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package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient;

import javax.jms.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.JMQXid;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.timer.WakeupableTimer;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.timer.TimerEventHandler;
import com.sun.messaging.AdministeredObject;
import com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.api.JMSRAManagedConnection;
import com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.api.JMSRAXASession;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.resources.ClientResources;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;


A JMS Session is a single threaded context for producing and consuming * messages. Although it may allocate provider resources outside the Java * virtual machine, it is considered a light-weight JMS object. * *

A session serves several purposes: * *

  • It is a factory for its message producers and consumers. *
  • It supplies provider-optimized message factories. *
  • It supports a single series of transactions that combine work * spanning its producers and consumers into atomic units. *
  • A session defines a serial order for the messages it consumes and * the messages it produces. *
  • A session retains messages it consumes until they have been * acknowledged. *
  • A session serializes execution of message listeners registered with * it's message consumers. *
* *

A session can create and service multiple message producers and * consumers. * *

One typical use is to have a thread block on a synchronous * MessageConsumer until a message arrives. The thread may then use one or * more of the Session's MessageProducers. * *

If a client desires to have one thread producing messages while others * consume them, the client should use a separate Session for its producing * thread. * *

Once a connection has been started, any session with a registered * message listener(s) is dedicated to the thread of control that delivers * messages to it. It is erroneous for client code to use this session * or any of its constituent objects from another thread of control. The * only exception to this is the use of the session or connection close * method. * *

It should be easy for most clients to partition their work naturally * into Sessions. This model allows clients to start simply and incrementally * add message processing complexity as their need for concurrency grows. * *

The close method is the only session method that can be called * while some other session method is being executed in another thread. * *

A session may be optionally specified as transacted. Each transacted * session supports a single series of transactions. Each transaction groups * a set of message sends and a set of message receives into an atomic unit * of work. In effect, transactions organize a session's input message * stream and output message stream into series of atomic units. When a * transaction commits, its atomic unit of input is acknowledged and its * associated atomic unit of output is sent. If a transaction rollback is * done, its sent messages are destroyed and the session's input is * automatically recovered. * *

The content of a transaction's input and output units is simply those * messages that have been produced and consumed within the session's current * transaction. * *

A transaction is completed using either its session's * commit or rollback method. The completion of a * session's current transaction automatically begins the next. The result * is that a transacted session always has a current transaction within * which its work is done. * *

JTS, or some other transaction monitor may be used to combine a * session's transaction with transactions on other resources (databases, * other JMS sessions, etc.). Since Java distributed transactions are * controlled via JTA, use of the session's commit and rollback methods in * this context is prohibited. * *

JMS does not require support for JTA; however, it does define how a * provider supplies this support. * *

Although it is also possible for a JMS client to handle distributed * transactions directly, it is unlikely that many JMS clients will do this. * Support for JTA in JMS is targeted at systems vendors who will be * integrating JMS into their application server products. * * @see javax.jms.QueueSession * @see javax.jms.TopicSession * @see javax.jms.XASession */ public class SessionImpl implements JMSRAXASession, Traceable, ContextableSession { /** With this acknowledgement mode, the session automatically acknowledges * a client's receipt of a message when it has either successfully * returned from a call to receive or the message listener it has called * to process the message successfully returns. */ //static final int AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE = 1; /** With this acknowledgement mode, the client acknowledges a message by * calling a message's acknowledge method. Acknowledging a message * acknowledges all messages that the Session has consumed. * *

When client acknowledgment mode is used, a client may build up a * large number of unacknowledged messages while attempting to process * them. A JMS provider should provide administrators with a way to * limit client over-run so that clients are not driven to resource * exhaustion and ensuing failure when some resource they are using * is temporarily blocked. */ //static final int CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE = 2; /** This acknowledgement mode instructs the session to lazily acknowledge * the delivery of messages. This is likely to result in the delivery of * some duplicate messages if JMS fails, it should only be used by * consumers that are tolerant of duplicate messages. Its benefit is the * reduction of session overhead achieved by minimizing the work the * session does to prevent duplicates. */ //static final int DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE = 3; private ServerSessionRunner serverSessionRunner = null; private ConnectionConsumerImpl connectionConsumer = null; // default values. protected ConnectionImpl connection = null; protected boolean isTransacted = false; protected int acknowledgeMode = Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE; protected SessionReader sessionReader = null; // protected SessionTransaction transaction = null; protected SessionQueue sessionQueue = null; protected ReadChannel readChannel = null; //protected FlowControl flowControl = null; protected Hashtable consumers = new Hashtable(); //producers are added here in case we need to recover //the connection protected Vector producers = new Vector(); protected WriteChannel writeChannel = null; protected Long sessionId = null; protected ProtocolHandler protocolHandler = null; protected Transaction transaction = null; protected boolean failoverOccurred = false; protected int dupsOkLimit = 10; //dups ok non ack limit. //flag to indicate if we need to check unacked message count protected boolean isAckLimited = false; //only used if isAckLimited set to true protected int ackLimit = 100; //client non acknowledge limit //number of messages not yet acked so far. protected int ackCounter = 0; //queue for unacked messages, protected Vector unAckedMessageQueue = new Vector(); protected boolean isClosed = false; protected boolean isStopped = false; //is the XASession closed protected boolean isXAClosed = false; //is the XASession in rollback/commit protected boolean isXAInRC = false; //for flow control protected boolean protectMode = false; //XXX chiaming REVISIT: init when it is needed. protected Hashtable browserConsumers = new Hashtable(); //for acknowledgement. ReadWritePacket ackPkt = new ReadWritePacket(); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream (ProtocolHandler.ACK_MESSAGE_BODY_SIZE); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos); ReadWritePacket expirePkt = new ReadWritePacket(); ByteArrayOutputStream expireBos = new ByteArrayOutputStream (ProtocolHandler.ACK_MESSAGE_BODY_SIZE); DataOutputStream expireDos = new DataOutputStream(expireBos); protected boolean setJMSXConsumerTXID = false; protected boolean debug = Debug.debug; //session sync object - used for session sync operations. //Such as close, commit, recover, rollback, etc. private Object syncObject = new Object(); private boolean inSyncState = false; // reason why inSyncState is true // we are only interested in knowing whether the other thread is executing close() or something else private int inSyncStateOperation = INSYNCSTATE_NOTSET; private static final int INSYNCSTATE_NOTSET = 0; private static final int INSYNCSTATE_SESSION_CLOSING = 1; private static final int INSYNCSTATE_CONSUMER_CLOSING = 2; private static final int INSYNCSTATE_OTHER = 3; //session sync object to replace synchronized (this). //application can sync the session object and interfere the client runtime. //bug 6302418 - imqReconnectEnabled does not work well on cluster. private Object sessionSyncObj = new Object(); protected boolean xaTxnMode = false; //sync object used for endpoint consumers in the RA private Object raEndpointSyncObj = new Object(); //this field is never used. //private boolean raEndpointSession = false; //RA mc object to acquire txn cntxt private JMSRAManagedConnection mc = null; private boolean isDedicatedToServerSession = false; //XXX PROTOCOL 3.5 //SessionID assigned to this session by the broker. private long brokerSessionID = -1; private int TEST_ackCount = 0; private int TEST_rxCount = 0; //if set, dups ok acks when reached unacked limit or session Q is empty. protected boolean dupsOkAckOnEmptyQueue = false; //if set, dups ok acks only when reached unack limit. protected boolean dupsOkAckOnLimit = false; //if set, dups ok acks when reached unack limit or max timeout. protected boolean dupsOkAckOnTimeout = false; //dups ok timeout value -- to set to session reader. protected long dupsOkAckTimeout = 0; //dups ok timestamp protected long dupsOkTimestamp = 0; //created to prevent deadlock - bugid 4987018 protected Object dupsOkSyncObj = new Object(); //allow session extension flag. if set to true, MQ extensions are allowed. //such as NO_ACK mode. protected boolean allowExtensions = false; private volatile boolean inResetState = false; //connection logging domain name. public static final String SESSION_LOGGER_NAME = ConnectionImpl.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME + ".session"; protected static final Logger sessionLogger = Logger.getLogger(SESSION_LOGGER_NAME, ClientResources.CLIENT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_NAME); //flag to indicate that the remote broker where the consumer(s) consumes messages from //had failed. Messages are not able to commit/acknowledge until rollback/recover. //see recreateConsumers() for detail information. protected volatile boolean remore_broker_failed = false; //HACC -- rollback only for the current transaction //this is set when received //exception from listener or ack failed (bug 6667940). protected volatile boolean isRollbackOnly = false; //assigned when isRollbackOnly happened. protected Throwable rollbackCause = null; public static boolean autoStartTxn = Boolean.getBoolean("imq.autoStartTxn"); public static boolean noBlockUntilTxnCompletes = Boolean.getBoolean("imq.noBlockUntilTxnCompletes"); public static boolean noBlockOnAutoAckNPTopics = Boolean.getBoolean("imq.noBlockOnAutoAckNPTopics"); private static long waitTimeoutForConsumerCloseDone = (long) Integer.getInteger("imqWaitTimeoutForConsumerCloseDone", 90000).intValue(); private ThreadLocal isMessageListener = new ThreadLocal(); private Object asyncSendLock = new Object(); private ArrayList asyncSends = new ArrayList(); private boolean noAsyncSendCBProcessor = true; protected WakeupableTimer asyncSendCBProcessor = null; protected static final Exception asyncSendWaitTimeoutEx = getAsyncSendWaitTimeoutException(); protected static final Exception noAsyncSendCBProcessorEx = getNoAsyncSendCBProcessorException(); protected static final Exception connectionBrokenEx = getConnectionBrokenException(); private static Exception getAsyncSendWaitTimeoutException() { String emsg = ClientResources.X_ASYNC_SEND_COMPLETION_WAIT_TIMEOUT); return new JMSException(emsg, ClientResources.X_ASYNC_SEND_COMPLETION_WAIT_TIMEOUT); } private static Exception getNoAsyncSendCBProcessorException() { String emsg = ClientResources.X_NO_ASYNC_SEND_LISTENER_PROCESSOR_THREAD); return new javax.jms.IllegalStateException(emsg, ClientResources.X_NO_ASYNC_SEND_LISTENER_PROCESSOR_THREAD); } private static Exception getConnectionBrokenException() { String emsg = ClientResources.E_CONNECTION_BROKEN); return new JMSException(emsg, ClientResources.E_CONNECTION_BROKEN); } protected SessionImpl() {} public SessionImpl(ConnectionImpl connection) throws JMSException { this (connection, false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, false, null); } /** * Constructor for standard JMS sessions. * @param connection * @param isTransacted * @param acknowledgeMode * @throws JMSException */ public SessionImpl (ConnectionImpl connection, boolean isTransacted, int acknowledgeMode) throws JMSException { this (connection, isTransacted, acknowledgeMode, false, null); } public SessionImpl (ConnectionImpl connection, boolean isTransacted, int acknowledgeMode, JMSRAManagedConnection mc) throws JMSException { this (connection, isTransacted, acknowledgeMode, false, mc); } /** * Constructor for MQ extended sessions. Use this constructor for non * transacted MQ extended session -- such as NO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode. * @param connection * @param acknowledgeMode * @throws JMSException */ public SessionImpl (ConnectionImpl connection, int acknowledgeMode) throws JMSException { this (connection, false, acknowledgeMode, true, null); } public SessionImpl (ConnectionImpl connection, boolean isTransacted, int acknowledgeMode, boolean allowJMSExtension, JMSRAManagedConnection mc) throws JMSException { try { //session's queue data structure. -- 6089070 sessionQueue = new SessionQueue(); sessionQueue.validateQueue(); //set allow extension flag. this.allowExtensions = allowJMSExtension; this.connection = connection; /** * check acknowledge mode */ if (isTransacted == false) { if (acknowledgeMode == 0) { acknowledgeMode = Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE; } checkAckMode(acknowledgeMode); } this.writeChannel = connection.getWriteChannel(); this.readChannel = connection.getReadChannel(); this.protocolHandler = connection.getProtocolHandler(); this.isTransacted = isTransacted; this.acknowledgeMode = acknowledgeMode; sessionId = connection.getNextSessionId(); if (mc != null) { = mc; } init(); logLifeCycle(ClientResources.I_SESSION_CREATED); } catch (JMSException jmse) { ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } } /** * Check ack mode. */ private void checkAckMode (int ackMode) throws JMSException { if ( ackMode != Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE && ackMode != Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE && ackMode != Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE ) { if ( this.allowExtensions == true ) { //if this is MQ extension, NO_ACK mode is allowed. if (ackMode == com.sun.messaging.jms.Session.NO_ACKNOWLEDGE) { if (connection.getBrokerProtocolLevel() <= PacketType.VERSION350) { String errorString = ClientResources.X_BROKER_NOT_SUPPORT_NO_ACK_MODE, connection.getBrokerVersion()); JMSException jmse = new com.sun.messaging.jms.JMSException( errorString, ClientResources.X_BROKER_NOT_SUPPORT_NO_ACK_MODE); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } return; } } String ackModeStr = String.valueOf(ackMode); String errorString =, ackModeStr); JMSException jmse = new JMSException (errorString, ClientResources.X_INVALID_ACKNOWLEDGE_MODE); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } } private void init() throws JMSException { serverSessionRunner = new ServerSessionRunner(this, null); //XXX PROTOCOL3.5 if (connection.getBrokerProtocolLevel() >= PacketType.VERSION350) { protocolHandler.createSession(this); } //construct a transaction object to handle transactions //handle differently if under an mc if (isTransacted) { if (mc == null) { //setup Transaction delegate for local txns transaction = new Transaction(this, true); } else { transaction = new Transaction(this, false); if (mc.xaTransactionStarted()) { transaction.setTransactionID(mc.getTransactionID()); xaTxnMode = true; }// else { // transaction.startNewLocalTransaction(); //} } } /** * move the following statement to the begining of the constructor. * there seems to have a jdk bug that caused the usage of this * object's internal data structure. (6174742, 6089070) */ //sessionQueue = new SessionQueue(); //if connection is in stop mode, lock the queue if ( connection.getIsStopped() ) { sessionQueue.setIsLocked( true ); } //construct unAckedPacketQueue if the session is CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE //mode or DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode or transacted session. //XXX:GT TBF /* if ( acknowledgeMode == Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE || acknowledgeMode == Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE || (isTransacted ) ) { unAckedMessageQueue = new Vector(); } */ //put to the readQTable connection.addToReadQTable (sessionId, sessionQueue); //put to session table connection.addSession ( this ); //set dups ok limit this.dupsOkLimit = connection.getDupsOkLimit(); this.isAckLimited = connection.getIsAckLimited(); //set client ack limit this.ackLimit = connection.getAckLimit(); // set setJMSXConsumerTXID flag setJMSXConsumerTXID = connection.connectionMetaData.setJMSXConsumerTXID && isTransacted; //protect mode protectMode = connection.getProtectMode(); //ConnectionConsumer workaround 4715054 isDedicatedToServerSession = connection.getIsDedicatedToConnectionConsumer(); //dups ok init. dupsOkInit(); //session reader blocks on the session queue and dispatch pkt to the //receivers. sessionReader = new SessionReader (this); if (isDedicatedToServerSession) { sessionReader.close(); } else { //start the thread. It is blocked on session queue if queue is locked. sessionReader.start(); } } /** * dups ok ack init. * default for appp client: dupsOkAckOnTimeout is set to true. * dupsOkAckTimeout is set to 7000 milli secs. * for MDB: dupsOkAckOnEmptyQueue is always set to true. */ protected void dupsOkInit() { //set only if not transacted mode && not MDB if ( (isTransacted == false) && (acknowledgeMode == Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE) ) { if ( isDedicatedToServerSession ) { dupsOkAckOnEmptyQueue = true; } else { //get dups ok ack flag. dupsOkAckOnEmptyQueue = connection.dupsOkAckOnEmptyQueue; if ( dupsOkAckOnEmptyQueue == false ) { //get timeout value -- default is set to 7000 milli secs dupsOkAckTimeout = connection.dupsOkAckTimeout; if ( dupsOkAckTimeout > 0 ) { dupsOkAckOnTimeout = true; } else { dupsOkAckOnLimit = true; dupsOkAckTimeout = 0; } } } } if ( debug ) { if ( dupsOkAckOnTimeout || dupsOkAckOnEmptyQueue || dupsOkAckOnLimit ) { Debug.println("*** dupsOkAckOnEmptyQueue: " + dupsOkAckOnEmptyQueue); Debug.println("*** dupsOkAckOnTimeout: " + dupsOkAckOnTimeout); Debug.println("*** dupsOkAckTimeout: " + dupsOkAckTimeout); Debug.println("*** dupsOkAckOnLimit: " + dupsOkAckOnLimit); } else { Debug.println("*** Session ackMode: " + acknowledgeMode); } } } protected void switchOnXATransaction() throws JMSException { //Switching from a local transaction to an XA transaction //will force an implicit rollback -- i.e. have to commit before switching // else work done so far is discarded //unless an xaTxn has already been started on this session (and possibly suspended) if (xaTxnMode) return; if (isTransacted) { setInSyncState(); try { receiveRollback(); transaction.rollbackToXA(); } finally { //This will release sync state. releaseInSyncState(); } } if (transaction == null) { //setup Transaction delegate for txns (local = false) transaction = new Transaction(this, false); //Indicate that Session is transacted isTransacted = true; setJMSXConsumerTXID = connection.connectionMetaData.setJMSXConsumerTXID; } //Indicate that we are now in a dist txn xaTxnMode = true; } //Called from XAResource -- prepare() and commit() only protected void switchOffXATransaction() { //No longer needs to be in a dist txn xaTxnMode = false; //Done with Transaction delegate! isTransacted = false; transaction = null; //XXX:GT TBF if we need to be able to switch back to a transacted session } protected /*synchronized*/ void addMessageConsumer( MessageConsumerImpl consumer ) throws JMSException { //XXX PROTOCOL2.1 /*if (serverSessionRunner.getMessageListener() != null) { String errorString =; throw new javax.jms.IllegalStateException(errorString,; }*/ consumers.put (consumer.interestId, consumer); } //ConnectionConsumer workaround 4715054 protected void checkBrowserCreation () throws JMSException { if (isDedicatedToServerSession) { checkConsumerCreation(); } } protected void checkConsumerCreation () throws JMSException { if (isDedicatedToServerSession || serverSessionRunner.getMessageListener() != null) { String errorString =; JMSException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException(errorString, ClientResources.X_SVRSESSION_MESSAGECONSUMER); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } } protected /*synchronized*/ void removeMessageConsumer ( MessageConsumerImpl consumer ) { consumers.remove( consumer.interestId ); } protected MessageConsumerImpl getMessageConsumer ( Object key ) { return (MessageConsumerImpl) consumers.get (key); } protected /*synchronized*/ void addBrowserConsumer(BrowserConsumer consumer) { consumer.getBrowser().addBrowserConsumer(consumer); browserConsumers.put(consumer.interestId, consumer); } protected /*synchronized*/ void removeBrowserConsumer(BrowserConsumer consumer) { browserConsumers.remove(consumer.interestId); consumer.getBrowser().removeBrowserConsumer(consumer); } protected BrowserConsumer getBrowserConsumer ( Object key ) { return (BrowserConsumer)browserConsumers.get (key); } /** * Add the producer in the vector when it is created. */ protected void addMessageProducer(MessageProducerImpl producer) { producers.add(producer); } /** * Remove the producer from the table when it is closed. */ protected void removeMessageProducer(MessageProducerImpl producer) { producers.remove(producer); } /** * check destination existance in broker * * @param destination the destination to check * @param selector the message selector * @param browser if called for QueueBrowser create * * @exception InvalidDestinationException * @exception InvalidSelectorException * @exception JMSSecurityException * @exception JMSException if fails */ protected void verifyDestination(Destination destination, String selector, boolean browser) throws JMSException { protocolHandler.verifyDestination(destination, selector, browser); } /** * get the content (list of SysMessageIDs) in the destination * * @param destination the destination * @param selector the message selector * * @exception InvalidDestinationException * @exception InvalidSelectorException * @exception JMSSecurityException * @exception JMSException */ /*protected SysMessageID[] getMessageIdSet(Destination destination, String selector) throws JMSException { return protocolHandler.browse(destination, selector); }*/ //XXX PROTOCOL2.1 protected SysMessageID[] getMessageIdSet(Consumer consumer) throws JMSException { return protocolHandler.browse (consumer); } /** * request deliver all messages listed (SysMessageIDs) in the * ByteArrayOutputStream to the browser consumer * * @param bos the ByteArrayOutputStream constains list of SysMessaegIDs * @param consumer the BrowserConsumer who interest the messages * * @exception JMSException */ protected boolean requestMessages(ByteArrayOutputStream bos, BrowserConsumer consumer) throws JMSException { return protocolHandler.deliver(bos, consumer); } protected ProtocolHandler getProtocolHandler() { return connection.getProtocolHandler(); } protected Long getSessionId() { return sessionId; } protected ConnectionImpl getConnection() { return connection; } protected void addAsyncSendCallback(AsyncSendCallback cb) throws JMSException { if (isClosed) { String emsg = ClientResources.X_SESSION_CLOSED); JMSException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException(emsg, ClientResources.X_SESSION_CLOSED); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } createAsyncSendCBProcessor(); if (noAsyncSendCBProcessor) { String emsg = ClientResources.X_NO_ASYNC_SEND_LISTENER_PROCESSOR_THREAD); JMSException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException(emsg, ClientResources.X_NO_ASYNC_SEND_LISTENER_PROCESSOR_THREAD); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } synchronized(asyncSendLock) { asyncSends.add(cb); } } private void createAsyncSendCBProcessor() { synchronized(asyncSendLock) { if (asyncSendCBProcessor == null) { asyncSendCBProcessor = new WakeupableTimer( "AsyncSendListenerProcessor["+toString()+"]", new AsyncSendTimerEventHandler(), 0L, 0L, ClientResources.I_ASYNC_SEND_LISTENER_PROCESSOR_THREAD_START)+ "["+this.toString()+"]", ClientResources.I_ASYNC_SEND_LISTENER_PROCESSOR_THREAD_EXIT)+ "["+this.toString()+"]"); noAsyncSendCBProcessor = false; } } } private class AsyncSendTimerEventHandler implements TimerEventHandler { public AsyncSendTimerEventHandler() { } public void handleOOMError(Throwable e) { sessionLogger.log(Level.WARNING, "OutOfMemoryError occurred in AsyncSendListenerProcessor thread["+ SessionImpl.this.toString()+"]", e); } public void handleLogInfo(String msg) { sessionLogger.log(Level.FINE, msg+"["+SessionImpl.this.toString()+"]"); } public void handleLogWarn(String msg, Throwable e) { sessionLogger.log(Level.WARNING, msg+"["+SessionImpl.this.toString()+"]", e); } public void handleLogError(String msg, Throwable e) { sessionLogger.log(Level.WARNING, msg+"["+SessionImpl.this.toString()+"]", e); } public void handleTimerExit(Throwable e) { if (isClosed) { return; } synchronized(asyncSendLock) { noAsyncSendCBProcessor = true; } String emsg = ClientResources.E_ASYNC_SEND_CALLBACK_THREAD_EXIT); sessionLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, emsg+"["+SessionImpl.this.toString()+"]", e); } public long runTask() { sessionLogger.log(Level.FINEST, "asyncSendCBProcessor start runTask["+SessionImpl.this.toString()+"]"); long ret = 0L; //wait for next wakeup AsyncSendCallback cb = null; ArrayList calls = new ArrayList(); synchronized(asyncSendLock) { if (asyncSends.size() == 0) { sessionLogger.log(Level.FINEST, "asyncSendCBProcessor end runTask["+SessionImpl.this.toString()+"] ret=0L"); return 0L; } Iterator itr = asyncSends.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { cb =; if (!cb.hasSendReturned()) { break; } if (cb.isCompleted() || cb.isExceptioned()) { calls.add(cb); } else { if (!cb.isOnAckWait()) { break; } ret = connection.getAsyncSendCompletionWaitTimeout(); if (!cb.isTimedout()) { cb.startTimeoutTimer(); break; } else { calls.add(cb); } } } } Iterator itr = calls.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { cb =; cb.callCompletionListener(); } calls.clear(); sessionLogger.log(Level.FINEST, "asyncSendCBProcessor end runTask["+SessionImpl.this.toString()+"] ret="+ret); return ret; } } protected void removeAsyncSendCallback(AsyncSendCallback cb) { synchronized(asyncSendLock) { asyncSends.remove(cb); asyncSendLock.notifyAll(); } } protected void writeJMSMessage (Message message, AsyncSendCallback asynccb) throws JMSException { //not calling checkSessionState just for performance reason ... if (isClosed) { String errorString =; JMSException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException(errorString, ClientResources.X_SESSION_CLOSED); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } if (asynccb != null && xaTxnMode) { String errorString =; JMSException jmse = new JMSException(errorString, ClientResources.X_ASYNC_SEND_XA_TXN); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } if (isTransacted) { checkFailOver(); transaction.send(message, asynccb); } else { writeChannel.writeJMSMessage(message, asynccb); } } protected void waitAllAsyncSendCompletion(MessageProducerImpl producer) throws JMSException { checkPermissionForAsyncSend(); if (connection.isBroken()) { synchronized(asyncSendLock) { asyncSendLock.notifyAll(); } } AsyncSendCallback cb = null; long endtime = System.currentTimeMillis() + connection.getAsyncSendCompletionWaitTimeout(); long remaining = 0L; if (producer == null) { int asize = 0; synchronized(asyncSendLock) { asize = asyncSends.size(); } boolean firstround = true; while (asize > 0) { remaining = connection.getAsyncSendCompletionWaitTimeout(); synchronized(asyncSendLock) { boolean logged = false; while (asyncSends.size() > 0 && remaining > 0L && (!firstround || !connection.isBroken() || !noAsyncSendCBProcessor)) { try { if (!logged) { String msg = ClientResources.I_WAIT_ASYNC_SENDS_COMPLETE_SESSION, String.valueOf(remaining), this); sessionLogger.log(Level.INFO, msg); logged = true; } asyncSendLock.wait(remaining); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } remaining = endtime - System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (connection.isBroken()) { asyncSendLock.notifyAll(); } if (asyncSends.size() > 0) { Exception ex = (noAsyncSendCBProcessor ? noAsyncSendCBProcessorEx:asyncSendWaitTimeoutEx); if (connection.isBroken()) { ex = connectionBrokenEx; } ex.fillInStackTrace(); Iterator itr = asyncSends.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { cb =; cb.processException(ex); } if (noAsyncSendCBProcessor) { String emsg = ClientResources.X_NO_ASYNC_SEND_LISTENER_PROCESSOR_THREAD); JMSException jmse = new JMSException(emsg, ClientResources.X_NO_ASYNC_SEND_LISTENER_PROCESSOR_THREAD); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } } firstround = false; asize = asyncSends.size(); } //synchronized } } else { boolean loggered = false; boolean found = true; boolean firstround = true; remaining = connection.getAsyncSendCompletionWaitTimeout(); while (found) { found = false; synchronized(asyncSendLock) { Iterator itr = asyncSends.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { cb =; if (cb.producer == producer) { found = true; if (remaining == 0L || (firstround && (connection.isBroken() || noAsyncSendCBProcessor))) { Exception ex = (noAsyncSendCBProcessor ? noAsyncSendCBProcessorEx:asyncSendWaitTimeoutEx); if (connection.isBroken()) { ex = connectionBrokenEx; asyncSendLock.notifyAll(); } ex.fillInStackTrace(); cb.processException(ex); if (remaining == 0L) { remaining = connection.getAsyncSendCompletionWaitTimeout(); loggered = false; break; } } else { if (noAsyncSendCBProcessor) { String emsg = ClientResources.X_NO_ASYNC_SEND_LISTENER_PROCESSOR_THREAD); JMSException jmse = new JMSException(emsg, ClientResources.X_NO_ASYNC_SEND_LISTENER_PROCESSOR_THREAD); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } try { if (!loggered) { String msg = ClientResources.I_WAIT_ASYNC_SENDS_COMPLETE_PRODUCER, String.valueOf(remaining), producer); sessionLogger.log(Level.FINE, msg); loggered = true; } asyncSendLock.wait(remaining); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } remaining = endtime - System.currentTimeMillis(); break; } } } firstround = false; } } } } public void _stopFromRA() throws JMSException { synchronized(raEndpointSyncObj) { /** * EndpointConsumer.stopMessageConsumer() calls this method to stop the * SessionReader. * * Do not need to wait because the caller must wait for OnMessageRunners to ruturn. * bug ID 6526078 - MQ thread deadlock during AS shutdown. */ stop(false); } } protected void stop() throws JMSException { stop (true); } /** * Called by Connection.stop(), Session.close(). */ protected void stop(boolean doWait) throws JMSException { if ( isStopped || isClosed ) { return; } checkPermission(); synchronized ( sessionSyncObj ) { sessionQueue.stop(doWait); serverSessionRunner.serverSessionStop(); //lock receive queue for each consumer //MessageConsumerImpl consumer = null; //Enumeration enum = consumers.elements(); //while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { // consumer = (MessageConsumerImpl) enum.nextElement(); // consumer.stop(); //} MessageConsumerImpl[] consumerArray = (MessageConsumerImpl[]) consumers.values().toArray(new MessageConsumerImpl[0]); for (int i = 0; i < consumerArray.length; i++) { if ( doWait ) { consumerArray[i].stop(); } else { consumerArray[i].stopNoWait(); } } isStopped = true; } } protected void setConnectionConsumer(ConnectionConsumerImpl cc) { connectionConsumer = cc; } protected void resetServerSessionRunner() { resetServerSessionRunner(true); } /** * @param timeout in seconds */ protected void resetServerSessionRunner(boolean resetState) { ServerSessionRunner ssr = serverSessionRunner; if (ssr != null) ssr.reset(resetState); } /** * Reset this session. * 1. Stop session reader. * 2. Clear session queue. * 3. Clear Consumer queues. * 4. Clear unAckedMessageQueue. * 5. Restart session reader. * * bug ID 6302418 -- there is really no reason to synchronize this method. */ protected /**synchronized**/ void reset() throws JMSException { //1. Stop session reader. Wait does not provide any benefit here. try { //fix for bug 6578150 - session.close() takes too long //we are in recover state, the world is stopped already //stop(false); // 2. Clear session queue. -- PRIORITYQ sessionQueue.clear(); // 3. Clear Consumer queue. MessageConsumerImpl consumer = null; Enumeration enum2 = consumers.elements(); while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) { consumer = (MessageConsumerImpl) enum2.nextElement(); // PRIORITYQ consumer.receiveQueue.clear(); } // 4. Clear unacked message queue if (unAckedMessageQueue != null) { unAckedMessageQueue.removeAllElements(); } // 5.Restart session reader //we did not stop //start(); // 6. clean up the consumers table. The objects will be // re-constructed // in ConnectionRecover. -- bug ID 6311895. consumers.clear(); // 7. reset this flag to false since we will re-create all the // sessions/consumers. this.remore_broker_failed = false; //8. HACC -- set reset flag for serversession state. if (serverSessionRunner != null) { serverSessionRunner.reset(); } closeBrowserConsumers(); } finally { sessionQueue.start(); this.isStopped = false; } } protected void recreateSession() throws JMSException { String emsg =; JMSException ex = new JMSException(emsg, ClientResources.X_CONNECTION_FAILOVER); AsyncSendCallback cb = null; synchronized(asyncSendLock) { Iterator itr = asyncSends.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { cb =; cb.processException(ex); } } if (connection.getBrokerProtocolLevel() >= PacketType.VERSION350) { protocolHandler.createSession(this); } if (isTransacted) { if ( connection.isConnectedToHABroker ) { //resolve the state of transaction. //verifyHATransaction(); } else { // Start a new transaction. transaction = new Transaction(this, true); } } failoverOccurred = true; } protected /** synchronized **/ void start() throws JMSException { synchronized (sessionSyncObj) { //unlock session queue sessionQueue.start(); serverSessionRunner.serverSessionRun(); //unlock receive queue for each consumer /*MessageConsumerImpl consumer = null; Enumeration enum = consumers.elements(); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { consumer = (MessageConsumerImpl) enum.nextElement(); consumer.start(); }*/ MessageConsumerImpl[] consumerArray = (MessageConsumerImpl[]) consumers.values().toArray(new MessageConsumerImpl[0]); for (int i = 0; i < consumerArray.length; i++) { consumerArray[i].start(); } isStopped = false; } } /** * Throws IllegalStateException if called from message listener. */ protected void checkPermission() throws JMSException { if ( Thread.currentThread() == sessionReader.sessionThread || Thread.currentThread() == serverSessionRunner.getCurrentThread()) { String errorString =; javax.jms.IllegalStateException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException( errorString, ClientResources.X_ILLEGAL_STATE); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } } protected void checkPermissionForAsyncSend() throws JMSException { if (asyncSendCBProcessor != null && asyncSendCBProcessor.isTimerThread(Thread.currentThread())) { String errorString =; javax.jms.IllegalStateException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException( errorString, ClientResources.X_ILLEGAL_STATE); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } } /* * This method is called from the RA and serializes acknowledgement to * avoid any MT violations on the Session which by rule can only be operated * on by a single thread 'at a time' * Since it has to do things almost exactly like a transacted session but isn't * really one, the code from acknowledge() is reproduced here * XXX:candidate to be refactored */ public void acknowledgeUndeliverableFromRAEndpoint( MessageImpl message, XAResourceForRA xar, boolean sendToDMQ) throws JMSException { synchronized (raEndpointSyncObj) { //do this for flow control readChannel.flowControl.messageDelivered(); Consumer consumer = (Consumer) consumers.get( new Long(message.getInterestID())); //We know it *does not* have a ConnectionConsumer /* if (consumer == null) { // It may be a ConnectionConsumer... consumer = connection.interestTable.getConsumer( new Long(message.getInterestID())); } */ readChannel.flowControl.messageDelivered(consumer); TEST_rxCount++; try { setInSyncState(); //We do not care about rollback since if transacted //it is in an XA transaction and the rollback will be via XA //We get the transactionID from the XAResource that was //passed in //System.out.println("\t\tSessionImpl:acknowledgeFromRA-msg="+message.toString()); if (xar != null && xar.started()) { synchronized (xar) { //System.out.println("\t\tSessionImpl:ackWxar:txID="+xar.getTransactionID()+":bkrSessionId="+brokerSessionID); ackPkt.setTransactionID(xar.getTransactionID() ); //System.out.println("\t\tSessionImpl:ackWxar:txID="+xar.getTransactionID()+"...done:bkrSessionId="+brokerSessionID); } } else { //System.out.println("\t\tSessionImpl:ackWithoutxar:bkrSessionId="+brokerSessionID); ackPkt.setTransactionID(0L); //System.out.println("\t\tSessionImpl:ackWithoutxar...done:bkrSessionId="+brokerSessionID); } writeMessageID (message); doAcknowledgeUndeliverable(true, sendToDMQ); //System.out.println("\t\tSessionImpl:doAcknowledge...done:bkrSessionId="+brokerSessionID); } finally { releaseInSyncState(); } } } /* * This method is called from the RA and serializes acknowledgement to * avoid any MT violations on the Session which by rule can only be operated * on by a single thread 'at a time' * Since it has to do things almost exactly like a transacted session but isn't * really one, the code from acknowledge() is reproduced here * XXX:candidate to be refactored */ public void acknowledgeFromRAEndpoint(MessageImpl message, XAResourceForRA xar) throws JMSException { synchronized (raEndpointSyncObj) { if (sessionLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { logMessageDelivered(message); } //do this for flow control readChannel.flowControl.messageDelivered(); Consumer consumer = (Consumer) consumers.get( new Long(message.getInterestID())); //We know it *does not* have a ConnectionConsumer /* if (consumer == null) { // It may be a ConnectionConsumer... consumer = connection.interestTable.getConsumer( new Long(message.getInterestID())); } */ readChannel.flowControl.messageDelivered(consumer); TEST_rxCount++; boolean requiresAckFromBroker = true; Hashtable originalProps = null; try { setInSyncState(); //We do not care about rollback since if transacted //it is in an XA transaction and the rollback will be via XA //We get the transactionID from the XAResource that was //passed in //System.out.println("\t\tSessionImpl:acknowledgeFromRA-msg="+message.toString()); if (xar != null && xar.started()) { synchronized (xar) { //System.out.println("\t\tSessionImpl:ackWxar:txID="+xar.getTransactionID()+":bkrSessionId="+brokerSessionID); ackPkt.setTransactionID(xar.getTransactionID() ); //System.out.println("\t\tSessionImpl:ackWxar:txID="+xar.getTransactionID()+"...done:bkrSessionId="+brokerSessionID); } // performance optimisation // Do not wait for reply from broker when // sending message acknowledgments in a transaction. // Reliability will be ensured by blocking on commit. requiresAckFromBroker = !noBlockUntilTxnCompletes; } else { //System.out.println("\t\tSessionImpl:ackWithoutxar:bkrSessionId="+brokerSessionID); ackPkt.setTransactionID(0L); //System.out.println("\t\tSessionImpl:ackWithoutxar...done:bkrSessionId="+brokerSessionID); if (!isTransacted && acknowledgeMode == Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE) { if ((consumer != null && !consumer.getDurable()) || noBlockOnAutoAckNPTopics) { /* performance optimisation Normally block when acknowledging messages to avoid duplicates in the event of provider failure. However, duplicates are not a problem for NP topic sessions, as messages will not be re-dispatched if client reconnects after failure. */ Destination d = message.getJMSDestination(); if (!message._getPersistent() && d instanceof Topic) { requiresAckFromBroker = false; } } } } writeMessageID (message); if (message.getClientRetries() > 0) { try { originalProps = ackPkt.getProperties(); } catch (Exception e) {} Hashtable props = new Hashtable(); props.put(ConnectionMetaDataImpl.JMSXDeliveryCount, Integer.valueOf(message.getClientRetries())); ackPkt.setProperties(props); } doAcknowledge(requiresAckFromBroker); //System.out.println("\t\tSessionImpl:doAcknowledge...done:bkrSessionId="+brokerSessionID); } finally { if (originalProps != null) ackPkt.setProperties(originalProps); releaseInSyncState(); } } } public void acknowledgeFromRAEndpoint(MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { synchronized (raEndpointSyncObj) { acknowledge(message); } } public void _appTransactedAck(MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { Consumer consumer = (Consumer)consumers.get( new Long(message.getInterestID())); if (consumer == null) { String errorString =; throw new JMSException (errorString,; } if (!(consumer instanceof MessageConsumerImpl)) { //should not happen throw new JMSException( "Operation not supported for consumer type: "+consumer.getClass().getName()); } acknowledge(message); ((MessageConsumerImpl)consumer).lastDeliveredID = message.getMessageID(); } protected void doPrefetch(Consumer consumer) { readChannel.flowControl.messageDelivered(); readChannel.flowControl.messageDelivered(consumer); TEST_rxCount++; } protected void acknowledge(MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { acknowledge(message, true); } /* This method is called after MessageListener.onMessage() is returned * or receive() call returned. * * This method dispatch the ack action based on the session ack mode. */ protected void acknowledge(MessageImpl message, boolean prefetch) throws JMSException{ if ( sessionLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER) ) { //String pktType = PacketType.getString( ((MessageImpl) message).getPacket().getPacketType()); //String param = pktType + "," + // ", ConsumerID=" + message.getInterestID() + // ", " + toString(); this.logMessageDelivered(message); } if (prefetch) { //do this for flow control readChannel.flowControl.messageDelivered(); } Consumer consumer = (Consumer) consumers.get( new Long(message.getInterestID())); if (consumer == null) { // It may be a ConnectionConsumer... consumer = connection.interestTable.getConsumer( new Long(message.getInterestID())); } if (prefetch) { readChannel.flowControl.messageDelivered(consumer); TEST_rxCount++; } try { setInSyncState(); if (isTransacted) { transactedAcknowledge(message); } else { //non-transacted switch (acknowledgeMode) { case Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE: autoAcknowledge(message, (consumer == null ? true:consumer.getDurable())); break; case Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE: prepareClientAcknowledge(message); break; case Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE: if ( dupsOkAckOnTimeout ) { syncedDupsOkAcknowledge(message); } else { dupsOkAcknowledge(message); } break; case com.sun.messaging.jms.Session.NO_ACKNOWLEDGE: //NO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode -- do nothing break; default: autoAcknowledge(message, (consumer == null ? true:consumer.getDurable())); break; } //switch } } catch (JMSException jmse) { //we only care about auto/dups-ok mode if ( (isTransacted == false) && (acknowledgeMode == Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE || acknowledgeMode == Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE)) { //check if this is caused by the remote broker failure. if (isRemoteException (jmse)) { //recreate consumers in the session this.recreateConsumers(); ExceptionHandler.throwRemoteAcknowledgeException (jmse, ClientResources.X_AUTO_ACK_FAILED_REMOTE); //construct the precise exception //String errorString = // ClientResources.X_AUTO_ACK_FAILED_REMOTE); //JMSException newjmse = new com.sun.messaging.jms.JMSException(errorString, // ClientResources.X_AUTO_ACK_FAILED_REMOTE); //set exception link //newjmse.setLinkedException(jmse); //throw the exception //ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(newjmse); } } //re-throw the old one. throw jmse; } finally { releaseInSyncState(); } } protected void acknowledgeExpired(MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { acknowledgeExpired(message, true); } protected void acknowledgeExpired(MessageImpl message, boolean prefetch) throws JMSException { if ( sessionLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER) ) { this.logMessageExpired(message); } acknowledgeDeadMessage(message, prefetch, 1 /*expired*/); } protected void acknowledgeUndeliverable(MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { if ( sessionLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER) ) { this.logMessageUndeliverable(message); } acknowledgeDeadMessage(message, true, 0 /*undeliverable*/); } protected void acknowledgeDeadMessage(MessageImpl message, boolean prefetch, int deadReason) throws JMSException { synchronized(raEndpointSyncObj) { if (prefetch) { readChannel.flowControl.messageDelivered(); } Consumer consumer = (Consumer)consumers.get(new Long(message.getInterestID())); if (consumer == null) { // It may be a ConnectionConsumer... consumer = connection.interestTable.getConsumer(new Long(message.getInterestID())); } if (prefetch) { readChannel.flowControl.messageDelivered(consumer); TEST_rxCount++; } try { expireDos.writeLong(message.getInterestID()); message.getMessageID().writeID(expireDos); expireDos.flush(); expireBos.flush(); expirePkt.setMessageBody(expireBos.toByteArray()); ackPkt.setSendAcknowledge(false); protocolHandler.acknowledgeUndeliverable(expirePkt, true, deadReason); } catch (Exception e) { String destName = ""; try { if (consumer != null) { destName = consumer.getDestName(); } else { destName= message.getJMSDestination().toString(); } } catch (Exception e1) {}; Object args[] = { message.getMessageID(), destName, message.getInterestID(), e.getMessage() }; String ecode = (deadReason == 1 ? ClientResources.X_EXPIRE_MSG_TO_DMQ: ClientResources.X_UNDELIVERABLE_MSG_TO_DMQ); String estr =, args); JMSException jmse = new JMSException(estr, ecode); jmse.setLinkedException(e); throw jmse; } finally { expireBos.reset(); } }//synchronized } private void logMessageExpired(MessageImpl message) { logMessage(message, ClientResources.I_EXPIRED_MSG_BEFORE_DELIVER_TO_CONSUMER); } private void logMessageUndeliverable(MessageImpl message) { logMessage(message, ClientResources.I_UNDELIVERABLE_MSG); } private void logMessageDelivered(MessageImpl message) { logMessage(message, ClientResources.I_CONSUMER_MESSAGE_DELIVERED); } private void logMessage(MessageImpl message, String key) { try { if (sessionLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { String param = makeDebugStringForMessage(message); sessionLogger.log(Level.FINER, key, param); if (sessionLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { param = "MQTrace=MessageConsumer" + ", ConsumerID=" + ((MessageImpl) message).getInterestID() + ", Message=" + message.toString(); sessionLogger.log(Level.FINEST, key, param); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private String makeDebugStringForMessage(MessageImpl message) { try { com.sun.messaging.Destination mqDest = (com.sun.messaging.Destination) message.getJMSDestination(); String domain = (mqDest.isQueue() ? "Queue:" : "Topic:"); String pktType = PacketType.getString(((MessageImpl)message) .getPacket().getPacketType()); return ("MQTrace=MessageConsumer" + ", ThreadID=" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ", ClientID=" + this.connection.getClientID() + ", ConnectionID=" + this.connection.getConnectionID() + ", SessionID=" + this.getBrokerSessionID() + ", ConsumerID=" + ((MessageImpl) message).getInterestID() + ", Destination=" +domain+mqDest.getName() + ", MessageID=" + message.getJMSMessageID() + ", MessageType=" + pktType); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "[MessageID="+message.getMessageID()+", ConsumerID="+message.getInterestID()+"]"; } } /** * auto acknowledge. * * @param message * the message to be acknowledged. */ protected void autoAcknowledge (MessageImpl message, boolean isdurable) throws JMSException { //param true if require broker to ack back. writeMessageID (message); boolean requireAckFromBroker = true; if (!isdurable || noBlockOnAutoAckNPTopics) { // performance optimisation // Normally block when acknowledging messages // to avoid duplicates in the event of provider failure. // However, duplicates are not a problem for NP topic sessions, // as messages will not be re-dispatched if client reconnects after failure. // Destination d = message.getJMSDestination(); if (!message._getPersistent() && d instanceof Topic) { requireAckFromBroker = false; } } doAcknowledge(requireAckFromBroker); } /** * For transacted session, each message is acknowledged by calling * this method. * * @param message the message to be acknowledged. */ protected void transactedAcknowledge (MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { Hashtable originalProps = null; try { // put on ack list in case we have to rollback. boolean isAddedToList = prepareTransactedAcknowledge(message); // if it is added to the list, we know this message is not // acked yet. if (isAddedToList) { ackPkt.setTransactionID(transaction.getTransactionID()); writeMessageID(message); // performance optimisation // Do not wait for reply from broker when // sending message acknowledgments in a transaction. // Reliability will be ensured by blocking on commit. boolean requiresAckFromBroker = !noBlockUntilTxnCompletes; doAcknowledge(requiresAckFromBroker); } } catch (JMSException jmse) { //we only set the flag here. app needs to call Session.rollback() to //recreate consumer and flag will be cleared. if (jmse instanceof RemoteAcknowledgeException) { this.remore_broker_failed = true; } //re-throw exception throw jmse; } finally { if (originalProps != null) ackPkt.setProperties(originalProps); } } /** * Write interestID and messageID to the byte array. * * @param message * the message to be acked/redelivered. */ protected void writeMessageID (MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { try { //XXX PROTOCOL2.1 dos.writeLong( message.getInterestID() ); message.getMessageID().writeID(dos); } catch (IOException e) { ExceptionHandler.handleException(e, ClientResources.X_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION); } } protected void writeMessageID (UnAckedMessage message) throws JMSException { try { //XXX PROTOCOL2.1 dos.writeLong( message.getConsumerID() ); message.getMessageID().writeID(dos); } catch (IOException e) { ExceptionHandler.handleException(e, ClientResources.X_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION); } } /** * Write interestID and messageID to the byte array. * * @param pkt the pkt to be acked/redelivered. */ protected void writeMessageID (ReadOnlyPacket pkt) throws JMSException { try { //XXX PROTOCOL2.1 dos.writeLong( pkt.getConsumerID() ); pkt.getSysMessageID().writeID(dos); } catch (IOException e) { ExceptionHandler.handleException(e, ClientResources.X_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION); } } /** * This actually writes ack to the broker * * @param requireAckFromBroker true if requires broker to ack back. */ protected void doAcknowledgeUndeliverable (boolean requireAckFromBroker, boolean sendToDMQ) throws JMSException { try { dos.flush(); bos.flush(); //set message body ackPkt.setMessageBody( bos.toByteArray() ); //set bit if require broker to ack back. ackPkt.setSendAcknowledge( requireAckFromBroker ); //write ack packet protocolHandler.acknowledgeUndeliverable (ackPkt, sendToDMQ); TEST_ackCount++; } catch (IOException e) { ExceptionHandler.handleException(e, ClientResources.X_MESSAGE_ACK); } finally { //reset buf count to 0 bos.reset(); //reset counter ackCounter = 0; //reset time stamp dupsOkTimestamp = 0; } } /** * This actually writes ack to the broker * * @param requireAckFromBroker true if requires broker to ack back. */ protected void doAcknowledge (boolean requireAckFromBroker) throws JMSException { try { dos.flush(); bos.flush(); //set message body ackPkt.setMessageBody( bos.toByteArray() ); //set bit if require broker to ack back. ackPkt.setSendAcknowledge( requireAckFromBroker ); //check failover flag again before acknowledge to broker. //bug 6309751 - Unexpected Broker Internal Error during fail over. this.checkFailOver(); protocolHandler.acknowledge(ackPkt); TEST_ackCount++; } catch (IOException e) { ExceptionHandler.handleException(e, ClientResources.X_MESSAGE_ACK); } finally { //reset buf count to 0 bos.reset(); //reset counter ackCounter = 0; //reset time stamp dupsOkTimestamp = 0; } } /** * DupsOkAcknowledge mode. Called by Session.acknowledge(). * * @param message the message to be acked. */ protected void dupsOkAcknowledge (MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { addMessageToAckList (message); /** * Acknowledge when reached limit or sessionQueue is empty. * This is the minimum check required to ensure messages * are acked. More sophicated ack may be used later. */ //if ( ackCounter == dupsOkLimit || sessionQueue.isEmpty() ) { if ( dupsOkShouldAcknowledge() ) { dupsOkCommitAcknowledge(); //dequeue ( unAckedMessageQueue ); //doAcknowledge(false); } } protected void dupsOkCommitAcknowledge() throws JMSException { if ( debug ) { Debug.println("***** dups ok committing ack .... size: " + ackCounter); } dequeueUnAckedMessages(); doAcknowledge(false); } //called if session is dupsOkAckOnTimeout mode. protected void syncedDupsOkAcknowledge (MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { //sync on dupsOkSyncObj to prevent deadlock - bugid 4987018 synchronized (dupsOkSyncObj) { //set timestamp if this is the first unacked msg. if ( ackCounter == 0 ) { dupsOkTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } dupsOkAcknowledge (message); } } //called by consumer reader. protected void syncedDupsOkCommitAcknowledge() throws JMSException { //sync on dupsOkSyncObj - bugid 4987018 synchronized (dupsOkSyncObj) { if ( ackCounter > 0 ) { dupsOkCommitAcknowledge(); } } } protected boolean dupsOkShouldAcknowledge() { if ( dupsOkAckOnTimeout ) { //time elapsed since first unacked message was received. boolean timeToAck = (System.currentTimeMillis() - dupsOkTimestamp) >= dupsOkAckTimeout; return ((ackCounter == dupsOkLimit) || timeToAck); } else if ( dupsOkAckOnEmptyQueue ) { return ( ackCounter == dupsOkLimit || sessionQueue.isEmpty() ); } else { //ack on limit return (ackCounter == dupsOkLimit); } } /** * called by prepareClientAcknowledge() and prepareTransactedAcknowledge(). * * Do NOT require to synchronize this method because ONLY one thread * can call this method at a time. */ protected boolean addMessageToAckList (MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { boolean isAddedToList = false; if ( message != null && message.getIsOnAckList() == false ) { message.setIsOnAckList (true); //unAckedMessageQueue.addElement(message); //use light weight obj instead -- bug 4934856 UnAckedMessage unacked = new UnAckedMessage (message); unAckedMessageQueue.addElement(unacked); ackCounter ++; isAddedToList = true; } return isAddedToList; } /** * Remove message from ack list. * Called when consumer is closed. This removes unacked messages * on the list if any. -- 4934856 */ protected void removeMessageFromAckList(UnAckedMessage unacked) { //message.setIsOnAckList (false); unAckedMessageQueue.removeElement(unacked); ackCounter --; } /** * For client ack mode. Called by Session.acknowledge(). * * @param message the message to be acked. */ protected /*synchronized*/ void prepareClientAcknowledge (MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { //if ( message.getIsOnAckList() == false ) { addMessageToAckList (message); if ( isAckLimited ) { checkClientAckLimit(); } //} } /** * Method to check client unacknowledged method limit. Used by client * acknowledge mode. */ protected void checkClientAckLimit() throws JMSException { if ( ackCounter > ackLimit ) { String errorString =; Debug.println(errorString); //throw new JMSException (errorString, ClientResources.X_CLIENT_ACK_LIMIT); } } protected boolean prepareTransactedAcknowledge (MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { boolean isAddedToList = false; isAddedToList = addMessageToAckList (message); if ( isAckLimited ) { checkTransactedAckLimit(); } return isAddedToList; } /** * Check transacted unack message limit. Used by transacted session. */ protected void checkTransactedAckLimit() throws JMSException { //check unacked limit if ( ackCounter > ackLimit ) { String errorString =; Debug.println(errorString); //throw new JMSException (errorString, ClientResources.X_COMMIT_LIMIT); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ContextableSession#clientAcknowledge() */ public void clientAcknowledge() throws JMSException { if (getAcknowledgeMode()!=Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE) return; if (failoverOccurred) { // "Cannot acknowledge messages due to provider connection failover. // "Subsequent acknowledge calls will also fail until the application calls session.recover()." String errorString =; JMSException jmse = new JMSException(errorString, ClientResources.X_CLIENT_ACK_FAILOVER_OCCURRED); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } checkSessionState(); if (unAckedMessageQueue.size() > 0) { dequeueUnAckedMessages(); // write the list to the broker. doClientAcknowledge(); } } /** * Called by Message.acknowledge(). This method could be called from two * different threads. One from SessionReader thread, and the other from * the user thread. If called from SessionReader thread, the message is * likely to be not on the ack list yet. We need to check if the current * message is on the list. If not, it is added to the list. * * Only messages up to the current message should be acknowledged. There * may be messages in the unAckedMessageQueue (messages has been delivered * to the client) but the client decides not to acknowledge for whatever * reasons. We should leave those messages in the queue according to the * spec. */ protected /*synchronized*/ void clientAcknowledge (MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { if (failoverOccurred) { // "Cannot acknowledge messages due to provider connection failover. // "Subsequent acknowledge calls will also fail until the application calls session.recover()." String errorString =; JMSException jmse = new JMSException(errorString, ClientResources.X_CLIENT_ACK_FAILOVER_OCCURRED); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } /** * When message consumer is closed, doAcknowledge flag is set * to false. We(George, Amy and Chiaming) decided to throw * exception in this case. */ //XXX:tharakan revisit since Session changes should now allow message to be acknowledged //XXX:tharakan after the consumer is closed. //if ( message.doAcknowledge == false ) { // String errorString =; // throw new javax.jms.IllegalStateException (errorString,; //} this.checkClientAckMessage(message); checkSessionState(); if ( isTransacted == false ) { //check if on the list, if not, add this message to the list prepareClientAcknowledge (message); //The following code is to write unacked message IDs to byte array. //The unAcked queue is searched sequentially until the message ID //in the queue matches the current acking message ID. //MessageImpl unAckedMessage = null; //boolean found = false; //while ( !found ) { //make this simple and stupid. do not disturb the order of //messages in the unAcked queue. //unAckedMessage = (MessageImpl) unAckedMessageQueue.firstElement(); //writeMessageID ( unAckedMessage ); //remove since it has been moved to the out going array. //unAckedMessageQueue.removeElementAt(0); //if ( message.messageID.equals(unAckedMessage.messageID) ) { //found = true; //} //} /** * JMS 1.0.2 (Update b) changed the meaning of Message.acknowledge() * From ackowledge all messages consumed upto and including the * current one in the session to acknowledge all messages * consumed in the session */ if ( unAckedMessageQueue.size() > 0 ) { dequeueUnAckedMessages(); //write the list to the broker. //doAcknowledge(true); doClientAcknowledge(); } } } /** * Called by Message.acknowledgeThisMessage(). * This method could be called from two different threads. * One from SessionReader thread, and the other from the user thread. * If called from SessionReader thread, the message is likely to be not * on the ack list yet. We need to check if the current message is * on the list. If not, it is added to the list. * * Only this message should be acknowledged. All other message in the * unAckedMessageQueue should be left unacknowledged */ protected /*synchronized*/ void clientAcknowledgeThisMessage (MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { /** * When message consumer is closed, doAcknowledge flag is set * to false. We(George, Amy and Chiaming) decided to throw * exception in this case. */ //XXX:tharakan revisit since Session changes should now allow message to be acknowledged //XXX:tharakan after the consumer is closed. //if ( message.doAcknowledge == false ) { // String errorString =; // throw new javax.jms.IllegalStateException (errorString,; //} this.checkClientAckMessage(message); checkSessionState(); if ( isTransacted == false ) { //check if on the list, if not, add this message to the list prepareClientAcknowledge (message); //bug 4934856 UnAckedMessage unAckedMessage = null; //kiss - linear search for the messageID for (int i = 0; i < unAckedMessageQueue.size(); i++) { unAckedMessage = (UnAckedMessage) unAckedMessageQueue.elementAt(i); if (message.messageID.equals(unAckedMessage.getMessageID())) { //write the message ID writeMessageID(unAckedMessage); //remove it from the unacked list unAckedMessageQueue.removeElementAt(i); //write the acknowledge list (one message) to the broker //doAcknowledge(true); doClientAcknowledge(); return; } } } } /** * Called by Message.acknowledgeUpThroughThisMessage(). * This method could be called from two different threads. * One from SessionReader thread, and the other from the user thread. * If called from SessionReader thread, the message is likely to be not * on the ack list yet. We need to check if the current message is * on the list. If not, it is added to the list. * * Only messages up to the current message should be acknowledged. There * may be messages in the unAckedMessageQueue (messages has been delivered * to the client) but the client decides not to acknowledge for whatever * reasons. We should leave those messages in the queue. */ protected /*synchronized*/ void clientAcknowledgeUpThroughThisMessage (MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { // Messages cannot be acknowledged after connection failover. // Reject client acknowledgements until the application calls // recover()... if (failoverOccurred) { String errorString = ClientResources.X_CLIENT_ACK_FAILOVER_OCCURRED); JMSException jmse = new JMSException(errorString, ClientResources.X_CLIENT_ACK_FAILOVER_OCCURRED); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } /** * When message consumer is closed, doAcknowledge flag is set * to false. We(George, Amy and Chiaming) decided to throw * exception in this case. */ //XXX:tharakan revisit since Session changes should now allow message to be acknowledged //XXX:tharakan after the consumer is closed. //if ( message.doAcknowledge == false ) { // String errorString =; // throw new javax.jms.IllegalStateException (errorString,; //} this.checkClientAckMessage(message); checkSessionState(); if ( isTransacted == false ) { //check if on the list, if not, add this message to the list prepareClientAcknowledge (message); //check if the message is in the unacked queue. if ( isMessageInUnAckedQueue(message) ) { //The following code is to write unacked message IDs to byte array. //The unAcked queue is searched sequentially until the message ID //in the queue matches the current acking message ID. UnAckedMessage unAckedMessage = null; boolean found = false; while (!found) { //make this simple and stupid. do not disturb the order of //messages in the unAcked queue. -- bug 4934856 unAckedMessage = (UnAckedMessage) unAckedMessageQueue.firstElement(); writeMessageID(unAckedMessage); //remove since it has been moved to the out going array. unAckedMessageQueue.removeElementAt(0); if (message.messageID.equals(unAckedMessage.getMessageID())) { found = true; } } //write the list to the broker. //doAcknowledge(true); doClientAcknowledge(); } } } private void doClientAcknowledge() throws JMSException { if (this.remore_broker_failed) { ExceptionHandler.throwRemoteAcknowledgeException (null, ClientResources.X_CLIENT_ACK_FAILED_REMOTE); //String errorString = // .getKString(ClientResources.X_CLIENT_ACK_FAILED_REMOTE); //JMSException jmse = new com.sun.messaging.jms.JMSException( // errorString, ClientResources.X_CLIENT_ACK_FAILED_REMOTE); // throw the exception //ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } try { doAcknowledge(true); } catch (JMSException jmse) { if (isRemoteException(jmse)) { //set this flag so that no further client ack is allowed. this.remore_broker_failed = true; //throw remote ack failed exception ExceptionHandler.throwRemoteAcknowledgeException (jmse, ClientResources.X_CLIENT_ACK_FAILED_REMOTE); // rethrow // construct the precise exception //String errorString = // .getKString(ClientResources.X_CLIENT_ACK_FAILED_REMOTE); //JMSException newjmse = new com.sun.messaging.jms.JMSException( // errorString, ClientResources.X_CLIENT_ACK_FAILED_REMOTE); // set exception link //newjmse.setLinkedException(jmse); // throw the exception //ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(newjmse); } else { //no-op, re-throw the old exception throw jmse; } } } protected boolean isMessageInUnAckedQueue (MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { boolean inQueue = false; //4934856 UnAckedMessage unAckedMessage = null; int size = unAckedMessageQueue.size(); for ( int i=0; i< size; i++ ) { unAckedMessage = (UnAckedMessage) unAckedMessageQueue.elementAt(i); if ( message.messageID.equals(unAckedMessage.getMessageID() ) ) { inQueue = true; //break the loop i = size; } } return inQueue; } /** * Check if session is closed. * @throws IllegalStateException if session is closed. */ protected void checkSessionState() throws JMSException { if ( isClosed ) { String errorString =; JMSException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException(errorString, ClientResources.X_SESSION_CLOSED); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } } protected void checkFailOver() throws JMSException { if ( isTransacted && failoverOccurred ) { String errorString = ClientResources.X_TRANSACTION_INVALIDATED_FAILOVER); JMSException jmse = new javax.jms.JMSException(errorString, ClientResources.X_TRANSACTION_INVALIDATED_FAILOVER); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } } /** Create a BytesMessage. A BytesMessage is used to send a message * containing a stream of uninterpreted bytes. * * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to create this message * due to some internal error. */ public BytesMessage createBytesMessage() throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); //param true is to init DataOutputStream for writing. return new BytesMessageImpl (true); } /** Create a MapMessage. A MapMessage is used to send a self-defining * set of name-value pairs where names are Strings and values are Java * primitive types. * * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to create this message * due to some internal error. */ public MapMessage createMapMessage() throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); return new MapMessageImpl(); } /** Create a Message. The Message interface is the root interface of * all JMS messages. It holds all the standard message header * information. It can be sent when a message containing only header * information is sufficient. * * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to create this message * due to some internal error. */ public Message createMessage() throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); Message message = new MessageImpl(); return message; } /** Create an ObjectMessage. An ObjectMessage is used to send a message * that containing a serializable Java object. * * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to create this message * due to some internal error. */ public ObjectMessage createObjectMessage() throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); return new ObjectMessageImpl(); } /** Create an initialized ObjectMessage. An ObjectMessage is used * to send a message that containing a serializable Java object. * * @param object the object to use to initialize this message. * * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to create this message * due to some internal error. */ public ObjectMessage createObjectMessage(Serializable object) throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); ObjectMessage objectMessage = new ObjectMessageImpl(); objectMessage.setObject (object); return objectMessage; } /** Create a StreamMessage. A StreamMessage is used to send a * self-defining stream of Java primitives. * * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to create this message * due to some internal error. */ public StreamMessage createStreamMessage() throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); //param true is to init ObjectOutputStream for writing. return new StreamMessageImpl (true); } /** Create a TextMessage. A TextMessage is used to send a message * containing a String. * * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to create this message * due to some internal error. */ public TextMessage createTextMessage() throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); return new TextMessageImpl(); } /** Create an initialized TextMessage. A TextMessage is used to send * a message containing a String. * * @param text the string used to initialize this message. * * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to create this message * due to some internal error. */ public TextMessage createTextMessage(String text) throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); TextMessageImpl message = new TextMessageImpl(); message.setText( text ); return message; } /** Is the session in transacted mode? * * @return true if in transacted mode * * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to return the transaction * mode due to internal error in JMS Provider. */ public boolean getTransacted() throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); return isTransacted; } protected boolean getTransactedNoCheck() { return isTransacted; } /** Gets value for how messages are acknowledged. * * @return one of the following values: AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, * CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE * * @exception JMSException if the JMS provider fails to return the * acknowledge mode due to some internal error. * * @see Connection#createSession * @since 1.1 */ public int getAcknowledgeMode() throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); if (isTransacted) { return 0; } else { return acknowledgeMode; } } /** Commit all messages done in this transaction and releases any locks * currently held. * * @exception JMSException if JMS implementation fails to commit the * the transaction due to some internal error. * @exception TransactionRolledBackException if the transaction * gets rolled back due to some internal error * during commit. * @exception IllegalStateException if method is not called by a * transacted session. */ public /*synchronized*/ void commit() throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); checkPermissionForAsyncSend(); //XXX:GT TBF if (isTransacted == false) { String errorString = ClientResources.X_NON_TRANSACTED); JMSException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException(errorString, ClientResources.X_NON_TRANSACTED); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } if (failoverOccurred) { rollback(); String errorString = ClientResources.X_TRANSACTION_FAILOVER_OCCURRED); JMSException jmse = new TransactionRolledBackException(errorString, ClientResources.X_TRANSACTION_FAILOVER_OCCURRED); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } //HACC -- this is due to ack failed or runtime exception in MDB.onMessage. //we prevent commit by throwing the exception here (bug 6667940). if (isRollbackOnly) { if (rollbackCause instanceof Exception) { ExceptionHandler.handleException((Exception) rollbackCause, ClientResources.X_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION); } else { Exception e = new Exception (rollbackCause); ExceptionHandler.handleException(e, ClientResources.X_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION); } } waitAllAsyncSendCompletion(null); // set sync flag setInSyncState(); try { // acknowledge the current message if in the reader thread. receiveCommit(); //commit all messages sent and receive transaction.commit(); } catch (JMSException jmse) { if (this.isRemoteException(jmse)) { //we are rolling back the transaction here. doRemoteFailedRollback(jmse); } else { throw jmse; } } finally { releaseInSyncState(); } } protected void doRemoteFailedRollback(JMSException jmse) throws JMSException { //recreate consumers -- transaction is rolled back this.recreateConsumers(); //construct the precise exception String errorString = ClientResources.X_COMMIT_FAILED_REMOTE); JMSException newjmse = new com.sun.messaging.jms.TransactionRolledBackException (errorString, ClientResources.X_COMMIT_FAILED_REMOTE); //set exception link newjmse.setLinkedException(jmse); //throw the exception ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(newjmse); } /** Rollback any messages done in this transaction and releases any locks * currently held. * * @exception JMSException if JMS implementation fails to rollback the * the transaction due to some internal error. * @exception IllegalStateException if method is not called by a * transacted session. * */ public /*synchronized*/ void rollback() throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); checkPermissionForAsyncSend(); if ( isTransacted == false ) { String errorString =; JMSException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException (errorString, ClientResources.X_NON_TRANSACTED ); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } waitAllAsyncSendCompletion(null); //This will make sure that session is not closed/closing. setInSyncState(); try { //check if we have a remote exception if (remore_broker_failed) { //delete and re-register consumers -- session is also rolled back. recreateConsumers(); //reset the flag to false so that we can proceed remore_broker_failed = false; //we are done in rollback. messages not committed will be re-delivered. return; } //request //1. all messages in the unAckedMessageQueue to be redelivered. //2. all messages in the session queue and receive queues to be // redelivered. if ( connection.isConnectedToHABroker ) { rollbackHATransaction(); } else { receiveRollback(); //roll back all messages in the send queue. transaction.rollback(); } } finally { //HACC -- reset flag (set when received exception from mdb/ack) this.isRollbackOnly = false; this.rollbackCause = null; //This will release sync state. failoverOccurred = false; releaseInSyncState(); } } private void rollbackHATransaction() throws JMSException { try { receiveRollback(); transaction.rollback(); } catch (JMSException jmse) { String ecode = jmse.getErrorCode(); if (ClientResources.X_NET_WRITE_PACKET.equals(ecode) || ClientResources.X_NET_ACK.equals(ecode) ) { this.rollbackFailed(jmse); } else { throw jmse; } } } private void rollbackFailed(JMSException jmse) throws JMSException { if ( connection.imqReconnect == false ) { throw jmse; } //connection.checkAndSetReconnecting(); yield(); connection.checkReconnecting(null); if ( connection.isCloseCalled || connection.connectionIsBroken) { throw jmse; } //receiveRollback(); //transaction.rollback(); //The transaction is rolled back by the broker. we only have to start //a new transaction. transaction.startNewLocalTransaction(); } public static void yield() { try { Thread.yield(); Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (Exception e) { ; } } /** * Close all consumers. * Called from Session.close() * * @exception JMSException if close a consumer fails */ //must be called from synchronized method private void closeConsumers() throws JMSException { /*Enumeration e = consumers.elements(); MessageConsumerImpl consumer = null; while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) { consumer = (MessageConsumerImpl) e.nextElement(); consumer.close(); }*/ MessageConsumerImpl[] consumerArray = (MessageConsumerImpl[]) consumers.values().toArray ( new MessageConsumerImpl[0] ); for ( int i=0; i< consumerArray.length; i++ ) { consumerArray[i].close(true); } consumers.clear(); } private void closeProducers() throws JMSException { MessageProducerImpl[] _producers = (MessageProducerImpl[]) producers.toArray(new MessageProducerImpl[0]); for (int i = 0; i < _producers.length; i++) { _producers[i].close(); } producers.clear(); } // must be called from synchronized method Session.close() private void closeBrowserConsumers() throws JMSException { //Enumeration e = browserConsumers.elements(); //BrowserConsumer consumer = null; //while (e.hasMoreElements()) { // consumer = (BrowserConsumer)e.nextElement(); // consumer.close(); //} BrowserConsumer[] bcArray = (BrowserConsumer[]) browserConsumers.values().toArray( new BrowserConsumer[0] ); for ( int i=0; i< bcArray.length; i++ ) { bcArray[i].close(); } browserConsumers.clear(); } /** Since a provider may allocate some resources on behalf of a Session * outside the JVM, clients should close them when they are not needed. * Relying on garbage collection to eventually reclaim these resources * may not be timely enough. * *

There is no need to close the producers and consumers * of a closed session. * *

This call will block until a receive or message listener * in progress has completed. A blocked message consumer * receive call returns null when this session is closed. * *

Closing a transacted session must rollback the in-progress * transaction. * *

This method is the only session method that can * be concurrently called. * *

Invoking any other session method on a closed session must throw * JMSException.IllegalStateException. Closing a closed session must * NOT throw an exception. * * @exception JMSException if JMS implementation fails to close a * Session due to some internal error. */ public /*synchronized*/ void close() throws JMSException { sessionLogger.log(Level.FINEST, "##### closing session. consumer table size: " + consumers.values().size()); //messages in the session queue. int reduceFlowCount = 0; //check if called from listener checkPermission(); checkPermissionForAsyncSend(); try { //This statement must be above synchronized block to avoid dead-lock //if calling Session.rollback concurrently. bug ID 6390095 and //6390006 prepareToClose(true); synchronized ( sessionSyncObj ) { try { //closing a closed session, just return if ( isClosed ) { return; } //Wait for session to stop (this will block if another thread is in onMessage()) sessionQueue.stop(true); //messages in the session queue reduceFlowCount = sessionQueue.size(); //wait if commit/rollback/recover in process //set inSyncState to true //prepareToClose(); if ( isTransacted ) { if (xaTxnMode) { //**If we are in an xaTxn then we ack all received //**messages. //**The real commit happens only when the //**XAResource.commit() is called by the TM //ack all messages received in this session //message has been acked already. receiveCommit(); //All messages (recd & sent) [commit and rollback] //will be handled by XAResource } else { if ( connection.isBroken() == false && connection.recoverInProcess == false ) { transaction.releaseBrokerResource(); } } } //// //close all consumers closeConsumers(); closeProducers(); closeBrowserConsumers(); sessionReader.close(); serverSessionRunner.serverSessionClose(); } finally { waitAllAsyncSendCompletion(null); if (asyncSendCBProcessor != null) { asyncSendCBProcessor.cancel(); } } connection.removeSession(this); connection.removeFromReadQTable (sessionId); //XXX PROTOCOL3.5 if (connection.getBrokerProtocolLevel() >= PacketType.VERSION350) { if ( connection.isBroken() == false && connection.recoverInProcess == false) { protocolHandler.deleteSession(this); } } //// isClosed = true; } } finally { sessionLogger.log(Level.FINEST, "***** consumer table size: " + consumers.values().size()); //unblock session queue if ( isClosed == false ) { this.sessionReader.close(); } //unblock consumer queues if ( consumers.values().size() > 0 ) { this.cleanUpConsumers(); } /** * When closing session failed, we still want to mark this * session as closed. */ isClosed = true; serverSessionRunner.reset(); if (connectionConsumer != null) { connectionConsumer.sessionClosed(this); } releaseInSyncState(); //bug 6271876 -- connection flow control resetConnectionFlowControl (reduceFlowCount); if ( sessionLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ) { logLifeCycle(ClientResources.I_SESSION_CLOSED); } } if ( debug ) { Debug.println ("session closed ..."); Debug.println (this); } } protected void cleanUpConsumers() { sessionLogger.log(Level.FINEST, "Cleaning up consumers in session. SessionID: " + this.sessionId); MessageConsumerImpl[] consumerArray = (MessageConsumerImpl[]) consumers.values().toArray ( new MessageConsumerImpl[0] ); for ( int i=0; i< consumerArray.length; i++ ) { consumerArray[i].receiveQueue.close(); consumerArray[i].isClosed = true; } consumers.clear(); } //bug 6271876 -- connection flow control protected void resetConnectionFlowControl (int reduceFlowCount) { if ( connection.isCloseCalled ) { return; } if ( connection.protectMode && reduceFlowCount > 0 ) { readChannel.flowControl.resetFlowControl(connection, reduceFlowCount); } } /** * This method is provided for the MDB adaptor interface to close * the session thread. The call is from session reader thread, * and no other consumers/producers in the session. */ public void closeFromRA() { synchronized (raEndpointSyncObj) { sessionReader.close(); } } /* * Set to true when this sesion is the one being used by an RA endpoint */ public void _setRAEndpointSession() { //this field is never used. //raEndpointSession = true; } /* * start a local transaction * called from RA when an mc is enlisted into a local txn rather than an xa txn */ public void _startLocalTransaction() throws JMSException { if (isTransacted) { //ensure that transaction is non-null if (transaction == null) { throw new com.sun.messaging.jms.JMSException("MQRA:S:Can't start local transaction-transacted w/o Transaction Object"); } } else { //ensure that transaction is null if (transaction != null) { throw new com.sun.messaging.jms.JMSException("MQRA:S:Can't start local transaction-already transacted"); } transaction = new Transaction(this, true); isTransacted = true; } } /** * Called by close/stop methods to check if need to wait for message * listener to complete. */ protected boolean needToWait() { if ( connection.isBroken() ) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** Stop message delivery in this session, and restart sending messages * with the oldest unacknowledged message. * *

All consumers deliver messages in a serial order. * Acknowledging a received message automatically acknowledges all * messages that have been delivered to the client. * *

Restarting a session causes it to take the following actions: * *

  • Stop message delivery *
  • Mark all messages that might have been delivered but not * acknowledged as `redelivered' *
  • Restart the delivery sequence including all unacknowledged * messages that had been previously delivered. * *

    Redelivered messages do not have to be delivered in * exactly their original delivery order. *

* * @exception JMSException if JMS implementation fails to stop message * delivery and restart message send due to * due to some internal error. * @exception IllegalStateException if method is called by a * transacted session. */ public void recover() throws JMSException { //boolean decremented = false; //Throw exception if closed checkSessionState(); //transacted session is not allowed to call this method. if ( isTransacted ) { String errorString =; JMSException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException (errorString, ClientResources.X_TRANSACTED); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } //NO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode does now allow to call this method. if ( acknowledgeMode == com.sun.messaging.jms.Session.NO_ACKNOWLEDGE ) { String errorString =; JMSException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException (errorString, ClientResources.X_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE_RECOVER); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } //check if we have a remote exception if (remore_broker_failed) { //delete and re-register consumers recreateConsumers(); //reset the flag to false so that we can proceed remore_broker_failed = false; //we are done in recover. messages not ack successfully will be re-delivered. return; } //no-op for non client acked session //bug ID 4678413 -- We now allow all ack mode to call Session.recover(). /*if ( acknowledgeMode != Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE ) { return; }*/ setInSyncState(); try { switch ( acknowledgeMode ) { case Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE: /** * We want to make sure that for these conditions the * message does not want to be acked. */ if ( Thread.currentThread() == sessionReader.sessionThread ) { sessionReader.currentMessage.doAcknowledge = false; } else if ( Thread.currentThread() == serverSessionRunner.getCurrentThread()) { serverSessionRunner.currentMessage.doAcknowledge = false; } //NOTE: fall through here. case Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE: case Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE: //include the current message to recover if called from message listener if ( Thread.currentThread() == sessionReader.sessionThread ) { prepareClientAcknowledge (sessionReader.currentMessage); } else if ( Thread.currentThread() == serverSessionRunner.getCurrentThread()) { prepareClientAcknowledge (serverSessionRunner.currentMessage); } break; } } catch (Exception e1) {} try { //stop message delivery from broker stopSession(); /* * Because the caller is the session controlling thread, * we do not have to call stop/start methods. We know that * no messages are delivering to the consumers at this moment. */ //GT Have to stop *unless* it is the session thread //otherwise the redeliver lists will be wrong if ((Thread.currentThread() != sessionReader.sessionThread) && (Thread.currentThread() != serverSessionRunner.getCurrentThread())) { stop(); } //request redeliver of unacked messages - set redelivered flag to true //GT reorder the REDELIVER protocol msgs to ensure correct order for redelivery //redeliverUnAckedMessages(true); redeliverMessagesInQueues(false); //request redeliver of messages in different queues but not delivered //to the client yet - set redelivered flag to false //GT reorder as explained above //redeliverMessagesInQueues (false); redeliverUnAckedMessages(true); failoverOccurred = false; //GT Have to start *unless* it is the session thread if ((Thread.currentThread() != sessionReader.sessionThread) && (Thread.currentThread() != serverSessionRunner.getCurrentThread())) { start(); } } finally { //start message delivery releaseInSyncState(); resumeSession(); } } /** * Tell the broker to stop sending messages for this session. * * The 3.0.x brokers don't know about sessions. So in that case we * just stop the entire connection. */ protected void stopSession() throws JMSException { if (connection.getBrokerProtocolLevel() < PacketType.VERSION350) { protocolHandler.incStoppedCount(); protocolHandler.stop(); } else { protocolHandler.stopSession(brokerSessionID); } } /** * Tell the broker to resume message delivery for this session. * * The 3.0.x brokers don't know about sessions. So in that case we * just start the connection. */ protected void resumeSession() throws JMSException { if (connection.getBrokerProtocolLevel() < PacketType.VERSION350) { protocolHandler.decStoppedCount(); //GT XXX timing hole - fix after FCS // SB XXX There is no known test case for this timing // hole. It is theoretically possible that if a thread // calls connection.stop while another thread is doing // session.recover or rollback, there may be some // problems. Since raptor is capable of explicitly // stopping a session (during rollback / recover) this is // not an issue starting from 3.5 release... if (!connection.getIsStopped()) protocolHandler.start(); } else { protocolHandler.resumeSession(brokerSessionID); } } /** * Called before commit/rollback/recover ... */ protected void setInSyncState () throws JMSException { synchronized ( syncObject ) { checkSessionState(); if ( inSyncState ) { // Some other thread is performing critical operation on this session // which is illegal unless this thread is the MessageListener thread, // and the other thread is calling Session.close() or Consumer.close if (isIsMessageListenerThread() && (inSyncStateOperation == INSYNCSTATE_SESSION_CLOSING || inSyncStateOperation == INSYNCSTATE_CONSUMER_CLOSING)) { // this is an onMessage() thread // allow the close to continue in the other thread (it should be blocking until onMessage() returns) // and carry on in this thread return; } if (inSyncStateOperation == INSYNCSTATE_CONSUMER_CLOSING) { long totalwaited = 0L; long waittime = waitTimeoutForConsumerCloseDone; while (inSyncState && inSyncStateOperation == INSYNCSTATE_CONSUMER_CLOSING && (waittime > 0L || waitTimeoutForConsumerCloseDone == 0L)) { checkSessionState(); long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { syncObject.wait(waittime); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } totalwaited += (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime); waittime = waitTimeoutForConsumerCloseDone - totalwaited; if (waittime < 0L) { waittime = 0L; } } if (!inSyncState) { inSyncState = true; inSyncStateOperation = INSYNCSTATE_OTHER; return; } } String errorString =; JMSException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException(errorString, ClientResources.X_CONFLICT); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } inSyncState = true; inSyncStateOperation = INSYNCSTATE_OTHER; } } /** * Called after commit/rollback/recover */ protected void releaseInSyncState() { synchronized ( syncObject ) { inSyncState = false; // unset the reason why we're in inSyncState inSyncStateOperation=INSYNCSTATE_NOTSET; syncObject.notifyAll(); } } /** * Get inSync status. */ protected boolean getInSyncState() { return inSyncState; } /** * This method set the inSyncState flag to true. * It waits until commit/rollback/recover returns. * *

Commit/rollback/recover throws JMSException if they * are called after close is called. */ protected void prepareToClose(boolean fromSessionClose) { synchronized ( syncObject ) { //if inSync state, wait until done while ( inSyncState ) { try { syncObject.wait(); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } //set to true so that commit/rollback/recover //will throw exception ... inSyncState = true; // record why we've set inSyncState if (fromSessionClose) { inSyncStateOperation = INSYNCSTATE_SESSION_CLOSING; } else { inSyncStateOperation = INSYNCSTATE_CONSUMER_CLOSING; } } } /** * For transacted session, acknowledge all unacked messages. If * Session.commit() is called from MessageListener, the current * message is not acknowledged. * * NOTE: The implementation has been changed. The new implementation * only need to acknowledge the current message if commit() is * called from the reader thread. */ protected void receiveCommit() throws JMSException { //include the current message to recover if called from message listener if ( Thread.currentThread() == sessionReader.sessionThread ) { transactedAcknowledge (sessionReader.currentMessage); } else if (Thread.currentThread() == serverSessionRunner.getCurrentThread()) { transactedAcknowledge (serverSessionRunner.currentMessage); } //clean up unacked Q //bug 6423696 - Session.rollback does not actually ... //The fix is to clear the unAckedMessageQueue only after //commit has successfully returned. //The action to clear the Q is moved to //unAckedMessageQueue.clear(); /*if ( Thread.currentThread() == sessionReader.sessionThread ) { prepareTransactedAcknowledge (sessionReader.currentMessage); } else if (Thread.currentThread() == serverSessionRunner.getCurrentThread()) { prepareTransactedAcknowledge (serverSessionRunner.currentMessage); } //only need to send ack if there are messages in the un acked queue. if ( unAckedMessageQueue.size() > 0 ) { dequeue ( unAckedMessageQueue ); //set transaction ID ackPkt.setTransactionID( transaction.getTransactionID() ); //do acknowledge, require broker to ack back. doAcknowledge(true); }*/ } /** * This method is called after ProtocolHandler.commit() return * a OK status. * */ protected void clearUnackedMessageQ() { this.unAckedMessageQueue.clear(); } /** * Called by rollback() in a transacted session. This method handles * rollback for consuming messages * *

All messages in the unAckedMessageQueue, receive queues, and session * queue will be redelivered. */ protected void receiveRollback() throws JMSException { //XXX REVISIT chiaming: NO transaction ID involved??? //include the current message to recover if called from message listener if ( Thread.currentThread() == sessionReader.sessionThread ) { prepareTransactedAcknowledge (sessionReader.currentMessage); } else if (Thread.currentThread() == serverSessionRunner.getCurrentThread()) { prepareTransactedAcknowledge (serverSessionRunner.currentMessage); } //stop message delivery from broker stopSession(); //stop this session, all message delivery in the session is stopped. //DO NOT need to stop this session because this is the controlling //thread calling this method. //GT Have to stop *unless* it is the session thread //otherwise the redeliver lists will be wrong if ((Thread.currentThread() != sessionReader.sessionThread) && (Thread.currentThread() != serverSessionRunner.getCurrentThread())) { stop(); } //put MID from unacked message queue to dos //dequeueUnAckedMessages(); //put MID from all consumer queues and session queue to dos //dequeueMessagesInQueues(); //for bug id 5018703 - we must send two separate pkt with //the right redeliver flag. This is similar to recover(). this.redeliverMessagesInQueues(false); this.redeliverUnAckedMessages(true); //redeliver and set redeliver flag to true //redeliver (true); //start current session again //GT Have to start *unless* it is the session thread if ((Thread.currentThread() != sessionReader.sessionThread) && (Thread.currentThread() != serverSessionRunner.getCurrentThread())) { start(); } //start message delivery resumeSession(); } /** * Caller must in setInSyncState block * * This method is used to rollback a transaction that failed to commit * and broker indicates client runtime should rollback it */ protected void rollbackAfterReceiveCommit(JMQXid jmqXid) throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); //stop message delivery from broker stopSession(); boolean stoppedbyme = false; try { //Have to stop *unless* it is the session thread //otherwise the redeliver lists will be wrong if ((Thread.currentThread() != sessionReader.sessionThread) && (Thread.currentThread() != serverSessionRunner.getCurrentThread())) { stop(); stoppedbyme = true; } this.redeliverMessagesInQueues(false); if ((Thread.currentThread() != sessionReader.sessionThread) && (Thread.currentThread() != serverSessionRunner.getCurrentThread())) { start(); stoppedbyme = false; } connection.getProtocolHandler().rollback(0L, jmqXid, true); } finally { try { if (stoppedbyme) { start(); } } finally { resumeSession(); } } } /** * Called by recover(). Redeliver messages in the unacked message queue. * * @param redeliverFlag the falg that broker will set to the messages when * redeliver. */ protected void redeliverUnAckedMessages (boolean redeliverFlag) throws JMSException { dequeueUnAckedMessages(); //commit redeliver redeliver( redeliverFlag ); } /** * Redeliver messages in the consumer's receive queues and session queue */ protected void redeliverMessagesInQueues (boolean redeliverFlag) throws JMSException { dequeueMessagesInQueues(); //commit redeliver redeliver (redeliverFlag); } /** * Dequeue unacked messages from unAckedMessageQueue and write * the message IDs to the data output stream. * *

Reset the ack counter to 0 since the queue is empty. */ //protected void dequeueUnAckedMessages() throws JMSException { //dequeue unacked message queue // dequeue (unAckedMessageQueue); //reset ack counter // ackCounter = 0; //} /** * Loop through each MessageConsumer and dequeue its receiveQueue * in this session. Message Ids are written to the data output * stream. * *

Dequeue the SessionQueue after the above action. */ protected void dequeueMessagesInQueues() throws JMSException { MessageConsumerImpl consumer = null; Enumeration enum2 = consumers.elements(); int reduceFlowCount = 0; while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) { consumer = (MessageConsumerImpl) enum2.nextElement(); // add messages in the consumer receive queue reduceFlowCount = reduceFlowCount + consumer.receiveQueue.size(); //dequeue receive queue for each consumer in this session dequeueReceiveQ (consumer.receiveQueue); //XXX PROTOCOL 3.5 // Reset the flow control counters for all the consumers // for this session. readChannel.flowControl.resetFlowControl(consumer, 0); } //add messages in the session queue reduceFlowCount = reduceFlowCount + sessionQueue.size(); //dequeue the currect session's session queue dequeueSessionQ (sessionQueue); //bug 6271876 -- connection flow control resetConnectionFlowControl (reduceFlowCount); //XXX REVISIT "dequeue" from serverSessionMessageQ ? } /** * Loop through each element and write MID to dos. elements are deleted * after used. * * @param queue the SessionQueue to be dequeued */ protected void dequeueReceiveQ (ReceiveQueue queue) throws JMSException { MessageImpl message = null; //GT //System.out.println(">>>dequeing..ReceiveQ dump"); while (queue.isEmpty() == false) { if ((message = (MessageImpl) queue.dequeue()) != null) { writeMessageID ( message ); //GT //message.dump(System.out); } } //GT //System.out.println(">>>dequeing..ReceiveQ dump done"); //System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); } protected void dequeueSessionQ (SessionQueue queue) throws JMSException { ReadOnlyPacket pkt = null; //GT //System.out.println(">>>dequeing..SessionQ dump"); while (queue.isEmpty() == false) { if ((pkt = (ReadOnlyPacket) queue.dequeue()) != null) { writeMessageID ( pkt ); //GT //pkt.dump(System.out); } } //GT //System.out.println(">>>dequeing..SessionQ dump done"); //System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); } /** * Loop through each element and write MID to dos. elements are deleted * after used. * * @param queue the Vector to be dequeued */ private void dequeueUnAckedMessages () throws JMSException { //bug 4934856 UnAckedMessage unAckedMessage = null; int size = unAckedMessageQueue.size(); //GT //System.out.println(">>>dequeing..dequeue dump"); for ( int i=0; i< size; i++ ) { unAckedMessage = (UnAckedMessage) unAckedMessageQueue.elementAt(i); writeMessageID ( unAckedMessage ); //GT //unAckedMessage.dump(System.out); } //GT //System.out.println(">>>dequeing..dequeue dump done"); unAckedMessageQueue.removeAllElements(); this.ackCounter = 0; } /** public void _redeliverMessageFromRA(MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { synchronized (raEndpointSyncObj) { if (message != null) { writeMessageID(message); ReadWritePacket pkt = new ReadWritePacket(); try { dos.flush(); bos.flush(); //set message body pkt.setMessageBody(bos.toByteArray()); //for transacted session, set transaction ID to pkt ////if ( isTransacted ) { ////pkt.setTransactionID( transaction.getTransactionID() ); ////} //write packet - ensure that this message is marked 'redelivered' protocolHandler.redeliver (pkt, true, isTransacted); //reset buf count to 0 bos.reset(); } catch (IOException e) { ExceptionHandler.handleException(e, ClientResources.X_MESSAGE_REDELIVER); } } } } **/ /** * Redeliver all messages in the current DataOutputStream. * * @param redeliverFlag the flag for broker to set for redelivered * messages. */ protected void redeliver (boolean redeliverFlag) throws JMSException { //do not request redeliver if received no messages if ( bos.size() == 0 ) { return; } ReadWritePacket pkt = new ReadWritePacket(); try { dos.flush(); bos.flush(); //set message body pkt.setMessageBody( bos.toByteArray() ); //for transacted session, set transaction ID to pkt if ( isTransacted ) { pkt.setTransactionID( transaction.getTransactionID() ); } //write packet protocolHandler.redeliver (pkt, redeliverFlag, isTransacted); //reset buf count to 0 bos.reset(); } catch (IOException e) { ExceptionHandler.handleException(e, ClientResources.X_MESSAGE_REDELIVER); } } /** Return the session's distinguished message listener (optional). * * @return the message listener associated with this session. * * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to get the message listener * due to an internal error in JMS Provider. * * @see javax.jms.Session#setMessageListener * @see javax.jms.ServerSessionPool * @see javax.jms.ServerSession */ public MessageListener getMessageListener() throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); return serverSessionRunner.getMessageListener(); } /** Set the session's distinguished message listener (optional). * When it is set no other form of message receipt in the session can * be used; however, all forms of sending messages are still supported. * This is an expert facility not used by regular JMS clients. * * @param listener the message listener to associate with this session. * * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to set the message listener * due to an internal error in JMS Provider. * * @see javax.jms.Session#getMessageListener * @see javax.jms.ServerSessionPool * @see javax.jms.ServerSession */ public /*synchronized*/ void setMessageListener(MessageListener listener) throws JMSException { checkSessionState(); if (listener != null && consumers.size() > 0) { String errorString =; JMSException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException (errorString, ClientResources.X_SVRSESSION_MESSAGECONSUMER); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } serverSessionRunner.setMessageListener(listener); } /** * Only intended to be used by Application Servers (optional operation). * * @see javax.jms.ServerSession */ public void run() { try {; } finally { //clean up? ; } } protected void loadMessageToServerSession(MessageImpl message, ServerSession ss, boolean isDMQMessage) { serverSessionRunner.loadMessage(message, ss, isDMQMessage); } protected SessionQueue getSessionQueue() { return sessionQueue; } /** * Non-public API. This method should be called right after ack is * returned. * * @return ack flag for acknowledgement. If true, ack waits for broker's * acknowledgement. Otherwise, acknowledge returns without waiting for * broker's acknowledgement. */ public boolean _getAckSendAcknowledge() { return ackPkt.getSendAcknowledge(); } /** * Get acknowledge mode */ public int _getAcknowledgeMode() { return acknowledgeMode; } protected boolean _getXaTxnMode() { return xaTxnMode; } protected void _setXaTxnMode(boolean mode) { xaTxnMode = mode; } public long getBrokerSessionID() { return brokerSessionID; } public void setBrokerSessionID(long brokerSessionID) { this.brokerSessionID = brokerSessionID; } public Transaction _getTransaction() { return transaction; } public void setFailoverOccurred(boolean v) { failoverOccurred = v; } public void initXATransactionForMC(long transactionID) throws JMSException { if (transaction == null) { transaction = new Transaction(this, false); } transaction.setTransactionID(transactionID); xaTxnMode = true; isTransacted = true; } public void finishXATransactionForMC() { //No longer needs to be in a dist txn xaTxnMode = false; //Done with Transaction delegate! isTransacted = false; transaction = null; } public void dump(PrintStream ps) { ps.println ("------ SessionImpl dump ------"); ps.println ("broker session ID: " + brokerSessionID); ps.println ("session ID: " + sessionId); //dump session reader status if ( sessionReader != null ) { sessionReader.dump(ps); } //dump session queue status if ( sessionQueue != null ) { sessionQueue.dump (ps); } //dump unAckedMessageQueue if ( unAckedMessageQueue != null ) { ps.println ("Number of Unacked messages: " + unAckedMessageQueue.size()); } ps.println ("# of message consumers: " + consumers.size()); //dump message consumers status Enumeration enum2 = consumers.elements(); while ( enum2.hasMoreElements() ) { MessageConsumerImpl consumer = (MessageConsumerImpl) enum2.nextElement(); consumer.dump (ps); } serverSessionRunner.dump(ps); } protected Hashtable getDebugState(boolean verbose) { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.put("sessionId", String.valueOf(sessionId)); ht.put("brokerSessionID", String.valueOf(brokerSessionID)); ht.put("isTransacted", String.valueOf(isTransacted)); ht.put("ackMode", String.valueOf(acknowledgeMode)); ht.put("dupsOkLimit", String.valueOf(dupsOkLimit)); ht.put("isAckLimited", String.valueOf(isAckLimited)); ht.put("ackLimit", String.valueOf(ackLimit)); ht.put("ackCounter", String.valueOf(ackCounter)); ht.put("xaTxnMode", String.valueOf(xaTxnMode)); ht.put("rxCount", String.valueOf(TEST_rxCount)); ht.put("ackCount", String.valueOf(TEST_ackCount)); ht.put("isStopped", String.valueOf(isStopped)); ht.put("# Consumers", String.valueOf(consumers.size())); int n = 0; Enumeration enum2 = consumers.elements(); while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) { MessageConsumerImpl consumer = (MessageConsumerImpl) enum2.nextElement(); ht.put("Consumer[" + n + "]", consumer.getDebugState(verbose)); n++; } ht.put("# Producers", String.valueOf(producers.size())); MessageProducerImpl[] _producers = (MessageProducerImpl[]) producers.toArray(new MessageProducerImpl[0]); for (int i = 0; i < _producers.length; i++) { ht.put("Producer[" + i + "]", _producers[i].getDebugState(verbose)); } ht.put("unAckedMessageQueueSize", unAckedMessageQueue.size()); if (verbose) { ht.put("unAckedMessageQueue", unAckedMessageQueue); } SessionQueue ssq = sessionQueue; if (ssq != null) { ht.put("sessionQueue", ssq.getDebugState(verbose)); } ConnectionConsumerImpl cc = connectionConsumer; if (cc != null) { ht.put("connectionConsumer", cc.getDebugState(verbose)); } ServerSessionRunner ssr = serverSessionRunner; if (ssr != null) { ht.put("serverSessionRunner", ssr.getDebugState(verbose)); } return ht; } /** * backward compatibility -- 4934856 * @param message the message used to call client ack method. * @throws JMSException */ private void checkClientAckMessage (MessageImpl message) throws JMSException { if (connection.getBrokerProtocolLevel() < { Long id = new Long (message.getInterestID()); if ( consumers.containsKey ( id ) == false ) { // "Cannot acknowledge message for closed consumer" String errorString =; JMSException jmse = new javax.jms.IllegalStateException (errorString, ClientResources.X_CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE); ExceptionHandler.throwJMSException(jmse); } } } /** * When message consumer is closed, we need to remove unacked * messages for transacted/clientAck session. -- 4934856 */ protected void removeUnAckedMessages(Long interestId) throws JMSException { int size = unAckedMessageQueue.size(); if ( size > 0 ) { //there are messages in the unacked q. Vector removeq = new Vector(); //interest id for this consumer //XXX PROTOCOL2.1 long consumerID = interestId.longValue(); //find unacked messages for this consumer and put //them in the removeq //this is not synchronized because no other thread is //modifying the unackq. for ( int i=0; i

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