName jndiName) {
String portableFullyQualifiedPortion = "!" + interfaceName;
String glassfishFullyQualifiedPortion = "#" + interfaceName;
if (businessView) {
if (!jndiName.hasCorbaPrefix()) {
if (jndiName.isJavaGlobal()) {
return checkFullyQualifiedJndiName(jndiName, portableFullyQualifiedPortion);
return checkFullyQualifiedJndiName(jndiName, glassfishFullyQualifiedPortion);
} else {
// Only in the portable global case, convert to a fully-qualified name
if (jndiName.isJavaGlobal()) {
return checkFullyQualifiedJndiName(jndiName, portableFullyQualifiedPortion);
return jndiName;
private static SimpleJndiName checkFullyQualifiedJndiName(SimpleJndiName origJndiName, String fullyQualifiedPortion) {
if (origJndiName.hasSuffix(fullyQualifiedPortion)) {
return origJndiName;
return new SimpleJndiName(origJndiName + fullyQualifiedPortion);
private void parseManagedBeans(AppResources appResources) {
for (BundleDescriptor bd : application.getBundleDescriptors()) {
for (ManagedBeanDescriptor managedBean : bd.getManagedBeans()) {
appResources.storeInNamespace(managedBean.getGlobalJndiName(), (JndiNameEnvironment) bd);
private void parseResources(BundleDescriptor bd, AppResources appResources) {
if (!(bd instanceof JndiNameEnvironment)) {
JndiNameEnvironment env = (JndiNameEnvironment) bd;
for (ResourceReferenceDescriptor next : env.getResourceReferenceDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, env, appResources);
for (ResourceEnvReferenceDescriptor next : env.getResourceEnvReferenceDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, env, appResources);
for (MessageDestinationReferenceDescriptor next : env.getMessageDestinationReferenceDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, env, appResources);
for (EnvironmentProperty next : env.getEnvironmentProperties()) {
parseResources(next, env, appResources);
for (ResourceDescriptor next : env.getAllResourcesDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, env, appResources);
for (EntityManagerReferenceDescriptor next : env.getEntityManagerReferenceDescriptors()) {
storeInNamespace(SimpleJndiName.of(next.getName()), env, appResources);
for (EntityManagerFactoryReferenceDescriptor next : env.getEntityManagerFactoryReferenceDescriptors()) {
storeInNamespace(SimpleJndiName.of(next.getName()), env, appResources);
for (EjbReferenceDescriptor next : env.getEjbReferenceDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, env, appResources);
for (ServiceReferenceDescriptor next : env.getServiceReferenceDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, env, appResources);
for (PersistenceUnitsDescriptor pus : bd.getExtensionsDescriptors(PersistenceUnitsDescriptor.class)) {
for (PersistenceUnitDescriptor pu : pus.getPersistenceUnitDescriptors()) {
parseResources(pu, env, appResources);
for (ManagedBeanDescriptor mbd : bd.getManagedBeans()) {
parseResources(mbd, env, appResources);
* Store resources in ResourceRefDescriptor.
private void parseResources(ResourceReferenceDescriptor resRef, JndiNameEnvironment env, AppResources appResources) {
SimpleJndiName name = getLogicalJNDIName(SimpleJndiName.of(resRef.getName()), env);
String type = resRef.getType();
SimpleJndiName jndiName = resRef.getJndiName();
AppResource resRefResource = new AppResource(name, jndiName, type, env, true);
if (resRef.isURLResource()) {
if (jndiName != null && !jndiName.hasJavaPrefix()) {
try {
// for jndi-name like "http://localhost:8080/index.html"
new URL(jndiName.toString());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// If jndi-name is not an actual url, we might want to lookup the name
if (resRef.isWebServiceContext()) {
* Store resources in ResourceEnvRefDescriptor.
private void parseResources(ResourceEnvReferenceDescriptor resEnvRef, JndiNameEnvironment env, AppResources appResources) {
SimpleJndiName name = getLogicalJNDIName(SimpleJndiName.of(resEnvRef.getName()), env);
String type = resEnvRef.getType();
SimpleJndiName jndiName = resEnvRef.getJndiName();
AppResource resEnvRefResource = new AppResource(name, jndiName, type, env, true);
if (resEnvRef.isEJBContext() || resEnvRef.isValidator() || resEnvRef.isValidatorFactory() || resEnvRef.isCDIBeanManager()) {
* If the message destination ref is linked to a message destination, fetch the linked destination and validate it.
* We might be duplicating our validation efforts since we are already validating message destination separately.
private void parseResources(MessageDestinationReferenceDescriptor msgDestRef, JndiNameEnvironment env, AppResources appResources) {
SimpleJndiName name = getLogicalJNDIName(SimpleJndiName.of(msgDestRef.getName()), env);
SimpleJndiName jndiName;
if (msgDestRef.isLinkedToMessageDestination()) {
jndiName = msgDestRef.getMessageDestination().getJndiName();
} else {
jndiName = msgDestRef.getJndiName();
appResources.store(new AppResource(name, jndiName, msgDestRef.getType(), env, true));
* Store references to environment entries.
* Also validate custom resources of primitive data types.
private void parseResources(EnvironmentProperty envProp, JndiNameEnvironment env, AppResources appResources) {
SimpleJndiName name = getLogicalJNDIName(SimpleJndiName.of(envProp.getName()), env);
SimpleJndiName jndiName;
if (envProp.hasLookupName()) {
jndiName = envProp.getLookupName();
} else if (!envProp.getMappedName().isEmpty()) {
jndiName = envProp.getMappedName();
} else {
jndiName = new SimpleJndiName("");
AppResource envPropResource = new AppResource(name, jndiName, envProp.getType(), env, true);
// If lookup/mapped name is not present, then we do not need to validate.
if (jndiName.isEmpty()) {
// Store EnvProps even if they do not have a valid lookup element
appResources.storeInNamespace(name, env);
* Logic from EjbNamingReferenceManagerImpl.java - Here EJB references get resolved
private void parseResources(EjbReferenceDescriptor ejbRef, JndiNameEnvironment env, AppResources appResources) {
SimpleJndiName name = getLogicalJNDIName(SimpleJndiName.of(ejbRef.getName()), env);
// we only need to worry about those references which are not linked yet
if (ejbRef.getEjbDescriptor() != null) {
appResources.storeInNamespace(name, env);
SimpleJndiName jndiName = new SimpleJndiName("");
// Should we use an inverse approach i.e., skip validation only in special cases?
// Not sure if that is required as the below approach works fine while resolving EJB references
boolean validationRequired = false;
// local
if (ejbRef.isLocal()) {
// mapped name has no meaning for local ejb-ref as non-portable JNDI names don't have any meaning in this case?
if (ejbRef.hasLookupName()) {
jndiName = ejbRef.getLookupName();
validationRequired = true;
} else {
// remote
// mapped-name takes precedence over lookup name
SimpleJndiName ejbRefJndiName = getJndiName(ejbRef);
if (ejbRefJndiName == null && ejbRef.hasLookupName()) {
jndiName = ejbRef.getLookupName();
validationRequired = true;
} else if (ejbRefJndiName != null && ejbRefJndiName.isJavaApp()
&& !ejbRefJndiName.hasPrefix(JNDI_CTX_JAVA_APP_ENV)) {
// TODO: A case skipped from EjbNamingRefManager
// Why does the below logic exist in the EjbNamingRefMan code?
// Intentionally or not, this resolves the java:app mapped names
// Seems suspicious as the corresponding java:global case is handled in the getRemoteEjbJndiName function call
String appName = DOLUtils.getApplicationName(application);
jndiName = ejbRefJndiName.changePrefix(JNDI_CTX_JAVA_GLOBAL + appName + '/');
validationRequired = true;
} else {
SimpleJndiName remoteJndiName = getRemoteEjbJndiName(ejbRef);
// TODO: CORBA case
if (!remoteJndiName.hasCorbaPrefix()) {
validationRequired = true;
jndiName = remoteJndiName;
appResources.store(new AppResource(name, jndiName, ejbRef.getType(), env, validationRequired));
private SimpleJndiName getJndiName(EjbReferenceDescriptor descriptor) {
if (!descriptor.hasJndiName()) {
return null;
return descriptor.getJndiName();
private void parseResources(ServiceReferenceDescriptor serviceRef, JndiNameEnvironment env,
AppResources appResources) {
SimpleJndiName name = getLogicalJNDIName(SimpleJndiName.of(serviceRef.getName()), env);
if (serviceRef.hasLookupName()) {
SimpleJndiName lookupName = serviceRef.getLookupName();
appResources.store(new AppResource(name, lookupName, serviceRef.getType(), env, true));
} else {
appResources.storeInNamespace(name, env);
* Store the resource definitions in our namespace.
* CFD and AODD are not valid in an AppClient. O/w need to validate the ra-name in them.
private void parseResources(ResourceDescriptor resourceDescriptor, JndiNameEnvironment env, AppResources appResources) {
JavaEEResourceType type = resourceDescriptor.getResourceType();
if (type == JavaEEResourceType.CFD || type == JavaEEResourceType.AODD) {
if (env instanceof ApplicationClientDescriptor) {
// No need to type check as CFD and AODD extend from AbstractConnectorResourceDescriptor
AbstractConnectorResourceDescriptor acrd = (AbstractConnectorResourceDescriptor) resourceDescriptor;
SimpleJndiName raJndiName = SimpleJndiName.of(acrd.getResourceAdapter());
.store(new AppResource(resourceDescriptor.getJndiName(), raJndiName, type.toString(), env, true));
} else {
// nothing to validate here. store the definitions in our namespace.
storeInNamespace(resourceDescriptor.getJndiName(), env, appResources);
* Record the Data Source specified in PUD.
private void parseResources(PersistenceUnitDescriptor pu, JndiNameEnvironment env, AppResources appResources) {
SimpleJndiName jtaDataSourceName = pu.getJtaDataSource();
SimpleJndiName nonJtaDataSourceName = pu.getNonJtaDataSource();
if (jtaDataSourceName != null && !jtaDataSourceName.isEmpty()) {
appResources.store(new AppResource(pu.getJndiName(), jtaDataSourceName, "javax.sql.DataSource", env, true));
if (nonJtaDataSourceName != null && !nonJtaDataSourceName.isEmpty()) {
appResources.store(new AppResource(pu.getJndiName(), nonJtaDataSourceName, "javax.sql.DataSource", env, true));
private void parseResources(ManagedBeanDescriptor managedBean, JndiNameEnvironment env, AppResources appResources) {
for (ResourceReferenceDescriptor next : managedBean.getResourceReferenceDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, env, appResources);
for (ResourceEnvReferenceDescriptor next : managedBean.getResourceEnvReferenceDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, env, appResources);
for (MessageDestinationReferenceDescriptor next : managedBean.getMessageDestinationReferenceDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, env, appResources);
for (EjbReferenceDescriptor next : managedBean.getEjbReferenceDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, env, appResources);
for (EnvironmentProperty next : managedBean.getEnvironmentProperties()) {
parseResources(next, env, appResources);
for (ResourceDescriptor next : env.getAllResourcesDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, env, appResources);
private void parseResources(EjbDescriptor ejb, AppResources appResources) {
for (ResourceReferenceDescriptor next : ejb.getResourceReferenceDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, ejb, appResources);
for (ResourceEnvReferenceDescriptor next : ejb.getResourceEnvReferenceDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, ejb, appResources);
for (MessageDestinationReferenceDescriptor next : ejb.getMessageDestinationReferenceDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, ejb, appResources);
for (EnvironmentProperty next : ejb.getEnvironmentProperties()) {
parseResources(next, ejb, appResources);
for (EjbReferenceDescriptor next : ejb.getEjbReferenceDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, ejb, appResources);
for (ResourceDescriptor next : ejb.getAllResourcesDescriptors()) {
parseResources(next, ejb, appResources);
private void storeInNamespace(SimpleJndiName name, JndiNameEnvironment env, AppResources appResources) {
SimpleJndiName logicalJNDIName = getLogicalJNDIName(name, env);
appResources.storeInNamespace(logicalJNDIName, env);
* @param rawName to be converted
* @return The logical JNDI name which has a java: prefix
private SimpleJndiName getLogicalJNDIName(SimpleJndiName rawName, JndiNameEnvironment env) {
SimpleJndiName jndiName = rawName.hasJavaPrefix() ? rawName : rawName.changePrefix(JNDI_CTX_JAVA_COMPONENT_ENV);
boolean treatComponentAsModule = DOLUtils.getTreatComponentAsModule(env);
if (treatComponentAsModule && jndiName.isJavaComponent()) {
return jndiName.changePrefix(JNDI_CTX_JAVA_MODULE);
return jndiName;
* Convert JNDI names beginning with java:module and java:app to their corresponding java:global
* names.
* @return the converted name with java:global JNDI prefix.
private SimpleJndiName convertModuleOrAppJNDIName(SimpleJndiName jndiName, JndiNameEnvironment env) {
if (jndiName == null) {
return null;
final BundleDescriptor bd;
if (env instanceof EjbDescriptor) {
bd = ((EjbDescriptor) env).getEjbBundleDescriptor();
} else if (env instanceof BundleDescriptor) {
bd = (BundleDescriptor) env;
} else {
bd = null;
if (bd == null) {
return new SimpleJndiName("");
final String appName = application.isVirtual() ? null : application.getAppName();
final String moduleName = bd.getModuleDescriptor().getModuleName();
final StringBuilder javaGlobalName = new StringBuilder(JNDI_CTX_JAVA_GLOBAL);
if (jndiName.isJavaApp()) {
if (appName != null) {
} else if (jndiName.isJavaModule()) {
if (appName != null) {
} else {
return new SimpleJndiName("");
return new SimpleJndiName(javaGlobalName.toString());
* Start of validation logic.
private void validateResources(AppResources appResources) {
for (AppResource resource : appResources.myResources) {
if (!resource.validate) {
if (JavaEEResourceType.CFD.name().equals(resource.getType())
|| JavaEEResourceType.AODD.name().equals(resource.getType())) {
} else {
validateJNDIRefs(resource, appResources.myNamespace);
// Validate the ra-names of app scoped resources
// RA-name and the type of this resource are stored
List> raNames = (List>) dc.getTransientAppMetadata()
if (raNames == null) {
for (Map.Entry entry : raNames) {
validateRAName(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
* Validate the resource adapter names of @CFD, @AODD.
private void validateRAName(AppResource resource) {
String raName = resource.getJndiName() == null ? null : resource.getJndiName().toString();
validateRAName(raName, resource.getType());
* Strategy to validate the resource adapter name:
* 1) In case of stand-alone RA, look in the domain.xml and for default system RA's
* 2) In case of embedded RA, compare it with names of RAR descriptors
* In case of null ra name, we fail the deployment.
private void validateRAName(String raName, String type) {
// No ra-name specified
if (raName == null || raName.isEmpty()) {
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, RESOURCE_REF_INVALID_RA, new Object[] {null, type});
throw new DeploymentException(localStrings.getLocalString("enterprise.deployment.util.ra.validation",
"Resource Adapter not present: RA Name: {0}, Type: {1}.", null, type));
int poundIndex = raName.indexOf("#");
// Pound not present: check for app named raname in domain.xml, check for system ra's
if (poundIndex < 0) {
if (domain.getApplications().getApplication(raName) != null) {
// System RA's - Copied from ConnectorConstants.java
if (raName.equals("jmsra") || raName.equals("__ds_jdbc_ra") || raName.equals("jaxr-ra") ||
raName.equals("__cp_jdbc_ra") || raName.equals("__xa_jdbc_ra") || raName.equals("__dm_jdbc_ra")) {
if (isEmbedded(raName)) {
} else if (raName.substring(0, poundIndex).equals(application.getAppName())) {
// Embedded RA
// In case the app name does not match, we fail the deployment
raName = raName.substring(poundIndex + 1);
if (isEmbedded(raName)) {
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, RESOURCE_REF_INVALID_RA, new Object[] {raName, type});
throw new DeploymentException(localStrings.getLocalString(
"Resource Adapter not present: RA Name: {0}, Type: {1}.",
raName, type));
private boolean isEmbedded(String raName) {
String ranameWithRAR = raName + ".rar";
// check for rar named this
for (BundleDescriptor bd : application.getBundleDescriptors(ConnectorDescriptor.class)) {
if (raName.equals(bd.getModuleName()) || ranameWithRAR.equals(bd.getModuleName())) {
return true;
return false;
* Strategy for validating a given jndi name
* 1) Check in domain.xml
* 2) Check in the resources defined within the app. These have not been binded to the namespace yet.
* 3) Check for resources defined by an earlier application.
* In case a null jndi name is passed, we fail the deployment.
* @param resource to be validated.
private void validateJNDIRefs(AppResource resource, JNDINamespace namespace) {
// In case lookup is not present, check if another resource with the same name exists
if (!resource.hasLookup()) {
if (namespace.find(resource.getName(), resource.getEnv())) {
new Object[] {resource.getName(), null, resource.getType()});
throw new DeploymentException(
MessageFormat.format("JNDI lookup failed for the resource: Name: {0}, Lookup: {1}, Type: {2}",
resource.getName(), null, resource.getType()));
// hasLookup returned true, so it cannot be null.
SimpleJndiName jndiName = resource.getJndiName();
JndiNameEnvironment env = resource.getEnv();
if (isResourceInDomainXML(jndiName) || DEFAULT_JNDI_NAMES.contains(jndiName)) {
// Managed Bean & EJB portable JNDI names
if (jndiName.isJavaModule() || jndiName.isJavaApp()) {
SimpleJndiName newName = convertModuleOrAppJNDIName(jndiName, resource.getEnv());
if (namespace.find(newName, env)) {
// EJB Non-portable JNDI names
if (!jndiName.hasJavaPrefix()) {
if (namespace.find(jndiName, env)) {
// convert comp to module if req
SimpleJndiName convertedJndiName = getLogicalJNDIName(jndiName, env);
if (namespace.find(convertedJndiName, env)) {
try {
if (loadOnCurrentInstance()) {
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new DeploymentException(
MessageFormat.format("JNDI lookup failed for the resource: Name: {0}, Lookup: {1}, Type: {2}",
resource.getName(), jndiName, resource.getType()),
* Validate the given resource in the corresponding target using domain.xml server beans.
* For resources defined outside the application.
* @param jndiName to be validated
* @return True if resource is present in domain.xml in the corresponding target. False otherwise.
private boolean isResourceInDomainXML(SimpleJndiName jndiName) {
if (jndiName == null) {
return false;
Server svr = domain.getServerNamed(target);
if (svr != null) {
return svr.isResourceRefExists(jndiName);
Cluster cluster = domain.getClusterNamed(target);
return cluster != null && cluster.isResourceRefExists(jndiName);
private static class AppResource {
private final SimpleJndiName name;
private final SimpleJndiName lookup;
private final String type;
private final JndiNameEnvironment env;
boolean validate;
private AppResource(SimpleJndiName name, SimpleJndiName lookup, String type, JndiNameEnvironment env, boolean validate) {
this.name = name;
this.lookup = lookup;
this.type = type;
this.env = env;
this.validate = validate;
private SimpleJndiName getJndiName() {
return lookup;
private JndiNameEnvironment getEnv() {
return env;
private SimpleJndiName getName() {
return name;
private String getType() {
return type;
private boolean hasLookup() {
return lookup != null && !lookup.isEmpty();
private void noValidation() {
validate = false;
private static class AppResources {
List myResources;
JNDINamespace myNamespace;
private AppResources() {
myResources = new ArrayList<>();
myNamespace = new JNDINamespace();
* Store in namespace only if it has a valid lookup value. This is because we do not want to store invalid
* resources in our namespace.
private void store(AppResource resource) {
if (resource.hasLookup()) {
myNamespace.store(resource.name, resource.env);
* If we know that the name points to a valid resource, directly store in namespace.
private void storeInNamespace(SimpleJndiName name, JndiNameEnvironment env) {
myNamespace.store(name, env);
private void storeAppScopedResources(Map> resourcesList, String appName) {
myNamespace.storeAppScopedResources(resourcesList, appName);
* A class to record all the logical JNDI names of resources defined in the application in the appropriate scopes.
* App scoped resources, Resource Definitions are also stored in this data structure.
private static class JNDINamespace {
private final Map> componentNamespaces;
private final Map> moduleNamespaces;
private final List appNamespace;
private final List globalNameSpace;
private final List nonPortableJndiNames;
private JNDINamespace() {
componentNamespaces = new HashMap<>();
moduleNamespaces = new HashMap<>();
appNamespace = new ArrayList<>();
globalNameSpace = new ArrayList<>();
nonPortableJndiNames = new ArrayList<>();
* Store app scoped resources in this namespace to facilitate lookup during validation.
* @param resources - App scoped resources
* @param appName - Application name
private void storeAppScopedResources(Map> resources, String appName) {
if (resources == null) {
List appLevelResources = resources.get(appName);
if (appLevelResources != null) {
for (Map.Entry> resource: resources.entrySet()) {
if (!resource.getKey().equals(appName)) {
String moduleName = getActualModuleName(resource.getKey());
List jndiNames = moduleNamespaces.get(moduleName);
if (jndiNames == null) {
jndiNames = new ArrayList<>();
moduleNamespaces.put(moduleName, jndiNames);
} else {
* Store the jndi name in the correct scope. Will be stored only if jndi name is javaURL.
public void store(SimpleJndiName jndiName, JndiNameEnvironment env) {
LOG.log(Level.FINEST, "store(jndiName={0}, env)", jndiName);
if (jndiName.isJavaComponent()) {
String componentId = DOLUtils.getComponentEnvId(env);
List jndiNames = componentNamespaces.get(componentId);
if (jndiNames == null) {
jndiNames = new ArrayList<>();
componentNamespaces.put(componentId, jndiNames);
} else {
} else if (jndiName.isJavaModule()) {
String moduleName = getActualModuleName(DOLUtils.getModuleName(env));
List jndiNames = moduleNamespaces.get(moduleName);
if (jndiNames == null) {
jndiNames = new ArrayList<>();
moduleNamespaces.put(moduleName, jndiNames);
} else {
} else if (jndiName.isJavaApp()) {
} else if (jndiName.isJavaGlobal()) {
} else {
* Find the jndi name in our namespace.
* @return True if the jndi name is found in the namespace. False otherwise.
public boolean find(SimpleJndiName jndiName, JndiNameEnvironment env) {
LOG.log(Level.FINE, "find(jndiName={0}, env)", jndiName);
if (jndiName == null) {
return false;
if (jndiName.isJavaComponent()) {
String componentId = DOLUtils.getComponentEnvId(env);
List> jndiNames = componentNamespaces.get(componentId);
return jndiNames != null && jndiNames.contains(jndiName);
} else if (jndiName.isJavaModule()) {
String moduleName = getActualModuleName(DOLUtils.getModuleName(env));
List jndiNames = moduleNamespaces.get(moduleName);
return jndiNames != null && jndiNames.contains(jndiName);
} else if (jndiName.isJavaApp()) {
return appNamespace.contains(jndiName);
} else if (jndiName.isJavaGlobal()) {
return globalNameSpace.contains(jndiName);
} else {
return nonPortableJndiNames.contains(jndiName);
* Remove suffix from the module name.
private String getActualModuleName(String moduleName) {
if (moduleName != null) {
if (moduleName.endsWith(".jar") || moduleName.endsWith(".war") || moduleName.endsWith(".rar")) {
moduleName = moduleName.substring(0, moduleName.length() - 4);
return moduleName;
* Copy from ApplicationLifeCycle.java
private boolean loadOnCurrentInstance() {
final DeployCommandParameters commandParams = dc.getCommandParameters(DeployCommandParameters.class);
final Properties appProps = dc.getAppProps();
if (commandParams.enabled) {
// if the current instance match with the target
if (domain.isCurrentInstanceMatchingTarget(commandParams.target, commandParams.name(), server.getName(),
dc.getTransientAppMetaData(DeploymentProperties.PREVIOUS_TARGETS, List.class))) {
return true;
if (server.isDas()) {
String objectType = appProps.getProperty(ServerTags.OBJECT_TYPE);
if (objectType != null) {
// if it's a system application needs to be loaded on DAS
if (objectType.equals(DeploymentProperties.SYSTEM_ADMIN)
|| objectType.equals(DeploymentProperties.SYSTEM_ALL)) {
return true;
return false;
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