mq5.1-source.src.share.cclient.client.Connection.hpp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* @(#)Connection.hpp 1.32 10/17/07
#include "../error/ErrorCodes.h"
#include "ProtocolHandler.hpp"
#include "TransportProtocolHandler.hpp"
#include "FlowControl.hpp"
#include "../containers/Properties.hpp"
#include "../containers/Vector.hpp"
#include "ReadQTable.hpp"
#include "MessageConsumerTable.hpp"
#include "ReadChannel.hpp"
#include "PingTimer.hpp"
#include "../basictypes/Runnable.hpp"
#include "../basictypes/Monitor.hpp"
#include "../basictypes/HandledObject.hpp"
#include "../auth/AuthenticationProtocolHandler.hpp"
#include "AckMode.h"
#include "ReceiveMode.h"
#include "Session.hpp"
#include "XASession.hpp"
#include "MessageProducer.hpp"
#include "../cshim/mqcallback-types-priv.h"
#include "../cshim/mqversion.h"
#include "../cshim/xaswitch.hpp"
class ProducerFlow;
static const char * PRODUCT_NAME = MQ_NAME;
static const char * PRODUCT_VERSION = MQ_VERSION;
* This is the core class associated with a single connection to an
* MQ Broker. This class also is a mediator for the other client
* classes limiting the interaction between these other classes For
* example, other classes go through this class to access the
* protocolHandler. */
class Connection : public HandledObject {
PRInt64 connectionID;
PRBool isXA;
static PRBool nsprVersionChecked;
/** The properties of the connection that are passed in to
* openConnection. Connection deletes these properties when the
* connection is closed. */
Properties * properties;
/** Handles the MQ protocol communication with the broker. */
ProtocolHandler * protocolHandler;
/** Handles the transport layer of actually sending/receiving bytes
* to/from the broker. */
TransportProtocolHandler * transport;
/** Handles flow control with the broker. */
FlowControl * flowControl;
/** Handles authentication to the broker for this connection. */
AuthenticationProtocolHandler * authHandler;
/** The user name that is used to authenticate to the broker. It is
* passed in to openConnection. Connection is responsible for
* deleting this. */
UTF8String * username;
/** The password that is used to authenticate to the broker. It is
* passed in to openConnection. Connection is responsible for
* deleting this. */
UTF8String * password;
BasicTypeHashtable producerFlowTable;
Monitor producerFlowTableMonitor;
/** Maps a consumerID (that is located in a packet) to the
* corresponding ReceiveQueue. This is for message packets */
ReadQTable receiveQTable;
/** Maps a ackID for Acks - control message replies
ReadQTable ackQTable;
/** Pending ADD_CONSUMER table
MessageConsumerTable pendingConsumerTable;
/** The readChannel thread is responsible for reading packets from
* the wire and dispatching them to the appropriate ReceiveQueue */
ReadChannel * readChannel;
PingTimer * pingTimer;
/** Holds all of the sessions that were created by this connection. */
ObjectVector sessionVector;
Monitor sessionsMonitor;
/** True iff the connection has been closed. */
PRBool isClosed;
/** True iff the connection has been aborted. */
PRBool isAborted;
/** True iff the connection has been stopped.
* @see stop */
PRBool isStopped;
/** Ensures synchronous access to certain member variables. */
Monitor monitor;
/** Ensures synchronous access to aborting the connection */
Monitor exitMonitor;
/** For temporary destination name generation to make sure that
* temporary destination names are unique. */
PRInt32 tempDestSequence;
/** The client ID associated with this broker connection */
UTF8String * clientID;
// The following fields are optionally set by the client by setting
// properties passed to openConnection:
// transportConnectionType via "JMQConnectionType"
// ackTimeoutMS via "JMQAckTimeout"
// ackOnPersistentProduce via "JMQAckOnProduce"
// ackOnNonPersistentProduce via "JMQAckOnProduce"
// ackOnAcknowledge via "JMQAckOnAcknowledge"
// flowControlIsLimited via "JMQFlowControlLimit"
// flowControlWaterMark via "JMQFlowControlIsLimited"
// flowControlNumMessagesBeforePausing via "JMQFlowControlCount"
// pingIntervalSec via "JMQPingInterval"
/** The type of the transport connection to the broker (i.e. "TCP" or "TLS").
* Defaults to "TCP". */
const char * transportConnectionType;
/** The maximum time in microseconds that the client will wait for any broker
* acknowledgement before throwing an exception. */
PRInt32 ackTimeoutMicroSec;
/* The maximum time in microseconds to wait for a write to complete */
PRInt32 writeTimeoutMicroSec;
/** True iff the broker should send an acknowledgement for each
* persistent message that is produced by the client, and the
* client should block waiting for this ack to arrive. This value
* defaults to TRUE and can be changed via the JMQAckOnProduce
* property. */
PRBool ackOnPersistentProduce;
/** True iff the broker should send an acknowledgement for each
* non-persistent message that is produced by the client, and the
* client should block waiting for this ack to arrive. This value
* defaults to FALSE and can be changed via the JMQAckOnProduce
* property. */
PRBool ackOnNonPersistentProduce;
/** True iff the broker should send an acknowledgement for each ack
* message that the client sends, and the client should block
* waiting for this ack to arrive. This defauults to TRUE. */
PRBool ackOnAcknowledge;
/** True iff the connection has requested the broker use flow
control. This defaults to FALSE.*/
PRBool flowControlIsLimited;
/** The number of received but not delivered messages that can be
* tolerated. This defaults to 1000. */
PRInt32 flowControlWaterMark;
/** The number of messages that the broker should send before pausing
* message delivery and waiting for a RESUME_FLOW packet */
PRInt32 flowControlNumMessagesBeforePausing;
/** The number of seconds the connection has to be idle before ping
PRInt32 pingIntervalSec;
PRInt32 consumerPrefetchMaxMsgCount;
PRFloat64 consumerPrefetchThresholdPercent;
/** The optional callback function that notifies the user that an exception
* occurred on the connection (e.g. the connection to the broker was lost). */
MQConnectionExceptionListenerFunc exceptionListenerCallback;
/** The void* user data that was passed to setExceptionListenerFunc.
* It is passed to exceptionListenerFunc*/
void * exceptionListenerCallbackData;
/** The optional callback function that enables the user to create
* the threads used by the library. */
MQCreateThreadFunc createThreadCallback;
/** The void* user data that was passed to setCreateThreadFunc.
* It is passed to createThreadFunc*/
void * createThreadCallbackData;
/** Initializes member variables (mostly to NULL). It must only be
called from the constructor. */
void init(); // only call from constructor
/** Sets fields of the Connection object based on the properties
* that are passed into openConnection. */
MQError setFieldsFromProperties();
* Calls ProtocolHandler::hello to connect to and and authenticate
* with the broker at the MQ protocol layer.
* @see ProtocolHandler::hello
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
MQError hello();
* Calls TransportProtocolHandler::connect to connect to the broker
* at the socket layer.
* @see TransportProtocolHandler::connect
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
MQError connectToBroker();
* Called from exitConnection to close all Sessions that were
* created on this connection.
* @see exitConnection
* @see Session::close
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
MQError closeSessions();
MQError startSessions();
MQError stopSessions();
* Adds session to the list of Sessions created by this Connection.
* @param session is the Session to add to the list of sessions
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
MQError addSession(const Session * const session);
void setIsXA();
PRBool getIsXA();
MQError getProperties(const Properties ** const props);
* Removes session from the list of Sessions created by this Connection.
* @param session is the Session to remove from the list of sessions
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
MQError removeSession(const Session * const session);
* Sets the clientID of this connection to the one set in
* connectionProperties, or the dotted IP address if there is
* property. */
MQError setClientID(PRBool ifnotNULL);
* Returns the Session at index from the vector of sessions. The
* index must be between 0 and numSessions()-1.
* @param index the index of the session to retrieve
* @param session the output parameter for the retrieved session
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see numSessions */
MQError getSession(const PRInt32 index, Session ** const session);
/** @return the number of Sessions created by this connection. */
PRInt32 numSessions();
/** Deletes all member variables of Connection that should be deleted. */
void deleteMemberVariables();
* Converts the millisecond timeout parameter where 0 implies no timeout
* to the output microsecond parameter where 0xffffffff imples no timeout.
static PRInt32 msTimeoutToMicroSeconds(const PRInt32 timeoutMS);
* Sets this->transportHandler based on MQ_CONNECTION_TYPE_PROPERTY. If
* this optional property is not set, then TCP is used.
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
MQError createTransportHandler();
/** Set the callback that allows the user to create the threads allocated by
* this connection. */
MQError setCreateThreadCallback(const MQCreateThreadFunc createThreadFunc,
void * createThreadFuncData);
MQError addProducerFlow(PRInt64 producerID, const ProducerFlow * const producerFlow);
MQError removeProducerFlow(PRInt64 producerID);
MQError closeAllProducerFlow();
void cleanupConnection();
* Constructor for Connection that merely calls init
* @see init */
* Destructor for Connection that closes the connection and deletes all member
* variables.
* @see exitConnection */
virtual ~Connection();
* Connects to the broker specified in connectionProperties using
* username and password for authentication. The string property
* TRANSPORT_BROKER_NAME_PROPERTY must be set to the name of broker,
* and the integer property TRANSPORT_BROKER_PORT_PROPERTY must be
* set to the broker's portmapper port (typically 7676). Whether
* this method succeeds or fails, Connection is responsible for
* freeing connectionProperties, username, and properties.
* @param connectionProperties the connection properties to be used
* for this connection
* @param username the user name used for authentication
* @param password the password used for authentication
* @param createThreadFunc is the callback to call to create threads
* used by this connection. If NULL, Connection creates its own threads.
* @param createThreadFuncData this value is passed to createThreadFunc
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
MQError openConnection(Properties * connectionProperties,
UTF8String * username,
UTF8String * password,
UTF8String * clientIDArg,
MQConnectionExceptionListenerFunc exceptionListener,
void * exceptionCallBackData,
const MQCreateThreadFunc createThreadFunc,
void * createThreadFuncData);
* This method closes down the connection to the broker including
* all Sessions, Producers, and Consumers associated with this
* connection. When this method is invoked it will not return until
* message processing has been orderly shut down.
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
MQError close();
MQError getMetaData(Properties ** const metaProperties);
MQError ping();
* This is used to start a Connection's delivery of incoming
* messages. Message delivery can be paused by calling stop.
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see stop */
MQError start();
* This is used to temporarily stop a Connection's delivery of
* incoming messages. It can be restarted calling start. When
* stopped, delivery to all the Connection's message consumers is
* inhibited. Stopping a Connection has no affect on its ability to
* send messages. Stopping a stopped connection is ignored. This
* method does not return until delivery of messages has paused.
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see start */
MQError stop();
PRBool getIsStopped() const;
* Creates a Session with the properties given by isTransacted and ackMode.
* @param isTransacted true iff the session is transacted. This value must
* be PR_FALSE.
* This value must be CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE.
* @param receiveMode
* @param session the output parameter for the created session
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
MQError createSession(const PRBool isTransacted,
const AckMode ackMode,
const ReceiveMode receiveMode,
const PRBool isXASession,
MQMessageListenerBAFunc beforeMessageListener,
MQMessageListenerBAFunc afterMessageListener,
void * callbackData,
Session ** const session);
/** Set the callback for when an exception occurs on the connection */
MQError setExceptionListenerCallback(
const MQConnectionExceptionListenerFunc exceptionListenerFunc,
void * exceptionListenerFuncData);
/** @return the type of this object for HandledObject */
virtual HandledObjectType getObjectType() const;
* This static method tests the basic functionality of this class.
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
static MQError test(const PRInt32 simultaneousConnections);
// Connection acts as a mediator between all of the other client
// classes. The following methods are called only from these
// classes. These methods are currently public, but they could be
// made protected, and each of the other classes
// (e.g. ProtocolHandler, ReadChannel, etc.) could be made friends
// of this class.
* Returns the TransportProtocolHandler associated with this connection. It
* is used primarily by ProtocolHandler.
* @return the TransportProtocolHandler for this connection
* @see TransportProtocolHandler
* @see ProtocolHandler */
TransportProtocolHandler * getTransport() const;
* Returns the ProtocolHandler associated with this connection. It
* is used primarily by ReadChannel.
* @return the ProtocolHandler for this connection
* @see ProtocolHandler
* @see ReadChannel */
ProtocolHandler * getProtocolHandler() const;
* Returns the AuthenticationProtocolHandler associated with this
* connection. It is used primarily by ProtocolHandler.
* @return the AuthenticationProtocolHandler for this connection
* @see AuthenticationProtocolHandler
* @see ProtocolHandler */
AuthenticationProtocolHandler * getAuthenticationHandler() const;
* Sets the AuthenticationProtocolHandler associated with this connection. It
* is used primarily by ProtocolHandler.
* @param authHandler the AuthenticationProtocolHandler for this connection
* @see AuthenticationProtocolHandler
* @see ProtocolHandler
void setAuthenticationHandler(AuthenticationProtocolHandler * const handler);
* This deletes Destination dest at the broker. It does not delete
* the dest object.
* @param dest the destination to delete
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see ProtocolHandler::deleteDestination */
MQError deleteDestination(Destination * const dest);
MQError createDestination(Destination * const dest);
MQError getProducerFlow(PRInt64 producerID, ProducerFlow ** const producerFlow);
void releaseProducerFlow(ProducerFlow ** producerFlow);
* Associates message consumer receiveQ with consumerID in the ReadQTable.
* @param consumerID is the consumer ID that will appear in incoming
* MQ packets that are destined for receiveQ
* @param receiveQ is the receiveQ associated with consumerID
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see readQTable
* @see ReceiveQueue */
MQError addToReceiveQTable(PRInt64 consumerID, ReceiveQueue * const receiveQ);
// for ackQ, ackID to ack receiveQ
MQError addToAckQTable(PRInt64 * ackID, ReceiveQueue * const receiveQ);
// for pendingQ on creating message consumer, ackID to message consumer receiveQ
MQError addToPendingConsumerTable(PRInt64 ackID, MessageConsumer * const consumer);
* Remove the ReceiveQueue associated with consumerID from the ReadQTable.
* @param consumerID is the consumer ID to remove from the ReadQTable
* @param receiveQ if not NULL, return the receiveQ removed
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see readQTable */
MQError removeFromReceiveQTable(const PRInt64 consumerID);
// for ackQ
MQError removeFromAckQTable(const PRInt64 consumerID);
// for pendingQ, return receiveQ
MQError removeFromPendingConsumerTable(const PRInt64 consumerID, MessageConsumer** const consumer);
/** @return true iff the connection is closed */
PRBool getIsClosed() const;
/** @return true iff the connection is actually closed by close() */
PRBool getIsConnectionClosed() const;
* @return the IPAddress of the local connection
* @see IPAddress
* @see getLocalPort */
const IPAddress * getLocalIP() const;
* @return the port of the local connection
* @see getLocalIP */
PRUint16 getLocalPort() const;
* Returns the next consumerID to use for a message consumer
* @param idToReturn the next consumer id
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see consumerID */
//MQError getNextConsumerID(PRInt32 * const idToReturn);
* @return the transport connection type (e.g. "TCP" or "TLS") used for
* this connection.
const char * getTransportConnectionType() const;
* Returns the timeout value for how long to wait for an
* acknowledgement packet. The value is represented in microseconds.
* @return timeout duration in microseconds for waiting for an ack
PRInt32 getAckTimeoutMicroSec() const;
* Returns the timeout value for how long to wait for a write
* to complete. The value is represented in microseconds.
* @return timeout duration in microseconds
PRInt32 getWriteTimeoutMicroSec() const;
PRInt32 getPingIntervalSec() const;
/** @return true iff the broker should acknowledge messages sent by
persistent producers */
PRBool getAckOnPersistentProduce() const;
/** @return true iff the broker should acknowledge messages sent by
non-persistent producers */
PRBool getAckOnNonPersistentProduce() const;
/** @return true iff the broker should acknowledge acknowledgement
messages sent by the client */
PRBool getAckOnAcknowledge() const;
/** @return true iff the connection has requested the broker use
flow control. */
PRBool getFlowControlIsLimited() const;
/** @return the flow control watermark, which is the number of received
* but not delivered messages that can be tolerated. */
PRInt32 getFlowControlWaterMark() const;
/** @return the number of messages the broker should send before pausing
* message delivery. */
PRInt32 getNumMessagesBeforePausing() const;
PRInt32 getConsumerPrefetchMaxMsgCount() const;
PRFloat64 getConsumerPrefetchThresholdPercent() const;
/** @return true iff admin key authentication is used for this connection. */
PRBool isAdminKeyUsed() const;
/** @return the clientID used for this connection */
const UTF8String * getClientID();
/** @return the next unique (to this connection) temporary destination ID */
PRInt32 getTemporaryDestinationSequence();
char * getTemporaryDestinationPrefix(PRBool isQueue);
// @return a unique ID for this connection.
PRInt64 id() const;
void setid(PRInt64 id);
static char * getUserAgent();
static MQError versionCheck(PRBool mq);
* Shuts down the connection to the broker including closing
* Sessions, Producers and Consumers created for this connection.
* It is typically called by Connection::close, but it can also be
* called from other classes if an unrecoverable error occurs.
* @param errorCode the error that caused exitConnection to be called
* @param calledFromReadChannel true iff called from ReadChannel::run
* @see close
* @see ReadChannel::run */
void exitConnection(const MQError errorCode,
const PRBool calledFromReadChannel,
const PRBool abortConnection);
* If the user has installed an exception listener, then this method
* calls the exception listener passing error.
* @param error the error to pass to the exception listener
* @see setExceptionListenerFunc
void notifyExceptionListener(const MQError error) const;
* Creates a new thread and starts it at threadToRun::run.
* @param threadToRun the thread to run
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see Runnable */
MQError startThread(Runnable * const threadToRun);
* Calls ProtocolHandler::registerMessageProducer to register
* messageProducer with the broker.
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see ProtocolHandler::registerMessageProducer */
MQError registerMessageProducer(const Session * const session,
const Destination * const destination, PRInt64 * producerID);
MQError unregisterMessageProducer(PRInt64 producerID);
* Adds messageConsumer to the ReadQTable, and calls
* ProtocolHandler::registerMessageConsumer to register
* messageConsumer with the broker.
* @param messageConsumer the consumer to register with the broker
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see ProtocolHandler::registerMessageProducer */
MQError registerMessageConsumer(MessageConsumer * const messageConsumer);
* Removes messageConsumer from the ReadQTable, and calls
* ProtocolHandler::unregisterMessageConsumer to unregister
* messageConsumer with the broker.
* @param messageConsumer the consumer to unregister from the broker
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see ProtocolHandler::unregisterMessageProducer */
MQError unregisterMessageConsumer(MessageConsumer * const messageConsumer);
* Calls ProtocolHandler::unsubscribeDurableConsumer to unsubscribe
* from the broker the durable consumer specified by durableName.
* @param durableName the name of the durable subscriber to unsubscribe
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see ProtocolHandler::unsubscribeDurableConsumer*/
MQError unsubscribeDurableConsumer(const UTF8String * const durableName);
* Sends message to the destination specified in the message.
* @param message the Message to send
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
MQError writeJMSMessage(const Session * const session, Message * const message, PRInt64 producerID);
* Enqueues packet on the queue of the consumer with consumerID.
* @param consumerID the ID of the destination consumer
* @param packet the packet to enqueue
* @param qtype which QTable
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
MQError enqueueReceiveQPacket(const PRInt64 consumerID, Packet * const packet);
//for ackQ
MQError enqueueAckQPacket(const PRInt64 ackID, Packet * const packet);
* Sends the acknowledgement block ackBlock to the broker by calling
* ProtocolHandler::acknowledge.
* @param ackBlock the acknowledgement block to send to the broker
* @param ackBlockSize the size of ackBlock @param
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise @see
* ProtocolHandler::acknowledge */
MQError acknowledge(const Session * const session,
const PRUint8 * const ackBlock,
const PRInt32 ackBlockSize);
* Sends the acknowledgement block, expired type, to the broker
* @param ackBlock the acknowledgement block to send to the broker
* @param ackBlockSize the size of ackBlock @param
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise @see
* ProtocolHandler::acknowledgeExpired */
MQError acknowledgeExpired(const PRUint8 * const ackBlock,
const PRInt32 ackBlockSize);
MQError redeliver(const Session * const session, PRBool setRedelivered,
const PRUint8 * const redeliverBlock,
const PRInt32 redeliverBlockSize);
MQError registerSession(Session * session);
MQError unregisterSession(PRInt64 sessionID);
MQError startSession(const Session * session);
MQError stopSession(const Session * session);
MQError startTransaction(PRInt64 sessionID, PRInt64 * transactionID);
MQError startTransaction(XID *xid, long xaflags, PRInt64 * transactionID);
MQError endTransaction(PRInt64 transactionID, XID *xid, long xaflags);
MQError prepareTransaction(PRInt64 transactionID, XID *xid);
MQError commitTransaction(PRInt64 transactionID, PRInt32 * const replyStatus);
MQError commitTransaction(PRInt64 transactionID, XID *xid, long xaflags, PRInt32 * const replyStatus);
MQError rollbackTransaction(PRInt64 transactionID);
MQError rollbackTransaction(PRInt64 transactionID, XID *xid);
MQError recoverTransaction(long xaflags, ObjectVector ** const xidv);
* Calls ProtocolHandler::resumeFlow to resume the flow of messages
* from the broker
* @return MQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see ProtocolHandler::resumeFlow
MQError resumeFlow();
/** Notifies the flow control object that a message was received.
* @see FlowControl::messageReceived */
void messageReceived();
/** Notifies the flow control object that a message was delivered to
* a consumer.
* @see FlowControl::messageReceived */
void messageDelivered();
/** Notifies the flow control object that the broker has paused the flow
* of messages, and the flow of messages should be resumed if the number
* of undelivered messages is below the watermark.
* @see FlowControl::messageReceived */
void requestResume();
//when per-consumer flowcontrol supported in C-API, change this
MQError requestResumeConsumer(PRInt64 consumerID);
// Avoid all implicit shallow copies. Without these, the compiler
// will automatically define implementations for us.
// These are not supported and are not implemented
Connection(const Connection& connection);
Connection& operator=(const Connection& connection);
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