org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.util.EjbBundleValidator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
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package org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.util;
import com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBTimerSchedule;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.BundleDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbBundleDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbInterceptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.InjectionCapable;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.LifecycleCallbackDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.MethodDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ResourceEnvReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ResourceReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.RoleReference;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ScheduledTimerDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ServiceReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.WebService;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.types.EjbReference;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.types.MessageDestinationReferencer;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.ComponentValidator;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.DOLUtils;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.EjbBundleVisitor;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.LocalStringManagerImpl;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.glassfish.api.naming.SimpleJndiName;
import org.glassfish.ejb.LogFacade;
import org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.DummyEjbDescriptor;
import org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbBundleDescriptorImpl;
import org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbCMPEntityDescriptor;
import org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor;
import org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbEntityDescriptor;
import org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbMessageBeanDescriptor;
import org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbSessionDescriptor;
import org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.FieldDescriptor;
import org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.InterceptorBindingDescriptor;
import org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.PersistenceDescriptor;
import org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.RelationshipDescriptor;
import org.glassfish.internal.api.Globals;
import org.glassfish.internal.deployment.AnnotationTypesProvider;
import org.glassfish.logging.annotation.LogMessageInfo;
import org.glassfish.security.common.Role;
import static com.sun.enterprise.deployment.MethodDescriptor.EJB_BEAN;
import static com.sun.enterprise.deployment.MethodDescriptor.EJB_LOCAL;
* This class validates a EJB Bundle descriptor once loaded from an .jar file
* @author Jerome Dochez
public class EjbBundleValidator extends ComponentValidator implements EjbBundleVisitor, EjbVisitor {
private static final LocalStringManagerImpl I18N = new LocalStringManagerImpl(EjbBundleValidator.class);
private static final Logger LOG = LogFacade.getLogger();
message = "Passivation-capable value of stateful session bean [{0}] is false, " +
"it should not have any PrePassivate nor PostActivate configuration, " +
"but you have configuration at [{1}].",
level = "WARNING")
private static final String REDUNDANT_PASSIVATION_CALLBACK_METADATA = "AS-EJB-00048";
protected EjbBundleDescriptorImpl ejbBundleDescriptor;
protected EjbDescriptor ejb;
public void accept(BundleDescriptor descriptor) {
this.bundleDescriptor = descriptor;
this.application = descriptor.getApplication();
if (descriptor instanceof EjbBundleDescriptorImpl) {
EjbBundleDescriptorImpl ejbBundle = (EjbBundleDescriptorImpl) descriptor;
for (EjbDescriptor anEjb : ejbBundle.getEjbs()) {
if (ejbBundle.hasRelationships()) {
for (Object element : ejbBundle.getRelationships()) {
RelationshipDescriptor rd = (RelationshipDescriptor) element;
for (WebService aWebService : ejbBundle.getWebServices().getWebServices()) {
// Ejb-jar level dependencies
// Visit all injectables first. In some cases, basic type
// information has to be derived from target inject method or
// inject field.
for (InjectionCapable injectable : ejbBundle.getInjectableResources(ejbBundle)) {
public void accept(EjbBundleDescriptor bundleDesc) {
this.application = bundleDesc.getApplication();
EjbBundleDescriptorImpl bundle = (EjbBundleDescriptorImpl) bundleDesc;
if (bundle.getEjbs().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18N.getLocalString(
"Invalid ejb jar {0}: it contains zero ejb. A valid ejb jar requires at least one session/entity/message driven bean.",
new Object[] {bundle.getModuleDescriptor().getArchiveUri()}));
if (!areResourceReferencesValid(bundle)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrectly resolved role references");
this.ejbBundleDescriptor = bundle;
// Now that we have a classloader, we have to check for any
// interceptor bindings that were specified in .xml to use
// the syntax that refers to all overloaded methods with a
// given name.
InterceptorBindingTranslator bindingTranslator = new InterceptorBindingTranslator(bundle);
for (EjbDescriptor ejb0 : bundle.getEjbs()) {
if (ejb0.isRemoteInterfacesSupported()
&& (ejb0.getRemoteClassName() == null || ejb0.getRemoteClassName().isBlank())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"{0} Component interface is missing in EJB [{1}]", "Remote", ejb0.getName()));
if (ejb0.isLocalInterfacesSupported()
&& (ejb0.getLocalClassName() == null || ejb0.getLocalClassName().isBlank())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"{0} Component interface is missing in EJB [{1}]", EJB_LOCAL, ejb0.getName()));
if (!EjbEntityDescriptor.TYPE.equals(ejb0.getType())) {
* @return true if all ejb role references link to roles specified here.
private boolean areResourceReferencesValid(EjbBundleDescriptorImpl bundle) {
// run through each of the ejb's role references, checking that the roles exist in bundle
for (EjbDescriptor ejbDescriptor : bundle.getEjbs()) {
for (RoleReference reference : ejbDescriptor.getRoleReferences()) {
Role referredRole = reference.getRole();
Set roles = bundle.getRoles();
if (!referredRole.getName().isEmpty() && !roles.contains(referredRole)) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Bad role reference to {0}, roles: {1}", new Object[] {referredRole, roles});
return false;
return true;
private void handleOverloadedInterceptorMethodBindings(EjbBundleDescriptorImpl bundleDesc) {
List origBindings = bundleDesc.getInterceptorBindings();
if (origBindings.isEmpty()) {
ClassLoader cl = bundleDesc.getClassLoader();
List newBindings = new ArrayList<>();
for (InterceptorBindingDescriptor next : origBindings) {
if (!next.getNeedsOverloadResolution()) {
MethodDescriptor overloadedMethodDesc = next.getBusinessMethod();
String methodName = overloadedMethodDesc.getName();
// For method-specific interceptors, there must be an ejb-name.
String ejbName = next.getEjbName();
EjbDescriptor ejbDesc = bundleDesc.getEjbByName(ejbName);
Class> ejbClass = null;
try {
ejbClass = cl.loadClass(ejbDesc.getEjbClassName());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error loading ejb class " + ejbDesc.getEjbClassName(), e);
boolean isMethod = false;
for (Method ejbClassMethod : ejbClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (ejbClassMethod.getName().equals(methodName)) {
isMethod = true;
InterceptorBindingDescriptor newInterceptorBinding = new InterceptorBindingDescriptor();
MethodDescriptor newMethodDesc = new MethodDescriptor(ejbClassMethod, EJB_BEAN);
for (String interceptorClass : next.getInterceptorClasses()) {
// We didn't find a method with this name in class methods,
// check if it's a constructor
if (!isMethod && methodName.equals(ejbClass.getSimpleName())) {
// Constructor - will resolve via implicit comparison
* Visits an ejb descriptor
* @param ejb descriptor
public void accept(EjbDescriptor ejb) {
// all the DummyEjbDescriptor which stored partial information from
// xml should already be resolved to actual ejb descriptors.
// if not, this means there is a referencing error in the user
// application
if (ejb instanceof DummyEjbDescriptor) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Referencing error: this bundle has no bean of name: " + ejb.getName());
this.ejb =ejb;
try {
ClassLoader cl = ejb.getEjbBundleDescriptor().getClassLoader();
Class> ejbClass = cl.loadClass(ejb.getEjbClassName());
if (Globals.getDefaultHabitat() == null) {
// Perform 2.x style TimedObject processing if the class
// hasn't already been identified as a timed object.
AnnotationTypesProvider provider = Globals.getDefaultHabitat().getService(AnnotationTypesProvider.class, "EJB");
if (provider == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find AnnotationTypesProvider named 'EJB'");
if (ejb.getEjbTimeoutMethod() == null
&& provider.getType("jakarta.ejb.TimedObject").isAssignableFrom(ejbClass)) {
MethodDescriptor timedObjectMethod = new MethodDescriptor("ejbTimeout", "TimedObject timeout method",
new String[] {"jakarta.ejb.Timer"}, MethodDescriptor.TIMER_METHOD);
} else if (ejb.getEjbTimeoutMethod() != null) {
// If timeout-method was only processed from the descriptor,
// we need to create a MethodDescriptor using the actual
// Method object corresponding to the timeout method. The
// timeout method can have any access type and be anywhere
// in the bean class hierarchy.
MethodDescriptor timeoutMethodDescOrig = ejb.getEjbTimeoutMethod();
MethodDescriptor timeoutMethodDesc = processTimeoutMethod(ejb, timeoutMethodDescOrig, provider, ejbClass);
for (ScheduledTimerDescriptor sd : ejb.getScheduledTimerDescriptors()) {
try {
// This method creates new schedule and attempts to calculate next timeout.
// The second part ensures that all values that are not verified up-front
// are also validated.
// It does not check that such timeout date is a valid date.
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(ejb.getName() + ": Invalid schedule " + "defined on method "
+ sd.getTimeoutMethod().getFormattedString() + ": " + e.getMessage());
MethodDescriptor timeoutMethodDescOrig = sd.getTimeoutMethod();
MethodDescriptor timeoutMethodDesc = processTimeoutMethod(ejb, timeoutMethodDescOrig, provider, ejbClass);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error processing EjbDescriptor", e);
// Visit all injectables first. In some cases, basic type information
// has to be derived from target inject method or inject field.
for (InjectionCapable injectable : ejb.getEjbBundleDescriptor().getInjectableResources(ejb)) {
for (EjbReference aRef : ejb.getEjbReferenceDescriptors()) {
for (ResourceReferenceDescriptor element : ejb.getResourceReferenceDescriptors()) {
for (ResourceEnvReferenceDescriptor element : ejb.getResourceEnvReferenceDescriptors()) {
for (MessageDestinationReferencer element : ejb.getMessageDestinationReferenceDescriptors()) {
// If this is a message bean, it can be a message destination referencer as well.
if (ejb.getType().equals(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbMessageBeanDescriptor.TYPE)) {
if (ejb instanceof MessageDestinationReferencer) {
MessageDestinationReferencer msgDestReferencer = (MessageDestinationReferencer) ejb;
if (msgDestReferencer.getMessageDestinationLinkName() != null) {
Set serviceRefs = ejb.getServiceReferenceDescriptors();
for (ServiceReferenceDescriptor serviceRef : serviceRefs) {
if (ejb instanceof EjbCMPEntityDescriptor) {
EjbCMPEntityDescriptor cmp = (EjbCMPEntityDescriptor)ejb;
PersistenceDescriptor persistenceDesc = cmp.getPersistenceDescriptor();
for (FieldDescriptor element : persistenceDesc.getCMPFields()) {
public void accept(WebService webService) {
private void validateConcurrencyMetadata(EjbDescriptor ejb) {
if (ejb instanceof EjbSessionDescriptor) {
EjbSessionDescriptor sessionDesc = (EjbSessionDescriptor) ejb;
List accessTimeoutInfo = sessionDesc.getAccessTimeoutInfo();
for (EjbSessionDescriptor.AccessTimeoutHolder accessTimeoutHolder : accessTimeoutInfo) {
MethodDescriptor accessTimeoutMethodDesc = accessTimeoutHolder.method;
Method accessTimeoutMethod = accessTimeoutMethodDesc.getMethod(ejb);
if (accessTimeoutMethod == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid AccessTimeout method signature " + accessTimeoutMethodDesc
+ " . Method could not be resolved to a bean class method for bean " + ejb.getName());
for (MethodDescriptor lockMethodDesc : sessionDesc.getReadAndWriteLockMethods()) {
Method readLockMethod = lockMethodDesc.getMethod(sessionDesc);
if (readLockMethod == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Lock method signature " + lockMethodDesc
+ " . Method could not be resolved to a bean class method for bean " + ejb.getName());
* Validates @StatefulTimeout or values.
* Any value less than -1 is invalid.
private void validateStatefulTimeout(EjbDescriptor ejb) {
if (ejb instanceof EjbSessionDescriptor) {
EjbSessionDescriptor sessionDesc = (EjbSessionDescriptor) ejb;
Long statefulTimeoutValue = sessionDesc.getStatefulTimeoutValue();
if (statefulTimeoutValue != null && statefulTimeoutValue < -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18N.getLocalString(
"Invalid value [{0}] for @StatefulTimeout or element in EJB [{1}]."
+ " Values less than -1 are not valid.",
new Object[] {statefulTimeoutValue, sessionDesc.getName()}));
* Check when passivation-capable of sfsb is false,
* PrePassivate and PostActivate configurations are not recommended.
private void validatePassivationConfiguration(EjbDescriptor ejb) {
if (ejb instanceof EjbSessionDescriptor) {
EjbSessionDescriptor sessionDesc = (EjbSessionDescriptor) ejb;
if (!sessionDesc.isStateful() || sessionDesc.isPassivationCapable()) {
String callbackInfo = getAllPrePassivatePostActivateCallbackInfo(sessionDesc);
if (callbackInfo.length() > 0) {
new Object[] {ejb.getName(), callbackInfo});
private String getAllPrePassivatePostActivateCallbackInfo(EjbSessionDescriptor sessionDesc) {
List descriptors = new ArrayList<>();
for (EjbInterceptor interceptor : sessionDesc.getInterceptorClasses()) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (LifecycleCallbackDescriptor each : descriptors) {
result.append(", ");
if (result.length() > 2) {
return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2);
return result.toString();
private void checkDependsOn(EjbDescriptor ejb) {
if (ejb instanceof EjbSessionDescriptor) {
EjbSessionDescriptor sessionDesc = (EjbSessionDescriptor) ejb;
if (sessionDesc.hasDependsOn()) {
if (!sessionDesc.isSingleton()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Illegal usage of DependsOn for EJB " + ejb.getName()
+ ". DependsOn is only supported for Singleton beans");
String[] dependsOn = sessionDesc.getDependsOn();
for (String next : dependsOn) {
// TODO support new EJB 3.1 syntax
boolean fullyQualified = next.contains("#");
EjbBundleDescriptor sessionEjbBundleDescriptor = sessionDesc.getEjbBundleDescriptor();
Application app = sessionEjbBundleDescriptor.getApplication();
if (fullyQualified) {
int indexOfHash = next.indexOf("#");
String ejbName = next.substring(indexOfHash + 1);
String relativeJarPath = next.substring(0, indexOfHash);
BundleDescriptor bundle = app.getRelativeBundle(sessionEjbBundleDescriptor, relativeJarPath);
if (bundle == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Invalid @DependOn value = " + next + " for Singleton " + sessionDesc.getName());
EjbBundleDescriptorImpl ejbBundle = bundle.getModuleType() == null
|| !bundle.getModuleType().equals(DOLUtils.warType())
? (EjbBundleDescriptorImpl) bundle
: bundle.getExtensionsDescriptors(EjbBundleDescriptorImpl.class).iterator().next();
if (!ejbBundle.hasEjbByName(ejbName)) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Invalid DependsOn dependency '" + next + "' for EJB " + ejb.getName());
} else {
EjbBundleDescriptor bundle = ejb.getEjbBundleDescriptor();
if (!bundle.hasEjbByName(next) ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid DependsOn dependency '" +
next + "' for EJB " + ejb.getName());
protected EjbBundleDescriptorImpl getEjbBundleDescriptor() {
return ejbBundleDescriptor;
protected EjbDescriptor getEjbDescriptor() {
return this.ejb;
* @return the Application object if any
protected Application getApplication() {
return application;
* @return the bundleDescriptor we are validating
protected BundleDescriptor getBundleDescriptor() {
return ejbBundleDescriptor;
* Set default value for EjbDescriptor.
private void setDOLDefault(EjbDescriptor ejb) {
if (ejb.getUsesCallerIdentity() == null) {
if (ejb instanceof EjbMessageBeanDescriptor) {
} else {
// for ejb 3.0
if (ejb.getTransactionType() == null) {
* Set runtime default value for EjbDescriptor.
private void computeRuntimeDefault(EjbDescriptor ejb) {
String intfName = null;
if (ejb.getJndiName() == null || ejb.getJndiName().isEmpty()) {
if (ejb.isRemoteInterfacesSupported() && ejb.isRemoteBusinessInterfacesSupported()) {
// can't use a default.
} else if (ejb.isRemoteInterfacesSupported()) {
// For 2.x view, use the Home as the basis for the default
intfName = ejb.getHomeClassName();
} else if (ejb.isRemoteBusinessInterfacesSupported()) {
Set classNames = ejb.getRemoteBusinessClassNames();
if (classNames.size() == 1) {
intfName = classNames.iterator().next();
if (intfName != null) {
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(ejb.getUsesCallerIdentity())) {
computeRunAsPrincipalDefault(ejb.getRunAsIdentity(), ejb.getApplication());
private MethodDescriptor processTimeoutMethod(EjbDescriptor ejb, MethodDescriptor timeoutMethodDescOrig,
AnnotationTypesProvider provider, Class> ejbClass) throws ClassNotFoundException {
Method m = timeoutMethodDescOrig.getDeclaredMethod(ejb);
if (m == null) {
// In case deployment descriptor didn't specify "jakarta.ejb.Timer"
// as the method-params, and we were not relying on it before,
// check explicitly for a method with "jakarta.ejb.Timer" param type.
Class>[] params = new Class[1];
params[0] = provider.getType("jakarta.ejb.Timer");
m = timeoutMethodDescOrig.getDeclaredMethod(ejb, params);
if (m == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Class " + ejbClass.getName() + " does not define timeout method "
+ timeoutMethodDescOrig.getFormattedString());
return new MethodDescriptor(m, MethodDescriptor.TIMER_METHOD);
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