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# Copyright (c) 2023 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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add.resources=The add-resources command creates the resources named in the specified XML file. The xml_file_path is the path to the XML file containing the resources to be created. The DOCTYPE must be specified as in the resources.xml file. the target for which you are creating the resources.
add.resources.xml_file_name=The path to the XML file containing the resource(s) to be created. The XML file must reside in the /domains/domain1/config directory. If you specify a relative path or simply provide the name of the XML file, this command will prepend /domains/domain1/config to this operand.
add.resources.noJdbcConnectionPoolId=No pool name defined for JDBC Connection pool.
add.resources.noDataSourceClassname=No datasourceclassname defined for JDBC Connection pool.
create.jdbc.resource=Create a JDBC resource with the specified JNDI name.
create.jdbc.resource.connectionpoolid=The name of the JDBC connection pool. If two or more JDBC resource elements point to the same connection pool element, they use the same pool connection at runtime.
create.jdbc.resource.description=Text providing descriptive details about the JDBC resource.
create.jdbc.resource.jndi_name=The JNDI name of this JDBC resource.
create.jdbc.resource.enabled=Determines whether the JDBC resource is enabled at runtime. The default value is true.
create.jdbc.resource.success=JDBC resource {0} created successfully.
create.jdbc.resource.duplicate=A resource named {0} already exists. create-jdbc-resource failed.
create.jdbc.resource.connPoolNotFound=Attribute value (pool-name = {0}) is not found in list of jdbc connection pools.
delete.jdbc.resource=Remove a JDBC resource with the specified JNDI name.
delete.jdbc.resource.jdbc_resource_name=The JNDI name of this JDBC resource to be removed.
delete.jdbc.resource.success=Command delete-jdbc-resource executed successfully. create-jdbc-resource failed.
delete.jdbc.resource.notfound=A JDBC resource named {0} does not exist.
delete.jdbc.resource.resource-ref.exist=jdbc-resource [ {0} ] is referenced in an instance/cluster target, Use delete-resource-ref on appropriate target.
delete.jdbc.resource.multiple.resource-refs=jdbc-resource [ {0} ] is referenced in multiple instance/cluster targets, Use delete-resource-ref on appropriate target
delete.jdbc.resource.system-all-req.object-type=The jdbc resource [ {0} ] cannot be deleted as it is required to be configured in the system.
list.jdbc.resources=List all JDBC resources.
list.jdbc.resources.success=Command list-jdbc-resources executed successfully. list-jdbc-resources failed.
list.jdbc.resources.empty=Nothing to list.
create.jdbc.connection.pool=Register the JDBC connection pool.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.datasourceClassname=The name of the vendor\u2014supplied JDBC datasource resource manager.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.resType=The interface that the datasource class implements. Must be one of javax.sql.DataSource, javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource or javax.sql.XADataSource. It leads to an error when this option has a legal value and the indicated interface is not implemented by the datasource class. This option has no default value.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.steadyPoolSize=The minimum and initial number of connections maintained in the pool. The default value is 8.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.maxPoolSize=The maximum number of connections that can be created. The default value is 32.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.maxWait=The amount of time a caller will wait before a connection timeout is sent. The default is 60 seconds. A value of 0 forces the caller to wait indefinitely.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.poolResize=Quantity by which the pool will scale-up or scale-down the number of connections. Scale-up: When the pool has no free connections, pool will scale-up by this quantity. Scale-down: All the invalid and idle connections are removed, sometimes resulting in removing connections of quantity greater than this value. Steadypoolsize will be ensured. Possible values are from 0 to MAX_INTEGER. The default value is 2.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.idleTimeout=The maximum time, in seconds, that a connection can remain idle in the pool. After this time, the implementation can close this connection. This timeout value must be kept shorter than the server side timeout value to prevent the accumulation of unusable connections in the application. The default value is 300.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.initSql=Used to specify a SQL string by the user, to be executed whenever a connection is created from the pool (not the connections that are reused). This is executed to initialize the state of the connection. This is an optional attribute and should carry a value when a initialization SQL is to be executed.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.isolationLevel=The transaction-isolation-level on the pooled database connections. This option does not have a default value. If not specified, the pool operates with the default isolation level that the JDBC driver provides. You can set a desired isolation level using one of the standard transaction isolation levels: read-uncommitted, read-committed, repeatable-read, serializable. Applications that change the isolation level on a pooled connection programmatically risk polluting the pool. This could lead to program errors.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.isIsolationGuaranteed=This is applicable only when a particular isolation level is specified for transaction-isolation-level. The default value is true. This option assures that every time a connection is obtained from the pool, isolation level is set to the desired value. This could have some performance impact on some JDBC drivers. Administrators can set this to false when the application does not change --isolationlevel before returning the connection.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.isConnectValidatereq=If set to true, connections are validated or checked to see if they are usable before giving out to the application. The default value is false.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.validationMethod=The name of the validation table used to perform a query to validate a connection. Valid settings are: auto-commit, meta-data, or table. The default value is auto-commit.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.validationTable=The name of the validation table used to perform a query to validate a connection.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.failConnection=If set to true, all connections in the pool must be closed when a single validation check fails. The default value is false. One attempt is made to re-establish failed connections.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.allowNonComponentCallers=A pool with this property set to true, can be used by non-J2EE components, that is, components other than EJBs or Servlets. The returned connection is enlisted automatically with the transaction context obtained from the transaction manager.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.nonTransactionalConnections=A pool with this property set to true returns non-transactional connections. This connection does not get automatically enlisted with the transaction manager.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.validateAtMostOncePeriod=Used to set the time-interval within which a connection is validated at most once. Default is 0 which implies that it is not enabled.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.leakTimeout=To aid user in detecting potential connection leaks by the application. When a connection is not returned back to the pool by the application within the specified period, it is assumed to be a potential leak and stack trace of the caller will be logged. Default is 0, which implies there is no leak detection, by default. A positive non-zero value turns on leak detection. Note however that, this attribute only detects if there is a connection leak. The connection can be reclaimed only if connection-leak-reclaim is set to true.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.leakReclaim=If enabled, connection will be reusable (put back into pool) after connection-leak-timeout-in-seconds occurs. Default value is false.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.creationRetryAttempts=The number of attempts to create a new connection. Default is 0, which implies no retries.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.creationRetryInterval=The time interval between retries while attempting to create a connection. Default is 10 seconds. Effective when connection-creation-retry-attempts is greater than 0.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.statementTimeout=Sets the timeout property of a connection to enable termination of abnormally long running queries. Default value of -1 implies that it is not enabled.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.lazyConnectionEnlistment=Enlist a resource to the transaction only when it is actually used in a method, which avoids enlistment of connections that are not used in a transaction. This also prevents unnecessary enlistment of connections cached in the calling components. Default value is false.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.lazyConnectionAssociation=Connections are lazily associated when an operation is performed on them. Also, they are disassociated when the transaction is completed and a component method ends, which helps reuse of the physical connections. Default value is false.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.associateWithThread=Associate connection(s) with a thread such that when the same thread is in need of a connection, it can reuse the connections already associated with that thread, thereby not incurring the overhead of getting a connection from the pool. Default value is false. (see also associate-with-thread-connections-count)
create.jdbc.connection.pool.associateWithThreadConnectionsCount=Maximum number of connections to associate with a thread. Default value is 1. Takes effect only when associate-with-thread is true.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.driverClassname=Name of the vendor supplied JDBC driver class name. The specified driver should implement the java.sql.Driver interface.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.matchConnections=To switch on/off connection matching for the pool. It can be set to false if the administrator knows that the connections in the pool will always be homogeneous and hence a connection picked from the pool need not be matched by the resource adapter. Default value is false.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.maxConnectionUsageCount=When specified, connections will be re-used by the pool for the specified number of times after which it will be closed. This is useful for instance, to avoid statement-leaks. Default value is 0, which implies the feature is not enabled. pool with this attribute set to true is pinged during the pool creation or reconfiguration to identify and warn of any erroneous values for the its attributes. Default value of this attribute is false.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.pooling=When set to false, this attribute disables connection pooling. Default value of this attribute is true.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.sqlTraceListeners=Used to set if the SQL statements executed by applications need to be traced. Aids administrators in analysing the statements. Multiple listeners can be specified as comma separated list of listener implementation class names.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.statementCachesize=Used to set the number of statements to be cached using the default caching mechanism (Least Recently Used). Default value of 0 implies the statement caching is not enabled.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.wrapJdbcObjects=When set to true, application will get wrapped jdbc objects for Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, ResultSet, DatabaseMetaData. Defaults to true.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.validationClassname=Used to set the custom validation implementation class name implemented by the user. This parameter is mandatory if the connection-validation-type is set to custom-validation. The class name provided must be accessible to the application server.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.description=Text providing details about the specified JDBC connection pool. attribute name/value pairs for configuring the connection pool.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.jdbc_connection_pool_id=The name of the JDBC connection pool to be created.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.success=JDBC connection pool {0} created successfully. connection pool {0} creation failed. {1}
create.jdbc.connection.pool.duplicate=A resource named {0} already exists.
create.jdbc.connection.pool.validationtable_required=--validationtable is required if --validationmethod=table and --isconnectvalidatereq=true.
delete.jdbc.connection.pool=Remove the specified JDBC connection pool.
delete.jdbc.connection.pool.cascade=If the option is set to true, all the JDBC resources associated with the pool, apart from the pool itself, are deleted. When set to false, the deletion of pool fails if any resources are associated with the pool. Resources must be deleted explicitly or the option must be set to true. By default, the option is false.
delete.jdbc.connection.pool.jdbc_connection_pool_id=The name of the JDBC resource to be removed.
delete.jdbc.connection.pool.success=Command delete-jdbc-connection pool executed successfully. delete-jdbc-connection-pool failed.
delete.jdbc.connection.pool.notfound=A JDBC connection pool named {0} does not exist.
delete.jdbc.connection.pool.noJndiName=No id defined for JDBC Connection pool.
delete.jdbc.connection.pool.pool_in_use=Some jdbc resources or persistence manager factory resources are referencing this connection pool. Use 'cascade' option to delete them as well.
list.jdbc.connection.pools=List all JDBC connection pools.
list.jdbc.connection.pools.success=Command list-jdbc-connection-pools executed successfully. list-jdbc-connection-pools failed
list.jdbc.connection.pools.empty=Nothing to list. to ping during JDBC Connection Pool Creation : {0} - Failed.
ping.create.jdbc.connection.pool.success=Attempting to ping during JDBC Connection Pool Creation : {0} - Succeeded.