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# Copyright (c) 2003, 2017 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2021 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
# This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
# Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
# Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
# version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0

# NOTE ON USING '\'es:
# The trailing '\' on a line is the line continuation character.
# The leading '\' at the start of a line escapes the first space in that
# line so the leading whitespace is not lost
# If a message contains parameters (e.g. {0}, {1}, etc), you *MUST*
# escape single quotes by doubling them up (''). If the message does
# not contain parameters then do not double them up (').
#  1. If a message spans multiple lines, you must terminate
#     each line (except the last) with the '\' character.
#  2. If a continued line starts with whitespace you must begin
#     the line with the '\' character in the first column.
#  3. If a message contains a parameter (ie {0}, {1}, etc) you
#     must escape single quotes by doubling them up (''). I.e.
#       Could not start the Broker''s {0} service on port {1}.\n
C4000=Packet acknowledge failed.
C4001=Write packet failed.
C4002=Read packet failed.
C4003=Error occurred on connection creation {0}.
C4004=Error occurred on connection close.
C4005=Get properties from packet failed.
C4006=Set properties to packet failed.
C4007=Durable subscription {0} in use.
C4008=Message in read-only mode.
C4009=Message in write-only mode.
C4010=Read message failed.
C4011=Write message failed.
C4012=Reset message failed.
C4013=Unexpected end of stream when read message
C4014=Serialize message failed.
C4015=Deserialize message failed.
C4016=Error occurred during message acknowledgment.
C4017=Invalid message format.
C4018=Error occurred on request message redeliver.
C4019=Destination not found: {0}.
C4020=Temporary destination belongs to a closed connection or another connection - {0}.
C4021=Consumer not found.
C4022=Selector invalid: {0}.
C4023=Client non acknowledged messages over system defined limit.
C4024=The session is not transacted.
C4025=Cannot call this method from a transacted session.
C4026=Client non-committed messages over system defined limit.
C4027=Invalid transaction ID: {0}.
C4028=Transaction ID {0} in use.
C4029=Invalid session for ServerSession.
C4030=Illegal maxMessages value for ServerSession: {0}.
C4031=MessageConsumer and ServerSession session conflict.
C4032=Can not use receive() when message listener is set.
C4033=Authentication type not match: {0} and {1}.
C4034=Illegal authentication state.
C4036=A broker error occurred.
C4037=Broker unavailable or broker timeout.
C4038={0} - cause: {1}
C4039=Cannot delete destination
C4040=Invalid ObjectProperty type {0} for property {1}
C4041=Reserved word used as property name - {0}
C4042=Illegal first character ''{0}'' of property name {1}
C4043=Illegal character ''{0}'' used in property name {1}
C4044=Browser timeout.
C4045=No more elements.
C4046=Browser closed.
C4047=Operation interrupted.
C4048=ServerSession in progress.
#no translation for MessageListener and CompletionListener
C4049=Cannot call Connection.close(), stop(), etc from MessageListener or CompletionListener
C4050=Invalid destination name - {0}
C4051=Invalid delivery parameter.  {0} : {1}
C4052=Client ID is already in use - {0}
C4053=Invalid client ID - {0}
C4054=Cannot set client ID, invalid state.
C4055=Resource in conflict.  Concurrent operations on a session.
C4056=Received goodbye message from broker.
C4057=No username or password.
C4058=Cannot acknowledge message for closed consumer.
C4059=Cannot perform operation, session is closed.
C4060=Login failed: {0}
C4061=Connection recovery failed, cannot recover connection.
C4062=Cannot perform operation, connection is closed.
C4063=Cannot perform operation, consumer is closed.
C4064=Cannot perform operation, producer is closed.
C4065=Incompatible broker version encountered. Client version {0}. Broker version {1}
C4066=Invalid or empty Durable Subscription Name used: {0}
C4067=Invalid session acknowledgement mode: {0}
C4068=Invalid Destination Classname: {0}
C4069=Cannot perform commit or rollback on an XASession.
C4070=Error when converting foreign message.
C4071=Invalid method in this domain: {0}
C4072=Illegal property name - "" or null.
C4073=A JMS destination limit was reached.  Too many Subscribers/Receivers for {0} : {1}
C4074=Transaction rolled back due to provider connection failover
C4075=Cannot acknowledge messages due to provider connection failover. Subsequent acknowledge calls will also fail until the application calls session.recover().
C4076=Client does not have permission to create producer on destination: {0}
C4077=Client is not authorized to create destination: {0}
C4078=Client is unauthorized to send to destination: {0}
C4079=Client does not have permission to register a consumer on the destination: {0}
C4080=Client does not have permission to delete consumer: {0}
C4081=Client does not have permission to unsubscribe: {0}
C4082=Client is not authorized to access destination: {0}
C4083=Client does not have permission to browse destination: {0}
C4084=User authorization failed: {0}
C4085=Delete consumer failed. Consumer was not found: {0}
C4086=Unsubscribe failed.  Subscriber was not found: {0}
C4087=Set Client ID operation failed.  Invalid Client ID: {0}
C4088=A JMS destination limit was reached.  Too many producers for {0} : {1}
C4089=Caught JVM Error: {0}
C4090=Invalid port number.  Broker is not available or may be paused: {0}
C4091=Cannot call Session.recover() from a NO_ACKNOWLEDGE session.
C4092=Broker does not support Session.NO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode, broker version: {0}

C4093=Received wrong packet type.  Expected: {0}, but received: {1}

C4094=The destination this message was sent to could not be found: {0}
C4095=Message exceeds the single message size limit for the broker or destination: {0}
C4096=Destination is full and is rejecting new messages: {0}

C4097=Fail over is not supported for the connected broker license: {0}

C4098=Unknown broker service: {0}

C4099=Take over in process.

C4100=Another broker has taken over the passed in JMQStoreSession.

C4101=The transaction is rolled back due to prepare protocol failed. TxID and Status {0}:{1}
C4102=Received unexpected transaction state from broker. TxID and State {0}:{1}
C4103=The transaction has been invalidated due to fail over occurred. Please rollback the transaction.
C4104=The transaction failed due to end protocol failed. Please rollback the transaction.  TxID and Status {0}:{1}
C4105=Cannot start a new transaction due to internal error.  Application must call session.rollback() to start a new transaction.

C4106=Session invalidated due to fail over occurred.  Application must call session.recover() to redeliver all unacknowledged messages.

#for auto-acked session
C4107=Auto/Dups-OK acknowledge failed due to remote broker failed.  System is auto-recovered.  Message(s) will be redelivered.

C4108=Client-acknowledge failed due to remote broker failed. Subsequent acknowledge calls will also fail until the application calls session.recover().

C4109=Transaction is rolled back due to remote broker failed.  

C4110=Packet acknowledgment failed due to a remote broker failure.  

C4111=Temporary destination has been deleted - {0}.

C4200=Factory class - {0} - could not be found or instantiated.
C4201=Could not create MessageFactory.
C4202=Servlet {0} which extends JAXMServlet must implement ReqRespListener or OnewayListener.
C4203=JAXMServlet POST Failed.
C4204=Following are malformed URLs in Endpoint: {0}
C4205=Malformed URL: {0}
C4206=Invalid Endpoint specified: {0}
C4207=Exception in

C4300=Failed to add consumer event listener on destination {0}: {1}
C4301=No event listener registered
C4302=Consumer event listener for destination {0} not found
C4303=Exception on expiring message {0} on destination {1} before delivering to consumer {2}: {3}
C4304=Exception on moving undeliverable message {0} on destination {1} for consumer {2} to DMQ: {3}
C4305=Transaction state FAILED returned from broker on preparing transaction {0}
C4306=This method may not be called in a Java EE web or EJB container
C4307=JMSContext is closed
C4308=JMSProducer is closed
C4309=Invalid session mode {0}
C4310=Message is null
C4311=Asynchronous producing message is not supported in XA transaction
C4312=Connection failover occurred 
C4313=Producer is closing
C4314=Timed out in waiting for async send completion
C4315=No async send completion listener processor thread
C4316=Invalid shared subscription name
C4320=Message has no body and so cannot be returned using this method 
C4321=Message body is a {0} and cannot be assigned to the specified class {1}
C4322=The body of a StreamMessage cannot be returned using this method
#{0} a file path 
C4323=File not found: {0}
C4324=No key store password provided
C4325=WebSocket session is closed
C4326=Exception occurred while processing incoming packet {0} from WebSocket {1}: {2}
C4327=Close WebSocket session {0} due to error {1} 
#{0} is string
C4328=Exception on connecting to broker WebSocket endpoint {0} for connection {1}: {2}
C4329=Timed out in waiting for connecting to broker WebSocket endpoint {0} for connection {1}
C4330=Timed out in setting client id {0} for connection {1}
C4331=Broker version {0} does not support JMS 2 shared subscription
C4332=Broker version {0} does not support durable subscription without client ID 
L0500=Connection Type
L0501=Connection Handler Classname
L0502=Broker Host Name
L0503=Broker Host Port
L0504=SSL Provider Classname
L0505=SSL Host Trusted
L0507=Message Service Acknowledgement Timeout (milliseconds)
L0508=Enable Auto-reconnect to Message Server
L0509=Reconnect Interval per Address (milliseconds)
L0510=Number of Reconnect Attempts per Address
L0511=Default Username
L0512=Default Password
L0513=Disable setClientID() JMS API
L0514=Configured Client ID
L0515=Enable JMSXAppID Message Property
L0516=Enable JMSXUserID Message Property
L0517=Enable JMSXProducerTXID Message Property
L0518=Enable JMSXConsumerTXID Message Property
L0519=Enable JMSXRcvTimestamp Message Property
L0520=Message Service Acknowledgement of Produced Messages
L0521=Message Service Acknowledgement of Client Acknowledgements
L0522=Connection Flow Count
L0523=Connection Flow Limit Enabled
L0524=Connection Flow Limit (Unconsumed Messages per Connection)
L0525=Queue Browser Retrieve Timeout (milliseconds)
L0526=Queue Browser Retrieve Size (# of messages)
L0527=Load Up To Maximum Messages to ServerSessions
L0528=Broker Service Name
L0529=Broker Service Port
L0530=Enable Shared Client Identifier
L0531=Message Server Address
L0532=Default Administrator Username
L0533=Default Administrator Password
L0534=TCP Socket Connection Timeout (milliseconds)
L0535=Port Mapper Client Socket Read Timeout (milliseconds)
L0536=Async Send Completion Wait Timeout (milliseconds)
L0550=Override JMSDeliveryMode
L0551=JMSDeliveryMode value
L0552=Override JMSExpiration
L0553=JMSExpiration value
L0554=Override JMSPriority
L0555=JMSPriority value
L0556=Override Messages to Temporary Destinations
L0557=Message Server Address List
L0558=Number of Address List Iterations
L0559=Address List Order
L0560=Consumer Flow Limit (Unconsumed Messages per Consumer)
L0561=Consumer Flow Threshold (Percent)
L0562=Connection Ping Interval (seconds)
L0563=Consumer Flow Limit Prefetch
L0564=Ping reply Timeout (milliseconds)
L0565=Abort connection on ping reply Timeout
L0566=OnMessage Exception Redelivery Attempts
L0567=OnMessage Exception Redelivery Intervals (milliseconds)
L0570=Destination Name
L0571=Destination Description
L0575=Endpoint Name
L0576=Endpoint Description
L0577=SOAP Endpoint List
L0593=3.0 Connection Handling
L0594=Message Header Overrides
L0595=QueueBrowsers and ServerSessions
L0596=Reliability and Flow Control
L0597=JMSX Properties
L0598=Client Identification
L0599=Connection Handling
W2000=Warning: Received unknown packet:
W2001=Warning: pkt not processed, no message consumer:
W2003=Broker not responding [{0}] for {1} seconds. Still trying...
W2004=Exception on removing consumer event listener on destination {0}: {1}
W2010=Reached redelivery maximum attempts {0}. Move message [{1}] to DMQ
W2011=Exception on moving message [{0}] to DMQ: {1} 
W2012=Exception on closing WebSocket session {0}: {1}

# {0} time remaining in seconds
# {1} time remaining in milliseconds
# {2} broker address
E101=Connection closing in {0} seconds ({1} milliseconds): {2}

E201=Connection closed due to admin requested shutdown: {0}
E202=Connection closed due to admin requested restart: {0}
E203=Connection closed due to broker error: {0}
E204=Connection closed due to admin killed the connection: {0}
E205=Connection closed due to broker crashed: {0}
E206=Connection closed.  The connection is closed due to a network problem, broker crashed, or internal error: {0}
E207=Connection closed.  The connection is closed due to the broker is not responsive: {0}

E301=Connection reconnected to the broker: {0}
E401=Connection reconnect to the broker failed: {0}

E500=Connection is permanent broken: {0}

E600=Broker address list changed: {0}
E700=Consumer is ready on destination: {0}
E701=Consumer is not ready on destination: {0}
E702=Async send completion listener processor thread exited 
E703=The connection to broker is broken

I100=Connection created: {0}
I101=Connection closed: {0}
I102=Connection stopped: {0}



I105=Inbound Packet: {0};{1}
I106=Outbound Packet:{0};{1}

I107=Connection recover state: {0}, broker: {1}

#moved permanently status
I108=Received MOVED_PERMANENTLY status from broker: {0}, Redirecting to broker: {1}

I109=Received TIME_OUT status from broker: {0}

I110=Waiting for connection recovery. State: {0}, broker: {1}

I112=Connected to HA broker, but auto-reconnect feature is disabled, broker: {0}

I113=Connection fail-over aborted.  Unable to fail-over to a take over broker.  Broker address list: {0},  retry count: {1}.

I200=Session created: {0}
I201=Session closed: {0}

I300=Message consumer created: {0}
I301=Message consumer closed: {0}
I302=Message delivered to consumer: {0}
I303=Expiring message before delivery: {0}
I304=Undeliverable message: {0}

I400=Message producer created: {0}
I401=Message producer closed: {0}

I402=Message producer sent message: {0}
I403=Message producer async sending message: {0}

I500=Caught JVM Exception: {0}

I501=Throw JMS Exception:
I502=Async send completion listener processor thread started
I503=Async send completion listener processor thread exits 
I504=Wait {0} milliseconds for async sends in producer {1} to complete 
I505=Wait {0} milliseconds for async sends in session {1} to complete 
#all place holders are strings
I506=Use {0} key store, {1} key manager factory and {2} trust manager factory for {3};

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