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package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.cluster.manager.ha;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.JMQXid;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.log.Logger;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.UID;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.GoodbyeReason;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Globals;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Broker;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.FaultInjection;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.BrokerStateHandler;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsservice.BrokerEvent;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.StoreBeingTakenOverException;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Destination;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationList;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerAddress;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerMQAddress;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.cluster.api.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.cluster.api.ha.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.cluster.manager.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.resources.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.service.PortMapper;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.multibroker.heartbeat.HeartbeatService;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.timer.MQTimer;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.api.TakeoverStoreInfo;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.api.TakeoverLockException;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.api.HABrokerInfo;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.api.Store;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.api.MigratableStore;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.api.PartitionedStore;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

 * This class handles general setup of an HA broker, monitoring the state of
 * an HA broker (for split brain) and HA Takeover.

* The logic to determine when a failover should occur is not handled by * this class */ @Service(name = "com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.cluster.manager.ha.HAMonitorServiceImpl") @Singleton public class HAMonitorServiceImpl implements HAMonitorService, ClusterListener { private static boolean DEBUG_HA = Globals.getConfig().getBooleanProperty( Globals.IMQ + ".ha.debug"); private static boolean DEBUG = DEBUG_HA; private Logger logger = Globals.getLogger(); private static final String MONITOR_THRESHOLD_PROP = Globals.IMQ + ".cluster.monitor.threshold"; private static final String MONITOR_INTERVAL_PROP = Globals.IMQ + ".cluster.monitor.interval"; /** * Value to use for the monitoring threshold. */ private int MAX_MONITOR_DEFAULT = 3; private int MAX_MONITOR = Globals.getConfig().getIntProperty( MONITOR_THRESHOLD_PROP, MAX_MONITOR_DEFAULT); /** * Value to use for the monitoring timeout. */ public static final int MONITOR_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 30; private int MONITOR_TIMEOUT = Globals.getConfig().getIntProperty( MONITOR_INTERVAL_PROP, MONITOR_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)* 1000; /** * Value to use for the heartbeat threshold. */ private int MAX_HEARTBEAT = Globals.getConfig().getIntProperty( Globals.IMQ + ".cluster.heartbeat.threshold", 30); /** * Value to use for the reaper timeout. */ private int reaperTimeout = Globals.getConfig().getIntProperty( Globals.IMQ + ".cluster.reaptime", 300)* 1000; /** * Configuration information */ ClusterManager clusterconfig = null; /** * ID associated with the local broker */ String mybrokerid = null; /** * Monitor task which periodically updated timestamps */ private HAMonitorTask haMonitor = null; /** * Indoubt brokers which are being monitored */ Map indoubtBrokers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap()); volatile int heartbeatMissedCnt = 0; /** * private class to hold information associated with an * indoubt broker */ class indoubtData { String brokerid; long lastts = 0; int monitorCnt = 0; UID brokerSession = null; } class downBroker { HAClusteredBroker cb = null; long lastts = 0; UID brokerSession = null; UID storeSession = null; String brokerName = null; Object extraInfo = null; } /** * timer task which is called periodically to monitor * any indoubt brokers and update heartbeat timestamps */ class HAMonitorTask implements Runnable { boolean valid = true; public HAMonitorTask() { } public void cancel() { valid = false; } public void run() { if (!valid) { return; } monitor(); } } /** * use instead of timer thread so that we have control of * thread priority */ class HATimerThread implements Runnable { long nexttime = 0L; long repeatItr = 0L; Thread thr = null; Runnable child = null; public HATimerThread(String name, Runnable runner, int initTO, int repeatItr) { nexttime = initTO + System.currentTimeMillis(); this.repeatItr = repeatItr; this.child = runner; thr = new Thread(this, name); thr.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); thr.start(); } public void run() { while (true) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized(this) { if (time < nexttime) { try { this.wait(nexttime - time); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {} continue; } else {; } } if (repeatItr == 0) break; time = System.currentTimeMillis(); long tmpnext = nexttime + repeatItr; if (time >= tmpnext) { nexttime = time; } else { nexttime = tmpnext; } } } } /** * timer task which is to reap old temp destinations * and transactions */ class TakeoverReaper extends TimerTask { List txns = null; String id = null; long time = 0; TransactionList translist = null; public TakeoverReaper(String broker, List txns, TransactionList translist) { this.txns = txns; = broker; this.translist = translist; logger.log(logger.DEBUG,"monitoring " + txns.size() + " transactions"); } public void run() { boolean done = processTxns(); if (done) cancel(); } public boolean processTxns() { try { // see if txn still exists // if it does and there are no msgs or acks, clean it up Iterator itr = txns.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { TransactionUID tid = (TransactionUID); // ok, make sure it really exists TransactionState state = null; try { state = translist.getPartitionedStore().getTransactionState(tid); if (state != null && state.getState() == TransactionState.COMMITTED) { translist.reapTakeoverCommittedTransaction(tid); itr.remove(); continue; } } catch (BrokerException ex) { // nope, gone translist.removeTransactionAck(tid); translist.removeTransactionID(tid); itr.remove(); continue; } int realstate = state.getState(); int msgs = 0; int acks = 0; try { int[] retval = translist.getPartitionedStore().getTransactionUsageInfo(tid); msgs = retval[0]; acks = retval[1]; } catch (Exception ex) { } // OK .. if not in one of the "valid" states // immediately rollback // else count the # of acks, messages if ((realstate != TransactionState.ROLLEDBACK && realstate != TransactionState.PREPARED && realstate != TransactionState.COMMITTED) || msgs == 0 && acks == 0) { logger.log((DEBUG ? Logger.INFO:Logger.DEBUG), "Removing finished transaction " + tid); TransactionHandler thandler = (TransactionHandler) Globals.getPacketRouter(0).getHandler(PacketType.ROLLBACK_TRANSACTION); thandler.doRollback(translist, tid, null, null, state, null, null, RollbackReason.TAKEOVER_CLEANUP); itr.remove(); } else if (realstate == TransactionState.ROLLEDBACK) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.logStack(Logger.WARNING, BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, "removing reaped destinations", ex); } if (txns.size() == 0 ) { return true; } return false; } } /** * @return null if unable to or IOException * */ public String getRemoteBrokerIDFromPortMapper( String host, int port, String brokerID) { try { String version = String.valueOf(PortMapperTable.PORTMAPPER_VERSION)+"\n"; PortMapperTable pt = new PortMapperTable(); Socket s = new Socket(host, port); InputStream is = s.getInputStream(); OutputStream os = s.getOutputStream(); try { os.write(version.getBytes()); os.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { // This can sometimes fail if the server already wrote // the port table and closed the connection // Ignore... }; is.close(); os.close(); s.close(); PortMapperEntry pme = pt.get(PortMapper.SERVICE_NAME); return pme.getProperty("brokerid"); } catch (IOException ex ) { Globals.getLogger().log(Logger.DEBUG, "Unable to reach old remote broker "+ "associated with " + brokerID); } return null; } FaultInjection fi = null; //no failure detection, used by admin store migration public HAMonitorServiceImpl() { DEBUG = (DEBUG || (logger.getLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG)); fi = FaultInjection.getInjection(); } /** * Start the monitoring service. * @param clusterid the id of this cluster * @param brokerURL the address to use for the broker (which may be * different than the one currently associated with * this broker in the persistent store. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the clusterid is invalid * @throws IllegalAccessException if another broker is using the * same brokerid * @throws BrokerException if there are issues accessing the store. */ public HAMonitorServiceImpl(String clusterid, MQAddress brokerURL, Boolean resetTakeoverThenExitB) throws Exception { this.init(clusterid, brokerURL, resetTakeoverThenExitB.booleanValue()); } public void init(String clusterid, MQAddress brokerURL, boolean resetTakeoverThenExit) throws Exception { DEBUG = (DEBUG || (logger.getLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG)); fi = FaultInjection.getInjection(); clusterconfig = Globals.getClusterManager(); clusterconfig.addEventListener(this); mybrokerid = clusterconfig.getLocalBroker().getBrokerName(); logger.log(logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_MONITOR_INFO, mybrokerid, brokerURL); logger.log(logger.INFO, MONITOR_INTERVAL_PROP+"="+MONITOR_TIMEOUT/1000); if (Globals.getSFSHAEnabled()) { logger.log(logger.WARNING, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString( BrokerResources.W_IGNORE_PROP_SETTING, MONITOR_THRESHOLD_PROP+"="+MAX_MONITOR)); } else { logger.log(logger.INFO, MONITOR_THRESHOLD_PROP+"="+MAX_MONITOR); } if (resetTakeoverThenExit && Globals.getSFSHAEnabled()) { throw new BrokerException( "Option resetTakeover not supported for shared file system cluster"); } // validate id is valid if (!clusterid.equals(clusterconfig.getClusterId())) { logger.log(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_ERROR_MONITOR_BAD_CID, clusterid, clusterconfig.getClusterId()); throw new IllegalStateException("Bad Cluster ID " + clusterid); } // retrieve broker state info HAClusteredBroker cb = (HAClusteredBroker)clusterconfig.getLocalBroker(); // make sure we are valid MQAddress mqa = cb.getBrokerURL(); if (!mqa.equals(brokerURL)) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_UPD_STORED_PORT, mybrokerid, brokerURL); // we need to validate that there isnt a misconfiguration String remotebrokerid = getRemoteBrokerIDFromPortMapper( mqa.getHostName(), mqa.getPort(), mybrokerid); if (mybrokerid.equals(remotebrokerid)) { logger.log(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_BID_CONFLICT, mybrokerid); Broker.getBroker().exit(1, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString( BrokerResources.E_BID_CONFLICT, mybrokerid), BrokerEvent.Type.FATAL_ERROR, null, false, false, true); } // OK, if we made it here, we know that we dont have a previous // broker running on the same system with a different brokerid // XXX-HA replace with real core cb.setBrokerURL(brokerURL); } cb.updateHeartbeat(true); // make sure we werent taking over other stores Iterator itr = clusterconfig.getConfigBrokers(); while (itr.hasNext()) { HAClusteredBroker nextb = (HAClusteredBroker); String bkr = nextb.getTakeoverBroker(); if (bkr != null && bkr.equals(mybrokerid) && (nextb.getState() == BrokerState.FAILOVER_PENDING || nextb.getState() == BrokerState.FAILOVER_STARTED)) { logger.log(logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_TAKEOVER_RESET, nextb.getBrokerName()); nextb.setState(BrokerState.FAILOVER_COMPLETE); } } if (resetTakeoverThenExit) { logger.log(logger.INFO, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString( BrokerResources.I_RESET_TAKEOVER_EXIT)); return; } // OK now check the state BrokerState state = cb.getState(); String tkovrbkr = cb.getTakeoverBroker(); if (state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_STARTED || state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_PENDING) { logger.log(Logger.WARNING, BrokerResources.W_TAKEOVER_IN_PROGRESS, mybrokerid, tkovrbkr); long maxwaitsec = Globals.getConfig().getLongProperty(Globals.IMQ + ".cluster.ha.takeoverWaitTimeout", 300); long maxwait = maxwaitsec*1000L; if (maxwait == 0) { throw new BrokerException(Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString( BrokerResources.W_WAIT_FOR_BEEN_TAKENOVER_TIMEOUT, String.valueOf(maxwaitsec))); } long waitinterval = 10*1000L; long currtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long precurrtime = currtime; long totalwaited = 0L; long waittime = (maxwait < 0 || maxwait > waitinterval ? waitinterval : maxwait); do { logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_STARTUP_PAUSE); try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(waittime); precurrtime = currtime; currtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); totalwaited += ((currtime - precurrtime) > waittime ? (currtime - precurrtime):waittime); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new BrokerException( "Waiting for taking over of this broker to complete is interrupted: "+ex.getMessage()); } cb.updateHeartbeat(true); state = cb.getState(); waittime = (maxwait < 0 ? waitinterval :(maxwait - totalwaited)); if (waittime > waitinterval) waittime = waitinterval; } while ((state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_STARTED || state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_PENDING) && waittime > 0); if (waittime <= 0 && (state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_STARTED || state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_PENDING)) { throw new BrokerException(Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString( BrokerResources.W_WAIT_FOR_BEEN_TAKENOVER_TIMEOUT, String.valueOf(maxwaitsec))); } } try { cb.resetTakeoverBrokerReadyOperating(); } catch (Exception e) { state = cb.getState(); if (state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_STARTED || state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_PENDING) { String msg = Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString( BrokerResources.E_CLUSTER_TAKINGOVER_RESTART); logger.logStack(logger.ERROR, msg, e); throw new StoreBeingTakenOverException(msg, Status.CONFLICT); } throw e; } Globals.setStoreSession(cb.getStoreSessionUID()); logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_HA_INFO_STRING, String.valueOf(cb.getStoreSessionUID().longValue()), String.valueOf(cb.getBrokerSessionUID().longValue())); // Make sure total monitor time is greater than 90 secs // to workaround HADB bug 6499325 if (Globals.getJDBCHAEnabled() && (MONITOR_TIMEOUT * MAX_MONITOR) < 90000 && Globals.getStore().isHADBStore()) { MAX_MONITOR = MAX_MONITOR_DEFAULT; MONITOR_TIMEOUT = MONITOR_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT * 1000; logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "The HA Monitor Service takes over a failed broker when the" + " total monitor time (the product of imq.cluster.monitor.interval" + " and imq.cluster.monitor.threshhold) exceeds a set value." + " Due to HADB limitations, that value must be at least 90" + " seconds. Otherwise, the broker might not reliably take over" + " messages from a failed broker. The total current interval" + " is lower than 90 seconds; therefore, we are resetting the" + " default value of imq.cluster.monitor.interval to 30, and" + " the imq.cluster.monitor.threshhold value to 3."); } haMonitor = new HAMonitorTask(); try { new HATimerThread("HAMonitor", haMonitor, MONITOR_TIMEOUT, MONITOR_TIMEOUT); } catch (Exception ex) { String emsg = "Unable to start HA monitor thread"; logger.logStack(Logger.ERROR, emsg, ex); throw new BrokerException(emsg, ex); } } /** * @return the monitor interval in seconds */ public int getMonitorInterval() { return MONITOR_TIMEOUT/1000; } /** * Retrieves the current Session for this broker. * @return the session uid */ public UID getStoreSession() { return ((HAClusteredBroker)clusterconfig.getLocalBroker()) .getStoreSessionUID(); } /** * a string representation of the object */ public String toString() { return "HAMonitorServiceImpl[" + clusterconfig.getLocalBroker() +"]"; } /** * Called when the timer calls the HAMonitorTask, this method is * used to update the local broker's heartbeat and check the * state of any indbout brokers. */ public void monitor() { HAClusteredBroker cb = (HAClusteredBroker)clusterconfig.getLocalBroker(); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "HAMonitor is updating heartbeat timestamp of ["+ mybrokerid + "]"+MONITOR_TIMEOUT); } try { if (fi.FAULT_INJECTION) { fi.checkFaultAndThrowBrokerException(FaultInjection.FAULT_HB_SHAREDB, null); } cb.updateHeartbeat(); heartbeatMissedCnt = 0; // Reset count back to 0 } catch (BrokerException ex) { if (Globals.getJDBCHAEnabled()) { heartbeatMissedCnt += 1; // Increment threshold count by 1 if (heartbeatMissedCnt < MAX_HEARTBEAT) { logger.logStack(logger.WARNING, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString( BrokerResources.W_UPDATE_HEARTBEAT_TS_EXCEPTION, ex.getMessage()), ex); } else { // Trigger failover when failed count exceed threshold String errorMsg = Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString( BrokerResources.E_UPDATE_HEARTBEAT_FAILED, MAX_HEARTBEAT); logger.logStack(logger.ERROR, errorMsg, ex); Broker.getBroker().exit( BrokerStateHandler.getRestartCode(), errorMsg, BrokerEvent.Type.RESTART, ex, true, false, false); } } else { logger.logStack(logger.ERROR, ex.getMessage(), ex); Broker.getBroker().exit( BrokerStateHandler.getRestartCode(), ex.getMessage(), BrokerEvent.Type.RESTART, ex, true, false, false); } } try { BrokerState state = cb.getState(); if (state == BrokerState.QUIESCE_STARTED || state == BrokerState.QUIESCE_COMPLETED || state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_PENDING || state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_FAILED || state == BrokerState.SHUTDOWN_STARTED || state == BrokerState.SHUTDOWN_FAILOVER || state == BrokerState.SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE) { // shutting down, nothing to do return; } } catch (BrokerException ex) { logger.logStack(logger.WARNING, BrokerResources.X_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION, ex.getMessage(), ex); } if (indoubtBrokers.size() > 0) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_INDOUBT_COUNT, String.valueOf(indoubtBrokers.size())); } ArrayList takeover = null; // make a copy of the indoubt Brokers (so we dont have to worry about // changes) Set s = new HashSet(indoubtBrokers.keySet()); synchronized(takeoverRunnableLock) { monitorBusy = true; } try { Iterator itr = s.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Object key =; indoubtData wbd = (indoubtData)indoubtBrokers.get(key); try { HAClusteredBroker idbcb = (HAClusteredBroker) clusterconfig.getBroker(wbd.brokerid); BrokerState idbstate = idbcb.getState(); long ts = idbcb.getHeartbeat(); if (idbstate == BrokerState.SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE) { // dont takeover logger.log(logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_NO_TAKEOVER_SHUTDOWN, wbd.brokerid); idbcb.setBrokerIsUp(false, wbd.brokerSession, null); indoubtBrokers.remove(key); itr.remove(); } else if (idbstate == BrokerState.FAILOVER_STARTED || idbstate == BrokerState.FAILOVER_COMPLETE) { // dont takeover logger.log(logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_OTHER_TAKEOVER, wbd.brokerid+"["+idbstate+"]"); idbcb.setBrokerIsUp(false, wbd.brokerSession, null); indoubtBrokers.remove(key); itr.remove(); } else if (ts > wbd.lastts && idbstate != BrokerState.FAILOVER_PENDING) { logger.log(logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_BROKER_OK, idbcb.getBrokerName()); // OK .. we are NOT indoubt or down idbcb.setBrokerInDoubt(false, wbd.brokerSession); indoubtBrokers.remove(key); itr.remove(); } else { wbd.monitorCnt ++; if (wbd.monitorCnt >= MAX_MONITOR || idbstate == BrokerState.SHUTDOWN_FAILOVER) { logger.log(logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_BROKER_NOT_OK, idbcb.getBrokerName()); if (takeoverRunnable != null) { logger.log(logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_NO_TAKEOVER_BUSY, idbcb.getBrokerName()); continue; } if (Globals.getSFSHAEnabled()) { if (!((HeartbeatService)Globals.getHeartbeatService()). isHeartbeatTimedout( idbcb.getBrokerName(), wbd.brokerSession)) { logger.log(logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_BROKER_INDOUBT_CONTINUE_MONITOR, idbcb.getBrokerName()); continue; } } // we are dead -> takeover if (takeover == null) takeover = new ArrayList(); downBroker dbroker = new downBroker(); dbroker.cb = idbcb; dbroker.lastts = wbd.lastts; dbroker.brokerSession = wbd.brokerSession; dbroker.storeSession = idbcb.getStoreSessionUID(); takeover.add(dbroker); idbcb.setBrokerIsUp(false, wbd.brokerSession, null); itr.remove(); indoubtBrokers.remove(key); } else { logger.log(logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_BROKER_INDOUBT_CONTINUE_MONITOR, idbcb.getBrokerName()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.logStack(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, "Unable to monitor broker " + wbd.brokerid, ex); } } if (takeover == null) return; if (takeoverRunnable != null) { logger.log(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, Globals.getBrokerResources().getString( BrokerResources.I_NO_TAKEOVER_BUSY, takeover)); return; } takeoverRunnable = new TakeoverThread(takeover, false, false); } finally { synchronized(takeoverRunnableLock) { monitorBusy = false; takeoverRunnableLock.notify(); } } Thread thr = new Thread(takeoverRunnable, "Takeover"); thr.start(); } /** * called when a broker goes down to process * any in-process transactions */ public void brokerDown(BrokerAddress addr) throws BrokerException { /* logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"Processing brokerDown for " + addr); List l = Globals.getTransactionList().getRemoteBrokers(addr); if (l == null) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"XXX - No txns to process " + addr); return; } // ok, when we crash (brokers are down) everything needs // to be cleaned up // // those transactions are no longer viable // what we want to do here is: // - see if any transactions need to finish rolling back // - see if any transactions need to finish committing // // what we are handling is messages CONSUMED by the remote // broker which are handled here Iterator itr = l.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { TransactionUID tuid = (TransactionUID); logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"Processing tuid " + tuid + " from " + addr); // ok we need to retrieve the PERSISTENT state TransactionState ts = Globals.getStore().getTransactionState(tuid); // ok, look @ each transaction switch (ts.getState()) { case TransactionState.CREATED: case TransactionState.STARTED: case TransactionState.FAILED: case TransactionState.INCOMPLETE: case TransactionState.COMPLETE: case TransactionState.ROLLEDBACK: // ok in all these cases, we rollback // get CONSUMED messages Globals.getTransactionList().rollbackRemoteTxn(tuid); break; case TransactionState.PREPARED: // ok in this case we do NOTHING break; case TransactionState.COMMITTED: // ok in this case we commit Globals.getTransactionList().commitRemoteTxn(tuid); break; } } // ok now we've processed all transactions ... get rid of it */ } public boolean inTakeover() { synchronized(takeoverRunnableLock) { return (takeoverRunnable != null || takeoverMEInprogress); } } /** * @return host:port string of the broker that takes over this broker * * Status code of exception thrown is important */ public String takeoverME(HAClusteredBroker cb, String brokerID, Long syncTimeout) throws BrokerException { synchronized(takeoverRunnableLock) { takeoverMEInprogress = true; } try { if (!Globals.isBDBStore()) { throw new BrokerException( Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString( BrokerResources.X_NO_ADMIN_TAKEOVER_SUPPORT), Status.NOT_ALLOWED); } return ((MigratableStore)Globals.getStore()).takeoverME(brokerID, syncTimeout); } finally { takeoverMEInprogress = false; } } public void takeoverBroker(HAClusteredBroker cb, Object extraInfo1, Object extraInfo2, boolean force) throws BrokerException { downBroker dbroker = new downBroker(); dbroker.cb = cb; dbroker.lastts = cb.getHeartbeat(); dbroker.brokerSession = cb.getBrokerSessionUID(); dbroker.storeSession = cb.getStoreSessionUID(); dbroker.extraInfo = extraInfo1; if (cb instanceof RepHAClusteredBrokerImpl) { dbroker.brokerName = ((RepHAClusteredBrokerImpl)cb).getNodeName(); dbroker.storeSession = (UID)extraInfo2; } else { dbroker.brokerName = cb.getBrokerName(); } ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); l.add(dbroker); synchronized(takeoverRunnableLock) { while(monitorBusy || takeoverRunnable != null) { try { takeoverRunnableLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } takeoverRunnable = new TakeoverThread(l, force, true); } try { ((TakeoverThread)takeoverRunnable).doTakeover(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof BrokerException) { throw (BrokerException)e; } throw new BrokerException(e.getMessage(), e, Status.ERROR); } } Runnable takeoverRunnable = null; boolean takeoverMEInprogress = false; Object takeoverRunnableLock = new Object(); boolean monitorBusy = false; private Vector takingoverTargets = new Vector(); /** */ public boolean checkTakingoverDestination(Destination d) { if (takingoverTargets.size() == 0) return false; TakingoverTracker target = null; Iterator itr = null; synchronized(takingoverTargets) { itr = takingoverTargets.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { target = (TakingoverTracker); if (target.containDestination(d)) return true; } } return false; } public boolean checkTakingoverMessage(Packet p) { TakingoverTracker target = null; Iterator itr = null; synchronized(takingoverTargets) { itr = takingoverTargets.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { target = (TakingoverTracker); if (target.containMessage(p)) return true; } } return false; } public boolean isTakingoverTarget(String brokerID, UID storeSession) { TakingoverTracker target = null; Iterator itr = null; synchronized(takingoverTargets) { itr = takingoverTargets.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { target = (TakingoverTracker); UID ss = target.getStoreSessionUID(); if (target.getTargetName().equals(brokerID) && ((ss == null && target.getDownStoreSessionUID().equals(storeSession)) || (ss != null && (ss.equals(storeSession) || target.getDownStoreSessionUID().equals(storeSession))) || (target.containStoreSession(Long.valueOf(storeSession.longValue()))))) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Class used to handle takeover of indoubt brokers * after the monitor thread has determined that the * broker should be considered dead. * The takeover runs as a seperate thread to prevent * this processing from slowing down normal heartbeat * monitoring. */ class TakeoverThread implements Runnable { /** * list of down brokers. */ ArrayList downBkrs = null; boolean force = false; boolean throwex = false; /** * create an instance of TakeoverThread. * @param downBkrs the list of brokers to takeover */ public TakeoverThread(ArrayList downBkrs, boolean force, boolean throwex) { this.downBkrs = downBkrs; this.force = force; this.throwex = throwex; } /** * Processes each of the brokers which need to be * taken over. */ public void run() { try { doTakeover(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.logStack(logger.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e); } } public void doTakeover() throws Exception { try { DestinationList DL = Globals.getDestinationList(); PartitionedStore pstore = null; TransactionList translist = null; if (!Globals.getStore().getPartitionModeEnabled()) { pstore = Globals.getStore().getPrimaryPartition(); TransactionList[] tls = DL.getTransactionList(pstore); translist = tls[0]; } ClusterBroadcast mbus = Globals.getClusterBroadcast(); while (mbus == null) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_CLUSTER_WAIT_PROTOCOLINIT); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}; mbus = Globals.getClusterBroadcast(); } Iterator itr = downBkrs.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { downBroker dbroker = (downBroker); HAClusteredBroker cb = dbroker.cb; String brokerName = dbroker.brokerName; if (brokerName == null) { brokerName = cb.getBrokerName(); } logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_START_TAKEOVER, brokerName); boolean takeoverComplete = false; TakingoverTracker tracker = new TakingoverTracker( brokerName, Thread.currentThread()); tracker.setBrokerSessionUID(dbroker.brokerSession); tracker.setDownStoreSessionUID(dbroker.storeSession); tracker.setLastHeartbeat(dbroker.lastts); takingoverTargets.add(tracker); try { mbus.preTakeover(brokerName, tracker.getDownStoreSessionUID(), ((BrokerMQAddress)cb.getBrokerURL()).getHost().getHostAddress(), tracker.getBrokerSessionUID()); TakeoverStoreInfo info = cb.takeover(force, dbroker.extraInfo, tracker); tracker.setStage_BEFORE_PROCESSING(); tracker.setTakeoverStoreSessionList(info.getTakeoverStoreSessionList()); takeoverComplete = true; logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_TAKEOVER_OK, tracker.getTargetName()); mbus.postTakeover(tracker.getTargetName(), tracker.getStoreSessionUID(), false, false); if (Globals.getStore().getPartitionModeEnabled()) { UID uid = null; PartitionedStore ps = null; Iterator itrp = info.getTakeoverStoreSessionList().iterator(); while (itrp.hasNext()) { uid = new UID(; ps = Globals.getStore().getStorePartition(uid); logger.log(Logger.INFO, "XXXProcess taken over data from store session "+uid); DL.addStorePartition(ps, false); logger.log(Logger.INFO, "XXXProcessed taken over data from store session "+uid); } } else { Map msgs = info.getMessageMap(); List txn = info.getTransactionList(); List remoteTxn = info.getRemoteTransactionList(); if (txn == null) { txn = new ArrayList(); } logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_TAKEOVER_TXNS, tracker.getTargetName(), String.valueOf(txn.size())); logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_TAKEOVER_REMOTE_TXNS, tracker.getTargetName(), String.valueOf(remoteTxn == null ? 0 : remoteTxn.size())); Globals.getDestinationList().remoteCheckTakeoverMsgs(msgs, tracker.getTargetName()); // handle takeover logic // process rolling back transactions List openTxns = new ArrayList(); Iterator titr = txn.iterator(); while (titr.hasNext()) { boolean rollbackTxn = false; TransactionUID tid = (TransactionUID); TransactionState ts = pstore.getTransactionState(tid); if (ts == null) { titr.remove(); continue; } AutoRollbackType type = ts.getType(); int state = ts.getState(); // OK .. first handle loading messages because // that means we have all the refs in order // ok first handle database changes for ANY // committed or rolledback message if (state == TransactionState.ROLLEDBACK) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "XXX - DEBUG Rolling back " + " transaction " + tid); // ok we may not be done with things yet // add to opentxn list openTxns.add(tid); } else if (state == TransactionState.COMMITTED) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "XXX - DEBUG Committing " + " transaction " + tid); // ok we may not be done with things yet // add to opentxn list openTxns.add(tid); } else if (type == AutoRollbackType.ALL) { // rollback String args[] = { tracker.getTargetName(), String.valueOf(tid.longValue()), ts.toString(ts.getState()) }; logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_TAKEOVER_TXN_A_ROLLBACK, args); ts.setState(TransactionState.ROLLEDBACK); try { pstore.updateTransactionState(tid, ts, Destination.PERSIST_SYNC); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BrokerException(null, e); } // ok we may not be done with things yet // add to opentxn list openTxns.add(tid); } else if (ts.getType() == AutoRollbackType.NOT_PREPARED && ts.getState() < TransactionState.PREPARED) { String args[] = { tracker.getTargetName(), String.valueOf(tid.longValue()), ts.toString(ts.getState()) }; logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_TAKEOVER_TXN_P_ROLLBACK, args); ts.setState(TransactionState.ROLLEDBACK); try { pstore.updateTransactionState(tid, ts, Destination.PERSIST_SYNC); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BrokerException(null, e); } // ok we may not be done with things yet // add to opentxn list openTxns.add(tid); } else { String args[] = { tracker.getTargetName(), String.valueOf(tid.longValue()), ts.toString() }; logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_TAKEOVER_TXN, args); } } TransactionUID tid = null; TransactionState ts = null, myts = null; titr = remoteTxn.iterator(); while (titr.hasNext()) { tid = (TransactionUID); try { ts = pstore.getTransactionState(tid); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(logger.WARNING, "Unable to get transaction state "+tid+ " for takenover broker "+tracker.getTargetName()); continue; } if (ts == null) continue; try { if (ts.getState() < TransactionState.PREPARED && translist.retrieveState(tid) != null) { // auto-rollback type if (!translist.isClusterTransactionBroker(tid, tracker.getStoreSessionUID())) { continue; } myts = translist.retrieveState(tid); if (myts == null) continue; myts = new TransactionState(myts); translist.updateState(tid, myts.nextState(PacketType.ROLLBACK_TRANSACTION, null), myts.getState(), true); logger.log(logger.INFO, "Remote transaction "+tid+"("+ TransactionState.toString(ts.getState())+ ") from takenover broker "+tracker+" will be rolledback"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(logger.WARNING, "Unable to set ROLLBACK state to transaction "+tid+":"+ e.getMessage()+ " for takenover broker "+tracker.getTargetName()); continue; } } TakeoverReaper reaper = new TakeoverReaper( tracker.getTargetName(), openTxns, translist); Map m = translist.loadTakeoverTxns(txn, remoteTxn, msgs); logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_TAKEOVER_MSGS, tracker.getTargetName(), String.valueOf(msgs.size())); DL.loadTakeoverMsgs(pstore, msgs, txn, m); tracker.setStage_AFTER_PROCESSING(); takingoverTargets.remove(tracker); translist.unlockTakeoverTxns(txn); // OK rollback Open txns - we want to do this boolean done = reaper.processTxns(); MQTimer timer = Globals.getTimer(); try { if (!done) timer.schedule(reaper, reaperTimeout, reaperTimeout); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { logger.logStack(Logger.WARNING, BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, "Unable to start takeover-transaction reaper", ex); } } //if partition mode logger.log(logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_TAKEOVER_DATA_PROCESSED, tracker.toString()); // we have done processing data, set state to // complete cb.setBrokerIsUp(false, tracker.getBrokerSessionUID(), tracker.getStoreSessionUID()); cb.setStateFailoverProcessed(tracker.getStoreSessionUID()); logger.log(logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_TAKEOVER_COMPLETE, tracker.toString()); itr.remove(); } catch (Exception ex) { if ( ex instanceof TakeoverLockException ) { BrokerState state = null; String takeoverBy = null; HABrokerInfo bkrInfo = ((TakeoverLockException)ex).getBrokerInfo(); if (bkrInfo == null) { // This shouldn't happens but just in case try { state = cb.getState(); takeoverBy = cb.getTakeoverBroker(); } catch ( BrokerException e ) {} } else { state = BrokerState.getState(bkrInfo.getState()); takeoverBy = bkrInfo.getTakeoverBrokerID(); } if ( state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_PENDING || state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_STARTED || state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_COMPLETE ) { if (takeoverBy != null) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.E_UNABLE_TO_TAKEOVER_BKR, brokerName, "Broker is being taken over by " + takeoverBy); } else { logger.log(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.I_NOT_TAKEOVER_BKR); } } else if (state == BrokerState.OPERATING && takeoverBy == null) { logger.logStack(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources. I_UNABLE_GET_LOCK_ABORT_TAKEOVER, cb.getBrokerName(), ex); } else { logger.logStack(Logger.WARNING, BrokerResources. I_UNABLE_GET_LOCK_ABORT_TAKEOVER, cb.getBrokerName()+ "["+state+"]TAKEOVER_BROKER="+takeoverBy, ex); } try { cb.setStateFailoverFailed(dbroker.brokerSession); } catch (Exception ex2) { logger.logStack(Logger.ERROR, ex2.getMessage(), ex2); } } else if (ex instanceof BrokerException && ((BrokerException)ex).getStatusCode() == Status.CONFLICT){ logger.log(Logger.WARNING, ex.getMessage()); } else { if (tracker != null && tracker.getStage() >= TakingoverTracker.AFTER_DB_SWITCH_OWNER) { logger.logStack(Logger.ERROR, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString( BrokerResources.E_TAKEOVER_DATA_PROCESSING_FAIL, tracker.toString()), ex); } else { logger.logStack(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_UNABLE_TO_TAKEOVER_BKR, brokerName, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } cb.setBrokerIsUp(false, dbroker.brokerSession, null); if (throwex) throw ex; } finally { try { mbus.postTakeover(tracker.getTargetName(), (takeoverComplete ? tracker.getStoreSessionUID(): tracker.getDownStoreSessionUID()), !takeoverComplete, true); } finally { if (tracker.getStage() < TakingoverTracker.AFTER_DB_SWITCH_OWNER) { takingoverTargets.remove(tracker); } if (translist != null) { translist.postProcess(); } } } } } finally { synchronized(takeoverRunnableLock) { takeoverRunnable = null; takeoverRunnableLock.notify(); } } } } /** * Places a broker on the "indoubt" list. * * @param brokerid broker who is indoubt */ private void watchBroker(String brokerid, UID brokerSession) throws BrokerException { synchronized (indoubtBrokers) { if (indoubtBrokers.get(brokerid) != null) { return; } indoubtData wbd = new indoubtData(); wbd.brokerid = brokerid; wbd.lastts = ((HAClusteredBroker)clusterconfig.getBroker( brokerid)).getHeartbeat(); wbd.monitorCnt = 0; wbd.brokerSession = brokerSession; indoubtBrokers.put(brokerid, wbd); } } /** * Removed broker from the "indoubt" list. * * @param brokerid broker who is indoubt */ private void stopWatchingBroker(String brokerid) { synchronized (indoubtBrokers) { indoubtBrokers.remove(brokerid); } } //------------------------------------------------------------- // CLUSTER LISTENER //------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Notification that the cluster configuration has changed. * The monitoring service ignores any configuration changes. * @see ClusterListener * @param name property changed * @param value new setting for the property */ public void clusterPropertyChanged(String name, String value) { // do nothing, we dont care } /** * Called when a new broker has been added. * @param broker the new broker added. */ public void brokerAdded(ClusteredBroker broker, UID brokerSession) { // do nothing, we dont care } /** * Called when a broker has been removed. * @param broker the broker removed. */ public void brokerRemoved(ClusteredBroker broker, UID brokerSession) { // do nothing, we dont care } /** * Called when the broker who is the master broker changes * (because of a reload properties). * @param oldMaster the previous master broker. * @param newMaster the new master broker. */ public void masterBrokerChanged(ClusteredBroker oldMaster, ClusteredBroker newMaster) { // do nothing, we dont care } /** * Called when the status of a broker has changed. The * status may not be accurate if a previous listener updated * the status for this specific broker. * @param brokerid the name of the broker updated. * @param userData optional userData * @param oldStatus the previous status. * @param newStatus the new status. */ public void brokerStatusChanged(String brokerid, int oldStatus, int newStatus, UID brokerSession, Object userData) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"brokerStatusChanged " + brokerid + ":" + "\n\t" +BrokerStatus.toString(oldStatus) + "\n\t" + BrokerStatus.toString(newStatus) + "\n\t" + userData ); // do nothing, we dont care if (BrokerStatus.getBrokerInDoubt(newStatus) && BrokerStatus.getBrokerIsUp(newStatus)) { ClusteredBroker cb = clusterconfig.getBroker(brokerid); if (cb.isLocalBroker()) return; try { BrokerState state = cb.getState(); if (state == BrokerState.SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE || state == BrokerState.FAILOVER_COMPLETE) { logger.log(logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_BROKER_OK, cb.getBrokerName()); cb.setBrokerIsUp(false, brokerSession, null); return; } logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_BROKER_INDOUBT_START_MONITOR, brokerid); watchBroker(brokerid, brokerSession); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.logStack(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, "Unable to monitor broker " + brokerid, ex); } } else if (BrokerStatus.getBrokerInDoubt(oldStatus) && BrokerStatus.getBrokerIsUp(newStatus)) { logger.log(logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_BROKER_OK, brokerid); stopWatchingBroker(brokerid); } } /** * Called when the state of a broker has changed. The * state may not be accurate if a previous listener updated * the state for this specific broker. * @param brokerid the name of the broker updated. * @param oldState the previous state. * @param newState the new state. */ public void brokerStateChanged(String brokerid, BrokerState oldState, BrokerState newState) { // do nothing, we dont care ClusteredBroker cb = clusterconfig.getBroker(brokerid); if (cb.isLocalBroker() && ( newState == BrokerState.SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE || newState == BrokerState.SHUTDOWN_FAILOVER)) { haMonitor.cancel(); clusterconfig.removeEventListener(this); } } /** * Called when the version of a broker has changed. The * state may not be accurate if a previous listener updated * the version for this specific broker. * @param brokerid the name of the broker updated. * @param oldVersion the previous version. * @param newVersion the new version. */ public void brokerVersionChanged(String brokerid, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { // do nothing, we dont care } /** * Called when the url address of a broker has changed. The * address may not be accurate if a previous listener updated * the address for this specific broker. * @param brokerid the name of the broker updated. * @param newAddress the previous address. * @param oldAddress the new address. */ public void brokerURLChanged(String brokerid, MQAddress oldAddress, MQAddress newAddress) { // do nothing, we dont care } }

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