
com.sun.xml.rpc.resources.modeler_fr.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# Copyright (c) 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
# This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
# Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
# Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
# version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
# https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
# general
#EN: modeler error: {0}
modeler.nestedModelError=Erreur du modeleur : {0}
# RmiModeler
#EN: cannot instantiate class: {0}
rmimodeler.cannot.instantiate=Impossible d''instancier la classe : {0}
#EN: invalid remote interface: {0}
rmimodeler.invalid.remote.interface=Interface distante non valide : {0}
#EN: class {0} not found.
rmimodeler.class.not.found=Classe {0} introuvable.
#EN: exception \"{0}\" is unsupported.
rmimodeler.invalid.exception=Exception \"{0}\" non prise en charge.
#EN: invalid type for JAX-RPC structure: {0}
rmimodeler.invalid.rmi.type=Type non valide pour la structure JAX-RPC : {0}
#EN: unexpected type: {0}
rmimodeler.unexpected.type=Type inattendu : {0}
#EN: invalid encoding specified: {0}
rmimodeler.invalid.encoding=Codage sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 incorrect : {0}
#EN: type cannot implement remote: {0}
rmimodeler.type.cannot.implement.remote=Le type ne peut pas impl\u00e9menter \u00e0 distance : {0}
#EN: type {0} does not implement serializable
rmimodeler.type.does.not.implement.serializable=Le type {0} n''impl\u00e9mente pas les s\u00e9rialisables
#EN: class {0} does not have a public accessible empty constructor
rmimodeler.no.empty.constructor=La classe {0} n''a pas de constructeur vide accessible public
#EN: ambiguous member: {0}
rmimodeler.ambiguous.member=Membre ambigu : {0}
#EN: RmiModeler error: {0}
rmimodeler.nestedRmiModelerError=Erreur RmiModeler : {0}
#EN: could not resolve property type: {0}
rmimodeler.could.not.resolve.property.type=Impossible de r\u00e9soudre le type de propri\u00e9t\u00e9 : {0}
#EN: property setter \"{0}\" of type \"{1}\" on class \"{2}\" cannot be overloaded
rmimodeler.property.setter.method.cant.be.overloaded=Le d\u00e9finisseur de propri\u00e9t\u00e9 \"{0}\" du type \"{1}\" sur la classe \"{2}\" ne peut pas \u00eatre surcharg\u00e9
#EN: invalid remote interface; class {0} is not an interfacee
rmimodeler.must.implement.remote=Interface distante non valide ; la classe {0} n''est pas une interface.
#EN: invalid remote interface; class {0} does not directly implement a remote interface
rmimodeler.service.endpoint.must.be.interface=Interface distante non valide ; la classe {0} n''impl\u00e9mente pas directement une interface distante
#EN: {0} is not a valid remote interface: method {1} must throw java.rmi.RemoteException
rmimodeler.must.throw.remoteexception={0} n''est pas une interface distante valide : la m\u00e9thode {1} doit g\u00e9n\u00e9rer java.rmi.RemoteException
rmimodeler.javabean.property.has.public.member: class \"{0}\" cannot have a JavaBean property \"{1}\" and a public member of the same name.
#EN: nested inner classes are not supported: {0}
rmimodeler.nested.inner.classes.not.supported=Les classes internes imbriqu\u00e9es ne sont pas prises en charge : {0}
#EN: Service specific exceptions must not extend RuntimeException: {0}
rmimodeler.must.not.extend.runtimeexception=Les exceptions sp\u00e9cifiques au service ne doivent pas \u00e9tendre RuntimeException : {0}
rmimodeler.duplicate.type.name:Duplicate type name \"{0}\" for Java type \"{1}\" found
#EN: Field \"{0}\" of Java class \"{1}\" not found.
rmimodeler.field.not.found=Le champ \"{0}\" de la classe Java \"{1}\" est introuvable.
#EN: Type \"{0}\" is used as a \"{1}\" and a \"{2}\"
rmimodeler.type.is.used.as.two.types=Le type \"{0}\" est utilis\u00e9 comme \"{1}\" et comme \"{2}\"
#EN: Holders are not supported in document literal mode - Type: \"{0}\"
rmimodeler.no.literal.holders=Les Holders ne sont pas pris en charge en mode litt\u00e9ral/document - Type : \"{0}\"
#EN: {0} types are not supported in literal mode - Type: \"{1}\"
rmimodeler.type.is.not.supported={0} non pris en charge en mode litt\u00e9ral - Type : \"{1}\"
#EN: java.lang.Object is not supported in literal mode
rmimodeler.object.is.not.supported=java.lang.Object n'est pas pris en charge en mode litt\u00e9ral
#EN: Type \"{0}\" implements more than one interface, interfaces: \"{1}\", \"{2}\" ...
rmimodeler.type.implements.more.than.one.interface=Le type \"{0}\" impl\u00e9mente plusieurs interfaces, interfaces : \"{1}\", \"{2}\" ...
#EN: The name of the operation \"{0}\" clashes with a type name. You cannot use document/literal encoding for this service endpoint interface.
rmimodeler.operation.name.clashes.with.type.name=Le nom de l''op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" est en conflit avec un nom de type. Impossible d''utiliser le codage du litt\u00e9ral/document pour cette interface du point de terminaison du service.
#EN: Type \"{0}\" is not required by the specification and cannot be used with the \"strictcompliance\" flag
rmimodeler.type.not.strict.compliant=Le type \"{0}\" n''est pas obligatoire et il ne peut pas \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 avec la balise \"strictcompliance\"
#EN: Exceptions in the \"java.\" or \"javax.\" packages are not supported: \"{0}\"
rmimodeler.java.exceptions.not.allowed=Exceptions dans les packages \"java.\" ou \"javax.\" non prises en charges : \"{0}\"
#EN: No such method \"{0}\" on class \"{1}\"
rmimodeler.no.such.method=Aucune m\u00e9thode \"{0}\" pour la classe \"{1}\"
# WSDLModeler
#EN: multiple \"out\" parameters in operation: {0}
wsdlmodeler.multipleOutputParameters=Plusieurs param\u00e8tres \"out\" en cours d''utilisation : {0}
#EN: invalid operation: {0}
wsdlmodeler.invalidOperation=Op\u00e9ration non valide : {0}
#EN: invalid state while modeling operation: {0}
wsdlmodeler.invalidState.modelingOperation=\u00c9tat incorrect lors de l''op\u00e9ration de mod\u00e9lisation : {0}
#EN: result is \"inout\" parameter in operation: {0}
wsdlmodeler.resultIsInOutParameter=Le r\u00e9sultat est le param\u00e8tre \"inout\" en cours d''utilisation : {0}
#EN: \"{0}\" specified in the parameterOrder attribute of message \"{1}\" is not a valid part of the message.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.parameterorder.parameter=\"{0}\" sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 dans l''attribut parameterOrder du message \"{1}\" n''est pas une partie valide du message.
#EN: more than one part left out in the parameterOrder attribute of operation \"{0}\"
wsdlmodeler.invalid.parameterOrder.tooManyUnmentionedParts=Plus d''une partie restante dans l''attribut parameterOrder de l''op\u00e9ration \"{0}\"
#EN: parameter \"{0}\" of operation \"{1}\" appears with different types in the input and output messages
wsdlmodeler.invalid.parameter.differentTypes=Le param\u00e8tre \"{0}\" de l''op\u00e9ration \"{1}\" appara\u00eet avec diff\u00e9rents types dans les messages d''entr\u00e9e et de sortie
#EN: in binding \"{1}\", operation \"{0}\" does not appear in the corresponding port type
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.notInPortType=Dans la liaison \"{1}\", l''op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" n''appara\u00eet pas dans le type de port correspondant
#EN: input message of binding operation \"{0}\" does not have a SOAP body extension
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.inputMissingSoapBody=Le message d''entr\u00e9e de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{0}\" n''a pas d''extension de corps SOAP
#EN: output message of binding operation \"{0}\" does not have a SOAP body extension
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.outputMissingSoapBody=Le message de sortie de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{0}\" n''a pas d''extension de corps SOAP
#EN: binding operation \"{0}\" must specify a name for its input message
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.missingInputName=L''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{0}\" doit sp\u00e9cifier un nom pour son message d''entr\u00e9e
#EN: binding operation \"{0}\" must specify a name for its output message
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.missingOutputName=L''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{0}\" doit sp\u00e9cifier un nom pour son message de sortie
#EN: in binding \"{1}\", operation \"{0}\" does not reference a unique operation in the corresponding port type
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.multipleMatchingOperations=Dans la liaison \"{1}\", l''op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ne fait pas r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 une op\u00e9ration unique dans le type de port correspondant
#EN: in binding \"{1}\", operation \"{0}\" does not match any operation in the corresponding port type
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.notFound=Dans la liaison \"{1}\", l''op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ne correspond \u00e0 aucune op\u00e9ration dans le type de port correspondant
#EN: input message of binding operation \"{0}\" must specify a value for the \"namespace\" attribute
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.inputSoapBody.missingNamespace=Le message d''entr\u00e9e de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{0}\" doit sp\u00e9cifier une valeur pour l''attribut \"namespace\"
#EN: output message of binding operation \"{0}\" must specify a value for the \"namespace\" attribute
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.outputSoapBody.missingNamespace=Le message de sortie de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{0}\" doit sp\u00e9cifier une valeur pour l''attribut \"namespace\"
#EN: input header \"{1}\" of binding operation \"{0}\" must specify a value for the \"namespace\" attribute
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.inputHeader.missingNamespace=L''en-t\u00eate d''entr\u00e9e \"{1}\" de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{0}\" doit sp\u00e9cifier une valeur pour l''attribut \"namespace\"
#EN: output header \"{1}\" of binding operation \"{0}\" must specify a value for the \"namespace\" attribute
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.outputHeader.missingNamespace=L''en-t\u00eate de sortie \"{1}\" de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{0}\" doit sp\u00e9cifier une valeur pour l''attribut \"namespace\"
#EN: fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\" matches more than one fault in the corresponding port type operation
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.notUnique=L''erreur \"{0}\" dans l''op\u00e9ration \"{1}\" correspond \u00e0 plus d''une erreur dans l''op\u00e9ration de type de port correspondante
#EN: fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\" does not match any fault in the corresponding port type operation
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.notFound=L''erreur \"{0}\" dans l''op\u00e9ration \"{1}\" ne correspond \u00e0 aucune erreur dans l''op\u00e9ration de type de port correspondante
#EN: fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\" does not have a SOAP fault extension
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.outputMissingSoapFault=L''erreur \"{0}\" dans l''op\u00e9ration \"{1}\" n''a pas une extension d''erreur SOAP
#EN: fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\" must specify a value for the \"name\" attribute
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.missingName=L''erreur \"{0}\" dans l''op\u00e9ration \"{1}\" doit sp\u00e9cifier une valeur pour l''attribut \"name\"
#EN: fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\" must specify a value for the \"namespace\" attribute
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.missingNamespace=L''erreur \"{0}\" dans l''op\u00e9ration \"{1}\" doit sp\u00e9cifier une valeur pour l''attribut \"namespace\"
#EN: fault \"{0}\" refers to message \"{1}\", but the message has no parts
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.emptyMessage=L''erreur \"{0}\" se r\u00e9f\u00e8re au message \"{1}\", mais ce message n''a aucune partie
#EN: fault \"{0}\" refers to message \"{1}\", but the message has more than one parts
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.messageHasMoreThanOnePart=L''erreur \"{0}\" se r\u00e9f\u00e8re au message \"{1}\", mais ce message a plus d''une partie
#EN: in message \"{0}\", part \"{1}\" must specify a \"type\" attribute
wsdlmodeler.invalid.message.partMustHaveTypeDescriptor=Dans le message \"{0}\", la partie \"{1}\" doit sp\u00e9cifier un attribut \"type\"
#EN: in message \"{0}\", part \"{1}\" must specify a \"element\" attribute
wsdlmodeler.invalid.message.partMustHaveElementDescriptor=Dans le message \"{0}\", la partie \"{1}\" doit sp\u00e9cifier un attribut \"element\"
#EN: invalid WSDL document
wsdlmodeler.invalid=Document WSDL incorrect
#EN: the following naming conflicts occurred: {0}
wsdlmodeler.unsolvableNamingConflicts=Les conflits de nom suivants se sont produits : {0}
#EN: ignoring schema element (unsupported version): {0}
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringUnrecognizedSchemaExtension=\u00c9l\u00e9ment de sch\u00e9ma ignor\u00e9 (version non prise en charge) : {0}
#EN: encountered {0} unrecognized type(s)
wsdlmodeler.warning.searchSchema.unrecognizedTypes=Type(s) non reconnu(s) {0} d\u00e9tect\u00e9(s)
#EN: WSDL document does not define any services
wsdlmodeler.warning.noServiceDefinitionsFound=Le document WSDL ne d\u00e9finit aucun service
#EN: Service \"{0}\" does not contain any usable ports
wsdlmodeler.warning.noPortsInService=Le service \"{0}\" ne contient aucun port utilisable
#EN: Port \"{0}\" does not contain any usable operations
wsdlmodeler.warning.noOperationsInPort=Le port \"{0}\" ne contient aucune op\u00e9ration utilisable
#EN: ignoring port \"{0}\": not a SOAP port
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringNonSOAPPort=Port \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9 : pas un port SOAP
#EN: ignoring port \"{0}\": no SOAP address specified
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringNonSOAPPort.noAddress=Port \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9 : aucune adresse SOAP sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9e
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringSOAPBinding.nonHTTPTransport:ignoring SOAP port \"{0}\": unrecognized transport
#EN: ignoring operation \"{0}\": not request-response or one-way
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.notSupportedStyle=Op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e : pas de type requ\u00eate-r\u00e9ponse ou unidirectionel
#EN: ignoring RPC-style operation \"{0}\": parameters are not encoded
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.notEncoded=Op\u00e9ration de style RPC \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e : les param\u00e8tres ne sont pas encod\u00e9s
#EN: ignoring operation \"{0}\": cannot handle \"parts\" attribute of \"soap:body\" element
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleBodyPartsAttribute=Op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e : impossible de g\u00e9rer l''attribut \"parts\" de l''\u00e9l\u00e9ment \"soap:body\"
#EN: ignoring operation \"{0}\": message part does not refer to a schema element declaration
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleTypeMessagePart=Op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e : la partie du message ne se r\u00e9f\u00e8re pas \u00e0 une d\u00e9claration d''\u00e9l\u00e9ment de sch\u00e9ma
#EN: ignoring operation \"{0}\": message part does not refer to a schema type declaration
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleElementMessagePart=Op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e : la partie du message ne se r\u00e9f\u00e8re pas \u00e0 une d\u00e9claration de type de sch\u00e9ma
#EN: ignoring operation \"{0}\": cannot handle document-style operations
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleDocumentStyle=Op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e : impossible de g\u00e9rer les op\u00e9rations de style document
#EN: ignoring faults declared by operation \"{0}\"
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringFaults=Erreurs d\u00e9clar\u00e9es par l''op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9es.
#EN: ignoring literal fault \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringFault.notEncoded=Erreur du litt\u00e9ral \"{0}\" de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{1}\" ignor\u00e9e
#EN: ignoring encoded fault \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringFault.notLiteral=Erreur cod\u00e9e \"{0}\" de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{1}\" ignor\u00e9e
#EN: ignoring header \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader=En-t\u00eate \"{0}\" de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{1}\" ignor\u00e9
#EN: header part: \"{0}\" already bound by soapbind:body, illegal to bind the part twice
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader.partFromBody=Partie de l''en-t\u00eate : \"{0}\" d\u00e9j\u00e0 li\u00e9e par soapbind:body, interdiction de lier deux fois une m\u00eame partie
#EN: ignoring header \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": not literal
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader.notLiteral=En-t\u00eate \"{0}\" de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{1}\" ignor\u00e9 : pas un litt\u00e9ral
#EN: ignoring header \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": not found
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader.notFound=En-t\u00eate \"{0}\" de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{1}\" ignor\u00e9 : introuvable
#EN: ignoring header \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": cannot resolve message
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader.cant.resolve.message=En-t\u00eate \"{0}\" de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{1}\" ignor\u00e9 : impossible de r\u00e9soudre le message
#EN: ignoring fault \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": cannot resolve message
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringFault.cant.resolve.message=Erreur \"{0}\" de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{1}\" ignor\u00e9e : impossible de r\u00e9soudre le message
#EN: ignoring header \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": not SOAP-encoded
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader.notEncoded=En-t\u00eate \"{0}\" de l''op\u00e9ration de liaison \"{1}\" ignor\u00e9 : pas de codage SOAP
#EN: ignoring header \"{0}\" of operation \"{1}\": part not found
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader.inconsistentDefinition=En-t\u00eate \"{0}\" de l''op\u00e9ration \"{1}\" ignor\u00e9 : partie introuvable
#EN: ignoring document-style operation \"{0}\": parameters are not literal
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.notLiteral=Op\u00e9ration de style document \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e : les param\u00e8tres ne sont pas litt\u00e9raux
#EN: ignoring operation \"{0}\": more than one part in input message
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleMoreThanOnePartInInputMessage=Op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e : plus d''une partie dans le message d''entr\u00e9e
#EN: ignoring operation \"{0}\": input message is empty
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleEmptyInputMessage=Op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e : le message d''entr\u00e9e est vide
#EN: ignoring operation \"{0}\": more than one part in output message
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleMoreThanOnePartInOutputMessage=Op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e : plus d''une partie dans le message de sortie
#EN: ignoring operation \"{0}\": output message is empty
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleEmptyOutputMessage=Op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e : le message de sortie est vide
#EN: ignoring operation \"{0}\": binding style and operation style are conflicting
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.conflictStyleInWSIMode=Op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e : le style de liaison est en conflit avec le style d''op\u00e9ration
#EN: ignoring fault \"{0}\" of document-style operation \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringFault.documentOperation=Erreur \"{0}\" de l''op\u00e9ration du style document \"{1}\" ignor\u00e9e
#EN: The WSDL used has operations with literal and encoded use. -f:searchschema is not supported for this scenario.
wsdlmodler.warning.operation.use=Le WSDL utilis\u00e9 comprend des op\u00e9rations cod\u00e9es et litt\u00e9rales. -f:searchschema n'est pas pris en charge dans ce sc\u00e9nario.
#wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.wrongSoapFaultName=The name of the SOAP fault extension does not match the name of the \"{0}\" fault in operation \"{1}\"
#EN: name of soap:fault \"{0}\" doesn''t match the name of wsdl:fault \"{1}\" in operation \"{2}\"
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.wrongSoapFaultName=Le nom de soap:fault \"{0}\" ne correspond pas au nom de wsdl:fault \"{1}\" dans l''op\u00e9ration \"{2}\"
#wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.noSoapFaultName=The name of the SOAP fault extension is missing from the fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\"
#EN: soap:fault name not specified, wsdl:fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.noSoapFaultName=Nom de soap:fault non sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9, wsdl:fault \"{0}\" dans l''op\u00e9ration \"{1}\"
#EN: ignoring fault \"{0}\" of operation \"{1}\", part name \"{2}\" is not unique
wsdlmodeler.duplicate.fault.part.name=Erreur \"{0}\" de l''op\u00e9ration \"{1}\" ignor\u00e9e, le nom de la partie \"{2}\" n''est pas unique
#EN: ignoring fault \"{0}\" of operation \"{1}\", soap:fault name \"{2}\" is not unique
wsdlmodeler.duplicate.fault.soap.name=Erreur \"{0}\" de l''op\u00e9ration \"{1}\" ignor\u00e9e, le nom soap:fault \"{2}\" n''est pas unique
#EN: ignoring header fault \"{0}\", cannot find part \"{1}\" in binding \"{2}\"
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeaderFault.notFound=Erreur de l''en-t\u00eate \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e, impossible de trouver la partie \"{1}\" dans la liaison \"{2}\"
#wsi warnings
#EN: Non conforming WS-I WSDL used for wsdl:import
wsdlmodeler.warning.nonconforming.wsdl.import=Le WSDL WS-I utilis\u00e9 n'est pas en conformit\u00e9 avec wsdl:import
#EN: Non conforming WS-I WSDL used for wsdl:types
wsdlmodeler.warning.nonconforming.wsdl.types=Le WSDL WS-I utilis\u00e9 n'est pas en conformit\u00e9 avec wsdl:types
#EN: Processing WS-I non conforming operation \"{0}\" with RPC-Style and SOAP-encoded
wsdlmodeler.warning.nonconforming.wsdl.use=Traitement de l''op\u00e9ration WS-I non conforme \"{0}\" avec le style RPC et le codage SOAP
# optional parts
#EN: parts \"{0}\" not found in the message \"{1}\", wrong WSDL
wsdlmodeler.error.partsNotFound=Parties \"{0}\" introuvables dans le message \"{1}\", WSDL incorrect
# NoMetadataModeler
#EN: WSDL document does not define any services
nometadatamodeler.error.noServiceDefinitionsFound=Le document WSDL ne d\u00e9finit aucun service
#EN: WSDL document defines more than one service
nometadatamodeler.error.moreThanOneServiceDefinition=Le document WSDL d\u00e9finit plusieurs services
#EN: incorrect service name: \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.incorrectServiceName=Nom de service incorrect : \"{0}\"
#EN: failed to process port: \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.failedToProcessPort=Impossible de traiter le port : \"{0}\"
#EN: service does not define any ports: \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.noPortsInService=Le service ne d\u00e9finit aucun port : \"{0}\"
#EN: service defines more than one port: \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.moreThanOnePortDefinition=Le service d\u00e9finit plusieurs ports : \"{0}\"
#EN: incorrect port name: \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.incorrectPortName=Nom de port incorrect : \"{0}\"
#EN: port contains overloaded operations: \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.overloadedOperationsFound=Le port comporte des op\u00e9rations surcharg\u00e9es : \"{0}\"
#EN: operation is not SOAP-encoded: \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.operationNotEncoded=L''op\u00e9ration n''est pas encod\u00e9e par SOAP : \"{0}\"
#EN: operation requires output parameter(s): \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.outputParameterEncountered=L''op\u00e9ration requiert des param\u00e8tres de sortie : \"{0}\"
#EN: incorrect fault part name for fault \"{1}\" of operation \"{0}\": \"{2}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.incorrectFaultPartName=Nom d''erreur incorrect pour l''erreur \"{1}\" de l''op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" : \"{2}\"
#EN: incorrect fault part type for fault \"{1}\" of operation \"{0}\": \"{2}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.incorrectFaultPartType=Type d''erreur incorrect pour l''erreur \"{1}\" de l''op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" : \"{2}\"
#EN: duplicate method signature encountered: \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.duplicateMethodSignature=Signature de la m\u00e9thode dupliqu\u00e9e : \"{0}\"
#EN: class not found: {0}
nometadatamodeler.error.classNotFound=Classe introuvable : {0}
#EN: cannot map namespace URI: \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.cannotMapNamespace=Impossible de mapper l''URI de l''espace de noms : \"{0}\"
#EN: method \"{0}\" not found (or found with incorrect signature) in class: \"{1}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.methodNotFound=M\u00e9thode \"{0}\" introuvable (ou comportant une signature incorrecte) dans la classe : \"{1}\"
#EN: constructor not found (or found with incorrect signature) in class: \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.constructorNotFound=Constructeur introuvable (ou comportant une signature incorrecte) dans la classe : \"{0}\"
#EN: method \"{0}\" should throw exception: \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.exceptionNotFound=La m\u00e9thode \"{0}\" doit g\u00e9n\u00e9rer l''exception : \"{0}\"
#EN: not a Service interface: \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.notServiceInterface=Pas une interface du service : \"{0}\"
#EN: not a Remote interface: \"{0}\"
nometadatamodeler.error.notRemoteInterface=Pas une interface distante : \"{0}\"
#EN: holder types are invalid in this context
nometadatamodeler.error.holderDetected=Les types de holder sont incorrects dans ce contexte
#EN: nested array types are invalid in this context
nometadatamodeler.error.nestedArrayDetected=Les types de tableaux imbriqu\u00e9s sont incorrects dans ce contexte
#WSI-BP1.0 Warning/Errors
#EN: R2716 WSI-BasicProfile ver. 1.0, namespace attribute not allowed in doc/lit for {0}: \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.warning.r2716=R2716 WSI-BasicProfile ver. 1.0, attribut de l''espace de noms non autoris\u00e9 dans les doc./lit. pour {0} : \"{1}\"
#EN: R2716/R2726 WSI-BasicProfile ver. 1.0, namespace attribute not allowed in doc/lit or rpc/lit for {0}: \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.warning.r2716r2726=R2716/R2726 WSI-BasicProfile ver. 1.0, attribut de l''espace de noms non autoris\u00e9 avec les formats doc./lit. ou rpc/lit. pour {0} : \"{1}\"
#WSI-BP 1.1 Warning/Errors
#EN: Ignoring operation \"{0}\". The Multipart/Related structure has invalid root part: more than one soap:body parts found
mimemodeler.invalidMimePart.moreThanOneSOAPBody=Op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e. La structure de type multipartie ou associ\u00e9 poss\u00e8de une partie root non valide : Plusieurs parties soap:body d\u00e9tect\u00e9es
#EN: Headers not in root mime:part with soap:body, ignoring headers in operation \"{0}\"
mimemodeler.warning.IgnoringinvalidHeaderPart.notDeclaredInRootPart=En-t\u00eates non inclus dans la partie root mime:part avec soap:body, en-t\u00eates ignor\u00e9s dans l''op\u00e9ration \"{0}\"
#EN: Ignoring the mime:part. Invalid mime:part, the mime:content has different part attribute.
mimemodeler.invalidMimeContent.differentPart=Partie mime:part ignor\u00e9e. Partie mime:part incorrecte, mime:content poss\u00e8de un attribut diff\u00e9rent.
#EN: Ignoring the mime:part. mime part: {0} can not be mapped to schema type: {1}
mimemodeler.invalidMimeContent.invalidSchemaType=Partie mime:part ignor\u00e9e. La partie MIME : {0} ne peut pas \u00eatre mapp\u00e9e sur le type de sch\u00e9ma : {1}
//Rxxxx A mime:content in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer to a wsdl:part element defined using the type attribute.
#EN: wsdl:part element referenced by mime:content part attribute: {0} must be defined using type attribute!
mimemodeler.invalidMimeContent.mesagePartElementKind=L''\u00e9l\u00e9ment wsdl:part r\u00e9f\u00e9renc\u00e9 par l''attribut mime:content : {0} doit \u00eatre d\u00e9fini \u00e0 l''aide de l''attribut type.
//RXXXX RYYYY: In a description, a mime:content element MUST include the part attribute.
#EN: Ignoring operation \"{0}\", missing part attribute in mime:content. part attribute must be present in mime:content declaration.
mimemodeler.invalidMimeContent.missingPartAttribute=Op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" ignor\u00e9e, l''attribut manquant de l''attribut mime:content. doit figurer dans la d\u00e9claration de mime:content.
#EN: Missing type attribute in mime:content in operation \"{0}\". part attribute must be present in mime:content declaration.
mimemodeler.invalidMimeContent.missingTypeAttribute=Attribut type manquant de mime:content dans l''op\u00e9ration \"{0}\". L''attribut doit figurer dans la d\u00e9claration de mime:content.
//unknown schematype
#EN: Unknown schema type: {1} for mime:content part: {0}
mimemodeler.invalidMimeContent.unknownSchemaType=Type de sch\u00e9ma inconnu : {1} pour la partie mime:content : {0}
//missing wsdl:part referenced by the mime:content
#EN: ignoring mime:part, cannot find part \"{0}\" referenced by the mime:content in the wsdl:operation \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringMimePart.notFound=mime:part ignor\u00e9e, impossible de trouver la partie \"{0}\" r\u00e9f\u00e9renc\u00e9e par mime:content dans wsdl:operation \"{1}\"
#EN: The mime:content part refers to wsdl:part \"{0}\", defined using element attribute. Please make sure the mime type: \"{1}\" is appropriate to serialize XML.
mimemodeler.elementPart.invalidElementMimeType=La partie mime:content se r\u00e9f\u00e8re \u00e0 la partie wsdl:part \"{0}\", d\u00e9finie \u00e0 l''aide de l''attribut ''element''. Assurez-vous que le type MIME : \"{1}\" permet de s\u00e9rialiser XML.
//R2708 The mime:part element in a DESCRIPTION MUST NOT have a name attribute.
#EN: name attribute on wsdl:part in Operation \"{0}\" is ignored. Its not allowed as per WS-I AP 1.0.
mimemodeler.invalidMimePart.nameNotAllowed=L''attribut ''name'' de la partie wsdl:part dans l''op\u00e9ration \"{0}\" est ignor\u00e9. Il n''est pas autoris\u00e9 dans WS-I AP 1.0.
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