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com.sun.faces.config.FacesInitializer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2021, 2022 Contributors to Eclipse Foundation.
 * Copyright (c) 2009, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
 * This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
 * Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
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 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0

package com.sun.faces.config;

import static com.sun.faces.RIConstants.ANNOTATED_CLASSES;
import static com.sun.faces.RIConstants.FACES_SERVLET_MAPPINGS;
import static com.sun.faces.RIConstants.FACES_SERVLET_REGISTRATION;
import static com.sun.faces.util.Util.isEmpty;
import static java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import jakarta.faces.annotation.FacesConfig;
import jakarta.faces.application.ResourceDependencies;
import jakarta.faces.application.ResourceDependency;
import jakarta.faces.component.FacesComponent;
import jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent;
import jakarta.faces.component.behavior.FacesBehavior;
import jakarta.faces.convert.Converter;
import jakarta.faces.convert.FacesConverter;
import jakarta.faces.event.ListenerFor;
import jakarta.faces.event.ListenersFor;
import jakarta.faces.event.NamedEvent;
import jakarta.faces.event.PhaseListener;
import jakarta.faces.flow.FlowScoped;
import jakarta.faces.flow.builder.FlowBuilderParameter;
import jakarta.faces.flow.builder.FlowDefinition;
import jakarta.faces.lifecycle.ClientWindowScoped;
import jakarta.faces.model.DataModel;
import jakarta.faces.model.FacesDataModel;
import jakarta.faces.push.Push;
import jakarta.faces.push.PushContext;
import jakarta.faces.render.FacesBehaviorRenderer;
import jakarta.faces.render.FacesRenderer;
import jakarta.faces.render.Renderer;
import jakarta.faces.validator.FacesValidator;
import jakarta.faces.validator.Validator;
import jakarta.faces.view.ViewScoped;
import jakarta.faces.webapp.FacesServlet;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletContext;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletException;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletRegistration;
import jakarta.servlet.annotation.HandlesTypes;
import jakarta.websocket.server.ServerContainer;

 * Initializes Jakarta Faces if at least one of the following conditions is met:
  • The Set of classes passed to this initializer contains an user-defined Faces type, or
  • *
  • FacesServlet has been explicitly mapped ,or
  • *
  • /WEB-INF/faces-config.xml exists
  • *
* * If it is met, and the FacesServlet has not been explicitly mapped, * then add mappings *.xhtml, /faces, *.jsf, and *.faces for the FacesServlet. */ @HandlesTypes({ // Jakarta Faces specific ClientWindowScoped.class, Converter.class, DataModel.class, FacesBehavior.class, FacesBehaviorRenderer.class, FacesComponent.class, FacesConfig.class, FacesConverter.class, FacesDataModel.class, FacesRenderer.class, FacesValidator.class, FlowBuilderParameter.class, FlowDefinition.class, FlowScoped.class, ListenerFor.class, ListenersFor.class, NamedEvent.class, PhaseListener.class, Push.class, Renderer.class, ResourceDependencies.class, ResourceDependency.class, UIComponent.class, Validator.class, ViewScoped.class, }) public class FacesInitializer implements ServletContainerInitializer { // NOTE: Logging should not be used with this class. public static final String FACES_PACKAGE_PREFIX = "jakarta.faces."; public static final String MOJARRA_PACKAGE_PREFIX = "com.sun.faces."; public static final String MOJARRA_TEST_PACKAGE_PREFIX = "com.sun.faces.test."; private static final String FACES_CONFIG_RESOURCE_PATH = "/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml"; private static final String FACES_SERVLET_CLASS_NAME = FacesServlet.class.getName(); private static final String[] FACES_SERVLET_MAPPINGS_WITH_XHTML = { "/faces/*", "*.jsf", "*.faces", "*.xhtml" }; private static final String[] FACES_SERVLET_MAPPINGS_WITHOUT_XHTML = { "/faces/*", "*.jsf", "*.faces" }; // -------------------------------- Methods from ServletContainerInitializer @Override public void onStartup(Set> classes, ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException { boolean appHasFacesContent = !isEmpty(classes) || isFacesConfigFilePresent(servletContext); boolean appHasFacesServlet = isFacesServletRegistrationPresent(servletContext); if (appHasFacesContent || appHasFacesServlet) { addAnnotatedClasses(classes, servletContext); InitFacesContext initFacesContext = new InitFacesContext(servletContext); try { if (appHasFacesContent) { // Only look at mapping concerns if there is Faces content handleMappingConcerns(servletContext); } // Other concerns also handled if there is an existing Faces Servlet mapping handleWebSocketConcerns(servletContext); // The Configure listener will do the bulk of initializing (configuring) Faces in a later phase. servletContext.addListener(ConfigureListener.class); } finally { // Bug 20458755: The InitFacesContext was not being cleaned up, resulting in // a partially constructed FacesContext being made available // to other code that re-uses this Thread at init time. initFacesContext.releaseCurrentInstance(); initFacesContext.release(); } } else { // No Faces content, so if the other initializer added annotated classes they won't be needed if (servletContext.getAttribute(ANNOTATED_CLASSES) != null) { servletContext.removeAttribute(ANNOTATED_CLASSES); } } } public static void addAnnotatedClasses(Set> classes, ServletContext servletContext) { if (isEmpty(classes)) { // Nothing to add, just return return; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set> existingClasses = (Set>) servletContext.getAttribute(ANNOTATED_CLASSES); if (isEmpty(existingClasses)) { // No classes set before, so set the new classes as the initial set servletContext.setAttribute(ANNOTATED_CLASSES, classes); return; } // We have both existing and new classes, so create a new merged set. Set> newAnnotatedClasses = new HashSet>(); newAnnotatedClasses.addAll(classes); newAnnotatedClasses.addAll(existingClasses); servletContext.setAttribute(ANNOTATED_CLASSES, newAnnotatedClasses); } // --------------------------------------------------------- Private Methods private static boolean isFacesConfigFilePresent(ServletContext context) { try { return context.getResource(FACES_CONFIG_RESOURCE_PATH) != null; } catch (Exception ignore) { return false; } } private static boolean isFacesServletRegistrationPresent(ServletContext context) { return getExistingFacesServletRegistration(context) != null; } private static ServletRegistration getExistingFacesServletRegistration(ServletContext servletContext) { Map existing = servletContext.getServletRegistrations(); for (ServletRegistration registration : existing.values()) { if (FACES_SERVLET_CLASS_NAME.equals(registration.getClassName())) { return registration; } } return null; } private static void handleMappingConcerns(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException { ServletRegistration existingFacesServletRegistration = getExistingFacesServletRegistration(servletContext); if (existingFacesServletRegistration != null) { // FacesServlet has already been defined, so we're not going to add additional mappings. servletContext.setAttribute(FACES_SERVLET_REGISTRATION, existingFacesServletRegistration); return; } ServletRegistration newFacesServletRegistration = servletContext.addServlet(FacesServlet.class.getSimpleName(), FACES_SERVLET_CLASS_NAME); if (parseBoolean(servletContext.getInitParameter(FacesServlet.DISABLE_FACESSERVLET_TO_XHTML_PARAM_NAME))) { newFacesServletRegistration.addMapping(FACES_SERVLET_MAPPINGS_WITHOUT_XHTML); } else { newFacesServletRegistration.addMapping(FACES_SERVLET_MAPPINGS_WITH_XHTML); } servletContext.setAttribute(FACES_SERVLET_MAPPINGS, newFacesServletRegistration.getMappings()); servletContext.setAttribute(FACES_SERVLET_REGISTRATION, newFacesServletRegistration); } private static void handleWebSocketConcerns(ServletContext context) throws ServletException { if (context.getAttribute(ServerContainer.class.getName()) != null) { // Already initialized return; } if (!parseBoolean(context.getInitParameter(PushContext.ENABLE_WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT_PARAM_NAME))) { // Register websocket endpoint is not enabled return; } // Below work around is specific for Tyrus websocket impl. // As Mojarra is to be designed as a container-provided JAR (not an user-provided JAR), // the WebsocketEndpoint needs to be programmatically added in a ServletContextListener (in Mojarra's case the ConfigureListener), // but at that point, servletContext.getAttribute(ServerContainer.class.getName()) returns null when Tyrus is used (Payara/GlassFish). // Upon inspection it turns out that the TyrusServletContainerInitializer#onStartup() immediately returns when there are no user-provided endpoints // and doesn't register the ServerContainer anymore, causing it to not be placed in ServletContext anymore. // The below work around will thus manually take care of this. ClassLoader cl = context.getClassLoader(); Class tyrusInitializerClass; try { tyrusInitializerClass = cl.loadClass("org.glassfish.tyrus.servlet.TyrusServletContainerInitializer"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) { // Tyrus is actually not being used (all other impls known so far do not skip ServerContainer). That's OK for now, so just continue as usual. return; } try { ServletContainerInitializer tyrusInitializer = (ServletContainerInitializer) tyrusInitializerClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance(); Class tyrusConfigClass = cl.loadClass("org.glassfish.tyrus.server.TyrusServerConfiguration"); // Set of classes must be mutable and contain the TyrusServerConfiguration class. Set> handledTypes = new HashSet<>(); handledTypes.add(tyrusConfigClass); tyrusInitializer.onStartup(handledTypes, context); } catch (Exception e) { // Tyrus is being used but it failed for unclear reason while websocket endpoint should be enabled. That's not OK, so rethrow as ServletException. throw new ServletException(e); } } }

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