mq5.1-source.src.share.cclient.client.ProtocolHandler.hpp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* @(#)ProtocolHandler.hpp 1.9 10/17/07
#include "../io/Packet.hpp"
#include "TransportProtocolHandler.hpp"
#include "../basictypes/Monitor.hpp"
#include "../auth/AuthenticationProtocolHandler.hpp"
#include "Destination.hpp"
#include "MessageProducer.hpp"
#include "MessageConsumer.hpp"
#include "../basictypes/Object.hpp"
#include "../cshim/xaswitch.hpp"
// We can't include Connection.hpp due to circular reference so we
// include it in the cpp file.
class Connection;
class ProducerFlow;
* This class is the iMQ protocol handler for the iMQ 2.0 JMS client
* implementation. This is the application level protocol handler.
* It handles translating actions such as registerMessageConsumer into
* iMQ 2.0 packets that are sent to and received from the broker. */
class ProtocolHandler : public Object {
/** True iff the connection is closed. */
PRBool isClosed;
/** True iff the connection has been authenticated with the broker */
PRBool isAuthenticated;
/** A parent pointer to the connection that created this ProtocolHandler */
Connection * connection;
/** Used to keep access to members synchronous. */
Monitor monitor;
/** Makes sure that we write synchronously to the socket. */
Monitor writeMonitor;
/** true if clientID has been sent */
PRBool clientIDSent;
/** true if has read/write activity to the connection */
PRBool hasActivity;
* The default # of microseconds to wait for a write to complete
PRUint32 writeTimeout;
/** Initializes all member variables to NULL/FALSE. */
void init();
* Updates whether or not the connection is closed.
* @see isClosed
* @see Connection::getIsClosed */
void updateConnectionState();
* Sends packetToSend to the broker.
* @param packetToSend the packet to send to the broker
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see writePacketWithAck */
iMQError writePacketNoAck(Packet * const packetToSend);
* Sends packetToSend to the broker and returns the response packet
* in replyPacket. If two reply packets are expected from the
* broker as is the case with HELLO, then expectTwoReplies is set to
* true, expectedAckType1 is set to the type of the first expected
* packet, and second reply packet is placed in replyPacket.
* @param packetToSend the packet to send to the broker
* @param expectTwoReplies true iff packetToSend will generate
* two reply packets. Currently, only a HELLO packet will
* generate two replies.
* @param expectedAckType1 if expectTwoReplies is true then
* this is the expected type of the first acknowledgement packet
* (The second ack is only waited for if the first ack is of the
* expected type).
* @param replyPacket the reply packet that was returned by the
* broker. If expectTwoReplies is true, then the second ack packet
* is returned. The caller is responsible for freeing this packet.
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see writePacketNoAck */
iMQError writePacketWithAck(Packet * const packetToSend,
const PRBool expectTwoReplies,
PRUint32 expectedAckType1,
Packet ** const replyPacket);
* Sends packetToSend to the broker, and returns the reply sent by
* the broker in replyPacket only if the reply matches
* expectedAckType.
* @param packetToSend the packet to send to the broker
* @param expectedAckType the expected ack type
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see writePacketWithAck */
iMQError writePacketWithReply(Packet * const packetToSend,
const PRUint32 expectedAckType,
Packet ** const replyPacket);
* Sends packetToSend to the broker, and returns the reply sent by
* the broker in replyPacket only if the reply matches
* expectedAckType1 or expectedAckType2.
* @param packetToSend the packet to send to the broker
* @param expectedAckType1 one of the potential ack types
* @param expectedAckType1 the other of the potential ack types
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see writePacketWithAck */
iMQError writePacketWithReply(Packet * const packetToSend,
const PRUint32 expectedAckType1,
const PRUint32 expectedAckType2,
Packet ** const replyPacket);
* Sends packetToSend to the broker, and returns the status sent by
* the broker in replyPacket only if the reply matches
* expectedAckType.
* @param packetToSend the packet to send to the broker
* @param expectedAckType the expected ack type
* @param status the status returned by the broker
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see writePacketWithAck */
iMQError writePacketWithStatus( Packet * const packetToSend,
const PRUint32 expectedAckType,
PRInt32 * const status);
* Authenticates to the broker.
* @param authReqPacket is the authenticate request packet that
* was sent by the broker
* @param username is the username to use to authenticate
* @param password is hte password used to authenticate
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
iMQError authenticate(const Packet * const authReqPacket,
const UTF8String * const username,
const UTF8String * const password);
* Returns the AuthenticationProtocolHandler to be used with
* authentication of type authType.
* @param authType the type of the authentication
* @param handler is the output parameter to hold the handler for
* this authentication type.
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
iMQError getAuthHandlerInstance(const char * const authType,
AuthenticationProtocolHandler ** const handler) const;
* Verifies that the client and the broker match with respect to
* whether admin key is being used. It returns an error if they
* do not match.
* @param authType the type of the authentication
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS the client and broker agree on whether
* admin key is being used and an error otherwise. */
iMQError checkAdminKeyAuth(const char * const authType) const;
* Returns the type of dest encoded according to the DestType class.
* @param dest the destination whose type to encode
* @return the encoded destination type
* @see DestType */
PRInt32 getDestinationType( const Destination * const dest) const;
* The constructor for ProtocolHandler. It keeps the connection pointer
* so it can later refer back to the connection.
* @param connection the Connection that is using this ProtocolHandler */
ProtocolHandler(Connection * const connection);
* The destructor for ProtocolHandler. It does not send any packets to the
* broker. It only sets it's private member variables to NULL. */
virtual ~ProtocolHandler();
* @return true iff the connection to the broker has been closed. */
PRBool isConnectionClosed() const;
PRBool getHasActivity() const;
void clearHasActivity();
* Reads a packet from the broker. The caller is responsible for
* freeing packet. It is only called from ReadChannel::run.
* @packet is the output parameter where the packet is stored.
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see ReadChannel::run */
iMQError readPacket(Packet ** const packet);
// The following methods send iMQ messages to the broker
* Connect to the broker at the iMQ protocol level and authenticate by
* calling authenticate. Sends a HELLO packet to broker, and waits for
* @param username is the username to use for authentication
* @param password is the password to use for authentication
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see authenticate. */
iMQError hello(const UTF8String * const username,
const UTF8String * const password);
* Sets the client ID to be used with this connection.
* @param clientID the clientID to set for this connection
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
iMQError setClientID(const UTF8String * const clientID);
* Disconnects from the broker at the protocol level. Sends a
* GOODBYE packet to broker, and waits for a GOODBYE_REPLY if
* expectReply is true.
* @param expectReply true if the GOODBYE_REPLY packet should be waited for.
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
iMQError goodBye(const PRBool expectReply);
MQError ping();
* Starts (or resumes) message delivery from the broker. This involves
* sending a START packet to the broker.
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
MQError start(PRBool startSession, const Session * session);
* Stops the broker from delivering messages to the client. This involves
* sending a STOP packet to the broker.
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
MQError stop(PRBool stopSession, const Session * session);
* This deletes Destination dest at the broker. It does not delete
* the dest object.
* @param dest the destination to delete
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see createDestination
* @see Connection::deleteDestination */
iMQError deleteDestination(const Destination * const dest);
* This verifies Destination dest is a valid destination at the
* broker.
* @param dest the destination to create
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise
* @see deleteDestination */
iMQError createDestination(const Destination * const dest);
* Registers messageProducer with the broker.
* @param destination the Destination to register a producer for
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
iMQError registerMessageProducer(const Session * const session,
const Destination * const destination,
ProducerFlow * producerFlow);
MQError unregisterMessageProducer(PRInt64 producerID);
* Registers messageConsumer with the broker.
* @param messageConsumer the consumer to register with the broker
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
iMQError registerMessageConsumer(MessageConsumer * messageConsumer);
* Unregisters messageConsumer with the broker.
* @param messageConsumer the consumer to unregister with the broker
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
iMQError unregisterMessageConsumer(const MessageConsumer * const messageConsumer);
* Unsubscribes the durable consumer specified by durableName from the broker
* @param durableName the name of the durable subscriber to unsubscribe
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
iMQError unsubscribeDurableConsumer(const UTF8String * const durableName);
* Sends message to the destination specified in the message.
* @param message the Message to send
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
iMQError writeJMSMessage(const Session * const session, Message * const message);
* Sends the acknowledgement block ackBlock to the broker.
* @param ackBlock the acknowledgement block to send to the broker
* @param ackBlockSize the size of ackBlock
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
iMQError acknowledge(const Session * const session,
const PRUint8 * const ackBlock,
const PRInt32 ackBlockSize);
* Sends the acknowledgement block, expiration type, to broker
* @param ackBlock the acknowledgement block to send to the broker
* @param ackBlockSize the size of ackBlock
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
MQError acknowledgeExpired(const PRUint8 * const ackBlock,
const PRInt32 ackBlockSize);
MQError redeliver(const Session * const session, PRBool setRedelivered,
const PRUint8 * const redeliverBlock,
const PRInt32 redeliverBlockSize);
MQError registerSession(Session * session);
MQError unregisterSession(PRInt64 sessionID);
MQError startTransaction(PRInt64 sessionID, PRBool setSessionID,
XID * xid, long xaflags, PRInt64 * transactionID);
MQError endTransaction(PRInt64 transactionID, XID *xid, long xaflags);
MQError prepareTransaction(PRInt64 transactionID, XID *xid);
MQError commitTransaction(PRInt64 transactionID, XID *xid,
long xaflags, PRInt32 * const replyStatus);
MQError rollbackTransaction(PRInt64 transactionID, XID * xid, PRBool setJMQRedeliver);
MQError recoverTransaction(long xaflags, ObjectVector ** const xidv);
* Resumes the flow of messages from the broker
* @return IMQ_SUCCESS if successful and an error otherwise */
iMQError resumeFlow(PRBool consumerFlow, PRInt64 consumerID);
// Avoid all implicit shallow copies. Without these, the compiler
// will automatically define implementations for us.
MQError prepareTransaction(PRInt64 transactionID, XID *xid, PRBool onePhase);
// These are not supported and are not implemented
ProtocolHandler(const ProtocolHandler& handler);
ProtocolHandler& operator=(const ProtocolHandler& handler);
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