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 * @(#)	1.163 07/24/07

package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.jdbc;

import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.UID;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.log.Logger;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.api.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.cluster.api.ha.TakingoverTracker;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.resources.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Broker;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.FaultInjection;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.cluster.api.BrokerState;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.jdbc.comm.BaseDAO;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.sun.messaging.bridge.api.DupKeyException;
import com.sun.messaging.bridge.api.KeyNotFoundException;
import com.sun.messaging.bridge.api.UpdateOpaqueDataCallback;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

 * JDBCStore provides JDBC based persistence.
* Note that some methods are NOT synchronized. */ @Service(name = "com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.jdbc.JDBCStore") @Singleton public class JDBCStore extends Store implements DBConstants, PartitionedStore { private static boolean DEBUG = getDEBUG(); public static final String LOCK_STORE_PROP = DBManager.JDBC_PROP_PREFIX + ".lockstore.enabled"; public static final String ENABLE_STORED_PROC_PROP = DBManager.JDBC_PROP_PREFIX + ".enableStoredProc"; public static final boolean ENABLE_STORED_PROC = Globals.getConfig().getBooleanProperty(ENABLE_STORED_PROC_PROP, false); public static final int STORED_PROC_VERSION = 500; private static final String MSG_ENUM_USE_CURSOR_PROP = DBManager.JDBC_PROP_PREFIX + ".msgEnumUseResultSetCursor"; // current version of store public static final int OLD_STORE_VERSION_350 = 350; public static final int OLD_STORE_VERSION_370 = 370; public static final int OLD_STORE_VERSION_400 = 400; public static final int STORE_VERSION = 410; // database connection DBManager dbmgr; DAOFactory daoFactory; private HashMap pendingDeleteDsts = new HashMap(5); private HashMap takeoverLockMap = new HashMap(); private StoreSessionReaperTask sessionReaper = null; private boolean msgEnumUseCursor = true; private List dataEnums = Collections.synchronizedList( new ArrayList()); private UID partitionid = PartitionedStore.DEFAULT_UID; private static final String PARTITION_MODE_PROP = StoreManager.PARTITION_MODE_PROP; private static final boolean PARTITION_MODE_DEFAULT= false; private static final String PARTITION_MIGRATABLE_PROP = DBManager.JDBC_PROP_PREFIX+".partitionMigratable"; private static final boolean PARTITION_MIGRATABLE_DEFAULT = false; private static final String INIT_NUM_PARTITION_PROP = DBManager.JDBC_PROP_PREFIX+".initialNumPartitions"; private static final int INIT_NUM_PARTITION_DEFAULT = 1; private int initialNumPartitions = INIT_NUM_PARTITION_DEFAULT; private static final String PARTITION_STORE_CLASS_PROP = DBManager.JDBC_PROP_PREFIX+".storePartitionClass"; private static final String PARTITION_STORE_CLASS_DEFAULT = "com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.partition.jdbc.JDBCStorePartition"; private boolean partitionMode = PARTITION_MODE_DEFAULT; private boolean partitionMigratable = PARTITION_MIGRATABLE_DEFAULT; private Class partitionClass = null; private static final String partitionClassStr = Globals.getConfig(). getProperty(PARTITION_STORE_CLASS_PROP, PARTITION_STORE_CLASS_DEFAULT); private LinkedHashMap partitionStores = new LinkedHashMap(); private List partitionListeners = new ArrayList(); private List sessionReaperListeners = new ArrayList(); private ReentrantLock partitionLock = new ReentrantLock(); private FaultInjection FI = null; /** * When instantiated, the object configures itself by reading the * properties specified in BrokerConfig. */ public JDBCStore() throws BrokerException { FI = FaultInjection.getInjection(); partitionMode = StoreManager.isConfiguredPartitionMode( PARTITION_MODE_DEFAULT); if (partitionMode && !Globals.getHAEnabled()) { partitionMode = false; logger.log(logger.WARNING, br.getKString( br.W_IGNORE_PROP_SETTING, PARTITION_MODE_PROP+"="+true)); } if (partitionMode) { try { partitionClass = Class.forName(partitionClassStr); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BrokerException(e.getMessage(), e); } int val = config.getIntProperty( INIT_NUM_PARTITION_PROP, INIT_NUM_PARTITION_DEFAULT); if (val > 0) { initialNumPartitions = val; } partitionMigratable = config.getBooleanProperty( PARTITION_MIGRATABLE_PROP, PARTITION_MIGRATABLE_DEFAULT); String reskey = br.I_STORE_USE_PARTITION_MODE; if (partitionMigratable) { reskey = br.I_STORE_USE_MIGRATABLE_PARTITION_MODE; } String str = ""; if (initialNumPartitions > 1) { str = "["+INIT_NUM_PARTITION_PROP+"="+initialNumPartitions+"]"; } logger.log(logger.INFO, br.getKString(reskey, getStoreType())+str); } dbmgr = DBManager.getDBManager(); daoFactory = dbmgr.getDAOFactory(); // print out info messages String url = dbmgr.getOpenDBURL(); if (url == null) { url = "not specified"; } String user = dbmgr.getUser(); if (user == null) { user = "not specified"; } String msgArgs[] = { String.valueOf(STORE_VERSION), dbmgr.getBrokerID(), url, user }; logger.logToAll(Logger.INFO, br.getString(BrokerResources.I_JDBC_STORE_INFO, msgArgs)); if (createStore) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_STORE_AUTOCREATE_ENABLED); } else { logger.log(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_STORE_AUTOCREATE_DISABLED); } msgEnumUseCursor = config.getBooleanProperty( MSG_ENUM_USE_CURSOR_PROP, !dbmgr.isHADB() ); Connection conn = null; Exception myex = null; try { conn = dbmgr.getConnection( true ); // this will create, remove, reset, or upgrade old store if ( !checkStore( conn ) ) { // false=dont unlock; since tables are dropped already closeDB(false); return; } if ( Globals.getHAEnabled() ) { try { // Schedule inactive store session reaper for every 24 hrs. long period = 86400000; // 24 hours long delay = 60000 + (long)(Math.random() * 240000); // 1 - 5 mins sessionReaper = new StoreSessionReaperTask(this); Globals.getTimer().schedule(sessionReaper, delay, period); logger.log(Logger.INFO, br.getKString( br.I_STORE_SESSION_REAPER_SCHEDULED)+ "[delay="+delay+", period="+period+"]"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { logger.logStack(Logger.WARNING, br.getKString(br.W_CANNOT_SCHEDULE_STORE_SESSION_REAPER), e); } } else { // Lock the tables so that no other processes will access them if ( config.getBooleanProperty( LOCK_STORE_PROP, true ) ) { dbmgr.lockTables( conn, true ); } } } catch (BrokerException e) { myex = e; throw e; } finally { Util.close( null, null, conn, myex ); } dbmgr.setStoreInited(true); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore instantiated."); } } @Override public void checkPartitionMode() throws BrokerException { } /** * Get the JDBC store version. * @return JDBC store version */ public final int getStoreVersion() { return STORE_VERSION; } /** * @return list of property settings that must be enforced cluster-wide consistent */ @Override public Map getClusterMatchProperties() throws BrokerException { Map map = new LinkedHashMap(); if (partitionMode) { map.put(PARTITION_MODE_PROP, "true"); if (partitionMigratable) { map.put(PARTITION_MIGRATABLE_PROP, "true"); } } if (Globals.getHAEnabled()) { map.put(StoreManager.STORE_TYPE_PROP, getStoreType()); } return map; } /** * Store a message, which is uniquely identified by it's SysMessageID, * and it's list of interests and their states. * * @param message the message to be persisted * @param iids an array of interest ids whose states are to be * stored with the message * @param states an array of states * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if a message with the same id exists * in the store already */ public void storeMessage(DestinationUID dst, Packet message, ConsumerUID[] iids, int[] states, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (partitionMode) { throw new BrokerException(br.E_INTERNAL_ERROR+ " JDBCStore.storeMessage(,,,,,): unexpected call for partition mode "); } if (iids.length == 0 || iids.length != states.length) { throw new BrokerException(br.getKString( BrokerResources.E_BAD_INTEREST_LIST)); } storeMessage(dst, message, iids, states, getStoreSession(), true); } /** * Store a message which is uniquely identified by it's system message id. * * @param message the readonly packet to be persisted * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if a message with the same id exists * in the store already */ public void storeMessage(DestinationUID dst, Packet message, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (partitionMode) { throw new BrokerException(br.E_INTERNAL_ERROR+ " JDBCStore.storeMessage(,,,): unexpected call for partition mode "); } storeMessage(dst, message, null, null, getStoreSession(), true); } protected void storeMessage(DestinationUID dst, Packet message, ConsumerUID[] iids, int[] states, long storeSessionID, boolean checkMsgExist) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { storeMessageInternal(dst, message, iids, states, storeSessionID, checkMsgExist); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public void storeMessageInternal(DestinationUID dst, Packet message, ConsumerUID[] iids, int[] states, long storeSessionID, boolean checkMsgExist) throws BrokerException { if (message == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { if (iids == null) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.storeMessageInternal("+dst+", "+ message.getSysMessageID().getUniqueName()+ ", "+iids+", "+states+", "+storeSessionID+", "+checkMsgExist+")"); } else { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < iids.length; i++) { buf.append("[consumer="+iids[i]+", state="+states[i]+"], "); } logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.storeMessageInternal("+dst+", "+ message.getSysMessageID().getUniqueName()+ ", "+buf.toString()+storeSessionID+", "+checkMsgExist+")"); } } boolean replaycheck = false; Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getMessageDAO().insert(null, dst, message, iids, states, storeSessionID, message.getTimestamp(), checkMsgExist, replaycheck); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } replaycheck = retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Move the message from one destination to another. * The message will be stored in the target destination with the * passed in consumers and their corresponding states. * After the message is persisted successfully, the message in the * original destination will be removed. * * @param message message to be moved * @param from destination the message is currently in * @param to destination to move the message to * @param iids an array of interest ids whose states are to be * stored with the message * @param states an array of states * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk. * @exception IOException if an error occurs while moving the message * @exception BrokerException if the message is not found in source * destination * @exception NullPointerException if message, * from, to, * iids, or states is * null */ public void moveMessage(Packet message, DestinationUID from, DestinationUID to, ConsumerUID[] iids, int[] states, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count super.checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { moveMessageInternal(message, from, to, iids, states, sync); } finally { // decrement in progress count super.setInProgress(false); } } public void moveMessageInternal(Packet message, DestinationUID from, DestinationUID to, ConsumerUID[] iids, int[] states, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (message == null || from == null || to == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (Store.getDEBUG()) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.moveMessageInternal("+message.getSysMessageID().getUniqueName()+ ", "+from+", "+to+", "+iids+", "+states+", "+sync+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getMessageDAO().moveMessage( null, message, from, to, iids, states); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Remove the message from the persistent store. * If the message has an interest list, the interest list will be * removed as well. * * @param dID the destination the message is associated with * @param mID the system message id of the message to be removed * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if the message is not found in the store */ public void removeMessage(DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID, boolean sync, boolean onRollback) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { removeMessageInternal(dID, mID, sync, onRollback); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public void removeMessageInternal(DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID, boolean sync, boolean onRollback) throws BrokerException { if (mID == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.removeMessageInternal("+dID+", "+mID.getUniqueName()+ ", "+sync+", "+onRollback+")"); } boolean replaycheck = false; Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getMessageDAO().delete(null, dID, mID, replaycheck); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } replaycheck = retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Remove all messages associated with the specified destination * from the persistent store. * * @param dst the destination whose messages are to be removed * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception IOException if an error occurs while removing the messages * @exception BrokerException if the destination is not found in the store * @exception NullPointerException if destination is * null */ public void removeAllMessages(Destination dst, boolean sync) throws IOException, BrokerException { if (dst == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.removeAllMessages("+dst.getUniqueName()+")"); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getMessageDAO().deleteByDestinationBySession( null, dst.getDestinationUID(), null); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Return an enumeration of all persisted messages for the given * destination. * Use the Enumeration methods on the returned object to fetch * and load each message sequentially. * *

* This method is to be used at broker startup to load persisted * messages on demand. * * @return an enumeration of all persisted messages, an empty * enumeration will be returned if no messages exist for the * destionation * @exception BrokerException if an error occurs while getting the data */ public Enumeration messageEnumeration(Destination dst) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return messageEnumerationInternal(dst, null); } catch (RuntimeException e) { setInProgress(false); throw e; } catch (BrokerException e) { setInProgress(false); throw e; } finally { if (!msgEnumUseCursor) { setInProgress(false); } } } public boolean getMessageEnumUseCursor() { return msgEnumUseCursor; } public Enumeration messageEnumerationInternal(Destination dst, Long storeSession) throws BrokerException { if (dst == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (Store.getDEBUG()) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.messageEnumerationInternal("+dst.getUniqueName()+", "+storeSession+")"); } String brokerID = dbmgr.getBrokerID(); if (!msgEnumUseCursor) { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getMessageDAO().messageEnumeration( dst, brokerID, storeSession); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } else { Enumeration en = null; try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { en = daoFactory.getMessageDAO(). messageEnumerationCursor(dst, brokerID, storeSession); dataEnums.add(en); return en; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } catch (Throwable e) { if (en != null) { dataEnums.remove(en); ((MessageEnumeration)en).close(); } if (e instanceof BrokerException) { throw (BrokerException)e; } throw new BrokerException(e.toString(), e); } } } public void closeEnumeration(Enumeration en) { if (!(en instanceof MessageEnumeration)) { return; } try { closeEnumerationInternal(en); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void closeEnumerationInternal(Enumeration en) { dataEnums.remove(en); ((MessageEnumeration)en).close(); } /** * Return the number of persisted messages for the given broker. * * @return the number of persisted messages for the given broker * @exception BrokerException if an error occurs while getting the data */ public int getMessageCount(String brokerID) throws BrokerException { if (brokerID == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (Store.getDEBUG()) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getMessageCount() called for broker: " + brokerID); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count super.checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getMessageDAO().getMessageCount(null, brokerID); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Return the number of persisted messages and total number of bytes for * the given destination. * * @param dst the destination whose messages are to be counted * @return A HashMap of name value pair of information * @throws BrokerException if an error occurs while getting the data */ public HashMap getMessageStorageInfo(Destination dst) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count super.checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getMessageStorageInfoInternal(dst, null); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public HashMap getMessageStorageInfoInternal(Destination dst, Long storeSession) throws BrokerException { if (dst == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (Store.getDEBUG()) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getMessageStorageInfoInternal("+dst.getUniqueName()+", "+storeSession+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getMessageDAO().getMessageStorageInfo(null, dst, storeSession); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Return the message with the specified message id. * * @param dID the destination the message is associated with * @param mID the system message id of the message to be retrieved * @return a message * @exception BrokerException if the message is not found in the store * or if an error occurs while getting the data */ public Packet getMessage(DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID) throws BrokerException { if (mID == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return getMessage(dID, mID.toString()); } /** * Return the message with the specified message id. * * @param dID the destination the message is associated with * @param mID the message id of the message to be retrieved * @return a message * @exception BrokerException if the message is not found in the store * or if an error occurs while getting the data */ public Packet getMessage(DestinationUID dID, String mID) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getMessageInternal(dID, mID); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public Packet getMessageInternal(DestinationUID dID, String mID) throws BrokerException { if (mID == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getMessageInternal("+dID+", "+mID+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getMessageDAO().getMessage(null, dID, mID); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Store the given list of interests and their states with the * specified message. The message should not have an interest * list associated with it yet. * * @param dID the destination the message is associated with * @param mID system message id of the message that the interest * is associated with * @param iids an array of interest ids whose states are to be * stored * @param states an array of states * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if the message is not in the store; * if there's an interest list associated with * the message already; or if an error occurs * while persisting the data */ public void storeInterestStates(DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID, ConsumerUID[] iids, int[] states, boolean sync, Packet msg) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { storeInterestStatesInternal(dID, mID, iids, states, sync, msg); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public void storeInterestStatesInternal(DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID, ConsumerUID[] iids, int[] states, boolean sync, Packet msg) throws BrokerException { if (mID == null || iids == null || states == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (iids.length == 0 || iids.length != states.length) { throw new BrokerException(br.getKString(BrokerResources.E_BAD_INTEREST_LIST)); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.storeInterestStatesInternal("+dID+", "+ mID.getUniqueName()+", "+iids+", "+states+")"); } boolean replaycheck = false; Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().insert( null, dID.toString(), mID, iids, states, true, replaycheck); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } replaycheck = retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Update the state of the interest associated with the specified * message. If the message does not have an interest list associated * with it, the interest list will be created. If the interest is not * in the interest list, it will be added to the interest list. * * @param dID the destination the message is associated with * @param mID system message id of the message that the interest * is associated with * @param iID id of the interest whose state is to be updated * @param state state of the interest * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @param txid current transaction id. Unused by jdbc store * @param isLastAck Unused by jdbc store * @exception BrokerException if the message is not in the store */ public void updateInterestState(DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID, ConsumerUID iID, int state, boolean sync, TransactionUID txid, boolean isLastAck) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { updateInterestStateInternal(dID, mID, iID, state, sync, txid, isLastAck); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public void updateInterestStateInternal(DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID, ConsumerUID iID, int state, boolean sync, TransactionUID txid, boolean isLastAck) throws BrokerException { if (mID == null || iID == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.updateInterestStateInternal("+dID+", "+ mID.getUniqueName()+ ", "+iID.toString()+", "+state+", "+sync+", "+txid+", "+isLastAck+")"); } boolean replaycheck = false; Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().updateState(null, dID, mID, iID, state, replaycheck); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } replaycheck = retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Update the state of the interest associated with the specified * message. If the message does not have an interest list associated * with it, the interest list will be created. If the interest is not * in the interest list, it will be added to the interest list. * * @param dID the destination the message is associated with * @param mID system message id of the message that the interest * is associated with * @param iID id of the interest whose state is to be updated * @param newState state of the interest * @param expectedState the expected state * @exception BrokerException if the message is not in the store */ public void updateInterestState(DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID, ConsumerUID iID, int newState, int expectedState) throws BrokerException { if (mID == null || iID == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.updateInterestState() called with message: " + mID.getUniqueName() + ", consumer: " + iID.toString() + ", state=" + newState + ", expected: " + expectedState); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().updateState( null, dID, mID, iID, newState, expectedState); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Get the state of the interest associated with the specified message. * * @param dID the destination the message is associated with * @param mID system message id of the message that the interest * is associated with * @param iID id of the interest whose state is to be returned * @return state of the interest * @exception BrokerException if the specified interest is not * associated with the message; or if the message is not in the * store */ public int getInterestState( DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID, ConsumerUID iID) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getInterestStateInternal(dID, mID, iID); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public int getInterestStateInternal( DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID, ConsumerUID iID) throws BrokerException { if (mID == null || dID == null || iID == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getInterestStateInternal("+dID+", "+mID.getUniqueName()+", "+iID+")"); } Connection conn = null; Exception myex = null; try { conn = dbmgr.getConnection(true); Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { // check existence of message daoFactory.getMessageDAO().checkMessage( conn, dID.toString(), mID.getUniqueName()); return daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().getState(conn, mID, iID); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } catch (BrokerException e) { myex = e; throw e; } finally { Util.close(null, null, conn, myex); } } public HashMap getInterestStates(DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getInterestStatesInternal(dID, mID); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public HashMap getInterestStatesInternal(DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID) throws BrokerException { if (mID == null || dID == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getInterestStatesInternal("+dID+", "+mID.getUniqueName()+")"); } Connection conn = null; Exception myex = null; try { conn = dbmgr.getConnection(true); Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().getStates(conn, mID); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } catch (BrokerException e) { myex = e; throw e; } finally { Util.close(null, null, conn, myex); } } /** * Retrieve all interest IDs associated with the specified message. * Note that the state of the interests returned is either * INTEREST_STATE_ROUTED or INTEREST_STATE_DELIVERED, i.e., interest * whose state is INTEREST_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED will not be returned in the * array. * * @param dID the destination the message is associated with * @param mID system message id of the message whose interests * are to be returned * @return an array of ConsumerUID objects associated with the message; a * zero length array will be returned if no interest is * associated with the message * @exception BrokerException if the message is not in the store */ public ConsumerUID[] getConsumerUIDs(DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getConsumerUIDsInternal(dID, mID); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public ConsumerUID[] getConsumerUIDsInternal(DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID) throws BrokerException { if (mID == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getConsumerUIDsInternal("+dID+", "+mID.getUniqueName()+")"); } Connection conn = null; Exception myex = null; try { conn = dbmgr.getConnection(true); Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { // check existence of message daoFactory.getMessageDAO().checkMessage( conn, dID.toString(), mID.getUniqueName()); return (ConsumerUID[]) daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().getConsumerUIDs(conn, mID).toArray( new ConsumerUID[0]); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } catch (BrokerException e) { myex = e; throw e; } finally { Util.close( null, null, conn, myex ); } } /** * Store an Interest which is uniquely identified by it's id. * * @param interest the interest to be persisted * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception IOException if an error occurs while persisting the interest * @exception BrokerException if an interest with the same id exists in * the store already */ public void storeInterest(Consumer interest, boolean sync) throws IOException, BrokerException { if (interest == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.storeInterest("+ interest.getConsumerUID().toString()+", "+sync+")"); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getConsumerDAO().insert(null, interest, System.currentTimeMillis()); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Remove the interest from the persistent store. * * @param interest the interest to be removed from persistent store * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception IOException if an error occurs while removing the interest * @exception BrokerException if the interest is not found in the store */ public void removeInterest(Consumer interest, boolean sync) throws IOException, BrokerException { if (interest == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.removeInterest() called with interest: " + interest.getConsumerUID().toString()); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getConsumerDAO().delete(null, interest); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Retrieve all interests in the store. * Will return as many interests as we can read. * Any interests that are retrieved unsuccessfully will be logged as a * warning. * * @return an array of Interest objects; a zero length array is * returned if no interests exist in the store * @exception IOException if an error occurs while getting the data */ public Consumer[] getAllInterests() throws IOException, BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getAllInterests() called"); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return (Consumer[]) daoFactory.getConsumerDAO().getAllConsumers(null).toArray( new Consumer[0]); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Store a Destination. * * @param destination the destination to be persisted * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if the same destination exists * the store already * @exception NullPointerException if destination is * null */ public void storeDestination(Destination destination, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { storeDestinationInternal(destination, getStoreSession()); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } protected void storeDestination(Destination destination, long storeSession) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { storeDestinationInternal(destination, storeSession); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void storeDestinationInternal(Destination destination, long storeSessionID) throws BrokerException { if (destination == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.storeDestinationInternal("+destination.getUniqueName()+", "+storeSessionID+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getDestinationDAO().insert(null, destination, storeSessionID, 0, System.currentTimeMillis()); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Update the specified destination. * * @param destination the destination to be updated * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if the destination is not found in the store * or if an error occurs while updating the * destination */ public void updateDestination(Destination destination, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { updateDestinationInternal(destination); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void updateDestinationInternal(Destination destination) throws BrokerException { if (destination == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.updateDestinationInternal("+destination.getUniqueName()+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getDestinationDAO().update(null, destination); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Remove the destination from the persistent store. * * @param destination the destination to be removed * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if the destination is not found in the store */ public void removeDestination(Destination destination, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { removeDestinationInternal(destination, null); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void removeDestinationInternal(Destination destination, Long storeSessionID) throws BrokerException { if (destination == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.removeDestinationInternal("+destination.getUniqueName()+", "+storeSessionID+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { boolean isDeleted = daoFactory.getDestinationDAO().delete(null, destination, storeSessionID); if (destination.isAutoCreated() && Globals.getHAEnabled() && storeSessionID == null) { DestinationUID dstID = destination.getDestinationUID(); synchronized(pendingDeleteDsts) { if (isDeleted) { pendingDeleteDsts.remove(dstID); } else { pendingDeleteDsts.put(dstID, Integer.valueOf(destination.getType())); } } } return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Reap auto-created destinations. * * Only applicable for broker running in HA mode and will should be invoked * when a broker is removed from the cluster. * * @exception BrokerException */ public void reapAutoCreatedDestinations() throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.reapAutoCreatedDestinations() called" ); } if (!Globals.getHAEnabled()) { return; // No-op } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { synchronized (pendingDeleteDsts) { if (!pendingDeleteDsts.isEmpty()) { // Iterate over the auto-created dst pending removal // list and see if any can be removed from the DB DestinationDAO dao = daoFactory.getDestinationDAO(); Iterator itr = pendingDeleteDsts.entrySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); DestinationUID dst = (DestinationUID)e.getKey(); int type = ((Integer)e.getValue()).intValue(); if (dao.delete(null, dst, type)) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Auto-created destination " + dst + " has been removed from HA Store"); // Remove from pending list if it is reaped itr.remove(); } } } } return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Retrieve a destination in the store. * * @param id the destination ID * @return a Destination object * @throws BrokerException if no destination exist in the store */ public Destination getDestination(DestinationUID id) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getDestinationInternal(id); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public Destination getDestinationInternal(DestinationUID id) throws BrokerException { if (id == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getDestinationInternal("+id+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getDestinationDAO().getDestination(null, id.toString()); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Retrieve all destinations in the store. * * @return an array of Destination objects; a zero length array is * returned if no destinations exist in the store * @exception IOException if an error occurs while getting the data */ public Destination[] getAllDestinations() throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getAllDestinationsInternal(dbmgr.getBrokerID(), null); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * Retrieve all destinations in the store for the specified broker ID. * * @param brokerID the broker ID * @return an array of Destination objects; a zero length array is * returned if no destinations exist in the store * @exception IOException if an error occurs while getting the data */ protected Destination[] getAllDestinations(String brokerID) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getAllDestinationsInternal(brokerID, null); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public Destination[] getAllDestinationsInternal(Long storeSessionID) throws BrokerException { return getAllDestinationsInternal(dbmgr.getBrokerID(), storeSessionID); } /** * currently storeSessionID, added for partitioned store, is ignored */ public Destination[] getAllDestinationsInternal(String brokerID, Long storeSessionID) throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getAllDestinationsInternal("+brokerID+", "+storeSessionID+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return (Destination[]) daoFactory.getDestinationDAO().getAllDestinations( null, brokerID).toArray(new Destination[0]); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Store a transaction. * * @param id the id of the transaction to be persisted * @param ts the transaction state to be persisted * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if the same transaction id exists * the store already * @exception NullPointerException if id is * null */ public void storeTransaction(TransactionUID id, TransactionState ts, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { storeTransactionInternal(id, ts, sync, getStoreSession()); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void storeTransactionInternal(TransactionUID id, TransactionState ts, boolean sync, long storeSession) throws BrokerException { if (id == null || ts == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.storeTransactionInternal("+ id+", "+ts+", "+sync+", "+storeSession+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().insert( null, id, ts, storeSession); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Remove the transaction from the persistent store. * * @param id the id of the transaction to be removed * @param removeAcks if true, will remove all associated acknowledgements * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if the transaction is not found * in the store */ public void removeTransaction(TransactionUID id, boolean removeAcks, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { removeTransactionInternal(id, removeAcks, sync); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void removeTransactionInternal(TransactionUID id, boolean removeAcks, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (id == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.removeTransactionInternal("+id+", "+removeAcks+", "+sync+")"); } Connection conn = null; Exception myex = null; try { conn = dbmgr.getConnection(false); Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { // First, remove the acks if (removeAcks) { daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().clearTransaction(conn, id); } // Now, remove the txn daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().delete(conn, id); conn.commit(); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } try { retry.assertShouldRetry( e, conn ); } catch (RetrySQLRecoverableException ee) { try { Util.close(null, null, conn, ee); conn = dbmgr.getConnection(false); } catch (Exception eee) { logger.logStack(Logger.WARNING, eee.getMessage(), eee); conn = null; if (e instanceof BrokerException) { throw (BrokerException)e; } throw new BrokerException(e.getMessage(), e); } } } } while ( true ); } catch (BrokerException e) { myex = e; throw e; } finally { Util.close(null, null, conn, myex); } } /** * Update the state of a transaction * * @param id the transaction id to be updated * @param ts the new transaction state * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if the transaction id does NOT exists in * the store already * @exception NullPointerException if id is * null */ public void updateTransactionState(TransactionUID id, TransactionState ts, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { updateTransactionStateInternal(id, ts, sync); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void updateTransactionStateInternal(TransactionUID id, TransactionState ts, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (id == null || ts == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.updateTransactionStateInternal("+id+", "+ts+", "+sync+")"); } boolean replaycheck = false; Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().updateTransactionState(null, id, ts, replaycheck); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } replaycheck = retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } public void updateTransactionStateWithWork(TransactionUID id, TransactionState ts, TransactionWork txnwork, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (partitionMode) { throw new BrokerException(br.E_INTERNAL_ERROR+ " JDBCStore.updateTransactionStateWithWork(): Unexpected call for partition mode"); } checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { updateTransactionStateWithWorkInternal(id, ts, txnwork, getStoreSession(), sync); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void updateTransactionStateWithWorkInternal(TransactionUID tid, TransactionState ts, TransactionWork txnwork, long storeSessionID, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (tid == null || ts == null || txnwork == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.updateTransactionStateInternal("+tid+", "+ts+", "+", "+txnwork+", "+sync+")"); } Connection conn = null; Exception myex = null; try { conn = dbmgr.getConnection(false); Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { boolean inside = false; try { Iterator itr1 = txnwork.getSentMessages().iterator(); while (itr1.hasNext()) { TransactionWorkMessage txnmsg =; Packet m = txnmsg.getMessage(); if (m == null) { continue; } inside = true; daoFactory.getMessageDAO().insert(conn, txnmsg.getDestUID(), m, null, null, storeSessionID, m.getTimestamp(), true, false); inside = false; } if (FI.FAULT_INJECTION) { try { FI.checkFaultAndThrowBrokerException( FaultInjection.FAULT_TXN_PERSIST_WORK_1_5, null); } catch (BrokerException e) { FI.unsetFault(FI.FAULT_TXN_PERSIST_WORK_1_5); throw e; } } List txnacks = txnwork.getMessageAcknowledgments(); if (txnacks != null) { Iterator itr2 = txnacks.iterator(); while (itr2.hasNext()) { TransactionWorkMessageAck txnack =; TransactionAcknowledgement ta = txnack.getTransactionAcknowledgement(); if (ta != null) { inside = true; daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().updateTransaction(conn, ta.getSysMessageID(), ta.getStoredConsumerUID(), tid); inside = false; } } } inside = true; daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().updateTransactionState(conn, tid, ts, false); inside = false; conn.commit(); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if (!inside) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch ( SQLException rbe ) { logger.logStack(Logger.WARNING, BrokerResources.X_DB_ROLLBACK_FAILED, rbe); } } if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } try { retry.assertShouldRetry( e, conn ); } catch (RetrySQLRecoverableException ee) { try { Util.close(null, null, conn, ee); conn = dbmgr.getConnection(false); } catch (Exception eee) { logger.logStack(Logger.WARNING, eee.getMessage(), eee); conn = null; if (e instanceof BrokerException) { throw (BrokerException)e; } throw new BrokerException(e.getMessage(), e); } } } } while ( true ); } catch (BrokerException e) { myex = e; throw e; } finally { Util.close(null, null, conn, myex); } } /** * Retrieve all transaction ids in the store with their state * * @return a HashMap. The key is a TransactionUID. * The value is a TransactionState. * @exception IOException if an error occurs while getting the data */ public HashMap getAllTransactionStates() throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getAllTransactionStatesInternal(null); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public HashMap getAllTransactionStatesInternal(Long storeSession) throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getAllTransactionStatesInternal("+storeSession+")"); } String brokerID = dbmgr.getBrokerID(); Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().getTransactionStatesByBroker( null, brokerID, storeSession); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } public HashMap getAllRemoteTransactionStates() throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getAllRemoteTransactionStatesInternal(null); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public HashMap getAllRemoteTransactionStatesInternal(Long storeSession) throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getAllRemoteTransactionStatesInternal("+storeSession+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().getRemoteTransactionStatesByBroker( null, dbmgr.getBrokerID(), storeSession); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Store the acknowledgement for the specified transaction. * * @param tid the transaction id with which the acknowledgment is to * be stored * @param ack the acknowledgement to be stored * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if the transaction id is not found in the * store, if the acknowledgement already * exists, or if it failed to persist the data */ public void storeTransactionAck(TransactionUID tid, TransactionAcknowledgement ack, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { storeTransactionAckInternal(tid, ack, sync); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void storeTransactionAckInternal(TransactionUID tid, TransactionAcknowledgement ack, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (tid == null || ack == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.storeTransactionAckInternal("+tid+", "+ack+", "+sync+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().updateTransaction(null, ack.getSysMessageID(), ack.getStoredConsumerUID(), tid); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Remove all acknowledgements associated with the specified * transaction from the persistent store. * * From 4.0 onward, acknowledgement is implemented as a TRANSACTION_ID * column on the message and consumer state table so to remove the acks * is the same as clear txnID from the column. * * @param tid the transaction id whose acknowledgements are * to be removed * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if error occurs while removing the * acknowledgements */ public void removeTransactionAck(TransactionUID tid, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { removeTransactionAckInternal(tid, sync); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void removeTransactionAckInternal(TransactionUID tid, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (tid == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.removeTransactionAckInternal("+tid+", "+sync+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().clearTransaction(null, tid); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Retrieve all acknowledgement list in the persistence store together * with their associated transaction id. The data is returned in the * form a HashMap. Each entry in the HashMap has the transaction id as * the key and an array of the associated TransactionAcknowledgement * objects as the value. * @return a HashMap object containing all acknowledgement lists in the * persistence store */ public HashMap getAllTransactionAcks() throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getAllTransactionAcksInternal(null); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public HashMap getAllTransactionAcksInternal(Long storeSession) throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getAllTransactionAcksInternal("+storeSession+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().getAllTransactionAcks(null); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } /** * Retrieve all acknowledgements for the specified transaction. * * @param id id of the transaction whose acknowledgements * are to be returned * @exception BrokerException if the transaction id is not in the store */ public TransactionAcknowledgement[] getTransactionAcks( TransactionUID id) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getTransactionAcksInternal(id); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public TransactionAcknowledgement[] getTransactionAcksInternal(TransactionUID id) throws BrokerException { if (id == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getTransactionAcksInternal("+id+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return (TransactionAcknowledgement[]) daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().getTransactionAcks(null, id).toArray( new TransactionAcknowledgement[0]); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } public void storeTransaction(TransactionUID tid, TransactionInfo txnInfo, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { storeTransaction(tid, txnInfo, getStoreSession()); } protected void storeTransaction(TransactionUID tid, TransactionInfo txnInfo, long storeSessionID) throws BrokerException { if (tid == null || txnInfo == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } int type = TransactionInfo.TXN_NOFLAG; BrokerAddress txnHomeBroker = null; TransactionBroker[] txnBrokers = null; if (txnInfo.isCluster()) { type = TransactionInfo.TXN_CLUSTER; txnBrokers = txnInfo.getTransactionBrokers(); } else if (txnInfo.isRemote()) { type = TransactionInfo.TXN_REMOTE; txnHomeBroker = txnInfo.getTransactionHomeBroker(); } else if (txnInfo.isLocal()) { type = TransactionInfo.TXN_LOCAL; } else { String errorMsg = "Illegal transaction type: " + txnInfo.getType(); logger.log( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, errorMsg ); throw new BrokerException( br.getKString( BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, errorMsg ) ); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().insert(null, tid, txnInfo.getTransactionState(), txnHomeBroker, txnBrokers, type, storeSessionID); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public void storeClusterTransaction(TransactionUID tid, TransactionState ts, TransactionBroker[] txnBrokers, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { storeClusterTransactionInternal(tid, ts, txnBrokers, sync, getStoreSession()); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void storeClusterTransactionInternal(TransactionUID tid, TransactionState ts, TransactionBroker[] txnBrokers, boolean sync, long storeSession) throws BrokerException { if (tid == null || ts == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.storeClusterTransactionInternal("+ tid+", "+ts+", "+txnBrokers+", "+sync+", "+storeSession+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().insert(null, tid, ts, null, txnBrokers, TransactionInfo.TXN_CLUSTER, storeSession); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } public void updateClusterTransaction(TransactionUID tid, TransactionBroker[] txnBrokers, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { updateClusterTransactionInternal(tid, txnBrokers, sync); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void updateClusterTransactionInternal(TransactionUID tid, TransactionBroker[] txnBrokers, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (tid == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.updateClusterTransactionInternal("+tid+", "+txnBrokers+", "+sync+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().updateTransactionBrokers(null, tid, txnBrokers); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } public void updateClusterTransactionBrokerState(TransactionUID tid, int expectedTxnState, TransactionBroker txnBroker, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { updateClusterTransactionBrokerStateInternal(tid, expectedTxnState, txnBroker, sync); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void updateClusterTransactionBrokerStateInternal(TransactionUID tid, int expectedTxnState, TransactionBroker txnBroker, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (tid == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.updateClusterTransactionBrokerStateInternal("+ tid+", "+expectedTxnState+", "+txnBroker+", "+sync+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().updateTransactionBrokerState( null, tid, expectedTxnState, txnBroker); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } public void updateRemoteTransaction(TransactionUID tid, TransactionAcknowledgement[] txnAcks, BrokerAddress txnHomeBroker, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { updateRemoteTransactionInternal(tid, txnAcks, txnHomeBroker, sync); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void updateRemoteTransactionInternal(TransactionUID tid, TransactionAcknowledgement[] txnAcks, BrokerAddress txnHomeBroker, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (tid == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.updateRemoteTransactionInternal("+ tid+", "+txnAcks+", "+txnHomeBroker+", "+sync+")"); } if (!Globals.getHAEnabled()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Operation not supported by the " + getStoreType() + " store in non-HA mode" ); } Connection conn = null; Exception myex = null; try { conn = dbmgr.getConnection(false); Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { //store the acks if any if (txnAcks != null && txnAcks.length > 0) { for (int i = 0, len = txnAcks.length; i < len; i++) { TransactionAcknowledgement ack = txnAcks[i]; if (ack.shouldStore()) { daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().updateTransaction( conn, ack.getSysMessageID(), ack.getStoredConsumerUID(), tid); } } } // In HA mode, the txn is owned by another broker // so we'll only update the txn home broker daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().updateTransactionHomeBroker( conn, tid, txnHomeBroker); conn.commit(); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } catch (BrokerException e) { myex = e; throw e; } finally { Util.close(null, null, conn, myex); } } public void storeRemoteTransaction(TransactionUID tid, TransactionState ts, TransactionAcknowledgement[] txnAcks, BrokerAddress txnHomeBroker, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { storeRemoteTransactionInternal(tid, ts, txnAcks, txnHomeBroker, sync, getStoreSession()); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void storeRemoteTransactionInternal(TransactionUID tid, TransactionState ts, TransactionAcknowledgement[] txnAcks, BrokerAddress txnHomeBroker, boolean sync, long storeSession) throws BrokerException { if (tid == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (Globals.getHAEnabled()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Operation not supported by the "+getStoreType()+" store in HA mode" ); } if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.storeRemoteTransactionInternal("+ tid+", "+ts+", "+txnAcks+", "+txnHomeBroker+", "+sync+")"); } Connection conn = null; Exception myex = null; try { conn = dbmgr.getConnection(false); Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { // First, store the txn daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().insert( conn, tid, ts, txnHomeBroker, null, TransactionInfo.TXN_REMOTE, storeSession); // Now, store the acks if any if (txnAcks != null && txnAcks.length > 0) { for (int i = 0, len = txnAcks.length; i < len; i++) { TransactionAcknowledgement ack = txnAcks[i]; if (ack.shouldStore()) { daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().updateTransaction( conn, ack.getSysMessageID(), ack.getStoredConsumerUID(), tid); } } } conn.commit(); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } catch (BrokerException e) { myex = e; throw e; } finally { Util.close(null, null, conn, myex); } } /** * Persist the specified property name/value pair. * If the property identified by name exists in the store already, * it's value will be updated with the new value. * If value is null, the property will be removed. * The value object needs to be serializable. * * @param name name of the property * @param value value of the property * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if an error occurs while persisting the data * @exception NullPointerException if name is * null */ public void updateProperty(String name, Object value, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (Store.getDEBUG()) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.updateProperty() called with name: " + name); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getPropertyDAO().update(null, name, value); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Retrieve the value for the specified property. * * @param name name of the property whose value is to be retrieved * @return the property value; null is returned if the specified * property does not exist in the store * @exception BrokerException if an error occurs while retrieving the * data * @exception NullPointerException if name is * null */ public Object getProperty(String name) throws BrokerException { if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (Store.getDEBUG()) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getProperty() called with name: " + name); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getPropertyDAO().getProperty( null, name); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Return the names of all persisted properties. * * @return an array of property names; an empty array will be returned * if no property exists in the store. */ public String[] getPropertyNames() throws BrokerException { if (Store.getDEBUG()) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getPropertyNames() called"); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return (String[]) daoFactory.getPropertyDAO().getPropertyNames(null).toArray( new String[0]); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Return all persisted properties. * * @return a properties object. */ public Properties getAllProperties() throws BrokerException { if (Store.getDEBUG()) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getAllProperties() called"); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getPropertyDAO().getProperties(null); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Append a new record to the config change record store. * The timestamp is also persisted with the recordData. * The config change record store is an ordered list (sorted * by timestamp). * * @param createdTime The time when this record was created. * @param recordData The record data. * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if an error occurs while persisting * the data or if the timestamp is less than 0 * @exception NullPointerException if recordData is * null */ public void storeConfigChangeRecord(long createdTime, byte[] recordData, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.storeConfigChangeRecord() called"); } if (createdTime <= 0) { String ts = String.valueOf(createdTime); logger.log(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_INVALID_TIMESTAMP, ts); throw new BrokerException( br.getKString(BrokerResources.E_INVALID_TIMESTAMP, ts)); } if (recordData == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getConfigRecordDAO().insert(null, recordData, createdTime); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Get all the config change records since the given timestamp. * Retrieves all the entries with recorded timestamp greater than * the specified timestamp. * * @return a list of ChangeRecordInfo, empty list if no record */ public ArrayList getConfigChangeRecordsSince(long timeStamp) throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getConfigChangeRecordsSince() called"); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return (ArrayList)daoFactory.getConfigRecordDAO().getRecordsSince( null, timeStamp); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Return all config records with their corresponding timestamps. * * @return a list of ChangeRecordInfo * @exception BrokerException if an error occurs while getting the data */ public List getAllConfigRecords() throws BrokerException { if (Store.getDEBUG()) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getAllConfigRecords() called"); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getConfigRecordDAO().getAllRecords(null); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } /** * Clear all config change records in the store. * * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception BrokerException if an error occurs while clearing the data */ public void clearAllConfigChangeRecords(boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.clearAllConfigChangeRecords() called"); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getConfigRecordDAO().deleteAll(null); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public void clearAll(boolean sync) throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.clearAll() called"); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); Connection conn = null; Exception myex = null; try { conn = dbmgr.getConnection(false); Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { if (Globals.getHAEnabled()) { // In HA mode, only reset txns, dsts, states, and msgs // in the specified order daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().deleteAll(conn); daoFactory.getDestinationDAO().deleteAll(conn); daoFactory.getConsumerStateDAO().deleteAll(conn); daoFactory.getMessageDAO().deleteAll(conn); daoFactory.getTMLogRecordDAOJMSBG().deleteAll(conn); daoFactory.getJMSBGDAO().deleteAll(conn); } else { List daos = daoFactory.getAllDAOs(); Iterator itr = daos.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { BaseDAO dao = (BaseDAO); if ( !(dao instanceof VersionDAO || dao instanceof BrokerDAO || dao instanceof StoreSessionDAO) ) { dao.deleteAll(conn); } } } conn.commit(); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } catch ( Exception e ) { myex = e; throw new BrokerException( br.getKString( BrokerResources.X_CLEAR_ALL_FAILED ), e ); } finally { try { Util.close(null, null, conn, myex); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } } public void close(boolean cleanup) { // make sure all operations are done before we proceed to close setClosedAndWait(); if (partitionMode) { PartitionedStore pstore = null; synchronized(partitionStores) { Iterator itr = partitionStores.values().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { pstore =; pstore.close(); } } } // true = unlock the tables closeDB(true); dbmgr.setStoreInited(false); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.close("+ cleanup +") done."); } } protected void beforeWaitOnClose() { Iterator itr = null; synchronized(dataEnums) { itr = dataEnums.iterator(); Enumeration en = null; while (itr.hasNext()) { en =; if (en instanceof MessageEnumeration) { ((MessageEnumeration)en).cancel(); } } } if (dbmgr != null) { dbmgr.setIsClosing(); } } // HA operations public long getBrokerHeartbeat(String brokerID) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().getHeartbeat(null, brokerID); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public HashMap getAllBrokerHeartbeats() throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().getAllHeartbeats(null); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public Long updateBrokerHeartbeat(String brokerID) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().updateHeartbeat(null, brokerID); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { // Override default so total retry time is 30 secs retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(dbmgr, DBManager.TRANSACTION_RETRY_DELAY_DEFAULT, 4, true); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public Long updateBrokerHeartbeat(String brokerID, long lastHeartbeat) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().updateHeartbeat(null, brokerID, lastHeartbeat); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { // Override default so total retry time is 30 secs retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(dbmgr, DBManager.TRANSACTION_RETRY_DELAY_DEFAULT, 4, false, true); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public void addBrokerInfo(String brokerID, String URL, BrokerState state, int version, long sessionID, long heartbeat) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); List additionalSessions = null; if (partitionMode) { additionalSessions = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < initialNumPartitions-1; i++) { additionalSessions.add(new UID()); } } try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().insert(null, brokerID, null, URL, version, state.intValue(), Long.valueOf(sessionID), heartbeat, additionalSessions); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public void addBrokerInfo(HABrokerInfo bkrInfo, boolean sync) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().insert(null, bkrInfo.getId(), bkrInfo.getTakeoverBrokerID(), bkrInfo.getUrl(), bkrInfo.getVersion(), bkrInfo.getState(), null, bkrInfo.getHeartbeat(), null); List sessions = bkrInfo.getAllSessions(); if (sessions != null && !sessions.isEmpty()) { StoreSessionDAO dao = daoFactory.getStoreSessionDAO(); Iterator itr = sessions.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { HABrokerInfo.StoreSession ses = (HABrokerInfo.StoreSession); dao.insert(null, ses.getBrokerID(), ses.getID(), ses.getIsCurrent(), ses.getCreatedBy(), ses.getCreatedTS()); } } return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public UID updateBrokerInfo( String brokerID, int updateType, Object oldValue, Object newValue ) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().update(null, brokerID, updateType, oldValue, newValue); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public HABrokerInfo getBrokerInfo(String brokerID) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().getBrokerInfo(null, brokerID); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public HashMap getAllBrokerInfos(boolean loadSession) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().getAllBrokerInfos(null, loadSession); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public HashMap getAllBrokerInfoByState(BrokerState state) throws BrokerException { if (state == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().getAllBrokerInfosByState(null, state); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public String getStoreSessionOwner( long sessionID ) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getStoreSessionDAO().getStoreSessionOwner(null, sessionID); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public boolean ifOwnStoreSession( long sessionID, String brokerID ) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getStoreSessionDAO().ifOwnStoreSession(null, sessionID, brokerID); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public String getStoreSessionCreator( long sessionID ) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getStoreSessionDAO().getStoreSessionCreator(null, sessionID); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public boolean updateBrokerState(String brokerID, BrokerState newState, BrokerState expectedState, boolean local) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().updateState( null, brokerID, newState, expectedState, local ); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { // Override default so total retry time is about 1 min retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(dbmgr, DBManager.TRANSACTION_RETRY_DELAY_DEFAULT, 5, false, true); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public BrokerState getBrokerState(String brokerID) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().getState(null, brokerID); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(dbmgr, DBManager.TRANSACTION_RETRY_DELAY_DEFAULT, 5, true); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public Object[] getAllBrokerStates() throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().getAllStates(null); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public void getTakeOverLock(String brokerID, String targetBrokerID, long lastHeartbeat, BrokerState expectedState, long newHeartbeat, BrokerState newState, boolean force, TakingoverTracker tracker) throws TakeoverLockException, BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); tracker.setStage_BEFORE_GET_LOCK(); Connection conn = null; Exception myex = null; try { synchronized ( takeoverLockMap ) { // Verify if a lock has been acquired for the target broker TakeoverStoreInfo takeoverInfo = (TakeoverStoreInfo)takeoverLockMap.get( targetBrokerID ); if (takeoverInfo != null) { logger.logToAll( Logger.WARNING, BrokerResources.W_UNABLE_TO_ACQUIRE_TAKEOVER_LOCK, targetBrokerID ); return; } conn = dbmgr.getConnection( true ); Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { // Try to obtain the lock by updating the target broker // entry in the broker table; an exception is thrown if we // are unable to get the lock. HABrokerInfo savedInfo = daoFactory.getBrokerDAO().takeover( conn, brokerID, targetBrokerID, lastHeartbeat, expectedState, newHeartbeat, newState ); savedInfo.setTakeoverTimestamp(newHeartbeat); tracker.setStage_AFTER_GET_LOCK(); long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.logToAll( Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_TAKEOVER_LOCK_ACQUIRED, targetBrokerID, String.valueOf(timestamp) ); takeoverInfo = new TakeoverStoreInfo( targetBrokerID, savedInfo, timestamp ); // Save the broker's state takeoverLockMap.put( targetBrokerID, takeoverInfo ); // Now, get the all the msgs and corresponding dst IDs // that we'll be taking over to track and ensure that // they can't be accessed while we're taking over! Map msgMap = daoFactory.getMessageDAO().getMsgIDsAndDstIDsByBroker( conn, targetBrokerID ); tracker.setMessageMap( msgMap ); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } } catch (BrokerException e) { myex = e; throw e; } finally { try { Util.close( null, null, conn, myex ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } } public TakeoverStoreInfo takeOverBrokerStore(String brokerID, String targetBrokerID, TakingoverTracker tracker) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); tracker.setStage_BEFORE_TAKE_STORE(); partitionLock.lock(); Connection conn = null; Exception myex = null; try { conn = dbmgr.getConnection( false ); BrokerDAO brokerDAO = daoFactory.getBrokerDAO(); HABrokerInfo bkrInfo = null; Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { // JDBC Retry loop try { bkrInfo = brokerDAO.getBrokerInfo( conn, targetBrokerID ); break; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); if ( bkrInfo == null ) { String errorMsg = br.getKString( BrokerResources.E_BROKERINFO_NOT_FOUND_IN_STORE, targetBrokerID ); logger.log( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, errorMsg ); throw new BrokerException( br.getKString( BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, errorMsg ) ); } // Verify a takeover lock has been acquired for the target broker. TakeoverStoreInfo takeoverInfo = null; synchronized ( takeoverLockMap ) { takeoverInfo = (TakeoverStoreInfo)takeoverLockMap.get( targetBrokerID ); } if ( takeoverInfo == null || !brokerID.equals( bkrInfo.getTakeoverBrokerID() ) ) { // Cannot takeover a store without 1st obtaining the lock logger.log( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_TAKEOVER_WITHOUT_LOCK, targetBrokerID ); throw new BrokerException( br.getKString( BrokerResources.E_TAKEOVER_WITHOUT_LOCK, targetBrokerID ) ); } tracker.setStoreSession(bkrInfo.getSessionID()); // Start takeover process... try { retry = null; do { // JDBC Retry loop try { // Get local destinations of target broker DestinationDAO dstDAO = daoFactory.getDestinationDAO(); List dstList = dstDAO.getAllLocalDestinations( conn, targetBrokerID ); takeoverInfo.setDestinationList( dstList ); String args[] = { String.valueOf(dstList.size()), targetBrokerID, dstList.toString() }; logger.log( Logger.INFO, br.getString( BrokerResources.I_TAKINGOVER_LOCAL_DSTS, args) ); // Get messages of target broker MessageDAO msgDAO = daoFactory.getMessageDAO(); Map msgMap = msgDAO.getMsgIDsAndDstIDsByBroker( conn, targetBrokerID ); takeoverInfo.setMessageMap( msgMap ); logger.log( Logger.INFO, br.getString( BrokerResources.I_TAKINGOVER_MSGS, msgMap.size(), targetBrokerID) ); // Get transactions of target broker TransactionDAO txnDAO = daoFactory.getTransactionDAO(); List txnList = txnDAO.getTransactionsByBroker( conn, targetBrokerID ); takeoverInfo.setTransactionList( txnList ); logger.log( Logger.INFO, br.getString( BrokerResources.I_TAKINGOVER_TXNS, txnList.size(), targetBrokerID) ); // Get remote transactions of target broker List remoteTxnList = txnDAO.getRemoteTransactionsByBroker( conn, targetBrokerID ); takeoverInfo.setRemoteTransactionList( remoteTxnList ); logger.log( Logger.INFO, br.getString( BrokerResources.I_TAKINGOVER_REMOTE_TXNS, remoteTxnList.size(), targetBrokerID) ); tracker.setStage_BEFORE_DB_SWITCH_OWNER(); // Takeover all store sessions of target broker StoreSessionDAO sesDAO = daoFactory.getStoreSessionDAO(); List sesList = sesDAO.takeover( conn, brokerID, targetBrokerID ); takeoverInfo.setTakeoverStoreSessionList(sesList); String args2[] = { String.valueOf(sesList.size()), targetBrokerID, sesList.toString() }; logger.log( Logger.INFO, br.getString( BrokerResources.I_TAKINGOVER_STORE_SESSIONS, args2) ); if (!brokerDAO.updateState( conn, targetBrokerID, BrokerState.FAILOVER_COMPLETE, BrokerState.FAILOVER_STARTED, false )) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException rbe) { logger.logStack( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.X_DB_ROLLBACK_FAILED, rbe ); } throw new BrokerException( "Unable to update state to "+ BrokerState.FAILOVER_COMPLETE+ " for broker "+targetBrokerID ); } conn.commit(); tracker.setStage_AFTER_DB_SWITCH_OWNER(); // Removed saved state from cache synchronized( takeoverLockMap ) { takeoverLockMap.remove( targetBrokerID ); } tracker.setStage_AFTER_TAKE_STORE(); if (partitionMode) { addPartitionStores(sesList); } return takeoverInfo; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } catch ( Throwable thr ) { // We need to remove the takeover lock on the broker table // if we're unable to takeover the store due to an error. // We do not need to do a transaction rollback here because // the DAO layer should done this already. logger.logToAll( Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_REMOVING_TAKEOVER_LOCK, targetBrokerID ); HABrokerInfo savedInfo = takeoverInfo.getSavedBrokerInfo(); try { retry = null; do { // JDBC Retry loop try { // Restore original heartbeat brokerDAO.update( conn, targetBrokerID, HABrokerInfo.RESTORE_HEARTBEAT_ON_TAKEOVER_FAIL, brokerID, savedInfo ); // Removed the lock, i.e. restore entry values brokerDAO.update( conn, targetBrokerID, HABrokerInfo.RESTORE_ON_TAKEOVER_FAIL, brokerID, savedInfo ); logger.log(logger.INFO, br.getKString(br.I_BROKER_STATE_RESTORED_TAKEOVER_FAIL, targetBrokerID, BrokerState.getState(savedInfo.getState()).toString()+ "[StoreSession:"+savedInfo.getSessionID()+"]")); conn.commit(); synchronized( takeoverLockMap ) { takeoverLockMap.remove( targetBrokerID ); } break; // // JDBC Retry loop } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } catch ( Exception e ) { logger.logStack( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_TAKEOVER_LOCK, targetBrokerID, e ); } throw new BrokerException( br.getKString( BrokerResources.E_UNABLE_TO_TAKEOVER_BROKER, targetBrokerID), thr ); } } catch (BrokerException e) { myex = e; throw e; } finally { try { Util.close( null, null, conn, myex ); } finally { partitionLock.unlock(); // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } } public void updateTransactionAccessedTime(TransactionUID txnID, long accessedTime) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().updateAccessedTime(null, txnID, accessedTime); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public TransactionState getTransactionState(TransactionUID txnID) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getTransactionStateInternal(txnID); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public TransactionState getTransactionStateInternal(TransactionUID txnID) throws BrokerException { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().getTransactionState(null, txnID); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } public BrokerAddress getRemoteTransactionHomeBroker(TransactionUID tid) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getRemoteTransactionHomeBrokerInternal(tid); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public BrokerAddress getRemoteTransactionHomeBrokerInternal(TransactionUID tid) throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getRemoteTransactionHomeBrokerInternal("+tid+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().getTransactionHomeBroker(null, tid); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } public TransactionBroker[] getClusterTransactionBrokers(TransactionUID tid) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getClusterTransactionBrokersInternal(tid); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public TransactionBroker[] getClusterTransactionBrokersInternal(TransactionUID tid) throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getClusterTransactionBrokersInternal("+tid+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().getTransactionBrokers(null, tid); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } public long getTransactionAccessedTime(TransactionUID txnID) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().getAccessedTime( null, txnID); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public TransactionInfo getTransactionInfo(TransactionUID txnID) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getTransactionInfoInternal(txnID); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public TransactionInfo getTransactionInfoInternal(TransactionUID txnID) throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getTransactionInfoInternal("+txnID+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().getTransactionInfo( null, txnID); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } protected Collection getTransactions(String brokerID) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().getTransactionsByBroker( null, brokerID); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public int[] getTransactionUsageInfo(TransactionUID txnID) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getTransactionUsageInfoInternal(txnID); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public int[] getTransactionUsageInfoInternal(TransactionUID txnID) throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getTransactionUsageInfoInternal("+txnID+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTransactionDAO().getTransactionUsageInfo(null, txnID); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } public long getDestinationConnectedTime(Destination destination) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return getDestinationConnectedTimeInternal(destination); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public long getDestinationConnectedTimeInternal(Destination destination) throws BrokerException { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.INFO, "JDBCStore.getDestinationConnectedTimeInternal("+destination.getUniqueName()+")"); } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getDestinationDAO().getDestinationConnectedTime( null, destination.getUniqueName()); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } public boolean hasMessageBeenAcked(DestinationUID dst, SysMessageID mID) throws BrokerException { // make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { return hasMessageBeenAckedInternal(dst, mID); } finally { // decrement in progress count setInProgress(false); } } public boolean hasMessageBeenAckedInternal(DestinationUID dst, SysMessageID mID) throws BrokerException { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getMessageDAO().hasMessageBeenAcked(null, dst, mID); } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } // unlock indicates whether we need to unlock the tables before we close private void closeDB(boolean unlock) { Connection conn = null; Exception myex = null; try { if (unlock) { conn = dbmgr.getConnection( true); // unlock the tables if ( !Globals.getHAEnabled() && config.getBooleanProperty( LOCK_STORE_PROP, true ) ) { dbmgr.lockTables( conn, false ); } } } catch (Exception e) { myex = e; logger.log(Logger.WARNING, BrokerResources.X_CLOSE_DATABASE_FAILED, e); } finally { try { Util.close( null, null, conn, myex ); } catch ( Exception e ) {} } dbmgr.close(); } public String getStoreType() { return JDBC_STORE_TYPE; } /** * The following methods does not apply to jdbc store. * Data synchronization methods are implemented as no-ops * after the necessary checks. Others will throw BrokerException. */ public HashMap getStorageInfo(Destination destination) throws BrokerException { throw new BrokerException(br.getKString(BrokerResources.E_NOT_JDBC_STORE_OPERATION)); } /** * Get debug information about the store. * @return A Hashtable of name value pair of information */ public Hashtable getDebugState() throws BrokerException { String url = dbmgr.getOpenDBURL(); String bid = "(" + dbmgr.getBrokerID() + ")"; Hashtable t = new Hashtable(); t.put("JDBC-based store", url + bid); t.put("Store version", String.valueOf(STORE_VERSION)); Connection conn = null; Exception myex = null; try { conn = dbmgr.getConnection( true ); Iterator itr = daoFactory.getAllDAOs().iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { // Get debug info for each DAO t.putAll( ((BaseDAO) conn ) ); } } catch (BrokerException e) { myex = e; throw e; } finally { Util.close( null, null, conn, myex ); } t.put(dbmgr.toString(), dbmgr.getDebugState()); return t; } public boolean isHADBStore() { if (dbmgr != null) { return dbmgr.isHADB(); } return false; } public void resetConnectionPool() throws BrokerException { if (dbmgr != null) { dbmgr.resetConnectionPool(); } throw new BrokerException("JDBCStore not inited !"); } public void compactDestination(Destination destination) throws BrokerException { throw new BrokerException(br.getKString(BrokerResources.E_NOT_JDBC_STORE_OPERATION)); } /** * 1. if new store exists (store of current version exists) * print reminder message if old version still exists * check to see if store need to be remove or reset * 2. if new store NOT exists * check if old store exists * 3. if old store exists * check to see if store need to be upgrade * 4. if old store NOT exists * check if store need to be create */ private boolean checkStore( Connection conn ) throws BrokerException { boolean status = true; // Set to false for caller to close DB // Check old store int oldStoreVersion = -1; if ( checkOldStoreVersion( conn, dbmgr.getTableName( VersionDAO.TABLE + SCHEMA_VERSION_40 ), VersionDAO.STORE_VERSION_COLUMN, OLD_STORE_VERSION_400 ) ) { oldStoreVersion = OLD_STORE_VERSION_400; } else if ( checkOldStoreVersion( conn, VERSION_TBL_37 + dbmgr.getBrokerID(), TVERSION_CVERSION, OLD_STORE_VERSION_370 ) ) { oldStoreVersion = OLD_STORE_VERSION_370; } else if ( checkOldStoreVersion( conn, VERSION_TBL_35 + dbmgr.getBrokerID(), TVERSION_CVERSION, OLD_STORE_VERSION_350 ) ) { oldStoreVersion = OLD_STORE_VERSION_350; } // Get the store version boolean foundNewStore = false; int storeVersion = 0; try { storeVersion = daoFactory.getVersionDAO().getStoreVersion( conn ); } catch ( BrokerException e ) { // Assume new store doesn't exist logger.log(Logger.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e.getCause() ); } // Verify the version match if ( storeVersion > 0 ) { foundNewStore = ( storeVersion == STORE_VERSION ); if ( foundNewStore ) { // Make sure tables exist DBTool.updateStoreVersion410IfNecessary( conn, dbmgr ); if ( dbmgr.checkStoreExists(conn) == -1 ) { logger.log(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_BAD_STORE_MISSING_TABLES); throw new BrokerException(br.getKString( BrokerResources.E_BAD_STORE_MISSING_TABLES)); } } else { // Store doesn't have the version that we are expecting! String found = String.valueOf(storeVersion); String expected = String.valueOf(STORE_VERSION); logger.log(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_BAD_STORE_VERSION, found, expected); throw new BrokerException(br.getKString( BrokerResources.E_BAD_STORE_VERSION, found, expected)); } if ( ( oldStoreVersion > 0 ) && !removeStore ) { // old store exists & removeStore is not true so // log reminder message to remove old tables, i.e. 3.5 logger.logToAll(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_REMOVE_OLDTABLES_REMINDER); } } // Process any cmd line options if ( foundNewStore ) { if ( removeStore ) { try { // just drop all tables DBTool.dropTables( conn, false, dbmgr ); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new BrokerException( br.getKString(BrokerResources.E_REMOVE_JDBC_STORE_FAILED, dbmgr.getOpenDBURL()), e); } status = false; // Signal calling method to close DB } else if ( resetStore ) { clearAll(true); } } else { boolean createNew = false; if ( createStore ) { // Are we supposed to automatically create the store? createNew = true; } boolean dropOld = false; String dropMsg = null; // Reason for dropping the old store if ( oldStoreVersion > 0 ) { if ( removeStore ) { dropOld = true; dropMsg = BrokerResources.I_REMOVE_OLD_DATABASE_TABLES; } else if ( resetStore ) { createNew = true; dropOld = true; dropMsg = BrokerResources.I_RESET_OLD_DATABASE_TABLES; } else { // log message to do upgrade logger.logToAll(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_UPGRADE_STORE_MSG, new Integer( oldStoreVersion ) ); if (upgradeNoBackup && !Broker.getBroker().force) { // will throw BrokerException if the user backs out getConfirmation(); } // Upgrade the store to the new version if (!Globals.getHAEnabled()) { new UpgradeStore(this, oldStoreVersion).upgradeStore(conn); return status; } } } if ( !createNew ) { // Error - user must create the store manually! logger.log(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_NO_DATABASE_TABLES); throw new BrokerException( br.getKString(BrokerResources.E_NO_DATABASE_TABLES)); } // Now, do required actions if ( dropOld ) { logger.logToAll(Logger.INFO, dropMsg); try { // just drop all old tables DBTool.dropTables(conn, dbmgr.getTableNames( oldStoreVersion ), false, false, dbmgr ); } catch (Exception e) { logger.logToAll(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_REMOVE_OLD_TABLES_FAILED, e); throw new BrokerException( br.getKString(BrokerResources.E_REMOVE_OLD_TABLES_FAILED), e); } } if ( createNew ) { logger.logToAll(Logger.INFO, BrokerResources.I_WILL_CREATE_NEW_STORE); try { // create the tables DBTool.createTables( conn ); } catch (Exception e) { String url = dbmgr.getCreateDBURL(); if ( url == null || url.length() == 0 ) { url = dbmgr.getOpenDBURL(); } String msg = br.getKString( BrokerResources.E_CREATE_DATABASE_TABLE_FAILED, url); logger.logToAll(Logger.ERROR, msg+": "+e); logger.logStack(Logger.ERROR, msg, e); throw new BrokerException(msg, e); } } } return status; } /** * Get the current store session ID. */ private long getStoreSession() throws BrokerException { if (Globals.getHAEnabled()) { return Globals.getStoreSession().longValue(); } else { StoreSessionDAO sessionDAO = daoFactory.getStoreSessionDAO(); return sessionDAO.getStoreSession( null, dbmgr.getBrokerID() ); } } /** * Return true if table exists and stored version match what's expected * Return false if table does not exist */ public boolean checkOldStoreVersion( Connection conn, String vTable, String vColumn, int version ) throws BrokerException { try { String selectSQL = "SELECT " + vColumn + " FROM " + vTable; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Exception myex = null; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery( selectSQL ); if ( ) { int storeVersion = rs.getInt( 1 ); if ( storeVersion == version ) { return true; } // Old store doesn't have the version we are expecting String found = String.valueOf(storeVersion); String expected = String.valueOf(version); logger.log(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_BAD_OLDSTORE_VERSION, found, expected); throw new BrokerException(br.getKString( BrokerResources.E_BAD_OLDSTORE_VERSION, found, expected)); } else { // Old store doesn't have any data logger.log(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_BAD_OLDSTORE_NO_VERSIONDATA, vTable); throw new BrokerException(br.getKString( BrokerResources.E_BAD_OLDSTORE_NO_VERSIONDATA, vTable)); } } catch ( SQLException e ) { myex = e; // assume that the table does not exist logger.log( Logger.DEBUG, "Assume old store does not exist because : " + e.getMessage() ); } finally { Util.close( rs, stmt, null, myex ); } } catch ( Exception e ) { logger.log(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.X_STORE_VERSION_CHECK_FAILED, e); throw new BrokerException( br.getKString(BrokerResources.X_STORE_VERSION_CHECK_FAILED), e); } return false; } boolean resetMessage() { return resetMessage; } boolean resetInterest() { return resetInterest; } static class StoreSessionReaperTask extends TimerTask { private boolean canceled = false; Logger logger = Globals.getLogger(); JDBCStore store = null; public StoreSessionReaperTask(JDBCStore store) { = store; } public synchronized boolean cancel() { canceled = true; return super.cancel(); } public void run() { synchronized(this) { if (canceled) { return; } } try { if (!store.partitionMode) { StoreSessionDAO sesDAO = store.daoFactory.getStoreSessionDAO(); List reaped = sesDAO.deleteInactiveStoreSession(null); if (reaped.size() == 0) { store.notifyPartitionRemoved(null, null); } else { Iterator itr = reaped.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { store.notifyPartitionRemoved(new UID(, null); } } } List moretasks = null; synchronized(store.sessionReaperListeners) { moretasks = new ArrayList( store.sessionReaperListeners); } Iterator itr = moretasks.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) {; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.logStack( Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_INACTIVE_SESSION_REMOVAL_FAILED, e ); } } } /****************************************************************** * Extended Store Interface methods, JMSBridgeStore (JDBC only) ******************************************************************/ /** * Store a log record * * @param xid the global XID * @param logRecord the log record data for the xid * @param name the jmsbridge name * @param sync - not used * @param logger_ can be null * @exception DupKeyException if already exist * else Exception on error */ public void storeTMLogRecord(String xid, byte[] logRecord, String name, boolean sync, java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws DupKeyException, Exception { if (xid == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null xid"); if (logRecord == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null logRecord"); if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null name"); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.storeTMLogRecord("+xid+")"); Util.logExt(logger_, java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "JDBCStore.storeTMLogRecord("+ xid+")", null); } checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getTMLogRecordDAOJMSBG().insert(null, xid, logRecord, name, logger_); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * Update a log record * * @param xid the global XID * @param logRecord the new log record data for the xid * @param name the jmsbridge name * @param addIfNotExist * @param sync - not used * @param callback to obtain updated data * @param logger_ can be null * @exception KeyNotFoundException if not found and addIfNotExist false * else Exception on erorr */ public void updateTMLogRecord(String xid, byte[] logRecord, UpdateOpaqueDataCallback callback, String name, boolean addIfNotExist, boolean sync, java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws Exception { if (xid == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null xid"); if (logRecord == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null logRecord"); if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null name"); if (callback == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null callback"); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.updateTMLogRecord("+xid+")"); Util.logExt(logger_, java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "JDBCStore.updateTMLogRecord("+ xid+")", null); } checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getTMLogRecordDAOJMSBG().updateLogRecord(null, xid, logRecord, name, callback, addIfNotExist, logger_); return; } catch (Exception e) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * Remove a log record * * @param xid the global XID * @param name the jmsbride name * @param sync - not used * @param logger_ can be null * @exception KeyNotFoundException if not found * else Exception on error */ public void removeTMLogRecord(String xid, String name, boolean sync, java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws KeyNotFoundException, Exception { if (xid == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null xid"); if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null name"); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.removeTMLogRecord("+xid+")"); Util.logExt(logger_, java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "JDBCStore.removeTMLogRecord("+ xid+")", null); } checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getTMLogRecordDAOJMSBG().delete(null, xid, name, logger_); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * Get a log record * * @param xid the global XID * @param name the jmsbridge name * @param logger_ can be null * @return null if not found * @exception Exception if error */ public byte[] getTMLogRecord(String xid, String name, java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws Exception { if (xid == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null xid"); if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null name"); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getTMLogRecord("+xid+")"); Util.logExt(logger_, java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "JDBCStore.getTMLogRecord("+ xid+")", null); } checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTMLogRecordDAOJMSBG().getLogRecord(null, xid, name, logger_); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * Get last update time of a log record * * @param xid the global XID * @param name the jmsbridge name * @param logger_ can be null * @exception KeyNotFoundException if not found * else Exception on error */ public long getTMLogRecordUpdatedTime(String xid, String name, java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws KeyNotFoundException, Exception { if (xid == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null xid"); if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null name"); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getTMLogRecordUpdatedTime("+xid+")"); Util.logExt(logger_, java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "JDBCStore.getTMLogRecordUpdatedTime("+ xid+")", null); } checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTMLogRecordDAOJMSBG().getUpdatedTime( null, xid, name, logger_); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * Get a log record creation time * * @param xid the global XID * @param name the jmsbridge name * @param logger_ can be null * @exception KeyNotFoundException if not found * else Exception on error */ public long getTMLogRecordCreatedTime(String xid, String name, java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws KeyNotFoundException, Exception { if (xid == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null xid"); if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null name"); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getTMLogRecordCreatedTime("+xid+")"); Util.logExt(logger_, java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "JDBCStore.getTMLogRecordcreatedTime("+ xid+")", null); } checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTMLogRecordDAOJMSBG().getCreatedTime( null, xid, name, logger_); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * Get all log records for a TM name * * @param name the jmsbridge name * @param logger_ can be null * @return a list of log records * @exception Exception if error */ public List getTMLogRecordsByName(String name, java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws Exception { return getLogRecordsByNameByBroker(name, dbmgr.getBrokerID(), logger_); } /** * Get all log records for a JMS bridge in a broker * * @param name the jmsbridge name * @param logger_ can be null * @return a list of log records * @exception Exception if error */ public List getLogRecordsByNameByBroker(String name, String brokerID, java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws Exception { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null name"); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getTMLogRecordsByNameByBroker("+name+", "+brokerID+")"); Util.logExt(logger_, java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "JDBCStore.getTMLogRecordsByNameByBroker("+name+", "+brokerID+")", null); } checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTMLogRecordDAOJMSBG().getLogRecordsByNameByBroker( null, name, brokerID, logger_); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * Get JMS bridge names in all log records owned by a brokerID * * @param brokerID * @param logger_ can be null * @return a list of log records * @exception Exception if error */ public List getNamesByBroker(String brokerID, java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws Exception { if (brokerID == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null brokerID"); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getTMNamesByBroker("+brokerID+")"); Util.logExt(logger_, java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "JDBCStore.getTMNamesByBroker("+brokerID+")", null); } checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getTMLogRecordDAOJMSBG().getNamesByBroker( null, brokerID, logger_); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * Add a JMS Bridge * * @param name jmsbridge name * @param sync - not used * @param logger_ can be null * @exception DupKeyException if already exist * else Exception on error */ public void addJMSBridge(String name, boolean sync, java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws DupKeyException, Exception { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null name"); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.addJMSBridge("+name+")"); Util.logExt(logger_, java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "JDBCStore.addJMSBridge("+name+")", null); } checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getJMSBGDAO().insert(null, name, logger_); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * Get JMS bridges owned by this broker * * @param logger_ can be null * @return a list of names * @exception Exception if error */ public List getJMSBridges(java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws Exception { return getJMSBridgesByBroker(dbmgr.getBrokerID(), logger_); } /** * Get JMS bridges owned by a broker * * @param brokerID * @param logger_ can be null * @return a list of names * @exception Exception if error */ public List getJMSBridgesByBroker(String brokerID, java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws Exception { if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getJMSBridgesByBroker("+brokerID+")"); Util.logExt(logger_, java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "JDBCStore.getJMSBridges("+brokerID+")", null); } checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getJMSBGDAO().getNamesByBroker(null, brokerID, logger_); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * @param name jmsbridge name * @param logger_ can be null; * @return updated time * @throws KeyNotFoundException if not found * else Exception on error */ public long getJMSBridgeUpdatedTime(String name, java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws KeyNotFoundException, Exception { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null name"); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getJMSBridgeUpdatedTime("+name+")"); Util.logExt(logger_, java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "JDBCStore.getJMSBridgeUpdatedTime("+name+")", null); } checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getJMSBGDAO().getUpdatedTime(null, name, logger_); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * @param name jmsbridge name * @param logger_ can be null; * @return created time * @throws KeyNotFoundException if not found * else Exception on error */ public long getJMSBridgeCreatedTime(String name, java.util.logging.Logger logger_) throws KeyNotFoundException, Exception { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null name"); if (DEBUG) { logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "JDBCStore.getJMSbridgeCreatedTime("+name+")"); Util.logExt(logger_, java.util.logging.Level.FINE, "JDBCStore.getJMSBridgeCreatedTime("+name+")", null); } checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { return daoFactory.getJMSBGDAO().getCreatedTime(null, name, logger_); } catch ( Exception e ) { // Exception will be log & re-throw if operation cannot be retry if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public void closeJMSBridgeStore() throws Exception { //ignore } /************************************************ * Additional PartitionedStore Methods ************************************************/ /** * Return the LoadException for loading destinations; null if there's * none. */ public LoadException getLoadDestinationException() { return null; } /** * Return the LoadException for loading transactions; null if there's none. */ public LoadException getLoadTransactionException() { return null; } /** * Return the LoadException for loading transaction acknowledgements; * null if there's none. */ public LoadException getLoadTransactionAckException() { return null; } /** * Remove the message from the persistent store. * If the message has an interest list, the interest list will be * removed as well. * * @param dID the destination the message is associated with * @param mID the system message id of the message to be removed * @param sync if true, will synchronize data to disk * @exception IOException if an error occurs while removing the message * @exception BrokerException if the message is not found in the store * @exception NullPointerException if dID is * null */ public void removeMessage(DestinationUID dID, SysMessageID mID, boolean sync) throws IOException, BrokerException { removeMessage(dID,mID,sync, false); } /******************************************** * Partitioned Store Specific Methods **********************************************/ public void init(Store store, UID id, boolean isPrimrary) throws BrokerException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Operation not supported by JDBCStore class"); } @Override public boolean getPartitionModeEnabled() { return partitionMode; } @Override public boolean isPartitionMigratable() { return partitionMigratable; } public String toString() { return "["+getStoreType()+"]"; } public int hashCode() { return partitionid.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object anObject) { if (this == anObject) { return true; } if (!(anObject instanceof PartitionedStore)) { return false; } return getPartitionID().equals( ((PartitionedStore)anObject).getPartitionID()); } public UID getPartitionID() { return partitionid; } public boolean isPrimaryPartition() { return true; } @Override public void partitionsReady() throws BrokerException { synchronized(closedLock) { partitionsReady = true; } initPartitionStores(); } @Override public List getAllStorePartitions() throws BrokerException { synchronized(partitionStores) { return new ArrayList(partitionStores.values()); } } @Override public PartitionedStore getStorePartition(UID id) throws BrokerException { PartitionedStore ps = null; checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { synchronized(partitionStores) { ps = partitionStores.get(id); } if (ps == null) { throw new BrokerException( br.getKString(br.X_STORE_PARTITION_NOT_FOUND, id), Status.NOT_FOUND); } } finally { setInProgress(false); } return ps; } public void partitionDeparture(UID partitionID, String targetBrokerID) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { if (!partitionMode) { throw new BrokerException("Broker store not partition mode", Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED); } if (!partitionMigratable) { throw new BrokerException("Broker store partition not migratable", Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED); } synchronized(closedLock) { if (!partitionsReady) { throw new BrokerException("Store partitions init not ready yet", Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED); } } synchronized(partitionStores) { PartitionedStore pstore = partitionStores.remove(partitionID); if (pstore == null) { String emsg = "Departure partition "+partitionID+" does not exist in this broker"; throw new BrokerException(emsg, Status.NOT_FOUND); } notifyPartitionRemoved(partitionID, targetBrokerID); //XXX if (!pstore.isClosed()) { throw new BrokerException("Departure partition "+partitionID+ " not closed"); } } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { daoFactory.getStoreSessionDAO().moveStoreSession( null, partitionID.longValue(), targetBrokerID); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * @partitionID the UID for the arrived partition * or null if check partition arrival * @return a list contains the PartitionedStore for the partitionID * or a list of arrived PartitionedStore during check */ public List partitionArrived(UID partitionID) throws BrokerException { PartitionedStore pstore = null; checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); boolean locked = false; try { synchronized(closedLock) { if (!partitionsReady) { throw new BrokerException( "Store partitions init not ready yet", Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED); } } if (!partitionMode) { throw new BrokerException("Broker store not partition mode", Status.NOT_ALLOWED); } if (partitionID != null) { synchronized(partitionStores) { pstore = partitionStores.get(partitionID); if (pstore != null) { logger.log(logger.INFO, "Arrived partition "+partitionID+" has already been loaded in store"); List p = new ArrayList(); p.add(pstore); return p; } } } Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { if (partitionID != null) { String brokerID = daoFactory.getStoreSessionDAO(). getStoreSessionOwner(null, partitionID.longValue()); if (brokerID == null || !brokerID.equals(dbmgr.getBrokerID())) { String emsg = br.getKString( br.X_NOT_OWN_ARRIVED_STORE_PARTITION, partitionID); throw new BrokerException(emsg, Status.NOT_ALLOWED); } List l = new ArrayList(); l.add(Long.valueOf(partitionID.longValue())); return addPartitionStores(l); } else { if (!partitionLock.tryLock()) { throw new BrokerException( "Broker takeover in process, retry operation later", Status.RETRY); } locked = true; //This method is executed by 1 dedicated thread - partition monitor List sessions = dbmgr.getDAOFactory().getStoreSessionDAO(). getStoreSessionsByBroker( null, dbmgr.getBrokerID() ); List l = new ArrayList(); synchronized(partitionStores) { Iterator itr = sessions.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Long s =; if (partitionStores.get(new UID(s)) == null) { l.add(s); } } } return addPartitionStores(l); } } catch ( Exception e ) { if ( retry == null ) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { if (locked) { partitionLock.unlock(); } setInProgress(false); } } private List addPartitionStores(List storeSessions) throws BrokerException { List loaded = new ArrayList(); UID uid = null; PartitionedStore ps = null; try { synchronized(partitionStores) { Iterator itr = storeSessions.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { uid = new UID(; if (partitionStores.get(uid) != null) { throw new BrokerException( br.getKString(br.X_ADD_STORE_PARTITION_ALREAD_EXIST, uid)); } logger.log(logger.INFO, br.getKString(br.I_CREATE_STORE_PARTITION, uid)); if (Globals.isNucleusManagedBroker()) { ps = Globals.getHabitat(). getService(PartitionedStore.class, partitionClassStr); } else { ps = (PartitionedStore)partitionClass.newInstance(); } ps.init(this, uid, (uid.longValue() == getStoreSession())); partitionStores.put(uid, ps); loaded.add(ps); notifyPartitionAdded(uid); } } return loaded; } catch (Exception e) { throw new BrokerException(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void initPartitionStores() throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { if (!partitionMode) { partitionStores.put(getPartitionID(), this); return; } synchronized(closedLock) { if (!partitionsReady) { throw new BrokerException("IllegalState: store partitions not ready"); } } List sessions = new ArrayList(); sessions.add(Long.valueOf(getStoreSession())); addPartitionStores(sessions); Util.RetryStrategy retry = null; do { try { sessions = dbmgr.getDAOFactory().getStoreSessionDAO(). getStoreSessionsByBroker( null, dbmgr.getBrokerID() ); logger.log(logger.INFO, br.getKString( br.I_OWN_STORE_SESSIONS_CREATE_PARTITIONS, Integer.valueOf(sessions.size()))); sessions.remove(Long.valueOf(getStoreSession())); addPartitionStores(sessions); return; } catch ( Exception e ) { if (retry == null) { retry = new Util.RetryStrategy(); } retry.assertShouldRetry( e ); } } while ( true ); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } public PartitionedStore getPrimaryPartition() throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { if (!partitionMode) { return this; } if (partitionStores.size() == 0) { throw new BrokerException("IllegalStateException: partition store not ready"); } return partitionStores.get(new UID(getStoreSession())); } finally { setInProgress(false); } } protected void notifyPartitionRemoved(UID partitionID, String removedToBroker) { synchronized(partitionStores) { Iterator itr = partitionListeners.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) {, this, removedToBroker); } } } protected void notifyPartitionAdded(UID partitionID) { synchronized(partitionStores) { Iterator itr = partitionListeners.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) {, this); } } } /** * @param listener the PartitionListener to be added * @exception BrokerException */ @Override public void addPartitionListener(PartitionListener listener) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { synchronized(partitionStores) { partitionListeners.add(listener); } } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * @param listener the PartitionListener to be removed * @exception BrokerException */ @Override public void removePartitionListener(PartitionListener listener) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { synchronized(partitionStores) { partitionListeners.remove(listener); } } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * @exception BrokerException */ @Override public void addStoreSessionReaperListener(StoreSessionReaperListener listener) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { synchronized(sessionReaperListeners) { sessionReaperListeners.add(listener); } } finally { setInProgress(false); } } /** * @exception BrokerException */ @Override public void removeStoreSessionReaperListener(StoreSessionReaperListener listener) throws BrokerException { checkClosedAndSetInProgress(); try { synchronized(sessionReaperListeners) { sessionReaperListeners.remove(listener); } } finally { setInProgress(false); } } }

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