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mq5.0-source.src.share.cclient.serial.SerialHandleManager.hpp Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * @(#)SerialHandleManager.hpp	1.3 06/26/07


#include "../debug/DebugUtils.h"  // must be first in the file

#include "../basictypes/BasicType.hpp"
#include "../basictypes/TypeEnum.hpp"
#include "../error/ErrorCodes.h"
#include "../serial/Serialize.hpp"
#include "../containers/Vector.hpp"

// BASE_HANDLE is the first handle to allocate when (de-)serializing a 
// class.  After BASE_HANDLE the handles monotonically increase by 1.

 * Stores information about the handles used when (de-)serializing the
 * Java hashtable.
 * Once a HandleInfo object has been successfully placed in the
 * SerialHandleManager, the SerialHandleManager owns it and will
 * delete it when the SerialHandleManager gets deleted.  */
class SerialHandleManager : public Object {
   * The SerialHandleManager stores both handles to class descriptions
   * and handles to objects.  The abstract base class Handle has two
   * implementing classes (ObjectHandle and ClassHandle) to reflect
   * this.  


  /* Abstract base class for ObjectHandleInfo and ClassHandleInfo */ 
  class HandleInfo {
    // we need this to be virtual so that the sub class destructors are called 
    virtual ~HandleInfo() {} 
    virtual HandleType  getType() const = 0;
    virtual PRBool      equals(const HandleInfo * const handleInfo) const = 0;
    virtual iMQError    print(FILE * const file) const = 0;

  // Stores information about a handle to an object. 
  class ObjectHandleInfo : public HandleInfo {
    BasicType * objectValue;

    ObjectHandleInfo(BasicType * const objectValue);
    virtual HandleType  getType() const;
    virtual PRBool      equals(const HandleInfo * const handleInfo) const;
    virtual iMQError    print(FILE * const file) const;

  // Stores information about a handle to a class description.
  class ClassHandleInfo : public HandleInfo {
    TypeEnum classType;

    ClassHandleInfo(const TypeEnum classType);
    virtual HandleType  getType() const;
    virtual PRBool      equals(const HandleInfo * const handleInfo) const;
    virtual iMQError    print(FILE * const file) const;

  // A Vector of HandleInfo*, which stores information about each
  // Handle.
  Vector handles;

  // Initializes all member variables 
  void init();

  // setNextHandle sets the next handle to be allocated to handleInfo.
  // Returns an error if handleInfo is NULL or if memory cannot be
  // allocated.
  iMQError setNextHandle(HandleInfo * const handleInfo);

  // getInfoFromHandle returns the handle information associated
  // with handle in handleInfo.  An error is returned if handle is
  // invalid or if handleInfo is NULL.
  iMQError getInfoFromHandle(const PRUint32 handle,
                             HandleInfo ** const handleInfo) const;

  // getHandleFromInfo searches the vector of HandleInfo's for one
  // that matches handleInfo.  If a match is found then it is returned
  // in handle.  An error is returned if handleInfo or handle is NULL.
  // If no match is found, then handle will be set to 
  // SerialHandleManager::INVALID_HANDLE.
  iMQError getHandleFromInfo(const HandleInfo * const handleInfoToFind,
                             PRUint32 * const handle ) const;

  void reset();

  // setNextHandleToObject sets the next handle to be allocated to
  // object.  object can be NULL.  It returns and error if memory
  // cannot be allocated.  If this call is successful, then
  // SerialHandleManager will free object when it is reset() or
  // destructed.  
  iMQError setNextHandleToObject(BasicType * object);

  // setNextHandleToClass sets the next handle to be allocated to
  // classType.  It returns and error if memory cannot be allocated.
  iMQError setNextHandleToClass(const TypeEnum classType);

  // getClassFromHandle returns the class type associated with handle.
  // If classType is NULL, handle is not a valid handle, or if handle
  // is not a handle to a class, then an error is returned.
  iMQError getClassFromHandle(const PRUint32 handle,
                              TypeEnum * const classType) const;

  // getObjectCloneFromHandle returns a clone of the object associated
  // with handle.  If object is NULL, handle is not a valid handle, or
  // if handle is not a handle to an object, then an error is
  // returned.
  iMQError getObjectCloneFromHandle(const PRUint32 handle,
                                    BasicType ** const object) const;

  // getHandleFromBasicType searches the vector of HandleInfo's for a
  // SerialHandleManager::ObjectHandleInfo object that matches object.
  // If a match is found then it is returned in handle.  An error is
  // returned if object or handle is NULL.  If no match is found, then
  // handle will be set to SerialHandleManager::INVALID_HANDLE.  This
  // method sets up a SerialHandleManager::ObjectHandleInfo object and
  // then calls getHandleFromInfo.
  iMQError getHandleFromBasicType( const BasicType * const object,
                                   PRUint32 * handle );

  // getHandleFromClass searches the vector of HandleInfo's for a
  // SerialHandleManager::ClassHandleInfo object matches classType.
  // If a match is found then it is returned in handle.  If no match
  // is found, then handle will be set to SerialHandleManager::
  // INVALID_HANDLE.  This method sets up a SerialHandleManager::
  // ObjectHandleInfo object and then calls getHandleFromInfo.  An
  // error is returned if handle is NULL.
  iMQError getHandleFromClass( const TypeEnum classType,
                               PRUint32 * handle );
  // Print the vector of handles out to file.  This is currently not
  // implemented.
  iMQError print(FILE * const file) const;

// Avoid all implicit shallow copies.  Without these, the compiler
// will automatically define implementations for us.
  // These are not supported and are not implemented
  SerialHandleManager(const SerialHandleManager& serialHandleManager);
  SerialHandleManager& operator=(const SerialHandleManager& serialHandleManager);


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