mq5.1-source.src.solaris.bin.imqkeytool.sh Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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# imqkeytool is a wrapper script for JDK Keytool for generation of a keystore
# and a self signed certificate for use with SSL.
# To generate keystore and self signed certificate for the broker
# usage: imqkeytool [-broker]
# To generate keystore and a self-signed certificate for the HTTPS tunnel
# servlet
# usage: imqkeytool -servlet
# print usage
usage() {
echo ""
echo "usage:"
echo "imqkeytool [-broker]"
echo " generates a keystore and self-signed certificate for the broker"
echo ""
echo "imqkeytool -servlet "
echo " generates a keystore and self-signed certificate for the HTTPS"
echo " tunnel servlet, keystore_location specifies the name and location"
echo " of the keystore file"
echo ""
exit 1
_bin_home=`/usr/bin/dirname $0`
# Source initialization file. This intitializes the imq_* variables
if [ -f $_bin_home/../share/lib/imq/$_init_file ]; then
# bundled location
. $_bin_home/../share/lib/imq/$_init_file
elif [ -f $_bin_home/../lib/$_init_file ]; then
# unbundled location
. $_bin_home/../lib/$_init_file
elif [ -f $_bin_home/../private/share/lib/$_init_file ]; then
# Linux "standard" location
. $_bin_home/../private/share/lib/$_init_file
elif [ -f $_bin_home/../private/share/lib/$_init_file ]; then
# HP-UX "standard" location
. $_bin_home/../private/share/lib/$_init_file
echo "Error: Could not find required Message Queue initialization file '$_init_file'"
exit 1
# file is stored (by default) in /etc/imq/keystore
while [ $# != 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
-broker) cmd="broker"; shift ;;
if [ $# = 1 ]; then
echo "Please specify keystore location for the -servlet option"
shift 2
-verbose) shift 1;; # Handled by imqinit
-javahome) shift 2;; # Handled by imqinit
-varhome) shift 2;; # Handled by imqinit
*) usage ;;
if [ $cmd = broker ]; then
# generate keystore and certificate for the broker
echo "Generating keystore for the broker ..."
if [ ! -w $keystore_home ]; then
/bin/echo "You do not have permission to create the keystore file in"
/bin/ls -ld $keystore_home
exit 1
echo Keystore=$keystore
# Generate the keypair. This also wraps them in a self-signed certificate
$imq_javahome/bin/keytool -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -alias imq -keystore $keystore -v
#Make sure keystore is readable by everybody so broker can read it
chmod a+r $keystore
elif [ $cmd = servlet ]; then
# generate keystore and certificate for the HTTPS tunnel servlet
echo "Generating keystore for the HTTPS tunnel servlet ..."
keystoredir=`/usr/bin/dirname $keystore`
if [ ! -w $keystoredir ]; then
/bin/echo "You do not have permission to create the keystore file in"
/bin/ls -ld $keystoredir
exit 1
echo Keystore=$keystore
# Generate the keypair. This also wraps them in a self-signed certificate
"$imq_javahome/bin/keytool" -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -alias imqservlet -keystore $keystore -v
if [ $status = 0 ]; then
echo "Make sure the keystore is accessible and readable by"
echo "the HTTPS tunnel servlet."
# print usage
exit $status
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