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# Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
# General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
# and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You can
# obtain a copy of the License at
# or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.  See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
# When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
# file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
# GPL Classpath Exception:
# Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
# exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
# file that accompanied this code.
# Modifications:
# If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
# enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
# "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
# Contributor(s):
# If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
# only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor]
# elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL
# Version 2] license."  If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a
# recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under
# either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to
# its licensees as provided above.  However, if you add GPL Version 2 code
# and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies
# only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
# holder.

# This file contains localizations for the MQ Broker.
# NOTE ON USING '\'es:
# The trailing '\' on a line is the line continuation character.
# The leading '\' at the start of a line escapes the first space in that
# line so the leading whitespace is not lost
# If a message contains parameters (e.g. {0}, {1}, etc), you *MUST*
# escape single quotes by doubling them up (''). If the message does
# not contain parameters then do not double them up (').
#  1. If a message spans multiple lines, you must terminate
#     each line (except the last) with the '\' character.
#  2. If a continued line starts with whitespace you must begin
#     the line with the '\' character in the first column.
#  3. If a message contains a parameter (ie {0}, {1}, etc) you
#     must escape single quotes by doubling them up (''). I.e.
#       Could not start the Broker''s {0} service on port {1}.\n


# Broker command line usage message: Do NOT translate:
#  Command line syntax summary: imqbrokerd [-D=] ...
#  Command line flags: -javahome, -loglevel, -name, etc.
#  References to command line parameters: , , , etc
#  Values for command line parameters: NONE, ERROR, WARNING, etc.
B0002=usage: imqbrokerd [-D=]\n\
\                 [-backup ]\n\
\                 [-cluster ]\n\
\                 [-dbuser ] \n\
\                 [-force]\n\
\                 [-h | -help]\n\
\                 [-javahome  | -jrehome ]\n\
\                 [-loglevel ] [-metrics <#>] [-name ]\n\
\                 [-passfile ] \n\
\                 [-port <#>] [-remove instance]\n\
\                 [-reset ] [-restore ]\n\
\                 [-shared] [-s | -silent] [-tty] [-upgrade-store-nobackup]\n\
\                 [-v | -version] [-vmargs ]\n\
\ -backup       Backup the change history for destinations and\n\
\               durable subscriptions.\n\
\ -D            Set system property  to .\n\
\ -cluster      Connect to the specified brokers. The  must\n\
\               be a comma separated list of host[:port] OR [host]:port\n\
\               entries. Default host is "localhost" and default port\n\
\               is "7676".\n\
\ -dbuser       Specify the user name for plugged in database access.\n\
\ -force        Perform action without user confirmation.\n\
\ -h            displays usage information.\n\
\ -javahome     Specify an alternate Java runtime to use.  is the\n\
\               path to a Java 2 JDK. Default is to use the bundled runtime.\n\
\ -jrehome      Same as -javahome except  is the path to a Java 2 JRE\n\
\ -loglevel     Set the logging level to .  must be one of\n\
\               Default is INFO.\n\
\ -metrics      Log a performance metric report every <#> seconds\n\
\ -name         Set the instance name of this Broker to  and use the\n\
\               corresponding property configuration.\n\
\ -passfile     Read SSL keystore, ldap and db passwords from \n\
\ -port         Set Broker's primary port to <#>\n\
\ -remove       instance\n\
\               Cause the broker instance to be removed.\n\
\               Delete the instance configuration file, log files,\n\
\               persistent store, and other associated files and directories.\n\
\ -reset        Reset or clear dynamically created broker data.\n\
\               Currently the following arguments are supported by the\n\
\               reset option.\n\
\                   'store' - causes the broker to clear all persistent\n\
\                             data including all messages and related data\n\
\                             as well as durable subscribers and transaction\n\
\                             information.\n\
\                   'messages' - causes the broker to clear all persistent\n\
\                                messages.\n\
\                   'durables' - causes the broker to clear all durable\n\
\                                subscribers.\n\
\                   'props' - causes the broker to clear any stored\n\
\                             properties for this instance of the broker.\n\
\                   'takeover-then-exit' - causes the broker to exit as soon\n\
\                             as releases any takeover locks held.\n\
\ -restore      Restore the change history for destinations and\n\
\               durable subscriptions.\n\
\ -rmiRegistryPort\n\
\               RMI registry port. The default port for this is 1099.\n\
\ -shared       Run the jms service using the shared thread pool model.\n\
\ -silent       Do not display any output on the terminal console.\n\
\ -startRmiRegistry\n\
\               Create and start an RMI registry as part of broker startup.\n\
\               Also make all RMI based JMX connectors have the following fixed \n\
\               JMXServiceURL:\n\
\    service:jmx:rmi://brokerhost/jndi/rmi://brokerhost:1099/brokerhost/7676/jmxrmi\n\
\               The connector stubs will be stored in the RMI registry.\n\
\ -tty          Display all messages on the terminal console (in addition to\n\
\               the log file). By default only WARNINGs and ERRORs are\n\
\               displayed.\n\
\ -upgrade-store-nobackup\n\
\               Do not retain the old persistent store when upgrading the\n\
\               data to the new store.\n\
\ -useRmiRegistry\n\
\               Make all RMI based JMX connectors have the following fixed \n\
\               JMXServiceURL:\n\
\    service:jmx:rmi://brokerhost/jndi/rmi://brokerhost:1099/brokerhost/7676/jmxrmi\n\
\               The connector stubs will be stored in an RMI registry which needs\n\
\               to be running prior to broker startup or the broker can start one\n\
\               up via -startRmiRegistry.\n\
\ -version      Display version information and exit.\n\
\ -vmargs       Pass  to the Java VM. If  contains\n\
\               spaces it should be enclosed in double quotes\n\
\ -varhome      Specify an alternate var home to use.\n
# Do not translate "-loglevel"
B0003=Invalid value for -loglevel
Enter password for keystore {0}: 
B0005=The following licenses are available:\n\
\tPackage\t-  Description\n
# Do not translate "-license", "", "imqbrokerd", "unl", "try"
To start the broker with a specific license,\n\
use the parameter -license , e.g.,\n\
\timqbrokerd -license unl\n
# This is the message displayed when a trial license is used
# {0} is the expiration date in DateFormat.MEDIUM style.
# In English, it is Mon dd, yyyy, e.g., Mar 12, 2001.
*****                                                          *****\n\
*****  Trial license enabled.  This license will expire on     *****\n\
*****  {0}.  This license is for evaluation purposes  *****\n\
*****  only. You are in violation of the license agreement if  *****\n\
*****  you use this product with this license enabled in a     *****\n\
*****  production environment.                                 *****\n\
*****                                                          *****\n\
*****                                                         *****\n\
*****  Developer license enabled.  This license is for        *****\n\
*****  evaluation and development purposes only.  You are in  *****\n\
*****  violation of the license agreement if you use this     *****\n\
*****  product in a production environment.                   *****\n\
*****                                                         *****\n\
# Do not translate "-reset"
B0009=Invalid value for -reset
B0010=Broker exiting.
# Usage message for imqdbmgr. Do NOT translate:
#  Command line syntax summary: imqdbmgr  ...
#  Command line flags: -h, creat tbl, etc
#  References to command line parameters: 
B0011=imqdbmgr usage:\n\
imqdbmgr   []\n\
imqdbmgr -h|-help\n\
imqdbmgr -v|-version\n\
imqdbmgr subcommands and arguments:\n\
\    create all      : Create database and tables for the persist store.\n\
\    create tbl      : Create tables for the persist store.\n\
\    delete tbl      : Delete tables for the persist store.\n\
\    delete oldtbl   : Delete tables of an old persistent store.\n\
\    recreate tbl    : Delete and then create tables for the persist store.\n\
\    remove bkr      : Remove a broker from an HA persist store.\n\
\    reset lck       : Reset the lock so that the persist store can be used\n\
\                      by other processes.\n\
\    upgrade store   : Upgrade old persistent store.\n\
\    upgrade hastore : Upgrade existing standalone persist store to an HA persist store.\n\
\    backup          : Backup the JDBC persist store to file based backup files.\n\
\    restore         : Restore the JDBC store from file based backup.\n\
\    query           : Query and display information of the persistent store.\n\
\    create sharecc_tbl   : Create shared table for cluster configuration change records.\n\
\    delete sharecc_tbl   : Delete shared table for cluster configuration change records.\n\
\    recreate sharecc_tbl : Delete and then create shared table for cluster configuration\n\
\                           change records.\n\
\    backup sharecc_tbl   : Backup the JDBC shared table to a backup file for cluster\n\
\                           configuration change records.\n\
\    restore sharecc_tbl  : Restore the JDBC shared table from a backup file for cluster\n\
\                           configuration change records.\n\
imqdbmgr options:\n\
\    -D= : Set system property  to .\n\
\    -b             : Specify the broker instance name and use\n\
\                           the corresponding property configuration.\n\
\    -n         : Specify the broker ID to remove from an HA Store\n\
\    -h, -help            : Display usage help.\n\
\    -passfile      : Specify a file containing the database password.\n\
\    -u             : Specify the database username.\n\
\    -v, -version         : Display version information.\n\
\    -varhome             : Specify an alternate var home to use.\n\
\    -dir      : Backup directory for backup or restore the persist store.\n\
\    -file     : Backup file path for backup or restore sharecc_tbl.\n\
B0013=Running low on memory while writing a message to a client, the current message may be lost
B0014=Running low on memory while reading in a message from a client, attempting to free memory and complete reading the message
B0015=Running low on memory while processing a message from a client, the current message may be sent more than once
B0016=Running low on memory while loading original messages, the broker will clear out memory and attempt to reload the message
B0017=The broker ran out of memory during startup and was unable to recover, please adjust the amount of memory allocated to the java process in the imqbrokerd script or bat file and restart the broker 
B0018=Running low on memory while allocating space for a message header, system will attempt to recover
B0019=Running low on memory while allocating space for a cluster operation, system will attempt to recover
B0020=Running low on memory while persisting a message, system will attempt to recover
# Do NOT translate GREEN, YELLOW, ORANGE and RED
B0024=\ RED 
# {0} is the name of the broker instance to be removed
# {1} will be retrieved from B0026
# {2} will be retrieved from B0027
All data for the broker instance "{0}" will be removed.\n\
Do you wish to proceed? [{1}/{2}] 
# Short for yes and no
# Do NOT translate "-remove"
B0028=Invalid value for -remove
Enter password for LDAP Searches using Distinguished Name {0}: 
# Strings for features that are licensed
B0032=Round-Robin Queues
B0033=Failover Queues
B0034=Single Receiver Queues
B0035=Shared Thread Pools
B0036=SSL JMS Service
B0037=HTTP/HTTPS JMS Service
B0038=Broker clusters
# {0} is the database url
Enter password for database {0}: 

# Upgrade in place confirmation:
# {0} will be retrieved from B0026
# {1} will be retrieved from B0027
Old data will not be preserved when upgrading to the new format.\n\
The old store should be backed up before using this option.\n\
Do you wish to proceed? [{0}/{1}] 

B0041={0} Backup Consumers
B0042={0} Active Consumers

#{0} is the name of the destination
#{1} is the type (topic/queue) of the destination
B0045={0} [{1}]

B0046=C api clients
B0047=Client Failover
B0048=Monitoring Destinations
B0049=Local Destinations
B0050=More than {0} Primary Consumers on a Destination
B0051=More than {0} Backup Consumers on a Destination

B0052=Message Placed on the Dead Message Queue because {0}
B0053=Message on destination {0} Expired: expiration time {1}, arrival time {2}, JMSTimestamp {3}
B0054=Limit exceeded on Destination {0}: message limit (maxNumMsgs)={1}; bytes limit (maxTotalMsgBytes)={2}
B0055=Message on destination {0} was Undeliverable
B0056=Error was received processing the message on destination {0}
B0057=Audit Logging
B0058=No Acknowledgement Sessions

B0059=Client closed the connection
B0060=Service shutting down
B0061=Client exited without closing connections
B0062=Admin requested close
B0063=Initialization Failure 
B0064=Authorization Failure 
B0065=Message on destination {0} expired before arrival: expiration time {1}, arrival time {2}, JMSTimestamp {3}
B0066=Admin request
B0067=Request of client connection {0}
B0068=Close of connection {0}
B0069=Auto-created destination reaped
B0070=Reconnect interval expired for destination
#eg. Destination removed at request of remote administrator
B0071=Request of remote administrator
B0072=Shared Consumers
B0073=SSL Broker clusters

#{0} thread name
B0074={0} thread exiting.

B0075=Cluster Service

B0076=Admin requested shutdown by {0}
B0077=Admin requested restart by {0}

B0078=High Availability Service
B0079=Running low on memory while portmapper service listening client connection, system will attempt to recover
B0080=Running low on memory while portmapper service processing client connection, system will attempt to recover
B0081=Running low on memory in portmapper service, broker will attempt to restart
B0082=Portmapper exiting.
B0083=Running low on memory while cluster dispatcher thread dispatches event
B0084=Link Shutdown
B0085=master broker changed
B0086=master broker not connected
B0087=Change Master Broker
B0088=Message on destination {0} expired on delivery: expiration time {1}, arrival time {2}, JMSTimestamp {3}
B0089=Message on destination {0} expired by client: expiration time {1}, arrival time {2}, JMSTimestamp {3}

# 1000-1999    Informational Messages

# {0} is a string describing the connection, {1} is a number
B1000=Accepted connection from {0}. Connection count={1}
B1001=Using {0} as the location for IMQ_HOME

# {0} is the instance name of the broker
B1002=An existing property file for {0} was not found, no stored properties will be loaded

# Java version information follows this message
B1003=Java Runtime: 

# {0} name of the service
# {1} protocol for the service (e.g. tcp, http)
# {2} and {3} are numbers
B1004=Starting the {0} service using {1} with min threads {2} and max threads of {3} 
B1005=Pausing Service {0} with protocol {1}
B1006=Resuming Service {0} with protocol {1} 
B1007=Stopping Service {0} with protocol {1}
B1008=Removing Connection {0}, connection count = {1}
B1009=Destination {0} does not exist and has been auto created

# {0} is a string describing the JMS message being expired
B1010=Removing Expired Message {0} 
B1011=Internal Memory Limits have been reached Limits = [ {0} bytes and {1} messages ], swapping messages to disk

# {0} is a file name
B1012=Interest states file has been corrupted: {0}
B1013=Auto Creation of Queues is enabled
B1014=Auto Creation of Topics is disabled

# Usage messages for imqusermgr. Do NOT translate:
#  Command line syntax summary: imqusermgr add ...
#  Command line flags: -u, etc.
#  References to command line parameters: , etc.
B1015=imqusermgr usage:\n\
imqusermgr add -u  -p  [-g ] [-s]\n\
\                 [-i ]\n\
imqusermgr delete -u  [-s] [-f] [-i ]\n\
imqusermgr update -u  -p  [-a ] [-s] [-f]\n\
\                 [-i ]\n\
imqusermgr update -u  -a  [-p ] [-s] [-f]\n\
\                 [-i ]\n\
imqusermgr list [-i ]\n\
imqusermgr list -u  [-i ]\n\
imqusermgr encode -src  -target \n\
imqusermgr decode -src  -target \n\
imqusermgr -h\n\
imqusermgr -v\n
B1016=imqusermgr options:\n\
-a\tSpecify active state of user. Valid values are true, false.\n\
-f\tPerform action without user confirmation.\n\
-g\tSpecify group of user. Valid values are admin, user, anonymous.\n\
-h\tDisplay usage help.\n\
-i\tSpecify broker instance. Default is the 'imqbroker' instance.\n\
-p\tSpecify password of user.\n\
-s\tSilent mode. No output is displayed.\n\
-u\tSpecify user name.\n\
\tNames cannot contain the following characters:\n\
\t\    * , :  \n\
-v\tDisplay version information.\n\
-varhome\tSpecify an alternate var home to use.\n\
-D= : Set system property  to .\n

# {0} is the user name
B1017=User {0} successfully added.
B1018=User {0} not added.
B1019=User {0} successfully deleted.
B1020=User {0} not deleted.
B1021=User {0} successfully updated.
B1022=User {0} not updated.
B1023=Are you sure you want to delete user {0}? (y/n)[n] 
B1024=Are you sure you want to update user {0}? (y/n)[n] 
B1025=User add operation failed.
B1026=User delete operation failed.
B1027=User update operation failed.
B1028=User list operation failed.
B1029=2.0 Alpha release license
B1030=2.0 Beta release license
B1031=2.0 FCS license

B1033=A client on connection {0} tried to use client id {1} which is already in use
B1034=Destination {0} is being purged using a criteria of {1}
B1035=Delete all messages in the destination

# Titles for imqusermgr user listing
B1036=User Name
B1038=Active State

# {0} is the name of the broker
B1039=Broker "{0}" ready.

# {0} is a file name
B1040=Transaction acknowledgement file has been corrupted: {0}

B1041=Cluster initialization successful.
B1042=Running in standalone mode.

# {0} is a file name
B1043=This file is corrupted: {0}
B1044=Failed to delete file: {0}
B1045=Failed to truncate file: {0}

B1046=Database tables created.
B1047=Shutting down broker...
B1048=Shutdown of broker complete.
B1049=Shutdown hook added.
B1050=Shutdown hook NOT added. Running JDK1.2?
B1051=Database tables deleted.

# {0} is the database url that was shutdown
B1052=Database shutdown done: {0}

B1053=Shutting down Service {0} with protocol {1}
B1054=Java Class Path: 

# {0} Are the commad line arguments that were passed to the broker
B1055=Arguments: {0}

B1056=Cleaning up persistent store...
B1058=Processing {0} message files...
B1059=Resetting persistent store...
B1060=Loading persistent data...
B1064=Broker restarting.

# Accepting a connection from a client.
# {0} is info about the client.
# {1} is info about the service being connected to
# {2} is connection count for broker
# {5} is connection count for service
B1065=Accepting: {0}->{1}. Count: service={5} broker={2}
# Dropping a connection from a client.
# {0} is info about the client.
# {1} is info about the service being connected to
# {2} is  connection count for broker
# {3} is a reason string
# {5} is connection count for service
B1066=\  Closing: {0}->{1} because "{3}". Count: service={5} broker={2}

# Information about plugged-in data store
# {0} is the database url
# {1} is the broker id set with property imq.persist.jdbc.brokerid
B1067=Using plugged-in persistent store:\n\
\tdatabase connection url={2}\n\
\tdatabase user={3}

B1068=Initializing master broker for the first time.
B1069=Running as master broker for the cluster.
B1070=Established connection with master broker. Retrieving persistent state change records...
B1071=Established cluster connection to broker {0}
B1072=Closed cluster connection to broker {0}
B1073=Pausing all the services until communication with master broker is established. The services will be resumed automatically.
B1074=Reloading cluster properties.
B1075=Received persistent state change records from the master broker. Ready to accept client connections.
B1076=Waiting for operation to complete ...
B1077=Broadcast good-bye to all connections ...
B1078=Flushing good-bye messages ...
B1079=Found {0} transactions. {1} will be rolled back. 
B1080=Of {0} transactions, {1} are in PREPARED state, {2} are in COMMITTED state
B1081=Auto-rollback is enabled. Will roll back all PREPARED transactions.
B1082=Auto-rollback is disabled. Will leave PREPARED transactions unresolved.
B1083=Resetting all messages...
B1084=Resetting all durable subscribers...
B1085=Loading other persistent data...
B1086=Java Heap Size: max={0}k, current={1}k

# {0} Is one of the color message (ie GREEN, YELLOW, etc).
# {1} is the old level color
# {2} is the currently allocated memory in Kbytes
# {3} is the % of total memory used
B1088=Entering Memory State {0} from previous state {1} - allocated memory is {2}K, {3}% of total memory used
B1089=In low memory condition, Broker is attempting to free up resources
B1090=Update of Service {0} requested [port={1}, min={2}, max={3}]
B1091=Updated of protocol for Service {0} complete: [port={1}, hostname={2}]
B1092=Max file descriptors: {0} ({1})
B1093=Shutdown requested by broker administrator
B1094=Restart requested by broker administrator
B1095=Removing persistent store...
B1096=Removing all instance data...
B1097=Instance data not removed.
B1098=Loading {0} messages for destination {1}

# {0} = directory name
The old store can be found in the {0} directory.\n\
It needs to be removed manually.

# {0} is the pathname of an old persistent store
B1100=Resetting old persistent store in {0} ...
B1101=Resetting all messages in old persistent store ...
B1102=Upgrading other persistent data ...
B1103=Resetting all durable subscribers in old persistent store ...

# {0} is the pathname of an old persistent store
B1104=Removing old persistent store in {0} ...

# {0} = version of new store
# {1} = directory name
B1105=Upgrading to new store (version {0}) in the {1} directory ...

B1106=Upgrade done.

# {0} is the pathname of an old persistent store
B1107=Old persistent store detected in {0}. It should be removed when no longer needed.

B1108=Persistent store not upgraded.

# {0} is version of the old persistent store
B1109=Detected an old persistent store (version {0}) which needs to be upgraded.

# {0} is a path name
B1110=Upgrade failed. Removing new persistent store in {0}.

B1111=Old persistent store detected. Use imqdbmgr to delete them when they are no longer needed.
B1112=Removing old database tables ...
B1113=Resetting old database tables by deleting them ...
B1114=A new persistent store will be created ...

# {0} = version of new store
B1115=Upgrading to new store format (version {0}) ...

B1116=Upgrade failed. Removing new persistent store from database.

# {0} is a table name
B1117=Failed to delete table in old store: {0}

# {0} is the number of messages
B1118=Upgrading {0} messages from old persistent store ...

# {0} is the file name of the password file
# {1} is the file name of the access control file
# {2} is the directory name of the IMQ_ETC directory
B1119=The instance password and access control files are copied from the {0} and {1} file in the {2} directory, respectively.

# Title for imqusermgr
# {0} is the instance name
B1120=User repository for broker instance: {0}

# {0} = directory name
The database tables in the old store are preserved. They need to be removed manually by running (imqdbmgr delete oldtbl).

# {0} connection ID
B1122=Reconnecting client {0}

# {0} destination
B1123=Compacting {0}

# {0} service
B1124=Pausing Service {0}

# {0} destination
B1125=Pausing Destination {0}

# {0} destination
B1126=Unable to paused unknown destination {0}

# {0} destination
B1127=Unable to paused admin or internal destination {0}
B1128=Resuming Service {0}
B1129=Resuming Destination {0}
B1130=Destroying auto-created destination {0} inactive for {1} seconds

B1131=Removed all Durable Consumers associated with Destination {0}. Reason: {1}
B1132=Auto-creating destination {0} 

B1133=Backup consumer {0} has become active on destination {1} 
B1134=In-conflict clientID {0} is owned by local connection {1}
B1135=In-conflict clientID {0} is owned by a connection on a remote broker

B1136=Processing stored transactions
B1137=Cluster initialization failed. Disabling the cluster service.

# {0} is the license description
B1138=License: {0}

# {0} is the file name from where the license is loaded
B1139=Loaded license from {0}

B1140=Expired {0} messages from destination {1}

# Information about file-based data store
# {0} is the root directory of the persistent store
B1141=Using built-in file-based persistent store: {0}

# Information about plugged-in data store (brokerid is not used)
# {0} is the database url
B1142=Using plugged-in persistent store:\n\
\tdatabase connection url={0}

B1143=No valid license files found. The default license (platform edition) will be used. To use the platform edition in the absence of valid license start the broker with pe option along with the license subcommand while starting the broker. 

B1144=Creating Dead Message Queue
B1145=Message {0} has been removed from the Dead Message Queue (original destination was {1})
B1146=Message {0} has been removed from destination {1} because {2}
B1147=Message {0} from destination {1} has been placed on the DMQ because {2}
B1148=No valid license files found. The default license (platform edition) will be used.

B1149=Reestablished database connection {0} to {1}
B1150=Waiting for cluster connection to {0} to be established

B1151=Loading destination {0} with {1} messages
B1152=Loading of destination {0} complete
B1153=Loading of destination {0} in process, {1} of {2} messages loaded, {3}% complete
B1154=Administrator has requested the destruction of connection {0}
B1155=Unable to process admin request: Broker has not completed startup
B1156=Unable to process admin request: Broker is shutting down
B1157=Unable to store message to destination {0}: Broker is shutting down or destination is being destroyed
B1158=Administrator has created destination {0}
B1159=Destination {0} has been destroyed
B1160=Connection {0} has created destination {1}
B1161=Initialization of instance has completed, exiting

# {0} table name
# {1} table index name
B1162=Creating database table {0} ...
B1163=Creating database table index {0} ...
B1164=Dropping database table {0} ...

# {0} cluster id
B1165=Database tables for the HA cluster {0} created.
B1166=Database tables for the HA cluster {0} deleted.

# {0} broker id
B1167=Broker {0} has been removed from HA Store.
B1168=Takeover lock has been acquired for failed broker {0} (timestamp: {1})
B1169=Removing takeover lock for failed broker {0} due to error

B1170=Auto Creation of plugged-in persistent store is enabled
B1171=Auto Creation of plugged-in persistent store is disabled
B1172=Sending {0} to {1}

# {0} packet type
# {1} string 
# {2} broker address
B1173=Received {0} {1} from {2}
#{0} timeout value, {1} protocol name, {2} broker addresses 
B1174=Waiting[{0}] for {1} from {2}

# {0} broker
B1175=This broker is about to TAKEOVER broker {0}  

# {0}
B1176=Attempt to TAKEOVER broker {0} by this broker is ABORTED  

B1177=Broadcast TAKEOVER of broker {0} COMPLETE ...

# {0} packet type
# {1} string
# {2} broker address 
B1178=Received {0} notification {1} from {2}

B1179=Activated broker {0} 
B1180=Deactivated broker {0} 

# {0} endpoint info
B1181=Added heartbeat endpoint {0}
B1182=Removed heartbeat endpoint {0}

# {0} broker 
B1183=Unsuspect {0}
B1184=Unsuspected {0}
B1185=Starting heartbeat to {0}
B1186=Stopping heartbeat to {0}

# {0} heartbeat endpoint
B1187=Heartbeat service binds to {0}

# {0} number of remaining links
B1188=Waiting for cluster service shutdown. {0} link(s) remaining ..

B1189={0} feature is not available

# {0} broker id to be taken over
B1190=Admin has requested takeover of broker {0}

# {0} brokerid which could not be taken over
B1191=Unable to takeover {0} because another broker has taken responsibility

# {0} property name
B1192=Ignoring property {0} because it is not used in an HA cluster

# {0} store session
# {1} broker session
B1193=Broker has started using a store session of {0} and a broker session of {1}

# {0} - number of messages
B1194=Loading {0} messages during HA takeover

# {0} - destination name
B1195=Unable to load monitor for destination {0}

# {0} - destination name
# {1} - number of messages
B1196=Processing {1} messages on destination {0}

B1197=Quiesce Starting
B1198=Quiesce Complete
# user calling shutdown
B1199=Shutdown Requested by {0}

# {0} time remaining in seconds
# {1} time remaining in milliseconds
B1200=Shutting down the broker in {0} seconds ({1} milliseconds)

B1201=Waiting to complete shutdown, broker will shutdown at {0}

#{0} brokerid
# {1} clusterid
B1202=Broker {0} is running in HA mode as part of the {1} cluster

B1203=Starting with a brokerid of {0}

B1204=Starting HA Monitor Service

B1205=Starting HA Heartbeat Service

# {0} brokerid
# (1) brokerurl
B1206=Monitor service initializing for brokerid {0} at {1}

# {0} brokerid
# {1} brokerurl
B1207=Updating URL for broker {0} stored in the database, new URL is {1}

B1208=Pausing 10 seconds to allow takeover to complete

B1209=Resetting Broker {0}, since it was being takeover when this broker went down

# {0} num of indoubt brokers
B1210=HA Monitor is watching {0} indoubt brokers

# {0} broker which is indoubt
B1211=Broker {0} has been removed from the indoubt list because it was shutdown with noFailover

# {0} broker which is indoubt
B1212=Broker {0} is no longer being monitored because it is being or has been taken over by another broker 

# {0} broker which is indoubt
B1213=Broker {0} is not indoubt, no longer monitoring it

# {0} broker which is indoubt
B1214=Broker {0} is unresponsive, attempting to takeover

# {0} broker which is indoubt
B1215=Broker {0} is still indoubt, continuing to monitor

# {0} broker which is indoubt
B1216=Attempting to takeover the store for Broker {0}

# {0} broker being taken over
B1217=Takeover of broker {0} was successful, processing data and state information owned by that broker

# {0} broker being taken over
# {1} number of txns
B1218=Processing {1} transactions from broker {0}

# {0} broker being taken over
# {1} transactionUID
# {2} state
B1219=Rolling back transaction {1} from broker {0} because state is {2} and the transaction has asked to be rolled back if it not PREPARED

# {0} broker being taken over
# {1} transactionUID
# {2} state
B1220=Rolling back transaction {1} from broker {0} because state is {2} and the transaction has asked to be rolled back if it not COMMITTED

#{0} brokerid of taken over broker
#{1} num of messages
B1221=Processing {1} messages from broker {0}

#{0} brokerid of taken over broker
#{1} num of messages
B1222=Processing {1} destinations from broker {0}

#{0} brokerid of taken over broker
B1223=Takeover processing of {0} complete

#{0} brokerid 
B1224=Reaping remaining destinations from broker {0}

#{0} brokerid 
B1225=Done Reaping remaining destinations from broker {0}

#{0} broker address
#{1} broker address
B1226=Master broker address changed from {0} to {1}

#{0} user repository type
#{1} service name
B1227=Using {0} user repository for {1} service connection authentication

#{0} ping interval in seconds
B1228=Cluster ping interval is {0} seconds

#{0} clusterid
B1229=Using cluster ID {0}

#{0} broker ID
B1230=Please enable HA mode for broker {0} and try again
B1231=Persistent store for broker {0} has already been upgraded

#{0} version of new store
#{1} broker ID
B1232=Upgrading to HA Store format (version {0}) for broker {1} ...
B1233=Upgrade failed. Removing broker {0} data from HA Store.

#{0} JMX Connector name
#{1} JMX Connector URL
B1234=JMX Connector Server {0} started successfully with url {1}

#{0} JMX Connector name
B1235=JMX Connector Server {0} stopped successfully

#{0} JMX Connector name
#{1} Connection ID
#{2} Total number of connections
B1236=JMX Connection Open: {0}, connection ID: {1}, Count={2}

#{0} JMX Connector name
#{1} Connection ID
#{2} Total number of connections
B1237=JMX Connection Close: {0}, connection ID: {1}, Count={2}

#{0} JMX Connector name
#{1} Connection ID
#{2} Total number of connections
B1238=Unknown JMX Connection notification type: {0}, connection ID: {1}, Count={2}

B1239=Using platform MBean server
B1240=Created MBean server

# {0} RMI Registry port e.g. 1099
B1241=RMI Registry started on port {0}

#{0} broker address
B1242=Close unreachable link to {0}

# {0} username
# {1} service name 
B1243=Authentication of {0} for {1} service OK

# {0} broker address
# {1} timeout in seconds
B1244=IP address of broker {0} is reachable within {1} seconds
B1245=IP address of broker {0} is unreachable with timeout of {1} seconds
B1246=All JMX Connector Servers will exit when the Broker completes its shutdown
B1247=Resetting all cumulative, average and peak metrics in the broker
B1248=Acknowledgement could not be processed because the broker is shutting down

# {0} Destination type/name e.g. t:Stocks
# {1} Pause type
B1249=Pausing destination {0} with pause type {1}

# {0} Pause type
B1250=Pausing all destinations with pause type {0}

# {0} remote broker address
# {1} master broker address
B1251=Closing cluster connection with {0}. Waiting for master broker {1} ...

B1252=Pausing all services

B1253=Resuming all services

# {0} store session ID
# {1} broker ID
B1254=Reaping inactive store session {0} from broker {1}

# {0} store session ID
# {1} string representation of clustered broker 
B1255=Store session {0} has owner {1} 

# {0} store session ID
# {1} string representation of clustered broker 
B1256=Store session {0} owner is {1}

# {0} store session ID
B1257=Store session {0} has no creator

# {0} store session ID
B1258=Store session {0} is being taken over

# {0} store session ID
B1259=Store session {0} owner not found

# {0} consumer UID
B1260=Acknowledgement could not be processed because consumer {0} does not exist 

B1261=Transaction acknowledgement could not be added because message {0} not found in destination
B1262=Restricted JMS service until communication with master broker is established. 
B1263=Resume full JMS service 
B1264=Waiting for cluster protocol to be initialized 
B1265={0} Waiting for reply in recording configuration change event from master broker {1}
B1266=Transaction {0} has state {1} during connection {2} cleanup
B1267=Of {0} remote transactions, {1} in PREPARED state, {2} in COMMITTED state
B1268=Of {0} remote transactions, {1} in PREPARED state, {2} in COMPLETE state, {3} in COMMITTED state
B1269=Transaction logging is enabled
B1270=Processing messages from transaction log file...
B1271=Processing acknowledgements from transaction log file...
B1272=Found transaction ID {0} [transaction log record type {1}]
B1273=Committing transaction ID {0}
B1274=Load {0} records from message transaction log file
B1275=Load {0} records from acknowledgement transaction log file
B1276=Replace existing message {0}
B1277=Reconstruct message {0} for destination {2}
B1278=Update state of interest {0} for message {1}
B1279=Disregard state of interest {0} for already purged message {1}
B1280=Reconstructing persistence store from transaction log files done
B1281=Schedule detached-transaction reaper with interval {0} seconds.
B1282=Retain all XA transactions on connection cleanup
B1283=Processing {0} transactions after takeover
B1284={0} cluster transactions remain in PREPARED state, {1} in COMMITTED state waiting for remote broker completion
B1285=Reaper thread for committed transactions has started (limit {0}, interval {1}sec).
B1286=Reaper thread for committed transactions is exiting. 

# the type:name of the destination
B1287=Unable to resume unknown destination {0}
B1288=Broker {0} is indoubt, start to monitor
B1289=Transaction acknowledgement could not be added because message {0} was locked 
B1290=Acknowledgement could not be processed because message {0} reference is gone 

# {0} count
# {1} broker ID
# {2} list of IDs
B1291=Taking over {0} local destinations from broker {1}: {2}
B1292=Taking over {0} messages from broker {1}
B1293=Taking over {0} transactions from broker {1}
B1294=Taking over {0} remote transactions from broker {1}
B1295=Taking over {0} store sessions from broker {1}: {2}

B1296=Unable to takeover broker(s) {0} because this broker is already in progress of taking over another broker
B1297=Processing {1} remote transactions from broker {0}
B1298=Processing transaction {1} in state {2} from broker {0}
B1299=Embedded Broker 
B1300=Monitoring Quiescing, remaining connections {0}, remaining messages {1}
B1302=Unable to load destination {0} because of not found in store: {1}
B1303=Unable to remove all messages in destination {0} because the destination is not found in store: {1}
B1304=Unable to remove destination {0} from store because of not found in store: {1}

B1305=Authenticating user {0} as {1}
B1306=Authenticating {0} as user {1}
B1307=Set default security manager
B1308=Set Java policy provider to {0}
B1309=No non-recovery transaction acks to roll back for remote transaction {0}
B1310=No more transaction acks to roll back for remote transaction {0}
B1311=Presumed rollback for remote transaction {0} from {1}
#{0} reason
B1312={0}, use default KeyManagerFactory algorithm {1}
B1313=Skip forwarding a in-closing local consumer {0}
B1314=JESMF classes not present - JESMF support will not be enabled.
B1315=JESMF Manager class not present - JESMF support will not be enabled.
B1316=JESMF support is not enabled - will not be initialized.
B1317=JMX Agent not initialized - JESMF support will not be initialized.
B1318=Initialize bridge service manager 
B1319=Start bridge service manager 
B1320=Bridge service manager started successfully
B1321=Stop bridge service manager
B1322=Bridge service manager stopped successfully
B1323=JMS bridge {0} has been removed from HA store
B1324=Performing checkpoint
B1325=Send cluster transaction information to {0}: {1}
B1326=Received transaction information from {0}: {1}
B1327=Transaction reaper thread waiting for transaction loading completion
B1328=Send remote transaction information to {0}: {1}
B1329=Processing remote transaction {0}
B1330=Transaction acknowledgement {0} being taken over already exists for transaction {1}
B1331=Consumer {0} has already been added to destination {1}
B1332={0} has been reset for this broker {1}
B1333=Current store session for this broker {0} is {1}
B1334=Broker {0} state {1} has been restored because taking over is failed 
B1335=Done resetting any broker if was taking over by this broker before this broker went down
B1336=Indoubt status on {0} for broker {1}
B1337=Down status on {0} for broker {1}
B1338=Data taken over from {0} has been processed 
B1339=Attempt to retry [retry-count,delay-time:{0}] database operation due to exception {1}
B1340=Unable to obtain database connection from pool {0} after waiting for {1} seconds 
B1341=The persist store is closing
B1342=Reaped {0} excessive connections from JDBC connection pool
B1343=Destroyed {0} idle timed out connections from JDBC connection pool
B1344=Destroy an inactive database connection {0} because of {1} 
B1345=Destroy an active database connection {0} because of {1} 
B1346=Cluster configuration change records have been successfully backed up to file {0}
B1347=Master broker change records have been successfully restored from file {0}
B1348=Persistent store has not been synchronized with master broker [{0}]
B1349=[{0}]Wait {1} seconds for synchronization with master broker
B1350=[{0}]Waiting for synchronization with master broker has been interrupted
B1351=Using shared database store for cluster configuration change records, {0}\n\
\tdatabase connection url={3}\n\
\tdatabase user={4}
B1352=Auto creation on
B1353=Auto creation off
B1354=Create shared {0} for cluster configuration change records
B1355=database table
B1356=The shared database store for cluster configuration change records is closed. Wait for operation complete
B1357=Waiting for access shared database store of cluster configuration change records
B1358=Master broker waiter thread {0} for JMS client request exits
B1359=Use a shared store for cluster configuration change records
B1360=Master broker configuration {0} will be ignored for a shared store will be used for cluster configuration change records. 
B1361=Process {0} cluster configuration change records
B1362=Shared database table created for cluster [{0}] configuration change records
B1363=Shared database table deleted for cluster [{0}] configuration change records
B1364=Use reseted {0} shared table for cluster configuration change records 
B1365=Execute supplement statement {0} for table {1} creation
B1366=Execute supplement statement {0} for table {1} drop  
B1367=Synchronize cluster configuration change records with shared database on remote broker {0} join
B1368=Request to update cluster broker list in this broker {0} to {1}
B1369=Received {0} packet from broker {1} on join 
B1370=Backup {0} cluster configuration change records from table {1}
B1371=Cluster [{0}] configuration change records have been backed up to {1}
B1372=Processed {0} records in preparing restoration of configuration change records from backup file {1}
B1373=Back up shared table of cluster [{0}] configuration change records to file {1}
B1374=Restore shared table of cluster [{0}] configuration change records from file {1}
B1375=Restore {0} cluster configuration change records from file {1}
B1376=Cluster [{0}] configuration change records have been restored from {1}
B1377=Wait for cluster configuration change operations to complete
B1378=Cluster is shutting down
B1379=The master broker {0} requested to change to is the current master broker
B1380=Broadcast change of master broker to {0} : new master broker is {1}
B1381=Change master broker for this broker from {0} to {1}
B1382=Administrative service received {0}
B1383=Received cluster configuration change records {0} from {1}
B1384=Broker Properties
B1385=Removed expired message {0} before delivering to consumer {1}
B1386=Removed expired remote message {0} before delivering to consumer {1}
B1387=Purged {0} messages from destination {1}
B1388={0} messages not purged from destination {1} because they have been delivered to client at time of the purging
B1389={0} messages in destination {1} have reached expiration time but are not being reaped because they have been delivered to client(s) and are waiting for acknowledgement or transaction completion 
B1390=Loading of transactions has been successfully completed
B1391=Removing message {0} from destination {1} on replaying message removal 
B1392=Opening transaction log with file mode {0}, maximum size {1} bytes
B1393={0} Waiting for available JDBC connection 
B1394=Admin has requested to migrate this broker''s store to broker {0} 
B1395=Closing persistent store
B1396=Admin has requested to migrate this broker''s store to another broker
B1397=Waiting for admin client to receive {0}
B1398=Sending {0} to admin client
B1399={0} is in progress
B1400=Received file transfer service request from {0}
B1401={0} bytes transfered for file {1} from {2} 
B1402=File {0} has been successfully transfered from {1} 
B1403=Run checkpoint in preparing store mgiration to broker {0}
B1404=Preparing store migration to broker {0}
B1405=Set store as closed
B1406=Connecting to remote broker {0} for file transfer
B1407=Transfer file {0} to {1} 
B1408=Send file transfer link service request to {0}
B1409=Transfering {0} files [{1}] to {2}
B1410=Check heartbeat for {0}
B1411=Heartbeat entry for {0} not found
B1412=Broker {0} has state {1}
B1413=Migrate {0} files from the persistent store of broker {1}
B1414=Migrate file {0} with size {1} bytes from the persistent store of broker {2}
B1415=Generate new UID for persist store
B1416=Broker state file {0} contains state {1}
B1417=Using {0} {1} as persistence store
B1418=BDB Environment Configuration: {0}
B1419=Existing replication ports {0} 
B1420=Taking over messages in destination {0} from replica {1}
B1421=Migrating store of this broker {0} to broker {1} has been prepared. 
B1422=Transaction logging manager checkpoint start
B1423=Transaction logging manager checkpoint end
B1424=Initialize {0} for service {1}
B1425=Service {0} transport bind at {1}
B1426=Service {0} transport started on port {1} 
B1427=Service {0} writer thread exiting 
B1428=Created stored procedure {0} 
B1429=Stored procedure {0} already exists
B1430=Cancel SQL replay {0}, operation succeeded 
B1431=Database connection {0} got exception {1}, will be destroyed
B1432=Set transaction {0} timeout approximately {1} milliseconds
B1433=Use JDBC driver {0}
B1434=Retrieving stored destinations
B1435=Loading stored durable subscription {0}
B1436=Partition not found for requested store session {0} from connection {1}
B1437=Partition {0} is closing
B1438=Assign requested store partition {0} to connection {1}
B1439=Assign store partition {0} to connection {1}
B1440=Started partition arrival monitor thread
B1441=Notify broker {0} arrival of partition {0}
B1442=Execute partition task {0}
B1443=Acknowledgement {0} could not be processed because session not found 
B1444=Acknowledgement {0} could not be processed for local consumer {1} because session not found 
B1445=The transaction {0} is not found, ignore rollback request from broker {1} 
B1446={0} store uses partition mode
B1447={0} store uses migratable partition mode
B1448=Create store partition with id {0}
B1449=This broker owns {0} store sessions.  Create store partition for each store session.
B1450=Message delivery time timer thread started for destination {0}
B1451=Message delivery time timer thread exits for destination {0}
B1452={0} messages delivery time arrived in destination {1}
B1453=Old schema table {0} of cluster configuration change record detected. Use {1} to delete them when it is no longer needed.
B1454=Process admin request to delete message {0} from destination {1} 
B1455=Process admin request to replace message {0} in destination {1}
B1456=Replaced message {0} to {1} in destination {2} 
B1457=Deleted message {0} from destination {2} 
B1458=Migrating cluster configuration change records {0} from old schema table {1} to new table {2}
B1459=Completed migration of cluster configuration change records from old schema table {0} to new table {1}
B1460=Database table {0} deleted
B1461=Message {0} not found in destination {1}
B1462=Message {0} in destination {1} has been removed or being removed
B1463=Message {0} in destination {1} is being replaced
B1464=Message {0} in destination {1} is in delivery to client consumer
B1465=Removed {0} messages in delivery delay from destination {1} on closing consumer {2}
B1466=Clear transaction acknowledgement {0} for rolled back transaction {1} in order to add the transaction acknowledgement to new transaction {2}
B1467=Wait for write lock for remote message reference {0} in destination {1}, locked by {2}
B1468=Wait for read lock for remote message reference {0} in destination {1}, locked by {2}
B1469=Wait for queue remote message lock in destination {0}, locked by {1}
B1470=Ingore routing remote new message {0} in destination {1} from broker {2}, already routed {3}
B1471=New consumer {0} created on destination {1} for old consumer id {2}
B1472=Cluster router pending transaction check timer thread started
B1473=Cluster router pending transaction check timer thread exit 
B1474=Process {0} cached takeover entries for forwarding to broker {1}
#{0} a number, {1} protocol name, {2} broker address 
B1475=Forwarding {0} cached {1} notifications to broker {2}
B1476=Create durable subscription {0} on destination {1}, ignore subscription name {2} sent by client
#{0} to {3} are strings
B1477=Create {0} shared subscription {1} on destination {2}, ignore {3} flag sent by client
B1478=Create unshared durable subscription {0} on destination {1}
B1479=Create shared durable subscription {0} on destination {1}
B1480=Create shared non-durable subscription {0} on destination {1}
B1481=Attempt to get takeover lock for broker {0} was unsuccessful, abort takeover attempt by this broker
B1482=A valid cluster configuration change record of {0} exists in store
B1483=Cluster change record for creation of durable subscription {0} exists, request from broker {1}
B1484=Cluster change record for creation of durable subscription {0} is being created by broker {1}, request from broker {2}
B1485=Waiting for broker link to {0} to be deactivated 
B1486=Store session reaper thread has been scheduled
B1487=Remove cached taking over notification entry {0}
B1488=Binding transport for service {0}
B1489=Unbound transport for service {0}
B1490=Encoding file where:\n
B1491=Are you sure you want to encode this file ? (y/n)[n]
B1492=The file was not encoded
B1493=The file is successfully encoded
B1494=Decoding file where:\n
B1495=Are you sure you want to decode this file ? (y/n)[n]
B1496=The file was not decoded
B1497=The file is successfully decoded
B1498=Waiting for session {0} to be stopped
#{0}, {1} are strings
B1499=Port unification service on {0} is ready 
#{0} type of connection in string
B1500=Port mapper service got {0} connection from {1}
B1501=Source File
B1502=Target File
#{0} is a number
B1503=Retrieved {0} destinations from store

# 2000-2999    WARNING MESSAGES
# {0} user name 
# {1} service name 
B2000=Authentication of {0} for {1} service failed

# {0} is the type of property file we were unable to open
# {1} is the path to the property file
B2001=Unable to load {0} property file {1}
B2002=Unable to save properties without a valid configStore class

# {0} is the string associated with the connection
B2003=Unable to create a new connection to {0}
B2004=Received acknowledgement for non-existant message {0}, message may have expired or been manually removed
B2005=Unable to update interests for already purged message {0}
B2006=Can not destroy temporary queue {0} at close of connection {1}

# {0} is the name of the destination
B2007=Creation of destination {0} failed
B2008=Destruction of destination {0} failed

# {0} is the name of the consumer id
# {1} is the name of the connection
# {2} is the name of the destination
B2009=Creation of consumer {0} from connection {1} on destination {2} failed
B2010=Destruction of consumer {0} from connection {1} on destination {2} failed

B2011=Storing of JMS message from {0} failed
B2012=Retrieved message ( {0} ) for a Non-existent Destination ( {1} ) - removing
B2013=Retrieved message ( {0} ) on destination ( {1} ) with no current interests - removing
B2014=Could not control debug setting of a class

# {0} is the name of the queue
B2015=Browsing of Queue {0} failed

# {0} is a selector string
B2016=Unable to parse selector {0}

# {0} is a service name
B2017=Unable to stop service {0}
B2018=Unable to destroy service {0}

# {0} is a file name
B2019=Deleted file with non-numeric file name: {0}
B2020=Unable to read data file: {0}

# {0} is a property name
B2021=Unable to set default queue type, property is invalid {0}

B2022=Warning: Deleting last user with administrator privileges: {0}
B2023=Warning: Creating a user named guest with normal user (not anonymous) privileges.
B2024=A client attempted to add an invalid client id {0} on connection {1}.
B2025=Admin Operation Failed:
B2026=Cluster initialization failed. Switching to standalone mode.
B2027=Bad MessageBus version : {0}, Message Type = {1}
B2028=Received unicast packet with unknown destID = {0}
B2029=Received packet with unknown destID = {0}
B2033=Internal Error: Unknown primary interest : {0}
B2034=Internal Error: Giving up on locking the resource : {0}
B2035=Could not resolve broker address : {0}
B2036=MessageBus internal protocol error. Packet : {0}

# {0} is a file name
B2037=Non-numeric file name found in interest directory: {0}
B2038=Unable to read interest file {0}

# {0} is a Java exception
B2039=Failed to parse Interest object: {0}

# {0} service name
# {1} service type
B2040=Service {0}[{1}] access denied

# {0} operation
# {1} desintation type (queue, topic, etc)
# {2} destinatino name
B2041={0} on {1} destination {2} denied
B2042={0} {1} destination {2} denied

# {0} durable subscription 
# {1} destination name
B2043=Delete durable subscription {0} on destination {1} denied
B2044=Re-attach durable subscription {0} on destination {1} denied
B2045=Replace durable subscription {0} on destination {1} to destination {2} denied

B2046=Unable to cleanup all data in threadpool {0} within the destroy time of {1}, data may be corrupted
B2047=Unable to update service {0}
B2048=Could not resolve cluster configuration server''s BrokerAddress : {0}
B2049=More than one records found in LASTREFRESHTIME table; should contain only one record.
B2050=Administration service received a forbidden operation on a restricted connection. Operation={0}

# {0} connection
# {1} current state
# {2} expected state
# {3} wait interval in seconds
B2051=Removing {0}:state[{1}]. Timeout in reaching state {2} within {3} seconds.

# {0} is the incompatible protocol level
# {1} is the protocol level the broker was expecting
B2052=Client protocol level {0} was not at the supported level of {1}. \
\ Broker is closing the connection to allow the client to reconnect at a \
\ supported level.
B2053=Internal Error: Unacknowledged Durable message {0} does not exist in the packet store.
B2054=This broker is not the config server. Cancelling the backup operation.
B2055=Cancelling backup operation for cluster configuration change records. File {0} already exists.
B2056=Unable to backup cluster configuration change records: {0}
B2057=Cancelling restore operation for cluster configuration change records: {0} file not found.
B2058=Cancelling restore operation for cluster configuration change records: {0} is not a backup file.
B2059=Cancelling restore operation for cluster configuration change records: The version {0} in backup file does not match current cluster version {1}
B2060=Exception in preparing restoration of cluster configuration change records from backup file {0}: {1}
B2061=Still trying to connect to the master broker {0}. Client connections will not be accepted until the master broker is ready.
B2062=Lock request timed out for resid = {0}.\n\
Following brokers did not respond : {1}
B2063=Could not configure MetricManager because a property was set to an invalid value
B2064=Error opening or reading admin key file {0}
B2065=Could not delete admin key file {0}
B2066=Shutting down broker 

# {0} is the property file containing the bad version number
# {1} is the expected version number
# {2} is the version number that was in the file
B2067=Configuration version mismatch in {0}. Expecting {1}, but file is version {2}.

B2068=Cluster protocol error: Version mismatch in object deserialization. Aborting connection with {0}
B2069=The broker has run out of memory, attempting to swap out all in-memory messages:\n\
B2070=Data on connection {0} is corrupted, closing connection
B2071=Could not register diagnostic class
B2072=Property [{0}] has whitespace at the end of the property [{1}], removing extra whitespace and re-storing
B2073=Got exception while loading configuration change records, {0} records loaded, file truncated at {1}
B2074=Found incomplete record at the end of the file [{0}], file truncated at {1}
B2075=Broker ran out of memory before the passed in VM maximum (-Xmx) {1} b, lowering max to currently allocated memory ({0} b ) and trying to recover
B2076=Broker is rejecting new producers, because it is extremely low on memory
B2077=Broker is rejecting the creations of destinations, because it is extremely low on memory
B2078=No password for LDAP repository using Distinguished Name {0}, attempting to connect anonymously
B2079=The default queue type can not be set to {0} because : {1}

# {0} is the name of the queue
B2080=Browsing of Queue {0} failed, destination unknown

B2081=Destroying destination {0} with {1} active producers. Reason: {2}
B2082=Destroying destination {0} with {1} active consumers. Consumers will no longer receive messages. Reason: {2}
B2083=Unable to create destination {0}, auto-creation is forbidden
B2084=Unknown monitor destination name {0}
B2085=Loading Destination {0} failed. Messages stored on that destination will not be available.

B2086=Dropping the cluster connection with {0}. Incompatible broker version.

# {0} is the lock string found in the version table
B2087=The lock string {0} from table {1} has bad format, expecting :: or ::imqdbmgr. The lock will be reset.

# {0} is either -p, -password, -dbpassword, or -ldappassword
B2088=Warning: Due to security implications the {0} command line option will\n\
be removed in a future release of Message Queue. As a safer alternative\n\
please use -passfile.

B2089=Unable to load message {0} from destination {1} because {2}

B2090=Unable to move message {0} to the Dead Message Queue.
B2091=Attempt to repair corrupted destination for {0} failed, throwing out.
B2092=Destination {0} can not be loaded, it has been recreated using default \
\configuration values
B2093=Destination {0} could not be loaded or regenerated
B2094=Attempt to repair corrupted consumer for {0} failed, throwing out.
B2095=Consumer {0} is corrupted and can not be repaired, discarding.
B2096=Unable to load transaction information.
B2097=Transaction State Information for {0} corrupted, setting to PREPARED
B2098=Transaction ID for Transaction State {0} is corrupted, discarding
B2099=Transaction Acknowledge Information for {0} corrupted, discarding
B2100=Last refresh time with master broker information corrupted, reset 
B2101=Exception when sending lock resource {0} response to {1} 
B2102=Warning clock synchronization problem detected, the system time of the client on connection {0} is at least \
\{1} seconds faster than the system time of the broker. A message may live longer than its ttl.
B2103=Warning possible clock synchronization problem detected. The broker received a message more than {1} seconds after \
\ it was sent from the client on connection {0}. Check system clocks on both systems to \
\ensure that a message expires only after its ttl elapses.
B2104=Warning possible clock synchronization problem detected. Messages from connection {0} \
\ are arriving close to their expiration times. \
\ Check system clocks on both systems to \
\ ensure that clock skew does not affect message expiration.
B2105=Attempting to initiate a cluster connection to {0} failed: {1}
B2106=Creation of consumer {0} from connection {1} on destination {2} failed
B2107=Configuration change event {0} not found: Received event reply with status {1} 
B2108=Resetting a broker in HA mode will only reset messages owned by that broker, to clear all messages in the cluster use imqdbmgr recreate tbl
B2109=Unable to acquire takeover lock for broker {0}: takeover lock already exists

# {0} packet type
# {1} broker address 
B2110=Cluster unicast {0} to {1} failed

# {0} packet type
# {1} what {0} for
# {2} status
# {3} reason
B2111=Received {0} for {1} with status {2} because {3}

# {0} packet type
# {1} what {0} for 
# {2} status 
# {3} reason 
B2112=Waiting {0} for {1} failed with status {2} because {3} 

B2113=Got exception while loading broker records, {0} records loaded, file truncated at {1}

# {0} packet type
# {1} string
# {2} broker address
B2114=Unable to notify {0} {1} from {2}

# {0} broker
# {1} reason 
B2115=Activate broker {0} failed because {1}
B2116=Deactivate broker {0} failed because {1}

# {0} broker address
# {1} message ack reply info
B2117=Message acknowledgement failed from {0}: {1}

# {0} broker address
B2118=Rejecting cluster connection to {0}. This broker is running in HA mode and can''t talk to broker version less than 4.0.
B2119=Rejecting cluster connection to {0}. It is a taking over target.
B2120=Rejecting cluster connection to {0} because an existing link to it has not been deactivated 

B2121=Unable to remove heartbeat endpoint for broker {0} because of not found

# {0} heartbeat endpoint
B2122=Heartbeat timeout from {0}

# {0} sender address 
B2123=Heartbeat service received unknown packet from sender {0}. Ignore.

B2124=Exception while stopping heartbeat service
B2125=Cluster service shutdown timeout

# {0} broker address
B2126=Force close link to {0} because {1}
B2127=Close broker link {0} because of notified down by HA monitor

B2128=Reload cluster configuration failed

# {0} broker
B2129=Unable to add broker {0} to auto-connect list

B2130=Login Failed

# {0} id
B2131=Unable to reconnect HA client to broker session {0}

# unset MB
# {0} new MB
B2132=No master broker was configured, adding {0} as the master broker

# bad MB
# {0} master broker string
B2133=Invalid master broker was set, configuration value is {0}

# takeover is process
# {0} this broker
# {1} takeover broker
B2134=Waiting to start broker {0} because a takeover is in progress by {1}

#{0} service name
#{1} error message
B2135=Unable to get user repository information for {0} service: {1}

#{0} message ack 
#{1} consumer local broker  
B2136=Message acknowledgement failed {0} for broker {1}

B2137=JMX Agent startup failed
B2138=Caught exception when stopping JMX Agent

# {0} Type of MBean e.g. "Destination Monitor"
B2139=Exception caught when creating/registering {0} MBean

# {0} Type of MBean e.g. "Destination Monitor"
B2140=Exception caught when unregistering {0} MBean

B2141=JMX support is not enabled - JMX Agent is not initialized
B2142=JMX classes not present - JMX Agent is not initialized

#{0} JMX Connector name
B2143=JMX connector server {0}: credentials need to be supplied

#{0} JMX Connector name
B2144=JMX connector server {0}: credentials need to be of type String[]

B2145=Exception caught when creating JMX Agent

#{0} JMX Connector name
#{1} Exception string
B2146=JMX connector server {0}: Failure detected during authentication {1}

# {0} RMI Registry port e.g. 1099
# {1} The exception string
B2147=Exception caught while trying to start RMI registry on port {0}.\n {1}

# {0} RMI Registry port e.g. 1099
B2148=An RMI Registry already exists on port {0}

# {0} The exception string
B2149=Exception caught while trying to obtain platform MBeanServer: {0}

# {0} The exception string
B2150=Exception caught while loading Message Queue MBeans: {0}

# {0} The exception string
B2151=Exception caught while unloading Message Queue MBeans: {0}

# {0} The JMX notification type e.g. mq.destination.create
# {1} The MBean type e.g. "Destination Monitor" or an object name
B2152=Exception caught while attempting to send notification {0} from MBean {1}

# {0} The JMX notification type e.g. mq.destination.create
B2153=Problem detected while attempting to send notification {0}

# {0} The JMX notification type e.g. mq.destination.create
# {1} The MBean type e.g. "Destination Monitor" or an object name
B2154=Problem detected while attempting to send notification {0} from MBean {1}

B2155=Service name is null

# {0} Connection ID
B2156=Cannot determine service name from connection ID: {0}

B2157=Consumer ID is null
B2158=Producer ID is null
B2159=Transaction ID is null

# {0} JMX Connector name e.g. jmxrmi
B2160=Cannot start connector server {0}. This connector server is not configured to be active.

# {0} JMX Connector name e.g. jmxrmi
B2161=Failed to create JMXServiceURL for JMX connector server {0}

# {0} JMX Connector name e.g. jmxrmi
B2162=Error while creating connector server {0}

#{0} JMX Connector name
B2163=Exception caught while starting JMX Connector Server {0}

#{0} JMX Connector name
B2164=Attempted to delete a connector server that does not exist: {0}

#{0} Exception string
B2165=Exception caught when deleting notification listener: {0}

#{0} JMX Connector name
B2166=Exception caught when deleting JMX connector server {0}

#{0} JMX Connector name
B2167=Attempted to start a JMX connector server that does not exist: {0}

#{0} JMX Connector name
B2168=Attempted to stop a JMX connector server that does not exist: {0}

#{0} JMX Connector name
B2169=Attempted to stop a JMX connector server that is not active: {0}

#{0} JMX Connector name
B2170=Caught exception when stopping JMX Connector Server {0}

#{0} broker address
#{1} reason
B2171=Unable to check reachability to {0} because {1}

#{0} Exception string
B2172=Failed to initialize Authenticator for JMX: {0}

B2173=Destroying unresponsive connection {0}, connection has not responded for {1} seconds

#{0} Broker ID
B2174=Failed to obtain broker address for broker ID: {0}

B2175=JMX: Failed to obtain list of connections

B2176=Force [{0}] ended (TMFAIL) transaction TID={1}, XID={2}
B2177=Force [{0}] rolled back transaction TID={1}, XID={2}
B2178=Administrator has committed transaction TID={0}, XID={1}

B2179=Failed to update transaction state from {0} to {1} for transaction TID={2}, XID={3}

B2180=Still trying to connect to the master broker {0}. Client connections will have restricted JMS service until the master broker is ready.

B2181=Removing {0} messages associated with destination {1}
B2182=Rollback of transaction {0} on connection {1} cleanup got exception: {3}
B2185=Rollback timed out detached-transaction {0}, created-time {1}, detached-time {2}
B2186=Failed to rollback timed out detached-transaction {0}
B2187=Transaction {0} information corrupted, setting state to PREPARED

#{0} transaction ID
#{1} packet type
B2188=Unknown transaction {0}, broker will notify the client. Ignore {1}
B2189=Unknown transaction {0}, broker will not notify the client. Ignore {1}

B2191=Timeout({0}) in waiting for cluster connection to {1}
B2192=Update heartbeat timestamp got exception: {0}
B2193=A store takeover is in progress, try reconnect later [client {0}]
B2194=Master broker configuration is not allowed for HA broker. Ignore {0}
B2195=Unknown XID {0} in {1}

B2196=The taken over message {0} may already have been acknowledged.
B2197=The taken over message {0} may already have been routed: {1}

#{0} JMX Connector name
#{1} Exception string
B2198=JMX connector server {0}: Failed to get client host IP for RMI based JMX Connection {1}
B2199=Unsupported JAAS TextInputCallback [{0}] with prompt: {1}
B2200=Unsupported JAAS TextOutputCallback [{0}] with MessageType: {1}
B2201=Unsupported JAAS Callback {0} 
B2202=Transaction type is corrupted for transaction {0}, set to {1} transaction type
B2203=Cluster transaction {0} brokers information is corrupted.
B2204=Remote transaction {0} home broker information is corrupted.
B2205=Can not notify cluster transaction {0} completion to {1} because it is unreachable
B2206=Takeover entry not found for {0}
B2207=Received goodbye on an unauthenticated connection {0}
B2208=Failed to instantiate JESMF Manager class - JESMF support will not be enabled.
B2209=Exception caught when Initializing JESMF Manager

# {0} Exception string
B2210=Failed to stop JESMF manager: {0}
B2211=Unable to attach consumer {0}
B2212=Received acknowledgement to a message {0} that has been removed
B2213=Received acknowledgement for transaction {0} to a message {1} that has been removed
B2214=Bridge service is not enabled
B2215=Bridge service manager is not running
B2216=Failed to initialize bridge service manager
B2217=Failed to start bridge service manager
B2218=Failed to stop bridge service manager
B2219=Broker property setting {0} will be ignored
B2220=Could not generate an unique prefix for UIDs for this broker in cluster
B2221=Table(s) {0} not found in database
B2222=Failed to send remote transaction information {0} to {1}: {2}
B2223=Failed to send cluster transaction information {0} to {1}: {2} 
B2224=Unable to process remote acknowledgement {0} because {1} 
B2225=Waiting for taking over to complete is timed out ({0} seconds)
B2226=Database connection validation {0} got exception: {1}
B2227=Exception in destroying database connection {0}: {1}
B2228=Attempt to return a database connection {0} that is not from pool
B2229=Exception in closing database connection {0}: {1}
B2230=Attempt to return a database connection {0} that is unknown
B2231=Connection error occurred event on {0}: {1}
B2232={0} on adding remote consumer {1}
B2233=Exception in closing message enumeration resources: {0}
B2234=Exception in cancel message enumeration {0}:  {1}
B2235=JDBC connection pool reaper thread failed to create new connection: {0}
B2236=Waiting {0} seconds for database connection 
B2237=Timeout {0} in waiting for access shared database store of cluster configuration change records
B2238=Exception in closing shared database store of cluster configuration change records: {0}
#{0} exception message
B2239=Unable to store last proccessed sequence number {0} for cluster configuration change records: {1}
#{0} exception message
B2240=Unable to store last processed reset record UUID {0} for cluster configuration change records: {1}
B2241=Unable to synchronize cluster shared change records from database on establish link with {0}
B2242=[warning: echo password]
B2243=Unable to update consumer state {0} on rollback transaction {1}: {2}
B2244=Unable to update consumer state {0} on closing consumer {1}: {2}
B2245=Unable to cleanup rejected remote message {0} sent from sender {1} from destination {2} for consumer {3}: {4}
B2246=JDBC connection pool {0} is closing.
B2247={0} Timed out in waiting for available JDBC connection
B2248=Unable to delete file {0} in directory {1}, attempting to rename it to {2}
B2249=Unabe to rename file {0} to {1} 
B2250=Stop {0} service failed: {1}
B2251=Cluster service is shutting down
B2252=File or directory {0} exists
B2253=File or directory {0} does not exist
B2254=Produced message {0} has been removed before producer transaction commit
B2255=Exception in processing committed consumed message {0} for transaction {1} on connection {2}
B2256=Exception in processing remote message {0} from {1} before route to local consumer(s) {2}  
B2257=Destination limit reached when processing remote message from {0} before route to local consumer(s) {1}
B2258=Uncaught exception in thread
B2259=Transaction logging manager is waiting for the completion of playing to message store: {0}
B2260=Moving message {0} to DMQ because of reached maximum consecutive rollbacks {1} to consumer {2}
B2261=Moved message {0} to DMQ because of reached maximum consecutive rollbacks {1} to consumer {2}
B2262=Ignore ''{0}'' in property setting {1} because {2}
B2263=Unable to update delivered state for message {0}: {1}
B2264=Transaction {0} has been removed, ignore transaction completion status from remote broker {1} 
B2265=Unable to route produced message {0} to consumers {1} because destination {2} not found
B2266=Unable to add message {0} to destination {1} because the destination has been destroyed
B2267=Unable to add message {0} to destination {1} because no message delivery time timer
B2268=Unable to load takeover messages to destination {1} because the destination has been destroyed
B2269=Unable to load takeover messages to destination {1} because no message delivery time timer
B2270=Cluster broadcast {0} failed: {1} 
B2271=Failed to notify remote broker {0} of rollback transaction {1}  
B2272=Failed to notify remote brokers {0} of rollback transaction {1}
B2273=Unable to update cluster transaction {0} completion state for broker {1}: {2}
B2274=Unable to get participated brokers for cluster transaction {0} completion check: {1}
B2275=Ignore remote message {0} sent from broker {1} for consumers {2} because existing reference is local
B2276=Durable subscription {0} not found to attach consumer from broker {1}
B2277=Non-durable subscription {0} not found to attach consumer {1} from broker {2}
B2278=Received unknown session id {0} for {1} from client on connection {2}
B2279=Received bad session id {0} for {1} from client on connection {2}, the session id was created on a different connection {3}
B2280=Exception in cleanup consumer {0}: {1}
B2281=Exception in routing loaded message {0}: {1}
B2282=Force closing broker link to {0} because it has been taken over
B2283=Force closing broker link to {0} because it is being taken over
B2284=Can not schedule store session reaper thread
B2285=Reject peer address {0} accessing broker portmapper
#{0} is integer
#{1} is string representing a module name
B2286=Unexpected read data size {0} in {1}
#{1} is a string
B2287=Unencoded name=value entry found in passfile {0}. Please run {1} before use the passfile. Suppoprt of passfile that has unencoded name=value entries will be removed in a future release.
B2288=Timed out in waiting for session {0} to be stopped
#No translation -license
B2289=The '-license' option is deprecated and for legacy compatibility only. Please refer to the product license that accompanied your purchase or was accepted when the product was initially installed or downloaded.
#No translation -license
B2290=The ''-license'' option is deprecated, ignore ''-license {0}''

# 3000-3999    ERROR MESSAGES
B3000=Could not open persistent message store
B3001=Defaulting to use the fallback properties. The Broker will only run in a minimal configuration using these settings. Fallback properties are being used because the files could not be loaded. Please check the value of IMQ_HOME
B3002=Unable to load configStore class {0}\n\
Instance properties can not be loaded or saved

# {0} is location of the property file
B3003=Unable to store modified properties in file {0}
B3004=No threads are available to process a new connection \
\on service {0}. {1} threads out of a maximum of {2} threads \
\are already in use by other connections. A minimum of 2 threads \
\must be available to process the connection. Please either limit the \
\# of connections or increase the imq..max_threads property. \
\Closing the new connection. 

# {0} is the unknown type of store specified
B3005=Unknown type of persistent store specified: {0}
B3006=Failed to open persistent store.

# {0} is the system message id of the JMS message
B3007=Message {0} on destination {1} could not be found in the store
B3008=Message {0} on destination {1} exists in the store already

# {0} is the service name
B3009=Unable to start service {0}

# {0} is the ConsumerUID of the interest
B3010=Interest {0} on destination {1} exists in the store already
B3011=Interest {0} on destination {1} could not be found in the store

# {0} is the destination name
B3012=Destination {0} exists in the store already
B3013=Destination {0} could not be found in the store

# {0} is the interest id and {1} is the sysMessage id
B3014=State of interest {0} for message {1} could not be found in the store

# {0} is the transaction id
B3015=Transaction id {0} exists in the store already
B3016=Transaction id {0} could not be found in the store

# {0} is the directory that cannot be created
B3017=Failed to create the store hierarchy - {0}\n\
Please check the permissions for the specified directory.

B3018=Unable to run the service {0}, the broker will no longer accept connections on this service

# {0} is the path to the file
B3019=Keystore ({0}) does not exist
B3020=Passfile {0} does not exist
B3021=No keystore password provided.

# {0} Service name
# {1} port number
# Message is followed by the exception
B3022=Could not run the service {0} on port {1}: 

# {0} is the name of the property that specifies a JDBC driver
B3023=No JDBC driver specified by {0}

# {0} is the class name of the JDBC driver

# {0} is the name of the property that specifies a database url to open
B3024=Failed to load JDBC driver: {0}

# {0} is the database url
B3025=No database url specified by {0}

B3026=Failed to get connection to {0}
B3027=Failed to create PreparedStatement

# {0} is the name of a property
# {1} is the bad value
B3028={0} has bad value: {1}

# {0}: the unrecognized option that was specified
B3029=Unrecognized command line option: {0}.\n\
Please type ''imqusermgr -h'' for help.

# {0}: the option that was used
B3030=Invalid base property name specified for option: {0}
B3031=Invalid hard coded value specified for option: {0}
B3032=An argument was expected for option: {0}.\n\
Please type ''imqusermgr -h'' for help.

# {0}: the bad name value pair that was used
# {1}: the option that was used
B3033=Bad name value pair specified ({0}) for option: {1}.\n\
Please use the format: name=value
B3034=Error detected while parsing command line options.
B3035=No command specified.

# {0}: the bad command that was specified
B3036=Bad command specified: {0}
B3037=Error detected while validating command line options.

# {0} is -p
B3038=The password must be specified with the {0} option.

B3039=The password and/or active state needs to be specified.\n\
Please type 'imqusermgr -h' for help.

# {0} is command used
# {1} is the bad group value passed in
B3040=Bad group value specified for the {0} command: {1}
B3041=The valid group values are:

# {0} is -u
B3042=The user name needs to be specified with the {0} option.
# {0} is -r
B3043=The group needs to be specified with the {0} option.

B3044=Internal Error

# {0} is the file location
B3046=The password file cannot be located: {0}
B3047=Format error encountered in password file: {0}

# {0} is the username (that does not exist)
B3048=User {0} does not exist in the password file.
B3049=Incorrect password entered.

# {0} is the username (that exists)
B3050=User {0} already exists in the password file.

# {0} is the file location, {1} is a Java exception
B3051=Failed to write password file: {0}\n\
B3052=Failed to read password file: {0}\n\
B3053=A user in group anonymous already exists\n\
(only one is allowed).
B3054=Bad license data

# {0} is the expiration date
B3055=License has expired on {0}
B3056=Cannot write license, license not loaded from file
B3057=No valid license files found

# Invalid command line option. {0} is the invalid option
B3058=Invalid option {0}

# {0} is the packet type
B3059=Unexpected packet type {0}: Connection not authenticated
B3060=Get challenge failed
B3061=Read authentication response failed

# {0} is the acknowledgement and {1} is the transaction id
B3062=Acknowledgement {0} for Transaction id {1} exists in the store already
B3063=Exception when shutting down Broker
B3064=Exception when pausing service {0}
B3065=Exception when pausing services
B3066=Exception when resuming services
B3067=Illegal username specified: {0}\n\
Please type ''imqusermgr -h'' for help.

# {0} is the name of the portmapper service.
# {1} is the port number it was started on
B3068=Could not start the Broker''s {0} service on port {1}.\n\
This port is already in use by another application -- possibly another\n\
instance of the Broker. Please quit that other application, or use a\n\
different port number for this instance of the Broker.
B3069=Portmapper got an exception in accept(). Continuing
B3070=Portmapper could not create ServerSocket. Exiting.
B3071=Portmapper got an exception in write(). Continuing
B3072=Error configuring portmapper

# {0} is the database url
B3073=Failed to create database table(s) - {0}
B3074=Invalid timestamp specified ({0}), timestamp should be greater than 0.

# {0} is the database url
B3075=Failed to delete all database tables - {0}
B3076=Failed to recreate all database tables - {0}

# {0} is the extra subcommand specified
B3077=Only one subcommand allowed, extra subcommand specified: {0}\n\
Please type "imqdbmgr -h" for help.\n

# Do NOT translate "imqdbmgr h"
B3078=Invalid argument specified for subcommand {0}: {1}\n\
Please type "imqdbmgr -h" for help.\n
B3079=Unrecognized command line option: {0}\n\
Please type "imqdbmgr -h" for help.\n
B3080=An argument was expected for option: {0}\n\
Please type "imqdbmgr -h" for help.\n
B3081=Invalid argument specified for option {0}: {1}\n\
Please type "imqdbmgr -h" for help.\n
B3082=The broker instance must be specified with the -b option.
B3083=An argument was expected for subcommand: {0}\n\
Please type "imqdbmgr -h" for help.\n

# {0} is the sysMessage id
B3084=The message {0} has an associated acknowledgement list already.
B3085=The arrays for interest ids and states have different size or are empty.

# {0} is the path to the lock file
# {0} is the path to the lock file
# {0} is the path to the lock file
B3086=The broker got an exception when trying to acquire the lock file:\n\
The lock file may be corrupted, or there may be a permission problem\n\
with the lock file or the directory that contains the lock file.\n\
If you are certain no other copy of the broker is running with the\n\
instance name "{2}" then you may remove the lock file and\n\
try starting the broker again.

# {0} is the path to the lock file
# {1} is the host:port that another broker is running on
# {1} is the host:port that another broker is running on
B3087=The broker has detected an active lock file:\n\
This file indicates that there is another copy of the broker running\n\
on {1} that is also using the instance name "{2}".\n\
Please use a different instance name or terminate the broker on {1}.

# A Java exception will follow this message
B3088=Cannot update port number in lock file

# {0} is the bad value
B3089=Bad value specified for active state: ''{0}''.\n\
Please use a boolean value instead (true/false).

# {0} is a Java exception
B3090=Problem encountered while getting user input: {0}

# {0} is the maximum count.
B3091=Exceeded the maximum allowable number of brokers per cluster ({0}) with the current license. Please upgrade the license if you need to connect more brokers in the cluster.

# {0} is the version string obtained from version file
# {1} is the version expected
B3092=Unsupported persistent store found, version {0}. Expected {1}

B3093=Invalid broker identifier specified ({0}), broker identifier should be an alphanumeric string
B3094=The specified broker identifier ({0}) is too long. The length should not exceed the database maximum table name length {1} minus {2}.
B3095=Cannot join the cluster because of persistent store state mismatch. Please clear the existing persistent store with "-reset store" and try again. Broker exiting.
B3096=Internal protocol error: Invalid destination operation.
B3097=Configuration mismatch: Aborting connection with broker [ {0} ] because master broker does not match. This broker has master broker {1}, broker [ {0} ] has master broker {2}\n
B3098=Configuration mismatch: Aborting connection with broker [ {0} ] because following configuration properties do not match -\n\

B3099=Received invalid address advertisement {0} from {1}. Dropping the cluster connection {2}
B3100=Unexpected Broker Internal Error : [{0}]
B3101=Error retrieving persisted data
B3102=Store access is not allowed because the store is closed

B3103={0} is not {1} type
B3104=Unrecognized subcommand: {0}\n\
Please type "imqdbmgr -h" for help.\n
B3105=A subcommand was expected:\n\
Please type "imqdbmgr -h" for help.\n
B3106=The broker received a fatal error on connection {0}, closing the connection
B3107=Attempt to free memory failed, taking more drastic measures 
B3108=Unrecoverable out of memory error during a cluster operation. Shutting down the broker.
B3109=Cannot update service port number dynamically.\nThe change will take effect after a broker restart.

B3110=The active state (-a) cannot be used with the "add" subcommand.

B3111=License is not valid until {0}

# {0} is the file name
B3112=License file is not writable: {0}
B3113=No such transaction: {0}
B3114=Invalid transaction ID {0}. It must be a number
B3115=Cannot perform operation. Transaction {0} is not in PREPARED state

# {0} is a file name
B3116=File {0} contains bad file magic number.

# {0} is the path name to the file store directory
B3117=Failed to reset store, cannot remove: {0}

# {0} is the exception string
B3118=Failed to encrypt passwd: {0}

# {0} is the instance name
B3119=The broker instance "{0}" does not exist.

# {0} is the path name to the file store directory
B3120=Failed to remove file store: {0}

# {0} is the database url
B3121=Failed to remove all database tables: {0}

# {0} is the database url
B3122=Support for {0} is unavailable in this edition, please upgrade to the Enterprise Edition to enable this feature
B3123=The broker has been configured to use a feature ({0}) which is unavailable in this edition, please upgrade to the Enterprise Edition to enable this feature. Shutting down the Broker.
B3124=Unable to start Broker with an instance name of {1}. The instance directory {0} does not have the correct permissions. Exiting.

# {0} is the version string obtained from old store
# {1} is the version expected
B3125=Old persistent store might be corrupted: found unexpected version {0}. Expected {1}.

# {0} is the path name of the version file.
B3126=Old persistent store might be corrupted: no version file {0} exists.

# both {0} and {1} specify the name of the database table
B3127=No table schema specified for table {0} by {1}

# {0} destination type
# {1} destination name
B3128=Unknown destination {1} of type {0}

# {0} is a directory path name.
B3129=Unsupported persistent store found at {0}.

# {0} is the connection identifier
B3130=No such connection: {0}

# {0} is the name of the version table.
B3131=Old persistent store might be corrupted: no version data exists in {0}.

B3132=No database table exists. Use imqdbmgr to create the database tables before running the broker.

B3133=Failed to remove old database tables.

B3134=Destination is not paused.

B3135=Some destinations are not paused.

B3136=The operation does not apply to the plugged-in persistent store.

# {0} is the instance name
B3137=The broker instance "{0}" does not exist.\n\
Run the broker to create the instance before using the user manager utility.

# {0} is the property name
B3138=Unable to parse property {0}

# {0} is path
B3139=Unable to use JMQ_HOME {0}

# {0} is path
B3140=Unable to use JMQ_VAR_HOME {0}

# {0} is path
B3141=Unable to use JMQ_LIB_HOME {0}

# {0} is path
B3142=Unable to use JMQ_ETC_HOME {0}

# {0} is  connection id
B3143=Broker is forcibly closing the connection to {0}

# {0} is  message id
B3144=Unable to read message {0}

B3145=Exception on removing message {0} in destination {1} from persist store {2}

B3146=Unable to load durable subscriptions

# {0} durable subscription 
# {1} is destinaiton name
B3147=Unable to store durable subscription {0} for destination {1}

# {0} is durable subscription 
# {2} is destinaiton name
B3148=Unable to remove durable subscription {0} from destination {1}

# {0} is durable subscription 
# {2} is destinaiton name
B3149=Unable to create durable subscription {0} from destination {1}

# {0} is the hostname we were unable to resolve.
B3150=Unable to resolve hostname ''{0}''

# {0} is the hostname we were unable to resolve.
# {1} is the property that specified the host name
B3151=Unable to resolve hostname ''{0}'' specified by property ''{1}''

B3152=Unable to resolve local hostname
B3153=Cluster service cannot be bound to localhost. Please assign a different bind hostname value to {0}.

B3154=Invalid Java version: {0}. Minimum Java version required: {1}

# {0} is the hostname
# {1} is the port number
B3155=Failed to lock database tables. The tables are currently locked by the broker running on {0}:{1}.

B3156=Failed to lock database tables. The tables are currently locked by imqdbmgr. If you are certain that imqdbmgr exited without unlocking the table, you can unlock the tables by running (imqdbmgr reset lck).

# {0} is the string/url that is used to create the MQAdress.
# It should be of the form mq://host:port/jms
B3157=Cannot create address URL for broker. URL string used: {0}

# {0} is the exception string
B3158=Failed to read password in passfile:\n{0}

B3159=Unknown license: {0}

# {0} is the system message id of the JMS message
# {1} is the destination
B3160=Message {0} could not be found in the destination {1}.
B3161=Last master broker information corrupted
B3162=Reset last refresh time failed
B3163=The License file {0} is not readable. Exiting
# {0} is the IP address of the client initiating the request
B3164=The portmapper service got an exception processing a request from client {0}. The client may need to attempt the connection again

#{0} durable subscription 
#{1} message string
B3165=Unable to unsubscribe durable subscription {0}: {1}

B3166=User name specified must contain at least one character.
B3167=Could not find a suitable network interface for the cluster service.  Cluster service cannot run on the localhost interface.
B3168=Invalid broker address for this broker to run in cluster: {0}

# {0} broker id
B3169=HA cluster information for broker {0} could not be found in the store
B3170=Unable to acquire takeover lock for broker {0}
B3171=Unable to remove takeover lock for failed broker {0}
B3172=Unable to takeover the persistent store for failed broker {0}
B3173=Internal Error: Takeover lock has not been acquired for failed broker {0}
B3174=Failed to takeover store sessions for broker {0}
B3175=Failed to load local destinations for broker {0}
B3176=Failed to load messages for broker {0}
B3177=Failed to start inactive store session removal service
B3178=Invalid cluster identifier specified ({0}), cluster identifier should be an alphanumeric string.
B3179=The specified cluster identifier ({0}) is too long. The length should not exceed the database maximum table name length {1} minus {2}.

# {0} interest id
# {1} sysMessage id
# {2} expected state
# {3} current state
B3180=Failed to update state of interest {0} for message {1}: Expecting {2} but current state is {3}

# {0} destination
B3181=Internal Error: Trying to update connected time for non-local destination {0}

# {0} broker id
# {1} msg
B3182=Unable to remove broker {0} from HA Store: {1}
B3183=Unable to remove broker {0} from HA Store
B3184=Unable to obtain an EXCLUSIVE lock for the persistent store

# {0} broker address
B3185=UID prefix clash with {0}. Broker will restart immediately.
B3186=This broker is being taken over by another broker in the cluster, notified by {0}. Broker will restart immediately.
B3187=This broker is being taken over by another broker in the cluster. Broker will restart immediately.

# {0} is a file name
B3188=File {0} contains bad file magic number.

# {0} packet info
# {1} broker address 
B3189=Exception while reading packet {0} from {1}

# {0} message's home broker's broker and store session
# {1} this broker address
# {2} message ack info
B3190=Message''s home broker session {0} does not match this broker''s session {1} for message ack {2}

# {0} message info
# {1} broker address
B3191=Unable to acknowledge message(s) {0} because this broker {1} is being taking over

# {0} reply packet type
# {1} broker address
# {2} original packet info
B3192=Send {0} to {1} failed for {2}

# {0} heartbeat endpoint info
B3193=Add heartbeat endpoint {0} failed
B3194=Remove heartbeat endpoint {0} failed

# {0} ip address
B3195=Received bad link request from {0}
B3196=Master broker is not supported in a HA cluster

B3197=Broker ID specified by property 'imq.brokerid' must be set to run in HA mode

B3198=Error initializing cluster manager

B3199=Error starting monitor service

B3200=Error starting heartbeat service

#{0} set clusterid
#{1} expected clusterid
B3201=Unable to start monitor service, cluster ID {0} does not match the database cluster ID of {1}

# {0} brokerid
B3202=Error starting the broker, a running broker is using the same brokerid {0}

B3203=Another broker in the cluster has taken over this broker's persistent store (split-brain situation), restarting to recover

# {0} brokerid
# {1} transactionID
B3204=Unable to roll back transaction {1} from taken over broker {0}

B3205=Failed to remove store lock from the version table

# {0} is the name of the version table
B3206=Persistent store might be corrupted: no version data exists in {0}.

B3207=Failed to upgrade old persistent store

# {0} reason
B3208=Failed to upgrade existing store to an HA Store : {0}

B3209=Cannot perform operation. One or more brokers in the HA cluster {0} are still active.

B3210=Database tables have already been created.
B3211=Database tables have already been deleted.

B3212=No database vendor specified by {0}

B3213=Persistent store might be corrupted: one or more database tables are missing

# {0} service name
B3214=The service {0} for {1} is not an active service.

# {0} service name
# {1} service type 
B3215=The Service {0}[{1}] for {2} is not a ADMIN service.

# {0} The invalid broker reset type
B3216=Invalid broker reset type specified: {0}

# {0} the command line option
B3217=Due to security implications the {0} command line option is\n\
no longer supported. Please use the -passfile option.

#{0} ack
#{1} transaction id 
B3218=Acknowledgement {0} for {1} exists already

# {0} transaction broker
# {1} transaction id
# {2} expected state
# {3} current state
B3219=Failed to update state of broker {0} for cluster transaction {1}: Expecting {2} current transaction state is {3}

B3220=Unable to shutdown a broker that is running in process and has direct mode connections

B3221=Invalid data store configuration for HA mode.

B3222=Cannot perform operation. Transaction {0} is not in one of the following states:\n\

B3223=Database operation failed. Persistent store could possibly being taken over by another broker.

B3224=Record configuration change event {0} failed

B3225=Failed to create transaction log file {0}
B3226=Unable to process transaction log record with sequence {0}: {1}
B3227=Failed to route reconstructed message {0}
B3228=Failed to reconstruct persistence store from transaction log files
B3229=Transaction acknowledgement {0} processing failed: {1}

B3230=Heartbeat timestamp update failures exceeded threshold limit of {0}, broker will attempt to restart

# {0} broker ID
# {1} reason
B3231=Unable to takeover broker {0}: {1}

B3232=Failed to purge messages on destination {0}

B3233=Cannot proceed with operation - a takeover is in progress.

B3234=Oracle GlassFish(tm) Server Message Queue is not supported when it has been upgraded with a later Open Message Queue Release.  Please install the unsupported product in a separate location.
B3235=Bad bind address for cluster service, please change {0}: {1}
B3236=Bad bind address of portmapper service for cluster, please change {0}: {1}
B3237=The database table {0} has already been created 
B3238=Can't perform the operation. The broker is still active. 
B3239=Failed to remove JMS bridge {0}: {1}
B3240=Option {0} was expected.
B3241=The advertised address {0} from {1} is same as this broker. Dropping the cluster connection {2} and shutting down the broker
B3242=The remote broker address {0} in new link {1} is same as the remote broker in another link {2}. Dropping the new cluster connection and shutting down the broker
B3243=The instance directory could not be created
B3244=Exception during processing takeover data from {0}
B3245=JDBC connection pool reaper thread got exception
B3246=Missing database table in shared database store for cluster configuration change records
B3247=No database table exists for the shared database store of cluster configuration change records. Please create the shared table using imqdbmgr before running the broker.
B3248=Failed to create {0}
B3249=Failed to obtain access to shared database store of cluster configuration change records: {0}
B3250=Unexpected exception: {0}
B3251=Could not open the shared store for cluster configuration change records
B3252=Failed to open the shared store for cluster configuration change records {0}
B3253=Unable to restart a broker that is running in process
#{0} exception message
B3254=Exception in processing cluster configuration change records: {0}
B3255=Cluster configuration change store is reseted while this broker is running and attempt to synchronize with the store failed: {0}
B3256=Failed to recreate shared database table for cluster [{0}] configuration change records: {1} 
B3257=Failed to delete shared database table for cluster [{0}] configuration change records: {1} 
B3258=Shared database table for cluster [{0}] configuration change records has already been deleted.
B3259=The broker is not configured to use shared database for cluster configuration change records ({0}).
B3260=The broker is configured for HA mode.
B3261=Failed to synchronize cluster {0} configuration change records with shared store on broker startup: {1} 
B3262=Operation [{0}] is not applicable to HA broker
B3263=Shared database table for cluster [{0}] configuration change records has already been created.
B3264=This broker is not GlassFish-managed, ignore request {0}
B3265=Failed to backup cluster configuration change records: {0}
B3266=Shared database table for cluster [{0}] configuration change records is not empty
B3267=Failed to restore cluster configuration change records: {0}
B3268=Exception in checking existance of reset record in shared database table for cluster configuration change records: {0}
B3269=Process {0} from broker {1} failed: {2}
B3270=Received error [{0}] reply for {1} from broker {2}
B3271=Operation [{0}] is not applicable to no master broker mode
B3272=Changing master broker failed: {0}
B3273=Restore master broker property failed after update failure: {0}
B3274=Received out of memory error, forcibly closing connection {0}
B3275=Unable to set broker configuration property {0}: {1}
B3276=Starting a GlassFish-managed broker directly using imqbrokerd is not allowed
B3277=Unable to cleanup message {0} on destination {1} after acknowledgement processing: {2}
B3278=Unable to start transaction reaper thread: {0}
B3279=Transaction reaper thread unexpected exit: {0}
B3280=Unable to create passwd file {0}: {1}
B3281=Upgrade persist file store from older version {0} with broker property setting {1} is not supported. Please do store upgrade by setting broker property {2} when starting the broker. After the store is upgraded, restart the broker with broker property setting {3}
B3282=Failed to get message metrics information from store for destination {0} 
B3283=Request migrate this broker''s store to another broker failed {0}.  This broker''s store is not migrated.
B3284=This broker''s store has been migrated to broker {0} but failed afterward: {1}
B3285=Operation {0} is not supported in HA mode.
B3286={0} is not allowed because this broker is the master broker. Please first change master broker to another broker.
B3287=Received unexpected packet {0} from {1}
B3288=Exception in processing file transfer from {0}
B3289=Exception in file transfer read from {0}
#{2} a source string
B3290=Unexpected EOF in file transfer read, {0} bytes already read, {1} bytes remaining from {2}
B3291=Digest mismatch for file {0} transfer from {1}
B3292=Received unknown {0} from {1}
B3293=Unexpected EOF in file read, {0} bytes already read, {1} bytes remaining from {2}
B3294=Exception in file read from {0}
B3295=Received unexpeced packet {0} from {1}, expected {2}
B3296=Expected {0} files to be transfered from {1}, {2} files have been transfered, but more files coming {3}
B3297=Unable to make directory {0}
B3298=Unable to create file {0}
B3299={0} bytes migrated from broker {1} for file {2}, expected {3} bytes 
B3300=Instance name {0} from {1} is same as this broker's instance name
B3301=Abort waiting for reply [{0}] from {1}: {2}
B3302={0} must set for the broker store configuration
B3303=Unable to lock cluster configuration change record table for it is currently locked by broker running on {0}:{1}.
B3304=Unable to process admin request to delete message {0} from destination {1} because the message is not owned by this broker. This message is currently owned by broker whose address is {2}
B3305=Unable to process admin request to replace message {0} in destination {1} because the message is not owned by this broker. This message is currently owned by broker whose address is {2}
B3306=Unable to lock cluster configuration change record table for it is currently locked by {0}.
B3307=Unable to acquire cluster lock to create an active subscriber for durable subscription {0} on destination {1}
B3308=Unable to process admin request to delete message {0} from destination {1} because the message is being replaced 
B3309=Session {0} not found on deleting consumer {1}
#{0} is a string
B3310=The source file to encode/decode was not specified.\nPlease specify it using the {0} option
B3311=The property setting {0} requires property {1}
B3312=Client protocol error


B4000=File not found: {0}

# {0} the class of the protocol
# {1} the protocol
# {2} is the name of the service
B4001=Unable to open protocol {1} for {2} service using {0}

# {0} the class of the protocol
# {1} is the name of the service
B4002=\ {0} protocol unavailable: can not load protocol class needed for service {1}

# {0} is the name of the service
# {1} property missing
B4003=Unable to start service {0}: missing property {1}

B4004=Failed to persist message {0}

# {0} is the message identifier
# {1} is the destination name
B4005=Failed to retrieve message {0} for destination {1}

# {0} is the queue name
B4006=Unable to attach to queue {0}: destination already has reached its maximum number of {1} active and {2} backup consumers

# {0} is the destination name
# {1} is the durable name of the interest
# {2} is the cliet  ID of the interest
B4007=Unable to unsubscribe durable subscription {0} on destination {1}: interest is in use

# {0} is the detaintion name
B4008=Unable to add interest in temporary destination {0} : connection does not match Connection who created the queue
B4009=Unable to delete the temporary destination {0} : connection does not match Connection who created the queue
B4010=Unable to delete the temporary destination {0} : destination does not exist
B4011=Unable to add the temporary destination {0} : destination already exists

# {0} is the interest id
B4012=Failed to persist interest {0}
B4013=Failed to retrieve interest {0}

# {0} is the destination name
B4014=Failed to persist destination {0}

# {0} is the interest id and {1} is the sysMessage id
B4015=Failed to persist state of interest {0} for message {1}

# {0} is the message id
B4016=Failed to remove persistent message {0}

# {0} is the destination name
B4017=Could not locate destination {0}
B4018=Failed to validate the temporary destination {0} : connection does not match the Connection who created the queue

B4019=Failed to persist transaction {0}

# {0} is the file path
B4020=Failed to clear the transaction file: {0}

# {9} is the destination name
B4021=Message published to unknown destination {0}, message will not be sent
B4022=Exception occurred while getting SSL ServerSocketFactory
#{0} is a string
B4023=Exception occurred while reading from passfile {0}
B4024=The Maximum Number of messages currently in the system [ {0} ] has been exceeded, rejecting message {1}
B4025=The Maximum Size limit for the messages currently in the system [ {0} ] has been exceeded, rejecting message {1}
B4026=The size [ {0} bytes ] of Message {1} is larger than the individual message limit (maxBytesPerMsg) of {2} bytes, rejecting the message

# {0} is =
B4027=Invalid property value: {0}

# {0} is the property name
B4028=Invalid property: {0}

B4029=Failed to load messages from store
B4030=Failed to delete all transaction from database table
B4031=Failed to load destinations from store
B4032=Failed to load transactions from store
B4033=Failed to remove message {0} from store
B4034=Failed to remove interest {0} from store
B4035=Failed to load interests from store
B4036=Failed to get the state of interest {0} for message {1}
B4037=Failed to remove interest states for message {0}
B4038=Failed to load interest states from store
B4039=Failed to load data from store

# {0} is the authenication type
B4040=Unsupported authentication type {0}
B4041=User repository not defined for authentication type {0}

# {0} repository name
# {1} authenication type
B4042=User repository {0} class not defined for authentication type {1}
B4043=Connection not authenticated
B4044=Access Control type not defined

# {0} access control type
B4045=Access Control class not defined for type {0}
B4046=Access Control not defined for type {0}
B4047=Failed to load access control from {0}

B4048=Subject user not defined

# {0} is the reserved name
B4049=User name {0} is reserved
B4050=Role name {0} is reserved

# {0} is the username that was forbidden
B4051=Forbidden {0}

# {0} user name
B4052={0} is not an administrator

B4053=Unable to purge messages on destination {0} of type {1}: destination does not exist on the broker.
B4054=Failed to load transaction acknowledgements from store

# {0} is the file name
B4055=Failed to clear the transaction acknowledgement file: {0}

B4056=Failed to persist acknowledgement {0} for transaction {1}

# {0} is the name of the service that does not exist
B4057=No such service: {0}

# {0} is the durable name
# {0} is the durable name
B4058=Unable to unsubscribe durable subscription {0} - consumer does not exist

# {0} is the connection
# {1} is the limit
B4059=Unable to accept connection {0} - the connection was not accepted because it would exceed the allowable number of connections for the license in use by this broker: {1} 

# {0} is the transaction id
B4060=Failed to remove acknowledgements for transaction {0}
B4061=Can not use Transaction ID {0} : ID is currently in use
B4062=Error storing information associated with Transaction {0} : data may be lost if the broker exits before the transaction completed

# {0} is the destination name
B4063=Can not create Destination {0} - the destination already exists

# {0} auth type
# {1} repository name
# {2} config property
B4064=Ldap repository {1} property {2} not defined for authentication type {0}

# {0} user name
# {1} repository name
B4065=Not unique user {0} in repository {1}

# {0} user name
B4066=Password not provided for user {0}
B4067=User name not provided

# {0} user name
# {1} repository name
B4068=DN not found for user {0} in repository {1}

# {0} repository type passed
# {1} expected repository type
# {2} repository plugin class name
B4070=Repository type {0} not match type {1} of {2}

# {0} search result name
B4071=Search result {0} not relative (not supported)

# {0} access control type passed
# {1} expected access control type
# {2} access control plugin class name
B4072=Access control type {0} not match type {1} of {2}

# {0} property name 
# {1} property value
# {2} access control file
# {3} expected value
# {4} class name or user
B4073={0} {1} of access control file {2} not match {3} of {4}

# {0} property name
# {1} access control file name
B4074=Property {0} not specified in access control file {1}

# {0} user name
B4075=Search groups in ldap directory failed for user {0}

# {0} authenticated principal name
# {1} service name
# {2} service type
B4076=Forbidden authenticated name {0} from service {1}[{2}] on administration destination

# {0} authentication type
B4077=Undefined authentication type {0}

# {0} authentication type passed
# {1} expected authentication type
# {2} authentication handler class name
B4078=Authentication type {0} not match type {1} of {2}

# {0} match type passed
# {1} authentication type
# {2} user repository type 
# {3} supported match types
B4079=Unsupported match type {0} from authentication type {1} to user repository {2} (supported match types {3})

B4080=Database rollback failed.
B4081=Clear all data from database failed.
B4082=Failed to load configuration change records from store
B4083=Failed to persist configuration change record with timestamp {0}
B4084=Failed to persist configuration timestamp
B4085=No properties modified for service: {0}
B4086=Unable to update service: {0}, because {1}
B4087=Unable to destroy destination: {0}, because {1}
B4088=No Destination Type was set on the command
B4089=No Destination Name was set on the command
B4090=Unable to create destination: {0}, because {1}
B4091=The Destination of {0} contains invalid characters
B4092=Unable to set/update attributes destination: {0}, because {1}
B4093=Could not resume service: {0}, because {1}
B4094=Could not contact cluster configuration server.
B4095=Durable subscription {0} is already active on destination {1}.
B4096=Failed to clear all records from configuration change record tables.
B4097=Failed to load last refresh timestamp from store.
B4098=Failed to clear last refresh timestamp from store.
B4099=adminkey not exist.

# {0} authentication type
B4100=Illegal state for authentication type {0}

# {0} authentication type
# {1} service name
# {2} service type
B4101=Attempt to override authentication type to {0} for service {1}[{2}]

# {0} destination name
# {1} service name
B4102=Access non-administration destination {0} denied for restricted administration service {1}.

B4103=Database connection closed with exception.
B4104=Cleanup interest state tables failed with exception.

# {0} is the id of the message
B4105=Failed to persist interest list for message {0}
B4106=Cannot remove lock file.

# {0} is the message id
B4107=Failed to load message {0} from store

B4108=Connection logged out.

# {0} client ID sent from client 
B4109=Invalid client ID {0}

# {0} min thread number
# {1} max thread number
B4110=Minimum threads {0} greater than maximum threads {1}
B4111=Maximum threads {0} less than minimum threads {1}

# {0} is the name of the property
B4112=Failed to persist property {0}
B4113=Failed to load properties from store
B4114=Verification of persistent store version failed with exception.
B4115=Unable to set thread values to min={0} max={1}
B4116=Internal Error: Unable to update interest for message {0}.
B4117=Unexpected Broker Exception: [{0}]
B4118=Mmaster broker {0} is unreachable
B4119=Consumer is attempting to attach to a temporary queue that they did not create 

# {0} sysmsgid
# {1} destination name
# {2} limit
# {3} exceeding value (only for B4122)
B4120=Can not add message {0} to destination {1}. The destination message count limit (maxNumMsgs) of {2} has been reached.
B4121=Can not add message {0} to destination {1}. The destination total byte limit (maxTotalMsgBytes) of {2} bytes has been reached.
B4122=Can not add message {0} to destination {1}. The message size of {3} bytes is larger than the destination individual message byte limit (maxBytesPerMsg) of {2} bytes.

# {0} is the timestamp of the problematic record
B4123=Failed to parse configuration change record with timestamp {0}
B4124=Failed to parse a Destination object.
B4125=Failed to parse an Interest object.

# {0} is the property name
B4126=Failed to parse the property object with name {0}

# {0} is the unique name of the message with which the interest id
# is associated
B4127=Failed to parse an interest id for message {0}

# {0} is the UID of the transaction
B4128=Failed to parse the TransactionState object for transaction {0}
B4129=Failed to parse a TransactionAcknowledgement object for transaction {0}

B4130=Port number conflict. Please use different port numbers for TCP and HTTP services.
B4131=Temporary Destinations can not be destroyed, although they can be purged, through the administration tools.
B4132=Bad transaction state transition. Cannot perform operation {0} (XAFlag={1}) on a transaction in state {2}.
B4133=Cannot purge active interest. Please terminate any clients that may have attached to the durable subscription {0} before purging it
B4134=Interest purge failed. No such durable subscription {0}
B4135=Cannot add durable consumer {0}. No ClientID was set on connection.
B4136=The thread pool maximum for svc {0} can not be set to {1}

# {0} is the UID of the transaction
B4137=Failed to update transaction state for {0}
B4138=Failed to remove transaction {0}

# {0} is the state of transactions to spare
B4139=Failed to clear transactions that are not in state {0}, all transactions will be cleared.
B4140=Broker is shutting down.

# {0} is durable name.
B4141=Illegal Durable interest {0}. Client ID is null.

B4142=Failed to upgrade configuration change record.

# {0} is the destination name
B4143=Failed to parse message from a VRecord for destination {0}

# {0} is the destination name
B4144=Failed to remove destination {0}

# {0} is the destination name
B4145=Failed to load messages for destination {0} from store

# {0} is the directory name
# {1} is the destination name
B4146=Failed to release message directory {0} for destination {1}

# {0} is the directory name
# {1} is the destination name
B4147=Failed to load message directory {0} for destination {1}

# {0} is the file name
B4148=Got exception while reading packet size from file {0}.

# {0} is a directory
B4149=Resetting messages failed; failed to remove all files in {0}.

# {0} is the destination name
B4150=Failed to remove messages for destination {0}

# {0} is a SQL statement
B4151=Failed to create PreparedStatement for: {0}

# {0} is the destination name
B4152=Failed to get message and byte counts for destination {0} from database

B4153=Failed to upgrade messages.

# {0} is the file name of the old data
# {1} is the file name of the new data
B4154=Failed to upgrade properties from {0} to {1}.

# {0} is the file name of the old data
# {1} is the file name of the new data
B4155=Failed to upgrade durables from {0} to {1}.

# {0} is the file name of the old data
# {1} is the file name of the new data
B4156=Failed to upgrade transaction acknowledgement from {0} to {1}.

# {0} is the file name of the old data
# {1} is the file name of the new data
B4157=Failed to upgrade transactions from {0} to {1}.

# {0} is the file name of the old data
# {1} is the file name of the new data
B4158=Failed to upgrade destinations from {0} to {1}.

# {0} is the file name of the old data
B4159=Failed to load configuration change records from old store {0}

# {0} is the exception string
B4160=Could not compact destinations, because {0}

# {0} is the destination name
# {1} is the exception string
B4161=Could not compact destination: {0}, because {1}

# {0} is the destination name
B4162=Failed to upgrade destinations from old table to new table. Failed at {0}.

# {0} is the message identifier
B4163=Failed to upgrade messages from old table to new table. Failed at {0}.

B4164=Failed to get database metadata.

# {0} is the message identifier
B4165=Failed to upgrade message interest list from old table to new table. Failed at {0}.

# {0} is the sql statement that failed
B4166=Failed to query database: sql={0}.

# {0} is a database table name
B4167=Resetting messages in database failed; failed to remove all messages in {0}.

# {0} is the interest
B4168=Failed to upgrade interests from old table. Failed at {0}.

# {0} is a database table name
B4169=Resetting interests in database failed; failed to remove all interests in {0}.

# {0} is the property name
B4170=Failed to upgrade properties from old table. Failed at {0}.

# {0} is the time stamp
B4171=Failed to upgrade configuration change record from old table. Failed at record {0}.

# {0} is the transaction
B4172=Failed to upgrade transactions from old table. Failed at {0}.

# {0} is the transaction
B4173=Failed to upgrade transaction acknowledgement from old table. Failed at {0}.

# {0} is a database table name
B4174=Failed to delete all entries in database table {0}.

# {0} is the destination name
# {1} is the internal destination name prefix e.g. mq.
B4175=The following destination cannot be created: {0}\n\
Destination names starting with "{1}" are reserved for internal Message Queue use.\n\
They cannot be created administratively.

# {0} is the file name
B4176=Can not create property file {0}

# {0} is the file name
B4177=Can not delete property file {0}
# {0} is the destination name
B4178=Max Producer Count for {0} can not be set to 0
B4179=Max Consumer Count for {0} can not be set to 0
B4180=Support for feature {0} is unavailable on destination {1}, please upgrade to the Enterprise Edition to enable this feature

# {0} is  destination
B4181=Consumer can not be added to monitor destination {0}, monitoring is disabled

# {0} is  destination
# {1} is the # of the consumer limit
B4182=Consumer can not be added to destination {0}, limit of {1} consumers would be exceeded

# {0} is  destination
# {1} is the # of the consumer limit
B4183=Producer can not be added to destination {0}, limit of {1} producers would be exceeded

# {0} is  destination
# {1} is the # of the consumer limit
B4184=Producers are not allowed to produce messages to a monitoring destinations {0}

# {0} is  destination name
# {1} is the type of the destination
B4185=Auto-creation of {1} destinations is not allowed, destination {0} must be administratively created before it can be monitored

# {0} is the durable name
# {1} is the clientID
# {2} is the destination
# {3} is the limit
B4186=Unable to attach to durable subscription {0} on destination {1} : the durable subscription has already reached its maximum number of {2} active consumers

# {0} is the system message id of the JMS message
# {2} is the source destination
# {3} is the target destination
B4187=Failed to move message {0} from destination {1} to destination {2}.
B4188=The size [ {0} bytes ] of packet {1} is larger than the individual packet limit of {2} bytes, rejecting packet
B4189=The useDMQ attribute can not be changed on the Dead Message Queue.
B4190=Dead Message retains on its original destination.
B4191=FLOW_CONTROL is not a legal behavior for the Dead Message Queue
B4192=Number of Producers can not be changed on the Dead Message Queue
B4193=The Dead Message Queue can not be destroyed
B4194=Failed to load a destination.
B4195=Failed to load a consumer.
B4196=Failed to load a property.
B4197=Failed to load a transaction.
B4198=Failed to load a transaction acknowledgement.
B4199=Failed to load a destination from the old store.
B4200=Failed to load a consumer from the old store.
B4201=Failed to load a property from the old store.
B4202=Failed to load a transaction from the old store.
B4203=Failed to load a transaction acknowledgement from the old store.

# {0} is the class name
B4204=Failed to instantiate audit session from class {0}.
B4205=Cluster unicast unreachable address {0}.

# {0} is the database url
B4206=Failed to reestablish database connection to {0}

# {0} is the destination
# {1} is the subscription
# {2} is the limit
# {3} is the current value
B4207=Failed to attach to a consumer to shared consumer {1} on \
\ topic {0}: number of subscribers {3} is at or above the limit \
\ of {2}

# {0} is this broker's cluster transport type
# {1} is the remote broker's cluster transport type
B4208=Cluster transport type mismatch: Expecting {0} but remote broker has {1}
B4209=Unable to unsubscribe subscription {0} because its destination {1} and its associated consumers have been destroyed
B4210=Could not start {0} service because {1}
B4211=JAAS authentication configuration name index not defined
B4213=Unable to get loopback IP address on the system for validation of broker address {0}
B4214=Loopback IP address is not allowed in broker address {0} for cluster
B4215=HA mode not match with this broker in broker address {0} 
B4216=No broker ID is specified in broker address {0}

# {0} message id
# {1} destination
B4212=Message {0} already exists in destination {1}

# {0} broker id
B4217=Failed to persist HA cluster information for broker {0}
B4218=Failed to load HA cluster information for broker {0}
B4219=Failed to update HA cluster information for broker {0}
B4220=Failed to remove HA cluster information for broker {0}
B4221=Failed to load all HA cluster information from store
B4222=Failed to update heartbeat timestamp for broker {0}
B4223=Failed to update heartbeat timestamp for broker {0}: {1}

# {0} destination
B4224=Failed to load destination {0} from store

# {0} transaction id
B4225=Failed to clear transaction from interest states associated with transaction id {0}
B4226=Failed to clear transaction from messages associated with transaction id {0}

# {0} destination name
B4227=Failed to remove interest states for destination {0}

# {0} message id
B4228=Failed to load interest states for message {0}

# {0} transaction id
B4229=Failed to load acknowledgements for transaction {0}

# {0} broker id
B4230=Failed to get message counts for broker {0} from database

# {0} property name
B4231=Failed to load property {0} from store
B4232=Failed to remove property {0} from store

# {0} transaction id
B4233=Failed to load transaction {0} from store
B4234=Failed to update transaction {0} from store
B4235=Failed to load transactions for broker {0} from store

# {0} database table name
B4236=Failed to create database table {0}
B4237=Failed to delete database table {0}
B4238=Failed to persist persistent store version to database table {0}
B4239=Failed to load persistent store version from database table {0}

# {0} transaction
B4240=Failed to remove interest states for transaction {0}

B4241=Cluster protocol not ready
B4242=Failed to load habroker records from store.
B4243=Failed to clear all records from habroker records table.

# {0} message info
# {1} broker address with broker and store session IDs
B4244=Unable to acknowledge message {0} because its home broker {1} is being taking over

# {0} message info
# {1} broker address
B4245=Acknowledge message {0} failed because its home broker {1} is gone

# {0} message info
# {1} [broker id, store sessionid]
B4246=Unable to acknowledge message {0} because broker {1} does not have the session of the message''s home broker {1}

# {0} message info
# {1} broker address
B4247=Unable to acknowledge message {0} because already goodbyed its home broker {1}

# {0] property name
B4248=Dynamic update property {0} is not supported

# {0}
B4249=Unable to acknowledge message {0} because its home broker {1} is not reachable

B4250=Setting a master broker is not supported in an HA cluster

# {0} - destination name
B4251=Unable to load destination {0}

B4252=Quiesce Failed

B4253=Cluster ID specified by property 'imq.cluster.clusterid' must be set to run in HA mode

B4254=Can not stop service which is not running

B4255=Can not start service which is not paused

B4256=Unable to get cluster service port from broker {0}
B4257=Failure to obtain license information

# {0} - connector server name
B4258=Failed to create connector server {0}: MBeanServer not set in Agent

B4259=Null consumer ID specified

# {0} - consumer id
B4260=Invalid consumer ID specified: {0}

# {0} - consumer id
B4261=Consumer not found. Consumer ID: {0}

# {0} - bad dest type
B4262=Invalid destination type specified: {0}

# {0} - bad attribute
B4263=Invalid create time attribute specified for queue destination: {0}

# {0} - bad attribute
B4264=Invalid create time attribute specified for topic destination: {0}

# {0} - bad pause type value
B4265=Invalid destination pause type specified: {0}

B4266=Null producer ID specified

# {0} - producer id
B4267=Invalid producer ID specified: {0}

# {0} - producer id
B4268=Producer not found. Producer ID: {0}

B4269=Null transaction ID specified

# {0} - transaction id
B4270=Invalid transaction ID specified: {0}

# {0} - transaction id
B4271=Transaction {0} not found. 

B4272=Unable to update transaction [TID={0}] state to {1}: current state {2}, expected state {3}

#{0} acknowledgement
#{1} transaction id
B4273=Acknowledgement {0} for {1} exists already

B4274=Connection {0} is closing
B4275=No session found for consumer {0} on connection {1}

# {0} - store session id
B4276=Failed to persist store session {0}
B4277=Failed to remove store session {0}
B4278=Failed to load store session {0}

# {1} - broker id
B4279=Failed to remove inactive store session {0} for broker {1}

# {0} - broker id
B4280=Failed to remove all store sessions for broker {0}
B4281=Failed to load current store session for broker {0}
B4282=Failed to load all store sessions for broker {0}

B4283=Failed to load all store sessions
B4284=Failed to upgrade store sessions from old table.
B4285=Acknowledge message {0} failed because its home broker {1} has no response 

B4286=[{0}]Auto-creation of destination {1} is not allowed because service {2} is currently in restricted service mode: {3}
B4287=[{0}]Creation of producer on topic {1} is not allowed because service {2} is currently in restricted service mode: {3}
B4288=[{0}]Creation of consumer on topic {1} is not allowed because service {2} is currently in restricted service mode: {3}

#{0} queue name
#{1} broker address
#{2} service restriction string
#{3} broker address
B4289=Reject deletion of queue {0} request from {1} because of service restriction {2} in effect: broker {3} not online.  
B4290=Transaction {0} is locked 
B4291=Cannot perform operation {0}[XAFlag={1}] for the transaction [XID={2}] was FAILED while in transition to {3} from {4}
B4292=Cannot perform operation {0}[XAFlag={1}] for the transaction [XID={2}] has been set to FAILED from {3}

B4293=Unsupported {0}: {1}
B4294=Attribute {0} not found in {1}
B4295=Attribute {0} not String type: {1}
B4296=User {0} not based at {1} 
B4297=Message {0} reference is gone 
B4298=Message {0} may have been rerouted 
B4299=JAAS callback handler not initialized for {0}
B4300=Unable to update remote transaction {0} state to {1}: {3}
B4301=Unknown remote transaction {0}
B4302=Consumed message {0} not found in transaction {1}
B4303=The maximum number of messages [{0}] that the producer can process in \
a single transaction (TID={1}) has been exceeded. Please either limit the # of \
messages per transaction or increase the imq.transaction.producer.maxNumMsgs property.
B4304=The maximum number of messages [{0}] that the consumer can process in \
a single transaction (TID={1}) has been exceeded. Please either limit the # of \
messages per transaction or increase the imq.transaction.consumer.maxNumMsgs property.
B4305=No packet data for message reference {0}, the message may have been removed
B4306=Exception in writing packet on sending message {0} to remote broker: {1}
B4307={0}[XAFlag={1}]: The transaction [XID={2}] has been marked as rollback-only [state=FAILED from {3}]

B4308=Cannot add non-durable subscriber on {0}. Subscription is shared but no ClientID was set on connection.
B4309=Database returned empty table name from {0}
B4310=Broker {0} is taking over this broker {1}
B4311=Can not take over self
B4312=Unknown broker id {0}
B4313=Admin takeover is not supported.
B4314=The lock file {0} does not contain expected formatted data: {1}
B4315=Bad address in broker list: {0}
B4316=Exception occurred while reading passwords from standard input
B4317=Cluster ID specified by property {0} must be set to run in {1} mode
B4318=Cluster configuration change record type mismatch in shared database: type in record is {0} for table entry {1}
#{0} is a string denotes type of the records
B4319=Cluster configuration change records in shared database contain {0} records with different uuids {1} 
B4320=Can not retrieve {0} for inserted cluster change record {1} ! 
B4321=Unable to get sequence number for inserted record {0}
B4322=Mismatch in reset UUID {0} for cluster change records in this broker with remote broker {1}
B4323=Removing the master broker {0} from broker list {1} is not allowed
B4324=Failed to insert reset record to shared database table for cluster configuration change records: {0}
B4325=Failed to insert record {0} to shared database table for cluster configuration change records: {1}
B4326=Failed to query reset record in shared database table for cluster configuration change records: {0}
B4327=Failed to set reset record UUID {0} in shared database table for cluster configuration change records: {1}
B4328=Failed to clear reset record {0} in shared database table for cluster configuration change records: {1}
B4329=Failed to query reset record UUID in shared database table for cluster configuration change records: {0}
B4330=Failed to query records in shared database table for cluster configuration change records: {0}
B4331=Failed to query all records in shared database table for cluster configuration change records: {0}
B4332=Failed to query {0} by UUID {1} in shared database table for cluster configuration change records: {2}
B4333=There is no master broker for the cluster. Reject change master broker request.
B4334=Waiting for operation {0} completion from broker {1}
B4335=Master broker {0} is not ready. Reject change master broker request.
B4336=Timed out {0} in waiting for cluster configuration change operation to complete
B4337=The master broker {0} that is requested to be changed does not match current master broker {1}
B4338=Broker {0} has no established connection with this broker. Reject change master broker request.
B4339=This broker is not the master broker {0}. Reject change master broker request.
B4340=Master broker critical operation {0} is in progress
B4341=Broker link to {0} is down
#{0} is the timeout value,  {1} is a protocol name, {2} is broker address string
B4342=Timed out [{0}] in waiting for {1} from {2}
B4343=The cluster version {0} of broker {1} does not match the cluster version {2} of the current master broker {3}
B4344=Unable to process {0} from {1} because this broker is not the master broker {3} 
B4345=This broker has current master broker {0} which is not {1}. Reject {2} from {1}
B4346=This broker has not synchronized with current master broker {0}.  Reject {1} from {2}
B4347=First record is not reset record in {0} sent from {1} 
B4348=Failed to cleanup incomplete configuration change records in persist store after processing {0} failure
B4349=The request of changing master broker to this broker from {0} has not been prepared
B4350=The request of changing master broker to this broker from {0} does not have the same UUID {1} as last prepared
B4351=Master broker property {0} has been specified on command line. Dynamic changing master broker is not supported. 
B4352=Master broker property {0} has been specified on command line. Can not change master broker dynamically  
B4353=This broker has not synchronized with current master broker {0}.
B4354=Can not process changing master broker request {0} because the broker''s life cycle is JMSRA managed.
B4355=Master broker property {0} can not be specified on command line when dynamic change of master broker is enabled {1}
B4356=Dynamic changing master broker is not enabled.
B4357=Received {0} from {1} which is not this broker''s current master broker {2}, not the new master broker {3} 
B4358=Invalid maximum active consumers [{0}] count: {1}
B4359=Invalid maximum producers [{0}] count: {1}
B4360=Session {0} is closed
B4361=Unable to process message acknowledgement {0}: {1}
B4362=Could not delete file {0}
B4363=The broker {0} that is requested to takeover this broker''s store is this broker.
B4364=Broker {0} is not connected to this broker
B4365=Failed to transfer file(s) {0} to broker {1}
B4366=Can not migrate this broker''s store because this broker has unprocessed store takeovers {0}. Please try again when existing takeovers are processed
B4367=Can not migrate this broker''s store because the following store migration(s) from other broker(s) are prepared\n\{0}
B4368=Setting {0} is not supported with the broker store configuration
B4369=Broker property {0} is not supported with the broker store configurations
B4370=Broker {0} instance lock file {1} does not exist
B4371=Broker {0} instance lock file {1} has unexpected instance name {2}
B4372=Broker {0} is running at {1}
B4373=Unable to lock file {0}
B4374=Exception on unlock file {0}
B4375=Exception on close file {0}
B4376=Broker {0} has state {1} that is allowed to be taken over
B4377=Exception in taking over store from broker {0}: {1}
B4378=Unexpected instance name {0} in {1}, expected {2};
B4379=Unexpected transition state {0} on taking over the store {1} of broker {2}, expected {3}
B4380=Unexpected broker state {0} on taking over the store {1} of broker {2}, expected {3} 
B4381=Unable to get replica port for {0}: {1}
B4382=Failed to prepare store migration of this broker {0} to broker {1}: {2} 
B4383=The phase-2 of the store migration of this broker {0} to broker {1} failed: {2}
B4384=Exception on pausing service {0}: {1}
B4385=Exception on resuming service {0}: {1}
B4386=Failed to init transport for service {0}: {1}
B4387=Failed to start transport for service {0}: {1}
B4388=Unable to bind transport for service {0}: {1}
B4389=Exception in cleanup dead message {0} after moved to DMQ: {1}
B4390=Exception while moving message {0} to DMQ
B4391=Received message {0} with unknown transaction id {1}
B4392=Durable subscription {0} on destination {1} exists in store already
B4393=Partition {0} not found
B4394=Migrating primary store partition {0} is not allowed
B4395=Broker store partition is not migratable
B4396=Transaction {0} not found for acknowledgement {1}
B4397=This broker does not own the arrived store partition {0}
B4398=Can not add store partition {0} because it already exists
B4399=Store partition {0} is not found
B4400=Partition mode is not supported by the {0} store.
B4401=Unable to start message delivery time timer thread for destination {0}
B4402=Exception on forwarding delivery time arrived message {0} in destination {1}
B4403=Exception on processing produced message {0}: {1} 
B4404=Exception on routing produced message {0} on destination {1} to consumers {2}
B4405=Unable to load messages to destination {0} because the destination has been destroyed
B4406=Unable to load messages to destination {0} because no message delivery time timer
B4407=Exception in recording removal of subscription {0} after failed creation: {1} 
B4410=Cluster protocol version {0} of master broker {1} is not supported
B4411=Exception on query last sequence number for record key {0}
B4413=Exception in checking old schema table {0} of cluster configuration change record: {1}
B4414=Exception in checking emptiness of old schema table {0} of cluster configuration change record: {1}
B4415=Exception in query lock id from cluster configuration change record table: {0}
B4416=Exception on updating cluster configuration change record table lock from {0} to {1}
B4417=Exception in migrating data from old schema table {0} of cluster configuration change record table: {1}
B4418=Exception on unlocking cluster configuration change record table after migration: {0}
B4419=Exception while processing old data for migration from old cluster configuration change record table {0}
B4420=Failed to delete message {0} from destination {1} because {2} 
B4421=Failed to replace message {0} in destination {1} because {2} 
B4422=Can not delete message {0} from destination {1} because the message is in delivery to client consumer 
B4423=Exception on unlocking the shared database table of cluster configuration change record: {0}
B4424=Exception on deleting database tables {0}: {1}
B4425=Durable subscription {0} not found
B4426=Failed to process message {0} in delivery delay from destination {1} on closing consumer {2}
B4427=Exception on routing delivery time arrived committed message {0} in destination {1}
B4428=Exception on rollback transaction {0}: {1}
B4429=Exception on removing transaction acknowledgement from store for transaction {0} : {1} 
B4430=Exception on removing transaction {0} : {1} 
B4431=Exception on checking existence of the transaction {0} after insertion failure: {1} 
#No translation for "noLocal"
B4432=Client ID must set on the connection when noLocal is true to create durable subscription {0}
B4433=Exception on storing delivered state on incrementing redelivery count {0} for interest {1} with message {2} 
B4434=Client ID must set on the connection when noLocal is true to create shared subscription {0}
B4435=Durable subscription {0} already exists on destination {1}
B4436=Invalid subscription name {0} for creating durable subscription on destination {1}
B4437=Invalid subscription name {0} for creating shared subscription on destination {1}
B4438=Invalid destination {0} for creating durable subbscription {1}
B4439=Invalid destination {0} for creating shared subbscription {1}
B4440=Durable subscription {0} is active in destination and can not be replaced
B4441=Can not create non-durable subscription {0} on destination {1} because a non-durable subscription {2} is active on destination {3}.
B4442=Exception in replacing properties for replacement of message {0}: {1}
B4443=Exception in cleanup message {0} on closing session {1}: {2}
B4444=Can not deliver message {0} to consumer {1}
#{0} is a string
B4445=Can not find service type for service {0}
B4446=Exception occurred while rebinding port unification service to address {0}
B4447=Failed to create connection for user {0} in service {1}: {2}
#{0}, {1} are strings
B4448=Failed to set login timeout to JDBC driver {0}: {1}

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