com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.multibroker.ClusterBroadcaster Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2020, 2022 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
* version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
* https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
package com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.multibroker;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.io.Packet;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.io.SysMessageID;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.UID;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.ServiceType;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Globals;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.data.TransactionUID;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.cluster.api.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.cluster.router.ClusterRouter;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.cluster.router.MultibrokerRouter;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.resources.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.config.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.service.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.api.ChangeRecordInfo;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.multibroker.raptor.ProtocolGlobals;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.log.*;
import com.sun.messaging.jmq.io.Status;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;
* this class implements the ClusterBroadcast interface for the broker.
@Service(name = com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.Broker.CLUSTER_BROADCASTER_SERVICE_NAME)
public class ClusterBroadcaster implements ClusterBroadcast, MessageBusCallback, ChangeRecordCallback {
private static boolean DEBUG_CLUSTER_TXN = Globals.getConfig().getBooleanProperty(Globals.IMQ + ".cluster.debug.txn");
private static boolean DEBUG = false;
Logger logger = Globals.getLogger();
BrokerConfig config = Globals.getConfig();
BrokerResources br = Globals.getBrokerResources();
private com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerAddress selfAddress = null;
private Cluster c = null;
private Protocol protocol = null;
private ChangeRecordInfo lastSyncedChangeRecord = null;
private ChangeRecordInfo lastStoredChangeRecord = null;
private Map lastReceivedChangeRecord = Collections
.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
private ClusterRouter clusterRouter = null;
private DestinationList DL = Globals.getDestinationList();
public ClusterBroadcaster() {
public ClusterBroadcaster(Integer version) throws BrokerException {
public ClusterBroadcaster(int version) throws BrokerException {
public void init(int version) throws BrokerException {
// Create the cluster topology
String driver = config.getProperty(ClusterGlobals.TOPOLOGY_PROPERTY);
if (driver == null) {
driver = "fullyconnected";
// TBD: JMQ2.1 : Load the topology driver class dynamically...
if (driver.equals("fullyconnected")) {
c = new com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.multibroker.fullyconnected.ClusterImpl();
logger.log(Logger.INFO, br.I_CLUSTER_INITIALIZED);
} else {
driver = "standalone";
if (driver.equals("standalone")) {
c = new com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.multibroker.standalone.ClusterImpl();
selfAddress = c.getSelfAddress();
protocol = new CommonProtocol(this, c, selfAddress);
if (version != protocol.getHighestSupportedVersion()) {
throw new BrokerException("The version " + version + " is not supported by the ClusterBroadcaster");
clusterRouter = new MultibrokerRouter(this);
public Object getProtocol() {
return protocol;
public int getClusterVersion() throws BrokerException {
return protocol.getClusterVersion();
public void startClusterIO() {
public void stopClusterIO(boolean requestTakeover, boolean force, BrokerAddress excludedBroker) {
protocol.stopClusterIO(requestTakeover, force, excludedBroker);
public Hashtable getAllDebugState() {
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
if (c != null) {
ht.put("CLUSTER", c.getDebugState());
if (protocol != null) {
ht.put("PROTOCOL", protocol.getDebugState());
ht.put("CLUSTER_ROUTER", clusterRouter.getDebugState());
return ht;
* public void shutdown() { protocol.shutdown(); }
* Handle jmq administration command to reload and update the cluster configuration.
public void reloadCluster() {
public void pauseMessageFlow() throws IOException {
public void resumeMessageFlow() throws IOException {
* Set the matchProps for the cluster.
public void setMatchProps(Properties matchProps) {
public boolean waitForConfigSync() {
return protocol.waitForConfigSync();
* Returns the address of this broker.
* @return BrokerAddress
object representing this broker.
public com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerAddress getMyAddress() {
return selfAddress;
public boolean lockSharedResource(String resource, Object owner) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "lockSharedResource : " + resource);
return (protocol.lockSharedResource(resource, owner) == ProtocolGlobals.G_LOCK_SUCCESS);
public boolean lockExclusiveResource(String resource, Object owner) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "lockExclusiveResource " + resource);
return (protocol.lockResource(resource, 0, owner) == ProtocolGlobals.G_LOCK_SUCCESS);
public void unlockExclusiveResource(String resource, Object owner) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "unlockExclusiveResource " + resource);
public boolean lockDestination(DestinationUID uid, Object owner) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "lockDestination " + uid);
return (protocol.lockResource(ClusterBroadcast.DESTINATION_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_PREFIX + uid.toString(), 0, owner) == ProtocolGlobals.G_LOCK_SUCCESS);
public void unlockDestination(DestinationUID uid, Object owner) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "unlockDestination " + uid);
protocol.unlockResource(ClusterBroadcast.DESTINATION_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_PREFIX + uid.toString());
public int lockClientID(String clientid, Object owner, boolean shared) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "lockClientID " + clientid);
int status = ClusterBroadcast.LOCK_FAILURE;
if (shared) {
status = protocol.lockSharedResource(ClusterBroadcast.CLIENTID_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_PREFIX + clientid, owner);
} else {
status = protocol.lockResource(ClusterBroadcast.CLIENTID_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_PREFIX + clientid, 0, owner);
return convertToLocalLockRequestStatus(status);
public void unlockClientID(String clientid, Object owner) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "unlockClientID " + clientid);
protocol.unlockResource(ClusterBroadcast.CLIENTID_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_PREFIX + clientid);
public boolean getConsumerLock(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.ConsumerUID uid, DestinationUID duid, int position, int maxActive, Object owner)
throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "getConsumerLock " + uid);
if (maxActive > 1 && ((c.getConfigServer() == null || (c.getConfigServer() != null && !Globals.nowaitForMasterBroker()))
&& protocol.getClusterVersion() < VERSION_350)) {
throw new BrokerException("Feature not support in this" + " cluster protocol");
return (protocol.lockResource(ClusterBroadcast.Q_CONSUMER_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_PREFIX + duid.getName() + "_" + position, 0,
owner) == ProtocolGlobals.G_LOCK_SUCCESS);
public void unlockConsumer(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.ConsumerUID uid, DestinationUID duid, int position) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "unlockConsumer " + uid);
protocol.unlockResource(ClusterBroadcast.Q_CONSUMER_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_PREFIX + duid.getName() + "_" + position);
private int convertToLocalLockRequestStatus(int status) {
switch (status) {
case ProtocolGlobals.G_LOCK_TIMEOUT:
return ClusterBroadcast.LOCK_TIMEOUT;
case ProtocolGlobals.G_LOCK_SUCCESS:
return ClusterBroadcast.LOCK_SUCCESS;
case ProtocolGlobals.G_LOCK_FAILURE:
return ClusterBroadcast.LOCK_FAILURE;
logger.log(Logger.WARNING, BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, "Unexpected cluster lock request status: " + status);
return ClusterBroadcast.LOCK_FAILURE;
private int convertToClusterAckType(int type) {
switch (type) {
return ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_DELIVERED;
return ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_CONSUMED;
return ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_IGNORED;
return ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_UNDELIVERABLE;
case MSG_DEAD:
return ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_DEAD;
return ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_TXN_PREPARE;
return ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_TXN_ROLLEDBACK;
return ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_TXN_ACK_RN;
return ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_TXN_PREPARE_RN;
return ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_TXN_ROLLEDBACK_RN;
return ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_SENT;
private int convertToLocalAckType(int type) {
switch (type) {
case ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_DELIVERED:
case ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_CONSUMED:
case ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_IGNORED:
case ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_UNDELIVERABLE:
case ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_DEAD:
return MSG_DEAD;
case ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_TXN_PREPARE:
case ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_TXN_ROLLEDBACK:
case ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_TXN_ACK_RN:
case ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_TXN_PREPARE_RN:
case ClusterGlobals.MB_MSG_TXN_ROLLEDBACK_RN:
return -1;
public void acknowledgeMessage(BrokerAddress address, SysMessageID sysid, com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.ConsumerUID cuid, int ackType,
Map optionalProps, boolean ackack) throws BrokerException {
if (address == null || address == selfAddress) {
logger.log(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, "Invalid broker address " + address + " in acknowledge message " + sysid
+ " [CID=" + cuid + ", ackType=" + ClusterGlobals.getAckTypeString(convertToClusterAckType(ackType)) + "]");
protocol.sendMessageAck(address, sysid, cuid, convertToClusterAckType(ackType), optionalProps, ackack);
public void acknowledgeMessage2P(BrokerAddress address, SysMessageID[] sysids, com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.ConsumerUID[] cuids, int ackType,
Map optionalProps, Long txnID, UID txnStoreSession, boolean ackack, boolean async) throws BrokerException {
if (address == null || (address == selfAddress && (!Globals.getHAEnabled() || txnID == null))) {
logger.log(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR,
"Invalid broker address " + address + " in acknowledge message " + Arrays.toString(sysids) + " [CID=" + Arrays.toString(cuids)
+ ", ackType=" + ClusterGlobals.getAckTypeString(convertToClusterAckType(ackType)) + ", TID=" + txnID + "]");
throw new BrokerException(Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, "Invalid broker address " + address),
if (Globals.getHAEnabled() && address == selfAddress) {
"Acknowledge (" + ClusterGlobals.getAckTypeString(convertToClusterAckType(ackType)) + ") to my address for transaction " + txnID);
protocol.sendMessageAck2P(address, sysids, cuids, convertToClusterAckType(ackType), optionalProps, txnID, txnStoreSession, ackack, async);
public void recordUpdateDestination(Destination dest) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "recordUpdateDestination : " + dest);
if (Globals.useSharedConfigRecord()) {
ChangeRecord.recordUpdateDestination(dest, this);
// check compatibility with version of system
public void recordRemoveDestination(Destination dest) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "recordRemoveDestination : " + dest);
if (Globals.useSharedConfigRecord()) {
ChangeRecord.recordRemoveDestination(dest, this);
// check compatibility with version of system
public void createDestination(Destination dest) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "createDestination " + dest);
// check compatibility with version of system
public void recordCreateSubscription(Subscription sub) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "recordCreateSubscription " + sub);
if (Globals.useSharedConfigRecord()) {
ChangeRecord.recordCreateSubscription(sub, this);
public void recordUnsubscribe(Subscription sub) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "recordUnsubscribe " + sub);
if (Globals.useSharedConfigRecord()) {
ChangeRecord.recordUnsubscribe(sub, this);
public void createSubscription(Subscription sub, Consumer cons) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "createSubscription " + sub);
protocol.sendNewSubscription(sub, cons, false);
public void createConsumer(Consumer con) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "createConsumer " + con);
protocol.sendNewConsumer(con, true /* XXX */);
public void updateDestination(Destination dest) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "updateDestination " + dest);
public void updateSubscription(Subscription sub) throws BrokerException {
public void updateConsumer(Consumer con) throws BrokerException {
public void destroyDestination(Destination dest) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "destroyDestination " + dest);
public void destroyConsumer(Consumer con, Map pendingMsgs, boolean cleanup) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "destroyConsumer " + con + ", pendingMsgs=" + pendingMsgs + ", cleanup=" + cleanup);
protocol.sendRemovedConsumer(con, pendingMsgs, cleanup);
public void connectionClosed(ConnectionUID uid, boolean admin) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "connectionClosed " + uid);
if (!admin) {
protocol.clientClosed(uid, true);
public void messageDelivered(SysMessageID id, com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.ConsumerUID uid,
com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerAddress address) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "messageDelivered - XXX not implemented");
public void forwardMessage(PacketReference ref, Collection consumers) {
clusterRouter.forwardMessage(ref, consumers);
public boolean lockUIDPrefix(short p) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "lockUIDPrefix " + p);
return (protocol.lockResource("uidprefix:" + Short.toString(p), 0, new ConnectionUID(0)) == ProtocolGlobals.G_LOCK_SUCCESS);
public void preTakeover(String brokerID, UID storeSession, String brokerHost, UID brokerSession) throws BrokerException {
protocol.preTakeover(brokerID, storeSession, brokerHost, brokerSession);
public void postTakeover(String brokerID, UID storeSession, boolean aborted, boolean notify) {
protocol.postTakeover(brokerID, storeSession, aborted, notify);
// -----------------------------------------------
// - MessageBusCallback -
// -----------------------------------------------
public void configSyncComplete() {
// Generate a unique short prefix for the UID. This must be
// done after startClusterIO()..
Random r = new Random();
boolean uidInit = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
short p = (short) r.nextInt(Short.MAX_VALUE);
if (lockUIDPrefix(p)) {
uidInit = true;
if (!uidInit) {
logger.log(Logger.WARNING, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.W_CLUSTER_LOCK_UIDPREFIX_FAIL));
ServiceManager sm = Globals.getServiceManager();
try {
if (Globals.nowaitForMasterBroker()) {
logger.log(logger.INFO, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.I_MBUS_FULLJMS));
sm.removeServiceRestriction(ServiceType.NORMAL, ServiceRestriction.NO_SYNC_WITH_MASTERBROKER);
} else {
sm.resumeAllActiveServices(ServiceType.NORMAL, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.logStack(Logger.ERROR, BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, "during broker initialization", e);
* Interest creation notification. This method is called when any remote interest is created.
public void interestCreated(Consumer intr) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, br.getKString(br.W_CLUSTER_ADD_REMOTE_CONSUMER_EXCEPTION, "" + ex, "" + intr));
public void unsubscribe(Subscription sub) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "callback unsubscribe : " + sub);
assert sub != null;
try {
Subscription.remoteUnsubscribe(sub.getDurableName(), sub.getClientID());
} catch (Exception ex) {
int loglevel = Logger.ERROR;
if (ex instanceof BrokerException) {
if (((BrokerException) ex).getStatusCode() == Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED || ((BrokerException) ex).getStatusCode() == Status.NOT_FOUND) {
loglevel = Logger.WARNING;
String args[] = { Subscription.getDSubLogString(sub.getClientID(), sub.getDurableName()), ex.getMessage() };
String emsg = br.getKString(br.E_CLUSTER_UNSUBSCRIBE_EXCEPTION, args);
if (loglevel == Logger.ERROR || DEBUG) {
logger.logStack(loglevel, emsg, ex);
} else {
logger.log(loglevel, emsg);
* Interest removal notification. This method is called when any remote interest is removed.
public void interestRemoved(Consumer cuid, Map> pendingMsgs, boolean cleanup) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "callback interestRemoved " + cuid + ", pendingMsgs=" + pendingMsgs + ", cleanup=" + cleanup);
try {
clusterRouter.removeConsumer(cuid.getConsumerUID(), pendingMsgs, cleanup);
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.logStack(Logger.ERROR, "Unable to remove remote consumer " + cuid, ex);
* Primary interest change notification. This method is called when a new interest is chosen as primary interest for a
* failover queue.
public void activeStateChanged(Consumer intr) {
// does nothing
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "callback activeStateChanged " + intr);
* Client down notification. This method is called when a local or remote client connection is closed.
public void clientDown(ConnectionUID conid) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "clientDown " + conid);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.logStack(Logger.WARNING, "Unable to remove remote consumers " + conid, ex);
* Broker down notification. This method is called when any broker in this cluster goes down.
public void brokerDown(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerAddress broker) {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "brokerDown " + broker);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.logStack(Logger.INFO, "unable to remove remote consumers " + broker, ex);
* A new destination was created by the administrator on a remote broker. This broker should also add the destination if
* it is not already present.
public void notifyCreateDestination(Destination d) {
try {
DL.addDestination(null, d, true);
} catch (Exception ex) {
"Received exception adding new destination" + " is caused because the destination " + d + " is being autocreated on both sides", ex);
* A destination was removed by the administrator on a remote broker. This broker should also remove the destination, if
* it is present.
public void notifyDestroyDestination(DestinationUID uid) {
try {
DL.removeDestination(null, uid, false, Globals.getBrokerResources().getString(BrokerResources.M_ADMIN_REMOTE));
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Unable to remove stored destination " + uid, ex);
* A destination was updated
public void notifyUpdateDestination(DestinationUID uid, Map changes) {
Destination[] ds = DL.getDestination(null, uid);
Destination d = ds[0]; // PART
if (d != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.logStack(Logger.WARNING, "Unable to update destination " + uid.toString(), ex);
public void processRemoteMessage(Packet msg, Map consumers, BrokerAddress home, boolean sendMsgRedeliver) throws BrokerException {
clusterRouter.handleJMSMsg(msg, consumers, home, sendMsgRedeliver);
public void processRemoteAck(SysMessageID sysid, com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.ConsumerUID cuid, int ackType, Map optionalProps)
throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "processRemoteAck: " + sysid + ":" + cuid + ", ackType=" + ClusterGlobals.getAckTypeString(ackType));
clusterRouter.handleAck(convertToLocalAckType(ackType), sysid, cuid, optionalProps);
public void processRemoteAck2P(SysMessageID[] sysids, com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.ConsumerUID[] cuids, int ackType, Map optionalProps, Long txnID,
com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerAddress txnHomeBroker) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
"processRemoteAck2P: " + sysids[0] + ":" + cuids[0] + ", ackType=" + ClusterGlobals.getAckTypeString(ackType) + ",from " + txnHomeBroker);
clusterRouter.handleAck2P(convertToLocalAckType(ackType), sysids, cuids, optionalProps, txnID, txnHomeBroker);
public void sendClusterTransactionInfo(long tid, com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerAddress to) {
protocol.sendClusterTransactionInfo(tid, to);
public com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerAddress lookupBrokerAddress(String brokerid) {
return protocol.lookupBrokerAddress(brokerid);
public com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerAddress lookupBrokerAddress(BrokerMQAddress mqaddr) {
return protocol.lookupBrokerAddress(mqaddr);
public String lookupStoreSessionOwner(UID session) {
return protocol.lookupStoreSessionOwner(session);
public void syncChangeRecordOnStartup() throws BrokerException {
ChangeRecord.syncChangeRecord(this, this, ((CommonProtocol) protocol).getRealProtocol(), true);
public void syncChangeRecordOnJoin(BrokerAddress remote, ChangeRecordInfo cri) throws BrokerException {
String resetUUID = null;
if (lastSyncedChangeRecord != null) {
resetUUID = lastSyncedChangeRecord.getResetUUID();
if (resetUUID == null) {
resetUUID = (lastStoredChangeRecord == null ? null : lastStoredChangeRecord.getResetUUID());
if (resetUUID != null && !resetUUID.equals(cri.getResetUUID())) {
throw new BrokerException(
br.getKString(br.X_SHARECC_RESETUID_MISMATCH_ON_JOIN, "[" + resetUUID + ", " + cri.getResetUUID() + "]", remote.toString()),
ChangeRecordInfo lastr = lastReceivedChangeRecord.get(remote);
if (lastr == null || lastr.getSeq().longValue() < cri.getSeq().longValue() || !lastr.getResetUUID().equals(cri.getResetUUID())) {
if (lastSyncedChangeRecord == null || lastSyncedChangeRecord.getSeq().longValue() < cri.getSeq().longValue()) {
logger.log(logger.INFO, br.getKString(br.I_SHARECC_SYNC_ON_JOIN, remote + "[" + cri + "]"));
ChangeRecord.syncChangeRecord(this, this, ((CommonProtocol) protocol).getRealProtocol(), false);
public void setLastSyncedChangeRecord(ChangeRecordInfo rec) {
lastSyncedChangeRecord = rec;
public ChangeRecordInfo getLastSyncedChangeRecord() {
return lastSyncedChangeRecord;
public ChangeRecordInfo getLastStoredChangeRecord() {
return lastStoredChangeRecord;
public void setLastStoredChangeRecord(ChangeRecordInfo rec) {
lastStoredChangeRecord = rec;
public void setLastReceivedChangeRecord(BrokerAddress remote, ChangeRecordInfo rec) {
lastReceivedChangeRecord.put(remote, rec);
public void changeMasterBroker(BrokerMQAddress newmaster, BrokerMQAddress oldmaster) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "changeMasterBroker from " + oldmaster + " to " + newmaster);
protocol.changeMasterBroker(newmaster, oldmaster);
public String sendTakeoverMEPrepare(String brokerID, byte[] token, Long syncTimeout, String uuid) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "sendTakeoverMEPrepare to " + brokerID);
return protocol.sendTakeoverMEPrepare(brokerID, token, syncTimeout, uuid);
public String sendTakeoverME(String brokerID, String uuid) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "sendTakeoverME to " + brokerID);
return protocol.sendTakeoverME(brokerID, uuid);
public void sendMigrateStoreRequest(String targetBrokerID, Long syncTimeout, String uuid, String myBrokerID) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "sendMigrateStoreRequest to " + targetBrokerID);
protocol.sendMigrateStoreRequest(targetBrokerID, syncTimeout, uuid, myBrokerID);
public void transferFiles(String[] fileNames, String targetBrokerID, Long syncTimeout, String uuid, String myBrokerID, String module,
FileTransferCallback callback) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "transferFiles to " + targetBrokerID);
protocol.transferFiles(fileNames, targetBrokerID, syncTimeout, uuid, myBrokerID, module, callback);
public void notifyPartitionArrival(UID partitionID, String brokerID) throws BrokerException {
if (DEBUG) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "notifyPartitionArrival(" + partitionID + ", " + brokerID + ")");
protocol.notifyPartitionArrival(partitionID, brokerID);
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