com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsspi.JMSAdmin Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
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package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsspi;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import jakarta.jms.JMSException;
* Interface definition to provide administrative support of iMQ.
public interface JMSAdmin extends JMSConstants {
* Return the SPI version
String getVersion();
* Create a ConnectionFactory administered object
* @param type Either QUEUE or TOPIC.
* @param properties Connection specific properties.
* @return New created ConnectionFactory administered object.
* @exception JMSException thrown if connectionFactory could not be created.
Object createConnectionFactoryObject(int type, java.util.Map properties) throws JMSException;
* Create a Destination administered object
* @param destinationName The destination name.
* @param type Either QUEUE or TOPIC.
* @param properties destination specific properties.
* @return New created Destination administered object.
* @exception JMSException thrown if destination object could not be created.
Object createDestinationObject(String destinationName, int type, java.util.Map properties) throws JMSException;
* Create a XAConnectionFactory administered object
* @param type Either QUEUE or TOPIC.
* @param properties Connection specific properties.
* @return New created JMSXAConnectionFactory administered object. ^^^^^
* @exception JMSException thrown if XAConnectionFactory could not be created.
Object createXAConnectionFactoryObject(int type, java.util.Map properties) throws JMSException;
* Create a Destination administered object. The destination name is assumed in properties with key
* JMQDestinationName=xxxx
* @param type Either QUEUE or TOPIC.
* @param properties destination specific properties.
* @return New created Destination administered object.
* @exception JMSException thrown if destination object could not be created.
Object createDestinationObject(int type, java.util.Map properties) throws JMSException;
* Wrap a standard JMS ConnectionFactory administered object
* @param obj a XAQueue/TopicConnectionFactory or Queue/TopicConnectionFactory object
* @return a JMSXAConnectionFactory object ^^^^^
* @exception JMSException if fail to wrap
Object wrapJMSConnectionFactoryObject(Object obj) throws JMSException;
* @return the client-id property name or null
String clientIDPropertyName();
void validateJMSSelector(String selector) throws JMSException;
* Returns a map of all the properties that a destination object has.
* For each property name returned, a corresponding label that can be used for output display purposes is also returned.
* The Map returned contains the property names and property labels as key-value pairs. This information can be used to
* display more readable output containing property labels and not property names.
* @param type Either QUEUE or TOPIC.
* @return Map containing attribute value pairs of property names and their display labels.
Map getAllDestinationObjectProperties(int type) throws JMSException;
* Returns a subset of all the properties that a destination object has.
* This collection of properties can be used to construct a user interface where not all of the object's properties will
* be displayed, and only a selected few (more important) ones are.
* For each property name returned, a corresponding label that can be used for output display purposes is also returned.
* The Map returned contains the property names and property labels as key-value pairs. This information can be used to
* display more readable output containing property labels and not property names.
* @param type Either QUEUE or TOPIC.
* @return Map containing attribute value pairs of property names and their display labels.
Map getDisplayedDestinationObjectProperties(int type) throws JMSException;
* Returns a map of all the properties that a connection factory object has.
* For each property name returned, a corresponding label that can be used for output display purposes is also returned.
* The Map returned contains the property names and property labels as key-value pairs. This information can be used to
* display more readable output containing property labels and not property names.
* @param type Either QUEUE or TOPIC.
* @return Map containing attribute value pairs of property names and their display labels.
Map getAllConnectionFactoryObjectProperies(int type) throws JMSException;
* Returns a subset of all the properties that a connection factory object has.
* This collection of properties can be used to construct a user interface where not all of the object's properties will
* be displayed, and only a selected few (more important) ones are.
* For each property name returned, a corresponding label that can be used for output display purposes is also returned.
* The Map returned contains the property names and property labels as key-value pairs. This information can be used to
* display more readable output containing property labels and not property names.
* @param type Either QUEUE or TOPIC.
* @return Map containing attribute value pairs of property names and their display labels.
Map getDisplayedConnectionFactoryObjectProperies(int type) throws JMSException;
* Connect to the provider.
* @exception JMSException thrown if connection to the provider cannot be established or if an error occurs
void connectToProvider() throws JMSException;
* Disconnect from the provider.
* @exception JMSException thrown if connection to the provider cannot be closed or ir an error occurs
void disconnectFromProvider() throws JMSException;
* Create a physical Destination within the JMS Provider using the provided properties to define provider specific
* attributes. Destination is not automatically bound into JNDI namespace.
* @param destinationType QUEUE or TOPIC
* @param properties creation properties.
* @exception JMSException thrown if Queue could not be created.
void createProviderDestination(String destinationName, int destinationType, java.util.Map properties) throws JMSException;
* Delete a physical destination within the JMS Provider.
* @param type Either QUEUE or TOPIC.
* @exception JMSException thrown if Queue could not be deleted.
void deleteProviderDestination(String destinationName, int type) throws JMSException;
* Get all provider destinations.
* @return A multi dimensional array containing information about the JMS destinations. array[0] is a String[] listing
* the destination names. array[1] is a String[] listing the destination types.
* @exception JMSException thrown if array could not be obtained.
String[][] getProviderDestinations() throws JMSException;
* Make start provider command line
* @param iMQHome directory of MQ executables, ignored if argsOnly true
* @param optArgs Array of optional broker command line arguments.
* @param serverName Instance name of the server.
* @param argsOnly return command line arguments only
* @return command line for starting provider
* @exception IOException thrown if the server startup fails.
String[] makeStartProviderCmdLine(String iMQHome, String optArgs[], String serverName, boolean argsOnly) throws IOException, JMSException;
* Start the provider.
* @param iMQHome directory of MQ executables.
* @param optArgs Array of optional broker command line arguments.
* @param serverName Instance name of the server.
* @exception IOException thrown if the server startup fails.
void startProvider(String iMQHome, String optArgs[], String serverName) throws IOException, JMSException;
* Ping the provider.
* @exception JMSException thrown if ping fails.
void pingProvider() throws JMSException;
* Get the provider instance name
* @exception JMSException thrown if the get fails.
String getProviderInstanceName() throws JMSException;
* Get the provider VARHOME directory
* @exception JMSException thrown if the get fails.
String getProviderVarHome() throws JMSException;
* Shutdown the provider.
* @exception JMSException thrown if the shutdown fails.
void shutdownProvider() throws JMSException;
* Restart the provider.
* @exception JMSException thrown if the restart fails.
void restartProvider() throws JMSException;
* Return the provider host name
String getProviderHostName() throws JMSException;
* Return the provider host port number
String getProviderHostPort() throws JMSException;
* Delete provider instance.
* @param mqBinDir Location of MQ's bin directory, which contains the executable used to perform the deletion.
* @param optArgs Optional broker command line arguments.
* @param serverName instance name of MQ broker to delete
* @exception JMSException thrown if the delete fails.
void deleteProviderInstance(String mqBinDir, String optArgs, String serverName) throws IOException, JMSException;
* Delete provider instance.
* @param mqBinDir Location of MQ's bin directory, which contains the executable used to perform the deletion.
* @param optArgs Array of optional broker command line arguments.
* @param serverName instance name of MQ broker to delete
* @exception JMSException thrown if the delete fails.
void deleteProviderInstance(String mqBinDir, String optArgs[], String serverName) throws IOException, JMSException;