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 * @(#)	1.30 06/27/07

package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.jms.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.Version;
import com.sun.messaging.AdministeredObject;
import com.sun.messaging.ConnectionConfiguration;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.protocol.ssl.SSLUtil;

 * This class provide a way for the client to recover itself if the
 * connection goes away.

The API user is transparent to the recovering attempt. All * consumers are registered to the broker with their original IDs. * All producers are added with the same parameters. * */ public class PortMapperClient { protected ConnectionImpl connection = null; protected PortMapperTable portMapperTable = null; protected boolean useMQAddress = false; protected MQAddress addr = null; private static final Version version = com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.version; private boolean debug = Debug.debug; public PortMapperClient (ConnectionImpl connection) throws JMSException{ this.connection = connection; init(); } public PortMapperClient (MQAddress addr, ConnectionImpl connection) throws JMSException { this.addr = addr; this.useMQAddress = true; this.connection = connection; init(); } public int getPortForProtocol(String protocol){ String type = connection.getConnectionType(); return getPort(protocol, type, null); } //bug 4959114. public int getPortForService(String protocol, String service) throws JMSException { String type = connection.getConnectionType(); int port = getPort(protocol, type, service); if ( port == -1 ) { String errorString =, service); JMSException jmse =new com.sun.messaging.jms.JMSException (errorString,; ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } return port; } //bug 4959114. private int getPort(String protocol, String type, String servicename) { //int port = 25374; int port = -1; Map table = portMapperTable.getServices(); PortMapperEntry pme = null; Iterator it = table.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ pme = (PortMapperEntry); if (pme.getProtocol().equals(protocol)){ if (pme.getType().equals(type)){ if (servicename == null){ port = pme.getPort(); break; } else { if (pme.getName().equals(servicename)){ port = pme.getPort(); break; } } } } } return port; } protected void init() throws JMSException { try { readBrokerPorts(); checkPacketVersion(); } catch (JMSException jmse) { String str = this.getHostName() + ":" + this.getHostPort(); connection.setLastContactedBrokerAddress(str); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } } private void checkPacketVersion() throws JMSException { String pktversion = portMapperTable.getPacketVersion(); String clientMVersion = version.getImplementationVersion(); // Raptor (3.5) clients can talk to a Falcon (3.0) broker. if (Version.compareVersions(pktversion, "3.0") < 0) { String errorString =, clientMVersion, pktversion); JMSException jmse = new com.sun.messaging.jms.JMSException (errorString,; ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } // Use Packet version 200 for brokers older than 3.5 if (Version.compareVersions(pktversion, "3.0.1", false) < 0) { ReadOnlyPacket.setDefaultVersion(Packet.VERSION2); } } private String getHostName() { if (useMQAddress) { return addr.getHostName(); } return connection.getProperty( ConnectionConfiguration.imqBrokerHostName); } private boolean getHostPortSSLEnabled() { if (useMQAddress) { return addr.isSSLPortMapperScheme(); } return false; } private boolean getIsHostTrusted() { if (useMQAddress) { return addr.getIsSSLHostTrustedSet(); } return false; } public int getHostPort() { if (useMQAddress) { return addr.getPort(); } String prop = connection.getProperty( ConnectionConfiguration.imqBrokerHostPort); return Integer.parseInt(prop); } protected void readBrokerPorts() throws JMSException { String host = getHostName(); //port mapper port int port = getHostPort(); boolean ssl = getHostPortSSLEnabled(); boolean isHostTrusted = getIsHostTrusted(); if ( debug ) { Debug.println("Connecting to portmapper host: "+host+" port: "+ port+" ssl: "+ssl); } InputStream is = null; OutputStream os = null; Socket socket = null; try { String version = String.valueOf(PortMapperTable.PORTMAPPER_VERSION) + "\n"; // bug 6696742 - add ability to set connect timeout int timeout = connection.getSocketConnectTimeout(); Integer sotimeout = connection.getPortMapperSoTimeout(); socket = makePortMapperClientSocket(host, port, timeout, sotimeout, ssl, isHostTrusted); is = socket.getInputStream(); os = socket.getOutputStream(); // Write version of portmapper we support to broker try { os.write(version.getBytes()); os.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { // This can sometimes fail if the server already wrote // the port table and closed the connection } portMapperTable = new PortMapperTable();; is.close(); socket.close(); } catch ( Exception e ) { try { if (os != null) { os.close(); } if (is != null) { is.close(); } if (socket != null) { socket.close(); } } catch (Exception ee) { /* ignore */ } connection.getExceptionHandler().handleConnectException (e, host, port); } } private Socket makePortMapperClientSocket(String host, int port, int timeout, Integer sotimeout, boolean ssl, boolean isHostTrusted) throws Exception { Socket socket = null; if (timeout > 0) { ConnectionImpl.getConnectionLogger().fine( "Connecting to portmapper with timeout=" + timeout); if (ssl) { socket = SSLUtil.makeSSLSocket(null, 0, isHostTrusted, connection.getProperty( ConnectionConfiguration.imqKeyStore, null), connection.getProperty( ConnectionConfiguration.imqKeyStorePassword, null), ConnectionImpl.connectionLogger,; } else { socket = new Socket(); } InetSocketAddress socketAddr = new InetSocketAddress (host, port); socket.connect(socketAddr, timeout); socket.setSoTimeout(0); } else { ConnectionImpl.getConnectionLogger().fine( "Connecting to portmapper without timeout ..."); if (ssl) { socket = SSLUtil.makeSSLSocket(host, port, isHostTrusted, connection.getProperty( ConnectionConfiguration.imqKeyStore, null), connection.getProperty( ConnectionConfiguration.imqKeyStorePassword, null), ConnectionImpl.connectionLogger,; } else { socket = new Socket(host, port); } } if (sotimeout != null) { socket.setSoTimeout(sotimeout.intValue()); } ConnectionImpl.getConnectionLogger().fine ("socket connected., host=" + host + ", port="+ port); return socket; } public static void main (String args[]) { try { PortMapperClient pmc = new PortMapperClient (null); String protocol = "tcp"; String prop = System.getProperty("protocol"); if ( prop != null ) { protocol = prop; } int port = pmc.getPortForProtocol(protocol); if ( Debug.debug ) { Debug.println ("port = " + port ); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } }

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