com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.mapping.ejb.Bundle.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
# Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
# This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
# Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
# Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
# version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
# https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
# Message ID Range: JDO71000 - JDO71099
MESSAGE_START_BEAN=Begin conversion of bean: {0}
MESSAGE_LWB_NULL=Setting the lower bound for relationship field {1} of bean {0} to 0.
MESSAGE_LWB_NOPK=The relationship field {1} of bean {0} is mapped to a non-nullable column that is not part of the primary key... setting the lower bound to 1.
MESSAGE_LWB_FK=The relationship field {1} of bean {0} is mapped to a non-nullable column that is part of a foreign key constraint... setting the lower bound to 1.
MESSAGE_LWB_PKSUBSET=The relationship field {1} of bean {0} is mapped to a subset of primary key columns... setting the lower bound to 1.
MESSAGE_LWB_CASCADE=This side of the relation corresponding to relationship field {1} of bean {0} is marked for cascade delete... setting the lower bound to 1.
MESSAGE_LWB_NODEPENDENT=Unable to determine the dependent side for relationship field {1} of bean {0}.
MESSAGE_CONV_EXC=Conversion exception: {0}
MESSAGE_REL_OBJ_DEL=Related objects are deleted is TRUE for bean {0} and field {1}.
MESSAGE_ADD_COLUMN=Add column {0} to mapping for field {1}.
MESSAGE_JDOCLASS_NAME=The class name of bean {0} is {1}.
MESSAGE_CANDIDATE_PK=Candidate PK has column name {0}.
ERR_INVALID_COLUMN=JDO71001: The table {1} does not have a column named {0}
ERR_INVALID_TABLE=JDO71002: The schema file {1} does not contain a table named {0}
ERR_CANNOT_FIND_SCHEMA=JDO71003: Could not find schema file {0} on classpath {1}
ERR_BAD_MULTIPLICTY=JDO71005:Invalid multiplicity element value: {0} (in the ejb-relationship-role element: {1})
ERR_INVALID_FG_LEVEL=JDO71006: Invalid value for fetched-with level {2} on field {1} of bean {0}.
ERR_UNDEFINED_TABLE=JDO71008: Missing table definition
ERR_INVALID_FIELD=JDO71009: The field {1} is not defined for bean {0}.
ERR_FIELD_MAPPED_TWICE=JDO71010: The field {1} of bean {0} is already mapped.
ERR_BAD_CONVERSION_HELPER=JDO71014: Assertion failure for ConversionHelper. The current helper doesn't support mapping completion.
ERR_COLUMN_PAIR_MISSING=JDO71018:Invalid cmr-field-mapping for bean: {0} field: {5}. At least one column-pair element required.
ERR_INVALID_CONSISTENCY_VALUE=JDO71019: Invalid consistency specification for {0}
WARN_ILLEGAL_PAIR=JDO71020:Illegal column pair specified for secondary table {1} of mapping for bean {0}: {2}
WARN_MISSING_TABLE=JDO71021: Missing table name {1} in MappingReferenceKeyElement for bean {0}
WARN_NO_PRIMARY=JDO71022: Bean {0} is not mapped to a primary table.
WARN_NOT_MAPPED_TO_PRIMARY=JDO71023:This mce is not mapped to a primary table: {0}
WARN_NO_PAIRS=JDO71024: The bean {0} has no pairs to map the primary table to the secondary table {1}
XML_ERROR_IN_MAPPING_FILE=JDO71026: {0} has syntax errors. Correct the file and redeploy.
WARN_INVALID_FIELD=JDO71027: The field {1} in bean {0} is invalid because the field is not declared in the deployment descriptor or has already been mapped.
WARN_INVALID_CMRFIELD=JDO71028: The relationship field {1} in bean {0} is invalid because the field is not declared in the deployment descriptor or has already been mapped.
WARN_INVALID_RELATIONSHIP_FIELDTYPE=JDO71029: The field type {2} for relationship field {1} in bean {0} is not a supported type.
WARN_NO_PKCOLUMN=JDO71030: There is no column in table {0} which can be used to support the server''s implementation of unknown key classes.
ERR_INVALID_VERSION_COLUMNS=JDO71031: Multiple version columns in one bean are not supported.
WARN_VERSION_COLUMN_INVALID_TABLE=JDO71032: The version column {2} must belong to bean {1}''s primary table: {0}.
WARN_VERSION_COLUMN_MISSING=JDO71033: The bean {1}''s primary table {0} must have a version column.
ERR_INVALID_CLASS=JDO71035: The class corresponding to the bean {0} is null.
# Message ID Range: JDO71100 - JDO71199
HELP_USAGE=usage: \n \
capture-schema -username name -password password -dburl url -driver jdbcdriver -out aFilename \n\t [-schemaname aSchemaname] [-table aTablename]*\n \
where: \n\
\t-username: username for authenticating access to a database \n \
\t-password: password for accessing the selected database \n \
\t-dburl: JDBC URL expected by the driver for accessing a database \n \
\t-driver: JDBC driver classname in your CLASSPATH \n \
\t-out: name of the output file. If it does not end with \".dbschema\", that extension will be added. \n \
\t-schemaname: name of the user schema being captured \n \
\t-table: name of a table to be captured \n \
\n\tIf no table names are given, all the tables in the database\n\t(or named schema, if given) are captured.\n\n\tIf no schemaname is given, captures metadata for all tables\n\tfrom all schemas accessible to this user.
MESSAGE_CHANGING_OUTFILENAME=Warning: output file name changed to have filename extension
ERR_CHECK_CLASSPATH=JDO71100: Failed to find a class. Verify that the class is available on your CLASSPATH
ERR_INVALID_TABLE_GIVEN=JDO71101: Cannot access table {0}.
MESSAGE_NO_VALID_TABLES=JDO71102: No valid tables requested. No schema file created
ERR_ORACLE_ARGUMENTS=JDO71103: schemaname argument required for Oracle databases
# Message ID Range: JDO71200 - JDO71299
ERR_DISCONNECTED_NOT_SUPPORTED=Disconnected beans not supported.
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