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 * @(#)	1.11 06/27/07

package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.notification;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.ExceptionListener;

import com.sun.messaging.Destination;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.DestType;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.SequentialQueue;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.resources.ClientResources;

import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.Debug;
import com.sun.messaging.jms.notification.*;

import com.sun.messaging.ConnectionConfiguration;

 * MQ Client Runtime event handler.
 * The event handler receives event from the client runtime and notifies the
 * connectiion's event listener.

*/ public class EventHandler implements Runnable { /** * consumer info types (protocol) for consumer event */ private static final int CONSUMER_NOT_READY = 0; private static final int CONSUMER_READY = 1; private ConnectionImpl connection = null; private Thread handlerThread = null; protected static final String iMQEventHandler = "iMQEventHandler-"; private SequentialQueue eventQueue = null; private boolean isClosed = false; private HashMap consumerEventListeners = new HashMap(); /** * This flag is used to prevent duplicate delivery of ConnectionClosedEvent. * This is set to true after each delivery for the closed event. It is * set to false after reconnected. */ private boolean closedEventdelivered = false; private ExceptionListener exlistener = null; public static final long WAIT_TIMEOUT = 2 * 60 * 1000; // 2 minutes. private boolean debug = Debug.debug; private static boolean debugEvent = Boolean.getBoolean("imq.debug.notification"); public EventHandler (ConnectionImpl conn) { this.connection = conn; init(); } private void init() { eventQueue = new SequentialQueue (2); } public synchronized void addConsumerEventListener( Destination dest, EventListener listener) throws JMSException { if (isClosed) { throw new JMSException("Event handler is closed"); } consumerEventListeners.put(dest, listener); } public synchronized void removeConsumerEventListener(com.sun.messaging.Destination dest) throws JMSException { if (consumerEventListeners.get(dest) == null) { throw new JMSException("XXXI18N -Consumer event listener for destination "+dest+" not found"); } consumerEventListeners.remove(dest); } private synchronized void onEvent (Event event) { if ( debugEvent ) { Debug.getPrintStream().println(new Date() + "-- event triggerred, code = " + event.getEventCode() + ", msg = " + event.getEventMessage() ); } if ( isClosed ) { return; } eventQueue.enqueue(event); if (handlerThread == null) { createHandlerThread(); } notifyAll(); } public synchronized void close() { isClosed = true; notifyAll(); consumerEventListeners.clear(); } private void createHandlerThread() { synchronized (this) { if (handlerThread == null) { handlerThread = new Thread(this); if ( connection.hasDaemonThreads() ) { handlerThread.setDaemon(true); } handlerThread.setName(iMQEventHandler + connection.getLocalID()); handlerThread.start(); } } } public void run() { boolean timeoutExit = false; boolean keepRunning = true; while ( keepRunning ) { timeoutExit = false; synchronized (this) { if ( shouldWait() ) { try { wait(WAIT_TIMEOUT); } catch (InterruptedException inte) { ; } } } if ( isClosed ) { /** * when close() is called, we simply exit the handler. */ return; } else if (eventQueue.isEmpty()) { //timeout occurred. timeoutExit = true; } else { /** * get the event from the queue. */ Event event = (Event) eventQueue.dequeue(); if ( event instanceof ConsumerEvent ) { deliverConsumerEvent((ConsumerEvent)event); } else if ( event instanceof ConnectionExitEvent ) { deliverException (event); } else { /** * regular connection event. */ deliverConnectionEvent(event); } } /** * check if we need to continue. */ keepRunning = shouldContinue( timeoutExit); } } private void deliverException (Event event) { try { if (exlistener != null && isClosed == false) { ConnectionExitEvent exitEvent = (ConnectionExitEvent) event; JMSException jmse = exitEvent.getJMSException(); exlistener.onException(jmse); if ( debugEvent ) { Debug.getPrintStream().println (new Date() + " Exception is delivered to the listener: " + jmse); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { isClosed = true; } } private boolean shouldWait() { if ( eventQueue.isEmpty() && (connection.getEventListener() != null || consumerEventListeners.size() > 0) && (isClosed == false) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } private synchronized boolean shouldContinue (boolean timeoutExit) { boolean keepRunning = true; //exit if closed or timeout. if ( isClosed || (timeoutExit && eventQueue.isEmpty()) ) { this.handlerThread = null; keepRunning = false; } return keepRunning; } private void deliverConnectionEvent(Event event) { EventListener listener = connection.getEventListener(); try { if ( shouldDeliver (listener, event) ) { listener.onEvent(event); if ( debugEvent ) { Debug.getPrintStream().println( new Date() + "*** Delivered event, code = " + event.getEventCode() + ", msg = " + event.getEventMessage() ); } } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } finally { postEventProcess(event); } } private void deliverConsumerEvent(ConsumerEvent event) { com.sun.messaging.Destination dest = (com.sun.messaging.Destination)event.getDestination(); EventListener listener = null; synchronized (consumerEventListeners) { listener = (EventListener)consumerEventListeners.get(dest); } try { if ( shouldDeliver (listener, event) ) { listener.onEvent(event); if ( debugEvent ) { Debug.getPrintStream().println( new Date() + "*** Delivered event, code = " + event.getEventCode() + ", msg = " + event.getEventMessage() ); } } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } finally { postEventProcess(event); } } private boolean shouldDeliver (EventListener listener, Event event) { boolean canDeliver = true; if ( listener == null || isClosed ) { canDeliver = false; } else { if ( event instanceof ConnectionClosedEvent && closedEventdelivered ) { canDeliver = false; } } return canDeliver; } /** * Perform action based on event type and connection state. */ private void postEventProcess (Event event) { String eid = event.getEventCode(); if ( event instanceof ConnectionReconnectedEvent ) { //wake up waiting threads on reconnecting connection.setReconnecting(false); //reset flag closedEventdelivered = false; startConnection(); } else if ( event instanceof ConnectionClosedEvent ) { //set delivered flag closedEventdelivered = true; } } private void startConnection() { try { //if the connection is not in stop mode, restart the connection if ( connection.getIsStopped() == false ) { connection.getProtocolHandler().start(); } } catch (Exception e) { if ( this.debug ) { e.printStackTrace( Debug.getPrintStream() ); } } } public void triggerConnectionClosedEvent (String evCode, JMSException jmse) { if ( connection.getEventListener() == null ) { return; } String evMessage = ClientResources.getResources().getKString(evCode, connection.getLastContactedBrokerAddress()); if ( evCode.equals(ClientResources.E_CONNECTION_CLOSED_NON_RESPONSIVE)) { evMessage = evMessage + ", " + ConnectionConfiguration.imqPingAckTimeout + ": " + connection.getPingAckTimeout(); } ConnectionClosedEvent event = new ConnectionClosedEvent (connection, evCode, evMessage, jmse); this.onEvent(event); } public void triggerConnectionClosingEvent (String evCode, long timePeriod) { if ( connection.getEventListener() == null ) { return; } String millisecs = String.valueOf(timePeriod), secs = String.valueOf(timePeriod/1000); Object params[] = new Object[ 3 ]; params[0] = secs; params[1] = millisecs; params[2] = connection.getLastContactedBrokerAddress(); String evMessage = ClientResources.getResources().getKString (evCode, params); ConnectionClosingEvent event = new ConnectionClosingEvent (connection, evCode, evMessage, timePeriod); this.onEvent(event); } public void triggerConnectionReconnectFailedEvent (JMSException jmse, String brokerAddr) { if ( connection.getEventListener() == null ) { return; } String evCode = ConnectionReconnectFailedEvent.CONNECTION_RECONNECT_FAILED; String evMessage = ClientResources.getResources().getKString(evCode, brokerAddr); ConnectionReconnectFailedEvent event = new ConnectionReconnectFailedEvent (connection, evCode, evMessage, jmse); this.onEvent(event); } public void triggerConnectionReconnectedEvent () { if ( connection.getEventListener() == null ) { return; } String brokerAddr = connection.getBrokerAddress(); String evCode = ConnectionReconnectedEvent.CONNECTION_RECONNECTED; String evMessage = ClientResources.getResources().getKString(evCode, brokerAddr); ConnectionReconnectedEvent event = new ConnectionReconnectedEvent (connection, evCode, evMessage); this.onEvent(event); } public void triggerConnectionExitEvent(JMSException jmse, ExceptionListener listener) { try { if ( connection.getEventListener() == null ) { return; } this.exlistener = listener; //this event is for MQ internal use only. This triggered the event //handler to call connection exception handler. ConnectionExitEvent event = new ConnectionExitEvent(connection, ConnectionExitEvent.CONNECTION_EXIT, jmse.getMessage(), jmse); this.onEvent(event); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace( Debug.getPrintStream() ); } } public void triggerConnectionAddressListChangedEvent (String addrList) { if ( connection.getEventListener() == null ) { return; } String evCode = BrokerAddressListChangedEvent.CONNECTION_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGED; String evMessage = ClientResources.getResources().getKString(evCode, addrList); BrokerAddressListChangedEvent event = new BrokerAddressListChangedEvent (connection, evCode, evMessage, addrList); this.onEvent(event); } public void triggerConsumerEvent (int infoType, String destName, int destType) { String evCode = null; switch (infoType) { case CONSUMER_NOT_READY: evCode = ConsumerEvent.CONSUMER_NOT_READY; break; case CONSUMER_READY: evCode = ConsumerEvent.CONSUMER_READY; break; default: Debug.println ("Received unknown consumer event: "+infoType+" on destination "+destName); return; } String evMessage = ClientResources.getResources().getKString(evCode, (DestType.isQueue(destType) ? DestType.toString(DestType.DEST_TYPE_QUEUE): DestType.toString(DestType.DEST_TYPE_TOPIC))+":"+destName); synchronized(consumerEventListeners) { Iterator itr = consumerEventListeners.keySet().iterator(); com.sun.messaging.Destination d = null; while (itr.hasNext()) { d = (com.sun.messaging.Destination); if (d.getName().equals(destName) && d.isQueue() == DestType.isQueue(destType) && d.isTemporary() == DestType.isTemporary(destType)) { this.onEvent((new ConsumerEvent(d, connection, evCode, evMessage))); return; } } } Debug.println ("Listener not found for consumer INFO: "+evMessage); } public void resendConsumerInfoRequests(ProtocolHandler ph) throws JMSException { synchronized(consumerEventListeners) { Iterator itr = consumerEventListeners.keySet().iterator(); com.sun.messaging.Destination d = null; while (itr.hasNext()) { d = (com.sun.messaging.Destination); ph.requestConsumerInfo(d, false); } } } }

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