com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConsumerReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
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package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient;
import jakarta.jms.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.io.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
//import java.util.Enumeration;
public abstract class ConsumerReader implements Runnable, Traceable {
protected Thread sessionThread = null;
protected ProtocolHandler protocolHandler = null;
protected ConnectionImpl connection = null;
protected SessionQueue sessionQueue = null;
protected boolean isSuspended = false;
protected boolean isAlive = false;
protected boolean isPaused = false;
// for thread naming purpose
private static int nextReaderID = 0;
protected int readerID = 0;
protected static final String imqConsumerReader = "imqConsumerReader-";
// the maximum number of messages in the queue not processed.
// protected int maxQueueSize = 100;
// protected int minQueueSize = 10;
// set this to true if wanted to have max and min queue size checked.
// protected boolean protectMode = false;
// message suspended state
// used for checkQueueSize
// private boolean messageSuspended = false;
// the message that is delivering/delivered to the message consumer
// MessageImpl currentMessage = null;
// debug flag
protected boolean debug = Debug.debug;
// dupsOkPerf -- this flag is set by SessionReader sub class.
protected long timeout = 0;
public ConsumerReader(ConnectionImpl connection, SessionQueue readQueue) {
this.connection = connection;
this.sessionQueue = readQueue;
readerID = getNextReaderID();
protected static synchronized int getNextReaderID() {
return nextReaderID++;
// dupsOkPerf
protected void setTimeout(long timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout;
public void init() {
protocolHandler = connection.getProtocolHandler();
// maxQueueSize = connection.getMaxQueueSize();
// minQueueSize = connection.getMinQueueSize();
// protectMode = connection.getProtectMode();
* if ( debug ) { Debug.println ("maxqsize: " + maxQueueSize); Debug.println ("minqsize: " + minQueueSize);
* Debug.println ("protect mode: " + protectMode); }
public synchronized void start() {
if (sessionThread == null) {
if (debug) {
Debug.println("starting new sessionThread ...");
sessionThread = new Thread(this);
if (connection.hasDaemonThreads()) {
// set thread name
// sessionThread.setName(imqConsumerReader + connection.getConnectionID() + "-" + readerID);
sessionThread.setName(imqConsumerReader + connection.getLocalID() + "-" + connection.getConnectionID() + "-" + readerID);
} else {
if (debug) {
Debug.println("sessionThread was started already ...");
public void run() {
// read loop ...
ReadOnlyPacket packet = null;
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
if (debug) {
Debug.println("**** Consumer Reader wait timeout: " + timeout);
while (sessionThread == currentThread) {
try {
// This call blocks until packet comes in.
// or queue is locked
// dupsOkPerf
packet = (ReadOnlyPacket) sessionQueue.dequeueWait(timeout);
// check if connection is still ok. For client ack,
// we want to find out if connection is broken asap.
// If connection should break, the previous one is the last
// message delivered.
// For auto ack and dups ok ack, this has been taken care
// of already -- exception will be caught below.
if (connection.isBroken()) {
sessionThread = null;
} else {
// connection is ok ... so far
if (packet != null) {
* if ( protectMode ) { checkQueueSize (); }
if (getIsAlive()) {
if (debug) {
} // isAlive
} else { // packet == null
} catch (Exception e) {
// we check if the connection is broken,
// if yes, we exit the loop.
// If the exception listener was set, it would be
// called by ReadChannel. We just exit gracefully
// here.
if (connection.isBroken()) {
sessionThread = null;
} else if (connection.getRecoverInProcess()) {
* we should stop message delivery to listener until recovered. A simple way is just to clean up sesison queue. We don't
* want to continue message delivery when there is a problem in the connection.
} else {
* For anything else, we dump exception stack trace.
// Debug.printStackTrace(e);
ExceptionHandler.rootLogger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (Error err) {
} // while
if (debug) {
Debug.println("sessionReader closed ...");
* deliver a message packet to consumer.
* @param packet the arrived message packet
protected abstract void deliver(ReadOnlyPacket packet) throws IOException, JMSException;
* The reader thread is waken up without a packet
protected abstract void deliver() throws IOException, JMSException;
* Stop the session reader.
protected synchronized void stop() {
if (debug) {
Debug.println("session reader stopped ...");
protected synchronized void suspend() {
if (debug) {
Debug.println("session reader suspended ...");
* Resume this session reader
protected synchronized void resume() {
if (debug) {
Debug.println("session reader resumed ...");
* Called by SessionImpl.close().
protected synchronized void close() {
sessionThread = null;
* Get the state of this session reader.
* @return true if it is suspended. Otherwise, returns false.
protected synchronized boolean getIsSuspended() {
return isSuspended;
* the state of sessionThread. If sessionThread is alive, it was started and not died yet.
protected synchronized boolean getIsAlive() {
return isAlive;
protected synchronized void setIsSuspended(boolean state) {
isSuspended = state;
protected synchronized void setIsAlive(boolean state) {
isAlive = state;
protected synchronized void setIsPaused(boolean state) {
isPaused = state;
protected synchronized boolean getIsPaused() {
return isPaused;
// This has been disabled.
// Flow control is now handled in FlowControl class
* protected void checkQueueSize() throws JMSException {
* if ( sessionQueue.size() > maxQueueSize ) { if ( messageSuspended == false ) { if (debug) {
* Debug.println("suspend connection cause queue is full ..."); Debug.println("queue size = " + sessionQueue.size()); }
* protocolHandler.suspendMessageDelivery(); messageSuspended = true; } } else if ( (sessionQueue.size() <=
* minQueueSize) ) { if ( messageSuspended == true ) { protocolHandler.resumeMessageDelivery(); messageSuspended =
* false;
* if (debug) { Debug.println("resume connection cause queue is normal ..."); Debug.println("queue size = " +
* sessionQueue.size()); } } } }
public void dump(PrintStream ps) {
ps.println("is alive: " + isAlive);
ps.println("is suspended: " + isSuspended);
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